View Full Version : Barring Lucking Into A Superstar In Draft, Spurs Will Be A Treadmill Team Until Pop/Buford Retire

TD 21
11-13-2018, 06:03 PM
Unfortunately, neither is more than likely happening anytime soon. Sure, Pop might retire from coaching in 2 years, but he'll probably maintain some level of control and Buford is still young enough to conceivably go another 5-10 years.

Since they've repeatedly proven that they're too stuck in their ways to change, I now hope they lose as much as possible. Grinding out a mid-high 40 win season and squeaking into the playoffs will only lead to more of the same. They'll talk up improved health/growth from young players, as well as continuity.

The only possible avenue to meaningful change, is if the bottom falls out. There's been signs the past 4 seasons, but they always managed to stave it off, thanks to a combination of MVP caliber play, a stifling defense and "corporate knowledge". Suffice it to say, none exist any longer and the chasm between modern basketball and the archaic brand they play only continues to widen by the season.

What I want, is unmitigated disaster and not the kind that can be explained away by one or more of their best players suffering a significant injury. Maybe then they'll have the intestinal fortitude to confront the mess they've made and begin to re-evaluate everything.

11-13-2018, 06:10 PM
lol drama

11-13-2018, 06:11 PM
Wow, you're really a sad person. Please change your team affiliation. You are no Spurs fan.

11-13-2018, 06:12 PM

Every team in the NBA is a treadmill team until they luck into a superstar. Most teams remain treadmill teams even after getting that superstar.

Not exactly a hot take, tbh.

11-13-2018, 06:18 PM
HOU sacrificed all/any young talent and draft picks and cap space for a one year shot and are back to normal. BOS even looks disjointed and never reached a finals yet despite all the praise (which is deserved). PHI got leap frogged by BOS/MIL/TOR already and their once promising window might never even materialize.

Being a playoff team is no joke and should be strived for. SA, despite having more recent success (10 years, 5 years) still has draft picks, a very reasonable cap situation and some pretty good young talent for the amount of winning they have done. They are doing something that really no team has done well which is field a competitive team that is also rebuilding.

11-13-2018, 06:20 PM
My God how many threads with people complaining about the same stuff do we need lol

TD 21
11-13-2018, 06:22 PM

Every team in the NBA is a treadmill team until they luck into a superstar. Most teams remain treadmill teams even after getting that superstar.

Not exactly a hot take, tbh.

I knew somebody would say this, but the difference between them and many others is, 1) They literally traded into being a treadmill team, 2) The process to getting off of it, is all wrong. From where they're likely to pick in the next few years to the current roster and style of play. It's completely tone deaf. And the young talent they do have, I don't even trust them to develop it in a modern way.

Ideally, I'd like to see the two senile fools who've ran them into the ground retire in short order, but that's not happening.

11-13-2018, 06:28 PM
I wonder how many here have a few blood spatters on their rugs from failed wrist slits.

11-13-2018, 06:31 PM

11-13-2018, 06:34 PM
OP must only like or pretend to like or be a fan of ONE team. The Spurs....

I guess he doesn’t like an NFL, MLB, or any other sports franchise....

He’s just a fanatic of one team? Cry over spilt milk?

11-13-2018, 06:35 PM
People already missing OP's point. So many pointless FA signings and re-signings that give you a glimpse of Pop and RC's approach post Duncan/Kawhi era.

The fact that they brought back Beli, Forbes, and Bertans with Patty already on the team...almost a certainty that Pop/RC asked for Poetl instead of Siakam or OG...just absolutely non-sensical moves even when put in a tough situation by Kawhi/Dennis.

The fact that they were able to assemble a roster devoid of any semblance of nba-level athleticism outside of Derozan is actually impressive. Pop's garbage rotations going back about 3 years now doesn't help either, but i'm sure posters will point out Lonnie being able to help in that department in 2 years lol.

But SPAM, Pop/RC have earned the benefit of the doubt, blah blah, etc.....

I get it...locals don't want to watch a watch completely tanking team even if that's the only reason the franchise was able to achieve the success it had for the last 20 years.

11-13-2018, 06:36 PM
OP must only like or pretend to like or be a fan of ONE team. The Spurs....

I guess he doesn’t like an NFL, MLB, or any other sports franchise....

He’s just a fanatic of one team? Cry over spilt milk?

:lol I'm a Raiders fan, arguably the worst NFL franchise of the last 15 years. And I feel significantly better about the Raiders' future prospects than I do about the Spurs tbh...at least they'll probably have a chance at a championship within the next 5-10 seasons.

The Closer
11-13-2018, 06:37 PM
What about 2014 faggot? :lmao

11-13-2018, 06:38 PM
The fear of not getting a superstar doesn't concern me, it's their complete ignorance of the direction of the league that concerns me..

All the top teams are looking for 3-point shooting, length and athleticism, while the Spurs are relying on mid-range Js and still playing guys like Belinelli and Mills together:lol

Pop is getting close to what Phil Jackson became with the Knicks, the difference is that nobody is paying attention to SA..

11-13-2018, 06:41 PM
:lol I'm a Raiders fan, arguably the worst NFL franchise of the last 15 years. And I feel significantly better about the Raiders' future prospects than I do about the Spurs tbh...at least they'll probably have a chance at a championship within the next 5-10 seasons.

Are you on RaidersTalk tho? You spend majority of your life talking about your shitty Raiders??

Doubt it...

You should know right now how it feels to truly suck...like do you look forward more to watch your Raiders or Spurs?? There’s a reason for that tbh...it’s why we’re considered spoiled..

And don’t lie and say Raiders...

11-13-2018, 06:47 PM
Are you on RaidersTalk tho? You spend majority of your life talking about your shitty Raiders??

Doubt it...

You should know right now how it feels to truly suck...like do you look forward more to watch your Raiders or Spurs?? There’s a reason for that tbh...it’s why we’re considered spoiled..

And don’t lie and say Raiders...

I don't spend the majority of my life on the Spurs nor the Raiders tbh....

But yeah definitely on me that I thought this team wouldn't absolutely be fucked for the next 10 years after watching the first 6-8 games. I've fully accepted that realization now and it will probably improve my viewing experience from here on out tbh :lol

11-13-2018, 06:58 PM
I don't spend the majority of my life on the Spurs nor the Raiders tbh....

But yeah definitely on me that I thought this team wouldn't absolutely be fucked for the next 10 years after watching the first 6-8 games. I've fully accepted that realization now and it will probably improve my viewing experience from here on out tbh :lol

The point I’m making is the “success” of the Spurs is the reason you’re on ST and probably care more about the Spurs than your Raiders..

Your Raiders have sucked so bad for so long you’re numb to it, and anything some what positive or hyped you get false optimism..,

Yet for some reason you believe in them Raiders??

11-13-2018, 07:04 PM
Another emo thread tbqh

Yes Spurs suck and will struggle to make the playoffs only to lose in 5 games tops

Deal w it like a grown man


11-13-2018, 07:11 PM
the difference between them and many others is, 1) They literally traded into being a treadmill team,Not by choice.

The bigger issue is neither Tim Duncan nor David Robinson play basketball for a living.

2) The process to getting off of it, is all wrong.If they became a treadmill team following the Nephew trade, this "process" you're talking about is all of 12 games in.

From where they're likely to pick in the next few years Don't think we know where they will be picking the next few years 12 games into the treadmill, tbh.

to the current rosterThe vast majority of the roster was put together prior to what you consider becoming a treadmill team.

and style of play.If you have the two top midrange shooters in the league, there are only so many ways you can play it, tbh. All those ways involve midrange jumpers. Steve Kerr, Brad Stevens, Mike Bud or any other basketball coach in the world couldn't change that.

And the young talent they do have, I don't even trust them to develop it in a modern way. Yes, because Nephew arrived as a ready-made player.

Ideally, I'd like to see the two senile fools who've ran them into the ground retire in short order, but that's not happening.The amount of spoilage is overwhelming. Woah.

11-13-2018, 07:13 PM
This is really sad to hear posters going full in on cheering against their team. Pop and Rc leaving doesn't mean anything other than tradition and culture leaving. What's next after that? I'm pretty sure no one wants to hire anyone on this board. People dont realize that free agents just do not want to come here. It was a running joke until we won with our homegrown stars but it still rings true, the agents we signed are the best we could do. You want to dump a winning culture to cater towards young unproven probably immature stars? Sounds like every other franchise. O wait, you sound like every other typical fan except their teams usually are winning less than the Spurs. In 1996 draft, the concensus #2 pick was Keith Van Horn. Keith Van Horn, yes it's all on Pop and RC! Lol. Top ranked GM, GOAT labeled coach head of USA basketball.

11-13-2018, 07:15 PM
Actually, I think this could easily be a top 3/5 team (in the regular season) with just some minor tweaks. Getting a couple young, atheltic 6'8" guys would make a World of difference.

A rotation of, for example:

Murray, DeRozan, Anunoby, Bertans, Aldridge

White, Walker, Jaylen Brown, Gay, Gasol

Is easily a top 5 team in the NBA right now (again, only regular season).

With just two additions (and a lot of fat trimming) you are already adressing a bunch of weakness, like defense, athleticism, speed, pace, etc.

And I know those guys there are pipe dreams (or not, who knows if we couldn't have had OG if we asked) but it doesn't have to be just those players. Any semblance of 3 and D guys would produce a similar improvement.

The thing is, I no longer trust PATFO to make the moves they are suppossed to make.

11-13-2018, 07:16 PM
TD21 Get back on your meds or join the Raptors/KY fan board.

Hoops Czar
11-13-2018, 07:21 PM
I knew somebody would say this, but the difference between them and many others is, 1) They literally traded into being a treadmill team, 2) The process to getting off of it, is all wrong. From where they're likely to pick in the next few years to the current roster and style of play. It's completely tone deaf. And the young talent they do have, I don't even trust them to develop it in a modern way.

Ideally, I'd like to see the two senile fools who've ran them into the ground retire in short order, but that's not happening.

Underrated poster

11-13-2018, 07:31 PM
Wow, you're really a sad person. Please change your team affiliation. You are no Spurs fan.

Him and the pussy, "Hoops Czar," are the two most bitch made fans ever. LOL

98% of the NBA is a fucking "treadmill" team since the dynasty resides in Golden State. Y'all two need to find another hobby or team to bitch about.

Teams have had elite, HOF talent and done absolutely nothing of merit with it(Oklahoma City, early 2000's Sacramento & Phoenix, etc.), yet Pop and RC have created a culture and legacy that few can touch

Yes, they have mad mistakes but the current situation was forced upon them by "Nephew." Pretty sure a line up with a healthy Murrary, Walker, Leonard, Green and maybe Anderson boosts this team up the standings.

The reality is they had to eat a shit sandwich (no offense to DeMar, he is a good player) and now are going to have adjust short and long - term. But, I guess bitch made fans like TD21 (when he isn't constantly pissing and moaning he's a solid poster) and Hoop Czar will whine and complain through every good or bad decision.

While, also giving Pop and R.C. as little credit as possible.

Hoops Czar
11-13-2018, 07:53 PM
The fear of not getting a superstar doesn't concern me, it's their complete ignorance of the direction of the league that concerns me..

All the top teams are looking for 3-point shooting, length and athleticism, while the Spurs are relying on mid-range Js and still playing guys like Belinelli and Mills together:lol

Pop is getting close to what Phil Jackson became with the Knicks, the difference is that nobody is paying attention to SA..

You were told this 5 years ago by a wise poster yet, you chose to turn a blind eye. You called them a GOAT FO when the only thing GOAT about this FO was choosing Tim Duncan over Keith Van Horn ( not a difficult decision unless your totally incapacitated and making decisions through a series of body twitches and wet farts). Tony Parker was all Sam Presti and before you say b-b-but Ginobili, the Spurs passed over him in the 1st round and even traded away the pick. So much for knowing something that nobody else did. They got inherently lucky.

RC Buford even mentioned that he didn't think Luis Scola's skills tanslated well to the NBA though that could have been a cheap way of saying we don't want to pay the buyout. That was after trading him to Houston for a player who wanted out of the NBA ( Vassilis Spanoulis) and a draft picked that turned out be De Colo.. Should have seen the Mujiri ether coming from a mile away.

Pop is basically Jerry Sloan at this point in his career. He's too old and stuck in his ways to make the nessessary changes to compete at a high level in today's NBA. It makes it even worse when that coach who's to old and past his prime is also the head of basketball operations.

11-13-2018, 07:56 PM
The fear of not getting a superstar doesn't concern me, it's their complete ignorance of the direction of the league that concerns me..

All the top teams are looking for 3-point shooting, length and athleticism, while the Spurs are relying on mid-range Js and still playing guys like Belinelli and Mills together:lol

Pop is getting close to what Phil Jackson became with the Knicks, the difference is that nobody is paying attention to SA..

Except Pop won't demand they play only one offensive system/set, undermine his best players in the media or spend half his time away from the team.

Pretty stupid to compare Pop and this current team's makeup to the disastrous situation Phil left New York in. I get the need for hyperbole, though.

11-13-2018, 08:01 PM
You were told this 5 years ago by a wise poster yet, you chose to turn a blind eye. You called them a GOAT FO when the only thing GOAT about this FO was choosing Tim Duncan over Keith Van Horn ( not a difficult decision unless your totally incapacitated and making decisions through a series of body twitches and wet farts). Tony Parker was all Sam Presti and before you say b-b-but Ginobili, the Spurs passed over him in the 1st round and even traded away the pick. So much for knowing something that nobody else did. They got inherently lucky.

RC Buford even mentioned that he didn't think Luis Scola's skills tanslated well to the NBA though that could have been a cheap way of saying we don't want to pay the buyout. That was after trading him to Houston for a player who wanted out of the NBA ( Vassilis Spanoulis) and a draft picked that turned out be De Colo.. Should have seen the Mujiri ether coming from a mile away.

Pop is basically Jerry Sloan at this point in his career. He's too old and stuck in his ways to make the nessessary changes to compete at a high level in today's NBA. It makes it even worse when that coach who's to old and past his prime is also the head of basketball operations.

You truly are a moron. Lucky doesn't help you draft/acquire 4 HOF players, win 5 championships, etc.

You are just a spoiled baby. If it so "easy" and based on "luck" why are you and TD21 managing in the NBA?

Hoops Czar
11-13-2018, 08:09 PM
You truly are a moron. Lucky doesn't help you draft/acquire 4 HOF players, win 5 championships, etc.

You are just a spoiled baby. If it so "easy" and based on "luck" why are you and TD21 managing in the NBA?
David Robinson and Tim Duncan were not difficult decisions. They were consensus unanimous #1 selections. Tony Parker was all Sam Presti and Ginobili was the last or second to last pick of the second round. If they thought he was something special, they wouldn't have picked Leon Smith in the first round of the 1999 draft.

Kobe Pop
11-13-2018, 08:18 PM
Agree with the OP. Teams need multiple superstars to win. I'm only one superstar.

11-13-2018, 08:20 PM
My God how many threads with people complaining about the same stuff do we need lol

For real. Like we really needed another thread specifically for your thoughts OP

11-13-2018, 08:26 PM
is there anyone left here who still believes in PATFO?

Clipper Nation
11-13-2018, 08:35 PM
:lol I'm a Raiders fan, arguably the worst NFL franchise of the last 15 years. And I feel significantly better about the Raiders' future prospects than I do about the Spurs tbh...at least they'll probably have a chance at a championship within the next 5-10 seasons.

Sorry, man, but Gruden's going to run that franchise into the ground. His answer to everything is more washed-up vets.

11-13-2018, 09:05 PM
David Robinson and Tim Duncan were not difficult decisions. They were consensus unanimous #1 selections. Tony Parker was all Sam Presti and Ginobili was the last or second to last pick of the second round. If they thought he was something special, they wouldn't have picked Leon Smith in the first round of the 1999 draft.

Sure, pull all the "reasons" (sounds like excuses) out of your ass.

The results speak for themselves not you and your "reasons" why they drafted/acquired 4 HOF'ers (Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker & Kawhi Leonard) and won 5 NBA championships.

11-13-2018, 09:16 PM
There is no luck when it comes to the Spurs and the Spurs fans are so spoiled. The Rockets have a MVP and they are no closer to a championship than we are. We have 2 young talents in Murray & Walker with the former headed toward stardom if he comes back to full form. Everybody keeps praising Presti but OKC has 1 finals appearance and still no championships. Patience is key here and let’s see what we have and continue to draft young talent which we’ll have 2 draft picks next year.

11-13-2018, 09:23 PM
There is no luck when it comes to the Spurs and the Spurs fans are so spoiled. The Rockets have a MVP and they are no closer to a championship than we are. We have 2 young talents in Murray & Walker with the former headed toward stardom if he comes back to full form. Everybody keeps praising Presti but OKC has 1 finals appearance and still no championships. Patience is key here and let’s see what we have and continue to draft young talent which we’ll have 2 draft picks next year.

These two are spoiled and irrational, so talking sense - or having perspective towards the current roster/situation - into them is fruitless.

Hoops Czar
11-13-2018, 09:28 PM
These two are spoiled and irrational, so talking sense - or having perspective towards the current roster/situation - into them is fruitless.And calling two young talents in Murray and Walker headed for stardom isn't irrational? Show me the proof of that. Jesus, you're thick!

11-13-2018, 09:32 PM
I knew somebody would say this, but the difference between them and many others is, 1) They literally traded into being a treadmill team, 2) The process to getting off of it, is all wrong. From where they're likely to pick in the next few years to the current roster and style of play. It's completely tone deaf. And the young talent they do have, I don't even trust them to develop it in a modern way.

Ideally, I'd like to see the two senile fools who've ran them into the ground retire in short order, but that's not happening.

You must be really tired of reading Spurs Vanilla fans...How dare you question :cry

11-13-2018, 09:33 PM
And calling two young talents in Murray and Walker headed for stardom isn't irrational? Show me the proof of that. Jesus, you're thick!

But PATFO developed Kawhi..We gonna make Loonie into kawhi 2.0 :cry

11-13-2018, 09:35 PM
Lot of Sam presti fans here

11-13-2018, 09:55 PM
And calling two young talents in Murray and Walker headed for stardom isn't irrational? Show me the proof of that. ...

Murray made the All-Defensive team, so that's a good beginning toward stardom

Walker is unproven, of course.

11-13-2018, 10:13 PM
One important aspect people need to realise is that this team isn't built post trade. This off season will have a more balanced team.

11-13-2018, 10:32 PM
And calling two young talents in Murray and Walker headed for stardom isn't irrational? Show me the proof of that. Jesus, you're thick!

Maybe read what I actually wrote. I said Murray is headed to stardom and of course Walker is unproven but athletically gifted.

Hoops Czar
11-13-2018, 10:34 PM
Murray made the All-Defensive team, so that's a good beginning toward stardom

Walker is unproven, of course.

If Murray could shoot three's, he'd be the Robert Covington of point guards. He can't shoot and he can't consistently run an NBA offense, two traits needed to be an everyday PG in the NBA. He's still unproven in my book.

11-13-2018, 10:48 PM
If Murray could shoot three's, he'd be the Robert Covington of point guards. He can't shoot and he can't consistently run an NBA offense, two traits needed to be an everyday PG in the NBA. He's still unproven in my book.

He was working on it a ton this summer. We don't know if it would've panned out, but it's something he knew he had to add to his game. Especially with DD coming. Unfortunately he got hurt, but he has shown great work ethic so far.

11-13-2018, 11:05 PM
lol so many whiners on here. Just be happy OP, that you had the greatest player of his position, one of the greatest coaches of all time, and 5 rings. Relax and enjoy the show. No need for a soliloquy.

11-13-2018, 11:42 PM
It's not Pop's and RC's fault. They didn't expect the guys to be mental midgets.

And yet, these guys continuously miss rotations and leave the 3-point line wide-the-fuck-open.

Then they don't have the mental toughness to actually make wide-open shots themselves.

The squad is mentally fucked. Soft for real this time.

Pop and RC did fuck up pretty bad paying Patty and Pau though.

11-13-2018, 11:48 PM
Pop and RC did fuck up pretty bad paying Patty and Pau though.

I still wonder if these two retarded signings over Simmons and Dedmon cost them Kawhi. If this is where Kawhi and his uncles idea to leave started, it just makes these signing all the more worse.

11-13-2018, 11:50 PM
Could I get a cold beer and a double shot of whiskey... Thanks...


11-13-2018, 11:52 PM
Senile Hack loves playing garbage Mills and Forbes. The backcourt should be Lonnie Walker when he is healthy and Derrick White. Rudy Gay, Lamarcus , DD front court. Let’s see what that lineup can do as it’s the most athletic lineup we can put up. Career ender to Mills would be nice. Bryn off bench with Bertans, poetl, belli. Poindexter. Gasol for his 15 min here and there and dump the cocksucker at end of season. Hopefully senile cancer retires after season to fully concentrate and sabotage team USA. Watch premier nba players not want to play for senile hack. Second tier players may play.

11-13-2018, 11:59 PM
I wish LaMarcus liked the post. His body is a waste and his shot doesn't make up for not trying in the paint anymore. The decision not to work the post is just pure stupid/ignorance. Dude wants to throw up jumpers and lose forever. I don't get it.

11-14-2018, 12:11 AM
So you think we will be the Suns? Or Philly when they tanked? Or the nets or bulls this year? The knicks or the magic? Dallas? The hawks? We have two all stars and actual young talent and a hall of fame coach. We might not make the playoffs this year but we are in the running to make it. Saying treadmill is just stupid. We are going to win more games in the first half of the year than like 8 teams did all of last year.

11-14-2018, 01:16 AM
David Robinson and Tim Duncan were not difficult decisions. They were consensus unanimous #1 selections. Tony Parker was all Sam Presti and Ginobili was the last or second to last pick of the second round. If they thought he was something special, they wouldn't have picked Leon Smith in the first round of the 1999 draft.
:lol god damn...

11-14-2018, 01:41 AM
The fear of not getting a superstar doesn't concern me, it's their complete ignorance of the direction of the league that concerns me..

All the top teams are looking for 3-point shooting, length and athleticism, while the Spurs are relying on mid-range Js and still playing guys like Belinelli and Mills together:lol

Pop is getting close to what Phil Jackson became with the Knicks, the difference is that nobody is paying attention to SA..

Then you have guys like the PATFO slurpers here who call you spoiled, say you're melting down, or claim you're a fake fan for even discussing the elephant in the room (the league passing Poop and FO by).

11-14-2018, 01:42 AM
It's not Pop's and RC's fault. They didn't expect the guys to be mental midgetsBut they held on to them knowing that they literally are NBA midgets.

11-14-2018, 01:44 AM
is there anyone left here who still believes in PATFO?

Most of the first 10 people who posted in this thread, apparently.

11-14-2018, 04:42 AM
I still wonder if these two retarded signings over Simmons and Dedmon cost them Kawhi. If this is where Kawhi and his uncles idea to leave started, it just makes these signing all the more worse.

Stop acting like Dedmon and Simmins are killing it on poor teams. They not. Simmons is shooting 29% and 16% from three ffs.

11-14-2018, 05:51 AM
I knew somebody would say this, but the difference between them and many others is, 1) They literally traded into being a treadmill team, 2) The process to getting off of it, is all wrong. From where they're likely to pick in the next few years to the current roster and style of play. It's completely tone deaf. And the young talent they do have, I don't even trust them to develop it in a modern way.

Ideally, I'd like to see the two senile fools who've ran them into the ground retire in short order, but that's not happening.

That Kawhi trade will go down as one of the worst trades of all-time if he resigns with Raptors. Trading away your entire wing rotation and taking back a soft Euro big that doesn't even fit in. They pretty much took back the worst young player on the Raptors while leaving a gaping hole in the most vital position in the modern NBA. I've come to grips with the Kawhi-DeRozen swap being lopsided but that's expected when you're put into a bad position by an unruly player. Everything else about the trade was awful though. Losing a vital 3&D player on a cheap contract. Pretty much gifted Toronto an extra starting calibre player. The first rounder is dogshit too - likely going to be 30th pick. No better than a 2nd rounder

11-14-2018, 06:47 AM
Any team other than LA was a risk to trade for Leonard. Even the Lakers thought it was a sure thing and they took Ingram off limits. Plus the injury baggage. Leonard essentially didn't play all year. It hard enough getting equal value when you lose the best player. But the added injury cloud and uncle Dennis demands to go to LA was really hard for the Spurs to get 50c in the dollar.

Also, boy did this forum change its stance on Green. He was hated and now he is missed. He lost his starting position to Mills and shot 25% from three in the playoffs. We also haven't see what the Spurs will do with two 1st round picks. Heck, Pau Gasol traded to LA was a massive wash, yet Memphis got gold with Marc. Poeltl is a huge let down though. Everyone expected a much bigger impact, and it could still come. You never know. Spurs could sign him to a long cheap contract and he might become a late bloomer. Talking about worst trades. Twolves got 2 role players and 2nd for a healthy allstar.

Big Empty
11-14-2018, 06:50 AM
Durant is leaving Goldenstate next year. Things wil be a little bit back to normal

11-14-2018, 07:45 AM

11-14-2018, 07:47 AM
Ommmmmmgggggggg WILT RULESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

11-14-2018, 07:48 AM
It is no longer debatable....................

WILT IS THE BEST OF ALL TIME, OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-14-2018, 08:33 AM
Fans from other teams reading that kind of threads must hallucinate tbh :lol

Everyone now have a thought for sixers fans who have wished and embraced the "Epic Shame"... sorry the "Process" for 5+ years, (grabbing the worst record in history in down the road) and... lemme check... are 9-6 now in the freaking east with a -0.2 diff, good for 10 in the conf...

Meanwhile, spurs are 5th in the west with a 7-5 record, missing their all-defensive starting PG and a couple other players. If not for Gay out, they might even be 8-4 or 9-3. And except for the Dubs, everyone is mediocre.

Are they playing well ? Not really. Is it surprising ? Not really considering the injuries and DeDepressed's integration.

Their cap situtation is OK, they have a few promising players + pick and one of the best coaches in history who have proven he could adapt to every situation.

Meanwhile, Houston and visionary Morey have a disgruntled and satisfied Harden (now that he got his individual MVP trophy) and CPAlbatros (think about him if you consider Patty's contract is bad).

Dallas and visionary Cuban have sucked for what it seems now like forever since their ship (at least they got one),

OKC and genius Presti has won shit and lost Durant, Harden (and Ibaka to some extent) and sign Melo...

LA and genius Magic have signed PG13 and Kawhard... sorry Javale and Rondo to form their big 3 cos everyone wants to play in big cities or where they grew up, right ?

Minny just traded their "superstar" and is collapsing.

Denver just lost 4 in a row after a hot start and what even remotely significant Denver player can anyone name me form the last 5 years ?

Phoenix sucks and seem they will until up the next century.

And so on...

GS ? If not for Curry's early bad ankles and an MVP chasing a ring he coudn't get by himself, what would they be now ? Probably a good team.

Then you look around the NBA landscape in the past 10 years and you see former spurs assistant coaches or GMs everywhere...

Enjoy Pop and RC while you can. You might not get that anytime soon again.

And be grateful.

11-14-2018, 09:23 AM
It is no longer debatable....................

WILT IS THE BEST OF ALL TIME, OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wtf does wilt have to do with the spurs ??

11-14-2018, 09:38 AM
I still wonder if these two retarded signings over Simmons and Dedmon cost them Kawhi. If this is where Kawhi and his uncles idea to leave started, it just makes these signing all the more worse.

And if it was, Kawhi should've been vocal about it with Pop and express his concerns. Not run off in hiding Bin Laden style.

It does seem like the guy just wanted to be in LA, so I guess we'll see next summer.

11-14-2018, 10:23 AM
Fans from other teams reading that kind of threads must hallucinate tbh :lol

Everyone now have a thought for sixers fans who have wished and embraced the "Epic Shame"... sorry the "Process" for 5+ years, (grabbing the worst record in history in down the road) and... lemme check... are 9-6 now in the freaking east with a -0.2 diff, good for 10 in the conf...

Meanwhile, spurs are 5th in the west with a 7-5 record, missing their all-defensive starting PG and a couple other players. If not for Gay out, they might even be 8-4 or 9-3. And except for the Dubs, everyone is mediocre.

Are they playing well ? Not really. Is it surprising ? Not really considering the injuries and DeDepressed's integration.

Their cap situtation is OK, they have a few promising players + pick and one of the best coaches in history who have proven he could adapt to every situation.

Meanwhile, Houston and visionary Morey have a disgruntled and satisfied Harden (now that he got his individual MVP trophy) and CPAlbatros (think about him if you consider Patty's contract is bad).

Dallas and visionary Cuban have sucked for what it seems now like forever since their ship (at least they got one),

OKC and genius Presti has won shit and lost Durant, Harden (and Ibaka to some extent) and sign Melo...

LA and genius Magic have signed PG13 and Kawhard... sorry Javale and Rondo to form their big 3 cos everyone wants to play in big cities or where they grew up, right ?

Minny just traded their "superstar" and is collapsing.

Denver just lost 4 in a row after a hot start and what even remotely significant Denver player can anyone name me form the last 5 years ?

Phoenix sucks and seem they will until up the next century.

And so on...

GS ? If not for Curry's early bad ankles and an MVP chasing a ring he coudn't get by himself, what would they be now ? Probably a good team.

Then you look around the NBA landscape in the past 10 years and you see former spurs assistant coaches or GMs everywhere...

Enjoy Pop and RC while you can. You might not get that anytime soon again.

And be grateful.

That was good.
As you said they are adjusting to a new roster/rules and injuries. Only the rules where potentially a known before the summer.

11-14-2018, 10:30 AM
Unfortunately, neither is more than likely happening anytime soon. Sure, Pop might retire from coaching in 2 years, but he'll probably maintain some level of control and Buford is still young enough to conceivably go another 5-10 years.

Since they've repeatedly proven that they're too stuck in their ways to change, I now hope they lose as much as possible. Grinding out a mid-high 40 win season and squeaking into the playoffs will only lead to more of the same. They'll talk up improved health/growth from young players, as well as continuity.

The only possible avenue to meaningful change, is if the bottom falls out. There's been signs the past 4 seasons, but they always managed to stave it off, thanks to a combination of MVP caliber play, a stifling defense and "corporate knowledge". Suffice it to say, none exist any longer and the chasm between modern basketball and the archaic brand they play only continues to widen by the season.

What I want, is unmitigated disaster and not the kind that can be explained away by one or more of their best players suffering a significant injury. Maybe then they'll have the intestinal fortitude to confront the mess they've made and begin to re-evaluate everything.

https://media1.tenor.com/images/9739fc456037ad0010a009be4e1ab902/tenor.gif?itemid=9958578 (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjE47TYmdTeAhXMqYMKHV_-A8sQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fview%2Fgus-johnson-extreme-reaction-over-reaction-gif-9958578&psig=AOvVaw3n44h7R38BQv2CDEKRq1_F&ust=1542295775767140)

11-14-2018, 10:40 AM
Fans from other teams reading that kind of threads must hallucinate tbh :lol

Everyone now have a thought for sixers fans who have wished and embraced the "Epic Shame"... sorry the "Process" for 5+ years, (grabbing the worst record in history in down the road) and... lemme check... are 9-6 now in the freaking east with a -0.2 diff, good for 10 in the conf...

Solid take.

It's easy to just say, trade so and so and lets rebuild. But rebuilding does not guarantee anything. It could take a decade before you start seeing results from the rebuild.

As we are now, with everyone healthy including Murray, i believe we have a top 5 team in the West.
Now i feel its best to utilize the stars you do have and try to put the necessary pieces around them. We are lacking wing players, thats what we need to go for either via trade during the season or free agency in the off season. Murray will be back next year so that will be an automatic upgrade.

And hopefully walker and white will have implemented themselves into decent enough players that we can rely on them consistently.

But we can still have a chance to truly compete with LMA and DDR as long as we have the correct complementary pieces around them. The obvious tough part is to find our next superstar. Either via trade/free agency or get lucky and develop one. Possibly Murray or Walker. We'll see.

11-14-2018, 10:41 AM
Actually, I think this could easily be a top 3/5 team (in the regular season) with just some minor tweaks. Getting a couple young, atheltic 6'8" guys would make a World of difference.

A rotation of, for example:

Murray, DeRozan, Anunoby, Bertans, Aldridge

White, Walker, Jaylen Brown, Gay, Gasol

Is easily a top 5 team in the NBA right now (again, only regular season).

With just two additions (and a lot of fat trimming) you are already adressing a bunch of weakness, like defense, athleticism, speed, pace, etc.

And I know those guys there are pipe dreams (or not, who knows if we couldn't have had OG if we asked) but it doesn't have to be just those players. Any semblance of 3 and D guys would produce a similar improvement.

The thing is, I no longer trust PATFO to make the moves they are suppossed to make.

OK, those ARE Pipe dreams, and they are also: a top 3 pick, and another first round pick, who fell only because he played just a handful of games before tearing his ACL. To think that you can just plug in 'any semblance of 3 and D guys' and get the same effect as high draft picks is, frankly, fucking delusional.

11-14-2018, 11:32 AM
The thing that makes me hopeful for our future is that we have been interested in the right people during the draft but bc we were picking in the high 20's we weren't able to get them. We were one pick away from Gobert which would have drastically changed this team. We wanted Kuzma before LA snatched him away. We wanted Lavert but Sean Marks took him. There are many players we wanted that we just couldn't get. But we did end up with 3 pretty promising selections in Murray, White, and Walker. Tbh this might be the best time for us not to do well so we can draft a small forward of the future in a draft with quite a few good small forwards.

11-14-2018, 12:08 PM
Well, I agree that we may be looking at a treadmill team here - but that's the fate of most nba teams at any given time. Any typically NBA draft has maybe 1 guy with enough (potential, luck w/ injuries and other issues, development - sometimes there is no such in the draft) to make a team into a real contender (and this guy is not necessarily easily identifiable, see the nephew who lasted to 15th), there are maybe 4 such guys in the league at any given time (currently : Lebron, nephew, Curry/Durant ). Everybody else is effectively on a treadmill... We were forced into this situation by nephew & nephew's uncle. Not sure anything could be done about that, no matter how good the management was (although, IMO, errors have been made over the last coupl

On the optimistic side, if we are lucky, we might just be looking at a draft TD scenario here. A bad enough fit due to the nephew trade (which was a robbery, but what do you expect after all the horseshit from camp nephew), combined with injuries, could (maybe even should) land us in the lottery. Some luck with ping-pong balls and good talent evaluation - we do draft well (for our position, we get a lot of rotation players or better) - Who knows? We might just "luck" into another superstar.

11-14-2018, 12:17 PM
Honestly, the moves the past few years have been lazy and uninspired with contracts only going to guys who slurp Pop's dick and act in HEB commercials. What has been left is a mishmash of space eaters, midgets, and chuckers. I doubt one off season will be enough to balance out this mess...Not that it will matter because, even if KD leaves Golden State, your chances are not very good if you're trying to outscore 3s with fadeaway 2s.

What a shame. GS finally shows signs of imploding and the Spurs have the worst roster they've had in years. :lol

Joseph Kony
11-14-2018, 12:58 PM
lol...Pop and RC have completely re-shaped the roster and changed style of play like 3-4 times in the last 20 years. yeah we look like ass right now but this is such an emoboy whiny thread tbh. locate your nuts and man up op

11-14-2018, 01:33 PM
OK, those ARE Pipe dreams, and they are also: a top 3 pick, and another first round pick, who fell only because he played just a handful of games before tearing his ACL. To think that you can just plug in 'any semblance of 3 and D guys' and get the same effect as high draft picks is, frankly, fucking delusional.

Well, we traded for a 9th overall pick, I don't know how much of a pipe dream having traded for a 23rd overall pick would have been.

And again, it doesn't have to be those players. We could pick a veteran like an Ariza or Demarre Carrol and we would be immensely better than what we are right now.

11-14-2018, 01:47 PM
so op makes this post to tell us that a team without a superstar won't be elite..... okay

11-14-2018, 02:30 PM
unfortunately, that means more of the TD 21 treadmill of crappy posts until then.

Mark in Austin
11-14-2018, 02:42 PM


11-14-2018, 02:52 PM
Well, we traded for a 9th overall pick, I don't know how much of a pipe dream having traded for a 23rd overall pick would have been.
Well, apparently, it was one, since Toronto wouldn't part with him. He was better than expected by his draft slot, and Turtle was worse. Shit happens.

And again, it doesn't have to be those players. We could pick a veteran like an Ariza or Demarre Carrol and we would be immensely better than what we are right now.
Carrol is 32, and has fallen of a cliff, basketball-wise. Ariza is 33, and he's not playing well, either. If either, or heaven forbid, BOTH of these players were on our roster, you'd likely be bitching that Pop was playing old guys again, because that's what they ARE.

11-14-2018, 02:58 PM
Well, apparently, it was one, since Toronto wouldn't part with him. He was better than expected by his draft slot, and Turtle was worse. Shit happens.

And you know that exactly how?

Carrol is 32, and has fallen of a cliff, basketball-wise. Ariza is 33, and he's not playing well, either. If either, or heaven forbid, BOTH of these players were on our roster, you'd likely be bitching that Pop was playing old guys again, because that's what they ARE.

And yet, we would be immensely better with those two instead of having to start a journeyman, that wouldn't even make a difference on the Argie league, like Dante Cunningham.

11-14-2018, 03:21 PM
..almost a certainty that Pop/RC asked for Poetl instead of Siakam or OG

lol stop it

11-14-2018, 03:32 PM
And you know that exactly how?

And yet, we would be immensely better with those two instead of having to start a journeyman, that wouldn't even make a difference on the Argie league, like Dante Cunningham.

OG wasn't some under the radar guy. Toronto was alwayas super high on him, and his timeline fits with what their plan is in the likely scenario that Kawhitter bolts for LA. I really really doubt Toronto was open to parting with him.

I do agree about the lack of 3&D type wings though. They should've never attached Green or signed Belli. Ideally, Patty wouldve been attached and a 3&D wing signed with the full MLE.

11-14-2018, 03:51 PM
And yet, we would be immensely better with those two instead of having to start a journeyman, that wouldn't even make a difference on the Argie league, like Dante Cunningham.

And you know that exactly how?

11-14-2018, 03:53 PM
And you know that exactly how?

Because those two I mentioned have NBA rotation players talent. Cunningham isn't more than a "complete roster with a vet minimum salary" player right now.

11-14-2018, 03:58 PM
:lol I'm a Raiders fan, arguably the worst NFL franchise of the last 15 years. And I feel significantly better about the Raiders' future prospects than I do about the Spurs tbh...at least they'll probably have a chance at a championship within the next 5-10 seasons.

R. DeMurre
11-14-2018, 03:59 PM
The idea that the Spurs suddenly no longer have the Big 3, no longer have their best player in Kawhi, have lost their their young starting PG to injury, and are even in the conversation with regards to making the playoffs is a small miracle itself....

11-14-2018, 04:03 PM
Actually, I think this could easily be a top 3/5 team (in the regular season) with just one tweak. Play Bertans 48 minutes per game.

11-14-2018, 04:46 PM
Because those two I mentioned have NBA rotation players talent. Cunningham isn't more than a "complete roster with a vet minimum salary" player right now.

I think they had that talent in the past. If you understand physiology, an athlete's physical peak is at 27. The athleticism falls off of a cliff at about 31, unless you're a juicer like LeBron. Both of those players are well past their sell by date, as shown by their crappy stats this year. I don't see Cunningham as 'the solution', but he's a better stop gap than either of those other two.

Hoops Czar
11-14-2018, 04:55 PM
:lol I'm a Raiders fan, arguably the worst NFL franchise of the last 15 years. And I feel significantly better about the Raiders' future prospects than I do about the Spurs tbh...at least they'll probably have a chance at a championship within the next 5-10 seasons.
It could still be worse. You could be a Bills fan.

Mr. Body
11-14-2018, 05:35 PM
Most teams are treadmill teams.

Down Under
11-14-2018, 06:07 PM
The thing that has me optimistic is I reckon they've nailed the last 3 1st round draft picks. Murray & White, despite some limitations, look like legit NBA starters & Lonnie Walker has crazy upside for someone drafted at 18. This year is a write off anyway, considering the Warriors are still there, so hopefully White can establish himself as a starter (possibly alongside Murray in the future) & Lonnie gets a chance to develop.

TD 21
11-14-2018, 06:34 PM
Not by choice.

The bigger issue is neither Tim Duncan nor David Robinson play basketball for a living.

If they became a treadmill team following the Nephew trade, this "process" you're talking about is all of 12 games in.

Don't think we know where they will be picking the next few years 12 games into the treadmill, tbh.

The vast majority of the roster was put together prior to what you consider becoming a treadmill team.

If you have the two top midrange shooters in the league, there are only so many ways you can play it, tbh. All those ways involve midrange jumpers. Steve Kerr, Brad Stevens, Mike Bud or any other basketball coach in the world couldn't change that.

Yes, because Nephew arrived as a ready-made player.

The amount of spoilage is overwhelming. Woah.

Yes, by choice. No one had a gun to their head, forcing them to accept the horrific offer they did. No, the bigger issue is the amount of blatant missteps they've made since '15. They lucked into a superstar, star and two lottery type talents in recent drafts. Maybe that scumbag's sleazy uncle would have brainwashed him anyway, but had they began to tailor their precious culture to a more modern one, maybe that never happens.

12 games or not, the way they're going about it suggests they either haven't adjusted to and/or refuse to accept basketball in this era.

I said likely picking. Looks like a few mid round picks (10-20) upcoming.

The roster was foolish from the start.

Wrong. Players can adjust. Every other prominent jump shooting big from Aldridge's era was forced to migrate to 3 years ago. DeRozan finally started shooting a decent amount of 3's last season and now he's reverted to previous form.

"Nephew" was picked in '11 and most of the development took place from then until '15, which is the exact year the league began to leave this organization in the dust.

Spoilage because apologists like yourself, who worship at the Pop/Buford altar, can't take off the role colored glasses and admit that they've done an atrocious job since '15.

TD 21
11-14-2018, 06:49 PM
Some quick hitters . . .

DPG: Who cares if they might have a better future than some of the current elites? That doesn't mean much. The reality is, they're setup to be stuck in the middle for the foreseeable future.

Harlem: I'm more concerned with their ignorance to the direction of the league than getting a superstar too. I'm just saying, they're not doing either. If they want to attempt to stay as relevant as possible now, adjust to the times. If not, increase the odds of lucking into a superstar in the draft.

DAF: The names you mentioned are pipe dreams. Sure, they could sign an Ariza, Carroll, etc. next off season and win 50 something again. But they still wouldn't be built for the playoffs at all, with their archaic style.

To the rest of you: This is about '15 onward. What they did in the past is irrelevant at this point. That shouldn't give them a free pass for the rest of their tenure to destroy this franchise. The game has clearly passed them by.

Play Boban
11-14-2018, 07:51 PM
is there anyone left here who still believes in PATFO?


11-14-2018, 07:59 PM
So many posters absolutely thrilled to have Bryn Forbes and Patty Mills as franchise cornerstones for the next 5 years. So many :lol

11-14-2018, 08:07 PM
It's definitely acting "spoiled" for a fanbase to ask the front office to make logical moves and understand the modern NBA landscape tho.

11-14-2018, 08:11 PM
And calling two young talents in Murray and Walker headed for stardom isn't irrational? Show me the proof of that. Jesus, you're thick!

When did I ever make that assertion, idiot? Clearly, I would like one or both to become solid starters, if not, stars but it depends on a lot of factors. And they have the raw talent to be successful in the NBA, obviously or they wouldn't have been drafted, now it is about the hard work and results they can get out of it.

Sorry, I'm not a cry baby, toxic fan like yourself. Talking down management, coaching staff and young talent and believing all the (recent) historical success is based entirely on "luck."

Darius Bieber
11-14-2018, 08:12 PM
To be fair, this season in the NBA has just been weird altogether. It seems that the league - not just individual teams - is in some sort of rebuild.

Down Under
11-14-2018, 08:16 PM
It's also a product of the players they have as well. They had to sign Aldridge, a top 15-20 player in 2016 - no big name free agent had signed with the Spurs in their 50+ years of existence, along with the fact that key role players (Splitter, Diaw & Manu) had slowed down. So you're left with 2 iso midrange players - LMA & Kawhi. All you can really do is surround them with as many 3 point shooters as possible. Problem is, they're all one way role players (Mills, Forbes, Belinelli, Bertans). Have to hope that White & Walker can play both ends & find a small forward. As I said, the last 3 1st rounders they've selected, look pretty encouraging.

11-14-2018, 08:22 PM
Fans from other teams reading that kind of threads must hallucinate tbh :lol

Everyone now have a thought for sixers fans who have wished and embraced the "Epic Shame"... sorry the "Process" for 5+ years, (grabbing the worst record in history in down the road) and... lemme check... are 9-6 now in the freaking east with a -0.2 diff, good for 10 in the conf...

Meanwhile, spurs are 5th in the west with a 7-5 record, missing their all-defensive starting PG and a couple other players. If not for Gay out, they might even be 8-4 or 9-3. And except for the Dubs, everyone is mediocre.

Are they playing well ? Not really. Is it surprising ? Not really considering the injuries and DeDepressed's integration.

Their cap situtation is OK, they have a few promising players + pick and one of the best coaches in history who have proven he could adapt to every situation.

Meanwhile, Houston and visionary Morey have a disgruntled and satisfied Harden (now that he got his individual MVP trophy) and CPAlbatros (think about him if you consider Patty's contract is bad).

Dallas and visionary Cuban have sucked for what it seems now like forever since their ship (at least they got one),

OKC and genius Presti has won shit and lost Durant, Harden (and Ibaka to some extent) and sign Melo...

LA and genius Magic have signed PG13 and Kawhard... sorry Javale and Rondo to form their big 3 cos everyone wants to play in big cities or where they grew up, right ?

Minny just traded their "superstar" and is collapsing.

Denver just lost 4 in a row after a hot start and what even remotely significant Denver player can anyone name me form the last 5 years ?

Phoenix sucks and seem they will until up the next century.

And so on...

GS ? If not for Curry's early bad ankles and an MVP chasing a ring he coudn't get by himself, what would they be now ? Probably a good team.

Then you look around the NBA landscape in the past 10 years and you see former spurs assistant coaches or GMs everywhere...

Enjoy Pop and RC while you can. You might not get that anytime soon again.

And be grateful.

We need to stop trying to speak sense into these two (or more) idiots. Apparently, all the success of the last two decades was based on luck and "decisions" other people made.

Or that is the narrative one of the toxic, crybabies - probably the stupider of the two, tbh - in every thread.

11-14-2018, 08:22 PM
Another emo thread tbqh

Yes Spurs suck and will struggle to make the playoffs only to lose in 5 games tops

Deal w it like a grown man


11-14-2018, 08:24 PM
Spurs will not tank. Too much culture. We will remain an average team for another year or two before changes are made imo (i.e. Pop retiring, trading LMA, etc etc).

11-14-2018, 08:45 PM
Yes, by choice. No one had a gun to their head, forcing them to accept the horrific offer they did. No, the bigger issue is the amount of blatant missteps they've made since '15. They lucked into a superstar, star and two lottery type talents in recent drafts. Maybe that scumbag's sleazy uncle would have brainwashed him anyway, but had they began to tailor their precious culture to a more modern one, maybe that never happens.

12 games or not, the way they're going about it suggests they either haven't adjusted to and/or refuse to accept basketball in this era.

I said likely picking. Looks like a few mid round picks (10-20) upcoming.

The roster was foolish from the start.

Wrong. Players can adjust. Every other prominent jump shooting big from Aldridge's era was forced to migrate to 3 years ago. DeRozan finally started shooting a decent amount of 3's last season and now he's reverted to previous form.

"Nephew" was picked in '11 and most of the development took place from then until '15, which is the exact year the league began to leave this organization in the dust.

Spoilage because apologists like yourself, who worship at the Pop/Buford altar, can't take off the role colored glasses and admit that they've done an atrocious job since '15.

Weren't they just in the WCF two years ago?! Dispatching of the Rockets, the most "modern" team in the NBA, in six games. Who are also looking like they are going to implode (with a bigger albatross in Paul's contract) after only 3/4 years "on top."

Seems like you just bitch for bitching sake. Every fucking team in the NBA, sans Golden State, has made poor decisions in recent years (Boston signing Hayward, Philadelphia drafting Fultz or trading for Butler and so on), so Pop and R.C. aren't immune to that.

They've also made some savvy decisions like drafting the three young guards, plucking Dedmon away from Orlando (but didn't retain), finding Simmons from literal obscurity (but also not retaining) and so forth.

Clearly, this current roster was poorly constructed but that is a given when the two most ball dominant players are mid range shooters (as is/was Kawhi), they were (stupidly) hoping beyond reason Kawhi would stay and the roster (again, stupidly) was being built with that slime chance in mind.

Anyway, y'all just like to cry like babies about everything and poo poo all of Pop's (mostly good) decisions.

I distinctly remember you and Hoops Bitch bitching and moaning even in 2013 and 2014.

11-14-2018, 09:02 PM
I think they had that talent in the past. If you understand physiology, an athlete's physical peak is at 27. The athleticism falls off of a cliff at about 31, unless you're a juicer like LeBron. Both of those players are well past their sell by date, as shown by their crappy stats this year. I don't see Cunningham as 'the solution', but he's a better stop gap than either of those other two.

Cunningham is 31. :lol

Besides, I think those numbers need some checking. To me it's clear that the life-span, as well as the prime window, of players has been extended.

Also, you have to be kidding with that last statement about Cunningham being better than Ariza or Carroll. Ariza is one year removed from being vital cog of an almost championship team. Carroll is a 40% 3 pt shooter and a more talented player than Dante at pretty much everything.

11-14-2018, 09:36 PM
Reality might help us from navigating on mediocreness for years to come. :wow

11-14-2018, 09:48 PM
Mediocreness? This team is a bottom 3 NBA squad when Rudy Fucking Gay doesn't play :lmao

11-14-2018, 09:49 PM
Cunningham is 31. :lol

Besides, I think those numbers need some checking. To me it's clear that the life-span, as well as the prime window, of players has been extended.

Also, you have to be kidding with that last statement about Cunningham being better than Ariza or Carroll. Ariza is one year removed from being vital cog of an almost championship team. Carroll is a 40% 3 pt shooter and a more talented player than Dante at pretty much everything.

and he is not, Cun's best is not better than the worst of these two guys

Hoops Czar
11-14-2018, 09:53 PM
When did I ever make that assertion, idiot? Clearly, I would like one or both to become solid starters, if not, stars but it depends on a lot of factors. And they have the raw talent to be successful in the NBA, obviously or they wouldn't have been drafted, now it is about the hard work and results they can get out of it.

Sorry, I'm not a cry baby, toxic fan like yourself. Talking down management, coaching staff and young talent and believing all the (recent) historical success is based entirely on "luck."

There's dense and then there's J_paco level dense. YOU didn't make that assertation, you agreed with a post that did. Solid starters is a far cry from stardom. I expect both to be somewhat successful but doubt either of them will be stars.

They drafted Nando De Colo and he didn't become a star. They drafted Dejuan Blair and he didn't become a star. They drafted Liveo-Jean Charles and he didn't become a star. They drafted Leon Smith ahead of Manu Ginobili in the 1999 draft and he didn't become a star. He did however end up in a psych ward. None of those guys had raw NBA talent but they were still drafted by the Spurs. I could add guys like Adam Hanga, Ryan Richards, Cady Lalanne, Jordan McRae, Deshaun Thomas, etc. that never had the talent to play in the NBA but they were still drafted by the Spurs. The Grand theft NBA draft award goes to the Spurs.

You're not a crybaby but you've been crying in this thread for the past three days.:lol Tim Duncan is the Spurs historical succes, a slam dunk #1 pick. Without him, you can count the number of Spurs championships on your fist. And all this transpired because David Robinson went down with a season ending injury the year before. Yeah, that's luck.

Hoops Czar
11-14-2018, 09:54 PM
I think they had that talent in the past. If you understand physiology, an athlete's physical peak is at 27. The athleticism falls off of a cliff at about 31, unless you're a juicer like LeBron. Both of those players are well past their sell by date, as shown by their crappy stats this year. I don't see Cunningham as 'the solution', but he's a better stop gap than either of those other two.

:wow Aldridge is 33.

11-14-2018, 11:00 PM
As I've been saying from the start, we should've kept Leonard, won 60 games, made the WCF, and then offered him the supermax in the summer. There's no way he would've walked away from that.

Hoops Czar
11-14-2018, 11:02 PM
As I've been saying from the start, we should've kept Leonard, won 60 games, made the WCF, and then offered him the supermax in the summer. There's no way he would've walked away from that.
This team wasn't winning 60 games with Leonard. Are people really this delusional?

11-14-2018, 11:26 PM
After tonight, I think you're wrong. Any team that loses to the Suns that badly, is tanking not treadmilling....

11-14-2018, 11:32 PM
Crickets from the Pop/RC suckers tonight :lol

Keepin' it real
11-14-2018, 11:41 PM
All treadmills are NOT created equally.


11-15-2018, 12:09 AM
There's dense and then there's J_paco level dense. YOU didn't make that assertation, you agreed with a post that did. Solid starters is a far cry from stardom. I expect both to be somewhat successful but doubt either of them will be stars.

They drafted Nando De Colo and he didn't become a star. They drafted Dejuan Blair and he didn't become a star. They drafted Liveo-Jean Charles and he didn't become a star. They drafted Leon Smith ahead of Manu Ginobili in the 1999 draft and he didn't become a star. He did however end up in a psych ward. None of those guys had raw NBA talent but they were still drafted by the Spurs. I could add guys like Adam Hanga, Ryan Richards, Cady Lalanne, Jordan McRae, Deshaun Thomas, etc. that never had the talent to play in the NBA but they were still drafted by the Spurs. The Grand theft NBA draft award goes to the Spurs.

You're not a crybaby but you've been crying in this thread for the past three days.:lol Tim Duncan is the Spurs historical succes, a slam dunk #1 pick. Without him, you can count the number of Spurs championships on your fist. And all this transpired because David Robinson went down with a season ending injury the year before. Yeah, that's luck.


You are a straight up buffoon, man.

Complaining that a team that annually drafted in the late first round didn't make all the players into stars. You are just a plain idiot, man.

I would waste my time looking up the data for how many players become all-stars being drafted after the lottery, but it is clear as day that you are an entitled, spoiled, idiotic old man with no perspective on the NBA (or a delusional one).

Just be happy and thankful that Duncan helped lead the team the 5 championships. Obviously, don't want you having an aneurysm with the "anger" you have towards Pop/R.C. and all their success.

If your still alive by then I'm sure you be at his hall of fame induction handing out pamphlets that state it was all "luck," someone else scouted the guy (no shit, LOL) and I could done it better, damn it.


I'm done with your goofy ass, man.

11-15-2018, 01:18 AM
This team wasn't winning 60 games with Leonard. Are people really this delusional?

I don't know if 60 but White, Forbes, Mills, Green, Kawhi, Gay, Aldridge, Bertans, Gasol, Walker is easily a top 3 team in this watered down league, probably top 2 since Toronto wouldn't be as good as it is right now without wingstop.

Hoops Czar
11-15-2018, 01:37 AM

You are a straight up buffoon, man.

Complaining that a team that annually drafted in the late first round didn't make all the players into stars. You are just a plain idiot, man.

I swear if Trump doesn't get moving on that wall, I'm going to start a GoFundMe account on his behalf.



Just be happy and thankful that Duncan helped lead the team the 5 championships.

Didn't I just say that clown shoes? The FO made two players into stars, Tony Parker and Kawhi Leonard. And if it wasn't for Sam Presti bringing in TP, we'd probably have Antonio Daniels running the show for 12 years. Manu wasn't developed by the Spurs, he was developed overseas. That's kind of the theory behind draft and stash. Let somebody else do the heavy lifting and let RC and Pop take the credit.

11-15-2018, 10:59 AM
Cunningham is 31. :lol

Besides, I think those numbers need some checking. To me it's clear that the life-span, as well as the prime window, of players has been extended.

Also, you have to be kidding with that last statement about Cunningham being better than Ariza or Carroll. Ariza is one year removed from being vital cog of an almost championship team. Carroll is a 40% 3 pt shooter and a more talented player than Dante at pretty much everything.

exstatic is one of those deluded posters that will defend every move the front office makes. Once upon a time, Spurstalk used to mock subpar players like Cunningham having to fill the void of defensive stopper. Remember Keith Bogans and the laughable "centerpiece" statements from Pop. We had higher standards then, I guess. Now we have posters celebrating the mediocrity of no hopers like Cunningham and Pondexter.

11-15-2018, 02:43 PM
Can't be a treadmill team with Patty on the roster, tbh..

11-21-2018, 11:26 PM
:lol same record as the Mavs
:lol unintentionally tanking
:lol stuck with this shitty roster for another few years

11-21-2018, 11:42 PM
The problem lies within their culture and archaic way of thinking. The truth is they can find ways next year to potentially improve to a 48-51 win team but that's exactly it. The Grizz have been a perenial 50 win team candidate for a few years now but they have never amounted to anything because of their poor structure.

I'm sure Uncle Dennis posioned Kawhi, but even during Kawhis MVP runs they treated him like he was a role player, benched him in nights he wanted to play, refused to allow him to stat pad.

So its going to be difficult to get superstars to sign for this team knowing the fact....

They're also not getting back to actual relevance because teams today just play at a much faster pace with a plethora of 3 pointers. Its such an overwhelming way of playing offense.

The worst part is, how is that ots 2018 and the spurs have zerp 3&D player? That almost seems like a flaw in their philosophy. That's just unacceptable in todays era.

11-22-2018, 07:42 AM
The problem lies within their culture and archaic way of thinking. The truth is they can find ways next year to potentially improve to a 48-51 win team but that's exactly it. The Grizz have been a perenial 50 win team candidate for a few years now but they have never amounted to anything because of their poor structure.

I'm sure Uncle Dennis posioned Kawhi, but even during Kawhis MVP runs they treated him like he was a role player, benched him in nights he wanted to play, refused to allow him to stat pad.

So its going to be difficult to get superstars to sign for this team knowing the fact....

They're also not getting back to actual relevance because teams today just play at a much faster pace with a plethora of 3 pointers. Its such an overwhelming way of playing offense.

The worst part is, how is that ots 2018 and the spurs have zerp 3&D player? That almost seems like a flaw in their philosophy. That's just unacceptable in todays era.


11-22-2018, 09:28 AM
As I've been saying from the start, we should've kept Leonard, won 60 games, made the WCF, and then offered him the supermax in the summer. There's no way he would've walked away from that.
yes, in a fantasy universe where kawhi actually ever played another game for the spurs

in the real world, there was nothing to be done. there was indeed a 'gun to their heads'