View Full Version : Good Game Spurs

03-03-2006, 02:23 PM
FWD, Im back to talk some ball. Your Spurs beat my Mavs last night with defense and rowdiness. Bragging rights belong to the Spurs until that changes (maybe in April?). At least I hope it changes in April!

Those were pretty much the same old Spurs we saw yesterday. Duncan didnt have much of a game, but his and Ginobili's shortcomings were made up for by Parker and the Spurs' reserves. The Spurs bench outplayed the vaunted Mavs' bench when it mattered. Horry hit some big shots, Finley hit some big shots, Barry made some plays, Bowen made his free throws and hit some runners, Mohammed (he's a starter now) made some big plays. The Spurs' complimentary players really stepped up and won that game for their team yesterday when Duncan and Ginobili were playing below standard.

I'll tell you what impressed me...the Spurs' team defense is amazing. It's easily the best in the NBA. The guys communicate extremely well, are always in the right places, have excellent big defenders in the post, and give total effort nearly all the time back there. The Pistons pale in comparison. With SA, its all about team D. They are committed, have been for years and it shows. The result has been some championships over the years.

That was the Mavs' first real challenge in probably 20 games. All of the other teams they played were just fodder (even Denver who they lost to). The Mavs gave a full effort to win this one. They wanted it.

You hear alot about Bowen's defense on Nowitzki in game reviews. Dirk had a pretty good game. He did some things beside score to win the game and he still ended up with a pretty decent line. He outplayed Duncan and Ginobili and was probably the best player on the floor. He did deserve better treatment from the refs though as Bowen slapped, rammed, pulled, and elbowed Dirk the whole game and the refs let Bowen dictate how the contact would be called. Dirk doesnt get the respect he should and that's a shame. He doesnt get the respect that Parker, Ginobili, or Duncan get. I understand that that's what winning like SA has gets you, but it really sucks when your team is on the short end of that aspect of the game. I want to see Dirk use that against his opponents though. He needs to be able to get Bowen into foul trouble despite the hacking. That's the next step in his game and we'll see if Avery can teach him about that before the next meeting. Plain and simply, Dirk needs to be able to play through it and be smart enough to punish him for his dirty play to take the wind out of his sails. He didnt do that yesterday.

I enjoyed the game and I hope that the rivalry grows a little bit after yesterday. Horry's bite is sure to garner alot of attention until next time. Stack is really upset about that. He's a fiery guy and I would expect him to come right at Horry next time. Horry got in a nice little cheap shot to Stack's head/neck that sparked the 'tangle' before the bite. Stack isnt the type of guy that lets that stuff slide. He'll carry that with him into the next game.

I think that Dallas would have won if their reserves and support players could have kept up with SA in the 2nd quarter when Dirk had to sit with the two fouls. Stack blocked a Finley dunk at the rim and hit some shots, Diop made a few plays, Damp caused Duncan some problems with his defense, Howard made a few plays, Terry made a few plays, KVH made a few plays, but they let the Spurs' defense get too comfortable and didnt take the ball at the rim enough. Not only that, but they let the Spurs' role players pick them apart on the other end. I think that this game will be a good learning tool for AJ to use moving forward.

Good game, SA. You fought adversity better, executed your team defense better, were better coached, and beat the Mavs fair and square to draw your record even with Dallas. This was a big win for SA. I wouldnt be surprised to see them use this to bring momentum for the last third of the season. Good luck until Apirl 7th. I hope that Duncan's begins to play better so that we'll see more of impact from him in the next matchup. I want both of our teams to be full strength.

03-03-2006, 04:12 PM
FWD, Im back to talk some ball. Your Spurs beat my Mavs last night with defense and rowdiness. Bragging rights belong to the Spurs until that changes (maybe in April?). At least I hope it changes in April!

Glad to see you back. I think the Spurs won with defense and poise -- it reminded me a lot of the games between the Spurs and Lakers in 2001 and 2002 particularly. The Spurs had a habit of running out and getting ahead of the Lakers in those games, but when it mattered, the Lakers would turn up the defensive pressure and rely on their championship mettle to put the Spurs away. I think the Mavs got a taste of that.

Those were pretty much the same old Spurs we saw yesterday. Duncan didnt have much of a game, but his and Ginobili's shortcomings were made up for by Parker and the Spurs' reserves.

I'd argue that they aren't the same old Spurs when Duncan plays like that. In past years, if Duncan struggled like he did last night, the Spurs had little to no chance. If two of their three best players were struggling, the Spurs were blown out. Now, however, the Spurs are less Duncan-reliant and have found ways to exploit the advantages that they gain by Duncan's mere presence. Ultimately, I think that's what makes this team different in the last couple of seasons from the earlier versions of the Duncan Spurs.

The Spurs bench outplayed the vaunted Mavs' bench when it mattered. Horry hit some big shots, Finley hit some big shots, Barry made some plays, Bowen made his free throws and hit some runners, Mohammed (he's a starter now) made some big plays. The Spurs' complimentary players really stepped up and won that game for their team yesterday when Duncan and Ginobili were playing below standard.

The Spurs bench might not have the athleticism and explosion that the Mavs bench seems to have, but it does have a ton of savvy and lots of experience, which tends to even the playing field in playoff-type games.

I'll tell you what impressed me...the Spurs' team defense is amazing. It's easily the best in the NBA. The guys communicate extremely well, are always in the right places, have excellent big defenders in the post, and give total effort nearly all the time back there. The Pistons pale in comparison. With SA, its all about team D. They are committed, have been for years and it shows. The result has been some championships over the years.

I think you're right about the Spurs team defense. I still think that the Pistons are as good or better defensively because they are such great man-to-man defenders across the board. The Spurs rely on help to clean up mistakes in man defense; the Pistons rarely make those mistakes and don't need as much help (though Ben Wallace might be the best help defender in basketball -- certainly the best among bigs).

But, you've recognized the thing that has made the Spurs contenders year-in-and-year-out during the Popovich era. I looked at this number a couple of years ago and haven't done it since, but at that point, the number of times the Spurs had been blown out (losses by 15 or more) under Pop was miniscule. In real terms, that stat means that the Spurs are in virtually every game that they lose and give themselves a chance to win those games. That happens because defense rarely takes nights off. If you can defend, you can stay in almost every game, and that's what the Spurs have managed to do for the last 10 years or so.

That was the Mavs' first real challenge in probably 20 games. All of the other teams they played were just fodder (even Denver who they lost to). The Mavs gave a full effort to win this one. They wanted it.

Which is precisely why I think the Spurs accomplished something important last night. The win was important for seeding purposes, but the placement of some doubt in the minds of the Mavericks is part of the growth process towards the playoffs. The Spurs did that last year with Phoenix (particularly coming from 17 down in the 4th at Phoenix to win in OT). I don't think the Mavericks are a defeated group, but I do think there have to be some doubts.

You hear alot about Bowen's defense on Nowitzki in game reviews. Dirk had a pretty good game. He did some things beside score to win the game and he still ended up with a pretty decent line.

True, in a sense, but most of his scoring came against guys not named Bowen. He had 23 points, but 7 of those came on free throws he got in drawing fouls on Ginobili (twice) and on Parker (behind the arc). Dirk also got a jumper in a scramble situation and had an uncontested put-back of an offensive rebound. I haven't broken down a tape or anything, but my math says that he got no more than 12 against Bowen, which is a remarkable effort by Bruce -- remarkable except that it's the second time this season that he's done that.

He outplayed Duncan and Ginobili and was probably the best player on the floor.

I thought both Parker and Bowen played better all-around games than Dirk.

He did deserve better treatment from the refs though as Bowen slapped, rammed, pulled, and elbowed Dirk the whole game and the refs let Bowen dictate how the contact would be called.

In other words, officials shouldn't let Bowen play any defense because, after all, he's Dirk -- he's reinventing basketball. Dirk could have changed that. He could have tried to post Bowen up; he could have tried to attack Bowen off the dribble. Dirk played passively and passive players don't get calls in big games.

Dirk doesnt get the respect he should and that's a shame. He doesnt get the respect that Parker, Ginobili, or Duncan get. I understand that that's what winning like SA has gets you, but it really sucks when your team is on the short end of that aspect of the game.

That sounds like a lot of whining to me. Dirk got plenty of respect on the two consecutive calls he drew on Manu, but mentioning that would hurt your argument. What would be satisfactory -- should Dirk shoot 20 free throws a night as a demonstration that he is respected? If he chooses to hang out on the perimeter and shoot jumpers all night long, he's not going to get to the line, particularly when a defender like Bowen doesn't buy the upfake and maintains his defensive position.

Besides, I had two Mavericks fans tell me last night that Dirk gets questionable calls because he's an elite player, and in the same breath tell me that Duncan doesn't get the same calls because he's not an elite player. Curious statement, I thought.

I want to see Dirk use that against his opponents though. He needs to be able to get Bowen into foul trouble despite the hacking. That's the next step in his game and we'll see if Avery can teach him about that before the next meeting. Plain and simply, Dirk needs to be able to play through it and be smart enough to punish him for his dirty play to take the wind out of his sails. He didnt do that yesterday.

If Bowen was dirty, you might have a point. He's physical and he's a great positional defender. Both of those things muck up finesse shooters who seek to find rhythm and space to score. Bowen affords them neither, which is why he's the best perimeter defender in the league. If Dirk attacked Bowen, he might get some calls; but he'd also risk being called for charges. And I'm not sure that AJ can teach Dirk that, when Dirk seemingly hasn't learned that yet in his career. If AJ can do in one month what no coach has been able to do in 7 or 8 years, I'd think AJ would be better served to devote that gift to teaching Dirk to play better man defense or teaching Dirk how to aggressively post smaller players to take advantage of a mismatch. Those would be far better uses of that skill.

And besides, it's not as if Dirk never throws an elbow out to create space for himself; it's not as if Dirk never swipes through defenders to gain position; and it's not as if Dirk never flops in an effort to draw calls. Dirk is hardly some airy angel.

I enjoyed the game and I hope that the rivalry grows a little bit after yesterday. Horry's bite is sure to garner alot of attention until next time. Stack is really upset about that. He's a fiery guy and I would expect him to come right at Horry next time. Horry got in a nice little cheap shot to Stack's head/neck that sparked the 'tangle' before the bite. Stack isnt the type of guy that lets that stuff slide. He'll carry that with him into the next game.

If Stackhouse is worried about retribution against Horry, the Spurs have won that battle already.

I think that Dallas would have won if their reserves and support players could have kept up with SA in the 2nd quarter when Dirk had to sit with the two fouls. Stack blocked a Finley dunk at the rim and hit some shots, Diop made a few plays, Damp caused Duncan some problems with his defense, Howard made a few plays, Terry made a few plays, KVH made a few plays, but they let the Spurs' defense get too comfortable and didnt take the ball at the rim enough. Not only that, but they let the Spurs' role players pick them apart on the other end. I think that this game will be a good learning tool for AJ to use moving forward.

I think Dallas was fortunate to be up big in the 1st quarter, given the number of layups and dunks that the Spurs missed early. The Mavs shot well for most of the first half, while the Spurs hovered around 30%, largely because of the missed bunnies and point-blank shots. The Spurs were able to get to the rim and make things happen, but couldn't convert. I didn't see that as evidence of great defensive effort by the Mavericks -- it was more a laxness on the part of the Spurs. As the margin narrowed, I had the sense that the Spurs would make a run at some point and create some distance, and figured it would then be a matter of maintaining the gap. They started to convert the good looks they were getting and then hit some tougher shots in the 4th to seal the deal. The Spurs (Nazr Mohammed, in particular) were able to take advantage of some doubles on Tim to get scores, and Parker played a great 3rd quarter. Finley found some motivation in the 4th and kept the Spurs comfortable for the rest of the night.

Good game, SA. You fought adversity better, executed your team defense better, were better coached, and beat the Mavs fair and square to draw your record even with Dallas. This was a big win for SA. I wouldnt be surprised to see them use this to bring momentum for the last third of the season. Good luck until Apirl 7th. I hope that Duncan's begins to play better so that we'll see more of impact from him in the next matchup. I want both of our teams to be full strength.

I don't think the Spurs needed that game to gain momentum; I think it was more important to cast some doubt into the Mavericks' minds and to clinch no worse than a tie in the head-to-head series. If the 2nd tiebreaker is still conference record, the Spurs are now 5 up in that category, which makes them very hard to catch for the #1 seed. That part was big. The Spurs, however, have been playing noticably more inspired ball since the All-Star break, as is their annual custom under Popovich, so the notion of gaining some momentum from this particular win is somewhat fanciful.

Still, I thought the game was a pretty good barometer of where these teams are and there is enough there to suggest that each has some room for improvement. I'd argue that the Spurs ceiling is still higher, given the relatively poor performances turned in by both Ginobili and Duncan, but time will tell.

Please don't be shy to come around between now and 4/7, though.

Kori Ellis
03-03-2006, 04:17 PM
True, in a sense, but most of his scoring came against guys not named Bowen. He had 23 points, but 7 of those came on free throws he got in drawing fouls on Ginobili (twice) and on Parker (behind the arc). Dirk also got a jumper in a scramble situation and had an uncontested put-back of an offensive rebound. I haven't broken down a tape or anything, but my math says that he got no more than 12 against Bowen, which is a remarkable effort by Bruce -- remarkable except that it's the second time this season that he's done that.

You are right. Some guy at the game was doing the break down. Very little of Dirk's points were on Bruce. And that sequence against Ginobili was a little embarrassing. Bowen had to come right back in.

03-03-2006, 04:25 PM
To be fair to Ginobili, he should have split those two series with Dirk.

Dirk fouled HIM the first time with the left forearm.

Manu got in the air the second time.

03-03-2006, 04:33 PM
Completely stupid post of homerism, crying and excuse making disguised with a title of giving credit to the better team.

I must say, I'm wholly unimpressed with all this defense the Mavericks are supposed to play. The Spurs came out taking terrible shots, making bad passes and got themselves into a 12 point hole. The Mavs defense had about as much to do with it as Dirk's foul trouble, since he got his second foul and sat with 3 minutes to go in the first and the Mavs proceeded to turn a five point lead into a 12 point lead with Dirk on the bench.

From the time the Spurs decided to start playing, the game wasn't really close, even with their two best players having a bad game.

As for the officiating, I'm puzzled as to how the Mavericks and their fans can continue to complain when they lose. The Mavericks push off to clear out defenders more than any team I've ever seen, and they complain about almost every whistle when it's against them and every non whistle when it isn't. As for the tussle between Horry and Stackhouse, it started on the other end of the floor. Stackhouse elbowed Horry in the ribs while he was blocking out. Horry pushed Stackhouse in the back at the other end and Stackhouse went right after Horry and the grappling started. Stackhouse clearly deserved the technical and calling a double-foul was a very nice way not to embarass Stackhouse who was just being a little bitch that can't lose with any class.

I'd love to be able to say "good game, Mavs", but nobody would be able to hear me over the constant blubbering.

03-03-2006, 04:46 PM
Manu needs to quit the gimmicks and play some ball.

Kori Ellis
03-03-2006, 04:48 PM
To be fair to Ginobili, he should have split those two series with Dirk.

Dirk fouled HIM the first time with the left forearm.

Manu got in the air the second time.

True. That push off from Dirk was horrible.

03-03-2006, 04:50 PM
True. That push off from Dirk was horrible.

But wait -- that can't be true. I keep hearing that Dirk doesn't get any respect from officials. Now I'm confused.

03-03-2006, 04:51 PM
Manu sucks.

Nowitski is a 7 foot guard.


Dallas is out in the first round.

Their defense was obsolete in the second half.

03-03-2006, 04:53 PM
Kori, Did you see Nazr get held underneath by Dampier that one play Where I think Teri hit a baseline 3 or long 2 in front of the Spurs bench?

Baveta was right there and didn't call it. Dampier was basically holding Nazr's wrist with BOTH hands as Nazr was trying to get out to the wing.

That was the most rediculous thing I saw all game.

03-03-2006, 04:58 PM
That was the most rediculous thing I saw all game.

03-03-2006, 04:58 PM
Kori, Did you see Nazr get held underneath by Dampier that one play Where I think Teri hit a baseline 3 or long 2 in front of the Spurs bench?

Baveta was right there and didn't call it. Dampier was basically holding Nazr's wrist with BOTH hands as Nazr was trying to get out to the wing.

That was the most rediculous thing I saw all game.

Man, officials miss calls. They also, sometimes, choose not to call certain things. We could sit here and pick apart the officiating all day long, but in reality, championship teams don't let officiating get to them. They play through it and find ways to win.

03-03-2006, 05:02 PM
Man, officials miss calls. They also, sometimes, choose not to call certain things. We could sit here and pick apart the officiating all day long, but in reality, championship teams don't let officiating get to them. They play through it and find ways to win.
I'm not sure how anyone could make a convincing case that the officiating was even skewed one way or the other. Nobody is really happy with the calls in the game, which says to me that the officials did a pretty good job.

03-03-2006, 05:06 PM
Oh... I understand that. No worries... the refs are usually pretty good.

I saw the Mavs get creamed several times. I watch Timmy and Rob hold all the time and get away with it because they usually do it close to the body.

When Dirk fell into the Spurs bench, Finley grabbed the back of his shorts and held him for a while.

I just thought that that ONE call was rediculously obvious because the ref was right there.

Maybe he was looking at the corner, dunno... but it was going on at most 3 feet from him.

03-03-2006, 05:06 PM
I disagree on the spurs having a a higher ceiling as in the mavs didn't play like they usually do. They usually play better defense and they usually move the ball more. Devin Harris is the key to the mavs bench. He usually helps in both categories over what Terry does. Usually aggresive defenders get away with more since they are moving their feet as well. No surprise there that Dirk doesn't get many calls since Bowen is hustling and beating Dirk to spots.

03-03-2006, 05:08 PM


03-03-2006, 05:08 PM
I disagree on the spurs having a a higher ceiling as in the mavs didn't play like they usually do.
The Mavs don't usually play against the Spurs. The lack of Devin Harris is kind of lame, considering Duncan and Ginobili didn't play well and the Spurs still dismantled the Mavs.

03-03-2006, 05:22 PM
Well considering the rest of the spurs don't usually play that well. (Horry, Finley, and Mohammad) You can't underestimate a missing role player like Harris who has some of the same skills as Parker.

03-03-2006, 05:25 PM
What? Does he Rap?

That has to be what you are talking about.

03-03-2006, 05:25 PM
Well considering the rest of the spurs don't usually play that well. (Horry, Finley, and Mohammad) You can't underestimate a missing role player like Harris who has some of the same skills as Parker.

Harris sure was effective at stopping Parker in that December game in Dallas; and that 7 points he scored was electric.


03-03-2006, 05:26 PM
Well considering the rest of the spurs don't usually play that well. (Horry, Finley, and Mohammad) You can't underestimate a missing role player like Harris who has some of the same skills as Parker.
Could you just number your excuses and then site them, say "Excuse number 1008". That way you could save some time typing and we'd save time reading.

03-03-2006, 05:30 PM
FWD, angryllama:

I thought that was good talk :tu

03-03-2006, 05:35 PM
Manu on Nowitzki was a mistake. Manu is a freaking 6'6 guard. Nowitzki is fucking 7 foot. in other words there is no way in hell Manu can guard nowitzki.

I was surprised to see Dallas fold so quickly. Basically after the Spurs wiped out their lead, they looked like scared kittens out there. Scared of physical contact. This is the team expected to reach the finals??

Geno Billy
03-03-2006, 05:38 PM
So did Horry cheap shot Stack prior to Stack throwing both forearms and elbows up into Horry's grille as the shot was going up?

03-03-2006, 05:38 PM
Harris sure was effective at stopping Parker in that December game in Dallas; and that 7 points he scored was electric.


:lol :owned

03-03-2006, 05:38 PM
Well considering the rest of the spurs don't usually play that well. (Horry, Finley, and Mohammad) You can't underestimate a missing role player like Harris who has some of the same skills as Parker.
Dude, you truly are pathetic. PENDEJO.

03-03-2006, 05:41 PM
It's starting to look like the mavs have lost their edge on the road. Dirk couldn't score on anyone except Manu and Parker. If you think the mavs played even close to the level they can play than you haven't watched many mavs games. The mavs are not afraid of the spurs and this bullshit.

03-03-2006, 05:44 PM
I disagree on the spurs having a a higher ceiling as in the mavs didn't play like they usually do. They usually play better defense and they usually move the ball more. Devin Harris is the key to the mavs bench. He usually helps in both categories over what Terry does. Usually aggresive defenders get away with more since they are moving their feet as well. No surprise there that Dirk doesn't get many calls since Bowen is hustling and beating Dirk to spots.the thing is:
the mavs dont usually play the Spurs
most of the rest of the teams in the NBA usually dont play defense the way the Spurs play it

the Spurs took dallas out of there comfort zone, cause thats what the Spurs do when they are focused.
That's why they have 3 championships

03-03-2006, 05:46 PM
It's starting to look like the mavs have lost their edge on the road. Dirk couldn't score on anyone except Manu and Parker. If you think the mavs played even close to the level they can play than you haven't watched many mavs games. The mavs are not afraid of the spurs and this bullshit.

This has nothing to do with the "Mavs being afraid of the Spurs." This has to do with the fact that you're main excuse after the loss last night has been that the Mavs didn't play close to the level they've played the rest of the season. News Flash: The reason they didn't play their best was because of a little something called Spurs defense. Yes, Mavs defense has improved, but as evidenced by last night, it's nowhere near where the Spurs defense is. Also, if you're going to argue that the Mavs didn't play their best level of basketball and that they were missing Devin Harris (:rolleyes), then you also need to consider the flip side in that Duncan and Manu both sucked last night also and didn't play their best basketball...yet the Spurs still managed to win.

Wait till the second round of the playoffs, then the Mavs should truly be afraid of the Spurs. :smokin

03-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Well the mavs usually play better defense and they get stagnant without a point guard like Harris.

03-03-2006, 05:48 PM
bottom line is Spurs played playoff-level defense and Mavs were shocked, scared and confused.

03-03-2006, 05:49 PM
I live in Fort Worth, vato. I watch my fair share of Mavs games on UPN 21 and Fox Sports SW (know your enemy). Your problem is that you expect Dallas to stomp on the Spurs like they do to sub-par teams and when that doesn't happen you come up with one excuse after another. STFU already.

03-03-2006, 07:02 PM

03-03-2006, 07:11 PM
The Mavs won't get to the second round this year. They have no fortitude whatsoever.

03-03-2006, 07:31 PM
The Mavs won't get to the second round this year. They have no fortitude whatsoever.
I disagree. I think they'll make it to the second round. They will learn from this and get better, but I don't think they will win a series against the silver and black. :smokin

03-03-2006, 07:35 PM
I live in Fort Worth, vato. I watch my fair share of Mavs games on UPN 21 and Fox Sports SW (know your enemy). Your problem is that you expect Dallas to stomp on the Spurs like they do to sub-par teams and when that doesn't happen you come up with one excuse after another. STFU already.
So you think you know shit that you watch a little of the mavs? You are fucking blind with the silver and black so I think you will just look at their shortcomings rather than what they do well.

03-03-2006, 07:43 PM
So you think you know shit that you watch a little of the mavs? You are fucking blind with the silver and black so I think you will just look at their shortcomings rather than what they do well.
What do they do well? They rebound, block shots and score. Then they print up a spreadsheet and mail it to the media explaining how their team defense is statistically one of the best in the league. You and the Mavs have been talking about how great the defense is. I didn't see it. If all this preparation wasn't for last night's game, then what was it for? The Spurs came out playing like dogshit, and used their defense to keep them in the game until they started hitting shots. That, my friend, is real defense.

As Eric Kasilias said when Woody Page commented on the Mavericks' defensive improvement under AJ: "How could it not?"

03-03-2006, 09:59 PM
I really hope Manu and TD can raise up their games, if they do Spurs would basically be winning by 50 points a game.

03-03-2006, 10:07 PM
Anybody here know exactly how many minutes Bruce was guarding Dirk.
Cuz overall, a 23point game ain't really gettin shutdown.

People have broken down though the amount scored on bowen which i think was 12. That's good, but it really depends on how many minutes bowen was on him.

Like if it was 15min and he got 12, then it ain't really a shutdown now is it.

Anybody care to inform me???

03-03-2006, 10:25 PM
I really hope Manu and TD can raise up their games, if they do Spurs would basically be winning by 50 points a game.
That is the Mavs best hope, make that only hope, of beating the Spurs, that Manu and Duncan don't return to form. Even with half a Manu and a quarter of A Duncan the best the Mavs can say is that they were close until nut cutting time. But oh yeah, if they only had Devein Harris ....

03-03-2006, 10:25 PM
Anybody here know exactly how many minutes Bruce was guarding Dirk.
Cuz overall, a 23point game ain't really gettin shutdown.

People have broken down though the amount scored on bowen which i think was 12. That's good, but it really depends on how many minutes bowen was on him.

Like if it was 15min and he got 12, then it ain't really a shutdown now is it.

Anybody care to inform me???
Did you watch the game? Dirk had six points in the first half. He had probably 16 until the point where the Mavs were down by double digits with a couple of minutes to go. I can think of at least 10 points he scored where Parker and Ginobili were covering him right off the top of my head, so if Bruce defended Dirk into 13 points during the portion of the game that mattered then I call that getting shut down.

03-03-2006, 10:29 PM
That is the Mavs best hope, make that only hope, of beating the Spurs, that Manu and Duncan don't return to form. Even with half a Manu and a quarter of A Duncan the best the Mavs can say is that they were close until nut cutting time. But oh yeah, if they only had Devein Harris ....
That's a little misleading too. The Spurs basically spotted the Mavericks 12 points. The game wasn't as close as the final score would indicate.

If the Mavericks would have won the game with Devin Harris, imagine how bad the Spurs would have beaten the Mavs if Beno Udrih had played.

03-03-2006, 11:12 PM
I broke down the minutes and of the 37 minutes Dirk was on the floor Bowen was on with him and almost always covering Dirk for 27:56. Dirk scored 19 poins during that time 3 of which were on a bogus foul call on Parker where Dirk did a half ass Reggie Miller leg kick on a three that some dumbshit ref fell for. Bowen held Dirk to 6 - 13 shooting. If thats the best Dirk can do Mavs are pretty well screwed come playoff time. Either Spurs and Bowen or Suns and Marion, whoever they meet first, will be sending Dirk and The Benefactor home crying again.

03-03-2006, 11:18 PM
That's a little misleading too. The Spurs basically spotted the Mavericks 12 points. The game wasn't as close as the final score would indicate.

If the Mavericks would have won the game with Devin Harris, imagine how bad the Spurs would have beaten the Mavs if Beno Udrih had played.
:lol at Beno Udrih. He sucks just like Van Exel. They both are turnover machines and slow. As for Devin Harris he plays the same style as Tony Parker. The spurs defensive system wouldn't be able to handle the speed of Harris. Also Josh Howard straining his hamstring slowed him down as well. Manu got shut down by Griffin (baby Bowen) and Diop shut down Duncan.

03-03-2006, 11:20 PM
The spurs defensive system wouldn't be able to handle the speed of Harris.

I'd love to hear how that's true. When last we saw Harris, he was 3-10 for a grandiose 7 points. The Spurs REALLY struggled to handle his speed that night.

03-03-2006, 11:53 PM
I broke down the minutes and of the 37 minutes Dirk was on the floor Bowen was on with him and almost always covering Dirk for 27:56. Dirk scored 19 poins during that time 3 of which were on a bogus foul call on Parker where Dirk did a half ass Reggie Miller leg kick on a three that some dumbshit ref fell for. Bowen held Dirk to 6 - 13 shooting. If thats the best Dirk can do Mavs are pretty well screwed come playoff time. Either Spurs and Bowen or Suns and Marion, whoever they meet first, will be sending Dirk and The Benefactor home crying again.

Aight, so he did a good job. Still not what it was made out to be , but a good defensive performance nonetheless.

And no Obstructed view, i did not watch the game because i wasnt able to.
I live in toronto, and dont have tnt. Thanks for asking though :rolleyes

03-04-2006, 12:46 AM
So you think you know shit that you watch a little of the mavs? You are fucking blind with the silver and black so I think you will just look at their shortcomings rather than what they do well.
Here you go again you dumb shit. I never did such a thing. If I ever said anything about your favorite team you moron, it was never about their shortcomings. In fact, correct me if I am wrong, I don't think I ever disrespected the Mavs on this forum. And I gave kudos to those Dallas fans that have class. They belong on this forum because they bring something here that you obviously don't have, INTELLIGANCE. Your the one that's blind. :rolleyes

03-04-2006, 01:09 AM
I live in Fort Worth, vato. I watch my fair share of Mavs games on UPN 21 and Fox Sports SW (know your enemy). Your problem is that you expect Dallas to stomp on the Spurs like they do to sub-par teams and when that doesn't happen you come up with one excuse after another. STFU already.
Well I got from this post is since you watch some mavs games you assume they beat sorry teams only but once they play the spurs they will automatically lose. Generalizing statements like that piss me off. The spurs were better than the mavs yesterday but that doesn't mean the spurs are the better team. In a playoff series one team has to lose 4 times so it will be obvious by than who the better team is but in 1 game it isn't.

03-04-2006, 01:19 AM
Well I got from this post is since you watch some mavs games you assume they beat sorry teams only but once they play the spurs they will automatically lose. Generalizing statements like that piss me off. The spurs were better than the mavs yesterday but that doesn't mean the spurs are the better team. In a playoff series one team has to lose 4 times so it will be obvious by than who the better team is but in 1 game it isn't.
:blah You don't get it. So I'm not even going to waste my time. You truly can't be this stupid, man. I'm on to your act!

03-04-2006, 01:22 AM
:lol at Beno Udrih. He sucks just like Van Exel. They both are turnover machines and slow. As for Devin Harris he plays the same style as Tony Parker. The spurs defensive system wouldn't be able to handle the speed of Harris. Also Josh Howard straining his hamstring slowed him down as well. Manu got shut down by Griffin (baby Bowen) and Diop shut down Duncan.
Just when I think you can't get any stupider.

Among your litany of excuses, you mention that the game would have been completely different if the backup point guard had played. Moronic.

By the way "shutting down" Duncan and Manu doesn't mean much when Nazr and Finley kick the shit out of you for the whole game and Duncan puts the dagger in your throat in the fourth.

03-04-2006, 01:41 AM
Harris averages 23 minutes a game as the backup point guard.

03-04-2006, 01:50 AM
Their defense was obsolete in the second half.

Quoted For Motherfucking Truth

Thirty points or more in the third and fourth is NOT good defense...

03-04-2006, 02:05 AM
Quoted For Motherfucking Truth

Thirty points or more in the third and fourth is NOT good defense...
Yeah, but Devin Harris would have defended the post and the perimiter at the same time. He would have stopped Horry and Finley with one hand and shut down Nazr with the other while Baby Bowen crushed Manu and Diop pwn3d Duncan.

03-04-2006, 03:30 AM
He would stop the penetration from Parker that lead to kick outs to open players like Finley and Horry. Also penetration can get bigs out of position for the rebound. I guess what I'm saying is point guard defense is huge and Terry is not dependable in that area.

03-04-2006, 03:33 AM
Was Devin the guy who held Parker to 11-17 or 13-23?

03-04-2006, 11:59 AM
I swear -- Devin Harris has the game of his life in the first Spurs/Mavericks matchup (how often will he go 8-8 from the floor against this San Antonio team) and Mavericks fan pimps him like he's the freakin' Messiah. At that, he didn't shut down Parker in the first game; he basically matched Parker's offensive output. I don't get the argument that Devin Harris is somehow the guy in the NBA who can deny Tony Parker any penetration and take Tony out of a game. He's yet to do that.

03-04-2006, 03:37 PM
It's starting to look like the mavs have lost their edge on the road. Dirk couldn't score on anyone except Manu and Parker. If you think the mavs played even close to the level they can play than you haven't watched many mavs games. The mavs are not afraid of the spurs and this bullshit.

Look here, m'fr. You came on here to talk shit and you are getting trashed like your pretender Mavs did. THE MAVS DIDN'T PLAY TO THEIR LEVEL BECAUSE THE SPURS DIDN'T LET THEM PLAY TO THEIR LEVEL...whatever their level is. You said the Mavs are not playing well because Harris did not play, so what happens when he plays and Duncan AND Manu bring their A-game (Insert Crickets here)? The Mavs CANNOT beat the Spurs in a 7-game series right now, no matter how much that little ass-bitch Cuban complains to the NBA. F*** Cuban, Stackhouse, and the Mavs!

Solid D
03-04-2006, 03:49 PM

Jerry Roundhouse serves up the forearm that should keep this Texas rivalry alive for many more games.

03-04-2006, 05:17 PM
He would stop the penetration from Parker that lead to kick outs to open players like Finley and Horry. Also penetration can get bigs out of position for the rebound. I guess what I'm saying is point guard defense is huge and Terry is not dependable in that area.

I agree with your statement about how PG defense is huge and about the fact that Terry is not a good defensive player. However, I disagree strongly with the notion that Devin Harris would "stop the penetration from Parker".

Hell, TP went off for 30+ points during the first meeting of the season between Spurs and Mavs - with Devin coming off the bench. Of course, Devin had a career game that night and is a nice, developing young player. But to insinuate that he's a grandiose defensive stopper on TP is going overboard.

We'll see what happens in April.

03-04-2006, 08:53 PM
Devin Harris is the only player on the mavs that can matchup with Parker speed wise. Yes the history shows Parker has had his way but I feel Harris can slow it down when he is in. For example Terry was able to slow down Parker in the first quarter but it is a lot to ask for Terry to continue doing this for the whole game. Harris would take the pressure off of Terry in that second quarter and possibly get the mavs lead to more than 12. I know that's asking a lot but Harris has done a lot of good things with the mavs. Anyways I'm sick of talking about an old game. Time to move on.