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03-06-2007, 04:20 AM
yes, i know they have different body chemistry than women...


03-06-2007, 04:37 AM
im 5'7 50-55kg
target is 65kgz, sitting at home bumbing and posting on forums only got me a pot belly atm :( the days of my abs are gone.

03-06-2007, 05:10 AM
my point is simple...its always in the headlines that certain women are too skinny, but why not men? i think:

1. people want what validates their sense of self

2. women don't like to be intimidated by other skinny hot girls, whose body might be unattainable

3. in some ways, i could see certain guys not wanting to admit what they may truly find attractive b/c they don't want their significant other to become unhappy or if they are not in a relationship, tell themselves what they find attractive (larger girls) b/c they know what women they cannot attain (of course there is accounting for wide variety of tastes)

4. i am pretty sure if you asked women, in general, what were their favorite actors, actresses, or models?...it wouldn't be the superfit or superhot ones

...girls are inherently more jealous, irrational, and catty. therefore, you hear more from them about their own gender vs. men.

03-06-2007, 05:24 AM
Because growing up as a woman is different than as a man. There's a reason that anorexia and other eating disorders are almost exclusively female disorders. Yes -- some men are too skinny and whatever, but our culture doesn't focus on that.

Another thing is that the attractive qualities in men tend to be things like muscle mass and neat hair, not skinny bodies. It's easier to be some beer-bellied funny guy than the female equivalent.

It's just a cultural thing.

03-06-2007, 05:37 AM
my point is simple...its always in the headlines that certain women are too skinny, but why not men? i think:

1. people want what validates their sense of self

2. women don't like to be intimidated by other skinny hot girls, whose body might be unattainable

3. in some ways, i could see certain guys not wanting to admit what they may truly find attractive b/c they don't want their significant other to become unhappy or if they are not in a relationship, tell themselves what they find attractive (larger girls) b/c they know what women they cannot attain (of course there is accounting for wide variety of tastes)

4. i am pretty sure if you asked women, in general, what were their favorite actors, actresses, or models?...it wouldn't be the superfit or superhot ones

...girls are inherently more jealous, irrational, and catty. therefore, you hear more from them about their own gender vs. men.
Try again. How about the fact that it matters less what men look like, and therefore they get criticized less? (That and the fact that if a man expresses his preferences for other men's aesthetics he runs the possibility of having his manhood challenged, by others or himself ... ah homophobia.)

As for women being criticized for being too skinny, sometimes it is a jealousy thing, because for most women it is an unattainable standard. Few women naturally have a body type that is encouraged by media employers, so many women starve themselves and become too skinny for their frames because they are told that's what people want to see. One reason women criticize women who starve themselves is because we do sometimes see it as a form of betrayal - they are telling us that it's not okay to look like ourselves, and that we should change ourselves in an unhealthy manner in order to become more like the "ideal". Why do we get "catty"? Because we're fucking hungry.

Men can be "too skinny" or have a few extra pounds, wrinkles, gray hair, etc - in other words, it's much more okay for men to look however they naturally look. I'm not saying that men do not have certain social standards of beauty, but they are FAR less stringent than those for women.

03-06-2007, 05:42 AM
Because growing up as a woman is different than as a man. There's a reason that anorexia and other eating disorders are almost exclusively female disorders. Yes -- some men are too skinny and whatever, but our culture doesn't focus on that.

Another thing is that the attractive qualities in men tend to be things like muscle mass and neat hair, not skinny bodies. It's easier to be some beer-bellied funny guy than the female equivalent.

It's just a cultural thing.

yes, i know what you are saying...but,

1. don't some guys strive to get muscled up and workout for physical image as well...some even use supplements and steroids that are unhealthy. how is that any different?

2. on the flip side, having a beer belly or being overweight is actually worse than being too skinny...especially if you are a guy

3. i am trying to go beyond the simple answers you have give (no offense), and focus on the outcry...when in actuality the 'pressure' women feel to be fit is a lot of the same pressure guys feel to get in shape...whether or not it is for the same reason

03-06-2007, 05:58 AM
Try again. How about the fact that it matters less what men look like, and therefore they get criticized less? (That and the fact that if a man expresses his preferences for other men's aesthetics he runs the possibility of having his manhood challenged, by others or himself ... ah homophobia.)

As for women being criticized for being too skinny, sometimes it is a jealousy thing, because for most women it is an unattainable standard. Few women naturally have a body type that is encouraged by media employers, so many women starve themselves and become too skinny for their frames because they are told that's what people want to see. One reason women criticize women who starve themselves is because we do sometimes see it as a form of betrayal - they are telling us that it's not okay to look like ourselves, and that we should change ourselves in an unhealthy manner in order to become more like the "ideal". Why do we get "catty"? Because we're fucking hungry.

Men can be "too skinny" or have a few extra pounds, wrinkles, gray hair, etc - in other words, it's much more okay for men to look however they naturally look. I'm not saying that men do not have certain social standards of beauty, but they are FAR less stringent than those for women.

1. i don't think it matters less what men look like for women (although thats probably the case to a degree), i think it matters less what men look like to some men

2. but women don't have to starve themselves to look like those other women...yes there are all types of body sizes, and yes some bodies are unattainable for some women. i say be happy who you are and quit being jealous...or, work out harder and eat better

3. why do you think its OK for men to look 'not as appealing'? i think its probably due to the fact that they don't create their own problem...at least not nearly as much

03-06-2007, 06:30 AM
IMO, women are the ones pusing themselves to become skinnier, not men.

Look at the countries where women have the most rights and independence and you will see countries with a trend towards skinner women...

Breast reduction? Wasn't a man that came up with that idea. Does not compute.

Women figured out a long time ago that they could get what they want by using their looks(among other things) and since then it's been a non-stop competition amongs women to improve their appearance.

It's not the man that tells the woman to go spend an hour putting on makeup, or that her butt looks too big, or that one pair of shoes looks uglier than the other...

Or to get that botox crap injected into their face and that collagen crap into their lips.

Or driving the multi billion dollar clothing and cosmetic industries that are so strong in countries where women are more or less independent.

It's what women do to themselves...basically, to get what they want...and it works. And it's what they want to spend their money on as well.

I'm not saying all women are like this, nor am I saying that all men don't put pressure on their woman to look a certain way...

But the major driving factor in our culture is simple feminine vanity.

Whitley's obsession with a thin woman is a minority view on this forum...put Miller up against Salma(who's not a beanpole and 40 years old) and see what happens.

If men were in control of this ALL women would have D cup racks(among other things), no surgery necessary

03-06-2007, 06:37 AM
IMO, women are the ones pusing themselves to become skinnier, not men.

Look at the countries where women have the most rights and independence and you will see countries with a trend towards skinner women...

Breast reduction? Wasn't a man that came up with that idea. Does not compute.

Women figured out a long time ago that they could get what they want by using their looks(among other things) and since then it's been a non-stop competition amongs women to improve their appearance.

It's not the man that tells the woman to go spend an hour putting on makeup, or that her butt looks too big, or that one pair of shoes looks uglier than the other...

Or to get that botox crap injected into their face and that collagen crap into their lips.

Or the multi billion dollar clothing and cosmetic industries that are so strong in countries where women are more or less independent.

It's what women do to themselves...basically, to get what they want...and it works.

I'm not saying all women are like this, nor am I saying that all men don't put pressure on their woman to look a certain way...

But the major driving factor in our culture is simple feminine vanity.

Whitley's obsession with a thin woman is a minority view on this forum...put her up against Salma(who's not a beanpole) and see what happens.

1. you are starting to hit on some of the points i am trying to make, but you aren't there yet :tu

2. my obsession with Marisa Miller? there are other girls in my top 10 that are less FIT than Marisa...btw, i happen to find Salma very attractive. also, i didn't know beanpoles had a big chest and ass (marisa does)?

3. as for the poll? your prediction on what would happen is part of the mental conditioning process i am talking about...not that some people wouldn't find Salma hotter than Marisa...i could understand that

^^^especially in a latin community, such as San Antonio

03-06-2007, 06:45 AM

You start a thread about men never being considered too skinny in order to attack women. Thats classic.

03-06-2007, 06:46 AM
yes, i know what you are saying...but,

1. don't some guys strive to get muscled up and workout for physical image as well...some even use supplements and steroids that are unhealthy. how is that any different?

2. on the flip side, having a beer belly or being overweight is actually worse than being too skinny...especially if you are a guy

3. i am trying to go beyond the simple answers you have give (no offense), and focus on the outcry...when in actuality the 'pressure' women feel to be fit is a lot of the same pressure guys feel to get in shape...whether or not it is for the same reasonThats one of the most idiotic statments I've ever read in my life.

03-06-2007, 06:50 AM
This thread has little to do with men and what is acceptable as far as male appearance as it has to do with JGW wanting to call out women for pressuring each other. Why didn't you just start a thread titled Women Hate Women? Thats essentially what you keep saying.

I don't think you understand the culture wide pressures women feel in many societies or how different the social interactions of men and women within their genders and within society as a whole are. No offense but having this conversation on this message board isn't going to reveal some mind opening viewpoints to you. If you really have an interest in the subject try picking up a book or 2 on gender studies.

03-06-2007, 06:57 AM
I don't think JGW intended this as a thread to say women put pressure on each other...he's madly in love with a very thin woman and is asking why men are never considered thin...

I don't really see how he can have the agenda you claim given those factors. I mean if anything he considers that pressure a positive given his own preference...so why would he call it out?

03-06-2007, 07:00 AM

You start a thread about men never being considered too skinny in order to attack women. Thats classic.

sort of.

03-06-2007, 07:01 AM
I don't think JGW intended this as a thread to say women put pressure on each other...he's madly in love with a very thin woman and is asking why men are never considered thin...

I don't really see how he can have the agenda you claim given those factors. I mean if anything he considers that pressure a positive given his own preference...so why would he call it out?So he's trying to figure out why men don't have to be skinny by posting about nothing but women?


03-06-2007, 07:01 AM
Thats one of the most idiotic statments I've ever read in my life.

whats idiotic about it?

03-06-2007, 07:03 AM
The pressures women feel about their bodies are incomparable to any pressures men feel about their bodies. You cannot possibly believe they are the same in any way shape or form.

03-06-2007, 07:04 AM
This thread has little to do with men and what is acceptable as far as male appearance as it has to do with JGW wanting to call out women for pressuring each other. Why didn't you just start a thread titled Women Hate Women? Thats essentially what you keep saying.

b/c i am making a point, its quite lucid, actually.

I don't think you understand the culture wide pressures women feel in many societies or how different the social interactions of men and women within their genders and within society as a whole are. No offense but having this conversation on this message board isn't going to reveal some mind opening viewpoints to you. If you really have an interest in the subject try picking up a book or 2 on gender studies.

of course i understand the culture wide pressures...women do it to themselves. its not that i am trying to enlighten myself...quite the opposite actually...

03-06-2007, 07:05 AM
1. i don't think it matters less what men look like for women (although thats probably the case to a degree), i think it matters less what men look like to some men

2. but women don't have to starve themselves to look like those other women...yes there are all types of body sizes, and yes some bodies are unattainable for some women. i say be happy who you are and quit being jealous...or, work out harder and eat better

3. why do you think its OK for men to look 'not as appealing'? i think its probably due to the fact that they don't create their own problem...at least not nearly as much
1. Men control the vast majority of the media - men are not nearly as inundated with pressure to look a certain way. Men don't care quite as much how they compare to each other ... unless it's a phallic matter, then they do care.

2. Women are conditioned from birth to care more about aesthetics - by both genders. Studies show that girls in grade school are praised more frequently for their handwriting than they are for critical thinking. "Be happy who you are and quit being jealous"? Are you volunteering to recondition every woman in developed countries? Frankly, I don't think you mind women competing with other women, because I think you like to watch, and I think you like that Marisa Miller's ribcage is completely visible in your avatar. Why else would you ignore her best asset - that being her ass?

3. Again, see #1 - men control the vast majority of what we see - via television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, etc. You can't turn around without being subjected to media influence and its values. Women have been conditioned for thousands of years that her most important contribution to society is how she looks to it. There are exceptions to every rule, and sometimes there are signs of progress, but for the most part, it's a man's world. As women, we don't create our own problem, we resume where other women left off, and our aesthetic values were not created by ourselves.

I realize that I will never change your ignorance by making a few posts on the internet, but it does make me feel a little better to publicly call you ignorant asshole.

03-06-2007, 07:06 AM
3. as for the poll? your prediction on what would happen is part of the mental conditioning process i am talking about...not that some people wouldn't find Salma hotter than Marisa...i could understand that

^^^especially in a latin community, such as San Antonio

No, simply because as you pointed out, IMO accurately, the pressure for women to be thinner is primarily driven by other women, not men.

Salma would win because she's better looking...fuller figured, and IMO, that's what most men prefer.

And I don't recall saying Marissa was a beanpole, only that Salma wasn't.

03-06-2007, 07:06 AM
Women don't just do it to themselves. Do you realize how simplistic that sounds? You're trying to put a society wide phenomenon into the phrase "women do it to themselves"?

I suppose you believe that women not being allowed to vote until the last century was simply something they did to themselves? I suppose you believe that women being paid less than men is a result of cattiness?

You're hillarious.

03-06-2007, 07:08 AM
The pressures women feel about their bodies are incomparable to any pressures men feel about their bodies. You cannot possibly believe they are the same in any way shape or form.

are you and Jekka a couple? i want to say that i saw a reference to it somewhere, but i am not sure. though it would make sense...

03-06-2007, 07:09 AM
are you and Jekka a couple? i want to say that i saw a reference to it somewhere, but i am not sure. though it would make sense...
Yes, we are a couple, and he is defending women because if he doesn't I will withhold sex.

03-06-2007, 07:10 AM
The pressures women feel about their bodies are incomparable to any pressures men feel about their bodies. You cannot possibly believe they are the same in any way shape or form.

I don't know about Whitley...but the pressure to be thinner is nearly totally driven by other females and pretty much, not at all, by men. I mean yeah men don't want a bull elephant for a girlfriend...but I don't think most men are into that ultrathin supermodel look with the breadbasket abs...I think that's definitely a feminine view of beauty.

03-06-2007, 07:10 AM
are you and Jekka a couple? i want to say that i saw a reference to it somewhere, but i am not sure. though it would make sense...:lol

I'm suprised it took this long to be brought up. We were just talking about how we hated posting in these threads because inevitably some bullshit like that gets brought up.

Yeah, we're a couple. It makes sense because I don't date stupid women so naturally anyone who is dating me would have enough sense and intelligence not to recognize the stupidity in posts like this.

03-06-2007, 07:11 AM
Women don't just do it to themselves. Do you realize how simplistic that sounds? You're trying to put a society wide phenomenon into the phrase "women do it to themselves"?

I suppose you believe that women not being allowed to vote until the last century was simply something they did to themselves? I suppose you believe that women being paid less than men is a result of cattiness?

You're hillarious.

no, but they aren't helping themselves...surely you can see that.

03-06-2007, 07:13 AM
I don't know about Whitley...but the pressure to be thinner is nearly totally driven by other females and pretty much, not at all, by men. I mean yeah men don't want a bull elephant for a girlfriend...but I don't think most men are into that ultrathin supermodel look...I think that's definitely a feminine view of beauty.O Rly? (I'm about to bust out the damn owls)

You don't think the centuries of society messuring females success in life by how beaitful they were has any effect on things? You don't think that centuries of a woman needing to be beautiful in order to marry a successful (who need not be skinny) man have had any effect on things today?

Right, its all because taht bitch next door fits into a size 3 and the other girl doesn't.

03-06-2007, 07:14 AM
no, but they aren't helping themselves...surely you can see that.I see the women in this country moving forward everyday. You think that they are regressing? Based upon what?

03-06-2007, 07:16 AM
Why do you think that men are never critiqued? Women do think some men are too skinny, some too fat, some too tall, some too short, and on and on. But women are built differently than men....mentally.

Women have a deeper sense of attraction that goes beyond physical attraction. This is not to say that some women aren't completely shallow and go for looks, or to suggest that men don't put value on personality either....simply that, in general men and women are "wired" differently.

Therefore, a man can be fat, skinny, tall, short, etc. and a woman can still be attracted to them for their other qualities. I do happen to think, however, that women have a primitive desire for men who are bigger and taller. I think it has to do with some level of "security" and primitive attraction to "masculinity", but ask most women and they'll tell you they'd prefer the guy who is a little taller or chubbier than the guy who is short and/or rail thin.

03-06-2007, 07:16 AM
Why do men not feel the need to be skinny the way women do?

Because since...well....forever? the most valuable comodity for a woman was her beauty.

03-06-2007, 07:19 AM
1. Men control the vast majority of the media - men are not nearly as inundated with pressure to look a certain way. Men don't care quite as much how they compare to each other ... unless it's a phallic matter, then they do care.

2. Women are conditioned from birth to care more about aesthetics - by both genders. Studies show that girls in grade school are praised more frequently for their handwriting than they are for critical thinking. "Be happy who you are and quit being jealous"? Are you volunteering to recondition every woman in developed countries? Frankly, I don't think you mind women competing with other women, because I think you like to watch, and I think you like that Marisa Miller's ribcage is completely visible in your avatar. Why else would you ignore her best asset - that being her ass?

3. Again, see #1 - men control the vast majority of what we see - via television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, etc. You can't turn around without being subjected to media influence and its values. Women have been conditioned for thousands of years that her most important contribution to society is how she looks to it. There are exceptions to every rule, and sometimes there are signs of progress, but for the most part, it's a man's world. As women, we don't create our own problem, we resume where other women left off, and our aesthetic values were not created by ourselves.

I realize that I will never change your ignorance by making a few posts on the internet, but it does make me feel a little better to publicly call you ignorant asshole.

1. of course men like looking at hot women, but its the women who are putting the pressure on themselves, not men

2. you say the vast majority of media is controlled by men, OK, so what? i say the vast majority of fashion and magazines is controlled by women and gay men

3. you are wrong about me liking to see women compete with one another...i am actually the opposite of that

4. i don't think its a man's world anymore, i think its mainly a woman's world now. and while the pay might not be equal or crap like that...that doesn't mean its not a woman's world. business is only one aspect...

5. i don't want this to get off topic, my main point is women are their own problem when it comes to appearances...that doesn't have a lot to do with women's voting and all this other stuff being brought into the equation

03-06-2007, 07:23 AM
1. of course men like looking at hot women, but its the women who are putting the pressure on themselves, not men

2. you say the vast majority of media is controlled by men, OK, so what? i say the vast majority of fashion and magazines is controlled by women and gay men

3. you are wrong about me liking to see women compete with one another...i am actually the opposite of that

4. i don't think its a man's world anymore, i think its mainly a woman's world now. and while the pay might not be equal or crap like that...that doesn't mean its not a woman's world. business is only one aspect...

5. i don't want this to get off topic, my main point is women are their own problem when it comes to appearances...that doesn't have a lot to do with women's voting and all this other stuff being brought into the equation
Your point would be fine if didn't completely and utterly contradict all history of the western world (and most of the eastern) since civilization began.

You have one of the most warped perceptions of this society that I have ever seen. Congratulations.

03-06-2007, 07:23 AM
:lmao @ this being a Woman's world.

Its true man - I hate how they make more money than me and I hate how they are so over represented in leadership positions such as government. That bitch of a president is starting to piss me off. We have a long history of First Gentlemen in this country but god damn it I feel its time for a First Lady.

03-06-2007, 07:27 AM
Why do men not feel the need to be skinny the way women do?

Because since...well....forever? the most valuable comodity for a woman was her beauty.

thats exactly the point. b/c men don't put that pressure on themselves, at least not to the extent that women do.

i'm saying women don't have to feel that way, they don't have to put that pressure on themselves, its OK not to be what they think, they have to be. that their biggest problem is themselves, not all this other garbage about centuries of having to be beautiful, being measured for their beauty, blah, blah, blah. thats basically irrelevant now...it really is.

women can be whatever they want...and they don't have to hate on other women b/c they weren't born with that body type or don't want to work hard enough to achieve it...

if anything Jekka, i'm the opposite of a jerk.

03-06-2007, 07:28 AM
5. i don't want this to get off topic, my main point is women are their own problem when it comes to appearances...that doesn't have a lot to do with women's voting and all this other stuff being brought into the equation

So wait....this has nothing to do with Men at all? Why pose the question about men never being critiqued and then switch it around to women. Why not just title the thread "Women are the root cause of all desire to make themselves beautiful!"

03-06-2007, 07:28 AM
O Rly? (I'm about to bust out the damn owls)

You don't think the centuries of society messuring females success in life by how beaitful they were has any effect on things?

Centuries? It's always been that way...just like men have always been measured by their ability to provide.

Now, as far as pressuring women to become thinner?

I think that trend is feminine driven and a direct result of feminine independence.

It's it's own movement with little or no male encouragement.

You good look at the countries where women do not have equal rights, including this country a hundred years ago or so, where the men are more in charge of picking their mate...and the women are heavier.

You don't think that centuries of a woman needing to be beautiful in order to marry a successful (who need not be skinny) man have had any effect on things today?


The way you describe it actually makes it sound female driven...but I know what you are saying.

Go back far enough to hunter gather era and what was it...

Was it men wanting women to stay at home while they went and did all the dangerous work?

Was it women figuring out that by looks and charms they could get the men to do work they didn't want to do?

Or was it simply a case of...they had to stay home and take care of the kids?

Right, its all because taht bitch next door fits into a size 3 and the other girl doesn't.

With the trend towards skinny?

Yeah...it is.

It's not male driven look.

Even as women have been growing thinner for much of the past century...the top sex symbols have always been more voluptuous than what is viewed as the typical woman of their respective eras, not less.

Mae West
Marylin Monroe

In our era?

Jennifer Lopez
Anna Nicole Smith
Halle Berry.


03-06-2007, 07:29 AM

You're thoughts on the origins of pressures on women in regards to beauty are incredibly incorrect. Pick up a gender studies book or read a study on where these pressures come from if you doubt me.

03-06-2007, 07:30 AM
Centuries? It's always been that way...just like men have always been measured by their ability to provide.

Now, as far as pressuring women to become thinner?

I think that trend is feminine driven and a direct result of feminine independence.

It's it's own movement with little or no male encouragement.

You good look at the countries where women do not have equal rights, including this country a hundred years ago or so, where the men are more in charge of picking their mate...and the women are heavier.


The way you describe it actually makes it sound female driven...but I know what you are saying.

Go back far enough to hunter gather era and what was it...

Was it men wanting women to stay at home while they went and did all the dangerous work?

Was it women figuring out that by looks and charms they could get the men to do work they didn't want to do?

Or was it simply a case of...they had to stay home and take care of the kids?

With the trend towards skinny?

Yeah...it is.

It's not male driven look.

Even as women have been growing thinner for must of the past century...the top sex symbols have always been more voluptuous than what is viewed as the typical woman, not less.

Mae West
Marylin Monroe

In our era?

Jennifer Lopez
Anna Nicole Smith
Halle Berry.


you are doing a pretty good job here whottt. :tu i think Jekka and MIG are just getting side tracked...

03-06-2007, 07:31 AM
4. i don't think its a man's world anymore, i think its mainly a woman's world now. and while the pay might not be equal or crap like that...that doesn't mean its not a woman's world. business is only one aspect...

03-06-2007, 07:31 AM
thats exactly the point. b/c men don't put that pressure on themselves, at least not to the extent that women do.

i'm saying women don't have to feel that way, they don't have to put that pressure on themselves, its OK not to be what they think, they have to be. that their biggest problem is themselves, not all this other garbage about centuries of having to be beautiful, being measured for their beauty, blah, blah, blah. thats basically irrelevant now...it really is.

women can be whatever they want...and they don't have to hate on other women b/c they weren't born with that body type or don't want to work hard enough to achieve it...

if anything Jekka, i'm the opposite of a jerk.

Your assessment isn't based in reality. Men ARE more attracted to fit over fat. Yes women have a choice and there are men who will love women no matter how tall, short, skinny, fat, etc. they are, but they're less likely to find a partner than men who fit in those categories....again, men and women are "wired" differently.

03-06-2007, 07:31 AM
So wait....this has nothing to do with Men at all? Why pose the question about men never being critiqued and then switch it around to women. Why not just title the thread "Women are the root cause of all desire to make themselves beautiful!"

b/c there are other points involved as well...

03-06-2007, 07:32 AM
I tell you what, give me real proof about where the pressure for female weight loss that back up what you 2 are trying to say and then perhaps it'll have some credibility.

03-06-2007, 07:34 AM
Dude, I've jogged myself into a body that is smaller than 150 pounds. From what I can see, and hear from close friends and relatives, men CAN be too skinny.

03-06-2007, 07:35 AM

one person's book/opinion? spare me Jekka. this isn't a mans world anymore, and if you think that b/c business world says otherwise, you are sadly mistaken.

i find it funny that Manny came into this thread...i believe that furthers my point...

03-06-2007, 07:37 AM

Wait - explain how me coming into this thread furthers your point?

03-06-2007, 07:37 AM
Go back far enough to hunter gather era and what was it...

Was it men wanting women to stay at home while they went and did all the dangerous work?

Was it women figuring out that by looks and charms they could get the men to do work they didn't want to do?

Or was it simply a case of...they had to stay home and take care of the kids?
Women didn't (and still do not) stay at home in hunter-gatherer societies. Women did all the gathering. So, while women were in charge of maintaining a steady food supply (simultaneously supervising all the children) by gathering food from outside the home, men were out hunting, and the gathering by women both augmented the food from the hunt, or provided sustenance for when the men came home empty-handed.

03-06-2007, 07:37 AM
Com'on, provide some proof.

03-06-2007, 07:38 AM
Your assessment isn't based in reality. Men ARE more attracted to fit over fat.

that hasn't always been the case. there were plenty of society's where fat women were the ones who were desired. it appears Jekka and MIG would have you believe that it is the Mans fault and men and society put these pressures on women...that just isn't the case. women do it to themselves...

03-06-2007, 07:39 AM
one person's book/opinion? spare me Jekka. this isn't a mans world anymore, and if you think that b/c business world says otherwise, you are sadly mistaken.

i find it funny that Manny came into this thread...i believe that furthers my point...
That was one example, there are thousands of books out there on the same subject. You are completely delusional if you think that it's a woman's world. We may have more of an effect on commerce than we have ever previously had the opportunity to do, but for most women, it's still a man signing our paychecks.

03-06-2007, 07:40 AM
that hasn't always been the case. there were plenty of society's where fat women were the ones who were desired. it appears Jekka and MIG would have you believe that it is the Mans fault and men and society put these pressures on women...that just isn't the case. women do it to themselves...Ok - if thats the case then it won't be hard for you to provide some proof.

Go ahead because I'm waiting.

03-06-2007, 07:41 AM

You're thoughts on the origins of pressures on women in regards to beauty are incredibly incorrect. Pick up a gender studies book or read a study on where these pressures come from if you doubt me.

You know what's really funny?

You thinking Adam told Eve....no dear, you stay there on the couch, I'll take out the trash.

Sounds like every man I've ever known :tu

03-06-2007, 07:42 AM

Wait - explain how me coming into this thread furthers your point?

well, i am going off Jekka saying that she would deny you sex if you didn't back her up...perhaps she was joking. but it would appear to me that she does seek your assistance in this thread. that be the case...

she feels some pressure and/or feelings from what i posted and the need to lash out. she wanted your support...you're here.

03-06-2007, 07:44 AM
well, i am going off Jekka saying that she would deny you sex if you didn't back her up...perhaps she was joking. but it would appear to me that she does seek your assistance in this thread. that be the case...

she feels some pressure and/or feelings from what i posted and the need to lash out. she wanted your support...you're here.
I didn't realize you were quite that dense. Next time, I'll use the blue italics :rolleyes

03-06-2007, 07:44 AM
I can't believe you didn't realize the sarcasm in her post even after I posted how we knew it was going to come up...


You can ask anyone who has been around us - I have to shove my support down her throat - she doesn't ask for it.

03-06-2007, 07:45 AM
Ok - if thats the case then it won't be hard for you to provide some proof.

Go ahead because I'm waiting.

in older Hawaiian and Mayan Civilizations.

03-06-2007, 07:46 AM
Women didn't (and still do not) stay at home in hunter-gatherer societies. Women did all the gathering. So, while women were in charge of maintaining a steady food supply (simultaneously supervising all the children) by gathering food from outside the home, men were out hunting,

And you think the men liked that arrangement?

Fucking lions pwnt us on that one. *kicks Adam*

and the gathering by women both augmented the food from the hunt, or provided sustenance for when the men came home empty-handed.

If men had been in charge they would have been drinking six pack of beer while the women did everything...

Trust me, I know the male nature, we were already getting played even then.

03-06-2007, 07:46 AM
I can't believe you didn't realize the sarcasm in her post even after I posted how we knew it was going to come up...


You can ask anyone who has been around us - I have to shove my support down her throat - she doesn't ask for it.

but it doesn't matter if she was being sarcastic or not, her being your mate...she wanted you to back her up, thats natural.

most jokes are actually people just seeking approval...

03-06-2007, 07:50 AM
but it doesn't matter if she was being sarcastic or not, her being your mate...she wanted you to back her up, thats natural.

most jokes are actually people just seeking approval...
You're right. I was just checking to see if you approved of my withholding sex from Manny. So?

03-06-2007, 07:50 AM
:lmao x a billion

03-06-2007, 07:50 AM
I want ice cream. Fuck being skinny.

03-06-2007, 07:51 AM
I want ice cream. Fuck being skinny.
Indeed. Bitch better bring me a spoon. I'm getting fat for revenge!!

03-06-2007, 07:51 AM
You're right. I was just checking to see if you approved of my withholding sex from Manny. So?

thats not the type of approval i am talking about...and btw, no.

03-06-2007, 07:53 AM
Now she's saying that if I don't let her go without shaving her pits she won't give me my damn ice cream? What the fuck? I'm so opressed in this women's world.

03-06-2007, 07:54 AM
I want ice cream. Fuck being skinny.

in this thread, its clear i approve of people doing what they want and being happy with it. just don't bitch or be jealous about someone or something when you have not right/reason to be...

enjoy the ice cream.

03-06-2007, 07:54 AM
thats not the type of approval i am talking about...and btw, no.
Dammit! My will is crushed! How will I ever make it in this woman's world now?!

03-06-2007, 07:56 AM
Dammit! My will is crushed! How will I ever make it in this woman's world now?!

i'm not sure, but good luck.

(high five whottt, our work here is done)

03-06-2007, 07:58 AM
Babe do I have permission to high five too?

03-06-2007, 07:59 AM
Babe do I have permission to high five too?
Not until you kill dinner and take out the trash.

03-06-2007, 08:06 AM
Not until you kill dinner and take out the trash.

but i like your spirit...

03-06-2007, 08:09 AM
Not until you kill dinner and take out the trash.

Don't do it Manny!(Check the avg lifespan figures, then tell me who got the crappy end of this deal)

03-06-2007, 08:19 AM
Seriously though...regardless of where the pressure came from historically, the trend now, in our society, towards thin, is female driven moreso than male.

Prove it?

Tits>Stomach Muscles on women to 90% of the male population.

Some things you just know instinctively...and that's one of them.

And Jekka cannot be considered a trustworthy source on this subject because if she doesn't withhold sex she is not a typical woman.

03-06-2007, 08:23 AM
And Jekka cannot be considered a trustworthy source on this subject because if she doesn't withhold sex she is not a typical woman.
Women who withhold sex are dumb. If you're really that pissed off then just spank harder. Angry sex is fun.

03-06-2007, 08:25 AM
Women who withhold sex are dumb. If you're really that pissed off then just spank harder. Angry sex is fun.

impressive. :tu

03-06-2007, 08:34 AM
Women who withhold sex are dumb. If you're really that pissed off then just spank harder. Angry sex is fun.

Watch her Manny...she's a particularly clever one. Right now she has my vote in the 08 Presidential Election...dammit.

03-06-2007, 08:40 AM
Not only that, but its 8 am and she suggested we start drinking beer.

03-06-2007, 09:00 AM
Not only that, but its 8 am and she suggested we start drinking beer.

Well, it IS 5 o'clock somewhere...

03-06-2007, 09:13 AM
I think some of the answers can be found in the Brazillian culture. From what I have been told by native Brazillians and others who have visited Brazil, they are obsessed about their body to the point they workout obscene amounts of hours to stay fit. I think they want to be healthy but I suspect it's more of a vanity thing.

Woman do have it tougher because right or wrong, in most social circles, it's ok for a man to date a significantly younger woman, but if it's vice-versa, it's viewed as somewhat taboo. Of course all bets are off when you speak of the rich and famous.

Also, men as they get older are viewed as being more distinguished. But as woman get older, they do not receive the same distinction. And by these parameters, it's seems to me that it's almost like a race against time for woman to attract a desirable man while they are "young and beautiful" while men can chill and take their time to find the right girl. Maybe I'm way off, but that's the way I see it.

03-06-2007, 09:28 AM
3 pages and no pictures?






and tobey maguire when he was in seabiscuit was way too skinny too.

damn now i feel all dirty.

03-06-2007, 10:23 AM
that hasn't always been the case. there were plenty of society's where fat women were the ones who were desired. it appears Jekka and MIG would have you believe that it is the Mans fault and men and society put these pressures on women...that just isn't the case. women do it to themselves...

It may not always be the case in every society...but it's true in this one.

I submit that Women put pressure on themselves because they THINK they know what men want. The fact is, men in this society DO want that, so they are right to put this pressure on themselves if they really want to get a guy.

Kori Ellis
03-06-2007, 10:33 AM
:lol @ Jekka and Manny both being up early and posting.

What's more radical is that LJ and I are both awake and posting too. WTF are we all doing up at commoners time for? :lol

03-06-2007, 10:34 AM
:lol @ Jekka and Manny both being up early and posting.

What's more radical is that LJ and I are both awake and posting too. WTF are we all doing up at commoners time for? :lol

You haven't slept...is that right?

03-06-2007, 10:37 AM
It may not always be the case in every society...but it's true in this one.

I submit that Women put pressure on themselves because they THINK they know what men want. The fact is, men in this society DO want that, so they are right to put this pressure on themselves if they really want to get a guy.

1. i am not totally certain what every guy wants, but thats not really the point. women are still doing this to themselves...regardless of the reasons

2. i don't consider myself normal. i am very much into athletics and fitness and like my girl to be very much into fitness and taking care of herself. basically b/c thats what i do and i don't want to be with somebody that doesn't feel thats important. it doesn't make sense to me, in a relationship situation, why somebody wouldn't want to keep themselves fit. though, i am very understanding outside of that "my relationship bubble"...meaning i don't talk to my friends or their significant others about fitness...at all

3. my guess is guys like all kinds of women...shapes, sizes, colors, etc...

Kori Ellis
03-06-2007, 10:41 AM
You haven't slept...is that right?

I slept for a couple hours, I think. timvp hasn't slept.

03-06-2007, 10:42 AM
shit, i gotta go to bed. my schedule is all fucked up now....and i got practice later....

03-06-2007, 10:46 AM
shit, i gotta go to bed. my schedule is all fucked up now....and i got practice later....
1. what do you do?

2. why were you up all night?

3. what practice?

03-06-2007, 10:47 AM
1. i am not totally certain what every guy wants, but thats not really the point. women are still doing this to themselves...regardless of the reasons

But if the REASON is that they want to make themselves more attractive for the majority of MEN in this society, how can the reason be irrelevant?

Ignoring the fact that there are men out there who cut down women and destroy their self-esteem to be empowered, you are right that most men don't forcibly starve their partners....so if that's what you mean by "women do it to themselves" then you might be right.

03-06-2007, 10:53 AM
1. of course men like looking at hot women, but its the women who are putting the pressure on themselves, not menAre you insane, or just stupid?

Can you honestly sit here, after openly lusting after a girl who, while I think her body looks fine in about 90% of the other pictures, looks like a fucking Somalian famine victim in your avatar, and not realize that men are at least somewhat responsible for the pressure women feel to be attractive and desirable?

You can't just remove yourself, or your gender, from the problem -- wanting to be considered attractive is not a weakness, nor is it an inherently female trait. The problem is in society's completely skewed definition of what is acceptably attractive, which is largely the result of everything being marketed to appeal to men and teenage boys.

03-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Are you insane, or just stupid?

Can you honestly sit here, after openly lusting after a girl who, while I think her body looks fine in about 90% of the other pictures, looks like a fucking Somalian famine victim in your avatar, and not realize that men are at least somewhat responsible for the pressure women feel to be attractive and desirable?

You can't just remove yourself, or your gender, from the problem -- wanting to be considered attractive is not a weakness, nor is it an inherently female trait. The problem is in society's completely skewed definition of what is acceptable attractive, which is largely the result of everything being marketed to appeal to men and teenage boys.

Nice Sig....adding to the problem much? :lol

03-06-2007, 11:00 AM
Nice Sig....adding to the problem much? :lolProbably. But at least I'll admit it.

03-06-2007, 11:01 AM
1. what do you do?

2. why were you up all night?

3. what practice?

1. nothing, just started looking for a job
2. worked out late and wasn't tired
3. rugby (missoula maggots)

and tell phat tony and cuckingfunt, i'll give them a response later...btw, cuckingfunt, angelina jolie is a nasty nasty bitch. in 100% honesty, no shit, there is no way i'd sleep with that girl...not that you care, i thought i'd just let you know. maybe if she lost a few lbs...then maybe...

03-06-2007, 11:02 AM
Probably. But at least I'll admit it.

Hope that wasn't an indictment on me, I'm on your side....not dillusional like JGW.

03-06-2007, 11:04 AM
Men are often considered too skinny, just not as often as women. I've known a few who have hit the protein shakes just to fill out a bit...or maybe wear extra clothing. The thing is women don't focus on that as much...they focus more on the important things, like money (no, not personality...don't be naive). Money can cover up lots of physical imperfections. :king

03-06-2007, 11:08 AM
and tell phat tony and cuckingfunt, i'll give them a response later...Look at me, I'm all atwitter.

03-06-2007, 11:09 AM
Hope that wasn't an indictment on me, I'm on your side....not dillusional like JGW.It was an honest statement, not an indictment.

03-06-2007, 11:13 AM
1. nothing, just started looking for a job
2. worked out late and wasn't tired
3. rugby (missoula maggots)

and tell phat tony and cuckingfunt, i'll give them a response later...btw, cuckingfunt, angelina jolie is a nasty nasty bitch. in 100% honesty, no shit, there is no way i'd sleep with that girl...not that you care, i thought i'd just let you know. maybe if she lost a few lbs...then maybe...
1. you play rugby eh?

2. where do you live/play?

3. what kind of a job are you looking for?

03-06-2007, 11:25 AM
I am 6'1", 220 lbs. Is that too skinny?

03-06-2007, 11:29 AM
It might be...

I'm 5'7" and 215. :lol

03-06-2007, 11:31 AM
1. Why does that douche number his posts?
2. Manny and Jekka are entertaining.
3. I think I'm way to skinny. I only have 2 chins.

03-06-2007, 11:58 AM
Try again. How about the fact that it matters less what men look like, and therefore they get criticized less? (That and the fact that if a man expresses his preferences for other men's aesthetics he runs the possibility of having his manhood challenged, by others or himself ... ah homophobia.)

As for women being criticized for being too skinny, sometimes it is a jealousy thing, because for most women it is an unattainable standard. Few women naturally have a body type that is encouraged by media employers, so many women starve themselves and become too skinny for their frames because they are told that's what people want to see. One reason women criticize women who starve themselves is because we do sometimes see it as a form of betrayal - they are telling us that it's not okay to look like ourselves, and that we should change ourselves in an unhealthy manner in order to become more like the "ideal". Why do we get "catty"? Because we're fucking hungry.

Men can be "too skinny" or have a few extra pounds, wrinkles, gray hair, etc - in other words, it's much more okay for men to look however they naturally look. I'm not saying that men do not have certain social standards of beauty, but they are FAR less stringent than those for women.

That could be the only explanation for why you're dating Manny. :spin

03-06-2007, 12:38 PM
I don't see a whole lot of skinny men on magazine covers and starring in movies or on television. Skinny men don't sell. I'm not sure what the basis for this thread is.

03-06-2007, 01:04 PM
You know what's really funny?

You thinking Adam told Eve....no dear, you stay there on the couch, I'll take out the trash.

Sounds like every man I've ever known :tu

You know what's even funnier than that? That the thread starter was a starter and/or main participant in a thread entitled:

Hottest Girl Ever?

Where pictures of girls are posted, and then systematically disected by every male participant in the thread....and it's not the only thread of it's kind. The forum happens to be saturated with shit like that in every avatar/signature/post/whathefuckever.

And then he's going to say, with a seemingly straight face, that men have little or nothing whatsoever to do with how a woman feels about herself, and what she puts herself through to be one of the attractive ones?

OMG. :lmao

03-06-2007, 01:19 PM
I don't see a whole lot of skinny men on magazine covers

Ok, with women, on the cover of Cosmopolitan maybe. Who is that aimed at?

Now go look at the cover of Hustler...note the differences.

and starring in movies or on television.

A movie made with a female lead to attract men will have someone like Pamela Anderson in it...

Skinny men don't sell. I'm not sure what the basis for this thread is.

Most things which skinny women are used to market are aimed at women...

Fashion Shows have the skinniest ones...who are those aimed at?

Ditto most magazines?

Even the Swimsuit issue...they list the price and designers on the pages...who do you think they are aiming that bit of information at?

But take a look at the Centerpiece, and the one all the men are wanting to check out...it's Beyonce, not exactly a twig.

Men want to see women like Dolly Parton(in her prime)...that's what sells to them.

The whole skinny women movement is driven by women. It's a definite.

03-06-2007, 01:24 PM
You know what's even funnier than that? That the thread starter was a starter and/or main participant in a thread entitled:

Hottest Girl Ever?

Where pictures of girls are posted, and then systematically disected by every male participant in the thread....and it's not the only thread of it's kind. The forum happens to be saturated with shit like that in every avatar/signature/post/whathefuckever.

And then he's going to say, with a seemingly straight face, that men have little or nothing whatsoever to do with how a woman feels about herself, and what she puts herself through to be one of the attractive ones?

OMG. :lmao

JGW, you get props for getting SW to post again :tu

03-06-2007, 01:24 PM
Ok, with women, on the cover of Cosmopolitan maybe. Who is that aimed at?

Now go look at the cover of Hustler...note the differences.

A movie made with a female lead to attract men will have someone like Pamela Anderson in it...

Most things which skinny women are used to market are aimed at women...

Fashion Shows have the skinniest ones...who are those aimed at?

Ditto most magazines?

Even the Swimsuit issue...they list the price and designers on the pages...who do you think they are aiming that bit of information at?

But take a look at the Centerpiece, and the one all the men are wanting to check out...it's Beyonce, not exactly a twig.

Men want to see women like Dolly Parton(in her prime)...that's what sells to them.

The whole skinny women movement is driven by women. It's a definite.

Skinny women and women with big boobs/asses are not mutually exclusive.....skinny women can have big boobs or big butts.

03-06-2007, 01:30 PM
I may have missed the point of the thread, but I thought this was just JGW bitching about people saying Marisa Miller is too skinny and claiming men aren't held to the same standard.

I think both sexes have a their fair share of blame when it comes to image expectations for women.

03-06-2007, 01:32 PM
Skinny women and women with big boobs/asses are not mutually exclusive

The number of women that can pull off both without surgery is extremely rare.


skinny women can have big boobs or big butts.

Yeap...I know women are always asking me if their butt looks too small.

03-06-2007, 01:33 PM
I may have missed the point of the thread, but I thought this was just JGW bitching about people saying Marisa Miller is too skinny and claiming men aren't held to the same standard.

Not sure of the original intent for this thread, but for JGW it boils down to blaming women for wanting to make themselves skinny.

03-06-2007, 01:34 PM
I blame people.

03-06-2007, 01:36 PM
The number of women that can pull off both without surgery is extremely rare.

Just because it's unattainable for most women, doesn't mean they won't do whatever's necessary to get there. My point is that women want to be that "perfect" girl, because guys want that "perfect" girl.

03-06-2007, 01:38 PM
I believe the term for skinny guys is Manorexic.

03-06-2007, 01:39 PM
Just because it's unattainable for most women, doesn't mean they won't do whatever's necessary to get there. My point is that women want to be that "perfect" girl, because guys want that "perfect" girl.

Then they have huge self-esteem issues. Maybe because some dude is telling them they aren't perfect enough. Funny thing, it's usually coming from someone who's not quite so perfect themself.

03-06-2007, 01:40 PM
Hey, SW!

Are you working from home today? :lol

03-06-2007, 01:42 PM
Just because it's unattainable for most women, doesn't mean they won't do whatever's necessary to get there.

Whether men think they should be thinner, or not...

My point is that women want to be that "perfect" girl, because guys want that "perfect" girl.

Yeah...and women don't have their own ideas about the perfect man.

And they want to be beautiful out of a desire to please that one special man in their life...

Boy are you in for a lot of learning.

03-06-2007, 01:42 PM
I forgot something I needed so I came home for lunch to get it. :angel

03-06-2007, 01:47 PM
Then they have huge self-esteem issues. Maybe because some dude is telling them they aren't perfect enough. Funny thing, it's usually coming from someone who's not quite so perfect themself.

Or because they think that's what a guy wants them to look like. There are "those guys" though....sad.

03-06-2007, 01:50 PM
Whether men think they should be thinner, or not...

Yeah...and women don't have their own ideas about the perfect man.

And they want to be beautiful out of a desire to please that one special man in their life...

Boy are you in for a lot of learning.

So are you agreeing with JGW or not? Because I agree with the last thing you said....well, the last two things you said. :lol

03-06-2007, 01:51 PM
Whether men think they should be thinner, or not....

Right. I'm not saying women aren't culpable, but the basis for their weight obsession (if indeed they have one) is men, at the root.

Yeah...and women don't have their own ideas about the perfect man.

And they want to be beautiful out of a desire to please that one special man in their life...

Boy are you in for a lot of learning.

I didn't say that women weren't shallow and don't have an ideally perfect man. That's another argument altogether.

If they have "one special man", chances are they don't have that desire. It's in the search for that "one special man" that I would guess most of the importance is placed on being thin.

03-06-2007, 01:52 PM
Or because they think that's what a guy wants them to look like. There are "those guys" though....sad.

Well, if all the "who's hotter" threads are any indication, then you are correct.

I think it's a combo of the two.

03-06-2007, 01:53 PM
The perfect guy usually ends up being gay :lol

03-06-2007, 01:55 PM
Shelly...I assure you I am not now, nor have I ever been gay.

03-06-2007, 01:56 PM
Well, if all the "who's hotter" threads are any indication, then you are correct.

I think it's a combo of the two.

Right, I don't think women are wrong for thinking the way they do. The majority of men in this society are attracted to that "hourglass" figure....big butt, big boobs, no waist.

And I agree with you that both are culpable. JGW and Whottt would have you think that it's a fabrication of a woman's psyche what ideal they should work towards and that it all lies on them. I just disagree with that...

03-06-2007, 01:57 PM
If they have "one special man", chances are they don't have that desire. It's in the search for that "one special man" that I would guess most of the importance is placed on being thin.

The desire never goes away. :fro

03-06-2007, 01:58 PM
Shelly...I assure you I am not now, nor have I ever been gay.

My bad! I was thinking of Whottt with a period after his name. :p:

03-06-2007, 02:01 PM
So are you agreeing with JGW or not? Because I agree with the last thing you said....well, the last two things you said. :lol

Kinda agreeing with him on certain things...but he does have a skinny woman fetish...so he's kinda destroying his own credibility.

I agree with JGW that the pressure to be thinner is female driven moreseo than male. IMO, it is. It's occurred in societies where women are largely independent, including our own as women become more and more independent...whereas you look at the cultures where women basically have no rights(like the mid eastern) and the women there are heavier in general(unless the culture has food problems or something).

I am not saying that women aren't taught to judge their worth by their looks...only that you can't hang the beanpole fashion model movement on men....it's not the look men generally go for.

03-06-2007, 02:02 PM
The desire never goes away. :fro

I think the "edge" can be taken off when someone has found a deeper connection than physical. I'm not saying that when two people fall in love it gives them carte blanche to let themselves completely go, but I think when it becomes about more than just looks, the importance of that factor is diminshed...not destroyed, but lessened.

03-06-2007, 02:04 PM
Shelly...I assure you I am not now, nor have I ever been straight.


03-06-2007, 02:06 PM
I am not saying that women aren't taught to judge their worth by their looks...only that you can't hang the beanpole fashion model movement on men....it's not the look men generally go for.

This I'll agree on. I have no idea why models (not of the victoria's secret variety) fit that "beanpole" description to a T. It is certainly not attractive.

Then again, I wouldn't say the fashion industry is the "norm" for how women should look and what they should wear....that whole industry seems extreme. Not sure many women aspire to that...

03-06-2007, 02:08 PM
only that you can't hang the beanpole fashion model movement on men

What about gay men? Don't they pretty much run the fashion industry?

03-06-2007, 02:11 PM
What about gay men? Don't they pretty much run the fashion industry?


Interesting that the men who are telling women what's attractive don't even find them attractive.

03-06-2007, 02:11 PM
I think the "edge" can be taken off when someone has found a deeper connection than physical. I'm not saying that when two people fall in love it gives them carte blanche to let themselves completely go, but I think when it becomes about more than just looks, the importance of that factor is diminshed...not destroyed, but lessened.

I also think that some women just get into a rut and don't know how to get out of it. I see a lot of moms that just look like they've given up, and most likely the culprit is because they're putting everyone else first and never have any 'me' time. They don't know that it's okay to put yourself first sometimes.

03-06-2007, 02:14 PM
I also think that some women just get into a rut and don't know how to get out of it. I see a lot of moms that just look like they've given up, and most likely the culprit is because they're putting everyone else first and never have any 'me' time. They don't know that it's okay to put yourself first sometimes.

Agreed. The more stuff someone has on their plate, the harder it is to fit in a workout, something that was probably used for "down time"....now a luxury.

03-06-2007, 02:21 PM
My point is that if women weren't so obessesed with the size of a man's wang and his ability in bed, and were more obessed with his brain....maybe they wouldn't have men that tell them they need to be thinner.

03-06-2007, 02:21 PM
My wife likes a man with meat on his bone.

03-06-2007, 02:26 PM
My point is that if women weren't so obessesed with the size of a man's wang and his ability in bed, and were more obessed with his brain....maybe they wouldn't have men that tell them they need to be thinner.


Same is true for guys. Stayed with a girl for at least a year or two longer than I should have because she was hot...albiet a raving lunatic.

Hopefully that doesn't destroy my credibility. :lol

03-06-2007, 02:34 PM

Same is true for guys. Stayed with a girl for at least a year or two longer than I should have because she was hot...albiet a raving lunatic.

Hopefully that doesn't destroy my credibility. :lol

Seriously....as a man who's been used by every woman he ever knew because of dicksize and sexual prowess...after a while you just want someone who wants you for yourself.

I mean I've had girlfriends call me names like Trigger and Seabiscuit...Anaconda...Love God, Tireless Sex Machine, Three Legs, The Atomic JackHammer....don't they realize how their words hurt?

After a while you start to feel like nothing more than an extremely (and I mean extreeeeeeeeemely) large piece of meat.

03-06-2007, 02:39 PM
Seriously....as a man who's been used by every woman he ever knew because of dicksize and sexual prowess...after a while you just want someone who wants you for yourself.

I mean I've had girlfriends call me names like Trigger and Seabiscuit...Anaconda...Love God, Tireless Sex Machine, Three Legs, The Atomic JackHammer....don't they realize how their words hurt?

After a while you start to feel like nothing more than an extremely (and I mean extreeeeeeeeemely) large piece of meat.

Okaaayy...I'm done with this thread now!


03-06-2007, 02:46 PM
Seriously....as a man who's been used by every woman he ever knew because of dicksize and sexual prowess...after a while you just want someone who wants you for yourself.

I mean I've had girlfriends call me names like Trigger and Seabiscuit...Anaconda...Love God, Tireless Sex Machine, Three Legs, The Atomic JackHammer....don't they realize how their words hurt?

After a while you start to feel like nothing more than an extremely (and I mean extreeeeeeeeemely) large piece of meat.


03-06-2007, 02:52 PM
After that one girl called me the Longest Yard I swore I'd never judge anyone on superficial characteristics again...

03-06-2007, 02:53 PM
After that one girl called me the Longest Yard I swore I'd never judge anyone on superficial characteristics again...

So you're telling me you haven't dated a decent-looking chick since then?

03-06-2007, 02:59 PM
They've all been decent looking...on the inside :)

03-06-2007, 03:04 PM
They've all been decent looking...on the inside :)

I'm touched by your depth of character....

To Whottt :toast

03-06-2007, 03:05 PM
Seriously....as a man who's been used by every woman he ever knew because of dicksize and sexual prowess...after a while you just want someone who wants you for yourself.

I mean I've had girlfriends call me names like Trigger and Seabiscuit...Anaconda...Love God, Tireless Sex Machine, Three Legs, The Atomic JackHammer....don't they realize how their words hurt?

After a while you start to feel like nothing more than an extremely (and I mean extreeeeeeeeemely) large piece of meat.

That's how it feels at first, but after a while you get used to it.

The trick is learning how to hold back a little.

03-06-2007, 03:07 PM
Uh oh, two guys claiming to have huge dicks...will we see a contest? If so, I'm done w/ this thread.

03-06-2007, 03:10 PM
I know where whottt's coming from.
I'm just glad my wife like a mexican built like a black man.
She don't call me El Chorizo 'cause I make a mean breakfast. :smokin

03-06-2007, 03:13 PM
Oh shit, there's three....it's getting out of control.

03-06-2007, 03:14 PM
Uh oh, two guys claiming to have huge dicks...will we see a contest? If so, I'm done w/ this thread.

You must be joking...last time I did that I had women sleeping on my porch, jumping on my car, sending me their paychecks. I had to beat them off with a stick. I was scared.

Never again. Too much trauma.

03-06-2007, 03:18 PM
You must be joking...last time I did that I had women sleeping on my porch, jumping on my car, sending me their paychecks. I had to beat them off with a stick. I was scared.

Never again. Too much trauma.

And then you woke up, right??????

03-06-2007, 03:28 PM
I agree with the point of view that will get me laid.

03-06-2007, 03:31 PM
I agree with the point of view that will get me laid.

:lol ....definitely sig material

03-06-2007, 03:45 PM
I agree with the point of view that will get me laid.

You have a lot in common with Chris....and I love that about him. :makeout :lol

03-06-2007, 04:14 PM
wtf is up with whottt?

03-06-2007, 05:00 PM
My middle name is "Holmes".

03-06-2007, 05:00 PM
There is a guy on my volleyball team who is 6'3'' and 135 lbs. He is way too skinny.

I have been called too skinny multiple times for being 6'8'' and 205 lbs. But I just say look at Richard Hamilton, Tayshaun Prince, and Kevin Martin. It works for them.

First, you play volleyball?

Second, all three players you mentioned look sickly and they have millions of dollars with which to get girls...

03-06-2007, 05:03 PM

You have a lot in common with Chris....and I love that about him. :makeout :lol

My God, did this man take Love Potion #9? You are more obsessed with this guy that JGW is with Marisa Miller...

at least I think... :lol

03-06-2007, 05:13 PM
My God, did this man take Love Potion #9? You are more obsessed with this guy that JGW is with Marisa Miller...

at least I think... :lol

Yes, I am. :)

But unlike JGW & Marisa, I can get within touching distance of him on a daily basis. :lol :drunk

03-06-2007, 05:15 PM
I think JGW gets some touching in on a daily basis.

03-06-2007, 05:45 PM
Yes, I am. :)

But unlike JGW & Marisa, I can get within touching distance of him on a daily basis. :lol :drunk

I suppose having an obsession with a real person is much better than having one with a set of pictures on the web. I wonder what JGW would do to meet this girl?

I suppose that last icon is you drinking the poison...I mean potion j/k :lol

03-06-2007, 05:48 PM
I think JGW gets some touching in on a daily basis.

Between this and Whottttttttt's love machine, I think I need to go bleach my eyes!

03-06-2007, 06:12 PM
Women need looks to get a guy. A guy just needs a beemer to get the girl. The End

Guru of Nothing
03-06-2007, 10:35 PM
Apologies in advance for not reading the entire thread before replying.

Jekka, It took you two words to paint yourself as a victim - TWO. Even the wise old owl took longer to get to the center of a tootsie-pop.

I agree that men are not pressured to look a certain way, but they sure as hell are pressured to make money .... Men and women WILL ALWAYS reap what they sow, please don't mislead yourself that it's all so one-sided.

Men don't control everything - assholes and bitches do.

It's true.

1. Men control the vast majority of the media - men are not nearly as inundated with pressure to look a certain way. Men don't care quite as much how they compare to each other ... unless it's a phallic matter, then they do care.

2. Women are conditioned from birth to care more about aesthetics - by both genders. Studies show that girls in grade school are praised more frequently for their handwriting than they are for critical thinking. "Be happy who you are and quit being jealous"? Are you volunteering to recondition every woman in developed countries? Frankly, I don't think you mind women competing with other women, because I think you like to watch, and I think you like that Marisa Miller's ribcage is completely visible in your avatar. Why else would you ignore her best asset - that being her ass?

3. Again, see #1 - men control the vast majority of what we see - via television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, internet, etc. You can't turn around without being subjected to media influence and its values. Women have been conditioned for thousands of years that her most important contribution to society is how she looks to it. There are exceptions to every rule, and sometimes there are signs of progress, but for the most part, it's a man's world. As women, we don't create our own problem, we resume where other women left off, and our aesthetic values were not created by ourselves.

I realize that I will never change your ignorance by making a few posts on the internet, but it does make me feel a little better to publicly call you ignorant asshole.

03-06-2007, 11:18 PM
fat guys have little dicks, that's why.

03-06-2007, 11:23 PM
Man...sit yo' self lovin' punk ass down and STFU !! :pctoss :madrun :madrun :madrun :madrun WHAT!!!!

06-02-2007, 09:03 AM
hey guys

My name is charlene and new to this forum. It is kinda interesting topic why men are not called skinny..... well i think they are too busy making cash up and down, and yea I suppose they are in little pressure as well.. :wakeup

Thanks, seeya later ya all :p:

Charlene " Nitty" :elephant

06-02-2007, 03:35 PM

Am I hot? I'm the one smoking the cig

Bob Lanier
06-02-2007, 04:04 PM
I had an American woman tell me I was too skinny once. I had about 12% body fat at the time (which is, needless to say, about 30% lower than her own rubenesque self).

Tits>Stomach Muscles on women to 90% of the male population.
I don't want to know any of those men.

06-02-2007, 04:11 PM
I think if you go back far enough its plausible to say men control everything in modern society cuz of our physical stupid nature from tribal times. Men associate a woman's symmetry and beauty with a good mate just like women associate money and ability to provide with a good mate.

It's a precedent both sexes set for each other.

06-02-2007, 09:02 PM
:lol at this thread... I don't know how I missed this, it was a good read.