View Full Version : Bowen's Knee to Nash Under Review?

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Kori Ellis
05-13-2007, 10:43 PM
Someone told me that Don Harris said on Sports Sunday that the league was reviewing the play. I didn't see it, so I'm not sure exactly what was said.

05-13-2007, 10:43 PM
Didn't look great, but inconclusive at best...

05-13-2007, 10:45 PM
Yeah I heard that right now on sports Sunday.

05-13-2007, 10:45 PM
Wouldn't surprise me, with all the renewed dirty talk. It was a clearly intentional play and the whining and bitching about him is at a premium again. I doubt it would result in more than a warning or slap on the wrist because Nash was clearly in the offensive player's space.

Marcus Bryant
05-13-2007, 10:45 PM
The Suns are desperate. All kinds of contact happens this time of year. Perhaps the Spurs should point out a play in which a Spur was hit, maybe across the left eye.

baseline bum
05-13-2007, 10:47 PM
I can't wait for all the Mavs losers to come on here and equate clearing space with your leg to punching a guy in the nuts.

T Park
05-13-2007, 10:47 PM
Bowen gets suspended.

You can see it friggen coming.

05-13-2007, 10:49 PM
Watching the replay, I don't see how it can be determined *for sure* that it was intentional. Probably just Phoenix whining, league reviews it so they can say that they did and they play on. If they suspend him, it's just pathetic.

Kori Ellis
05-13-2007, 10:50 PM
I'm sure they are looking at Manu "elbowing Nash in the head" too. The Suns players seemed more pissed at that than the Bowen knee. I think Nash told Bowen that he knew the knee wasn't intentional.

05-13-2007, 10:53 PM
What about Amare laying out Finley? While they're at it ...

05-13-2007, 10:54 PM
I should change my language - I mean it was deliberate, not intentional. By which I mean I don't think it was accidental that Bruce moved a part of his body in Nash's direction - he was trying deliberately to clear space. I do not think he intentionally (and with malice aforethought) tried to knee Nash in an *ahem* delicate area or to harm Nash.

ETA - I don't think the league is interested in a pissing match about who had the hardest foul (intentional or otherwise), so if they are reviewing this it will come to naught.

05-13-2007, 10:55 PM
I'm sure they are looking at Manu "elbowing Nash in the head" too. The Suns players seemed more pissed at that than the Bowen knee. I think Nash told Bowen that he knew the knee wasn't intentional.

My response from the raja bell thread:

I watched it many it many times just right now...just playoff basketball.

Nash actually was boxing out as bowen released his jumper. But he boxed out by putting his left arm right on manu's face/neck area (like clothesline area...not saying he clotheslined him, just that's the area where he had his arm), and manu reached out (while being "boxed out" by nash's arm) and put HIS arm on nash in the same area to try to box him out the same way.

And that's the story. Nash, by the way, kept his arm on manu in the same spot even after the shot went through. But I don't think nash said anything about it, Manu didn't say anything about it either...game continues....rest of suns players/bench gets all belligerant about it.

It's always like this...amare complaining about manu holding his leg?? No one ever points out amare shoving/tripping manu to put him on the ground in the first place. So I think it's justified that manu hold his leg, in a way. I'm not entirely sure about this though. Can someone tell me what point in the game this occured so I can look?

Thing is, suns I think try to be more subtle w/ their physicality (w/ the exception of raja), especially amare. And when they get physicality in return, they get pissed...as if just because they did it w/ subtlety (or tried to), in their minds, they didn't do it.

Now I'm not saying suns always initiate the physicality...everyone initiates it on both sides. Just spurs players don't complain nearly as much about it, because they know they're being just as physical...they're just not trying to be subtle and get away with being physical without the consequences.

sorry for repeating myself, but I was going to type a response but then i was like, wait, i think i said this before, haha

05-13-2007, 11:01 PM
I can't wait for all the Mavs losers to come on here and equate clearing space with your leg to punching a guy in the nuts.

Bowen's vicious knee to the nuts was much worse than any accidental punch to the nuts i've ever seen. Bowen should be banned from the league. And as punishment to the Spurs, the Mavs should be reinstated into the playoffs in place of the Spurs, with a 2-1 lead.

05-13-2007, 11:03 PM
The Suns are desperate. All kinds of contact happens this time of year. Perhaps the Spurs should point out a play in which a Spur was hit, maybe across the left eye.

you mean the one that was BLATENTLY obvious it was an accident? the same cant be said for mister bowens actions.

05-13-2007, 11:06 PM
you mean the one that was BLATENTLY obvious it was an accident? the same cant be said for mister bowens actions.

The same can be said for anything Bowen does ..... stop crying .... you sound like a Mav fan.

05-13-2007, 11:06 PM

League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3

By Marc Stein

For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

05-13-2007, 11:09 PM
The same can be said for anything Bowen does ..... stop crying .... you sound like a Mav fan.


T Park
05-13-2007, 11:09 PM
Hopefully its just a fine if anything.

Also, hopefully this doesn't et Bowen off his game, like Stu Jackson's call did early this year.

05-13-2007, 11:10 PM
you mean the one that was BLATENTLY obvious it was an accident? the same cant be said for mister bowens actions.

Keep throwing shit at the wall something might stick approach huh. Bowen's kick on Amare, Bowen's kick on Nash, Manus Elbow on Nash. Just play the game. I am tired of the bullshit with this series, which should be a good basketball series not a whining pissing match. :pctoss

Missed calls on both ends, Manu getting poked in the eye, I belive it was unintentional, like Bowen's knee to Nash's mva (most valuable area). So shut up and play already!

Go Spurs Go

05-13-2007, 11:10 PM
my guess is... fines all around

05-13-2007, 11:10 PM
Kneed in the groin? I thought Bowen caught his inner thigh. That's what it looked like to me. :wtf

05-13-2007, 11:12 PM
I think the 'inner thigh' was a euphamism.

05-13-2007, 11:12 PM

Funny seeing a crybaby fan calling someone else a :dramaquee ......

Keep up the crying bitches ...... makes our wins even more enjoyable.

05-13-2007, 11:13 PM
Bowen gets suspended.

You can see it friggen coming.

Oh come on man.
There is no way at all that Bruce is gonna get suspended over this.

05-13-2007, 11:13 PM
They may fine him no chance they suspend him for something that could go either way like that. It is not like the Raja Bell clothes line of Kobe last year. How about Manu almost getting his eye poked out that is ok but Bowen's actons deserve to be under review.

T Park
05-13-2007, 11:16 PM
pray for fines....

05-13-2007, 11:16 PM
Funny seeing a crybaby fan calling someone else a :dramaquee ......

Keep up the crying bitches ...... makes our wins even more enjoyable.

your pathetic attempt at trying to push my buttons in laughable. although i must commend you for calling us suns fans crybabys...completly original. :rolleyes

05-13-2007, 11:18 PM
your pathetic attempt at trying to push my buttons in laughable. although i must commend you for calling us suns fans crybabys...completly original. :rolleyes

Not original ...... just true

Now get back to crying because your team lost home court.

05-13-2007, 11:18 PM
Kneed in the groin? I thought Bowen caught his inner thigh. That's what it looked like to me. :wtf

did you have an "in-shorts" cam or something when you viewed it?

05-13-2007, 11:19 PM
did you have an "in-shorts" cam or something when you viewed it?

05-13-2007, 11:21 PM
Not original ...... just true

Now get back to crying because your team lost home court.

good thing i never mentioned home court, and to top it all off this thread is actually about spurs fans "crying" that bowen is under review for his nut buster on nashy.

05-13-2007, 11:21 PM
Its funny when fans of the teams that have been torched by the Spurs join forces.


Spur fans ....... Embrace the Jealousy.

T Park
05-13-2007, 11:23 PM


05-13-2007, 11:23 PM
Mark Cuban should buy the Suns. That would be the seamless combination of owner, coach, players, and fans.

05-13-2007, 11:24 PM
good thing i never mentioned home court

But we all know that is what this is all about ...... you joined on May 3rd and got your little heart broken


Keep crying ..... your tears of infinite sadness taste yummy ......


LaMarcus Bryant
05-13-2007, 11:24 PM
ROFL that was so blatantly unintentional, you cannot possibly consider that shit dirty when Nash had his entire torso draped over bruces....it's like my main man Dick Jones says if you can't stand the heat get outta the kitchen.

05-13-2007, 11:24 PM
Mark Cuban should buy the Suns. That would be the seamless combination of owner, coach, players, and fans.

If it means him selling the Mavs, i'm all for it.

05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
good thing i never mentioned home court, and to top it all off this thread is actually about spurs fans "crying" that bowen is under review for his nut buster on nashy.

oh look, we won Game 3...

05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
I can already picture D'Antoni on the phone with Stern. Screaming and crying.

As far as i'm concerned if you're up close on someone's leg and you get hit in the nuts, it's your fault. Nash got the foul which is all it's worth. But i'm sure the league is just trying to appease the constant complaining about how "dirty" and unfair the Spurs are.

05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
Oh come now. Juwan Howard knocked down Derek Anderson and out of the playoffs back in 2001 and he did not get suspended. This Bowen situation is nothing but the Suns crying about the physical play.

Gros Membres!
05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
Bowen's vicious knee to the nuts was much worse than any accidental punch to the nuts i've ever seen. Bowen should be banned from the league. And as punishment to the Spurs, the Mavs should be reinstated into the playoffs in place of the Spurs, with a 2-1 lead.
First of all, Wow. Thank you for your comments.

Moving right along...

If Bowen misses any time and causes this series to go seven games, I will be starting an NBA conspiracy thread. Nash was obviosuly in Bowen's space. And it really bothers me that the Suns, and now seemingly the NBA, are looking for any way to keep this series from being a physical, grind-out series and keep the game transitional/uptempo. If Bowen misses any time due to this, it would make me sick that the NBA would get involved independently of a coach or player request, and willingly promote a "style" of basketball.

05-13-2007, 11:28 PM
Just for the record, doesn't matter if a guy is in your space, you can't knee him in the nuts.

05-13-2007, 11:29 PM
C'mon, people...relax...nothing's gonna happen to Bowen...

05-13-2007, 11:29 PM
They'd better hope not, or we'll release our secret weapon, Flight White...

05-13-2007, 11:30 PM
First of all, Wow. Thank you for your comments.

Moving right along...

If Bowen misses any time and causes this series to go seven games, I will be starting an NBA conspiracy thread. Nash was obviosuly in Bowen's space. And it really bothers me that the Suns, and now seemingly the NBA, are looking for any way to keep this series from being a physical, grind-out series and keep the game transitional/uptempo. If Bowen misses any time due to this, it would make me sick that the NBA would get involved independently of a coach or player request, and willingly promote a "style" of basketball.

Ya because the style of officiating last night REALY promoted a transitinal/uptempo game. Good call there.

05-13-2007, 11:30 PM
Just for the record, doesn't matter if a guy is in your space, you can't knee him in the nuts.

im not completely sold that bowen did either the heel or the nads on purpose but considering his track record it certainly makes me think twice.

05-13-2007, 11:31 PM
Just for the record, doesn't matter if a guy is in your space, you can't knee him in the nuts.

I dont think thats what they meant ...... its obvious that Bowen was shifting his legs trying to clear space ..... anyone who has played basketball can explain that.

05-13-2007, 11:31 PM
But we all know that is what this is all about ...... you joined on May 3rd and got your little heart broken


Keep crying ..... your tears of infinite sadness taste yummy ......


i bet youve been waiting to use that one for sometime havent you.. :clap

05-13-2007, 11:31 PM
im not completely sold that bowen did either the heel or the nads on purpose but considering his track record it certainly makes me think twice.

I agree, and I'm a Spurs fan.

As I said before, the video is inconclusive, but you can only get away with kicking guys in the face, nuts, and ankle so many times before something happens.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-13-2007, 11:31 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if he got hit with a fine. If the league suspends Bowen for game 4, I'll never spend another dime on the NBA again. A suspension for that play would be a damn joke.

05-13-2007, 11:31 PM
Just for the record, doesn't matter if a guy is in your space, you can't knee him in the nuts.

Great and Bowen picked up the foul.

05-13-2007, 11:32 PM
Oh come now. Juwan Howard knocked down Derek Anderson and out of the playoffs back in 2001 and he did not get suspended. This Bowen situation is nothing but the Suns crying about the physical play.

And then when Howard did it again to Malik Rose a couple games later, it became harder to argue that it was an accident.

Ditto for Bowen. It was an accident when it happened to Vince Carter? Well what about when it happened to Carter again? Then Ray Allen? Then Wally? Then Francis? Then Amare? Then Nash? Then Crawford?

I mean at what point is not an accident and clearly intentional? Does he need to do it to every single player in the NBA not wearing a Spur before that can be said without doubt?

Sticking your feet under jumpshooters with awkward unnatural kicking motions is not "tough" basketball. It is not "physical". It's simply pitiful.

05-13-2007, 11:32 PM
Ya because the style of officiating last night REALY promoted a transitinal/uptempo game. Good call there.

You boys got more foul shots than we did last night

05-13-2007, 11:33 PM
i bet youve been waiting to use that one for sometime havent you.. :clap

Nope ...... just what crybaby fans like you remind me of.

So I made it my Sig till you bitches dry up.

05-13-2007, 11:34 PM
Nope ...... just what crybaby fans like you remind me of.

So I made it my Sig till you bitches dry up.

keep em commin, youre quite the clever one.

05-13-2007, 11:35 PM
they're talking about this right now on Inside the NBA

05-13-2007, 11:35 PM
I am starting to really dislike the suns
I live in az
suns are a disgrace to az
suns coach will never win a title
feel bad nash has never ever had a real coach

05-13-2007, 11:36 PM
Wow I just saw the replay on TNT and I don't see what all the fuss is about.

05-13-2007, 11:36 PM
:lol D'asani kicked that sheet of paper's ass.

05-13-2007, 11:37 PM
I am starting to really dislike the suns
I live in az
suns are a disgrace to az

I just dislike their crybaby fans.

05-13-2007, 11:37 PM
Wow I just saw the replay on TNT and I don't see what all the fuss is about.The fuss is a bunch of whiners grasping at straws.

05-13-2007, 11:37 PM
:lol D'asani kicked that sheet of paper's ass.He's learned not to mess with plastic anymore.

T Park
05-13-2007, 11:38 PM
Sticking your feet under jumpshooters with awkward unnatural kicking motions is not "tough" basketball. It is not "physical". It's simply pitiful

god, need a kleenex?

05-13-2007, 11:38 PM
Wow I just saw the replay on TNT and I don't see what all the fuss is about.
mavs.spurs here is a fan that likes dallas and he gets it

05-13-2007, 11:38 PM
First of all, Wow. Thank you for your comments.

Moving right along...

If Bowen misses any time and causes this series to go seven games, I will be starting an NBA conspiracy thread. Nash was obviosuly in Bowen's space. And it really bothers me that the Suns, and now seemingly the NBA, are looking for any way to keep this series from being a physical, grind-out series and keep the game transitional/uptempo. If Bowen misses any time due to this, it would make me sick that the NBA would get involved independently of a coach or player request, and willingly promote a "style" of basketball.

Yeah! Go get 'em, tiger. Starting an NBA conspiracy thread on these messageboards will show them.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-13-2007, 11:39 PM
And then when Howard did it again to Malik Rose a couple games later, it became harder to argue that it was an accident.

Ditto for Bowen. It was an accident when it happened to Vince Carter? Well what about when it happened to Carter again? Then Ray Allen? Then Wally? Then Francis? Then Amare? Then Nash? Then Crawford?

I mean at what point is not an accident and clearly intentional? Does he need to do it to every single player in the NBA not wearing a Spur before that can be said without doubt?

Sticking your feet under jumpshooters with awkward unnatural kicking motions is not "tough" basketball. It is not "physical". It's simply pitiful.

If Steve Nash didn't have a problem with it (and keep in mind, it was his family jewels involved), where the fuck do you get off having a problem with it??

Run away Lakers bitch, you've got a lotto pick to get ready for :lol Again.

05-13-2007, 11:39 PM
D'Antoni made that Stat sheet pay.

05-13-2007, 11:39 PM
The fuss is a bunch of whiners grasping at straws.

Exactly .....

05-13-2007, 11:40 PM
I just dislike their crybaby fans.
I dislike their owner,amare and coach

suns would be better off trading amare

diaw proved what he could do without amare
amare is so expesive and with bad knees ....
and a big mouth and a low iq

T Park
05-13-2007, 11:40 PM
D'asani kicked that sheet of paper's ass.

Who got owned more

excercise bike

or paper?


05-13-2007, 11:42 PM
Another bowen kickout...first time ive seen this one. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UynFKOdfxXc)

05-13-2007, 11:42 PM
Notice how the players take after the coach. You have a bunch of hard ass thugs crying like a bunch of bitches.

05-13-2007, 11:43 PM
Just for the record, doesn't matter if a guy is in your space, you can't knee him in the nuts.

Your damn right it matters because when you are that close you open yourself up to that kind of contact that can be construed as either intentional or unintentional.

05-13-2007, 11:44 PM
Another bowen kickout...first time ive seen this one. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UynFKOdfxXc)

And the crying continues ...... I really wish you idiots would have played basketball before ...... then maybe you would understand how much players step on each others feet.

05-13-2007, 11:44 PM
:lol Nash was all over the press about dirty Bowen.

He blogged the shit out of it.

05-13-2007, 11:44 PM
Your damn right it matters because when you are that close you open yourself up to that kind of contact that can be construed as either intentional or unintentional.

Yessir, and i think Nash understands this.

05-13-2007, 11:45 PM
Bowen's vicious knee to the nuts was much worse than any accidental punch to the nuts i've ever seen. Bowen should be banned from the league. And as punishment to the Spurs, the Mavs should be reinstated into the playoffs in place of the Spurs, with a 2-1 lead.


funniest thing I've read on this board in a LONG time

05-13-2007, 11:45 PM
im not completely sold that bowen did either the heel or the nads on purpose but considering his track record it certainly makes me think twice.

His track record is one of players who can't score on him bitching like crazy about his physical play. He has never been tossed from a game for something he did on the court or suspended by the league.

05-13-2007, 11:45 PM
Bowen is dirty..... I didnt even seen the play but I can bet my life that it was an intentional dirty play.... and I can also bet that when the refs called the; T, Foul, Flagrant or whatever, he prolly had that stupid look on his face after every foul he commits.

05-13-2007, 11:47 PM
Bowen is dirty..... I didnt even seen the play


I think Jackson is talking to you in your sig.

05-13-2007, 11:47 PM
I didnt even seen the play

05-13-2007, 11:47 PM
And the crying continues ...... I really wish you idiots would have played basketball before ...... then maybe you would understand how much players step on each others feet.

ive played basketball on the highschool and college level, i play basketball everyday of my life and not once have i ever landed while trying to contest a jump shot with my legs split open like that...now if this were one instance, i could understand but it happens time and time again...

and since you think you can play so well youd know that stopping behind a player while he was going up for a dunk/layup and having your leg swing out like bowens did...that doesnt just happen by itself. legs dont just sweep out like that.. sorry i dont buy it.

05-13-2007, 11:48 PM
Jeez, this crap is getting old.

It's like that fucking Honda commercial, when the kid kicks the dude in the nutz. The kid tells the dude, "You're suppose to wear a cup."

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Mark Cuban should buy the Suns. That would be the seamless combination of owner, coach, players, and fans.


second funniest thing I've read on this board in a LONG time

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Bowen is dirty..... I didnt even seen the play but I can bet my life that it was an intentional dirty play.... and I can also bet that when the refs called the; T, Foul, Flagrant or whatever, he prolly had that stupid look on his face after every foul he commits.

Did the kings make the playoffs? I swear they just fell off the earth.

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
ive played basketball on the highschool and college level, i play basketball everyday of my life and not once have i ever landed while trying to contest a jump shot with my legs split open like that...now if this were one instance, i could understand but it happens time and time again...

and since you think you can play so well youd know that stopping behind a player while he was going up for a dunk/layup and having your leg swing out like bowens did...that doesnt just happen by itself. legs dont just sweep out like that.. sorry i dont buy it.

Sure you have :rolleyes

If you are running full speed things like that happen kid .....

Now wipe those tears off ....

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
I didnt even seen the playAnd yet your take is just as insightful as the Suns whiners.

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Most Spurs Fans: "Bruce Bowen is not dirty, he just plays really good defense and aggravates his opponent"

05-13-2007, 11:50 PM
Did the kings make the playoffs? I swear they just fell off the earth.

what does that have to do with anything? if youre not clever enough to come up with a good rebut el just dont post.

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
Did the kings make the playoffs? I swear they just fell off the earth.

yah because that has a lot to do with how bruce bowen is a dirty player........

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
good rebut el just dont post.

Is that some form of Spanish rebuttal?

Condemned 2 HelLA
05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
Most Spurs Fans: "Bruce Bowen is not dirty, he just plays really good defense and aggravates his opponent"

Kings fan..........
.........YOU MAD?!??!?!!?!

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
Bowen is dirty..... I didnt even seen the play but I can bet my life that it was an intentional dirty play.... and I can also bet that when the refs called the; T, Foul, Flagrant or whatever, he prolly had that stupid look on his face after every foul he commits.
look at the play before calling it dirty

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
If you are running full speed things like that happen kid .....

unfortunately he wasnt even close to running full speed, unless he can take 2 and be in a full sprint.

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
yah because that has a lot to do with how bruce bowen is a dirty player........

Just proves you are another jealous bitch looking for a reason to cry .....

05-13-2007, 11:52 PM
what does that have to do with anything? if youre not clever enough to come up with a good rebut el just dont post.

Touchy suns fan. Are you nervous for tommorow? 3-1 is pretty daunting.

Big P
05-13-2007, 11:53 PM
Most NBA players: "Bruce Bowen is not dirty, he just plays really good defense and aggravates his opponent"


05-13-2007, 11:54 PM
unfortunately he wasnt even close to running full speed, unless he can take 2 and be in a full sprint.

:rolleyes jesus kid ...... just give it up ..... Bowen plays full speed all the time .... thats why someone like him, with limited skills, can be the best defensive player in the league year after year.

You really cannot be this stupid can you?

05-13-2007, 11:54 PM
Bowen is dirty..... I didnt even seen the play

Well shit i guess that disqualifies you from the argument than doesn't it?

05-13-2007, 11:55 PM

Signed, Wally Sczerbiak


05-13-2007, 11:56 PM
Touchy suns fan. Are you nervous for tommorow? 3-1 is pretty daunting.
:rolleyes keep on falling back on your little safty net..

05-13-2007, 11:56 PM
The old adage: If you can't beat them, complain like little pussies about how dirty they are and call stern and get your pacifier and your butterfly bandaids and stick a dick up your ass.

Is that how it goes?

05-13-2007, 11:58 PM
Just proves you are another jealous bitch looking for a reason to cry .....

jealous? of the aging spurs..... :lol :lol

im extremely jealous..... :lol and i would like you to prove how my statement proves im jealous

05-13-2007, 11:58 PM
The old adage: If you can't beat them, complain like little pussies about how dirty they are and call stern and get your pacifier and your butterfly bandaids
Is that how it goes?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

05-13-2007, 11:58 PM
:rolleyes jesus kid ...... just give it up ..... Bowen plays full speed all the time .... thats why someone like him, with limited skills, can be the best defensive player in the league year after year.

You really cannot be this stupid can you?

stick to the argument kid. go back and watch the film. footloose bruce wasnt even close to fullspeed. so therefore your argument is nothing... quit tiptoeing through the tullips.

05-13-2007, 11:59 PM
:rolleyes keep on falling back on your little safty net..

If that Safety NET puts us in the West Finals than bring it on!!

05-13-2007, 11:59 PM
I don't like Bruce Bowen for a lot of reasons, but comon this is bullshit. The suns are really grabbing at straws.

05-14-2007, 12:00 AM
and keep coming with that jealousy bullshit because before the series started i had the spurs winning it in 6

05-14-2007, 12:00 AM
jealous? of the aging spurs..... :lol :lol

im extremely jealous..... :lol and i would like you to prove how my statement proves im jealous

You have over 6000 post in less than a year on a San Antonio Spurs message board .....

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

And How many championships does your team have?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

05-14-2007, 12:00 AM
The old adage: If you can't beat them, complain like little pussies about how dirty they are and call stern and get your pacifier and your butterfly bandaids and stick a dick up your ass.

Is that how it goes?

my favorite thing about this board is that if you cant win an argument you

a) call us crybabies

b) talk about your rings or your series lead

c) call people crybabies

05-14-2007, 12:01 AM
Keep throwing shit at the wall something might stick approach huh. Bowen's kick on Amare, Bowen's kick on Nash, Manus Elbow on Nash. Just play the game. I am tired of the bullshit with this series, which should be a good basketball series not a whining pissing match. :pctoss

Missed calls on both ends, Manu getting poked in the eye, I belive it was unintentional, like Bowen's knee to Nash's mva (most valuable area). So shut up and play already!

Go Spurs Go

You forgot to include Manu face on Marions fingers!! :lol

05-14-2007, 12:02 AM
You have over 6000 post in less than a year on a San Antonio Spurs message board .....

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

And How many championships does your team have?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

hey look im a spurs fan and i have no credible argument so i will just wonder off topic

:lol :lol

Gros Membres!
05-14-2007, 12:02 AM
Ya because the style of officiating last night REALY promoted a transitinal/uptempo game. Good call there.
I don't think it did promote that and god forbid the Suns don't get to the next round and we have a Utah/San Anonio WCF. David Stern would not want that to happen for fear of ratings. At least he can try and stretch this series to 7.

05-14-2007, 12:02 AM
Signed, Wally Sczerbiak


Jesus, no matter how many times I see that, it stills remains the most awesome thing anyone has ever done, EVER.

I mean, that's straight up Johnny Cage shit right there.

I'm actually kinda amused by these retarded Suns fans who think Bowen is dirty. I mean, when you know you're outmatched, outclassed, and outplayed by your opponent, you have to find an edge. And the Suns' edge is whining to the press.

If that's what their strategy to beat the Spurs has devolved into, I feel VERY good about the Spurs' chances in this series.

05-14-2007, 12:03 AM
stick to the argument kid. go back and watch the film. footloose bruce wasnt even close to fullspeed. so therefore your argument is nothing... quit tiptoeing through the tullips.

Bowen did nothing wrong in that video that some Suns fan made.

Keep looking for Something to cry about.


Mmmmmm ..... Crybaby Tears are so Yummy!

05-14-2007, 12:03 AM
hey look im a spurs fan and i have no credible argument so i will just wonder off topic

:lol :lol

You asked me to prove you were jealous ...... and that did it. But please keep trying to divert attention.

05-14-2007, 12:04 AM
Jesus, no matter how many times I see that, it stills remains the most awesome thing anyone has ever done, EVER.

I mean, that's straight up Johnny Cage shit right there.

I'm actually kinda amused by these retarded Suns fans who think Bowen is dirty. I mean, when you know you're outmatched, outclassed, and outplayed by your opponent, you have to find an edge. And the Suns' edge is whining to the press.

If that's what their strategy to beat the Spurs has devolved into, I feel VERY good about the Spurs' chances in this series.

the funny thing is, not one person from the suns has said anything about the knee to my knowlege.

05-14-2007, 12:04 AM
I don't like Bruce Bowen for a lot of reasons, but comon this is bullshit. The suns are really grabbing at straws.

Are you listening Suns fans, a hardcore Mavs fan is calling you on your bullshit.

Quiet Strength
05-14-2007, 12:05 AM
Its the playoffs and theres no doubt there are going to be hard fouls and dirty plays.. if the suns cant handle that then they're not a championship team. They cant always expect the refs to save them.. sometimes teams also have to beat the refs. The spurs have gone through that several times.

05-14-2007, 12:05 AM
ive played basketball on the highschool and college level, i play basketball everyday of my life and not once have i ever landed while trying to contest a jump shot with my legs split open like that...now if this were one instance, i could understand but it happens time and time again...

and since you think you can play so well youd know that stopping behind a player while he was going up for a dunk/layup and having your leg swing out like bowens did...that doesnt just happen by itself. legs dont just sweep out like that.. sorry i dont buy it.

Thats why He's in the NBA and your not!!

05-14-2007, 12:05 AM
my favorite thing about this board is that if you cant win an argument you

a) call us crybabies

b) talk about your rings or your series lead

c) call people crybabies

What argument have you crybabies put out there? Making up False claims about someone being dirty?

Thats all you bitches have ....

05-14-2007, 12:07 AM
Are the Suns at the point where they are begging the league for help in this series?

05-14-2007, 12:07 AM

05-14-2007, 12:07 AM
Hey, I'm a Laker fan and not only do we have more rings than your franchise will ever win, but we also beat this Spurs group in 3 of 5 playoff meetings.

Calling Bowen dirty is like calling Jessica Alba a hottie. It's so obvious it's not even an opinion but basically a factual statement for anyone outside of SA limits.

There's not one player in the NBA who does the foot under the jump shooter move with the leg kicking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in an awkward, unnatural motion besides Bowen.

It's pretty clear that Bowen's intention here is at best:

1) Make the opponent think about whether he's going to sprain his ankle and limp off the court instead of shooting his jumper.

or at worst:

2) Injure the player.

Whether it's 1 or 2 is debatable. But either way, this is not what sportsmanship or basketball is about. Ray Allen said it best when he said what Bowen is doing is not basketball. It's pure cowardice.

Anyone outside of SA can see it and quite frankly I know a good # of Spurs fans who do see it but frankly don't care about it. Their opinion is basically "I know Bowen's dirty, but he's on my team and frankly I dont give a $hit." I completely understand this line of thinking.

If you have a child who's a "problem child" you aren't going to love him any less because he makes mistakes, even if they are bad. No one is saying because you are a Sprus fan, you should hate Bowen.

But to deny he's dirty, come on! That's just laughable.

05-14-2007, 12:07 AM
Thats why He's in the NBA and your not!!

wait, so youre saying if i change the way i contest a jumpshot ill be in the nba?


05-14-2007, 12:08 AM
Are the Suns at the point where they are begging the league for help in this series?

The fact that they are reviewing an incidental knee to the groin. The answer would be yes.

Big P
05-14-2007, 12:08 AM
And Marion swiping at the ball almost gouging Manus eye out? Oh right that was an accident, & no foul was called, but Nash is up on Bowens nuts, not giving him any room to move Bruce moves his leg & they call a foul on him, but thats just good defense...Bowen is up on peoples nuts playing swarming defense, & he's a dirty player...why did all the players that the NBA interviewed say that Bowen is the best on ball defender..these are his peers saying this..they could have chosen someone else if they really believe he is a dirty player, but they chose Bowen, but since some Kings fan says that Bowen is a dirty player, its got to be true..what about Artest, he broke MJ's ribs, is he a dirty player or just a good defender?

05-14-2007, 12:09 AM
wait, so youre saying if i change the way i contest a jumpshot ill be in the nba?


No we are saying you are full of shit.

05-14-2007, 12:10 AM
wait, so youre saying if i change the way i contest a jumpshot ill be in the nba?


I'm sure your situation is identical to the NBA game. Was that middle school basketball? I'm sure you totally understand the speed of this game.

05-14-2007, 12:10 AM
No we are saying you are full of shit.
:clap :clap

05-14-2007, 12:11 AM
There's not one player in the NBA who does the foot under the jump shooter move with the leg kicking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in an awkward, unnatural motion besides Bowen.Say, did Kobe intentionally swing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in an awkward, unnatural motion at all those players like Manu after he got his shit stuffed?

05-14-2007, 12:11 AM
Hey, I'm a Laker fan and not only do we have more rings than your franchise will ever win, but we also beat this Spurs group in 3 of 5 playoff meetings.

Yeah that is real relevant to the topic at hand here. Hey how did that ass whipping the Pistons handed you in 2004 feel just before Kobe wrecked your franchise in the offseason?

05-14-2007, 12:12 AM
I'm sure your situation is identical to the NBA game. Was that middle school basketball? I'm sure you totally understand the speed of this game.

youre reaaaaaching real hard right now. real hard.

05-14-2007, 12:13 AM
Bottom line is that all the Sun fans can do is make up false claims of our team being dirty .....

Basically the Sun fans are making a preemptive excuse for why their team is gonna lose this series ....


Must suck to have such little faith in their team.

05-14-2007, 12:13 AM
Say, did Kobe intentionally swing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in an awkward, unnatural motion at all those players like Manu after he got his shit stuffed?

:lol :lol :lol :lol

05-14-2007, 12:14 AM
wait, so youre saying if i change the way i contest a jumpshot ill be in the nba?


NOPE! Because you don't know shit about basketball! You might wanna try your local sports radio station, They'll like you!! :lol

05-14-2007, 12:14 AM
youre reaaaaaching real hard right now. real hard.

Was that a response? Woah excellent point you made there. So i'm guessing my sarcasm was correct. You don't know shit about the NBA game.

05-14-2007, 12:14 AM
If Nash would have given adequate space for Bowen to pivot none of this would have happened... It is starting to become a trend on defense where players are impeding the progress of the offensive player. In this case Bowen on the progress of his pivot racked Nash. Incidental contact at best...

What the league should look at is how Phoenix got away with unsportsman like conduct when players got up from their seats on the bench and attempted to disrupt Bowen's three point shot (which failed)... We are looking at a bunch of babies crying trying to get their way.

Shoudn't they look at Marion for the rake to Manu's eye... We did not cry about that at all... in matter of fact, rake the other eye, it just might make Manu pour forty on Phoenix's sorry excuse for a team.

05-14-2007, 12:14 AM
The sequence resulting in Bowen's knee making contact with Nash's groin area began as Nash defended Bowen on the left wing.

Nash, Bowen said, was crowding him, giving him no room to move. Bowen pivoted, and when he did, the unfortunate contact took place.

"He was crowding me, and in this game you're taught to get people off of you," Bowen said. "If someone is taking up your space, you have nothing to do. But with all the stuff that is going on with (me), I'm sure that will end up on YouTube."

Bowen said he apologized to Nash for kneeing him and assured him he had no intention of hitting him where he did.

"I said to him, 'Now, Steve, you know I didn't try to knee you there,' and he said, 'Yeah, absolutely, Bruce,' and we gave each other five."

If Nash was angry with Bowen after Saturday's game, it had more to do with the job Bowen and Tony Parker did in limiting his effectiveness in the first three quarters. Nash didn't score his first basket until five minutes remained in the third. He finished with 16 points, but needed 17 shots to get them.

Aware that Stoudemire had called on NBA officials to "clean the game up a little bit," Bowen said players have to learn to play on through frustration. tends to go the other way.

"That's part of the game and you have to be able to adjust," Bowen said. "I think if we're the team that continues to just sit back and take the abuse and not try to play through it, or try to call things to the officials' attention, it
"Now you're caught up in a whining war and not just playing."

Asked if Stoudemire may have made a mistake by his pre-game accusations about the Spurs, Bowen chose his words carefully.

"You've got to be careful what you say," Bowen said. "It can always come back on you in a way you're not ready for.

"The only person I've ever seen in a sports atmosphere to be able to say something and back it up is Muhammad Ali. Period."

05-14-2007, 12:14 AM
amare brought up the issue with him and bowen, but as far as i'm aware, the suns did not bring this to the league office, the office looked into the foul on their own.

05-14-2007, 12:15 AM
And Marion swiping at the ball almost gouging Manus eye out? Oh right that was an accident, & no foul was called, but Nash is up on Bowens nuts, not giving him any room to move Bruce moves his leg & they call a foul on him, but thats just good defense...Bowen is up on peoples nuts playing swarming defense, & he's a dirty player...why did all the players that the NBA interviewed say that Bowen is the best on ball defender..these are his peers saying this..they could have chosen someone else if they really believe he is a dirty player, but they chose Bowen, but since some Kings fan says that Bowen is a dirty player, its got to be true..what about Artest, he broke MJ's ribs, is he a dirty player or just a good defender?

Um, being the best on ball defender and being the dirtiest player in the league are not mutually exclusive.

Bruce Bowen IS the league's best on ball defender or one of the top 2-3 at least and IS simultaneously the league's dirty player.

A few years back Ray Lewis was considered a dirty player in the NFL, but anyone with a clue knew he was still the league's best MLB.

Karl Malone is considered one of the dirtiest of all time and still is one of the best PF's ever.

05-14-2007, 12:15 AM
Even if all these claims about the Spurs being dirty were actually true, that wouldn't change the fact that D'Antoni, Amare and many Suns fans are being total pussies about it.

05-14-2007, 12:16 AM





:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

05-14-2007, 12:16 AM
Nash doesn't whine.

Follow his lead.

05-14-2007, 12:17 AM
amare brought up the issue with him and bowen, but as far as i'm aware, the suns did not bring this to the league office, the office looked into the foul on their own.

The Suns have cried enough to last until next year .....

05-14-2007, 12:18 AM





:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

The jealousy continues ....

05-14-2007, 12:18 AM





:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

do you not wish ron could play that good of d as bowen

05-14-2007, 12:18 AM
Um, being the best on ball defender and being the dirtiest player in the league are not mutually exclusive.

Bruce Bowen IS the league's best on ball defender or one of the top 2-3 at least and IS simultaneously the league's dirty player.

A few years back Ray Lewis was considered a dirty player in the NFL, but anyone with a clue knew he was still the league's best MLB.

Karl Malone is considered one of the dirtiest of all time and still is one of the best PF's ever.

Yeah Bruce is so DIRTY so he must have been suspended countless times by the league for his actions RIGHT? No huh, well at least he has been thrown out of games for his actions right? No not exactly.

05-14-2007, 12:19 AM
Say, did Kobe intentionally swing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in an awkward, unnatural motion at all those players like Manu after he got his shit stuffed?

Absolutely he did. Much like you Spurs fans, at first I wanted to think it was an accident but when it happens over and over like it did, you are just in denial if you don't admit it.

Kobe started out as a very clean bball player, but unfortunately he does swing to the darkside and pull a Bowen from time to time. But still, not with near the consistency and filth level that Bowen does.

I mean I'll take 10 elbows to by face before a kick to the achilles which could potentially end my career.

I can admit it though. Can you about BLB? (Bruce LEE Bowen)

05-14-2007, 12:19 AM
amare brought up the issue with him and bowen, but as far as i'm aware, the suns did not bring this to the league office, the office looked into the foul on their own.

Stern said they'll review it for Phoenix fan satisfaction!

05-14-2007, 12:20 AM
Yeah Bruce is so DIRTY so he must have been suspended countless times by the league for his actions RIGHT? No huh, well at least he has been thrown out of games for his actions right? No not exactly.

And he fouls out of every game too.

05-14-2007, 12:20 AM
The jealousy continues ....

do you not wish ron could play that good of d as bowen

Like I said kids, come with a valid argument or pack that shit up as a loss and keep it moving.

05-14-2007, 12:21 AM
So what if Bruce is suspended ?that should make the series interesting :elephant

And maybe it's time to put Manu in the starting line-up ; could be good for him

05-14-2007, 12:22 AM
Yeah Bruce is so DIRTY so he must have been suspended countless times by the league for his actions RIGHT? No huh, well at least he has been thrown out of games for his actions right? No not exactly.

So, using this analogy:

John Stockton is not a dirty player because he was never suspended by the league for his actions or never thrown out of a game. Never mind he was voted one of the dirtiest players in the NBA yr after yr after yr. Do I have it right?

Stockton and Bowen are very similar players. They both do the sleazy, slimy things which are harder to notice. If not for youtube, no one would ever have known about Bowen's leg sweep to Amare. Stuff like that is always going to be harder to punish because the people doing it are smart and try to make things look in the flow of the game. But when they happen a million times, you start to figure out that it's a concerted effort.

05-14-2007, 12:23 AM
Was that a response? Woah excellent point you made there. So i'm guessing my sarcasm was correct. You don't know shit about the NBA game.

what does the speed of the game have to do with kicking your feet under jump shooters....?

your boy bowen seems to be the only one that happens to contest jump shots like that but yet you blame it on "the speed of the game"

05-14-2007, 12:24 AM
I would like to make it clear that I don't think the Spurs are a dirty team, but Bruce Bowen is the dirtiest player in the league.

05-14-2007, 12:26 AM
I would like to make it clear that I don't think the Spurs are a dirty team, but Bruce Bowen is the dirtiest player in the league.

agreed, and like i said earlier i wouldnt have really thought one way or another on either of those plays, but since bowen obviously has such a past history...it makes you wonder.

05-14-2007, 12:27 AM
my favorite thing about this board is that if you cant win an argument you

a) call us crybabies

b) talk about your rings or your series lead

c) call people crybabiesGee, wouldn't have anything to do with the pathetic bleating content of your posts, now would it?

05-14-2007, 12:27 AM
what does the speed of the game have to do with kicking your feet under jump shooters....?

your boy bowen seems to be the only one that happens to contest jump shots like that but yet you blame it on "the speed of the game"

Are you sure you played basketball back in High school and College? You know the difference between CHESS and Basketball right?

05-14-2007, 12:27 AM
When shit happens to the Spurs, we don't sit and cry calling other players "dirty "... We just go out and beat them... plain and simple

05-14-2007, 12:27 AM
So, using this analogy:

John Stockton is not a dirty player because he was never suspended by the league for his actions or never thrown out of a game. Never mind he was voted one of the dirtiest players in the NBA yr after yr after yr. Do I have it right?

Stockton and Bowen are very similar players. They both do the sleazy, slimy things which are harder to notice. If not for youtube, no one would ever have known about Bowen's leg sweep to Amare. Stuff like that is always going to be harder to punish because the people doing it are smart and try to make things look in the flow of the game. But when they happen a million times, you start to figure out that it's a concerted effort.

What it means is this is very subjective. It is not a matter of fact that he is a dirty player when the league never sees fit to suspend him or even fine him. IMO there is something to be said for this ERA we are in now in basketball. Offense is what sells tickets and the NBA has done everything they can to alter the rules to promote that aspect of the game. Guys like Bowen who are tough and physical would blend in more 10 years ago. Now though when almost nobody in the NBA even plays D anymore it has become so easy for players to cry that a player like Bruce is dirty rather than admit he is a great defensive player.

05-14-2007, 12:33 AM
Like I said kids, come with a valid argument or pack that shit up as a loss and keep it moving.

What good will it do ..... you just avoid the answer cause you have proven time and time again you are nothing but a jealous bitch.

05-14-2007, 12:34 AM
I can handle the handchecking, holding, and grabbing that Bowen does. I agree that stuff was more common 10 yrs ago when the league was more physical. Stuff like that is illegal per today's rules and a foul everytime, but hey if the league is going to let you establish a rep and play like that, why the hell not. That's not dirty basketball at all. That's just playing smart.

However, the undercutting of jumpshooters is something I haven't seen from any other player in 30 yrs of watching ball other than Bowen. The Amare legkick was just a despicable, dirty play and clearly intentional.

The utter irony of the Spurs fan base' defense of Bowen's knee in the crotch to Nash
is that he was "defending his personal space".

Ok, fine. But then when a jumpshooter attempts a shot that Bowen is contesting, is not his personal space to be able to land in the Exact spot from which he jumped without having to land on Bowen's foot?

That's pure hypocrisy to say Bowen is not invading a shooter's space by doing that, not to mention what a dangerous, dirty play it is. And it happens WAY too often to be labeled an accident every time.

And again, there have been several great defenders in this league's history who frustrated the hell out of opponents without EVER being labeled dirty. David Robinson, MJ, Hakeem, and Scottie Pippen just to name a few.

05-14-2007, 12:36 AM
amare brought up the issue with him and bowen, but as far as i'm aware, the suns did not bring this to the league office, the office looked into the foul on their own.

So when the league finds this as being no big deal ..... will you and the rest of the crybaby crew drop it?

Did not think so .....


Mmmmmmm ..... Crybaby Tears taste so Yummy!!!

05-14-2007, 12:36 AM
What good will it do ..... you just avoid the answer cause you have proven time and time again you are nothing but a jealous bitch.

same old tired act kid........ when you can form a sentence without the word jealous in it, holla at me........

05-14-2007, 12:36 AM
Are you sure you played basketball back in High school and College? You know the difference between CHESS and Basketball right?

i know no matter what level ive played at i dont kick my legs out underneath a shooter. thats such a sorry ass excuse......

05-14-2007, 12:36 AM
When shit happens to the Spurs, we don't sit and cry calling other players "dirty "... We just go out and beat them... plain and simple

:clap :clap

05-14-2007, 12:37 AM
same old tired act kid........ when you can form a sentence without the word jealous in it, holla at me........

Thats right ..... run away again boy.

05-14-2007, 12:38 AM
And again, there have been several great defenders in this league's history who frustrated the hell out of opponents without EVER being labeled dirty. David Robinson, MJ, Hakeem, and Scottie Pippen just to name a few.

Yeah who all played in an ERA where physical tough play was more common. When they played bitching about this shit was frowned upon in the locker room. Nowadays calling a player dirty is easier than admittiing he is shutting you down.

05-14-2007, 12:38 AM
jealous? of the aging spurs..... :lol :lol

I can't believe you are amused. Add "dirty" to your list...

I would have aging players on my team anytime as long as they bring me into the playoffs year in and year out.

I should be jealous if I were you. It is not a laughing matter.

05-14-2007, 12:40 AM
I will say it again before I head off to bed .....

Bottom line is that all the Sun fans can do is make up false claims of our team being dirty .....

Basically the Sun fans are making a preemptive excuse for why their team is gonna lose this series ....

T Park
05-14-2007, 12:41 AM
i know no matter what level ive played at i dont kick my legs out underneath a shooter. thats such a sorry ass excuse......

Thats prob why you never made it above JV.

05-14-2007, 12:42 AM
I will say it again before I head off to bed .....

Bottom line is that all the Sun fans can do is make up false claims of our team being dirty .....

Basically the Sun fans are making a preemptive excuse for why their team is gonna lose this series ....

the videos are right there for you to see, we cant help it if youre too big of a dbag to look at something objectively

05-14-2007, 12:44 AM
I will say it again before I head off to bed .....

Bottom line is that all the Sun fans can do is make up false claims of our team being dirty .....

Basically the Sun fans are making a preemptive excuse for why their team is gonna lose this series ....

It is like they are desperate for help from the league. I go back to something POP said to the Spurs on the 2003 finals DVD when they were playing like shit against the Nets in NJ. "Why do you think someone is going to give you a championship, come on if you want the fucking go take it".

05-14-2007, 12:44 AM
Thats prob why you never made it above JV.

another original response.... so again, now youre saying the reason i didnt make it to the next level is because i dont kick my feet under jump shooters?

T Park
05-14-2007, 12:45 AM
I love opposing team's fans coming in here and complaining about the posters.

Once again.

Don't like it? Get the fuck out.

Didn't want you here in the first place "dbag"

T Park
05-14-2007, 12:45 AM
another original response.... so again, now youre saying the reason i didnt make it to the next level is because i dont kick my feet under jump shooters?

No its prob because your a stiff with a verticle leap of 2 inches.

05-14-2007, 12:46 AM
1) I have seen almost every game Bruce Bowen has ever played in as a Spur. If you are judging Bruce Bowen from the 20 games you've ever seen him play in plus the youtube videos, than you do not have a true representation of Bowen.

I mean good god, he does the most community service than ANY other spurs player...that's got to show you a little about his character...people who intentionally are out to injure other players, don't wake up the next morning and give their entire off days to helping programs around the city.

2) He always guards the most athletic and most talented player that is on the court, also the player that typically takes the most shots or handles the ball the most. In all of his hundreds of games in which players have taken many many shots, there is evidence of him being involved in, what, 6 "dirty" plays....I bet that most NBA players who have had similar games played and minutes to Bruce Bowen could have a number of video clips in which there is very questionable contact.

05-14-2007, 12:47 AM
I love opposing team's fans coming in here and complaining about the posters.

Once again.

Don't like it? Get the fuck out.

Didn't want you here in the first place "dbag"
:blah :cry

05-14-2007, 12:49 AM
No its prob because your a stiff with a verticle leap of 2 inches.

my 2 inch vert has alot to do with bruce bowens leg kicking doesnt it?

05-14-2007, 12:51 AM
1) I have seen almost every game Bruce Bowen has ever played in as a Spur. If you are judging Bruce Bowen from the 20 games you've ever seen him play in plus the youtube videos, than you do not have a true representation of Bowen.

I mean good god, he does the most community service than ANY other spurs player...that's got to show you a little about his character...people who intentionally are out to injure other players, don't wake up the next morning and give their entire off days to helping programs around the city.

2) He always guards the most athletic and most talented player that is on the court, also the player that typically takes the most shots or handles the ball the most. In all of his hundreds of games in which players have taken many many shots, there is evidence of him being involved in, what, 6 "dirty" plays....I bet that most NBA players who have had similar games played and minutes to Bruce Bowen could have a number of video clips in which there is very questionable contact.

thats all fine and dandy, but hes known AROUND THE LEAGUE...not just suns fans or dallas fans or whatever... hes know in the nba circle as a dirty player.

05-14-2007, 12:54 AM
I should change my language - I mean it was deliberate, not intentional. By which I mean I don't think it was accidental that Bruce moved a part of his body in Nash's direction - he was trying deliberately to clear space. I do not think he intentionally (and with malice aforethought) tried to knee Nash in an *ahem* delicate area or to harm Nash.

ETA - I don't think the league is interested in a pissing match about who had the hardest foul (intentional or otherwise), so if they are reviewing this it will come to naught.

"Deliberate", that's a great word to use. I for one don't think anybody ever has the intention to hurt the opposing player with their actions. Not even the thug play by Fortson that broke Zarko's wrist a couple years back that earned him a couple days of suspension. Not the Malone elbow on DRob that sent him missing the season.

The only "intention" is to clear space, to intimidate (like the Kobe arm/elbows vs. Manu, Jarri, etc), to let the receiving player have it this time as lesson for next time they dare come near you.

So, it's acceptible to 'deliberately' put the opposing player in some great danger, to gain advantage for your team on the court. Great!

:clap :clap :clap

05-14-2007, 12:54 AM
and so is Raja Bell

05-14-2007, 12:54 AM
i know no matter what level ive played at i dont kick my legs out underneath a shooter. thats such a sorry ass excuse......


05-14-2007, 12:54 AM
another original response.... so again, now youre saying the reason i didnt make it to the next level is because i dont kick my feet under jump shooters?

Here is the problem with this kind of argument. You probably want to know why guys landing on Bowens feet does not happen more often to other guys if he is not dirty? The answer is because almost nobody plays D in the NBA anymore. When a guy takes a shot you as a defender need to be trying to either block or alter that shot. If you are worrying about where am i going to land in reference to the shooter so he does not land on my foot, good luck defending the Kobe Bryants of the world with that sort of reluctant style of play.

05-14-2007, 12:57 AM
No its prob because your a stiff with a verticle leap of 2 inches.

NOT EVEN! MORE LIKE 1'' 7/8.. :lol

05-14-2007, 12:58 AM
Here is the problem with this kind of argument. You probably want to know why guys landing on Bowens feet does not happen more often to other guys if he is not dirty? The answer is because almost nobody plays D in the NBA anymore. When a guy takes a shot you as a defender need to be trying to either block or alter that shot. If you are worrying about where am i going to land in reference to the shooter so he does not land on my foot, good luck defending the Kobe Bryants of the world with that sort of reluctant style of play.

honestly, i dont think bruce does it to be dirty. i DO believe he does it on purpose but more to get inside your head, make you think about where youre gunna land and MAYBE theres a possibillity i can twist my ankle comming down..

but, that can be seen as dirty and i kind of agree with it.

05-14-2007, 12:59 AM
NOT EVEN! MORE LIKE 1'' 7/8.. :lol

you guys are too much....really. :rolleyes

05-14-2007, 12:59 AM
"Deliberate", that's a great word to use. I for one don't think anybody ever has the intention to hurt the opposing player with their actions. Not even the thug play by Fortson that broke Zarko's wrist a couple years back that earned him a couple days of suspension. Not the Malone elbow on DRob that sent him missing the season.

The only "intention" is to clear space, to intimidate (like the Kobe arm/elbows vs. Manu, Jarri, etc), to let the receiving player have it this time as lesson for next time they dare come near you.

So, it's acceptible to 'deliberately' put the opposing player in some great danger, to gain advantage for your team on the court. Great!

:clap :clap :clap

Apparently, it wasn't acceptable when Malone did it to DRob.

05-14-2007, 01:01 AM
Here is the problem with this kind of argument. You probably want to know why guys landing on Bowens feet does not happen more often to other guys if he is not dirty? The answer is because almost nobody plays D in the NBA anymore. When a guy takes a shot you as a defender need to be trying to either block or alter that shot. If you are worrying about where am i going to land in reference to the shooter so he does not land on my foot, good luck defending the Kobe Bryants of the world with that sort of reluctant style of play.

Can you show or name me one play where MJ or Pippen, better wing defenders than Bowen, stuck their leg out several feet to land under a jumpshooter?

I mean does a jumpshooter not have a right to jump from Spot X and land on Spot X without landing on Bruce Bowen's foot? You seriously can't see how that is dirty?

05-14-2007, 01:03 AM
honestly, i dont think bruce does it to be dirty. i DO believe he does it on purpose but more to get inside your head, make you think about where youre gunna land and MAYBE theres a possibillity i can twist my ankle comming down..

but, that can be seen as dirty and i kind of agree with it.

Wow! just like your team, all of a sudden you learn how to play defense.

05-14-2007, 01:05 AM
Wow! just like your team, all of a sudden you learn how to play defense.

im not saying he should do it. at all.

05-14-2007, 01:07 AM
Can you show or name me one play where MJ or Pippen, better wing defenders than Bowen, stuck their leg out several feet to land under a jumpshooter?

I mean does a jumpshooter not have a right to jump from Spot X and land on Spot X without landing on Bruce Bowen's foot? You seriously can't see how that is dirty?

A) They are not better defenders than Bowen just look at how great he is playing under rules that restrict the SHIT out of him.

B) Are you saying that in their whole careers MJ or Pippen never had a player land on their foot and twist an ankle while playing D? Good luck proving that one.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:08 AM
dont like it bum? dont post here.

That simple.


05-14-2007, 01:08 AM
Just heard late word tonight that it's likely Bruce will be suspended because of this infraction.

05-14-2007, 01:08 AM
Just heard late word tonight that it's likely Bruce will be suspended because of this infraction.

who told you this

05-14-2007, 01:11 AM
who told you this

It's been reported - but not officially confirmed - on Sporting News Network (overnight show).

05-14-2007, 01:12 AM
B) Are you saying that in their whole careers MJ or Pippen never had a player land on their foot and twist an ankle while playing D? Good luck proving that one.

maybe but is it something that constantly happend with them?

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:12 AM
I thought so....

05-14-2007, 01:13 AM
Just heard late word tonight that it's likely Bruce will be suspended because of this infraction.

Don't say that! Bum might get too excited and wet himself.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:13 AM
looks like aggie isn't spending another dollar on the nba :lol

05-14-2007, 01:13 AM
Bowen's vicious knee to the nuts was much worse than any accidental punch to the nuts i've ever seen. Bowen should be banned from the league. And as punishment to the Spurs, the Mavs should be reinstated into the playoffs in place of the Spurs, with a 2-1 lead.


05-14-2007, 01:13 AM
if bruce does get suspended, the only slight positive is that maybe suns fans will stop bitching once and for all

it's probably a suspension more for a series of controversial stuff as oppose to just this single isolated event.

05-14-2007, 01:14 AM
Just heard late word tonight that it's likely Bruce will be suspended because of this infraction.

That is fucking bullshit if TRUE fine him that is OK but suspend him this is BULLSHIT, the League is fucking the Spurs over on purpose.

05-14-2007, 01:15 AM
Don't say that! Bum might get too excited and wet himself.

i could care less if he gets suspended...he cant gaurd nash anyways.

05-14-2007, 01:16 AM
i could care less if he gets suspended...he cant gaurd nash anyways.

:lol :lol :lol :dramaquee

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 01:16 AM
maybe but is it something that constantly happend with them?

It hasn't constantly happened to Bowen either. Out of the 82 games plus playoffs that he has played in the league for all these years, when he's always guarding the top perimeter players in every game - three times people have said it has happened. So it's actually more rare than constant.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:16 AM
he cant gaurd nash anyways.

yeah that 0-9 in the first half last night was the one armed man

05-14-2007, 01:18 AM
The league will open up a shitstorm of controversy if they suspend him for this. Manu has his eye nearly poked out but they suspend Bowen for this shit. Stern if you want to avoid conspiracy theories up the ASS you will not do this.

05-14-2007, 01:19 AM
22 ppg
11 ast
4 rpg
93% ft
45% 3pt

and thats with them sending 2 and 3 guys at him AND having bowen on him...so anyways..you were saying?

05-14-2007, 01:20 AM
22 ppg
11 ast
4 rpg
93% ft
45% 3pt

and thats with them sending 2 and 3 guys at him AND having bowen on him...so anyways..you were saying?

Yeah and Tim is going for like 32 AND 13 a game with Thomas the Duncan stopper on HIM. :lol

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:20 AM
ginobili's eye was accidental.

This though, is bs.

But it wwouldn't suprise me that he is.

05-14-2007, 01:21 AM
The league will open up a shitstorm of controversy if they suspend him for this. Manu has his eye nearly poked out but they suspend Bowen for this shit. Stern if you want to avoid conspiracy theories up the ASS you will not do this.

and you call us crybabies...this is like the 5th time ive seen a spur fan cry conspiracy. amare played 19min because of a phantom call....conspiracy conspiracy.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:21 AM
22 ppg
11 ast
4 rpg
93% ft
45% 3pt

and thats with them sending 2 and 3 guys at him AND having bowen on him...so anyways..you were saying?



keep avoiding.

05-14-2007, 01:21 AM
Yeah and Tim is going for like 32 AND 13 a game with Thomas the Duncan stopper on HIM. :lol

what does duncan have to do with bowen... if you wanna just throw out random stats i guess we can.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:22 AM
amare played 19min because of a phantom call....conspiracy conspiracy.

what phantom call is this.

05-14-2007, 01:22 AM
22 ppg
11 ast
4 rpg
93% ft
45% 3pt

and thats with them sending 2 and 3 guys at him AND having bowen on him...so anyways..you were saying?

Did you see how he played game 3? He made turnovers and can't shoot like he used too.

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 01:23 AM
what phantom call is this.

Oberto's flop.

05-14-2007, 01:23 AM

and you call us crybabies...this is like the 5th time ive seen a spur fan cry conspiracy. amare played 19min because of a phantom call....conspiracy conspiracy.

Suspending our best Defensive perimiter player over something this subjective is fucking horseshit. Manu got a black eye so why is Marion not out of game 4? Let them play and stop trying to hand the Suns a series.

05-14-2007, 01:23 AM
ginobili's eye was accidental.


im glad youre being at least a little level headed. :toast

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:24 AM
im glad youre being at least a little level headed

go the fuck away

your wanted around here as much as mavs trolls


05-14-2007, 01:26 AM
Suspending our best Defensive perimiter player over something this subjective is fucking horseshit. Manu got a black eye so why is Marion not out of game 4? Let them play and stop trying to hand the Suns a series.

dude marion obviously didnt mean to rake him in the eye...

like i said before i dont think bowen did the knee on purpose, but it makes you wonder since it IS bowen.

05-14-2007, 01:27 AM

im glad youre being at least a little level headed. :toast

So was this by Bowen this is subjective as shit. For you to get suspended by the league it needs to be obviously intentional like Raja Bell when he laid out Kobe last year. Anything that does not even qualify as a flagrant should be a fine issued if that but nothing more.

05-14-2007, 01:28 AM
A) They are not better defenders than Bowen just look at how great he is playing under rules that restrict the SHIT out of him.

B) Are you saying that in their whole careers MJ or Pippen never had a player land on their foot and twist an ankle while playing D? Good luck proving that one.

Do you think Bowen is a better defender than Hakeem, DRob, and Bill Russell as well?

No way is he better than MJ or Pip defensively. He might be on par as a one on one defender but the way those guys wreaked havoc as team defenders in the passing lanes and as weakside shotblockers is something Bowen couldn't dream of.

I cant believe you really said that and hope you dont really believe it.

05-14-2007, 01:28 AM
So was this by Bowen this is subjective as shit. For you to get suspended by the league it needs to be obviously intentional like Raja Bell when he laid out Kobe last year. Anything that does not even qualify as a flagrant should be a fine issued if that but nothing more.

the only reason they are looking at it is because of the amare incident. i mean they have to.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:29 AM
Oberto's flop.

is this like stoudamire pushing horry down and getting the foul on horry?

05-14-2007, 01:29 AM
dude marion obviously didnt mean to rake him in the eye...

like i said before i dont think bowen did the knee on purpose, but it makes you wonder since it IS bowen.

The league can't look at it that way they need to just examine the incident for what it is. You say it makes you wonder because it is Bowen yet he has NEVER been suspended before for anything like this, he is not Dennis Rodman for shit's sake.

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:30 AM
the only reason they are looking at it is because of the amare incident

in other words

someone bitches enough and is full of shit enough over it, they get the grease?


Dallas allll over again...

05-14-2007, 01:30 AM
Where is the link that he's suspended anyway? This is all speculation.

05-14-2007, 01:30 AM
is this like stoudamire pushing horry down and getting the foul on horry?

lol you mean how horry was trying to pull out one of his bags of tricks and draw a 3rd foul on amare? HOPEFULLY even spurs fans can admit that. except you obviously.

05-14-2007, 01:31 AM
in other words

someone bitches enough and is full of shit enough over it, they get the grease?


Dallas allll over again...

dude, the league will be fair..the blew off the amare thing, and if they think he didnt have any intent here they will let him off the hook.

05-14-2007, 01:31 AM
Do you think Bowen is a better defender than Hakeem, DRob, and Bill Russell as well?

No way is he better than MJ or Pip defensively. He might be on par as a one on one defender but the way those guys wreaked havoc as team defenders in the passing lanes and as weakside shotblockers is something Bowen couldn't dream of.

I cant believe you really said that and hope you dont really believe it.

Why is that so shocking to you when he plays in an era where if you blow on someone it is a fucking foul? He is the best defensive player in the league under these rules so you are assuming that he would not be under rules that allowed him to be twice as physical as he is now. That is a pretty crazy assumption to make.

05-14-2007, 01:33 AM
Suspending our best Defensive perimiter player over something this subjective is fucking horseshit. Manu got a black eye so why is Marion not out of game 4? Let them play and stop trying to hand the Suns a series.
And is Amare suspended for the Flying Butt Hammer on Finley?
Maybe Nash should have tried to learn to play perimeter defense before the second round of the playoffs--the 2 times he's tried it in this series he's gotten he nose split open and his gonads squashed

T Park
05-14-2007, 01:43 AM
Yeah, where are the "dirty" comments over Stoudamire's bullshit move on Michael Finley?

05-14-2007, 01:45 AM
Why is that so shocking to you when he plays in an era where if you blow on someone it is a fucking foul? He is the best defensive player in the league under these rules so you are assuming that he would not be under rules that allowed him to be twice as physical as he is now. That is a pretty crazy assumption to make.

Twice as physical is a crazy exaggeration.

Also, the guys in question, MJ, and Pip, weren't the physical types you are thinking about. You're thinking about Derek Harper, Joe Dumars, Piston Bad Boys, Knicks of Pat Riley, etc.

Regardless, it's crazy to say Bowen has the impact as a team defender than MJ/Scottie. Those guys would impact not only the guys they were guarding but the entire opponent's offense beign so disruptive in passing lanes and shotblockers.

Look at their steal #'s compared to Bowen's. It's just night and day.

05-14-2007, 01:47 AM
I dont think thats what they meant ...... its obvious that Bowen was shifting his legs trying to clear space ..... anyone who has played basketball can explain that.

its a jab step to clear some room...everyone does it.
MJ used it in his arsenal. even TD does it but from the block.
sometimes the defender gets too close then ouch!

05-14-2007, 01:52 AM
Twice as physical is a crazy exaggeration.

Also, the guys in question, MJ, and Pip, weren't the physical types you are thinking about. You're thinking about Derek Harper, Joe Dumars, Piston Bad Boys, Knicks of Pat Riley, etc.

Regardless, it's crazy to say Bowen has the impact as a team defender than MJ/Scottie. Those guys would impact not only the guys they were guarding but the entire opponent's offense beign so disruptive in passing lanes and shotblockers.

Look at their steal #'s compared to Bowen's. It's just night and day.

You can't give me stats as proof of anything playing in 2 different era's. Look at Wilt and Russell are you telling me they are pulling down 20 Reb's a game in todays game? Bowen disrupts everything now under these rules. He has the ability to frustrate guys like Kobe to the point of them having shitty shooting nights and he is hardly allowed to touch them. Maybe those guys are better in the passing lanes but then again under these rules maybe they are not as good as Bowen in 1 on 1 defense. That is why you can't compare stats in 2 different era's with 2 different styles of play.

05-14-2007, 02:04 AM
And again, there have been several great defenders in this league's history who frustrated the hell out of opponents without EVER being labeled dirty. David Robinson, MJ, Hakeem, and Scottie Pippen just to name a few.

You've made some good points in a well-articulated, unemotional, logical way. Thanks for staying above the back-and-forth name calling.

If it's true that many NBA players have felt that way about Bowen's unique defensive style, why has there been no backlash, no concerted effort to call him out, no vigilante justice from the victims, or anything of that sort?

05-14-2007, 02:07 AM
Bowen's career actually overlapped with MJ and Scottie. These arent guys who played 50 yrs apart like Wilt and now, so bad argument.

Hell, MJ at age 40 was giving you more steals than Bowen does in his prime.

Also, Bowen's entire career as a Spur he's had Duncan and Robinson behind him. This allows him to really crowd the offensive player. MJ and Scottie didnt play with anyone like that behind them or theyd have been that much more effective defensively.

Oh, btw, scoring and shooting %'s were much higher in the 90's than now. Playing defense has gotten easier even with the rules changes because fundamentals have declined so much. There's much less ball movement and more of an iso game, which is more predictable and easier to defend.

Put Bowen 10-15 yrs ago and he's playing in a league of much more dynamic offenses. They'd also be retaliation against him for his dirty tactics. Teams fought fire with fire with then. Instead of Amare complaining to the media, if Bowen tried this in 1990, he'd have been decked to the ground and had some teeth knocked out by Karl Malone or Charles Oakley if he stepped under someone's foot and sprained their ankle.

T Park
05-14-2007, 02:09 AM
if he stepped under someone's foot and sprained their ankle

funny since hes never hurt anyone....

05-14-2007, 02:20 AM
You've made some good points in a well-articulated, unemotional, logical way. Thanks for staying above the back-and-forth name calling.

If it's true that many NBA players have felt that way about Bowen's unique defensive style, why has there been no backlash, no concerted effort to call him out, no vigilante justice from the victims, or anything of that sort?

The list of Players and Coaches which have called out Bowen is not small. Look at Isiah, Ray Allen, Amare, Vinsanity, George Karl, etc.

Personally, I was willing to give Bowen the benefit of the doubt until this year. At the time of the Wally kick, I thought it was a crazy play, but not intentional. I knew Bowen held and grabbed a lot to get under's skin, but wouldn't have considered him dirty.

But this year, with the Francis, Amare, Crawford/Isiah incidents, it's gotten fairly obvious IMO that the stepping under shooters is done intentionally. I watched the game 3 the other day and there were about 4-5 jumpers by Suns players where he clearly tries to land right underneath their jumping and landing point. IMO, for each time you see this on youtube, there are probably several times it went unnoticed because the player who landed just missed Bowen's foot. But that still doesnt make it right.

I think you are seeing the backlash and the tide start to turn against Bowen from neutral fans/media. FYI, Stu Jackson did warn Bowen

As for the vigilante justice, you make a great point there, but I think the league as a whole has gotten softer. Look at the Spurs with Derek Anderson. Juwan Howard took him out but the Spurs didnt retaliate. Okur was decked to the ground tonight, but the Jazz just sat there.

I also think it's a slippery slope for the Suns players and coaches to whine publically because if they go overboard, the refs are likely to tune out the argument and focus on the fact that the Suns are whining and being annoying.

This is why I think Nash being quiet about Bowen's incident doesn't prove anything at all. Right or wrong, the Spurs are using Amare's comments as fuel to play better, so the Suns have to just eat whatever Bowen's dishing out and get back in other ways, which is what I think they've now realized.

05-14-2007, 02:26 AM
funny since hes never hurt anyone....

Actually, he did injure Steve Francis for several weeks this year. As did he to Vince Carter who missed 2 weeks in the infamous incident last year.

Anthony Carter and Ray Allen both also turned ankles against Bowen, although I do admit that on those plays I actually thought it was an accident and not a step under maneuver.

But the larger issue isn't result based here, it's intent. Does it make Malone any less dirty if he throws a wild elbow at someone even if it doesn't connect?

05-14-2007, 02:32 AM
Bowen's vicious knee to the nuts was much worse than any accidental punch to the nuts i've ever seen. Bowen should be banned from the league. And as punishment to the Spurs, the Mavs should be reinstated into the playoffs in place of the Spurs, with a 2-1 lead.

:lol that's funny! I would go for that. At least the Mavs are a clean team and they are somewhat fun to watch (i.e. they don't shoot bank shots) hahahaha Suns and Mavs = Western Conference Finals '08. Spurs = 1st round knockout. :clap

05-14-2007, 02:39 AM
funny since hes never hurt anyone....

I'm sure the foot to the face doesn't hurt... come here and let me try it on you.

http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9G_Rq2uEUhGmRcBHRSjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN 0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12bsug2ht/EXP=1179214638/**http%3A//www.basketsession.com/video/bowen_kick_wally.gif

05-14-2007, 02:47 AM
Actually, he did injure Steve Francis for several weeks this year. As did he to Vince Carter who missed 2 weeks in the infamous incident last year.

Anthony Carter and Ray Allen both also turned ankles against Bowen, although I do admit that on those plays I actually thought it was an accident and not a step under maneuver.

But the larger issue isn't result based here, it's intent. Does it make Malone any less dirty if he throws a wild elbow at someone even if it doesn't connect?

Speaking of Malone and Nash... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0nIHCR--Bg

05-14-2007, 02:57 AM
Anthony Carter and Ray Allen both also turned ankles against Bowen, although I do admit that on those plays I actually thought it was an accident and not a step under maneuver.

But the larger issue isn't result based here, it's intent. Does it make Malone any less dirty if he throws a wild elbow at someone even if it doesn't connect?

Actually, accidents accumulate associated with a player who is willing to ignore the injury risk of their tactics imposed on the opponents.

That's what separates Raja from Bowen. Raja put his own body to risk to harass the offensive player. He causes among the most offensive fouls by doing so. I have yet to hear who got serious injury caused by Raja. Bowen goes one step further to risk the opponent's health to gain some advantage. Actually, I'd assume he was doing it deliberately so that the other player feels danger without being hurt seriously. But it's like walking on a tightrope and make accident more likely.

Yet, he got rewarded. Coaches voted him for the compound success of his whole package of tactics and smarts.

05-14-2007, 03:01 AM
Raja put his own body to risk to harass the offensive player. He causes among the most offensive fouls by doing so.Raja risking his forearms to harass Kobe:


05-14-2007, 03:05 AM
So this is where suns fans come to cry. :wakeup

05-14-2007, 03:06 AM

05-14-2007, 03:14 AM
Raja risking his forearms to harass Kobe:


He didn't pretend he was not fouling, did he? And he didn't play dirty foot/kick defense, did he? That was more like WWW show. Raja was frustrated that Kobe swiped his famous elbows at him, and got his face, repeatedly in an attempt to clear space, without fouls being called. The refs called those in game 7. More importantly, where is an injury caused by Raja comparing to the cases caused by Bowen?