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  1. #76
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    If you are FOR traditional marriage, you are a phobe.

    Oh, also you are a polygamaphobe.
    "Traditional" marriage is simply codeword for bigotry, tbh.... Racial segregation, slavery, and women having almost no rights used to be traditions as well....

  2. #77
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    So what are the pros and cons of cruz? I'm not in TX and are really following the politics. Is he another carpetbagger calling himself a tea party member?

  3. #78
    Veteran scott's Avatar
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    So what are the pros and cons of cruz? I'm not in TX and are really following the politics. Is he another carpetbagger calling himself a tea party member?
    All indications are, for whatever reason, he's a Tea Party rising superstar and favored son. The race essentially became about both guys (Dewhurts and Cruz) trying to prove they are "more conservative" by saying the exact same thing, policy wise, and resulting to negative attacks to get the upper hand.

    In the end, Dewhurst's campaign got a lot dirtier than Cruz's, and Cruz was able to portray Dewhurst as more moderate than him (a sad day in America when moderate is a bad word - for either party - but that is just my opinion).

    I think the negative ads and overall shadiness of Dewhurst's campaign really did him in. His team even created a twitter account called "TXSenateFactCheck" that tried to create the illusion of being an unbiased fact checker, but was really just a Dewhurst shill.

    I voted for Dewhurst, for reasons previously stated. I really wasn't fond of either being a US Senator, but now it appears the Tea Party has gained a seat with one of their favorite members.

  4. #79
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    But to more directly answer your question, I really don't know what Cruz actually believes in. The campaign for both guys turned into far right talking points, and could basically be summed up with:

    -Repeal Obamacare
    -Defend traditional marriage
    -More border patrol
    -Eat Chick-Fil-A (seriously. Cruz was serving it at his campaign HQ today and making a point to announce it at every opportunity)

  5. #80
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    “I’m looking for a landslide,” said Ryan Seth Hecker, wandering the increasingly crowded Marriott ball room where happy Ted Cruz supporters were gathering. “What we’re seeing is a tea party tidal wave,” said Hecker, who is chief operating officer of FreedomWorks for America, a tea party support group affiliated with former Congressman Armey of Texas.

    Hecker called the possibility of a Cruz victory “the biggest success in Tea Party history.”

    “It shows that we’re able to mobilize in a state this large, where everybody said it couldn’t be done,” Hecker said. “’What it shows is that real bottom-up energy can win here, and if it can win here, it can win anywhere.”

    Not adding any editorial to that, just posting to answer the question about his Tea Party ties.

  6. #81
    They hate us - but they want to be us!
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    Cruz beats Dewhurst and Campbell beats Wentworth - good day for the Tea Party in Texas!

  7. #82
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    Cruz beats Dewhurst and Campbell beats Wentworth - good day for the Tea Party in Texas!
    There are elements of tea Party I DO NOT like, but I like even less a Governor with a For Sale sign around his neck, Any lessening of his and his handlers influence is a good thing.

  8. #83
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    But to more directly answer your question, I really don't know what Cruz actually believes in. The campaign for both guys turned into far right talking points, and could basically be summed up with:

    -Repeal Obamacare
    -Defend traditional marriage
    -More border patrol
    -Eat Chick-Fil-A (seriously. Cruz was serving it at his campaign HQ today and making a point to announce it at every opportunity)
    I suspect elections in Texas are one giant republican circlejerk?

  9. #84
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    But to more directly answer your question, I really don't know what Cruz actually believes in. The campaign for both guys turned into far right talking points, and could basically be summed up with:

    -Repeal Obamacare
    -Defend traditional marriage
    -More border patrol
    -Eat Chick-Fil-A (seriously. Cruz was serving it at his campaign HQ today and making a point to announce it at every opportunity)
    Drives me nuts when these politicians are incorporating Tea Party with Social Conservatives!

  10. #85
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    Cruz beats Dewhurst and Campbell beats Wentworth - good day for the Tea Party in Texas!
    A long time ago, when I was valeting. I did a party in 09 zip code. I remember all the local politicians being there. I got into Judge Christian about Wentworth. It turned out it was a Wentworth fundraiser. I'm trolling with this story, but they all seemed so out of touch to real problems. Made me always not like Wentworth.

  11. #86
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    terrible tippers.

  12. #87
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    Bad day for you.

    I thought about going to vote for Cruz but didn't. I've heard a number of interviews with him and I think he will be a good conservative senator. Sounds like an intelligent guy that's capable of doing a good job.

    I will echo your " " in regards to Campbell. I'm christian, I like most christians I know, but that woman has crazy christian written all over her.

  13. #88
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Freedom Works and the KOCK brothers have another politician in the pocketbook...

  14. #89
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    Five Things Everyone Should Know About GOP Senate Candidate Ted Cruz

    1) Ted Cruz Believes George Soros Leads A United Nations Conspiracy To Eliminate Golf: In 1992, President George H.W. Bush joined the leaders of 177 other nations in endorsing a non-binding UN do ent known as Agenda 21. This twenty year-old do ent largely speaks at a very high level of generality about reducing poverty and building sustainable living environments. Nevertheless, Cruz published an article on his campaign website claiming that this non-binding do ent is actually a nefarious plot to “abolish ‘unsustainable’ environments, including golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads.” To top it off, Cruz lays the blame for this global anti-golf conspiracy at the feet of a well-known Tea Party boogieman — “The originator of this grand scheme is George Soros.”

    2) Ted Cruz Wants To Gut Social Security: In an interview with the Texas Tribune Cruz labeled Social Security a “ponzi scheme” and outlined a three-step plan to gut this essential program. Cruz would raise the Social Security retirement age, cut future benefits, and implement a George W. Bush-style plan to privatize much of the program. In other words, in addition to forcing them to work longer for fewer benefits, Cruz would place retirees at the mercy of a fickle stock market. Had Social Security been privatized during the career of a worker who retired near the end of the Bush Administration, that worker would have retired with less money in their privatized account than they would have if they’d simply kept their money between their mattress and box spring.

    3) Ted Cruz Wants To Party Like It’s 1829: The Cons ution provides that Acts of Congress “shall be the supreme law of the land,” and thus cannot be nullified by rogue state lawmakers. Cruz, however, co-authored an uncons utional proposal claiming two or more states could simply ignore the Cons ution’s command and nullify the Affordable Care Act so long as they work together. Although the Cons ution does permit states to join in “interstate compacts” that have the force of law, under the Cons ution such compacts require the consent of Congress and can be vetoed by the President. Cruz falsely claimed that states do not need to meet these Cons utional requirements to undermine laws they don’t like.

    4) Ted Cruz Is An Islamophobe: At a campaign event earlier this month, Cruz touted another of the Tea Party’s favorite conspiracy theories, claiming that “Sharia law is an enormous problem” in this country. Although it is common for far right politicians to claim that American law is somehow being replaced with Islamic law, these claims have absolutely no basis in reality. Few American courts have ever even mentioned Sharia or Islamic law, and those that have generally only do so in contracts or similar cases where a party before the court agreed to be bound by Sharia law.

    5) Ted Cruz Campaigned On How He Helped Texas Kill A Mexican: Cruz’s very first campaign ad encouraged GOP primary voters to support him because he helped make it easier for Texas to kill an “illegal alien.” According to the ad, “Cruz fought all the way to the Supreme Court” after “the UN and World Court overruled a Texas jury’s verdict to execute an illegal alien.” In reality, the case Cruz won had nothing to do with whether Texas had the authority to kill this man. Rather, it concerned whether Texas could defy a treaty requiring it to inform foreign nationals who are arrested of their right “to request assistance from the consul of his own state.” Even North Korea honored this treaty that Cruz fought to undermine.

    Texas bubbas are low-information, ignorant s. The best one can say about them is that they are simply too stupid to understand how the 1% s them over.

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