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  1. #226
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    Not only are red states spiting Obama and LYING about the govt,

    they are killing their poor voters, but they are screwing the poor financially

    Medicaid Expansions Are Linked To Lower Out-Of-Pocket Spending For Recipients

    Out-of-pocket spending fell an average of 28% for people enrolled in Medicaid, the state and federal health insurance program for low-income people, during the first four years of the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.

    The likelihood that Medicaid recipients would experience a catastrophic medical expense fell by 4.7% during the four-year study period,

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  3. #228
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    Dems have passed bills about drug prices, Moscow Mitch killed they all

    Utah Flies Employees to Mexico to Save on Prescription Drugs

    Ann Lovell picks up her box of prescriptions at Salt Lake City International Airport following a cost-saving visit to a Tijuana, Mexico, pharmacy

    —Ann Lovell had never owned a passport before last year.

    Now, the 62-year-old teacher is a frequent flier,

    traveling every few months to Tijuana, Mexico,
    to buy medication for rheumatoid arthritis —
    with tickets paid for by the state of Utah’s public insurer.

    Lovell is one of about 10 state workers participating in a year-old program to lower prescription drug costs by having public employees buy their medication in Mexico at a steep discount compared to U.S. prices.

    a dramatic example of steps states are taking to alleviate the high cost of prescription drugs.

    Just another example of the oligarchy bleeding Americans dry, fleecing them for their wealth, throughout their entire lives, for profits paid to the 1%, to investors.

    You want drugs to save your life, fight disease? PAY UP, SUCKERS

  4. #229
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    Just another huge American problem, caused by Capitalists, that is impossible to fix

    "Moral injury":

    doctors are fed up in a health system that prioritizes profit over quality care

    Systemic barriers often make quality patient care impossible, grinding good doctors out of the industry

    excessive testing, Corl said, stemmed from a model of emergency care that forces doctors to practice "fast and loose medicine." Patients get a battery of tests before a doctor even has time to hear their story or give them a proper exam.
    "We're just shotgunning,"

    using the phrase "moral injury" to describe their inner struggles at work.

    Moral injury, as defined by researchers from veterans hospitals, refers to the

    emotional, physical and spiritual harm people feel after "perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations."

    They knew how best to care for their patients but were blocked from doing so by

    systemic barriers related to the business side of health care.

    4 in 10 physicians report feelings of burnout,

    the physician suicide rate is more than double that of the general population.

    clinicians across disciplines, who wrestle with what they consider barriers to quality care:

    insurance preauthorization,

    trouble making patient referrals,

    endless clicking on electronic health records.

    particularly intense in emergency medicine.

    frustrated by a model of emergency medicine called "provider-in-triage."

    "the real priority is speed and money and not our patients' care,"

    burnout is a symptom of deeper systemic problems beyond clinicians' control.

    "Hallway medicine is such a [big] part of emergency medicine these days,"

    . Patients are "literally stuck in the hallway. Everyone's walking by. I know it must be embarrassing and dehumanizing."

    "The health system is not set up to help patients. It's set up to make money,"

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    Trump Just Lost A Big Case On Taking Away Medicaid Coverage

    One of the most conservative judges in the country ruled against a Trump administration effort to allow the states to throw millions off Medicaid.

    the Trump administration acted illegally when it permitted the state of Arkansas to strip health coverage from thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries.

    Judge David Sentelle’s opinion in Gresham v. Azar, on behalf of himself and two of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, is significant in its own right. But it is also significant because it suggests that the Trump administration will have a tough time defending its conduct if this case is heard by the Supreme Court.

    The heart of the ruling is that Trump can’t toss out the objectives of Congress and replace them with his own.

    In other words, Congress makes the laws and Trump implements them.

    The President does not have the power to changes the legislative objectives that are passed by Congress.

    Eighteen thousand people would have lost their Medicaid coverage in Arkansas, and without this ruling

    other larger red states would have followed Arkansas.

    The result would have been millions of Americans without health insurance coverage. m_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politicu s+USA+%29

  6. #231
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    a lot of them will die from end stage kidney disease,
    treated too late due to lack of insurance,
    aka hole TX bag Repugs' negligent manslaughter

    Thousands of uninsured kidney disease patients strain Texas emergency departments

    More than 10,000 uninsured patients sought care at Texas emergency departments for lifesaving kidney dialysis in 2017, incurring more than $21.8 million in hospital costs,

    "They have gone weeks without dialysis, and

    then they present in life-threatening crisis to the emergency department.

    This requires many hospital personnel and resources to treat their dire condition, and

    takes time and resources away from other patients that also need emergent treatment."

    "This is a very sick population - the population with the highest morbidity rate in any emergency department,"

    Emergent dialysis also carries a substantial price tag.

    Scheduled dialysis in an outpatient clinic costs about $250, while

    intermittent treatment in the emergency department costs eight times more, about $2,000.

    I suspect most are black or brown, so TX Repugs say 'EM.

  7. #232
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Trump Just Lost A Big Case On Taking Away Medicaid Coverage

    One of the most conservative judges in the country ruled against a Trump administration effort to allow the states to throw millions off Medicaid.

    the Trump administration acted illegally when it permitted the state of Arkansas to strip health coverage from thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries.

    Judge David Sentelle’s opinion in Gresham v. Azar, on behalf of himself and two of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, is significant in its own right. But it is also significant because it suggests that the Trump administration will have a tough time defending its conduct if this case is heard by the Supreme Court.

    The heart of the ruling is that Trump can’t toss out the objectives of Congress and replace them with his own.

    In other words, Congress makes the laws and Trump implements them.

    The President does not have the power to changes the legislative objectives that are passed by Congress.

    Eighteen thousand people would have lost their Medicaid coverage in Arkansas, and without this ruling

    other larger red states would have followed Arkansas.

    The result would have been millions of Americans without health insurance coverage. m_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politicu s+USA+%29

    Why does this not surprise me?

    Seems like Trump party solution for things is to ignore problems or make them so bad that Democrats have to step in and actually fix it.

  8. #233
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    Repugs commit negligent manslaughter to spite Obama

    the US could have averted about 15,600 deaths if every state expanded Medicaid

    The real impact of Republican’s rejection of Medicaid expansion under Obamacare.

  9. #234
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    How the Trump administration accidentally insured over 200,000 through Obamacare

    the Trump administration took one particularly critical action in October 2017.

    discontinued cost-sharing reduction subsidy payments to health insurers participating in the ACA marketplaces.

    State insurance commissioners and insurers used them to make marketplace health plans more affordable.

    Premium decreases were large – so large that 4.2 million potential enrollees had the option to purchase a marketplace plan for free in 2019.

    more than 200,000 people, using the platform in 2019, gained insurance in 37 states due to the Trump administration’s actions.

  10. #235
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    Trash has no idea what he is saying. SCOTUS just kicked his ing ass about ACA, with a ACA-supporting decision

    Trump doubles down on pledge to eliminate Obamacare,

    even as the pandemic rages,

    calling it 'lousy healthcare'

    • Trump pledged to get rid of Obamacare entirely on Wednesday, the last day the administration could amend its support for a GOP lawsuit before the Supreme Court.
    • "Obamacare, we run it really well ... but running it great, it's still lousy health care," Trump told reporters.
    • Up to 20 million people could lose their health coverage if the high court ruled in the White House's favor.
    • Trump has not yet offered a concrete health plan, nor fully explained how he would keep existing protections for people with health conditions.

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  12. #237
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    Obamacare killed on "Day One"

    Trump administration asks Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare

    The president is moving forward with the legal attack, even as some Republicans worry

    it will hurt the party's electoral prospects.

    attack on the health care law as millions of newly jobless Americans may come to depend on its coverage.

    a new legal brief argues Obamacare in its entirety became invalid when the previous Republican-led Congress axed the unpopular individual mandate penalty for uninsured people.

    ignoring warnings from top aides about the risk of voter backlash in November.

    “No further analysis is necessary;

    once the individual mandate and the guaranteed-issue and community-rating provisions are invalidated,

    the remainder of the ACA cannot survive," the Justice Department stated.

    The Trump-backed lawsuit, brought by a group of Republican-led states, puts

    at risk health insurance for more than 20 million people covered by Obamacare,

    as well as insurance protections for people with preexisting medical conditions.

    Obama care replaced by Trash's "better and cheaper health care for everyone"?

  13. #238
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    Obamacare killed on "Day One"

    Trump administration asks Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare

    The president is moving forward with the legal attack, even as some Republicans worry

    it will hurt the party's electoral prospects.

    attack on the health care law as millions of newly jobless Americans may come to depend on its coverage.

    a new legal brief argues Obamacare in its entirety became invalid when the previous Republican-led Congress axed the unpopular individual mandate penalty for uninsured people.

    ignoring warnings from top aides about the risk of voter backlash in November.

    “No further analysis is necessary;

    once the individual mandate and the guaranteed-issue and community-rating provisions are invalidated,

    the remainder of the ACA cannot survive," the Justice Department stated.

    The Trump-backed lawsuit, brought by a group of Republican-led states, puts

    at risk health insurance for more than 20 million people covered by Obamacare,

    as well as insurance protections for people with preexisting medical conditions.

    Obama care replaced by Trash's "better and cheaper health care for everyone"?

  14. #239
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    Meanwhile, back the "proctect our BigDonor" Democrat ranch

    House Democrats tack to center with election year health care bill

    The House Democratic plan is less ambitious than the platform put forward by Joe Biden.

    a centrist health care plan to shore up Obamacare while taking aim at Trump administration policies that critics say undercut the health care law.

    doesn't include a public insurance option that could compete with private plans.

    It also would not expand eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid.

  15. #240
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    Of course there's a big ol' tax cut for the super-rich included in Trump's Obamacare lawsuit

    Trump-backed lawsuit in front of the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

    The highest income 0.1% of households—those making more than $3 million annually—will get tax cuts to the tune of $198,000 if the law is completely overturned,

    Now, $200,000 to someone making more than $3 million is more or less couch change, but you can bet they won't turn it down.

    Those making over $1 million a year would see about $42,000 back in tax cuts.

    The total loss of revenue should the law be overturned would be about $30 billion in 2020.

    That itself would pay for Medicaid coverage for more than 4 million people, just for some perspective.

    (By the way, if the law goes down, Medicaid expansion goes with it.)

    would "transfer billions of dollars each year from low- and moderate-income people (who would lose subsidized health coverage)

    to high-income households and corporations (which would receive large tax cuts)."

    the loss of the law

    "would cause nearly 1 in 10 non-elderly Black people, and

    1 in 10 Hispanic people,

    to lose coverage,

    compared to about 1 in 16 white people."

    In addition, the

    tax cuts "would flow disproportionately to white households,

    which are three times likelier than Black or Hispanic households to be in the top 1 percent of the income scale."

    Trash/Repug racism to screw the non-white poor and enrich the rich

  16. #241
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    ‘Superficial’: Trump mocked for finally releasing ‘health care plan’ – which is really a ‘toothless’ executive order

    After years of promises Trump on Thursday unveiled his “health care plan.”

    He’s calling it his “health care vision” because

    it’s not an actual plan, it’s a wish list.

    And it’s a mere executive order.

    “The actual policies,” Stat News reports, “however, are simple, superficial, and non-binding executive orders.

    Neither will improve the quality of Americans’ health care or lower its cost.

    “Trump’s forthcoming executive order on preexisting conditions will not carry weight of actual law

    should SCOTUS strike down the ACA [Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act.]

    ‘defined statement of U.S. policy that people with preexisting conditions are protected.'”

    Heckuva Plan, Donnie

  17. #242
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    It's sad that 35% of this country actually thinks that an executive order will protect people with pre-existing conditions in a way no different than Obamacare does.

    Mark Meadows also promised that people 65+ will be getting a prescription drug food stamp card "some time in the next month" with $200 of credits to use on prescription drugs

  18. #243
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    It's sad that 35% of this country actually thinks that an executive order will protect people with pre-existing conditions in a way no different than Obamacare does.

    Mark Meadows also promised that people 65+ will be getting a prescription drug food stamp card "some time in the next month" with $200 of credits to use on prescription drugs
    I don't think they believe it. I think they just don't give a because Trump's rage and contempt for everything outside his base satisfies them emotionally.

  19. #244
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    $200 x 33M = $6.6B trying to buy senior's votes,

    $200 gone in 3 or 4 copays

  20. #245
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    $200 x 33M = $6.6B trying to buy senior's votes,

    $200 gone in 3 or 4 copays
    Raiding the future savings of another program, can he do that?

    (Handing out valuable coupons in the lead up to an election -- some people might call that a bribe.)

  21. #246
    Believe. Dirks_Finale's Avatar
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    Trump's own internal polling show him that seniors that voted for him in 2016 are turning on him. If they lose, this is the primary age group who will flip the script.

    That's what all this was about

  22. #247
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    Trump's own internal polling show him that seniors that voted for him in 2016 are turning on him. If they lose, this is the primary age group who will flip the script.

    That's what all this was about
    Pretty much.

  23. #248
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    Trump's own internal polling show him that seniors that voted for him in 2016 are turning on him. If they lose, this is the primary age group who will flip the script.

    That's what all this was about
    Nah. It will end up being a combination of lots of demographics, including women.

  24. #249
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    Section 1402 of Obamacare requires insurance companies to reduce deductibles, copayments, and other similar payments for lower-income consumers and then says that the federal government will reimburse the insurers for their losses. Specifically, insurers will notify the federal government of the amount of their price reductions, and the government will “make periodic and timely payments to the insurer equal to the value of the reductions.”

    Unlike other provisions of Obamacare covering other forms of subsidies (for example, Section 1401, which funded subsidies that helped cover insurance premiums), the law didn’t specifically appropriate any money to fund these payments. This isn’t a small thing. In fact, it implicates the core cons utional structure of our government. Article I, Section 9, of the Cons ution unambiguously declares that “no Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by law.” The most relevant federal appropriations statute states quite clearly that “a law may be construed to make an appropriation out of the Treasury . . . only if the law specifically states that an appropriation is made.” In fact, there is unmistakeable evidence that President Obama knew that his administration needed a specific appropriation to fund Section 1402 subsidies — he asked Congress for the money. Congress said no. It didn’t appropriate a single dime. So Obama did what he did best: He “penned and phoned” the subsidies into existence. He directly violated the Cons ution by spending the money anyway. The House of Representatives sued, and on May 12, 2016, federal district court judge Rosemary Collyer ruled in the House’s favor and held that the Obama administration’s payments were unlawful. Her opinion reads like a 38-page civics lesson, but for all its length the court’s core holding is simple: “The Affordable Care Act unambiguously appropriates money for Section 1401 premium tax credits but not for Section 1402 reimbursements to insurers. Such an appropriation cannot be inferred.”

    The Obama administration argued that blocking the payments would lead to “absurd economic, fiscal, and healthcare-policy results.” The judge’s response was cons utionally and legally sound: The only result of the ACA, however, is that the Section 1402 reimbursements must be funded annually. Far from absurd, that is a perfectly valid means of appropriation. The results predicted by the [administration] flow not from the ACA, but from Congress’ subsequent refusal to appropriate money. In other words, if you have a problem with the lack of appropriation, take it up with the House and Senate.
    Trump 2016-2020:
    "My health plan is coming out soon!"

    Nothing points out the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Republican party more than their utter lack of ideas and action on healthcare.

    Four years, and all we have a page of wishcasting bullet points?

    Jesus you people suck when it comes to actual solutions.

  25. #250
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    I'm still not fully buying it. Just like white women had turned on Trump over his sexual assaults in polling but then came home to the bag GOP on election day.

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