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12-06-2006, 05:07 PM
...on December 6, 1997.

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/starr.report/6jnarrit.htm)

On the morning of Saturday, December 6 [1997], Ms. Lewinsky went to the White House to deliver the letter and gifts to the President. The gifts included a sterling silver antique cigar holder, a tie, a mug, a "Hugs and Kisses" box, and an antique book about Theodore Roosevelt. Ms. Lewinsky planned to leave the parcel with Ms. Currie, who had told Ms. Lewinsky that the President would be busy with his lawyers and unable to see her.

Ms. Lewinsky arrived at the White House at approximately 10:00 a.m. She told the Secret Service uniformed officers at the Northwest Gate that she had gifts to drop off for the President, but that Ms. Currie did not know she was coming. Ms. Lewinsky and the officers made several calls in an attempt to locate Ms. Currie. The officers eventually invited Ms. Lewinsky inside the guard booth. When Ms. Currie learned that Ms. Lewinsky was at the Northwest Gate, she sent word that the President "already had a guest in the [O]val," so the officers should have Ms. Lewinsky wait there for about 40 minutes.

While Ms. Lewinsky was waiting, one officer mentioned that Eleanor Mondale was in the White House. Ms. Lewinsky correctly surmised that the President was meeting with Ms. Mondale, rather than his lawyers, and she was "livid."
Kind of takes you back, don't it?

12-06-2006, 06:10 PM
...on December 6, 1997.

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/starr.report/6jnarrit.htm)

Kind of takes you back, don't it?
Better days.

12-06-2006, 06:11 PM
Better days.
Yeah, I wonder what Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Atta were up to that day.

12-06-2006, 06:20 PM
Yeah, I wonder what Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Atta were up to that day.
Why do you care?

12-06-2006, 06:20 PM
Anxiously awaiting bush's election.

12-06-2006, 07:28 PM
Why do you care?
Because, apparently, no one in the government was fucking worried about what they were doing that day.

Too goddamned busy getting their knob polished.

12-06-2006, 07:29 PM
Because, apparently, no one in the government was fucking worried about what they were doing that day.

Too goddamned busy getting their knob polished.
Do you care about Osama bin Laden now?

12-06-2006, 07:37 PM

The last gasp of the dying neocon.

Clinton....got a blow job....in....the....*ack*

12-06-2006, 07:47 PM
Do you care about Osama bin Laden now?
It's a little late for that. He's pretty impotent and, probably, greasing the space between two boulder in a Tora Bora mountainside.

The time to have cared about him was when he was actually killing Americans.

12-06-2006, 07:48 PM
Yoni doesn't care about Osama Bin Laden.

12-06-2006, 07:50 PM
It's a little late for that. He's pretty impotent and, probably, greasing the space between two boulder in a Tora Bora mountainside.

The time to have cared about him was when he was actually killing Americans.
How many cruise missles did Bush lauch into Afganistan to target bin Laden prior to 9/11?

12-06-2006, 07:50 PM
Yoni doesn't care about Osama Bin Laden.
I want him brought to justice, which has probably already occurred. But, I'm not concerned that he's capable of executing any diabolical plans...no.

12-06-2006, 07:55 PM
Hahaha, this thread has got to be a joke.

12-06-2006, 07:56 PM
How many cruise missles did Bush lauch into Afganistan to target bin Laden prior to 9/11?
The previous administration had established the policy regarding Osama bin Laden. President Bush barely had time to transition before 9/11 and there was no pretense between taking office and September 11 that would have allowed President Bush to launch those missiles. It's not even clear that Osama bin Laden whereabouts were known during that period.

It's not like Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were the only threats we faced on January 21, 2001.

You're an idiot PeePee.

12-06-2006, 07:57 PM
Hahaha, this thread has got to be a joke.
Well, it started out that way.

12-06-2006, 08:04 PM
The previous administration had established the policy regarding Osama bin Laden. President Bush barely had time to transition before 9/11 and there was no pretense between taking office and September 11 that would have allowed President Bush to launch those missiles. It's not even clear that Osama bin Laden whereabouts were known during that period.

It's not like Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were the only threats we faced on January 21, 2001.

You're an idiot PeePee.
I see. So "damn Clinton" for not catching/killing OBM, but Bush gets a pass for not setting having his foreign policy set 8 MONTHS after taking office. They certainly didn't waste time setting plans to invade Iraq before 9/11. (http://foi.missouri.edu/polinfoprop/invading.html)

12-06-2006, 08:08 PM
I see. So "damn Clinton" for not catching/killing OBM, but Bush gets a pass for not setting having his foreign policy set 8 MONTHS after taking office. They certainly didn't waste time setting plans to invade Iraq before 9/11. (http://foi.missouri.edu/polinfoprop/invading.html)
You do realize Iraq was invaded in March of 2003, a full 18 months after 9/11 and after an invasion of Afghanistan [a result of which caused thousands of terrorists, Zarqawi amond them, to flee to -- yep, you guessed it, Iraq].

I wouldn't have been disappointed if, on January 22, 2001, the President had launched a cruise missile attack in Afghanistan. But, that's because we now know the future. Do you honestly believe the Left wouldn't have started their bellyaching immediately instead of waiting until September 12th (after the customary 24 hours of unity)?

12-06-2006, 08:10 PM
But, that's because we now know the future.:lmao

12-06-2006, 08:20 PM
You do realize Iraq was invaded in March of 2003, a full 18 months after 9/11 and after an invasion of Afghanistan [a result of which caused thousands of terrorists, Zarqawi amond them, to flee to -- yep, you guessed it, Iraq].

You do realize I was referring to their plan/desire/intention to invade Iraq prior to 9/11?

I wouldn't have been disappointed if, on January 22, 2001, the President had launched a cruise missile attack in Afghanistan. But, that's because we now know the future. Do you honestly believe the Left wouldn't have started their bellyaching immediately instead of waiting until September 12th (after the customary 24 hours of unity)?
Nobody "on the left" bellyached about going after OBM before or after 9/11.

12-06-2006, 08:21 PM
From that point, you imbecile. Can you ever stay on topic or, do you just devolve to nonsense when you can't think of anything else to say?

12-06-2006, 08:22 PM
:lmao <--sometimes, that's all that's needed.

12-06-2006, 08:24 PM
Can you ever stay on topic It was your topic, dipshit.

Don't get mad because you owned yourself again.

12-06-2006, 08:27 PM
You do realize I was referring to their plan/desire/intention to invade Iraq prior to 9/11?
It might -- no, it apparently -- would surprise you to learn we have plans to invade, attack, or neutralize a whole host of countries/regimes that are hostile to the U.S.

Your characterization of desire and intention are pure conjecture that doesn't seriously advance any discussion. But, considering we were still in a state of war with Iraq after only a cease-fire agreement in 1991 kept us from annihilating the regime then, intention is probably a reasonable argument.

It's pretty apparent, after 12 years of continued violence, obstruction, and bold claims, we'd be stupid not to be prepared to clean Saddam's clock. Which, by the way, was accomplished in 21 days...largely due to the planning that went into the invasion beforehand.

Nobody "on the left" bellyached about going after OBM before or after 9/11.
No, you were too busy bellyaching about Clinton's raw deal and about how stupid/evil the Bush Cabal was for stealing the election. Y'all had completely forgotten about bin Laden.

12-06-2006, 08:29 PM
:lmao <--sometimes, that's all that's needed.
I suppose. Kind of like when the mentally retarded laugh when they don't understand something.

12-06-2006, 08:32 PM
It might -- no, it apparently -- would surprise you to learn we have plans to invade, attack, or neutralize a whole host of countries/regimes that are hostile to the U.S.It surprised me that we didn't have one for the Taliban regime.
It's pretty apparent, after 12 years of continued violence, obstruction, and bold claims, we'd be stupid not to be prepared to clean Saddam's clock. Which, by the way, was accomplished in 21 days...largely due to the planning that went into the invasion beforehand.And because we already controlled the air and Saddam had no control over a good portion of his country anyway, and where he did have control, he had a severely weakened army that could no longer fix its equipment.
No, you were too busy bellyaching about Clinton's raw deal and about how stupid/evil the Bush Cabal was for stealing the election. Y'all had completely forgotten about bin Laden.And you were shouting from the rooftops about him, right?

12-06-2006, 08:33 PM
I suppose. Kind of like when the mentally retarded laugh when they don't understand something.Aw, Yoni is pissed because he owned himself again. :cry

12-06-2006, 08:34 PM
Aw, Yoni is pissed because he owned himself again. :cry
Funny how you constantly confuse sarcasm with anger. Is this common with you?

12-06-2006, 08:36 PM
There's no confusing your self-ownage.

12-06-2006, 08:36 PM
It might -- no, it apparently -- would surprise you to learn we have plans to invade, attack, or neutralize a whole host of countries/regimes that are hostile to the U.S.

Your characterization of desire and intention are pure conjecture that doesn't seriously advance any discussion. But, considering we were still in a state of war with Iraq after only a cease-fire agreement in 1991 kept us from annihilating the regime then, intention is probably a reasonable argument.

It's pretty apparent, after 12 years of continued violence, obstruction, and bold claims, we'd be stupid not to be prepared to clean Saddam's clock. Which, by the way, was accomplished in 21 days...largely due to the planning that went into the invasion beforehand.
...and the "Terrorism is our new top priority" plan? Didn't think to draft that one up?

No, you were too busy bellyaching about Clinton's raw deal and about how stupid/evil the Bush Cabal was for stealing the election. Y'all had completely forgotten about bin Laden.

Maybe it was because you guys were too busy jerking off to the Starr Report/sticking pins in your Clinton voodoo doll/daydreaming about invading Iraq that OBL slipped your side's mind too.

12-06-2006, 08:38 PM
It surprised me that we didn't have one for the Taliban regime.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy. We were in Afghanistan in less than a month. There hasn't been a serious terrorist threat coming out of that country since. Yeah, there's problems internally...but, I believe they'll be resolved.

And because we already controlled the air and Saddam had no control over a good portion of his country anyway, and where he did have control, he had a severely weakened army that could no longer fix its equipment.
Weakened sanctions thanks to Kofi, Jacques, Gerhardt, and Pooty Poot. He was firing on our planes daily. al Qaeda was fleeing Afghanistan to Iraq. Abu Nidal, Abu Abbas, training camps -- yes, Virginia, Salman Pak is in the area controlled by Saddam. And on and on and on.

And you were shouting from the rooftops about him, right?
Nope. I wasn't. Never claimed to have been. However, it is very apparent, now, that Clinton should have taken this scumbag out long before the 2000 election.

12-06-2006, 08:40 PM
...and the "Terrorism is our new top priority" plan? Didn't think to draft that one up?
I wasn't in the administration. But, yeah, they made it a bigger priority than did Clinton.

Maybe it was because you guys were too busy jerking off to the Starr Report/sticking pins in your Clinton voodoo doll/daydreaming about invading Iraq that OSM slipped your side's mind too.
Actually, the country was all caught up in the "stolen" election. Remember?

12-06-2006, 08:43 PM
I wasn't in the administration. But, yeah, they made it a bigger priority than did Clinton.

After 9/11. duh. :rolleyes

12-06-2006, 08:43 PM
No plan survives first contact with the enemy. What the hell does that mean? The military had NO PLAN for taking on the Taliban regime.
There hasn't been a serious terrorist threat coming out of that country since.All those guys are in Pakistan where we can't touch them. Mission accomplished.
Weakened sanctions thanks to Kofi, Jacques, Gerhardt, and Pooty Poot. He was firing on our planes daily. al Qaeda was fleeing Afghanistan to Iraq. Abu Nidal, Abu Abbas, training camps -- yes, Virginia, Salman Pak is in the area controlled by Saddam. And on and on and on.:lmao Dont' forget all those WMDs you knew were there. Why did you not include those, Linus?
Nope. I wasn't. Never claimed to have been. However, it is very apparent, now, that Clinton should have taken this scumbag out long before the 2000 election.Just as apparent: Bushie should have heeded the briefings that said "Bin Laden determined to strike inside the US."