View Full Version : Is Colby Bryant played out?

Marcus Bryant
12-16-2004, 11:30 AM
Colby took his dismissal from the 2003 postseason at the hands of the Silver & Black quite hard, first raping a nubile hotel desk girl, then running out of town those most responsible for the recent Laker titles, Shaq and Phil. Due to his decision to force himself upon previously referenced nubile hotel desk girl his career has careened towards OJ style humiliation and irrelevance. At least when the Lakers were winning there were enough mind numbed dolts (some who visit this forum) who would cheer him on.

King James has already replaced the Boy Wonder as the NBA's young stud. As the fortunes of the Cavs improve, Colby's star will continue to wane. East Coast players tend to get more notoriety anyways.

At the age of 26 Colby is done.

12-16-2004, 11:41 AM
You're a retard....the numbers Kobe's putting up this year, if it was any other player, he'd be in serious MVP talks....Kobe's doing damage control...the media is all over him, any other player would fold like a cheap suit. It's pretty amazing what he's doing on the court given the circumstances, albeit self-produced or outside influence. King James is not even getting the defensive pressure Kobe see's everynight, double triple teams....

12-16-2004, 11:44 AM
if it was any other player, he'd be in serious MVP talksActually if his team was winning, he would be.

You don't get MVPs from teams 6.5 games behind in their division.

Marcus Bryant
12-16-2004, 11:45 AM
Some Laker fans have taken Colby's implosion rather hard. For example, http://www.e-scan.com/fileslib/up_arrow.gif

Don't even start you little monkeyfuck. Finish your GED, take down your Colby poster in your bedroom, and seek counseling.

12-16-2004, 11:55 AM
Kobe's doing damage control...the media is all over him, any other player would fold like a cheap suit. It's pretty amazing what he's doing on the court given the circumstances, albeit self-produced or outside influence.

He's controlling his own damage. The media is all over him because he's completely brought that on himself -- he's chosen to dispute things as to which there cannot be any real dispute. He's trying to revise history to support his own ends, ignoring the truths that have already been made known. In that process, he's making himself look foolish, while at the same time confirming Phil Jackson's assessment that Kobe is a foremost narcissist. It's all about Kobe -- it's always been all about Kobe, and it will always be all about Kobe.

Listening to Kobe last night reminded me a bit of the Monty Python scene with the Black Knight who continually denies the facts that are known to others, as if his denial will change those facts.

12-16-2004, 11:57 AM
You seriously are a complete tool....seriously. I guess when you read the tabloids and get your information from media pundits wanting to sell print you would have the opinion you do. Do you actually have your own thought or are you just re-hashing the same old drivel everyone else is saying. Come up with stronger material than that...you look pretty weak, especially with your tired banter concerning my person. Oh, I don't see an implosion, Kobe's the most infamous NBA player out there, everything he does will be scrutinized and filtered through laker hating glasses. It's too bad that you people don't have original ideas, just carbon-copy ideologies.

Marcus Bryant
12-16-2004, 11:58 AM
Awww, is you mad?

Kobe's the most infamous NBA player out there

You seem to get it, yet you don't. Poor bastid.

12-16-2004, 12:01 PM
Yes I meant infamous....I do get it...I don't know Kobe, but what I do know is that his b-ball skill is first and foremost in my periphery and not this BS about Karl, Phil and Shaq.

12-16-2004, 12:05 PM

It's fairly simple. Kobe is an increadibly gifted athlete. But he has his issues, as a b-ball player and as a human being.

And the reason most of the non-Laker fans don't like him has to do not with his game but with his selfish and sometimes childlish personality.

Marcus Bryant
12-16-2004, 12:06 PM
Sure, he's one of the top 3 players in the NBA and yet, he is played out. Nobody cares for the hotel girl raping drama queen anymore. The basketball world wishes he would just go away, not because he is that good but because he is an embarrassment.

12-16-2004, 12:45 PM
Alright! A war! Some fresh entertainment; keep it running guys! My money's on Marcus, though.

12-16-2004, 12:51 PM
When you say that Lebron isn't getting doubled or tripled, do you mean like in the games? Because uhh... heh you're wrong.

12-16-2004, 12:53 PM
Maybe the basketball world, but the damn news outlets...I do wish would all of this would slide and we can discuss the real issues. I'm played out....however Kobe isn't...It seems he's going on TNT to have an interview with Barkley. He's the hottest ticket right now, sorry to say. His basketball skills are being overshadowed by his personal issues. It's too bad, however when you fall as far his him in the public eye, what do you expect. Everyone wants him to fail, however his on-court numbers are pretty damn good. I have never seen this much interest over a B-ball player in my lifetime.

12-16-2004, 01:07 PM
I have never seen this much interest over a B-ball player in my lifetime.
Agreed. Usually only "wrestlers" stage this kind of bullshit.

12-16-2004, 01:08 PM
ofcourse bad stuff sells

good things hardly make the news

12-16-2004, 01:28 PM
Maybe the basketball world, but the damn news outlets...I do wish would all of this would slide and we can discuss the real issues.

I'm not sure I understand how the "other" issues aren't the "real issues," in this instance. Kobe's basketball skills have never been in doubt. The story with LA is that Kobe's putting up big numbers (which he's done for years) but on a mediocre basketball team (which is a new development). The story is LA's backslide. The figure at the center of the backslide is Kobe, and the issue is his ability to deal with his teammates, since there is quite a solid history to support the idea that Kobe has leveraged those guys and forced them out. Most people take from that the notion that Kobe wants to be on his own -- no star teammates. As his team struggles without another star (or stars) the "Kobe pushed them out story" continues to develop. Kobe's overblown ego and desire to make himself the center of attention is what Phil called him on last year and I think the media is right to question whether it is the cause of the Lakers' slip.

I'm played out....however Kobe isn't...It seems he's going on TNT to have an interview with Barkley. He's the hottest ticket right now, sorry to say. His basketball skills are being overshadowed by his personal issues. It's too bad, however when you fall as far his him in the public eye, what do you expect.

Kobe has fallen in the public eye because of his own wrongdoing -- the media is just reporting what he's done. Kobe is the only one to blame for the focus on his personal issues -- he's the one whose chosen this path. The media is reporting it, but they're only reporting it because Kobe has done it.

I don't understand why some continue to see Kobe as some tragic figure -- he's made his own bed and he's having to live with what comes from that decision. His efforts to spin things in his favor doesn't really help his cause, because it's an absolute refusal to accept self-blame for any of these bad times. The world's not out to get Kobe, but the more he chooses to pretend like he's above the fray, the less likely it is that people will feel much sympathy for what he's going through.

Duff McCartney
12-16-2004, 01:40 PM
He's the hottest ticket right now, sorry to say. His basketball skills are being overshadowed by his personal issues.

That's exactly the problem with Kobe. He's being interviewed because of his personal issues, not because of his basketball skills. That will be his downfall.

12-16-2004, 01:41 PM
If Kobe wants to do damage control he needs to shut the hell up. It's a pretty simple rule-the more you say the more likely it is that you'll give the media enough rope to hang you with. Sure the media's got it out for him but I doubt that anyone at ESPN or TNT has put a gun to his head to make him do these interviews. I know he feels a need to get his side of the story out there, but there's a huge difference between looking like you're trying to have your say and looking like you're desperate for attention. Perfect example, Karl Malone and he are at the center of all of this mess right now. Kobe's all over the tube, Malone's laying low. And from what I can tell all this situation is doing is making Kobe look like a drama queen while no one is really chastising Malone a great deal.

T Park
12-16-2004, 01:42 PM
Its all his own fault.

Keep the pants up, and you wouldnt have had this problem Kobe.

I finally had enough of the punk when he gave the ultimatum to Jerry Buss on Phil Jackson

"Either he goes, or I go"

12-16-2004, 01:43 PM
Individual honors aside, unless Kobe wins another ring, he will never come close to regaining the "grace" he once had. And since it doesn't look like the Lakers are going to be pressing for any more Finals appearances anytime soon, then that probably means that Kobe Bryant, the media-figure as we all knew him before last summer, is all washed up.

12-16-2004, 01:44 PM
I don't see anyone interviewing TD because of his B-ball skills. The media needs smoke to keep the fire burning, and they are finding a lot in Kobe. I agree a lot is his problem and he's doing more interviews than anyone right now. Why keep quite when every "talking head" is bashing you. Don't tell me that the media is not biased against Kobe...whatever he does he's getting crucified for...

T Park
12-16-2004, 01:48 PM
oh puhlease.

Biased, against HIM??!?!

This the same media that swooned over him after he played on the same day as a court hearing.

Classic BS.

12-16-2004, 01:54 PM
It's all about Kobe -- it's always been all about Kobe, and it will always be all about Kobe.

Listening to Kobe last night reminded me a bit of the Monty Python scene with the Black Knight who continually denies the facts that are known to others, as if his denial will change those facts.Classic and inargueable thread! Bravo, Bravo!!!


12-16-2004, 01:57 PM
I don't see anyone interviewing TD because of his B-ball skills. The media needs smoke to keep the fire burning, and they are finding a lot in Kobe. I agree a lot is his problem and he's doing more interviews than anyone right now. Why keep quite when every "talking head" is bashing you. Don't tell me that the media is not biased against Kobe...whatever he does he's getting crucified for...

Once again, it's a hole that Kobe has dug for himself. Even you have to admit that Kobe has done more than his fair share of boneheaded things over the past 2 years, and this only leaves the media salivating for more, waiting for the next big thing that they can blow up on SportsCenter.

I watched that interview of him last night and you're right; they GRILLED Kobe Brant. It was like he was on the HotSeat or something. They were asking him about his fued with Malone and what he thought really happened, asking why he hadn't apologized to Shaq, asking about how he felt about his "fall from grace". Nearly everything they said was a trap to just make him look bad. Not once did they bring up the great basketball he is playing or how he is trying to carry his team.

Until Kobe Bryant starts doing more to make headlines ON the court rather than off them, the media is going to continue to keep the spotlight on him. And he keeps throwing fuel on the fire, so it's really hard to sympathize for him at this point.

AND the difference between TD and KB is thus: When people mention TD, they still casually mention how he is one of the greatest basketball players in the League. When they mention Kobe Bryant, it becomes a media frenzy. You tell me which you would rather have.

12-16-2004, 02:04 PM
If you have read any of my posts...I would rather have none of this BS and just talk about B-ball. The problem is two fold, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. That's the entire issue. If he shut's up, then he's aloof and distant...if he speaks his mind, then he's arrogant and self-promoting. He can't win.

12-16-2004, 02:14 PM
I have to agree with you there. At this point, even when Kobe Bryant tries to do stuff to CLEAR his name, it often gets misconstrued and used to do the opposite. If the Lakers can start stacking together some wins, make a move in their division, and make the playoffs, then the heat on Kobe will probably die down a little. Until then, they've got to find SOMETHING to fill up SC.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-16-2004, 02:15 PM
What amazes me about Kobe is how he chooses to alienate everyone around him. He drove Shaq away, influenced Phil Jackson's retirement and now has badmouthed Karl Malone. KB needs to be surrounded by "yes men", it appears, who won't steal any of his limelight.

In my opinion, an MVP makes his teammates better. Kobe is doing the opposite to the Laker organization. That team is sinking faster than the Titanic, and fans like Medvedenko are sitting around listening to the band play as the organization slides towards mediocrity.

Kobe's single-handed ability to lower the once-proud Laker organization to "also-ran" status makes him my favorite player in the league.

12-16-2004, 02:23 PM
On a side note:

Medvedenko is no longer permitted to interact with FromWayDowntown without first addressing him as "Sir" or "Daddy".

You may proceed with this discussion.

12-16-2004, 02:38 PM
I'm done....this is pointless. Yes it was Kobe, it was all Kobe... Let's get back to the discussion surrounding Sean Elliots jersey retiring....I'll go back to my run down organization...even though it's worth the most in the entire league according to Forbes..The spurs aren't even in the top 10.

12-16-2004, 02:40 PM
once kobe is done it wont be

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-16-2004, 02:42 PM
the numbers Kobe's putting up this year, if it was any other player, he'd be in serious MVP talks.

Unless he gets to the Finals (ha!), I don't see a 33% shooter getting MVP.

BTW, it has nothing to do with who he is. In the MVP race, he's looking up at Nash, Stoudemire, Allen, Lebron, Tim, and KG, among others.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-16-2004, 02:43 PM
rAck THat kiTTen!!

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-16-2004, 02:55 PM
even though it's worth the most in the entire league according to Forbes..

You won't have to worry about that much longer.

12-16-2004, 03:09 PM
When a player makes your team perform worse (in lakers way a lot worse) it doesnt matter if he is putting 30 pts every night. Your team could win 4 or 5 straight championship rings if kobe had any brains along with his skills and you know it.

12-16-2004, 05:53 PM

It's fairly simple. Kobe is an increadibly gifted athlete. But he has his issues, as a b-ball player and as a human being.

And the reason most of the non-Laker fans don't like him has to do not with his game but with his selfish and sometimes childlish personality.
Not only that, but just the fact that Kobe is an arrogant Laker, jsut like all of the lakers were when they won 3 titles straight. They thought that the NBA Finals were guaranteed to their selfish asses.

Thank you Detroit for kicking their asses in the Finals, wasn't even a close series.

12-16-2004, 05:58 PM
ouch (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=whitlock/041216)

By Jason Whitlock
Special to Page 2

Dear Kobe:

Hey, buddy. How ya doing? My name is Jason Whitlock. I'm a 37-year-old sports fan and sports writer. We've never formally met; and, to be quite honest, I've never really liked you. I'm a Shaq guy. The Big Diesel just always seemed more real than you. I didn't like the way you treated Shaq. Yes, he could be a bit lazy, and he should've reported to camp in better shape. But Shaq is a good guy; and had you shown him the proper respect, he would've given you the respect you wanted.

Kobe Bryant
It hasn't been the easiest of times for Kobe Bryant.
Hey, let me get to the reason I'm writing. I'm not writing to bash you. I'm writing because my opinion of you ... hold on, I'm writing because my dislike toward you has softened considerably over the past couple of months. I feel sorry for you. It seems as if the whole world has turned against you. No one in the league likes you. You've pushed your family away. Even mild-mannered Phil Jackson has taken shots at you.

You need a friend, Kobe. You need a mentor. You need an older black male in your life to provide you with some guidance. I'm the spokesperson for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City. BBBS matches Little Brothers with Big Brothers. I figured I could be your Big Brother, a mentor willing to share some hard truths with you.

I know that Dr. Jerry Buss has been giving you some advice. But Dr. Buss is a little ... eccentric. He isn't what you need at this time. You need some counseling from an older male who has street smarts, a head for The Game. You remind me of Stringer Bell. Do you watch "The Wire," Kobe? It's a great show on HBO. Pat Riley loves it. Stringer was the big star on "The Wire." He was a Baltimore drug dealer who was trying to get out of The Game, but greed, ambition and a lack of common sense cost him his life. Stringer did all sorts of dumb crap and crossed all the wrong people. He put himself on an island because he thought he was smarter than The Game.

Kobe, you don't want to end up like Stringer Bell. He got his cap peeled by a gay stickup man and a bean-pie salesman. Had Stringer sought the advice of an older man, he could've walked away from The Game and become a real-estate tycoon.

Obviously, Kobe, you're in a different Game than Stringer Bell. But the Game you're in has stakes that are just as high, maybe even higher. You're in a Game called marriage, and you're playing it all wrong. Actually, you're just getting played. Vanessa, your young wife, has you strung all the way out. That $4 million adultery ring you bought her a year ago was a gigantic mistake. And allowing her to pick a fight for you with Karl Malone is a colossal error.

Your wife has the upper hand. You know this. You got busted trickin' off. You made matters considerably worse by admitting to your wife that you tricked off. Look, I don't care what you told the police. I don't care what you told your lawyers or the prosecutors in Colorado. You should've never confessed to your wife. When it comes to extracurriculars in a marriage, it is far better to live a lie than suffer the consequences of the truth. Ask Bill Clinton, the author of "Trickin' Ain't Easy."

Vanessa is going to be pushing your buttons for the rest of your married life. She's not letting it go. She can't. Karl Malone did not try to get with your wife. Your wife baited Karl into some harmless flirtation.

"Whatcha huntin' Cowboy?"

What was Karl supposed to say? He thinks he's jabbering with a friend so he cracks a joke. Vanessa blew this thing out of proportion because she's still angry with you. A $4-million ring doesn't take the pain or embarrassment away. The only things that will ease that pain and embarrassment are a divorce and half of your money.

Vanessa & Kobe Bryant
Kobe's the puppet right now -- and Vanessa's pulling the strings.
Kobe, your wife won't stop making a fool out of you until she believes you look as foolish as she did holding your hand at the press conference when you first answered charges that you raped a hotel desk clerk. She's gonna have you chasing mystery enemies for the rest of your life. She'll send herself flowers and tell you they're from Shaq. You'll catch her with a bag of weed and she'll say The Zen Master had it shipped to her from Mexico. Don't be surprised if she starts cooing about the size of Gary Payton's glove or how cute Ray Allen is. She's probably writing letters to Suge Knight in jail.

She isn't going to let you sleep at night, because she isn't sleeping herself. You're out on the road, getting checked in by a different hotel clerk every night. It doesn't matter how many times you talk to her on your cell phone. It doesn't matter how many text messages you send. You got busted, and you compounded the error by confessing. She's bitter and vindictive.

Kobe, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut. You talk too much. Damn, dude, when the police asked you what happened between you and a 19-year-old, you ran off at the mouth and dragged Shaq's reputation through the mud. You're making a fool out of yourself, Kobe.

Tell Jim Gray: no more interviews. Quit talking to reporters. Stay off of ESPN. Kornheiser and Wilbon are great guys, but five good minutes for them are just five more bad minutes for you. And, my God, what were you thinking when you let Stephen A., John Saunders and Greg Anthony grill you on "NBA Shootaround?" I know your buddy at the L.A. Times, T.J. Simers, is one guy you feel is on your side. But he's playing you, too. Every time you open your mouth to T.J. and confirm a juicy story, you're just putting money in T.J.'s pocket and making yourself look like a buster.

Kobe, there's a big difference between a man who runs his house and a man who runs around the house. How do you play basketball when you spend all day and all night running around the house to put out the fires that Vanessa starts?

You owe The Mailman an apology. If your wife didn't leave the mailbox wide open, The Mailman would've never bothered her.

Your friend,


12-16-2004, 06:02 PM

12-16-2004, 06:11 PM