View Full Version : Students here in SA

03-31-2006, 01:04 PM
Are prostesting off of DeZavala and IH-10. Its good to see them out there trying to get a message across. Some might be there to be out of school or some wrong reason, but there are a few who actually care about the immigration issue.

03-31-2006, 01:10 PM
They've had similar stuff here in Houston. Many of the people who were interviewed were saying things like, "My parents/grandparents were immigrants who snuck across the border, and they worked hard at some shit job for years and never broke any laws, they deserve to be citizens." etc. I can accept that part of the argument. But where they lose me is the way they are protesting with these school walk outs. The reason your relatives were willing to risk life and limb to get across the border was so that your asses could have a better life, and the first step towards that is an education. What would really be moving to me would be seeing these teens sacrificing a weekend to do this, instead of cutting class.

03-31-2006, 01:13 PM
They did it at Judon too.

03-31-2006, 01:16 PM
I get you Spurs Fan in Exile, but I think they feel they are making look like they are serious by cutting class. I would like to them do it on a weekend as well. Actually, all the time.

03-31-2006, 01:17 PM
If they did it on a weekend it wouldn't be as interesting or draw as much attention, are you guys really that fucking stupid?

03-31-2006, 01:20 PM
If they did it on a weekend it wouldn't be as interesting or draw as much attention, are you guys really that fucking stupid?

Read what I posted:

but I think they feel they are making look like they are serious by cutting class

03-31-2006, 01:21 PM
Eager young minds?

03-31-2006, 01:23 PM
They've had similar stuff here in Houston. Many of the people who were interviewed were saying things like, "My parents/grandparents were immigrants who snuck across the border, and they worked hard at some shit job for years and never broke any laws, they deserve to be citizens." etc. I can accept that part of the argument. But where they lose me is the way they are protesting with these school walk outs. The reason your relatives were willing to risk life and limb to get across the border was so that your asses could have a better life, and the first step towards that is an education. What would really be moving to me would be seeing these teens sacrificing a weekend to do this, instead of cutting class.

I'm sorry, but those are mutually exclusive statements.

03-31-2006, 01:24 PM
If they did it on a weekend it wouldn't be as interesting or draw as much attention, are you guys really that fucking stupid?

I'm well aware that it draws more attention but it also devalues their efforts. I've talked to plenty of people who have looked at the situation and shrugged it off as a bunch of kids just looking for an excuse to skip school with their friends.

Not only that, but they are hurting their schools in the process. Districts take a look at head counts when they setting up annual budgets. When I was a senior in high school we were required to attend even on days of the TAAS testing when we didn't have shit to do, because it would effect those attendence numbers and thus budget numbers.

03-31-2006, 01:25 PM
i say close off the borders and let no more immigrants in the us

03-31-2006, 01:28 PM
j/k the statue of liberty says bring us your poor and crap like that, why slam the doors shut on them now...sure we are becoming overpopulated but this is the land of the free and the home of the brave......freedom, at what costs..im all for the bettering of other peoples lives....people shouldnt live oppressed in their own native lands, binded by dictators to follow as they are told or death to them by execution, since when was showing your body off or following your own religion become treason??? gosh damn it, what kind of world do we live in with this shit going on in other countries

03-31-2006, 01:29 PM
The Batman is wise.

03-31-2006, 01:31 PM
Has anyone seen the new HBO movie, "Walkout"?

03-31-2006, 01:32 PM
I actually disagree some with my husband. Of the kids interviewed here in Houston, I only saw a few who could articulate their position. The rest were just eager to be cutting class, were ignorant of what they were protesting, and enjoyed the massive amounts of attention they got.

There are investigations ongoing about whether some of these students were hired to start these protests.

I'm annoyed about the whole thing because I think it's really misplaced, but I'm not real friendly on illegal immigration anyway (all for the legal kind, and all for guest worker programs, just not illegal immigration). So that maybe colors my view of the protests.

03-31-2006, 01:33 PM
Oh yeah...I'm sure there are tons of oppressed Mexicans going to Judson and Clark...pffft..that ain't nothing but an excuse to skip school for them dammit...

03-31-2006, 01:38 PM
im not saying they are oppressed im just giving my overall opinion on the matter at hand not some immature people skipping out on school

03-31-2006, 01:41 PM
Either way all these kids are diong is getting themselves in trouble...

03-31-2006, 01:49 PM
I think its awesome. These youngs kids all the need support they can get. This immigration thing is crazy.

03-31-2006, 02:00 PM
Either way the kids are getting a 3 day vacation from school. They just announced they are suspending the Judson walkout students for 3 days.

So... Walk out today = 1
........Weekend days = 2
........Suspension days = 3

Total days off school 6

Boy, they really showed them. :lmao

03-31-2006, 02:05 PM
Either way the kids are getting a 3 day vacation from school. They just announced they are suspending the Judson walkout students for 3 days.

So... Walk out today = 1
........Weekend days = 2
........Suspension days = 3

Total days off school 6

Boy, they really showed them. :lmao

I wouldn't allow it as a parent.

My son would have to ask and receive my permission to do something like this, and if he received it I'd do everything I could to keep him from getting suspended....

03-31-2006, 02:07 PM
There is nothing you could do as a parent...those kids are breaking the schools rules...there are consequences...period....what you could do is let your kid stay home from school for three days and back to school to protest...then just write them a note...all legal like...

03-31-2006, 02:16 PM
It's about time Chicano's stand together.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 02:19 PM
home of the brave

What's brave about illegally being in a country? What's brave about leaching off the health care system when you're not paying a dime into it.

I just want someone to explain to me what the deal is with the Mexican flag. What does that have to do with the rights of illegal immigrants? If you want to stay in this country, enjoy the quality of living in this country, be supported by the health care system of this country, the least you could do is learn some English and start waving the stars and stripes.

03-31-2006, 02:22 PM
Oh they started arresting kids in Houston yesterday.


I might have more respect if it was clear the majority actually believed in something. But they didn't. The few who were interviewed clearly didn't understand what the immigration bill in Congress even covered.

PM5K - as a parent, you couldn't do anything if your child left school grounds. You could do something if you let your child stay home and then participate in a protest, because you can write an absence note.

Jim Rome
03-31-2006, 02:23 PM
this just in!--the amount of "leeching" illegal immigrants (who, by the way, have a higher employment rate than u.s. citizens) do is a drop in the bucket compared to the U.S. Citizense on medicaid or who are just indigent

03-31-2006, 02:26 PM
I don't understand the Mexican flag thing either, but I don't care what language people speak - it's not as if we have a national language, though English is the most commonly spoken/written language in America.

Shrug. I am not in favor of any form of illegal immigration for any reason. I am not in favor of an amnesty program (though if a guest worker program were instituted, I'm not opposed to allowing applications from illegal immigrants). I don't get a free crime because I'm a citizen, I don't see why people who are not citizens should get one either. That goes for border crossings of any kind. Those Canadians are tricky creatures, eh.

03-31-2006, 02:27 PM
You know whats a myth about illegals not paying a dime into the system? That illegals don't pay a dime into the system. Many of them have taxes deducted from their checks every week. Many of them work with sold SSNs, so everything looks legit and their money goes right into Uncle Sams coffers.

So, thats a big time myth.

As for these kids, I think Easjer hit the nail on the head. Maybe 1 out of 5 actually understands the issue and knows what they are doing and why they are doing it. However, all protests are like that. I've never been involved in a protest where at least some of the people were there because it was a social event for them. Its just the way it is.

Whatever, maybe a few kids will get turned on to activism from this. Thats a good thing.

03-31-2006, 02:30 PM
Also, look at the schools where the Students are walking out. I went to Clark, and I can tell you that its pretty godamn white. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Judsun is just about the same.

Call me unimpressed, but I'd be more impressed to see some schools on the Westside and Southside have large walkouts. 60 students or so is meh.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 02:30 PM
You won't hear any disagreement from me on that (Medicaid). Medicaid and Social Security are the two biggest problems facing this nation's future.

They could do a lot by allowing health spending accounts, flex spending accounts, and investment in 401ks/iras.

But heavenforbid they piss off any potential voters instead of doing the right thing for this country.

03-31-2006, 02:32 PM
Whatever, maybe a few kids will get turned on to activism from this. Thats a good thing.

Exactly. It'll turn some heads, and if you can just reach one...and on....

But yea, the south and westside schools, where ya at?

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 02:32 PM
I'm with you on all of that easjer.

The language thing is a pet peeve of mine. Every country in the world has an official language except for this one, and it's for fear of angering some minority group and their votes going to the other side of the aisle.

Being in Texas I hate at times going places and having a communication barrier. It's my own freakin' country for crying out loud.

03-31-2006, 02:34 PM
All I have to say is that the offices you work in and the homes/apartments you live in were built by immigrants. Most of them Mexican. It sounds like a joke or may sound like I am being silly, but its true. No way to deny it. Its true.

03-31-2006, 02:35 PM
You want to make english the official language? Fine. Make sure every kid graduating can speak it correctly. Take a look at the literacy rate. It is absolutel shit.

03-31-2006, 02:36 PM
Well, you can keep them all criminals, but good luck catching them all and finding a place to put them.

You can either keep your right and wrong stance, or you can join the real world where the immigrants - illegal or not - are a big part of the economy.

03-31-2006, 02:38 PM
I'm with you on all of that easjer.

The language thing is a pet peeve of mine. Every country in the world has an official language except for this one, and it's for fear of angering some minority group and their votes going to the other side of the aisle.

Being in Texas I hate at times going places and having a communication barrier. It's my own freakin' country for crying out loud.

Retarded. How old are you? 10?

03-31-2006, 02:39 PM
Are prostesting off of DeZavala and IH-10. Its good to see them out there trying to get a message across. Some might be there to be out of school or some wrong reason, but there are a few who actually care about the immigration issue.

I saw that when I went to the bank at lunch today. At first I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on...thought it was a wreck until I saw all the kids standing on the embankment.

It's nice to see young people stand up for a cause. :tu

03-31-2006, 02:43 PM
I think that's great. Immigration is great for the people who come here and great for us, since many immigrants are happy to do work our own countrymen won't do. Wonderful. All I ask is that it be legal. I like to know who is in the country. It has nothing to do with Medicare or anything other than the fact that I am opposed to illegal immigration (which puts the immigrants at great risk) when we allow people into our country legally.

03-31-2006, 02:46 PM
Then call your crongressperson and senator and tell them that you want a guest worker program. Because thats the only way this shit is going to get solved but right now they're dragging their heels.

03-31-2006, 02:48 PM
An excellent suggestion.

03-31-2006, 02:49 PM
Speak the truth Manny!! I believe Native Americans are the only people who can really bitch about too many people coming over and taking over their land because that is what white people did. I have worked with immigrants digging ditches, pouring concrete and so on; these people are mostly law abiding and peaceful. All they want is a chance to give their children a better chance then they had, and right now the Mexican government is not going to change to help them. Its amazing that we can go all the way to IRAQ to free Iraqis from Saddam, but letting some Mexican people come here to make better lives for themselves is cause for arrest and punishment!

03-31-2006, 02:51 PM
Speak the truth Manny!! I believe Native Americans are the only people who can really bitch about too many people coming over and taking over their land because that is what white people did. I have worked with immigrants digging ditches, pouring concrete and so on; these people are mostly law abiding and peaceful. All they want is a chance to give their children a better chance then they had, and right now the Mexican government is not going to change to help them. Its amazing that we can go all the way to IRAQ to free Iraqis from Saddam, but letting some Mexican people come here to make better lives for themselves is cause for arrest and punishment!

It's called racism.

03-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Also, look at the schools where the Students are walking out. I went to Clark, and I can tell you that its pretty godamn white. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Judsun is just about the same.

Call me unimpressed, but I'd be more impressed to see some schools on the Westside and Southside have large walkouts. 60 students or so is meh.
When was the last time you were at Clark? It is not pretty damn white. Judson? THE FREAKING EAST SIDE OF SAN ANTONIO? Mostly African Americans and Hispanics.

Anyways, my stance on this is such, they are trespassing in the United States. Here in Texas, we are allowed to kill if someone trespasses on your property if you feel your life and/or possessions are in danger. I feel that all/above are issues, muhaha so I guess we all know my solutions.

03-31-2006, 03:16 PM
When was the last time you were at Clark? It is not pretty damn white. Judson? THE FREAKING EAST SIDE OF SAN ANTONIO? Mostly African Americans and Hispanics.

Anyways, my stance on this is such, they are trespassing in the United States. Here in Texas, we are allowed to kill if someone trespasses on your property if you feel your life and/or possessions are in danger. I feel that all/above are issues, muhaha so I guess we all know my solutions.

The only thing I agree with is what you mentioned about Clark and Judson having a huge Mexican population. Other than that, nothing else.

Trespassing? Are you serious? If that's the case we are all trespassing. This country wasn't even ours to begin with. Texas belonged to the Mexicans first. Your solution is pretty funny. I know you can't be serious.

03-31-2006, 03:17 PM

It's called racism.

Bullshit. It's called demanding respect for laws currently in place.

03-31-2006, 03:27 PM
It's called demanding respect for laws currently in place.
Tell that to W.

03-31-2006, 03:30 PM
The only thing I agree with is what you mentioned about Clark and Judson having a huge Mexican population. Other than that, nothing else.

Trespassing? Are you serious? If that's the case we are all trespassing. This country wasn't even ours to begin with. Texas belonged to the Mexicans first. Your solution is pretty funny. I know you can't be serious.
No, I'm not serious about my solution but I am pretty serious about about them not being here.

03-31-2006, 03:32 PM
It's not always about racism. It is for some, sure. They don't want none of them dark-skinned-messkin-wetback-ess-pan-yol-speakers in their damn country.

But there are plenty of us who feel the same way if you talk about the Northern border. Or if you talk about any illegal immigrants without regard to their nationalities or ethnicities. I don't like the idea of people entering our country illegally period. I don't care where they come from or why they are here. I welcome folks with open arms who come here legally - come, have a better life, by all means. Just do it legally. I don't understand why that's too much to ask.

03-31-2006, 03:41 PM
No, I'm not serious about my solution but I am pretty serious about about them not being here.


03-31-2006, 03:42 PM
Tell that to W.

Hasn't broken any. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 03:47 PM
MoSpur, you're the only retard I see on this thread.

As an aside, Manny, I agree with you - people need to be taught English and they need to learn how to speak and write it. Period. Screw the TAKS and TAAS and all that crap, the only thing you should have to prove in a standardized method when you graduate HS is that you can sit down and write a coherent essay.

Alright, literacy rant over.

MoSpur - what don't you get? Go take some history lessons. America looks a lot right now like the great Roman Empire did before it fell. We don't need Al Qaeda, we're tearing ourselves apart from within.

I'm all for a guest worker type program. Hell, they could even implement a Public Works program similar to the one done between WWI and WWII and let people contribute to the good of the community as a step to citizenship.

If you're willing to work, I don't have a problem with you staying. I have a problem with all the deadbeat types leaching on our social programs and thinking they're entitled to something because they're on this side of the border.

And we're already at the point where it feels like American citizens have less rights than those who aren't in this country, and that's a depressing thought.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 03:49 PM
And for SA210, it's not racism. The very definition of illegal immigrant is someone who is here illegally.

Last time I checked those of us born here in America don't get a free 'break the law and we'll give you amnesty' card, why should the illegals?

It's not fair to the people who live here, and if you think that is a xenophobic view, fine. It's also not fair to those who emigrated here legally.

03-31-2006, 03:51 PM
Because I don't need to pay their bills, I don't need to deal with their disrespect towards America, even though they came here to get away from their crappy lives. And I'm not talking about illegal Mexicans, I'm talking about everyone who comes over illegally.

03-31-2006, 04:05 PM
Aggie - You are the one who putting all immigrants into this category where they all live off of government assistance. Not all live off of that stuff. As a matter of fact, they are the one's who least use that assistance. If yolu have a problem with all the deadbeats who leach, then you have a problem with a lot of Americans who were born here.

I wasn't saying that your view on having a work program was retarded by the way. The fact that you get upset about people speaking different languages in this country is retarded.

03-31-2006, 04:08 PM
Because I don't need to pay their bills, I don't need to deal with their disrespect towards America, even though they came here to get away from their crappy lives. And I'm not talking about illegal Mexicans, I'm talking about everyone who comes over illegally.

Do you know who's bills you pay exactly? I doubt it. There are very few who disrespect this country. I would guess there are more who were born here who disrespect this country than those who migrate to this country.

03-31-2006, 04:10 PM
I would guess there are more who were born here who disrespect this country than those who migrate to this country.


Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 04:16 PM
Aggie - You are the one who putting all immigrants into this category where they all live off of government assistance. Not all live off of that stuff.

Here's what I resent: I worked my way through school - I worked the last year of HS while juggling sports and leadership responsibilities, and worked all through college doing the same thing.

I lost track of the number of times I saw people come through my work (good ol' HEB) busting out Food Stamps and what not that were draped in gold chains, rings, etc. with the latest and greatest cell phone all the time and in much nicer clothing. That's BS.

As a matter of fact, they are the one's who least use that assistance. If yolu have a problem with all the deadbeats who leach, then you have a problem with a lot of Americans who were born here.

Again, not what I saw first hand on the assistance. And yes, I have a problem with all people who leach, no matter where they come from.

And sorry you disagree on the language thing. I shouldn't have to learn spanish to communicate with my fellow Americans.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 04:17 PM
Do you know who's bills you pay exactly? I doubt it.

So tell us, who picks up the health care bills for the illegals that show up at the hospitals to be treated?

03-31-2006, 04:22 PM
Do you know who's bills you pay exactly? I doubt it. There are very few who disrespect this country. I would guess there are more who were born here who disrespect this country than those who migrate to this country.
Quite frankly, I'M NOT GONNA FUCKIN SUPPORT EM. PERIOD. Now you're making me wish we do fuckin kill em because arguements with people like you, ones who support people breaking the CURRENT LAWS, will continue to argue petty little things. They're breaking the laws, and should be responsible for them. The government needs to make it a felony and send them back to their original point of origin and then fuckin stick a troop every half mile on the border and give them the orders to not allow anyone over. I watched my home town get dicked over by illegal immigrants (not San Antonio) and I don't want to see it happen to others.

03-31-2006, 04:27 PM
Here's what I resent: I worked my way through school - I worked the last year of HS while juggling sports and leadership responsibilities, and worked all through college doing the same thing.

I lost track of the number of times I saw people come through my work (good ol' HEB) busting out Food Stamps and what not that were draped in gold chains, rings, etc. with the latest and greatest cell phone all the time and in much nicer clothing. That's BS.

Again, not what I saw first hand on the assistance. And yes, I have a problem with all people who leach, no matter where they come from.

And sorry you disagree on the language thing. I shouldn't have to learn spanish to communicate with my fellow Americans.

So because you worked at a particular H.E.B in this town and you saw a certain people busting out food stamps, that means most who leach are illegal immigrants. That's what you saw at your previous place of employment. That doesn't mean the majority who leach off of government assistance are illegal immigrants. It just means the one's you saw most were illegally here. That's all.

About the language thing. If you don't want to learn Spanish, don't. You're not going to die because you can't speak Spanish. It just means you won't be able to order Mexican food at a Jalisco or be able to have your flat fixed at a tire shop on the West side or South side of town.

03-31-2006, 04:33 PM
Quite frankly, I'M NOT GONNA FUCKIN SUPPORT EM. PERIOD. Now you're making me wish we do fuckin kill em because arguements with people like you, ones who support people breaking the CURRENT LAWS, will continue to argue petty little things. They're breaking the laws, and should be responsible for them. The government needs to make it a felony and send them back to their original point of origin and then fuckin stick a troop every half mile on the border and give them the orders to not allow anyone over. I watched my home town get dicked over by illegal immigrants (not San Antonio) and I don't want to see it happen to others.

People like me? What type of people am I? You have no idea. I don't support those who break the law. Whether legal citizens or illegal immigrants. I just think that those who want to come here to work should be allowed to, however, it must be legal. If you want to send immigrants back to their point of origin then you would have to send a lot of people to a lot of different countries.

03-31-2006, 04:36 PM
People like me? What type of people am I? You have no idea. I don't support those who break the law. Whether legal citizens or illegal immigrants. I just think that those who want to come here to work should be allowed to, however, it must be legal. If you want to send immigrants back to their point of origin then you would have to send a lot of people to a lot of different countries.
That's fine with me, I'm not going to send them all back to Mexico or Canada ... what good would that do?

03-31-2006, 04:39 PM
Are prostesting off of DeZavala and IH-10. Its good to see them out there trying to get a message across. Some might be there to be out of school or some wrong reason, but there are a few who actually care about the immigration issue.

What, exactly, is 'the message' ?

03-31-2006, 04:40 PM
"Free F*ck off Day"

03-31-2006, 04:49 PM
I'm still confused about what the protestors 'message' is.

03-31-2006, 04:50 PM
There's some dude protesting at UTSA. He's on a hunger strike.

03-31-2006, 04:54 PM
The only problem I have is the use of the Mexican Flag. I find it offensive. I love the Mexican people. When I go to Mexico I have to stand in a stupid line for 1-2 hours to process my visa. And a gringo in Mexico without papers is throw in in a shithole jail, beaten and returned to America.

Maybe we should just treat them EXCATLY they way they expect us.

If you like took a flight to Mexico city and tell the guy "you know what I think i'll just come on in to Mexico and get me a job like Vincente Fox says. no paperwork".. .meanwhile..15 minutes later and a billy club and taser they have you locked in a little room....

03-31-2006, 04:58 PM
That's fine with me, I'm not going to send them all back to Mexico or Canada ... what good would that do?

Yeah since all immigrants are from Canada and Mexico.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 05:03 PM
I worked at 3 different HEBs between high school and college, saw it happen every where. And a lot of my coworkers in college saw the same thing in HS and they came from every corner of the state.

Aggie Hoopsfan
03-31-2006, 05:04 PM
Vashner, you can't treat them like that, that would be racist :rolleyes

03-31-2006, 05:15 PM
It just means you won't be able to order Mexican food at a Jalisco or be able to have your flat fixed at a tire shop on the West side or South side of town.

And your useless babble continues. That statement is fucking idiotic. I can go into a Jalisco and say I want some damn enchiladas, rice, beans and a freaking tostado con queso and they'll understand me perfectly. They understand money.

03-31-2006, 05:31 PM
And your useless babble continues. That statement is fucking idiotic. I can go into a Jalisco and say I want some damn enchiladas, rice, beans and a freaking tostado con queso and they'll understand me perfectly. They understand money.

Uh...I was being sarcastic.

03-31-2006, 05:31 PM
I worked at 3 different HEBs between high school and college, saw it happen every where. And a lot of my coworkers in college saw the same thing in HS and they came from every corner of the state.

Oh. Ok. :rolleyes

03-31-2006, 05:39 PM
are we assuming, just because someone is an immigrant, they HAVE to be leeching of the govt? wow! correct me if I'm wrong.

03-31-2006, 05:40 PM
Uh...I was being sarcastic.

Didn't somebody once say that "sarcasm is a low form of wit"?

And yeah, I got your sarcasm and like I said, it was useless and idiotic. But thanks for pointing it out.

03-31-2006, 05:48 PM

03-31-2006, 05:49 PM
Didn't somebody once say that "sarcasm is a low form of wit"?

And yeah, I got your sarcasm and like I said, it was useless and idiotic. But thanks for pointing it out.

Idiotic? How so? The guy was arguing that he shouldn't have to learn Spanish. I was saying he didn't have to. Anyway. :rolleyes

03-31-2006, 05:51 PM
We are all Tejano's now.. not Mexico..

They want to ignore the Alamo and the victory. Santa dickhead is the one that killed all the women and children. Then Sam Houston bitch slapped him and he gave us this shit. Don't they remember the Alamo!!!!!!!!

I support the green card program but they need to do a little background, photo and prints JUST like we have to if we apply for Mexico citizenship.

If they students want to show Mexico then move back.. this is Not Mexico.. this is Texas.

03-31-2006, 06:05 PM
All of the views pointed out in this thread are anecdotal at best. AHF with his stories of HEB. Well, I have worked at 3 different HEBs as well. And guess what? A lot of the food stamp customers were not immigrants. So do our stories cancel each other out or something? Not trying to be a smart ass. But everyone has a 'story'.

I want proof that my tax dollars are going towards illegal immigration care. Where are the facts, stats and links that everyone usually demands in these types of threads? The fact that nobody is providing them leads me to believe that people are talking in this thread with emotion instead of a straight head.

A couple of things I wanted to comment on: The person who was saying send Canadians AND Mexicans back has got to be joking. This is purely a Mexican thing, I have never heard of anyone telling a Canadian that they could not cross over. I am not going to say outright racism, but if it looks like a duck and quacks...

2. People who offer a guest worker program as a solution- do you guys realize that these people are underpaid? If you made working here legal, that means that they would have to (GASP!) be paid a living wage. Somehow, I think the sweatshop and farm owners would not like this very much, and continue to 'hire' illegals.

Which leads me to my last point- Our consumer demands for wal-mart rock-bottom pricing is what drives illegal immigration. If you as consumers want to continue to demand such low prices, then don't bitch about the end result of it. Open your wallets for either American wages, a living wage for guest workers, or shut up about it.

Oh, and for the peeps who keep saying "my country"... unless you are Native American, someone in your family was likely here illegally at some point. So, because they were a little earlier to the game, that means they got in, and tough shit to everyone else? Because that is sure what it sounds like to me.

03-31-2006, 06:11 PM
No you don't have to pay them min wage. You would need to let the workers do what they always do. They talk to the employeers for bids.

KEEP the govt out of any pay issues or housing (you have to give them housing and car once a week now under current laws).

They want to work. Fine but I want to make sure non are Felons. I want to protect YOU and your's...

I know some hunters that where killed in Real co' by some bad Mexican criminals.

So it's not all fine and dandy.

We have rule of law. Mexico has rule of law

Mexico EXPECT you to obey there law's when you are in Mexico. This means presenting ID. filling out a form. Typing your name in a computer (to look for wanted warrents etc) THEN giving you a visa paperwork.

We should expect exactly the same in return.

Ever try to get a job there? I looked into working there as a dive master and they where like NO gringo is gonna take a Mexican's JOB EVER attitude.

Unless you have a million bucks you will NEVER work in Mexico.. NEVER!

03-31-2006, 06:14 PM
This is dirt simple:

INVADE MEXICO. That way there's no longer a border for them to jump and since Mexico will then be America they won't be illegal immigrants. Besides, how else is Vashner gonna get his dream job?

03-31-2006, 06:20 PM
All of the views pointed out in this thread are anecdotal at best. AHF with his stories of HEB. Well, I have worked at 3 different HEBs as well. And guess what? A lot of the food stamp customers were not immigrants. So do our stories cancel each other out or something? Not trying to be a smart ass. But everyone has a 'story'.

I want proof that my tax dollars are going towards illegal immigration care. Where are the facts, stats and links that everyone usually demands in these types of threads? The fact that nobody is providing them leads me to believe that people are talking in this thread with emotion instead of a straight head.

A couple of things I wanted to comment on: The person who was saying send Canadians AND Mexicans back has got to be joking. This is purely a Mexican thing, I have never heard of anyone telling a Canadian that they could not cross over. I am not going to say outright racism, but if it looks like a duck and quacks...

2. People who offer a guest worker program as a solution- do you guys realize that these people are underpaid? If you made working here legal, that means that they would have to (GASP!) be paid a living wage. Somehow, I think the sweatshop and farm owners would not like this very much, and continue to 'hire' illegals.

Which leads me to my last point- Our consumer demands for wal-mart rock-bottom pricing is what drives illegal immigration. If you as consumers want to continue to demand such low prices, then don't bitch about the end result of it. Open your wallets for either American wages, a living wage for guest workers, or shut up about it.

Oh, and for the peeps who keep saying "my country"... unless you are Native American, someone in your family was likely here illegally at some point. So, because they were a little earlier to the game, that means they got in, and tough shit to everyone else? Because that is sure what it sounds like to me.
Great post :tu

03-31-2006, 06:21 PM
I got nothing but love for Mexico and it's people. Mexican culture is part of our Tejano culture. But they are not as good as us :)

We have a lot of migrants living here in my hood. My mom says "how can you tell who is from Mexico"... I said "The ones that don't wave back". lol...

(That's the noobs they too shy / scared still).

Im out in Bulverde.. you know that hick kind of thing where everyone waves the hand we do that here. And only noobs from Mexico kinda keep on walking like laser eye's.

Hey vato no quero some bueno amore amigo? hahah

03-31-2006, 06:21 PM
No you don't have to pay them min wage. You would need to let the workers do what they always do. They talk to the employeers for bids.

So you are saying to allow a legal, US-endorsed program where the 'guest' workers get paid slave wages? You HAVE to be kidding me. You think there is controversy now over this, wait till people find out that 'guests' in our country are being treated as 3rd-class citizens LEGALLY. The shit and everything else will hit the fan.

03-31-2006, 06:24 PM

Sure, pay them a living wage. I'm not opposed to that at all. We'll be taking out taxes etc from their paychecks, so they should be able to live on what they make.

I'm in no way opposed to people trying to better themselves. I'm not opposed to our government trying to help them. But I am opposed to the illegality of entering another country. Period. I don't care what country the person in question comes from - Canada, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Nigeria or Australia. I don't care which border they cross - if they cross it illegally, I don't want them here.

I want to do what is possible to secure the borders. Building a wall and stationing troops on the borders full time is not practical. So let's see if we can find a way to do this somehow. Let's spend our money cracking down on those who take advantage of immigrants to give them too little money. Let's spend the money to crack down on illegal transports which are dangerous to the people inside. Let's spend the money to try and get adequate housing and medical coverage for people who will be here on a temporary basis in a guest capacity.

It's insulting to everyone who is a citizen and to those immigrants who came into this country legally to do otherwise.

03-31-2006, 06:28 PM
All of the views pointed out in this thread are anecdotal at best. AHF with his stories of HEB. Well, I have worked at 3 different HEBs as well. And guess what? A lot of the food stamp customers were not immigrants. So do our stories cancel each other out or something? Not trying to be a smart ass. But everyone has a 'story'.

I want proof that my tax dollars are going towards illegal immigration care. Where are the facts, stats and links that everyone usually demands in these types of threads? The fact that nobody is providing them leads me to believe that people are talking in this thread with emotion instead of a straight head.

A couple of things I wanted to comment on: The person who was saying send Canadians AND Mexicans back has got to be joking. This is purely a Mexican thing, I have never heard of anyone telling a Canadian that they could not cross over. I am not going to say outright racism, but if it looks like a duck and quacks...

2. People who offer a guest worker program as a solution- do you guys realize that these people are underpaid? If you made working here legal, that means that they would have to (GASP!) be paid a living wage. Somehow, I think the sweatshop and farm owners would not like this very much, and continue to 'hire' illegals.

Which leads me to my last point- Our consumer demands for wal-mart rock-bottom pricing is what drives illegal immigration. If you as consumers want to continue to demand such low prices, then don't bitch about the end result of it. Open your wallets for either American wages, a living wage for guest workers, or shut up about it.

Oh, and for the peeps who keep saying "my country"... unless you are Native American, someone in your family was likely here illegally at some point. So, because they were a little earlier to the game, that means they got in, and tough shit to everyone else? Because that is sure what it sounds like to me.

Best post by far!! People are showing their true colors.

03-31-2006, 06:29 PM
Ok, you did raise a good point. If they are guests only and do not have full citizenship rights, then why should they be treated as first class citizens when they are, in fact, not?

I'm not opposed to securing fair wages for guest workers, don't get me wrong. But technically, one of the balances that a guest worker program could strike is legally making them second class citizens - after all, they wouldn't command the right to vote, so they would be that anyway. Not saying no fair wages, but . . .

There are economic issues here in play and there are moral issues in play. The problem is that they can't both be reconciled. And the governments responsibility is first and foremost to the citizens of the country, no one else.

03-31-2006, 06:31 PM

Sure, pay them a living wage. I'm not opposed to that at all. We'll be taking out taxes etc from their paychecks, so they should be able to live on what they make.

I'm in no way opposed to people trying to better themselves. I'm not opposed to our government trying to help them. But I am opposed to the illegality of entering another country. Period. I don't care what country the person in question comes from - Canada, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Nigeria or Australia. I don't care which border they cross - if they cross it illegally, I don't want them here.

I want to do what is possible to secure the borders. Building a wall and stationing troops on the borders full time is not practical. So let's see if we can find a way to do this somehow. Let's spend our money cracking down on those who take advantage of immigrants to give them too little money. Let's spend the money to crack down on illegal transports which are dangerous to the people inside. Let's spend the money to try and get adequate housing and medical coverage for people who will be here on a temporary basis in a guest capacity.

It's insulting to everyone who is a citizen and to those immigrants who came into this country legally to do otherwise.

We get it, you've posted the samething like five times. Let me give you an example of why some come over illegally.

Mexico and USA don't grant VISA's easily. The wait is sometimes yrs, they're desperate and can't find work in Mexico. So they come accross illegaly to stay alive and to have a better life.

03-31-2006, 06:31 PM
At least 60 students walk out in support of Mexican immigrants


Web Posted: 03/31/2006 12:46 PM CST
Michelle M. Martinez
Express-News Staff Writer

At least 60 high school students in the Judson Independent School District walked out of school Friday in support of allowing Mexican immigrants to remain in the United States.

Students from Judson High School’s two campuses – together they house the 9-12 grades – and some students from Wagner High School participated, leaving school when the morning bell rang. The students walked to Roosevelt High School, in the North East Independent School District, and stood across the street waving Mexican flags and chanting “Si se puede” – it can be done. The call was meant to urge the federal government to find a way to allow illegal immigrants to remain in this country.

They then ran through a parking lot to Walzem Road, off I-35, where they walked along the sidewalk to the sound of honking motorists. One car displayed three green, red and white T-shirts – the color of the Mexican flag -- draped outside the passenger-side window.

Police followed the students, but did not intervene.

It was unclear this Friday morning who organized the walkout, why the students chose to go to Roosevelt and what consequences they might face for leaving school.

Lawmakers are rewriting the nation’s immigration laws. A U.S. House proposal that calls for building a 700-mile long fence along the Southwest border has drawn the most protest from the Hispanic community. The U.S. Senate has taken up debate of a plan that would create a guest worker program.

“I’m out here because I have a lot of homeboys and homegirls who are from Mexico, and their families are, too,” said John Tristan, a freshmen at Judson High School. “I think it’s unfair that they want to take them back to Mexico.”

03-31-2006, 06:35 PM
And this stupid shit about Santa Anna killing women and children. Just remember the ILLEGAL British, IRISH, ITILIAN etc killed Thousands of innocent NATIVE AMERICAN men, women and children and stole their land then stuck them in reservations.

03-31-2006, 06:38 PM
Great post :tu

In what way ? Race baiting ?

03-31-2006, 06:40 PM
In what way ? Race baiting ?
That it's true and people are afraid to admit it.

03-31-2006, 06:40 PM
And this stupid shit about Santa Anna killing women and children. Just remember the ILLEGAL British, IRISH, ITILIAN etc killed Thousands of innocent NATIVE AMERICAN men, women and children and stole their land then stuck them in reservations.

Illegal ? What law was broken, brother ? It always amazes me when people lump the native tribes into 'one nation' that ran free in total peace and bliss in North America as if they were 'one'.

I can barely stand this rewrite of history but it seem to be the norm and accepted practice today.

Listen, a civilization that built the Notre Dame Cathedral, for example, 600 years before the white man set foot in NA and conqured the 'tent people' nomads....was destined to do so.

North American tribes were HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEHIND the Europeans...in fact, a couple of thousand.

That's the way of the world, man.

03-31-2006, 06:42 PM
The reason they should be treated like everyone else is that they are HUMAN. This country as it is today is a direct result of people being treated as 2nd class citizens for something beyond thier control- the religion they were born into.

So now, we as Americans will shit upon the very tenet we founded this country on beacuse of another thing beyond people's countrol- country of birth? And why? Over some PERCEPTION (as NOBODY has yet to prove otherwise so far in this thread) that they are using our medical and humanitarian resources?

We go in and 'liberate' Iraq in the name of humanitarianism. We have spent billions to do it. Yet, the very people that help fuel our economy and help enable us to have the way of life we enjoy, we don't want to give them a simple checkup?

03-31-2006, 06:43 PM
Illegal ? What law was broken, brother ?

OH, ok, because the Natives didn't have laws, it wasn't illegal. Got it!

03-31-2006, 06:51 PM
Who owns land ? What determines who owns land, son. Now AND then.

Who 'owns' land is whoever has the ability to hold it. By hook, crook, gun or law.


03-31-2006, 07:00 PM
Hey I'm thinking of buying some property in the hill country. It's been there for billions of years. We're looking for the rightful owner to cut a deal.

Please inform on what I should do. I'm thinking about making a deal with the title holder.

That's just me. But I'm sure there is some lizard who had it first.

Nice chatting....

Ownership of land...I believe that there is some principal that espouses that and that other one that doesn't....

03-31-2006, 07:08 PM
LOL, freaking idiot.

03-31-2006, 07:12 PM
LOL, freaking idiot.

03-31-2006, 07:13 PM
I Don't Know What We're Yelling About!!!

03-31-2006, 07:13 PM
Who owns land ? What determines who owns land, son. Now AND then.

Who 'owns' land is whoever has the ability to hold it. By hook, crook, gun or law.


03-31-2006, 07:19 PM
Rolling Eyes:

Since I'm not familiar with you I went to read some of your posts. After a couple of pages I came to this conclusion:

You have mastered the two word post.

03-31-2006, 07:21 PM
I Don't Know What We're Yelling About!!!


03-31-2006, 07:23 PM
Rolling Eyes:

Since I'm not familiar with you I went to read some of your posts. After a couple of pages I came to this conclusion:

You have mastered the two word post.
Some things are simply understood. Like how I understand your true colors.
I'm glad I got past the 2 words on this one.

03-31-2006, 07:23 PM
says who
very true
needs psychotherapy
what crap
great post
that's true
rolls eyes

03-31-2006, 07:25 PM
says who
very true
needs psychotherapy
what crap
great post
that's true
rolls eyes

Maybe I should shout and have selfish prejudice views, then you would like my posts.

03-31-2006, 07:40 PM
School Walkouts Protest Immigration Proposals in LA


By Anna Gorman and Michelle Keller, Times Staff Writers
2:15 PM PST, March 24, 2006

A day before organizers planned to rally downtown against U.S. border restrictions, hundreds of students walked out of four high schools in Los Angeles this morning to march for immigrant rights.

The atmosphere was festive as 500 Huntington Park High School students waved Mexican flags, held balloons colored green, white and red, and periodically broke into cheers of "Mexico! Mexico!"

"Without immigrants, this country wouldn't be anything," said Anna Benitez, 15, a ninth-grade student who moved to Los Angeles at age 5 with her mother from Mexico. "We're people. We're human beings. We're not criminals. We're in this country to work."

In a separate demonstration, another 1,500 students converged on Evergreen Park in Boyle Heights after walking out of classes at Garfield High School, Montebello High School and Roosevelt High School, according to Rafael Escobar, a Los Angeles Unified School District official.

The demonstration lasted about an hour, Escobar said.

"They are saying that we are terrorists, when the economy is based on immigrants," said William Pasillas, 14, of Garfield High School. He said his parents came from Mexico 30 years ago and are now citizens of the United States.

"They do good now, but why shouldn't other people get that opportunity?" said Pasillas.

A Montebello High School student, Jeannette Garcia, 15, said she participated to "make sure the Mexicans get their freedom, their rights."

The march Saturday is being organized to protest proposed federal legislation criminalizing illegal immigrants and erecting a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. The issue has prompted protests throughout the country, with thousands massing today in Phoenix and in Milwaukee on Thursday, according to wire service accounts.

Locally, students walked out of Huntington Park High School about 8:10 a.m. Some 200 marched to nearby Bell High School, and another 200 went to South Gate High School, according to Ellen Morgan, spokesperson for the Los Angeles Unified School District.

"It's not fair what they're doing to the Mexicans," said Lizette Hernandez, 16. "They only want them to get visas, and then they want to kick them out."

Sauly Tinoco, 17, one of the protesters, said, "It's been very peaceful, so far. No one has been arrested. There haven't been any fights."

Bell and South Gate high schools were locked down before the Huntington Park marchers arrived.

Morgan said all the protesters were headed back to Huntington Park High School as of 11:30 a.m.

"We welcome freedom of speech and schools are encouraged to provide a forum for discussion on campus. But the district does not condone students trying to enter other campuses and disrupting the educational process," Morgan said.

Some 73% of the 877,010 LAUSD students this year are Latino, Morgan said. Huntington Park High School has about 2,850 students.

Saturday's march is being organized by several organizations, including the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.

03-31-2006, 07:49 PM
Rowdy Immigration Protesters Confront Police at Roosevelt HS


Bottles thrown at cops, one student taken into custody
By Jim Forsyth
Friday, March 31, 2006

Passions over immigration reform got a little overheated in San Antonio today over the lunch hour.

About eighty students from Wagner and Judson High Schools marched down Walzem Road toward Roosevelt High School, with the intention of convincing Roosevelt students to join them.

With San Antonio, Windcrest, North East ISD and Judson ISD police carefully eying them, the students marched down Walzem carrying Mexican flags. Some of them had the red, white and green Mexican flag painted on their faces. They said their goal was to increase the size of the protest group by augmenting it with Roosevelt students.

"Mexicans need to be treated fairly," one student said. "Just like Martin Luther King had to fight, we will fight for our rights."

Another said San Antonio 'used to be part of Mexico.'

"They don't want people here from Mexico, but this used to be part of Mexico," she said. This used to be Mexican land before it was everybody's land."

When the group arrived at Roosevelt, students stood on the north side of Walzem Road chanting 'walk out, walk out!' On the south side of Walzem in front of the school were several North East Police Department officers. At one point, two water bottles were hurled at police.

The two sides eyed each other for about twenty minutes, then a small group of students dashed across the busy road toward Roosevelt. They tried to get into Roosevelt property but were blocked by police. A handful of Roosevelt students cheered in the school courtyard but none joined the mob. Frustrated, the protesters began yelling 'don't be p*****s!'

Finally, police herded the group onto a side street between Roosevelt and the old Windsor Park Mall, where one of the group leaders was taken into custody.

Then the rest of the group was led away from the school. Nobody was hurt.

There was also a small walkout at the same time at Clark High School, where a handful of students marched to the corner of Interstate 10 and DeZavala where they chanted slogans and waved banners before dispersing. A peaceful protest involving Highlands and Brackenridge students wound through the south side at mid afternoon.


03-31-2006, 07:53 PM
America rocks!!

03-31-2006, 08:09 PM
We get it, you've posted the samething like five times. Let me give you an example of why some come over illegally.

Mexico and USA don't grant VISA's easily. The wait is sometimes yrs, they're desperate and can't find work in Mexico. So they come accross illegaly to stay alive and to have a better life.
Exactly. Reading some of these posts about "I don't understand why they have to do this illegally..." are you serious? Take a moment and think why the hell people come across illegally in the first place.

You think they want to be here illegally, always being in fear of being caught?

It's the necessity of surviving and pulling their families out of poverty which makes most of them risk their lives crossing over to try and have a decent life.

03-31-2006, 08:26 PM
I know many migrants. Who do you think built my fence?


President Fox has no respect for USA and our border. No mas....

We have enough.. Time to seal the border and just friggin let those that are here in.

Then play hardball with the border. Maybe portable saddam plastic grinders etc....

03-31-2006, 08:29 PM
I was at the HEB at Dezavala and I10 this morning, and all those kids walked in. They were laughing it up and having a good time. I'm sure more than half of them had no clue why they were even skipping class.

03-31-2006, 08:31 PM
They've had similar stuff here in Houston. Many of the people who were interviewed were saying things like, "My parents/grandparents were immigrants who snuck across the border, and they worked hard at some shit job for years and never broke any laws, they deserve to be citizens." etc. I can accept that part of the argument. But where they lose me is the way they are protesting with these school walk outs. The reason your relatives were willing to risk life and limb to get across the border was so that your asses could have a better life, and the first step towards that is an education. What would really be moving to me would be seeing these teens sacrificing a weekend to do this, instead of cutting class.


Most of these kids are just there to miss school.

03-31-2006, 08:39 PM
Schools OUT for summer dundund dunndududhhdh


03-31-2006, 08:39 PM

Most of these kids are just there to miss school.

yeah im glad students are marching, but during a school day? do it on a weekend

03-31-2006, 08:52 PM
Just released on HBO



Edward James Olmos directs this HBO Films drama that tells the true but little-known story of a group of Chicano students who staged a compelling 1968 walkout to protest the injustices of the public high-school system in East Los Angeles. Starring Alexa Vega as Paula Crisostomo, an idealistic honor student who refuses to "play it safe" in a school system that clearly discriminates against Chicanos, instead banding with a group of activists to coordinate a multi- school walkout of students. Mentored by her charismatic teacher Sal Castro (Michael Peña), Paula learns that sometimes the price for progress is high -- but it's ultimately worth paying.

T Park
03-31-2006, 09:09 PM
What's brave about illegally being in a country? What's brave about leaching off the health care system when you're not paying a dime into it.

I just want someone to explain to me what the deal is with the Mexican flag. What does that have to do with the rights of illegal immigrants? If you want to stay in this country, enjoy the quality of living in this country, be supported by the health care system of this country, the least you could do is learn some English and start waving the stars and stripes.


Im sure were total racist pigs for believing that though.

04-01-2006, 04:24 AM
tpark- you are BEYOND programmed. This has nothing to do with being a racist pig. It has everything to do with ignorance. Present me with FACTS that immigrants do not pay into the system, and I will show you how wrong you are. Until then, try to get past your anger and see that this is a HUMAN issue more than a race one.

04-01-2006, 04:39 AM
Tpark programmed? The hell you say.

04-01-2006, 04:42 AM
Back on topic...

I see no reason to pay workers who partake in a guest worker program a "living wage". There are several reasons for this, but first and foremost the main benefit to such a program for this country would be the cheap labor and the cheap goods and services that would come from it. Artificially inserting another wage requirement would just fuck up the market system that much more.

Secondly, the majority of the money they earn flows out of this country and into their country of origion. So, you want to pay them a living wage in order for that money to leave this economy? Oh hell no.

A living wage is not a human right.

04-01-2006, 08:25 AM
I don't think Tpark is being "racist pig". He might have an edgy opinion but he's not saying let's round em up and shoot em etc.

Agree with Manny that setting a wage system will not work. The fees and paperwork need to be low and 1 page too. KISS (keep is simple).

Let the worker and the employeer set the wage, the way it's been done for over 100 years.

04-01-2006, 10:23 AM
It's not always about racism. It is for some, sure. They don't want none of them dark-skinned-messkin-wetback-ess-pan-yol-speakers in their damn country.

But there are plenty of us who feel the same way if you talk about the Northern border. Or if you talk about any illegal immigrants without regard to their nationalities or ethnicities. I don't like the idea of people entering our country illegally period. I don't care where they come from or why they are here. I welcome folks with open arms who come here legally - come, have a better life, by all means. Just do it legally. I don't understand why that's too much to ask.

Thats fine but why should we arrest these people. I know many of you are saying that they are criminals for doing so but its different. Think about this..... a person who is caught drinking and driving in Texas would only face a misdemeanor (think thats how you spell it) and would most likely be let go. I was told this by a cop friend of mine. Now if they are not arrested all the time then why is it that immigrants, just trying to make a buck, should. Maybe we give them the 3 strike rule....you know caught first time sent back, caught second time sent back, caught Third time arrested and jailed for 90 days. I don't know....... people will always think bad of us Mexicans because they feel we are a low class citizen. They treat us like children sometimes.

Edit: I will say this though...... The border patrol agents that we have now are mainly compassionate people who are doing their job but understand why immigrants cross. They are sending them back but if they catch an immigrant they give them water and food because of how hot it is and many of these people had not eaten in a while. If we just had more agents that would help the situation but not solve it.

04-01-2006, 10:32 AM
Exactly. Reading some of these posts about "I don't understand why they have to do this illegally..." are you serious? Take a moment and think why the hell people come across illegally in the first place.

You think they want to be here illegally, always being in fear of being caught?

It's the necessity of surviving and pulling their families out of poverty which makes most of them risk their lives crossing over to try and have a decent life.

Exactly and its not like its safe coming over here either. How many immigrants died in the desert trying to cross? Think about what desperation they must feel when they risk their lives and the lives of their family to cross over....if we want to stop the immigration problem then we need to help Mexico come out of the poverty level in some way. And if your not for that then you shouldn't want to help Iraq either.

04-01-2006, 10:45 AM
Damn where do you live Laker Hater? IN Canada? Sounds like you don't know shit..

There was this little battle called the Alamo and a little war of independence..

That means there is a line.. one side is MEXICO.. other is Texas..

Mexico EXPECTS us to obey there laws exactly when we are in Mexico that includes entry into Mexico. If you go to MEXICO to live and take a job you are a CRIMINAL.. you are arresed and deported... and if you mouth off they will beat the crap out of you.

04-01-2006, 10:48 AM
Ok so that means what to me? I am not talking about Mexican policy I am talking about American policy. Many countries also cutoff the hands of theives....Should we do the same? And How many Americans are going to Mexico illegally to get a job and survive??!

Edit: By the way I live in SA and my Grandparents were immigrants.

04-01-2006, 10:55 AM
Why are they waving the flag of Mexico? Why wave the flag of the country you left and don't want to go back to?

04-01-2006, 10:59 AM
Why are they waving the flag of Mexico? Why wave the flag of the country you left and don't want to go back to?

I agree with that..... Its like a PR campaign, you need to show the people you love this country and are wanting to become a citizen. Im not saying not the have the Mexican flag but you should have the American flag, thats the Flag giving you the opportunity to protest.

04-01-2006, 11:00 AM
Ok so that means what to me? I am not talking about Mexican policy I am talking about American policy. Many countries also cutoff the hands of theives....Should we do the same? And How many Americans are going to Mexico illegally to get a job and survive??!

Edit: By the way I live in SA and my Grandparents were immigrants.

Dude you got owned... make a reply with some substance.. Come big or go home.

04-01-2006, 11:03 AM
Dude WTF is owned?! Honestly if you don't understand that then I feel sorry for you because YOU don't know the real world. I wonder where you live bro...... Somewhere that obviously keeps you sheltered from reality.

Edit: By the way.... How old are you?

04-01-2006, 11:04 AM
Dude you got owned... make a reply with some substance.. Come big or go home.

Why are you instructing people to do what you, yourself have not done? :blah

04-01-2006, 11:06 AM
Why are you instructing people to do what you, yourself have not done? :blah


04-01-2006, 11:16 AM
Just released on HBO



Edward James Olmos directs this HBO Films drama that tells the true but little-known story of a group of Chicano students who staged a compelling 1968 walkout to protest the injustices of the public high-school system in East Los Angeles. Starring Alexa Vega as Paula Crisostomo, an idealistic honor student who refuses to "play it safe" in a school system that clearly discriminates against Chicanos, instead banding with a group of activists to coordinate a multi- school walkout of students. Mentored by her charismatic teacher Sal Castro (Michael Peña), Paula learns that sometimes the price for progress is high -- but it's ultimately worth paying.

This movie's gonna be crap

04-01-2006, 11:20 AM
HAHA Trainwreck, you are funny.

EDIT: Dude!! who is that chick in your avatar

04-01-2006, 12:02 PM
She used to to the weather for Univsion in the AM.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-01-2006, 12:48 PM
At least the people in NYC today were waving American flags. Small props to them for that.

04-01-2006, 02:53 PM
Why are they waving the flag of Mexico? Why wave the flag of the country you left and don't want to go back to?

Ok, I keep seeing this pop up. I'm not sure why they're waving the Mexican Flag, I think if anything they should be waving them both at the sametime, this is an assumption.

The imigration law is mainly targeting Mexicans. The majority of them work here, but visit their family (wife & kids, if they couldn't come over, afford too) (or their extended family, mom, dad, uncles, etc) whenever possible. They still love their country of origin and would stay there if they could, but can't. They're just waving the flag to show their love for their race. It has nothing to do about bad mouthing USA or the American flag.

04-01-2006, 03:55 PM
Someone asked for figures. Here they are.

This study is one of the first to estimate the total impact of illegal immigration on the federal budget. Most previous studies have focused on the state and local level and have examined only costs or tax payments, but not both. Based on Census Bureau data, this study finds that, when all taxes paid (direct and indirect) and all costs are considered, illegal households created a net fiscal deficit at the federal level of more than $10 billion in 2002. We also estimate that, if there was an amnesty for illegal aliens, the net fiscal deficit would grow to nearly $29 billion.

Among the findings:

Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.

Among the largest costs are Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

With nearly two-thirds of illegal aliens lacking a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, not their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

On average, the costs that illegal households impose on federal coffers are less than half that of other households, but their tax payments are only one-fourth that of other households.

Many of the costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their citizen children can continue to access them.

If illegal aliens were given amnesty and began to pay taxes and use services like households headed by legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual net fiscal deficit would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total net cost of $29 billion.

Costs increase dramatically because unskilled immigrants with legal status -- what most illegal aliens would become -- can access government programs, but still tend to make very modest tax payments.

Although legalization would increase average tax payments by 77 percent, average costs would rise by 118 percent.

The fact that legal immigrants with few years of schooling are a large fiscal drain does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a net drain -- many legal immigrants are highly skilled.

The vast majority of illegals hold jobs. Thus the fiscal deficit they create for the federal government is not the result of an unwillingness to work.

The results of this study are consistent with a 1997 study by the National Research Council, which also found that immigrants' education level is a key determinant of their fiscal impact.

You can read the full report here:

04-01-2006, 06:29 PM
U.S. Flag Banned Amid Racial Tensions

LONGMONT, Colo. (April 1) - Dozens of high school students protested a temporary school policy forbidding students from displaying the U.S. flag - as well as flags from other countries - amid racial tensions following immigration rallies.

Skyline High School Principal Tom Stumpf said American flags were brazenly waved in the faces of Hispanic students and in one case a Mexican flag was thrown into the face of another student.

"When it involves the American flag and its abuse in vilifying other people, we simply will not tolerate it," Stumpf said. "They were using the symbol derisively as misguided patriotism."

Students were warned about the policy Friday and several were suspended, although Stumpf would not provide details. Then, about 100 students protested during lunch time.

Student Dustin Carlson told Denver station KCNC-TV that he was suspended for two days.

"I'm getting suspended for it and personally I think that's uncalled for," he said. "If this country means freedom, then why can't we fly our own flag? It's ridiculous."

Thousands of high school students Friday in California, Texas, Nevada and other states protested the tough immigration laws proposed in the House. Some waved Mexican flags and carried signs saying "We are not criminals."

On Monday, about 150 high school students, including some from Skyline, protested in Longmont.

"People are taking it to a whole other level," said Laura Avitia. "I don't think they know why we were protesting."



04-02-2006, 12:05 AM
Why are they waving the flag of Mexico? Why wave the flag of the country you left and don't want to go back to?

cause they're not wee led

04-03-2006, 12:23 PM
Okay lets keep it short as possible,

the ppl who are still studying, which online resources do u usually goto get ur materials/journals for assignments???

04-06-2006, 11:30 AM

04-06-2006, 02:45 PM
^^I saw that...too funny...and would probably be true...