View Full Version : Bush Is a Savage Beast who kills civilians! Oh wait, we got AQ's Top Bomb Maker

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-18-2006, 08:11 PM
And chemical weapons expert.


ABC News has learned that Pakistani officials now believe that al Qaeda's master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert was one of the men killed in last week's U.S. missile attack in eastern Pakistan.

Midhat Mursi, 52, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri, was identified by Pakistani authorities as one of four known major al Qaeda leaders present at an apparent terror summit in the village of Damadola early last Friday morning.

He is described by authorities as the man who ran al Qaeda's infamous Derunta training camp in Afghanistan, where he used dogs and other animals as subjects for experiments with poison and chemicals. His explosives training manual is still regarded as the bible for al Qaeda terrorists around the world.

Pakistani officials also said that Khalid Habib, the al Qaeda operations chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan, and Abdul Rehman al Magrabi, a senior operations commander for al Qaeda, were killed in the Damadola attack.

Somewhere Dan and croutons weep.

01-18-2006, 08:28 PM
Phone on golf cart rings: Deet deet deet...

Sir this is director blah blah we have terrorist sighting permission to fire.

Mr. President: Huh hold on a sec "Hey Teddy hand me that bottle of chivas".

Ok whut was that?

Sir we have Bin Laden in sights.. you know the guy that tried to blow up the towers in 93

Mr. President: Hold on (zipper sound).. thx Monika... ok whut.....

Sir we have Bin..

Mr. President: Oh that NYC... heck I didn't even bother to go there after that why would I care hold on... "Dammit if I said it once I'll say it again that green is"..

Sir hello..

Mr. President: Well no I am too busy and it's too risky with the polls...


01-18-2006, 08:39 PM
Somewhere Dan and croutons weep.

Somewhere in Iraq, a teen who's family was killed is motivated and waiting to take his place. Bush does a much better job of recruiting for aQ than he does for the US forces.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-18-2006, 08:53 PM
No offense but I'd rather have AQ having to replace their intellectual and "scientific" leaders than some street kid...

01-18-2006, 09:05 PM
Time is on their side, AHF. I should have said 100 Iraqi teens. There are about 350 million muslims, and they pretty much all hate us about now.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-18-2006, 10:55 PM
Wow, I'd say that's a reach to say the least. Now, war breaks out and Israel and Iran are going at it, it might piss a few more folks off.

01-18-2006, 11:21 PM
OK, let's say only half of them hate us (which I think is wildly conservative). That's still 175 million people of a type that don't mind dying to take you out. It was all so needless, too. Iraq has been a huge clusterfuck from the concept right up to now.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-19-2006, 12:18 AM
That's still 175 million people of a type that don't mind dying to take you out.

Russia (err, USSR) used to be the same way. Fuck, everyone from Berlin east to the Sea of Japan grew up training to kill us all.

01-19-2006, 12:23 AM
Welcome to a state of perpetual war. Bombing or Invading Iran, with it's vast nuclear resources and bunker systems will open a big Pandora's box for the U.S. in the region, and domestically the price of gasoline will shoot through the roof when Iran turns the spicket off to Europe and supply to the West is reduced.

01-19-2006, 12:32 AM
Russia (err, USSR) used to be the same way. Fuck, everyone from Berlin east to the Sea of Japan grew up training to kill us all.


Gezz, grow up!

It's not about Islam, it's about the control of oil and natural gas in the region. Russia has already Nationalized it's oil, Venezuela there's, the U.S., China and India need oil to drive their economies. There's tons of oil in Iraq, there's tons of oil in Iran. The Iranians are going to open a new mercantile market for Oil in March where they will deal Oil for Euros, not dollars. That's the same last mistake Saddam made just before the U.S. invaded.

01-19-2006, 01:44 AM
CNN says that he "may have been in the vicinity" but no one can actually say who was killed. So we maybe, kind of, could have, possibly killed him with our million dollar pinpoint precision ordinance. What part of "Beyond a reasonable doubt" do these assholes not get? One more time, if there is ANY doubt, you don't release it.

For all the noise Dubya made about not doing it, it kinda sounds like putting a million dollar missle through a tent and hitting a camel in the ass to me.

Just wish that all that happened was the loss of a camel.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-19-2006, 01:48 AM
Bombing or Invading Iran, with it's vast nuclear resources and bunker systems will open a big Pandora's box for the U.S. in the region, and domestically the price of gasoline will shoot through the roof when Iran turns the spicket off to Europe and supply to the West is reduced.

Or, we could let them bomb Israel into oblivion, Israel responds and while it goes down swinging it takes Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt with it. Yay.

Gezz, grow up!

It's not about Islam, it's about the control of oil and natural gas in the region.

Grow up? You're a fucking idiot. It isn't about the oil. The Iranians and AQ want everyone not bowing to Mecca five times a day dead.

Damn. Maybe one day when a nuke goes off somewhere on American soil you'll get a fucking clue. Nah, what am I saying, you'll blame it on Bush...

01-19-2006, 01:49 AM
First of all, Bush hasn't claimed anything about the hits. Second of all, it was a cia hit and so far there are no implications that the president was directly involved.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-19-2006, 01:54 AM
Third, Dan should find a history book not written in large font by Michael Moore and read about the Muslim Conquests in what geographically is modern day Europe, and maybe he'll get a clue what it's all about

cecil collins
01-19-2006, 02:02 AM
Third, Dan should find a history book not written in large font by Michael Moore and read about the Muslim Conquests in what geographically is modern day Europe, and maybe he'll get a clue what it's all about
The old "I don't like the way this is going so I'll bring up Michael Moore" republican trick. Good timing also dipshit.
"They hate us because of our freedom." USSR trained everyone to hate us and kill us, but we weren't like that towards them at all." Is that the gist of what you are saying.

01-19-2006, 08:39 AM
A dead child is still a dead child regardless of his nationality.

If it was your child I'm sure you'd feel different but yes, I'd rather have terrorism taken out completley but as long human being are on this planet...terrorism will exist.

01-19-2006, 02:06 PM
Time is on their side, AHF. I should have said 100 Iraqi teens. There are about 350 million muslims, and they pretty much all hate us about now.
Well, that would certainly explain why CAIR has issued it's first condemnation of terrorism -- EVER. And, that would explain why some fuck-up has faked bin Laden's voice and offered a truce.

You're blowing it out your ass.

01-19-2006, 04:12 PM
Well, at least we're going after Al Qaeda this time.

Getting warmer.

01-19-2006, 04:34 PM
Exstatic and Chump always come correct. AHF unless I'm overlooking sarcasm, I'm surprised you don't think that a constant state of war and fright WONT turn millions of muslims against the U.S.A.

There are thousands and thousands of children who are growing up in the warzones today and all they are being taught is that the U.S. is responsible for that war, the U.S. troops are killing their friends fathers, and the U.S. is 'bad'.
Whether or not these statements are true or false is irrelevant...this constant state of war is dramatically going to shape the upbringing of the next generation of Muslim youth.

The U.S. is well on its way to being destroyed by shortsighted policies and the overzealous actions of a president with a superiority complex.

I think its great that we caught this AQ guy, but like all leaders, when one falls there are more than many waiting to quickly take his place.

I think it will take a lot more than killing a weapons expert to truely make progress in a "war on terror".

01-19-2006, 06:48 PM
NOt like there was no animosity towards the west before good ole GW was elected.
But it's easy to make criticism about the effort and not provide solutions yourself.

01-19-2006, 07:08 PM
NOt like there was no animosity towards the west before good ole GW was elected.
But it's easy to make criticism about the effort and not provide solutions yourself.

Just because you agree with the current war plans of a single country does not mean you are some new beacon of hope for the War on Terror which supposedly involves every nation against the middle east. Where are your own solutions?

Criticism? Maybe...

The animosity has always been there....this goes without saying. But this iraqi facet of the war on terror bleeds of shortsightedness, and if you just take away the word terror and realize it is a war constantly waged on Iraqi grounds, one cannot avoid a conclusion that the animosity will continue.

01-19-2006, 11:38 PM
^I guess you don't have any solutions afterall.

Fine, but as you suggest, I guess i should awnser your ridiculous one sided rhetoric.

What you are doing in the case of Iraq is accentuating the negative. Sure, there are Sunnis who despise our prescence there and so will their next generation of sunnis, but the shiites so far have been gratuitous of our involvement. They see us as a necessary evil, or good that is there to give them a chance to govern themselves. LEbanese are and Jordanians are growing impatient with AQ, and are following democratic principles in their countries. Even the IRanian kids are amazed by us, and want to emulate our democracy as they pray that we one day topple their regime.

As for solutions, i see that our goals are good and we might need more tweaking here and there. But the changes or tweakings, i'm not qualified to advise and i leave that to ground generals to do for themselves.

But i'm not the one whining and complaining. You are. And because of that, the burden is on you to provide a better solution or find someone and pronounce their solutions. But you can't.

So i guess you must stick with cynicism, sarcasm, and criticism. Because you, have lost sight of what happened on september 11th. I know it might sound jingoistic, but it's as plain as day that we cannot combat terrorism cave by cave if we want to win, nor can we fight with the legal system and deny that actions of terrorism are acts of war but instead suggest they're merely misdemeanors or felonies. We must change the ME and its regimes who without them, AQ cannot survive.

I see that you brought the idea of this WAr on Terror thing to be to Iraqicentric. But not so. We in the same breath are dealing with iran and Nkorea. We have pressured Egypt to go after terrorist cells, aswell as the saudis and others. WE have helped broker peace in the Palestinian Israeli conflict thanks to the Presidents persuasion to Ariel Sharone allowing there to be a Palestinian State.

But, nah,.... Just stick to Farenheit 911 jingles and not offer any solutions.

cecil collins
01-20-2006, 06:10 PM
But, nah,.... Just stick to Farenheit 911 jingles and not offer any solutions.
There it is. Republicans are so deep on Michael Moore's cock it's not even funny.

01-21-2006, 09:29 AM
Exstatic and Chump always come correct. AHF unless I'm overlooking sarcasm, I'm surprised you don't think that a constant state of war and fright WONT turn millions of muslims against the U.S.A.

There are thousands and thousands of children who are growing up in the warzones today and all they are being taught is that the U.S. is responsible for that war, the U.S. troops are killing their friends fathers, and the U.S. is 'bad'.
Whether or not these statements are true or false is irrelevant...this constant state of war is dramatically going to shape the upbringing of the next generation of Muslim youth.

The U.S. is well on its way to being destroyed by shortsighted policies and the overzealous actions of a president with a superiority complex.

I think its great that we caught this AQ guy, but like all leaders, when one falls there are more than many waiting to quickly take his place.

I think it will take a lot more than killing a weapons expert to truely make progress in a "war on terror".
exstatic is not right. whereas there may be 350 million muslims, i would not say even half hate us. the extremist muslims do but theres not as many of them as you would think. its kinda like how in the media they only report on what makes headlines which is usually negative. and the good gets passed over on page 32d adn about two linesof a story. most muslims are not radical extremists. most iraqis know that we are over there bc of the radicals in their country. if we get rid of saddam and then jsut elave, what have we accomplished? who would take over? probably not anyone any better than saddam, maybe even worse. and to everyone criticizing the president, i highly doubt they get his permission, or any president before or after him, every time the us armed forces uses missiles. :rolleyes
do i think our nations sons should be dying over there, no. do i wnat to go over there and risk dying, no? but alot of marines ive talked to who have been there feel they did something and want to go back. including my g/f's cousin, who at 22 yrs old his humvee ran over an ied. he is now blindin one eye and took him almost 2 yrs to rehab back to where he can run a 1st class pft score. but ask him if he wants to go back, and go back as a grunt again. he'll say yes. will he, no but he knows what its like over there, without the press, on both sides, twisting the stories and telling you what their producers wnat you to hear.

01-21-2006, 09:32 AM
oh yeah, that area of the world has been fighting wars since the beginning of time. it will probably never end until the end of the world. but we cant sit back on our haunches and hope these assholes dont come back over here and try shit with us.
terrorists are a real threat in the world and should be dealt with. it was a different story, sadly, when it was only in eurpose or the middle east. andthen they fucked with us and everyone got all pissy about it. now its been a couple of years and everyone feels safe again. so now were bitching and questioning. if those fuckers want to blow each other up then by all means, but dont bring that shit to my country.

01-23-2006, 06:53 AM

I haven't read the thread, nor do I really care to, but I think you boys jumped the gun on this one.

01-23-2006, 03:06 PM
There it is. Republicans are so deep on Michael Moore's cock it's not even funny.

That phrase would imply that we are gungho over him, which rather more accurately depicts your pals.

And so what if we bring up michael moore, many of you walk and talk like michael moore. You're arguments are as simple as his anyway. While you accuse the repugs of being simplistic optimist, you are the mirror image of those you mock by being oversymplistic pessimist.

Every thing america does right down to haliburton providing meals and medical services to the troops is all evil and money driven. Everything Bush does is becuase he's too stupid or too evil, which ever fits the fray, and if Bush commits some act of compassion, it was of karl rove's doing. In your world, corporations and republicans can only succeed if they screw everyone else. In our view, there are good corporations and bad, good republicans and bad.

we're not oblivious to the fact that corporations love to make money, but we are not as cynical to believe that they all want us to burn in hell so that they can make a buck.