View Full Version : Brian Wright: Any Reason for Optimism?

12-01-2019, 09:50 PM
With what we have seen so far and what we have ahead, what is the pulse of Spurs fans with the new GM?

We’ve read that Brian played an integral role in the decision to bring DeRozan in. Fair to judge him on that decision? He brought in a guy in Carroll that quite frankly looks bad and can’t even crack the rotation on a losing team with no upside. Is that on him after seeing what this team needed after a full season with LMA/DeRozan together?

Knowing that the franchise is at a major cross-roads and will have to make some tough decisions soon; trade DeRozan/LMA and more in a blow up? Trade one for pieces to fit better around one or the other?

What are your feelings and confidence level that Brian Wright is up to the task of ushering in the next era for SA? Does he have what it takes to guide SA and make smart decisions that build for the future? Does he have the pull to do anything of note and creative?


12-01-2019, 09:50 PM

12-01-2019, 09:55 PM
As long as Pop is at the helm, any new GM is neutered from making any big personnel decisions.

12-01-2019, 09:55 PM
I think so, I’ve appreciated the fact that he looks to change things even tho it’s with the approval from Pop/RC lol I think he needs the freedom to construct the roster the way he wants.

12-01-2019, 09:56 PM
If he really played an "intregal"role in bending over and bringing derozan in,all hope is probably lost tbh

12-01-2019, 09:57 PM
We’ve read that Brian played an integral role in the decision to bring DeRozan in. Fair to judge him on that decision?
i didn’t know that. makes me automatically not like him tbh. demar never proved anything.

12-01-2019, 09:58 PM
i didn’t know that. makes me automatically not like him tbh. demar never proved anything.

Sealed his own fate with that deal tbh

12-01-2019, 09:59 PM
i didn’t know that. makes me automatically not like him tbh. demar never proved anything.

Not good. Most 10 year olds would've rejected that deal in 2k.

12-01-2019, 10:00 PM
With that said, everything goes through Pop. Always has heen. He deserves more blame than anyone.

12-01-2019, 10:01 PM
Not good. Most 10 year olds would've rejected that deal in 2k.
2k itself woulda passed

12-01-2019, 10:01 PM
This guy had or has no say in any moves made or will make as long as pop and or rc are in the organization. And even if he did have a say, he's still not the person that gives anyone minutes.

12-01-2019, 10:03 PM
If he really played an "intregal"role in bending over and bringing derozan in,all hope is probably lost tbh


When the Spurs initially hired Wright in 2016, he stayed behind the scenes and focused mainly on scouting. But sources have informed The Athletic over the last year Wright has been more involved, even fielding calls and packages for the trade of Kawhi Leonard the previous summer.

12-01-2019, 10:03 PM
Too early to tell imo. The Carroll signing was fine; not his fault Pop won't play him and Morris fucked the Spurs. The handling of the Nephew fiasco was disgraceful, however. If he really played a key role in it and really wanted DeRozan that badly that's a huge red flag.

12-01-2019, 10:04 PM

Atleast he can answer a phone

12-01-2019, 10:04 PM
I honestly don’t know how much of a role or influence he had in that deal; only that he was definitely involved. He made some “creative” moves I guess this off season which seems to bode well (how he got money for Morris/Carroll) but this is a results business and Carroll is bad and can’t even crack the rotation. Beyond that, it’s clear that just getting Carroll was not even enough and he had a full season to evaluate the team.

12-01-2019, 10:06 PM
The Spurs need to sweep out the old regime and bring in an entire new one. If Pop had left a few years ago, we might have lured Sean Marks and Coach Bud back. Now, I doubt either one would give the Spurs a listen. Beyond them I don’t really have any candidates in mind.

12-01-2019, 10:10 PM
Hard to know what were the legit offers for Kawhi. People report stuff, but teams will leak that they offered packages they really didn’t offer. Maybe DeRozen was the best they could do based on what offers were made.

12-01-2019, 10:10 PM
"When the Spurs initially hired Wright in 2016, he stayed behind the scenes and focused mainly on scouting. But sources have informed The Athletic over the last year Wright has been more involved, even fielding calls and packages for the trade of Kawhi Leonard the previous summer."

It says he answered the phone and took notes.

Fire him!

12-01-2019, 10:10 PM
The Marcus Morris move was great, I'm not going to blame Brian Wright for that falling through. I think the Carroll signing was a good signing. Even though he's not getting minutes (which is annoying) he seems like a guy you want on your team.

12-01-2019, 10:11 PM
Why Carroll was signed is a question that should be asked

12-01-2019, 10:12 PM
"When the Spurs initially hired Wright in 2016, he stayed behind the scenes and focused mainly on scouting. But sources have informed The Athletic over the last year Wright has been more involved, even fielding calls and packages for the trade of Kawhi Leonard the previous summer."

It says he answered the phone and took notes.

Fire him!

That’s not the only article - just one. But that is why I am asking. I dont know how involved he was or if those around were just gassing him up since he was to be the new GM. Not sure. He was definitely involved and read several things about that process and how he was involved.

12-01-2019, 10:13 PM
Why Carroll was signed is a question that should be asked

We needed a sf?

12-01-2019, 10:13 PM
I don't know what other deals were really on the table when they got DeRozan. But I've said recently that any draft picks that are so heavily protected that they don't have a real chance of conveying aren't really first round picks. For all I know, that package was as good as they could have gotten under the circumstances.

The only contacts I ever had in the organization went to other teams years ago. But I have the strong impression that nothing much has happened in SA for years that didn't have Pop's stamp of approval. I have pretty serious doubts that Brian Wright has the authority to do anything over Pop's dead body. So, no, I don't think he's going to single-handedly usher in any new era in SA.

12-01-2019, 10:14 PM
The Marcus Morris move was great, I'm not going to blame Brian Wright for that falling through. I think the Carroll signing was a good signing. Even though he's not getting minutes (which is annoying) he seems like a guy you want on your team.

Hard to blame anyone for Morris, but this is a results business. Carroll though? Another old head? Its very obviously not a good signing and he’s not a game changer at all and SA definitely needed a game changer or heavy rotation upgrade.

Beyond that, even if you want to argue Carroll was good, it’s obvious that him and Morris were no where near enough and they were the ones evaluating the team.

A little scary to me. But I’m sure some will be filled with confidence in him; I am really unsure. He’s not done anything that made me really go “this is the guy and I am comfortable with the decision”.

12-01-2019, 10:15 PM
Im not comfortable with any decisions this fo has made lately

12-01-2019, 10:15 PM
I don't know what other deals were really on the table when they got DeRozan. But I've said recently that any draft picks that are so heavily protected that they don't have a real chance of conveying aren't really first round picks. For all I know, that package was as good as they could have gotten under the circumstances.

The only contacts I ever had in the organization went to other teams years ago. But I have the strong impression that nothing much has happened in SA for years that didn't have Pop's stamp of approval. I have pretty serious doubts that Brian Wright has the authority to do anything over Pop's dead body. So, no, I don't think he's going to single-handedly usher in any new era in SA.

Good point; but Pop won’t be here for long. Maybe a couple more years. But even with Pop here and being the boss, influence is a big part of a GM role. Being able to have a legit voice, stand up for yourself and influence decision makers while pooling knowledge and advice.

12-01-2019, 10:16 PM
Hard to know what were the legit offers for Kawhi. People report stuff, but teams will leak that they offered packages they really didn’t offer. Maybe DeRozen was the best they could do based on what offers were made.

The Spurs probably traded for DDR because he was the closest thing they could find to a guaranteed 20 ppg average. On that much, they were right. DDR will give you 20 ppg. That's the upside. PATFO must have thought they could handle the downside. We now know they couldn't.

12-01-2019, 10:16 PM
We needed a sf?
He seems broke. Maybe it should have been someone with synovial fluid

baseline bum
12-01-2019, 10:18 PM
Fuck, I forgot RC was no longer the GM. WTF kind of reason for optimism is there if Buford's not making draft picks any more?


12-01-2019, 10:19 PM
Tin Man Carroll signing is wasted. He damn near can’t jump.

12-01-2019, 10:20 PM
We needed a sf?

Well, while that is true, when you have a team that is trying to win now, you can’t just settle. Results business and Carroll not only isn’t very good, but he’s not even in the rotation on a bad team. That’s a big fat fail at this point.

12-01-2019, 10:21 PM
I'm more concerned with the CEO of Spurs Entertainment, who's been around longer and had much more say over the years about what this roster looks like, tbh.

Specifically, I haven't heard him come out and address the distinctive lack of quality of the product the Spurs have been putting on the floor and what is his team, Brian included, thinking for the long term that might get fans excited.

12-01-2019, 10:21 PM
Tin Man Carroll signing is wasted. He damn near can’t jump.

Spurs used to love vets.u know somethings wrong when pop wont play the old guys

12-01-2019, 10:22 PM
Tin Man Carroll signing is wasted. He damn near can’t jump.

Spurs used to love vets.u know somethings wrong when pop wont play the old guys

12-01-2019, 10:23 PM
To be fair about Carroll, he was a 2 year deal initially, then had to be changed on the fumbled Morris move, and now it looks like a terrible deal.

12-01-2019, 10:23 PM
Carroll looked good on paper for the team, after last year where they severely lacked wing defenders. They swung a missed on a mid level free agent. They did that even during the championship years (Steve Smith, Nick Van Exel, Finley arguably, etc.).

The DeMar trade was the best they could get at the time. Everyone knows the contracts to Mills and Gasol were the start of the implosion of the franchise, not unloading the star who wouldnt even be in the same city with the team, much less play a game for them, for peanuts. The only offers were Celtics and Lakers trash, and perhaps some shit teams offers with picks. The FO wanted to remain competitive, and went with a marketable star who Pop thought he could improve. 3 years later, dude hasn't improved. But they didn't know that then, and you can't pin it all on the GM.

12-01-2019, 10:24 PM
Well, while that is true, when you have a team that is trying to win now, you can’t just settle. Results business and Carroll not only isn’t very good, but he’s not even in the rotation on a bad team. That’s a big fat fail at this point.

I didnt like the signing to begin with but everyone here was loving his grit earlier

12-01-2019, 10:25 PM
Carroll looked good on paper for the team, after last year where they severely lacked wing defenders. They swung a missed on a mid level free agent. They did that even during the championship years (Steve Smith, Nick Van Exel, Finley arguably, etc.).

The DeMar trade was the best they could get at the time. Everyone knows the contracts to Mills and Gasol were the start of the implosion of the franchise, not unloading the star who wouldnt even be in the same city with the team, much less play a game for them, for peanuts. The only offers were Celtics and Lakers trash, and perhaps some shit teams offers with picks. The FO wanted to remain competitive, and went with a marketable star who Pop thought he could improve. 3 years later, dude hasn't improved. But they didn't know that then, and you can't pin it all on the GM.

Clippers offer with multiple picks?

12-01-2019, 10:26 PM
About DeRozan, all I want to hear from insiders is that if the Spurs preferred to send him to Canada to spite him (which backfired terribly) than take a better package from the Lakers or another team.

To be fair also, looking at this roster, DeRozan and Poetl are far, far away from the biggest problems.

12-01-2019, 10:26 PM
I didnt like the signing to begin with but everyone here was loving his grit earlier

We aren’t the GM. We aren’t judged on the result. They are. Being ok with Carroll as a fan is not the same as them seeing that as enough for this team to come into the season with.

12-01-2019, 10:28 PM
Let me also add about Carroll that he got doghoused early on, and we still don't know why. I don' think he's a great player at this point in his career, but I also don't think he's a terrible player either.

12-01-2019, 10:29 PM
Hard to blame anyone for Morris, but this is a results business. Carroll though? Another old head? Its very obviously not a good signing and he’s not a game changer at all and SA definitely needed a game changer or heavy rotation upgrade.

Beyond that, even if you want to argue Carroll was good, it’s obvious that him and Morris were no where near enough and they were the ones evaluating the team.

A little scary to me. But I’m sure some will be filled with confidence in him; I am really unsure. He’s not done anything that made me really go “this is the guy and I am comfortable with the decision”.

Results are important yes, but if you're replacing Bertans with Morris, Carroll, and a returning Murray then I think that's really building on the playoff team from last year. Obviously Morris did what he did and everything else hasn't panned out. Carroll's last two seasons in Brooklyn he was a productive 3&D starter playing 25-30 minutes a night and shooting 4-5 threes a game at a decent rate. He hasn't been productive at all this year but he hasn't really gotten the opportunity to be. I would bet that he'll be a part of the rotation next season and probably an effective player.

12-01-2019, 10:29 PM
The DeMar trade was the best they could get at the time. Everyone knows the contracts to Mills and Gasol were the start of the implosion of the franchise, not unloading the star who wouldnt even be in the same city with the team, much less play a game for them, for peanuts. The only offers were Celtics and Lakers trash, and perhaps some shit teams offers with picks. The FO wanted to remain competitive, and went with a marketable star who Pop thought he could improve. 3 years later, dude hasn't improved. But they didn't know that then, and you can't pin it all on the GM.

derozan has already been here three years:wtf

12-01-2019, 10:29 PM
IMO Carroll looked awful in preseason. He can’t dribble, he’s so slow and it’s not like he’s shooting lights out.

12-01-2019, 10:32 PM
IMO Carroll looked awful in preseason. He can’t dribble, he’s so slow and it’s not like he’s shooting lights out.

sup my dude. good discussion.

That description would also apply to Beli, for example, and he doesn't have anywhere near the defensive chops. Why does Beli plays, and not Carroll? Who knows? Is that on Brian, I don't think so.

12-01-2019, 10:32 PM
We aren’t the GM. We aren’t judged on the result. They are. Being ok with Carroll as a fan is not the same as them seeing that as enough for this team to come into the season with.

Spurs fo is clearly at fault

12-01-2019, 10:33 PM
On the other hand, we had awfully long extended looks at Fathead or Bryn Forbes, and we shouldn't judge based on the result of those bad gambles?

I can't pin that on Brian either, mostly on the previous GM.

12-01-2019, 10:33 PM
Results are important yes, but if you're replacing Bertans with Morris, Carroll, and a returning Murray then I think that's really building on the playoff team from last year. Obviously Morris did what he did and everything else hasn't panned out. Carroll's last two seasons in Brooklyn he was a productive 3&D starter playing 25-30 minutes a night and shooting 4-5 threes a game at a decent rate. He hasn't been productive at all this year but he hasn't really gotten the opportunity to be. I would bet that he'll be a part of the rotation next season and probably an effective player.

He will be traded IMO. SA is blowing this up.

12-01-2019, 10:34 PM
Carroll‘s feet are stuck to the ground. He is creaky. Best I can tell he is getting by on guile.
Spurs need a dude his size who has more game.

He is a bad signing. He may be hurt-back maybe cause that is how he moves-like his back is stiff

12-01-2019, 10:35 PM
sup my dude. good discussion.

That description would also apply to Beli, for example, and he doesn't have anywhere near the defensive chops. Why does Beli plays, and not Carroll? Who knows? Is that on Brian, I don't think so.

For sure, but that is chicken/egg? We know Beli isn’t good and it’s definitely not on Wright. But it is on Wright that Beli/Carroll are the options and that Carroll isn’t so good that he for sure has a rotation spot when the team coming into the year obviously and desperately needed a roster upgrade.

12-01-2019, 10:36 PM
On the other hand, we had awfully long extended looks at Fathead or Bryn Forbes, and we shouldn't judge based on the result of those bad gambles?

I can't pin that on Brian either, mostly on the previous GM.

For sure. A lot of this is RC/Pop - but with the little we have seen I was legit wondering what people thought because this team is at a crossroads and can’t afford a dud for a GM.

12-01-2019, 10:37 PM
Horrible trades from the Derozan/late 1st for Kiwi And Poltl/Danny to sending out Davis instead of some other “shooter” out. Caroll isn’t playing and his deal is 3 years (at least 2 fully guaranteed) for a guy unplayed with no upside indeed. Dejounte, I was happy when he was signed but they might have overpaid for the culture there (and I hope not truly, I expected better of Dejounte) but they are in better position to know what his worth is supposed be. It just doesn’t seem like they have nailed even one move lately.

Lyles has been better than expected I guess but he wasn’t even a target of the FO and he’s not a game changer or anything just someone who has blended in better than we thought and whose shot has come around after an off year.

They aren’t playing any youngins so it’s too soon to say anything about their picks yet.

12-01-2019, 10:38 PM
For sure, but that is chicken/egg? We know Beli isn’t good and it’s definitely not on Wright. But it is on Wright that Beli/Carroll are the options and that Carroll isn’t so good that he for sure has a rotation spot when the team coming into the year obviously and desperately needed a roster upgrade.

Nah, I'm not defending Carroll. I'm just saying if we're gonna pass judgement over an offseason, what do we do about players that have sucked for over an entire season or two?

Why are they still in this roster and why did we stood pat about moving those guys?

In a nutshell, this issue is much older than Carroll.

12-01-2019, 10:38 PM
For sure. A lot of this is RC/Pop - but with the little we have seen I was legit wondering what people thought because this team is at a crossroads and can’t afford a dud for a GM.

Its waay to early to know what wright is or will be.The short term hasnt yielded results but what can you expect when you lose kawhi for derozan and poodle?still paying pau and patty and lost bertans for nothing? Well i guess (7-14)

12-01-2019, 10:39 PM
For sure. A lot of this is RC/Pop - but with the little we have seen I was legit wondering what people thought because this team is at a crossroads and can’t afford a dud for a GM.

This team needs to blow it up but doesn't have the balls to do it. Fortunately, I believe LMA will quit the team sooner or later and force the issue.

12-01-2019, 10:40 PM
Plus I don’t think they can pretend “this is fine” anymore.

They aren’t tanking they just suck and can’t afford to ignore their problems in roster construction or sign guys back who are in roles too big for them (Forbes)

12-01-2019, 10:48 PM
Good point; but Pop won’t be here for long. Maybe a couple more years. But even with Pop here and being the boss, influence is a big part of a GM role. Being able to have a legit voice, stand up for yourself and influence decision makers while pooling knowledge and advice.

To be successful these days, any FO needs a cap genius, and someone who really understands roster construction. When those aren't the same person, it's more difficult because no matter how much people talk about collaboration, someone has to have the final say. It's what most people don't know and don't appreciate about Jerry West. He understands the game (and players) better than almost anyone, and he has an uncanny understanding of the money/cap aspect. He has more to do with this current Clippers team than most realize. And their FO people are smart enough to listen to him and not let their egos get in the way.

I don't have any first hand knowledge, but my gut tells me that the easiest way to influence Pop is to move the same basic direction he already wants to go; and pushing in an opposite direction would be career suicide. So I really doubt they put anyone in that position that would do the things you'd like to see him do. He doesn't have the experience as a player that I'd like to see him have to really understand players and roster construction, but I think he must be a pretty bright guy. SA isn't the first place he's been promoted, so some other people saw something in him.

But the league is full of bright guys. You're looking for a savant. I don't think he's that. But if I'm being honest, the reason I don't think so is that he took a position where he doesn't get to be his own man. The real geniuses won't settle for something that even looks like a coattail assignment.

12-01-2019, 10:49 PM
Its waay to early to know what wright is or will be.The short term hasnt yielded results but what can you expect when you lose kawhi for derozan and poodle?still paying pau and patty and lost bertans for nothing? Well i guess (7-14)

Well, if he was truly influential (not sure) and thought DeRozan would work, then that has to be a bad sign about what type of player he values no? Then on top of that, to see the roster all last year and think that basically Carroll (since he swapped Bertans for Morris anyways so it’s not like a gigantic net gain) was enough? Another troubling sign about roster building

12-01-2019, 10:50 PM
Hard to know what were the legit offers for Kawhi. People report stuff, but teams will leak that they offered packages they really didn’t offer. Maybe DeRozen was the best they could do based on what offers were made.
Nah don’t kid yourself and make excuses for them. They actually held on to Kawhi for way too long hoping to change his mind, prompting his shenanigans to get worse and his market to plunge with it. They weren’t blindsided into that. They had a full season to probe the market. Heh for all we know Kawhi plays those 9 games back in 2017 to bolster some trade and promote the image he was recovered. The Spurs mismanaged that whole thing. I don’t think they would have gotten a player of commensurate value so they settle on Derozan but a package around young talent, picks and a rebuild could have gotten them started on a Doncic like turnaround. It didn’t make sense to trade for Derozan. Spurs have only gotten worse since 2017.

12-01-2019, 10:50 PM
To be successful these days, any FO needs a cap genius, and someone who really understands roster construction. When those aren't the same person, it's more difficult because no matter how much people talk about collaboration, someone has to have the final say. It's what most people don't know and don't appreciate about Jerry West. He understands the game (and players) better than almost anyone, and he has an uncanny understanding of the money/cap aspect. He has more to do with this current Clippers team than most realize. And their FO people are smart enough to listen to him and not let their egos get in the way.

I don't have any first hand knowledge, but my gut tells me that the easiest way to influence Pop is to move the same basic direction he already wants to go; and pushing in an opposite direction would be career suicide. So I really doubt they put anyone in that position that would do the things you'd like to see him do. He doesn't have the experience as a player that I'd like to see him have to really understand players and roster construction, but I think he must be a pretty bright guy. SA isn't the first place he's been promoted, so some other people saw something in him.

But the league is full of bright guys. You're looking for a savant. I don't think he's that. But if I'm being honest, the reason I don't think so is that he took a position where he doesn't get to be his own man. The real geniuses won't settle for something that even looks like a coattail assignment.

Disagree; at this level ANY GM job is massive. The fact it’s with SA? That is a sought after position with one of the highest regarded teams in the league. It’s a springboard franchise for basically any position player, coach or front office.

12-01-2019, 10:51 PM
Well, if he was truly influential (not sure) and thought DeRozan would work, then that has to be a bad sign about what type of player he values no? Then on top of that, to see the roster all last year and think that basically Carroll (since he swapped Bertans for Morris anyways so it’s not like a gigantic net gain) was enough? Another troubling sign about roster building

Agree spurs have made troubling moves since resigning patty/pau.Even the no brainer like extending murray might actually backfire

12-01-2019, 10:52 PM
what's brent barry been up to tbh?

i'd like to see his fingerprints on the retooling of this roster.

12-01-2019, 10:55 PM
what's brent barry been up to tbh?

i'd like to see his fingerprints on the retooling of this roster.

Still cryin over his wife probably

12-01-2019, 11:01 PM
Isn’t Brent Barry the Austin spurs gm? Lol

12-01-2019, 11:02 PM
Good point; but Pop won’t be here for long. Maybe a couple more years. But even with Pop here and being the boss, influence is a big part of a GM role. Being able to have a legit voice, stand up for yourself and influence decision makers while pooling knowledge and advice.


This franchise will end up in Seattle if we must endure another two years of Pop. I am praying he will be gone in 2 DAYS.

12-01-2019, 11:04 PM
And I don’t have a legit answer. I hate this current team and I know that Brian Wright being a good GM is very critical. This is like the worst time to have a new guy with question marks when you have a franchise teetering on the edge and everything looking negative.

He seemed to be creative with Morris/Carroll so that’s a good sign, but he also has at least been involved in a lot of seemingly questionable decisions and the results this year are beyond bad.

12-01-2019, 11:06 PM
Isn’t Brent Barry the Austin spurs gm? Lol
he's VP of basketball operations.

12-01-2019, 11:08 PM
derozan has already been here three years:wtf

edit: not 3 years, just 2 mb. Feels like 3 years.

Floyd Pacquiao
12-01-2019, 11:10 PM
IIRC Pop was one of the main guys who wanted derozan as well cause he wanted to stay "competitve". So they both deserve blame. Still though what an utter embarrassment that a proffesional NBA GM and coach in 2019 would want a cancerous 1 dimensional player like derozan. No reason to be optimistic tbh.

12-01-2019, 11:11 PM
And I don’t have a legit answer. I hate this current team and I know that Brian Wright being a good GM is very critical. This is like the worst time to have a new guy with question marks when you have a franchise teetering on the edge and everything looking negative.

He seemed to be creative with Morris/Carroll so that’s a good sign, but he also has at least been involved in a lot of seemingly questionable decisions and the results this year are beyond bad.

To be fair, the lineups are also bad. That's not the GM's fault. This same roster, minus one very good Latvian, pushed the Nuggz to 7 games last year. Killing your starting PG's confidence and starting a war with the team's youth (which is most of the team now) can do that, tbh

12-01-2019, 11:12 PM


12-01-2019, 11:13 PM
Fortunately, I believe LMA will quit the team sooner or later

Doubt it. He played on treadmill teams in Portland for years. He's older now and wants to cash them checks.

That being said, I doubt he fights a trade to Boston to be part of their playoff run

12-01-2019, 11:13 PM
To be fair, the lineups are also bad. That's not the GM's fault. This same roster, minus one very good Latvian, pushed the Nuggz to 7 games last year. Killing your starting PG's confidence and starting a war with the team's youth (which is most of the team now) can do that, tbh

True, but again, GM built this roster too. When you don’t bring in actual upgrades and just stand pat, you run the risk of this since there is no clear cut great option

12-01-2019, 11:15 PM
BTW - Morris had never made more than $5M in a season. The Knicks paid him $15M for a 1-year deal. They (the Knicks) were the thing you dread the most - spoilers. They applied ridiculous pressure in a move that couldn't make them winners, but could seriously fuck someone else. There was never a point where the Spurs could have afforded to pay him $15M. But if they had thrown $15M at a guy who never made more than $5M in his career, people would have howled like banshees. But he would have been a great addition for what the Spurs were going to pay him.

Carroll is a different matter. That was more of a shoulder-shrug signing - they had some money to spend. I wasn't wild about the multi-year contract, even if the third year is only guaranteed for a small slice. The fact that Pop won't put him on the floor makes me wonder if that was Wright trying to assert himself. If that's true, I think less of Wright. But it would also show that trying to "collaborate" on something that Pop doesn't want. None of that would argue in favor of Wright being a dynamic GM now or later.

12-01-2019, 11:19 PM
BTW - Morris had never made more than $5M in a season. The Knicks paid him $15M for a 1-year deal. They (the Knicks) were the thing you dread the most - spoilers. They applied ridiculous pressure in a move that couldn't make them winners, but could seriously fuck someone else. There was never a point where the Spurs could have afforded to pay him $15M. But if they had thrown $15M at a guy who never made more than $5M in his career, people would have howled like banshees. But he would have been a great addition for what the Spurs were going to pay him.

Carroll is a different matter. That was more of a shoulder-shrug signing - they had some money to spend. I wasn't wild about the multi-year contract, even if the third year is only guaranteed for a small slice. The fact that Pop won't put him on the floor makes me wonder if that was Wright trying to assert himself. If that's true, I think less of Wright. But it would also show that trying to "collaborate" on something that Pop doesn't want. None of that would argue in favor of Wright being a dynamic GM now or later.

If PATFO tampered with Porzingis perhaps they deserved it.

12-01-2019, 11:22 PM


Wright hiding under his desk

12-01-2019, 11:24 PM
Carroll was signed when Buford was still the GM.

12-01-2019, 11:24 PM
True, but again, GM built this roster too. When you don’t bring in actual upgrades and just stand pat, you run the risk of this since there is no clear cut great option
Also, haven’t considered that I thought Gay got overpaid too and is looking pretty bad out there too tbh.

12-01-2019, 11:25 PM
BTW - Morris had never made more than $5M in a season. The Knicks paid him $15M for a 1-year deal. They (the Knicks) were the thing you dread the most - spoilers. They applied ridiculous pressure in a move that couldn't make them winners, but could seriously fuck someone else. There was never a point where the Spurs could have afforded to pay him $15M. But if they had thrown $15M at a guy who never made more than $5M in his career, people would have howled like banshees. But he would have been a great addition for what the Spurs were going to pay him.

Carroll is a different matter. That was more of a shoulder-shrug signing - they had some money to spend. I wasn't wild about the multi-year contract, even if the third year is only guaranteed for a small slice. The fact that Pop won't put him on the floor makes me wonder if that was Wright trying to assert himself. If that's true, I think less of Wright. But it would also show that trying to "collaborate" on something that Pop doesn't want. None of that would argue in favor of Wright being a dynamic GM now or later.

And while I think Morris would have helped, did they really think Morris/Carroll was enough of an upgrade to make a legit run with the way they chose to have a “win now” team?

Beyond that, with player evaluation, is it safe to say they underestimated Bertans? Would Morris have been that big of an upgrade over Bertans?

It would be one thing adding Morris/Carroll and keeping Bertans, but they lost Bertans. I was good with that at the time, but now everyone seems to have been wrong and most importantly them

12-01-2019, 11:26 PM
Carroll was signed when Buford was still the GM.
Buford should have signed someone who can run and jump

12-01-2019, 11:26 PM
Disagree; at this level ANY GM job is massive. The fact it’s with SA? That is a sought after position with one of the highest regarded teams in the league. It’s a springboard franchise for basically any position player, coach or front office.

No, no... it's a great career builder. My point is that if you're looking for a guy who will be a real genius-level, transformative GM (and I think that's what you're saying), those guys tend to look for a place where they can make their mark.

I hate to mix in other-sport analogies, but if you're convinced that you are an up-and-coming young football genius, you don't go anywhere near the Cowboys and Jerry Jones because everyone knows you're pretty much a figurehead. That's exactly what I think about someone who is a GM here, with Pop ultimately calling the shots. I'm not at all saying that it's a lame gig, or anything close to that. But if you're Nikola Tesla, you're not taking a job at Radio Shack.

That's what you really want, isn't it? Some genius who can immediately start building this team back to its former glory? The Knicks have a GM. I'd be willing to bet that you wouldn't want him, even though that gig is massive.

12-01-2019, 11:26 PM
Also, haven’t considered that I thought Gay got overpaid too and is looking pretty bad out there too tbh.

Yup, they decided to trade for a win now guy in DeRozan, they evaluated an entire season and they thought running it back but bringing in Morris (with losing a rotation player in Bertans to do so)/Carroll (who kind of sucks) was enough to throw up their hands and say let’s go get it.

12-01-2019, 11:27 PM
Also, haven’t considered that I thought Gay got overpaid too and is looking pretty bad out there too tbh.

Yup, they decided to trade for a win now guy in DeRozan, they evaluated an entire season and they thought running it back but bringing in Morris (with losing a rotation player in Bertans to do so)/Carroll (who kind of sucks) was enough to throw up their hands and say let’s go get it.

12-01-2019, 11:29 PM
Buford should have signed someone who can run and jump

You are damn sure right about that.

12-01-2019, 11:30 PM
No, no... it's a great career builder. My point is that if you're looking for a guy who will be a real genius-level, transformative GM (and I think that's what you're saying), those guys tend to look for a place where they can make their mark.

I hate to mix in other-sport analogies, but if you're convinced that you are an up-and-coming young football genius, you don't go anywhere near the Cowboys and Jerry Jones because everyone knows you're pretty much a figurehead. That's exactly what I think about someone who is a GM here, with Pop ultimately calling the shots. I'm not at all saying that it's a lame gig, or anything close to that. But if you're Nikola Tesla, you're not taking a job at Radio Shack.

That's what you really want, isn't it? Some genius who can immediately start building this team back to its former glory? The Knicks have a GM. I'd be willing to bet that you wouldn't want him, even though that gig is massive.

Ahh, got ya. No that’s not what I was saying. I would love the next Jerry West, but you don’t have to be that in order to be damn good.

My question was is there reason to believe based on what we’ve seen that he can even be above average? What would be the reason for optimism and do the concerns outweigh that?

Spurs need a steady hand and they need someone with creativity, courage and a great basketball mind when it comes to team building.

He’s a rookie and his time is now and he is going to be tossed into the deep end.

12-01-2019, 11:31 PM
And while I think Morris would have helped, did they really think Morris/Carroll was enough of an upgrade to make a legit run with the way they chose to have a “win now” team?

Beyond that, with player evaluation, is it safe to say they underestimated Bertans? Would Morris have been that big of an upgrade over Bertans?

It would be one thing adding Morris/Carroll and keeping Bertans, but they lost Bertans. I was good with that at the time, but now everyone seems to have been wrong and most importantly them

Could the spurs have cut belli and had enough $ to sign morris and keep bertans?

12-01-2019, 11:34 PM
True, but again, GM built this roster too. When you don’t bring in actual upgrades and just stand pat, you run the risk of this since there is no clear cut great option

They did not have much ability to change the roster from last year. They would have had to either trade players or buy them out. I am guessing most of their players either are hard to trade or the Spurs are not willing to trade them which allowed us to only sign one player.

12-01-2019, 11:38 PM
Still while Pop is the leader I don’t think any GM is truly free to trade away his pets, and make real changes. There wasn’t perhaps a real way to improve this in one season without some gamble that would require trading a pick and they can’t do that when it looks like they are heading for the lotto. Pop isn’t blameless in this.

12-01-2019, 11:44 PM
I read somewhere that Wright was the assistant general manager of the Pistons before he came to the Spurs, and looking over at that team’s recent past level of success (a team stuck in the mediocre pits of the Eastern Conference), I can’t say I’m entirely confident with him in charge. At least for now.

12-01-2019, 11:45 PM
Could the spurs have cut belli and had enough $ to sign morris and keep bertans?

Nope. But they could have used picks to acquire better players in trades and/or used picks with non-rotational salaries to make their trade instead of Bertans.

They could have moved DeRozan this off season and gotten assets that fit better around LMA and maybe helped the future too. But they stood relatively pat if we are being honest.

12-01-2019, 11:45 PM
And while I think Morris would have helped, did they really think Morris/Carroll was enough of an upgrade to make a legit run with the way they chose to have a “win now” team?

Beyond that, with player evaluation, is it safe to say they underestimated Bertans? Would Morris have been that big of an upgrade over Bertans?

It would be one thing adding Morris/Carroll and keeping Bertans, but they lost Bertans. I was good with that at the time, but now everyone seems to have been wrong and most importantly them

With Davis, Pop just tried to mold him into a different player rather than put Bertans in position to succeed with the skills he brought to the table. I think he is currently trying to do the same thing with Derrick, Dijon and Lonnie. The Spurs would be much better if Pop made the most of the talents those players offer, putting them in the best position to succeed.

12-01-2019, 11:47 PM
Still while Pop is the leader I don’t think any GM is truly free to trade away his pets, and make real changes. There wasn’t perhaps a real way to improve this in one season without some gamble that would require trading a pick and they can’t do that when it looks like they are heading for the lotto. Pop isn’t blameless in this.

Blameless?!?! Hell, Pop is obviously the principal culprit.

12-01-2019, 11:49 PM
Also FYI:


12-01-2019, 11:51 PM
Also FYI:


Good stuff, Dude. Thanks. Spurs are circling the wagons.

Jordan Jackson
12-01-2019, 11:55 PM
Also FYI:


So basically they're hiding? I would hide to it I built this roster.

Lets be honest though, this has been a long time coming. This front office started digging this hole with the Pau/Patty extensions.

12-01-2019, 11:56 PM
Also FYI:


Spurs not allowing media to interview their new gm amidst a losing season? Shocker

12-02-2019, 12:05 AM
Ahh, got ya. No that’s not what I was saying. I would love the next Jerry West, but you don’t have to be that in order to be damn good.

My question was is there reason to believe based on what we’ve seen that he can even be above average? What would be the reason for optimism and do the concerns outweigh that?

Spurs need a steady hand and they need someone with creativity, courage and a great basketball mind when it comes to team building.

He’s a rookie and his time is now and he is going to be tossed into the deep end.

Well then, the only thing we really know is that he's moved up pretty damn fast. Orlando and Detroit obviously thought a lot of him. No matter what the trolls here think, Buford is no fool, and he obviously thinks a lot of him too. I don't even blame a young guy if he's not able to stand up to Pop in this environment. And he's probably pretty wise for avoiding the press, for that same reason. They say he had a hand in finding Murray and White. Again, no matter what the trolls say, those two are pretty good for where they were drafted. I do think it's funny that I haven't seen his name associated with Lonnie Walker in the same way, but that's a whole other discussion.

I think he's a bright guy. Like I said, the league is full of bright guys in FO's, but he probably deserves to be there as much as any of them, if that's the bar for success. My biggest concern of all is whether his selection had too much to do with culture and "soft skills". Because, like it or not, a successful GM really does need to have a good understanding of how all the pieces fit together on a roster AND a handle on it as a business. I'm 100% certain that culture has had a lot to do with the success of the Spurs for a couple of decades. But my perspective is that the same thing may have kept them from making some hard choices. And the failure to make some of those hard choices has a lot to do with the recent rapid erosion, IMO.

You keep going back to the "win now" discussion around DeRozan. You know my position on that. The Spurs should have cleared cap and gone for a good draft pick in the season after Duncan left. First causes are always tricky, but I don't think we're having this discussion now if they had made that hard choice back when they should have.

12-02-2019, 12:11 AM
Could the spurs have cut belli and had enough $ to sign morris and keep bertans?

According to their salary histories, yes. In 2018-19 Beli made $6,153,846, and Morris made $5,375,000 with the Celtics. Of course it isn't as simple as just cutting a player, since Beli is on a 2-yr contract (thanks a lot, Pop) but by the salaries Beli was worth more than Morris at the time. The Knicks were insane to pay Morris $15 million, but be that as it may.

12-02-2019, 12:11 AM
Well then, the only thing we really know is that he's moved up pretty damn fast. Orlando and Detroit obviously thought a lot of him. No matter what the trolls here think, Buford is no fool, and he obviously thinks a lot of him too. I don't even blame a young guy if he's not able to stand up to Pop in this environment. And he's probably pretty wise for avoiding the press, for that same reason. They say he had a hand in finding Murray and White. Again, no matter what the trolls say, those two are pretty good for where they were drafted. I do think it's funny that I haven't seen his name associated with Lonnie Walker in the same way, but that's a whole other discussion.

I think he's a bright guy. Like I said, the league is full of bright guys in FO's, but he probably deserves to be there as much as any of them, if that's the bar for success. My biggest concern of all is whether his selection had too much to do with culture and "soft skills". Because, like it or not, a successful GM really does need to have a good understanding of how all the pieces fit together on a roster AND a handle on it as a business. I'm 100% certain that culture has had a lot to do with the success of the Spurs for a couple of decades. But my perspective is that the same thing may have kept them from making some hard choices. And the failure to make some of those hard choices has a lot to do with the recent rapid erosion, IMO.

You keep going back to the "win now" discussion around DeRozan. You know my position on that. The Spurs should have cleared cap and gone for a good draft pick in the season after Duncan left. First causes are always tricky, but I don't think we're having this discussion now if they had made that hard choice back when they should have.

Agreed - but they did choose the win now route and are not winning. That is a failure then.

12-02-2019, 12:14 AM
timvp - requesting an article on Brian Wright: how he got hired, was it wise and what to expect moving forward.

12-02-2019, 12:18 AM
timvp - requesting an article on Brian Wright: how he got hired, was it wise and what to expect moving forward.


12-02-2019, 12:26 AM

Fck it thirded

12-02-2019, 12:31 AM
I just read some background on Brian Wright. It gave me a queasy feeling. I expected heavyweight basketball stuff, but what do I find? "Gender diversity."

12-02-2019, 12:35 AM
I just read some background on Brian Wright. It gave me a queasy feeling. I expected heavyweight basketball stuff, but what do I find? "Gender diversity."

I wonder if he played any sports,dude is what 5'6?

12-02-2019, 12:45 AM
Doubt it. He played on treadmill teams in Portland for years. He's older now and wants to cash them checks.

That being said, I doubt he fights a trade to Boston to be part of their playoff run

He was at least getting All Star games callouts back then. There's no such incentive on the Spurs now. He'll probably go join forces with some other start, still collect paychecks and get some personal accolade, which is what he really cares about.

12-02-2019, 01:16 AM
Blameless?!?! Hell, Pop is obviously the principal culprit.
I only mentioned it bc it’s a thread criticizing the FO and in this team that can’t be separated from Pop and what he does with the talent he’s given and the talent he doesn’t want to let go off.

12-02-2019, 01:27 AM
He was at least getting All Star games callouts back then. There's no such incentive on the Spurs now. He'll probably go join forces with some other start, still collect paychecks and get some personal accolade, which is what he really cares about.

Don’t know how that’s fair to say with what we’ve seen past two seasons. Things were tough, more than most knew behind the scenes, and he dedicated himself both off seasons and played fantastic basketball and drug SA to the playoffs.

12-02-2019, 02:54 AM
Agreed - but they did choose the win now route and are not winning. That is a failure then.

:lol Yes they did. And if Wright is responsible for that, it's an epic level fail on his part. It's strategy and tactics. I disagreed with the strategy (still do). But once you've chosen, you have to commit to supporting it tactically.

Honestly, I think we've reached a point where we will know how strong of a GM Brian Wright is by whether or not the Spurs make any trades before the deadline.

12-02-2019, 03:24 AM
its ok guys luka samwich will be really good in 4 years

12-02-2019, 05:17 AM
Don’t know how that’s fair to say with what we’ve seen past two seasons. Things were tough, more than most knew behind the scenes, and he dedicated himself both off seasons and played fantastic basketball and drug SA to the playoffs.

I don't know that's fair to say either. He's a good third banana player, that clearly cares enough about basketball to get his numbers. He's not a leader of anything, never been, and we barely made the cut to the playoffs those last two seasons (both times 7th in the west, tied with the 8th seed, clearly playoff fodder).

Respect your opinion, but he's had plenty of help in San Antonio, from Duncan, to Manu, to Kawhi, to some extent DeRozan now, and he's always been the one complaining about his touches, get traded, how he wants to go back to Portland...

I don't want a threadmill team led by a perennial loser. He can go get his last All Star callout somewhere else, and his paychecks too. There's plenty of tanking teams that will welcome him with open arms. He probably still have decent cred in Portland to go back there.

He's a tall Carmelo Anthony, IMO, talented player, wasted in a loser attitude.

12-02-2019, 05:28 AM
I just read some background on Brian Wright. It gave me a queasy feeling. I expected heavyweight basketball stuff, but what do I find? "Gender diversity."

Not surprised tbh,Pop and RC busy burning down the house that Peter Holt built in political spite.
Julianna Holt was Trump's largest SA based donor at 250G the legal maximum in the 2016 election cycle.

I mean hell,it sure seems Pop is trying to sabotage the Spurs...

12-02-2019, 05:37 AM
Not surprised tbh,Pop and RC busy burning down the house that Peter Holt built in political spite.
Julianna Holt was Trump's largest SA based donor at 250G the legal maximum in the 2016 election cycle.

I mean hell,it sure seems Pop is trying to sabotage the Spurs...

Make that half a million...

No wonder Peter had an alcohol problem...

Coach X
12-02-2019, 05:37 AM
The biggest crisis in San Antonio in more than 20 years comes at the worst possible time.

No Bufford at the GM and unproven substitute.

Worst Popovich season ever.

No strong assistant coaches able to become NBA Head Coach.

No winners pedegree players on the court.

No leaders in the locker room and young stars looking terrible (Murray, White)

Not a great 2020 draft class.

Devalued assets all around the roster.

12-02-2019, 11:18 AM
The only thing a Spurs gm will do going forward is show up to the draft lottery thing and smile. It wasn't clear that DeroZan, a serviceable shooter when he was traded, would be so limited, and he's been as good as he's supposed to be. Lma has regressed. People want to blame bertans for offensive woes, but ignore Derrick white regressing?

If you told me , after the three all stars retire, Spurs would make the playoffs once and then start a three year tank I'd be happy. People are going out of their minds trying to create a false ceiling and false flexibility for this team. I give the GM the official sniffer seal of approval for effort.

12-02-2019, 11:44 AM
I don't know that's fair to say either. He's a good third banana player, that clearly cares enough about basketball to get his numbers. He's not a leader of anything, never been, and we barely made the cut to the playoffs those last two seasons (both times 7th in the west, tied with the 8th seed, clearly playoff fodder).

Respect your opinion, but he's had plenty of help in San Antonio, from Duncan, to Manu, to Kawhi, to some extent DeRozan now, and he's always been the one complaining about his touches, get traded, how he wants to go back to Portland...

I don't want a threadmill team led by a perennial loser. He can go get his last All Star callout somewhere else, and his paychecks too. There's plenty of tanking teams that will welcome him with open arms. He probably still have decent cred in Portland to go back there.

He's a tall Carmelo Anthony, IMO, talented player, wasted in a loser attitude.

Signing LMA was the real watershed moment for the Spurs - not the later Pau and Patty signings.

12-02-2019, 11:48 AM
Dude is gonna GM yall out of a lotto pick.
Spurs about to win 4 of 5 or 6 of 7 ...
That murray extension not looking like the steal i predicted, but its early ...

Trill Clinton
12-02-2019, 11:52 AM
With what we have seen so far and what we have ahead, what is the pulse of Spurs fans with the new GM?

We’ve read that Brian played an integral role in the decision to bring DeRozan in. Fair to judge him on that decision? He brought in a guy in Carroll that quite frankly looks bad and can’t even crack the rotation on a losing team with no upside. Is that on him after seeing what this team needed after a full season with LMA/DeRozan together?

Knowing that the franchise is at a major cross-roads and will have to make some tough decisions soon; trade DeRozan/LMA and more in a blow up? Trade one for pieces to fit better around one or the other?

What are your feelings and confidence level that Brian Wright is up to the task of ushering in the next era for SA? Does he have what it takes to guide SA and make smart decisions that build for the future? Does he have the pull to do anything of note and creative?


I feel like I was the only one who was questioning the GM, including RC, while everyone was attacking Pop, Aldridge and Demar. The Gasol and Mills signings were bad. Picking up Aldridge's option year made no sense either. Most of that is on RC, tho.

Floyd Pacquiao
12-02-2019, 11:58 AM

Googled Brian Wright too. Here it says White and Murray were picks he had a big hand in.
Does anyone like the theory that it was Brian Wright that kawhi hated and was the reason he left?

12-02-2019, 12:03 PM
On paper and with logical rotations/proper coaching, the team should probably be a 5-8 seed.

But he ain't coaching and we all know who has the final say with all FO moves in the organization.

This shit show isn't on him (at least not with the info we have available), it's on the old man doing his best to make sure this franchise is fucked for years to come.

12-02-2019, 12:14 PM
I like that there’s trade rumors flying around. Maybe he doesn’t wanna stand pat.

12-02-2019, 12:18 PM
I don't know that's fair to say either. He's a good third banana player, that clearly cares enough about basketball to get his numbers. He's not a leader of anything, never been, and we barely made the cut to the playoffs those last two seasons (both times 7th in the west, tied with the 8th seed, clearly playoff fodder).

Respect your opinion, but he's had plenty of help in San Antonio, from Duncan, to Manu, to Kawhi, to some extent DeRozan now, and he's always been the one complaining about his touches, get traded, how he wants to go back to Portland...

I don't want a threadmill team led by a perennial loser. He can go get his last All Star callout somewhere else, and his paychecks too. There's plenty of tanking teams that will welcome him with open arms. He probably still have decent cred in Portland to go back there.

He's a tall Carmelo Anthony, IMO, talented player, wasted in a loser attitude.

But the two seasons ago, there was no Kawhi and he was pulling all kinds of crap and LMA was the one to right the ship, keep guys together and make the playoffs. 8th, 7th seed or whatever, that is leadership.

Then with DeRozan in the fold and loss of Danny Green and Dejounte, he did it again.

I get what you are saying and there is plenty of evidence of that, but there has been a turn around for LMA in SA IMO

12-02-2019, 12:27 PM
I feel like I was the only one who was questioning the GM, including RC, while everyone was attacking Pop, Aldridge and Demar. The Gasol and Mills signings were bad. Picking up Aldridge's option year made no sense either. Most of that is on RC, tho.

Very true. RC and Pop (I think Pop has the strongest voice outside of the draft) have really faltered the past few years when looked at a micro picture. But I find it hard to get too pissed at anything pre-Kawhi since flaws and all they were a contender still. Kind of feels nit picky to hate on smaller moves when you are still a contender.

But post Kawhi? You are feeling the after effects of some of the with-Kawhi moves that weren’t so good which is understandable. But pushing that aside and looking only post-Kawhi, it’s been pretty bad.

Choosing DeRozan, poor free agency efforts, no aggressive trades, not committing to their decision to win-now, guaranteeing LMA for no reason (although that appears to not be set in stone, but judging on how bad they harm themselves in the name of loyalty, I can’t imagine they would move up the date of the guarantee if they weren’t planning on doing it), etc..

So we don’t know how involved Brian has been but it’s 100% not fair to pin everything on him; at worst, it is this year you can start to question him some (Carroll, no other aggressive re-shaping of the roster). But this is the biggest crossroads this franchise has seen in 20+ years (not counting Duncan possibly leaving as a FA to ORL).

So this GM is going to be insanely critical even if the organization always pools ideas/decisions. I don’t know if having a rookie GM was the right move knowing that LMA/DeRozan were likely on the way out even if SA made the playoffs and this on the horizon. This start to the season just expedited things (but it shouldn’t have been totally unexpected). I expected to be a playoff team, but even with that without any other moves everyone knew that was the ceiling with no real shot to get to the WCF.

12-02-2019, 12:32 PM
LA gonna get his wish.

12-02-2019, 12:37 PM
Dude is gonna GM yall out of a lotto pick.
Spurs about to win 4 of 5 or 6 of 7 ...
That murray extension not looking like the steal i predicted, but its early ...

Look, Spurs losing no matter what and the schedule gets tougher. Hard to say anything he’s done has kept the Spurs from losing :lol

But he has a big trade deadline coming up. He has to nail this (and by nail it, I mean make wise decisions and pick a lane - move some players and try to win now or move LMA/Rudy/DeRozan and focus on the future heavily).

I’m not worried about the Murray deal; no matter what at that price there is little risk.

12-02-2019, 12:37 PM
On paper and with logical rotations/proper coaching, the team should probably be a 5-8 seed.

But he ain't coaching and we all know who has the final say with all FO moves in the organization.

This shit show isn't on him (at least not with the info we have available), it's on the old man doing his best to make sure this franchise is fucked for years to come.

Yessir! Exactly.

12-02-2019, 12:57 PM
Look, Spurs losing no matter what and the schedule gets tougher. Hard to say anything he’s done has kept the Spurs from losing :lol

But he has a big trade deadline coming up. He has to nail this (and by nail it, I mean make wise decisions and pick a lane - move some players and try to win now or move LMA/Rudy/DeRozan and focus on the future heavily).

I’m not worried about the Murray deal; no matter what at that price there is little risk.

Tougher? I see Cavs kings Suns and Rox on the horizon yall could win all easily except Rox but yall could lose them all too... My guess is yall will split especially with a few home games on the ledger

12-02-2019, 12:59 PM
Having Murray and White struggle this year, along with Morris reneging on his signing, really hurt this team. I'd give Wright a mulligan for this past offseason. Now Wright needs to trade away Aldridge and DeRozan, among others, and rebuild this team. Would love for OP to bump this thread next year to see what has transpired with this team.

12-02-2019, 01:00 PM
Tougher? I see Cavs kings Suns and Rox on the horizon yall could win all easily except Rox but yall could lose them all too... My guess is yall will split especially with a few home games on the ledger

Not talking 3 games; SA has the hardest remaining schedule in the league for the remainder of the season.

12-02-2019, 01:02 PM
Having Murray and White struggle this year, along with Morris reneging on his signing, really hurt this team. I'd give Wright a mulligan for this past offseason. Now Wright needs to trade away Aldridge and DeRozan, among others, and rebuild this team. Would love for OP to bump this thread next year to see what has transpired with this team.

I’m sure it will; this is not a referendum on Wright. It’s a discussion about the decision and trying to see if there are some real signs of optimism. It’s an important time for the franchise and he’s tasked as the new GM to usher in a new era.

A little scary, but hopefully SA found the right man for the job.

12-02-2019, 01:06 PM
timvp - requesting an article on Brian Wright: how he got hired, was it wise and what to expect moving forward.

:tu Will do.

12-02-2019, 01:22 PM
I'd have to know exactly what LA Clipps, Boston and any other offers were for Leonard before passing judgement. I'm inclined to believe he had next to zero authority for the Toronto disaster. Moving fwd he should have absolutely moved DD and LMA by now. If he had anything to do with Patty n Pau he should be dismissed. Don't think he did. This is The Pop Retirement Show now.

12-02-2019, 01:37 PM
Look, Spurs losing no matter what and the schedule gets tougher. Hard to say anything he’s done has kept the Spurs from losing :lol

But he has a big trade deadline coming up. He has to nail this (and by nail it, I mean make wise decisions and pick a lane - move some players and try to win now or move LMA/Rudy/DeRozan and focus on the future heavily).

I’m not worried about the Murray deal; no matter what at that price there is little risk.

Any further attempts to win now by Wright would make me more critical of him, tbh... Someone has to see that the train has been derailed. You can't build on LMA-DD for a playoff push, even less if you take into account that any win-now trade would probably be sacrificing either picks or young players, both of which the Spurs desperately need. We so obviously need to blow it up that a failure by the GM to see this could actually set the franchise back years (despite people being overly alarmist here, we're not more significantly set back than we were when Kawhi left... Still have all our draft picks, young players to develop, some vets we *could* get assets back from). Just a perfect moment to be sellers for any contending teams, or middling ones like Orlando, Detroit, etc.

12-02-2019, 01:41 PM
Any further attempts to win now by Wright would make me more critical of him, tbh... Someone has to see that the train has been derailed. You can't build on LMA-DD for a playoff push, even less if you take into account that any win-now trade would probably be sacrificing either picks or young players, both of which the Spurs desperately need. We so obviously need to blow it up that a failure by the GM to see this could actually set the franchise back years (despite people being overly alarmist here, we're not more significantly set back than we were when Kawhi left... Still have all our draft picks, young players to develop, some vets we *could* get assets back from). Just a perfect moment to be sellers for any contending teams, or middling ones like Orlando, Detroit, etc.

What about moving just DeRozan for a player(s) that might fit better with Lma and Murray/White? 3D type player. Would not have to give up picks or youth since you are giving up the better player in DeRozan and might help push for playoffs?

12-02-2019, 01:47 PM
What about moving just DeRozan for a player(s) that might fit better with Lma and Murray/White? 3D type player. Would not have to give up picks or youth since you are giving up the better player in DeRozan and might help push for playoffs?

I can't think of a single 3&D player in the league whose team is so low on, that they'd consider trading them for DeRozan's huge contract and exact opposite ability. Like, what team that has a quality 3&D player would desperately need a player who offers no 3 and no D either...? The most realistic ways I see us getting out of DeMar's contract is either attaching assets to it (definitely not ideal), or selling high to a middling team willing to make a playoff push; the market* for which has shrunk, since Orlando has sustained a few injuries and I don't think they'd pick up the phone now. Leaving only Detroit, maybe Miami and others on the mix...

I see LMA being the more easily moveable target, because of his position and defensive upside. I think we could get assets from him, and since the FO has guaranteed both years on his deal, I'd much rather have a first round pick than two years of an over-the-hill LaMarcus, much as I appreciate what he's done for the Spurs. It's just time to flip the page... Any semblance of contention further hinders the development of our youth.

12-02-2019, 01:52 PM
I can't think of a single 3&D player in the league whose team is so low on, that they'd consider trading them for DeRozan's huge contract and exact opposite ability. Like, what team that has a quality 3&D player would desperately need a player who offers no 3 and no D either...? The most realistic ways I see us getting out of DeMar's contract is either attaching assets to it (definitely not ideal), or selling high to a middling team willing to make a playoff push; the market* for which has shrunk, since Orlando has sustained a few injuries and I don't think they'd pick up the phone now. Leaving only Detroit, maybe Miami and others on the mix...

I see LMA being the more easily moveable target, because of his position and defensive upside. I think we could get assets from him, and since the FO has guaranteed both years on his deal, I'd much rather have a first round pick than two years of an over-the-hill LaMarcus, much as I appreciate what he's done for the Spurs. It's just time to flip the page... Any semblance of contention further hinders the development of our youth.

There is no surefire thing, but maybe Otto Porter Jr. He’s having a bad season, but fits that build on paper. It would be a gamble,but one that would not cost any picks or young assets.

And my preference would be to move both LMA/DeRozan for the future and Rudy/Beli/Mills too. But I would be fine if SA tried a quick, low risk retool as well.

baseline bum
12-02-2019, 01:59 PM
:tu Will do.

I'm interested to know how involved RC is. Man if he's not drafting anymore this is going to be a long long stretch of the team sucking.

Floyd Pacquiao
12-02-2019, 02:10 PM
There is no surefire thing, but maybe Otto Porter Jr. He’s having a bad season, but fits that build on paper. It would be a gamble,but one that would not cost any picks or young assets.

And my preference would be to move both LMA/DeRozan for the future and Rudy/Beli/Mills too. But I would be fine if SA tried a quick, low risk retool as well.

Just trading derozan for porter would make this team a hell of a lot better especially if pop would play the correct line ups. Imagine a White, Walker. Porter, Lyles? Aldridge line up. Defensive potential would be through the roof

12-02-2019, 02:28 PM
San Antonio Spurs: Any Reason for Optimism?


12-02-2019, 02:32 PM
worst hire in the spurs history..........fook u DPG21920 i was going to start the brian wright bashing thread u stole my clout

12-02-2019, 02:45 PM
This isn’t a bashing thread....I mean, it can be if you want it to be, but it’s open-ended and starting the conversation since this is becoming very important as the trade deadline and DEC15 approaches.

12-02-2019, 02:48 PM
Brian Wright? More like Brian WRONG.

I'll see myself out.

12-02-2019, 02:50 PM
I highly doubt that Brian Wright was the reason we packaged Danny Green in the nephew trade. That was most likely Pop, which is now the reason we have to start Bryn Forbes and this roster has no defense

12-02-2019, 02:51 PM
So we don’t know how involved Brian has been

Yes, we do. R. C. Buford was the GM up until last July 23rd. Everything the GM did before that date was done by R. C.

Sorry if I'm confusing this fascinatingly inane/insane discussion by mentioning facts......

12-02-2019, 02:53 PM
I'm interested to know how involved RC is. Man if he's not drafting anymore this is going to be a long long stretch of the team sucking.

Agreed. RC's drafting prowess is the best thing this franchise has going for it, tbh.

12-02-2019, 03:03 PM
Kinda off topic but I think it fits since he'd be behind it... I wonder if LMA sitting out isn't as much about not injuring him before a potential trade as it is because of the soreness as reported.

12-02-2019, 03:26 PM
Kinda off topic but I think it fits since he'd be behind it... I wonder if LMA sitting out isn't as much about not injuring him before a potential trade as it is because of the soreness as reported.

It's doubtful that being on the injury report will help the trade value of a player 34 years old.

Cryptic Parable
12-02-2019, 03:29 PM
Spurs should have taken Siakam instead of DeMar and I’m not bashing DeMar. I don’t hate him but long term Spurs should have been thinking future proofing and getting young talent to develop not making a run at playoffs before Pop retires. It’s championships or bust. Develop your players and see what you have and if by a certain time frame you don’t see the type of improvements you want scrap and do again for that position. LaMarcus and DeMar need to be traded so we can develop a young core and possibly go after a free agent or two who can help and wants to be here. The presently constructed team is not consistent enough to warrant keeping together so by the trade deadline I expect major changes to the roster including rotation of current players especially if no moves are

12-02-2019, 03:36 PM
Spurs should have taken Siakam ...

The world of the NBA is not one where you simply take what you want. Siakam was not available.

12-02-2019, 03:37 PM
Dude is gonna GM yall out of a lotto pick.

So Brian Wright is going to get this Spurs team into the playoffs from his GM office?

baseline bum
12-02-2019, 03:49 PM
Agreed. RC's drafting prowess is the only thing this franchise has going for it, tbh.


12-02-2019, 03:50 PM
So does anyone know if wright actually played in basketball at a higher level say college or over seas ?Did the guy do anyhing meaningful in det or orl in his previous stops!?

baseline bum
12-02-2019, 03:51 PM
Spurs should have taken Siakam instead of DeMar and I’m not bashing DeMar.

Or maybe they should have traded for Giannis instead?

12-02-2019, 03:57 PM
Spurs should have taken Siakem instead of DeMar

Siakam was not available.

You guys do understand that the salaries had to match on both sides of the trade? Kawhi was due around $18M that year, and Siakam was due about $1.5M. How would the Raptors have balanced out the other $16.5M to make that trade work?

The word was that the Raptors FO people were amazed that the Spurs didn't demand Siakam in the deal for Kawhi, but about the only way that could have happened is in addition to DDR - just because DeRozan had the big chunk of salary.
Now if the Spurs had traded Kawhi, Beli, and Forbes for DDR and Siakam THAT would have been some fancy GM work.

Dr. John R. Brinkley
12-02-2019, 04:03 PM
First mistake was trying to get in the playoffs during nephews last year, and not trying to get into the lottery for what was an obviously dysfunctional season going nowhere.

Second problem, which is the biggest problem that still haunts the team today, is not going for an obvious rebuild after nephew bailed and we had to make a trade.

And so by not taking the best offers from either the Lakers or the Clippers, or at least pressing for the best option possible which Sam Presti obviously did in trading Paul George, we are where we are now.

Everything since then are smaller issues culminating from a larger awful decision-making process.

12-02-2019, 04:11 PM
First mistake was trying to get in the playoffs during nephews last year, and not trying to get into the lottery for what was an obviously dysfunctional season going nowhere.

Second problem, which is the biggest problem that still haunts the team today, is not going for an obvious rebuild after nephew bailed and we had to make a trade.

And so by not taking the best offers from either the Lakers or the Clippers, or at least pressing for the best option possible which Sam Presti obviously did in trading Paul George, we are where we are now.

Everything since then are smaller issues culminating from a larger awful decision-making process.

This is something that's bugs me. The Kawhi trade was obviously one where Kawhi was undervalued due to his "injury" and lack of honesty. After playing a whole year and winning a championship his value was obviously higher. The trade for Paul George, was a trade for kawhi Leonard. All that the clippers gave out could have been the Spurs if nephew were healthy. The clippers wouldn't send all those picks and talent for only Paul George. Paul George was mandatory to get Lenard for the clippers

Dr. John R. Brinkley
12-02-2019, 04:15 PM
This is something that's bugs me. The Kawhi trade was obviously one where Kawhi was undervalued due to his "injury" and lack of honesty. After playing a whole year and winning a championship his value was obviously higher. The trade for Paul George, was a trade for kawhi Leonard. All that the clippers gave out could have been the Spurs if nephew were healthy. The clippers wouldn't send all those picks and talent for only Paul George. Paul George was mandatory to get Lenard for the clippers

I agree that Leonards value was lower at that point, but the Lakers, for example, were dying to make a trade for him and I think the team would be a lot better off right now if they had taken what the Lakers we’re obviously going to offer. I hate the Lakers, but pride and stubbornness really screw our options. The Lakers are an idiotic organization and would have been taken easily. Magic Johnson was trying to make a deal. He’s a gullible moron, though legendary player.

12-02-2019, 04:21 PM
It's doubtful that being on the injury report will help the trade value of a player 34 years old.

Admittedly, I'm grasping at straws.... that's about all we Spurs fans have at the moment..

12-02-2019, 05:12 PM
Yes, we do. R. C. Buford was the GM up until last July 23rd. Everything the GM did before that date was done by R. C.

Sorry if I'm confusing this fascinatingly inane/insane discussion by mentioning facts......

No. There’s already proof Wright was involved already

TD 21
12-02-2019, 05:18 PM
No reason for optimism until these senile idiots no longer have control or influence on personnel matters, save for the league either handing or the Spurs organically stumbling into another franchise player.

12-02-2019, 05:26 PM
Yes, we do. R. C. Buford was the GM up until last July 23rd. Everything the GM did before that date was done by R. C.

Sorry if I'm confusing this fascinatingly inane/insane discussion by mentioning facts......



12-02-2019, 05:28 PM
Will Pop really blow it up before the deadline if the team continues to lose?

12-02-2019, 05:28 PM
Of course...Pop won't be here forever...Hopefully he won't be here past this season...

12-02-2019, 05:40 PM
This is something that's bugs me. The Kawhi trade was obviously one where Kawhi was undervalued due to his "injury" and lack of honesty. After playing a whole year and winning a championship his value was obviously higher. The trade for Paul George, was a trade for kawhi Leonard. All that the clippers gave out could have been the Spurs if nephew were healthy. The clippers wouldn't send all those picks and talent for only Paul George. Paul George was mandatory to get Lenard for the clippers

Some of that is right, but some isn't. The main reason why Autist's value was lower was that he was a 1-year rental. He and Uncle had made it plain that he only wanted to play for a couple of teams. Anyone else was facing the certainty of him leaving after one year. Maybe Toronto convinced themselves that he wouldn't leave if they won a 'ship, but that's beside the point. Pretty much everyone knew that he was Cali bound after his contract expired. And the Lakers didn't think they had to bargain aggressively for him, because they thought he was coming there for free. (Don't believe me - Autist specifically asked Magic if the Lakers had tried to get him in their interview. Straight from Magic.)

Also, Autist made it clear that he would only agree to go to the Clips if they also signed Paul George. And they were only able to pry George away from OKC because they got Autist as a free agent. If they had given up all those assets for Autist, they wouldn't have been able to get George, and Autist might not have stayed. So no, it wasn't a trade for Autist. It was a trade that met Autist's conditions for signing.

12-02-2019, 05:44 PM
Sealed his own fate with that deal tbh

12-02-2019, 06:48 PM
You guys do understand that the salaries had to match on both sides of the trade? ...

Gosh, you're a dumbass. This isn't about the whole trade, dumbass, it's about Siakam, dumbass.

... word was that the Raptors FO people were amazed that the Spurs didn't demand Siakam in the deal for Kawhi...

That is not the word, dumbass. The word is that if the Raptors were giving up DDR they were never going to include their best young talent as well, dumbass. Masai would never go for that. Dumbass.

Siakam was never available. Which is what I already wrote, dumbass.


12-02-2019, 06:49 PM
Calm down.

12-02-2019, 06:54 PM
No. There’s already proof Wright was involved already

No, there is not any proof that he was involved. There is proof that he worked in the office, and somebody mentioned he was allowed to answer the phone sometimes. R. C. Was the GM, spunky, and that is a fact. But I know you little girls are all intent on having a hissy fit with no facts standing in your way, so go ahead.

12-02-2019, 07:13 PM


I hadn’t read that before. Basically the story of two “pals” - one who likes to pitch and one who likes to catch. And the Spurs are the fortunate team who employs the one who likes to catch.

12-02-2019, 07:15 PM
No reason for optimism until these senile idiots no longer have control or influence on personnel matters, save for the league either handing or the Spurs organically stumbling into another franchise player.

So they stumbled on Duncan, Parker, Ginobili, and Leonard. That's some pretty impressive stumbling.

12-02-2019, 07:42 PM
I hadn’t read that before. Basically the story of two “pals” - one who likes to pitch and one who likes to catch. And the Spurs are the fortunate team who employs the one who likes to catch.

You got it.

12-02-2019, 07:50 PM
Gosh, you're a dumbass. This isn't about the whole trade, dumbass, it's about Siakam, dumbass. Blah, blah, blah. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.poundingtherock.com/platform/amp/2019/6/2/18648378/san-antonio-spurs-never-chance-toronto-raptors-pascal-siakam&ved=2ahUKEwjg-O-ijpjmAhWEqp4KHdN3Bv04ChAWMAV6BAgGEAE&usg=AOvVaw0HGasmKhLe6VM6krAIC0Ei

LOL. So in other words, you didn't know about the salary matching. I'm surprised Jesus Gomez didn't write an article about that for you. :lol

They didn't warn you all the estrogen would fuck with your emotions before you started your transition, did they?

12-02-2019, 07:57 PM
I hadn’t read that before. Basically the story of two “pals” - one who likes to pitch and one who likes to catch. And the Spurs are the fortunate team who employs the one who likes to catch.

So what are you trying to say? :D

12-02-2019, 08:04 PM
LOL. So in other words, you didn't know about the salary matching. ...

Of course I know about salary matching, little girl, but the subject was Siakam. Who was not available.

They didn't warn you all the estrogen would fuck with your emotions before you started your transition, did they?

I don't know much about estrogen, but I'll take your word for it.

Did they warn you that turning into a swan would make you a birdbrain?

12-02-2019, 08:04 PM
The word was that the Raptors FO people were amazed that the Spurs didn't demand Siakam in the deal
Can you expound upon what "the word" is?

12-02-2019, 08:20 PM


Good article. Reading this quote is awful:

"The Boston Celtics were pushing hard for Leonard. They were offering mostly draft picks. The west coast teams, the Lakers and Clippers, were actively involved. The New York Knicks made a pitch. Other teams did, too."

It was a bad trade at the time, but god does it look terrible in hindsight. Imagine where the Spurs would be if they had taken some of the Celtics' picks from their Nets haul, traded LMA close to his prime for more picks, and committed to a rebuild? Instead we turned Kawhi into non-valuable assets and wasted our other star asset. Sad.

12-02-2019, 08:54 PM
Good article. Reading this quote is awful:

"The Boston Celtics were pushing hard for Leonard. They were offering mostly draft picks. The west coast teams, the Lakers and Clippers, were actively involved. The New York Knicks made a pitch. Other teams did, too."

It was a bad trade at the time, but god does it look terrible in hindsight. Imagine where the Spurs would be if they had taken some of the Celtics' picks from their Nets haul, traded LMA close to his prime for more picks, and committed to a rebuild? Instead we turned Kawhi into non-valuable assets and wasted our other star asset. Sad.

Yeah, I would have been really happy if they had gone that route. But lot of people were totally against a rebuild - probably most fans, TBH. That all ties into what DPG has been saying abut the Spurs choosing a win-now direction. But then they didn't really commit to win-now.

If they had gone the Celtic route, there would have had to be a third party involved, and they would have to have gotten something for facilitating. Usually that involves picks, so maybe the trove for the Spurs would have been smaller than we would have wanted?

12-02-2019, 09:12 PM
Well we haven't extended DeRozan yet so there's a small ray of hope on the horizon. I fully expect him to fuck it up of course, but small blessings for now

12-02-2019, 09:28 PM
Spurs should have taken Siakam instead of DeMar and I’m not bashing DeMar. I don’t hate him but long term Spurs should have been thinking future proofing and getting young talent to develop not making a run at playoffs before Pop retires. It’s championships or bust. Develop your players and see what you have and if by a certain time frame you don’t see the type of improvements you want scrap and do again for that position. LaMarcus and DeMar need to be traded so we can develop a young core and possibly go after a free agent or two who can help and wants to be here. The presently constructed team is not consistent enough to warrant keeping together so by the trade deadline I expect major changes to the roster including rotation of current players especially if no moves are

Why? He’d be in the G league right now.

12-02-2019, 09:40 PM
Why? He’d be in the G league right now.

I think pop would of loved a young athletic pf who can run the floor and defend

12-02-2019, 09:43 PM
I think pop would of loved a young athletic pf who can run the floor and defend

He would... once he got over himself.

12-02-2019, 10:01 PM
I think pop would of loved a young athletic pf who can run the floor and defend

I don’t disagree. My point is just Pop is Pop with young guys.

12-02-2019, 11:07 PM
I honestly don’t know how much of a role or influence he had in that deal; only that he was definitely involved. He made some “creative” moves I guess this off season which seems to bode well (how he got money for Morris/Carroll) but this is a results business and Carroll is bad and can’t even crack the rotation. Beyond that, it’s clear that just getting Carroll was not even enough and he had a full season to evaluate the team. I didn't know much about him before the season and still don't. I would guess RC and Pop were the folks that made the final decision on the trade of nephew and didn't have a great hand to play with his expiring contract. I was of the thought that you don't loan him out for a season- take the salary and see what you can build. I say that not knowing how disruptive it was having Kawhi there. I felt it was just all too much for them and they took what they could get.

I see two main issues- first of all no one thought DDR was a fair trade for the nephew. We were getting fucked no matter what happened. He took $19 million and 'business-wise' stabbed Pop in the back when he had bigger issues to be dealing with. Pop likely tries not to take it personally, as seen by his outward friendliness to him, but I think it's just both of them being professional. I also think that it was mostly business and bad timing on nephew's part. Nephew is my least liked person in sports and I'm not horribly objective. Him leaving was not the issue, it was all the 'back stabbing' and horrible behaviour to the fans and team.

Secondly, I don't think Carroll was ever 'the plan,' and like DDR, just the best they could do after another figurative knife in the back by Morris. Even he doesn't blame Pop or Spurs fans for hating him. He's right, we should. So those two incidents do play a big part in the shape we are in with losing Bertans being bigger than we want to admit. My guess losing Bertans hurts Pop more than Morris going back on his word. We have ad nauseam been through the 'nephew debate' and it's long over, but I don't think Brian, RC, or Pop consider DDR the answer. A lot to consider in this thread.

I think they are looking for answers and it's likely a trade is being strongly considered. Doubt they'll trade LMA and DDR both, as they'll be fortunate to find a decent trade for one of them. They also aren't being forced to make that trade.

12-03-2019, 12:09 AM
No, there is not any proof that he was involved. There is proof that he worked in the office, and somebody mentioned he was allowed to answer the phone sometimes. R. C. Was the GM, spunky, and that is a fact. But I know you little girls are all intent on having a hissy fit with no facts standing in your way, so go ahead.

So he was involved is what you’re saying. Taking trade calls, networking and other activities is involvement. That’s a fact. Why are you so cranky? Pound the rock man.

12-03-2019, 12:28 AM
So he was involved is what you’re saying. Taking trade calls, networking and other activities is involvement. That’s a fact. Why are you so cranky? Pound the rock man.
Because taking calls and making the decision of Kawhi for DD is equal.

12-03-2019, 01:07 AM
Because taking calls and making the decision of Kawhi for DD is equal.

Who said he “made the decision”. He was obviously involved in the process; to what degree? Unknown, but it’s a lot more than getting coffee for RC. Hence the promotion.

12-03-2019, 02:39 AM
Who said he “made the decision”. He was obviously involved in the process; to what degree? Unknown, but it’s a lot more than getting coffee for RC. Hence the promotion. What's your point? Okay he was there when decisions were possibly made. How would you ever know the degree of someone's involvement in those decisions? I don't think Brian's promotion is the cause of what we are seeing.

12-03-2019, 11:48 AM
So he was involved is what you’re saying. Taking trade calls, networking and other activities is involvement. That’s a fact. Why are you so cranky? Pound the rock man.

Guy, earlier you were talking about Wright as if he made the deal. Anybody with any sense knows better than that. That's a fact. Why are you such an idiot? Kiss my ass, man.

12-03-2019, 12:19 PM
Because taking calls and making the decision of Kawhi for DD is equal.

What's your point? Okay he was there when decisions were possibly made. How would you ever know the degree of someone's involvement in those decisions? I don't think Brian's promotion is the cause of what we are seeing.

Guy, earlier you were talking about Wright as if he made the deal. Anybody with any sense knows better than that. That's a fact. Why are you such an idiot? Kiss my ass, man.

Wright didn't "make the deal" But DPG never said that Brian Wright "made the deal". And the reason he never said that is because he knows that an Assistant GM doesn't have the authority to "make a deal" - unlike you three fuckwits.

What we do know is that he was working hard behind the scenes to make the deal happen. And there's pretty good inference that he was doing that because he wanted to see it get done. A lot of trades get proposed, all the time. Very, very damn few of them ever get made. It would help to have an Assistant GM running interference, and according to what the Toronto side said, that's what he was doing. Usually people do things like that when they're sold on the idea. The question this thread was asking is what kind of judgment and deals we can expect, now that he has a lot more authority.

The three of you need to go find a safe space and calm down.

12-03-2019, 12:34 PM
I can sense JeffDuncan feverishly composing his biting response. :lol

Should be along any minute now.

12-03-2019, 12:46 PM
I can sense JeffDuncan feverishly composing his biting response. :lol

Should be along any minute now.

Emotional guy, isn't he?

12-03-2019, 12:52 PM
Spurs traded a career winner for a career loser, they fucked up big time.

12-03-2019, 12:56 PM
This team hit the wall hard, and should have traded vets at the deadline last year. Get what you can and begin to rebuild. This is the start of the next wave.

12-03-2019, 12:56 PM
Debating whether he did the DeRozan is pretty pointless. When pop and rc walk out the door they won't walk out, they'll remain around, and probably give advice. Final say on tanking is probably with the holt kids so you might as well start a thread: holt babies? Any reason for optimism? It has been assumed that the spurs can't tank, the pride of too strong, but the team and pops retirement are forcing their hands.

12-03-2019, 12:57 PM
What we do know is that he was working hard behind the scenes to make the deal happen.

But we don't know if DeRozan was his pick as the main piece or was it Pops.

The answer presents itself right there.

12-03-2019, 01:01 PM
This team hit the wall hard, and should have traded vets at the deadline last year. Get what you can and begin to rebuild. This is the start of the next wave.

We made the playoffs, got a favorable matchup, saw the warriors at a weak point, had a good record against nephew, appeared to uncover a new talent, made a strong late season push, had two prior first round picks coming back, but you think last year should have been blown up? WTF it's with your hurry? You don't have to moneyball the whole ass team, let them blow a season and bottom out naturally!

baseline bum
12-03-2019, 01:12 PM
Spurs traded a career winner for a career loser, they fucked up big time.

Can't believe it's turned out this way, but man did they ever fuck up not getting Jaylen Brown and a pick.

baseline bum
12-03-2019, 01:13 PM
But we don't know if DeRozan was his pick as the main piece or was it Pops.

The answer presents itself right there.

It was Ujiri's main pick, he was salary dumping DePression.

12-03-2019, 01:14 PM
Guy, earlier you were talking about Wright as if he made the deal. Anybody with any sense knows better than that. That's a fact. Why are you such an idiot? Kiss my ass, man.

I said he made the deal? For person so angry and fired up about facts, you sure don’t seem to care about them. I said he played in integral role and based on everything we’ve seen reported (not just the ol angry old man Jeff Duncan rage posting) that is true.

He didn’t make the deal by himself, but you are flat out fooling yourself if you think he wasn’t heavily involved. This isn’t DPG reporting this; it’s been reported by several people that covered the situation.

You think it’s a coincidence that just 2 seasons later Wright is the GM?

12-03-2019, 01:15 PM
I can sense JeffDuncan feverishly composing his biting response. :lol

Should be along any minute now.

:lol Seriously - this guys posts like a 15 year old version of TPark. It’s very unpleasant but I still love him as a member of this fine community.

12-03-2019, 01:17 PM
Debating whether he did the DeRozan is pretty pointless. When pop and rc walk out the door they won't walk out, they'll remain around, and probably give advice. Final say on tanking is probably with the holt kids so you might as well start a thread: holt babies? Any reason for optimism? It has been assumed that the spurs can't tank, the pride of too strong, but the team and pops retirement are forcing their hands.

The Holt kids have the ownership but make no mistake, they are not just going to throw their weight around and start dominating player decisions. They will be involved, but as long as Pop, RC and others are there? Yeah, just like previous owners they leave that stuff to the people running the show.

Don’t try to minimize the new GM role; that is silly.

12-03-2019, 01:18 PM
We made the playoffs, got a favorable matchup, saw the warriors at a weak point, had a good record against nephew, appeared to uncover a new talent, made a strong late season push, had two prior first round picks coming back, but you think last year should have been blown up? WTF it's with your hurry? You don't have to moneyball the whole ass team, let them blow a season and bottom out naturally!

I agree with that; you can always blow it up. That part is easy. Building a playoff team even is hard - look at the majority of teams that blew it up; still aren’t playoff teams.

Now, SA is a better organization than most and draft better which is the key in blowing it up, but still..

However, with what you said, they absolutely sh*t the bed in truly reshaping this roster to maximize the chances to compete.

12-03-2019, 01:21 PM
What's your point? Okay he was there when decisions were possibly made. How would you ever know the degree of someone's involvement in those decisions? I don't think Brian's promotion is the cause of what we are seeing.

I didn’t say it was the cause; I asked if based on what we’ve seen, knowing he’s played a role in this recent shaping of the team, is there reason to believe he is the right man for the job for a franchise at the fork in the road.

12-03-2019, 02:12 PM
There's no point in evaluating someone based on basically no information.

If there was no Pop & R. C. behind him then we could say he did a shitty job.

But i really doubt he would've gone that way had he operated alone.

12-03-2019, 03:10 PM
There's no point in evaluating someone based on basically no information.

If there was no Pop & R. C. behind him then we could say he did a shitty job.

But i really doubt he would've gone that way had he operated alone.

I think there is a great interest in looking at the new GM with where the franchise is. It’s one of the biggest stories this off season and will be crucial moving forward.

Agree it’s not as much about evaluating his results right now; it’s more about the how/why he was hired and what about him might give people confidence he was the right hire.

12-03-2019, 03:28 PM
I think there is a great interest in looking at the new GM with where the franchise is. It’s one of the biggest stories this off season and will be crucial moving forward.

Agree it’s not as much about evaluating his results right now; it’s more about the how/why he was hired and what about him might give people confidence he was the right hire.

What gives you confidence he was the right hire dpg?

12-03-2019, 03:41 PM
What gives you confidence he was the right hire dpg?

I am on the opposite end right now of that. I think he played a solid role in the DeRozan trade which is a strike against him in my book. I don’t think he came up with the idea, but I think he had his fingerprints all over that and helped sell the idea.

I think the franchise needs a steady hand and someone who excels in team building and with what little we’ve seen the past two years I’m not sold he understands that aspect that well. His previous teams he worked on aren’t very good in that department either. I also think it needs to be someone with enough juice to convince Pop of what is best for the franchise and not sure about that with him. Who knows, maybe Pop is truly gone and doesn’t last his 3 years since it will be a rebuild and he will get to do what he wants without the approval of Pop?

I believe he’s showed a little bit of creativity with the Carroll/Morris signings in terms of how they came about which is good; but I think he might be more a relationship guy vs a truly shrewd and steadying force which is what SA will need as they embark on what appears to be an obvious rebuild.

So while I won’t say I disagree with the hire, I will say it’s a curious one with how critical this juncture is and I am looking for reasons to be optimistic. He has a big, big test coming up this trade deadline IMO.

12-03-2019, 03:52 PM
RC and especially Pop are running the team lol, not Brian Wright. That poor black man was just given a title so he could be the face to blame in the Post-Kawhi era.

So fitting of Pop to do that. He already got credit for all of Kawhi and Duncan’s success....

TD 21
12-03-2019, 04:35 PM
So they stumbled on Duncan, Parker, Ginobili, and Leonard. That's some pretty impressive stumbling.

:lmao You're seriously going to give them credit for Duncan? He was only considered one of the greatest prospects of all-time.

Parker, fair enough; but it's well known how big a part Presti played in the decision.

Ginobili, they admittedly knew little about and took a flier on, in large part because Buford just so happened to be in the same restaurant as the Argentina national team after some tournament and liked their camaraderie.

Scumbag was supposedly their third target behind Valanciunas and Thompson and Budenholzer allegedly played a significant role, as they were emotional about trading a role player who'd been here for 5 minutes.

Don't kid yourself, front office results in professional sports are largely based on luck.

RC and especially Pop are running the team lol, not Brian Wright. That poor black man was just given a title so he could be the face to blame in the Post-Kawhi era.

So fitting of Pop to do that. He already got credit for all of Kawhi and Duncan’s success....

Wright is mixed . . . the Spurs would never go black with these senile plantation owners controlling or influencing things. They're terrified of cliché, inner city black culture.

12-03-2019, 06:48 PM
:lmao You're seriously going to give them credit for Duncan? He was only considered one of the greatest prospects of all-time.

Parker, fair enough; but it's well known how big a part Presti played in the decision.

Ginobili, they admittedly knew little about and took a flier on, in large part because Buford just so happened to be in the same restaurant as the Argentina national team after some tournament and liked their camaraderie.

Scumbag was supposedly their third target behind Valanciunas and Thompson and Budenholzer allegedly played a significant role, as they were emotional about trading a role player who'd been here for 5 minutes.

Don't kid yourself, front office results in professional sports are largely based on luck.

Wright is mixed . . . the Spurs would never go black with these senile plantation owners controlling or influencing things. They're terrified of cliché, inner city black culture.

Leonard is a prefect example of PATFO's competence and ability to scout and develop talent. Cory Joseph and SLOMO were obviously to a lesser extent players found in the bottom of 1st round that at the very least were rotation players here with the Spurs and who both went on to sign 2nd contracts with other teams. Please explain to me how PATFO has a world renown reputation, yet a legend in their own mind on ST, thinks they're overrated and incompetent?

12-03-2019, 07:38 PM
:lmao You're seriously going to give them credit for Duncan? He was only considered one of the greatest prospects of all-time.

Ah, yes, just like the youngest Euroleague MVP was the obvious candidate for #1 pick... Wait, you're saying that didn't happen? *Multiple* franchises skipped on him? But it was so obvious!

Leonard is a prefect example of PATFO's competence and ability to scout and develop talent. Cory Joseph and SLOMO were obviously to a lesser extent players found in the bottom of 1st round that at the very least were rotation players here with the Spurs and who both went on to sign 2nd contracts with other teams. Please explain to me how PATFO has a world renown reputation, yet a legend in their own mind on ST, thinks they're overrated and incompetent?

Some posters really believe it's all too easy finding rotation players and stars out of mid and lat round picks. The one thing that cannot rightly be criticized about the Spurs throughout their tenure is their eye for talent on the draft; as much of a crapshoot as it is, if you're consistently getting good results that keep the team afloat for decades, you're probably doing something right.

12-03-2019, 11:35 PM
Tougher? I see Cavs kings Suns and Rox on the horizon yall could win all easily except Rox but yall could lose them all too... My guess is yall will split especially with a few home games on the ledger

Yall already won the toughest game of that stretch...

TD 21
12-04-2019, 04:56 PM
Leonard is a prefect example of PATFO's competence and ability to scout and develop talent. Cory Joseph and SLOMO were obviously to a lesser extent players found in the bottom of 1st round that at the very least were rotation players here with the Spurs and who both went on to sign 2nd contracts with other teams. Please explain to me how PATFO has a world renown reputation, yet a legend in their own mind on ST, thinks they're overrated and incompetent?

Who was arguing their scouting/developing? I said they stumbled into greatness, just like any franchise in sports who's had the privilege of possessing it. It's not a knock, it's a reality.

Ah, yes, just like the youngest Euroleague MVP was the obvious candidate for #1 pick... Wait, you're saying that didn't happen? *Multiple* franchises skipped on him? But it was so obvious!

Some posters really believe it's all too easy finding rotation players and stars out of mid and lat round picks. The one thing that cannot rightly be criticized about the Spurs throughout their tenure is their eye for talent on the draft; as much of a crapshoot as it is, if you're consistently getting good results that keep the team afloat for decades, you're probably doing something right.

Doncic wasn't quite the same caliber of prospect as Duncan, mostly because of concerns about his athleticism. Still, it was obvious at the time he should have went 1st, but stereotypes still persist and the reality is, a lot of people couldn't wrap their heads around a white player playing the role he is at the level he is.

12-04-2019, 05:40 PM
Who was arguing their scouting/developing? I said they stumbled into greatness, just like any franchise in sports who's had the privilege of possessing it. It's not a knock, it's a reality. LOL, how in the hell do you stumble into greatness? Great players does not equate to championships. You need great coaches as well. Why did you think Lebron left Cleveland?

TD 21
12-04-2019, 07:35 PM
LOL, how in the hell do you stumble into greatness? Great players does not equate to championships. You need great coaches as well. Why did you think Lebron left Cleveland?


12-04-2019, 08:01 PM
If Wright trades DeRozan before/around the trade deadline, I’ll be the first to sing his praises. For me, it would show his forward thinking. That he has a plan outside of just “making the playoffs” with a squad that has a clear first-round exit ceiling.

Right now the ceiling for the team is Charlotte Hornets of the West, especially with DeRozan at the helm. If Wright can get a decent return for DeRozan that would push the Spurs back towards championship contention in the next 3-4 seasons, then I’d have no complaints.

If Wright goes the conservative route and keeps DeRozan, thinking it’s the only way forward, despite all the evidence that he offers little aside from the points he makes per game, then this team will probably never get off this treadmill of mediocrity, in my opinion.

So I guess that’s what I’ll be looking for him.

12-04-2019, 08:06 PM
LOL, how in the hell do you stumble into greatness? Great players does not equate to championships. You need great coaches as well. Why did you think Lebron left Cleveland?


offset formation
12-04-2019, 08:30 PM
Well, while that is true, when you have a team that is trying to win now, you can’t just settle. Results business and Carroll not only isn’t very good, but he’s not even in the rotation on a bad team. That’s a big fat fail at this point.

It is. But let's put that blame, at least a good chunk of it, on Marcus Morris reneging.

It's an interesting thought experiment to not only remember what PATFO planned this team to be had neph not gone uncle on us. And even if we go with the reality of his departure, PATFO had every intention of having a rather dominant PF with range to go along with LMA, and Demar and our youth.

That by default would have made our starting 5 pretty formidable and made the bench even better.

But, any criticism of PATFO cannot ever forget that were it up to them and the decisions they made, this team would have had a starting 5 of roughly LMA, Gay, Neph, White, and Murray. Sub out White for Forbes or Patty maybe and maybe White for Murray, and we have a relatively nasty starting 5 -- especially defensively.

*That* was PATFO's plan. When uncle ficked up everything it has set back the plan and rotations while they scramble to figure out the path forward.

LWIV may have helped clarify that path a bit last night. Now let's see what Keldon and Luka can start giving us, really starting the year after next when Patty and LMA and Demar are off the books. If we have a young core by the Summer of 2021, perhaps we can attract some new free agents to come on down. Isn't Giannis a free agent that year? He seems like someone that might be willing to play for a winner in a smaller market, feasibly.