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    The Greatest Show on Earth LakeShow's Avatar
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    Palin's Favorability Ratings Begin to Falter

    Andrew Romano

    To know her, it seems, is not necessarily to love her.
    When John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate late last month, the Alaska governor quickly became a media phenomenon. Largely unknown, she existed at first in something of an information vacuum, and due to the shock of her selection--everyone loves a surprise--the press rushed to fill the void with whatever data was easily available. Mostly this consisted of human interest material; Palin had plenty to go around. Mooseburgers. Float planes. Ice Fishing. Beauty pageants. Teen pregnancy. Et cetera. By the end of her first 15 minutes in the spotlight--which included her speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul--Palin existed mostly as an idea: a frontier supermom who'd triumphed over adversity (the Ol' Boys Club, the "liberal media"). Palin spent her first week reading from a teleprompter and avoiding questions from the press--and the public--so as not to sully this first impression.

    The polls reflected the early success of her strategy. In the three days after Palin joined Team McCain--Aug. 29-31--32 percent of voters told the pollsters at Diageo/Hotline that they had a favorable opinion of her; most (48 percent) didn't know enough to say. By Sept. 4, however, 43 percent of Diageo/Hotline respondents approved of Palin with only 25 percent disapproving--an 18-point split. Apparently, voters were liking what they were hearing. Four days later, Palin's approval rating had climbed to 47 percent (+17), and by Sept. 13 it had hit 52 percent. The gap at that point between her favorable and unfavorable numbers--22 percent--was larger than either McCain's (+20) or Obama's (+13).

    But then a funny thing happened: Palin lost some of her luster. Since Sept. 13, Palin's unfavorables have climbed from 30 percent to 36 percent. Meanwhile, her favorables have slipped from 52 percent to 48 percent. That's a three-day net swing of -10 points, and it leaves her in the Sept. 15 Diageo/Hotline tracking poll with the smallest favorability split (+10) of any of the Final Four. Over the course of a single weekend, in other words, Palin went from being the most popular White House hopeful to the least.

    What happened? I'd argue that Palin's considerable novelty is starting to wear off. In part it's the result of a steady stream of unhelpful stories: her unfamiliarity with the Bush Doctrine during last Thursday's interview with Charles Gibson (video above); her refusal to cooperate with the Troopergate investigation; her repeated stretching of the truth on everything from earmarks to the Bridge to Nowhere to the amount of energy her state produces. That stuff has a way of inspiring disapproval and eroding one's support. (Interestingly, Palin's preparedness numbers--about 50 percent yes, 45 percent no--haven't budged.) But mostly it's the start of an inevitable process. Between now and Nov. 4, voters will stop seeing Palin as a fascinating story and starting taking her measure as an actual candidate for office. Some will approve; some won't. It remains to be seen whether Palin's recent slide will continue, or hurt John McCain in the polls. But it's hard to argue that the journey from intriguing new superstar to earthbound politician--a necessary part of the process--doesn't involve a loss of al ude.

    Just ask Barack Obama.

    UPDATE, 2:27 p.m.: Also, it doesn't help when McCain's Victory 2008 chair Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, tells a St. Louis radio host that Palin would've been unqualified to lead HP--a slightly less demanding role than leading the free world. Today's exchange:

  2. #2
    Spurs, Colts, Cowboys, and Irish SpursFanFirst's Avatar
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    That Gibson interview was total crap, and it's unfortunate that the media has such a strong influence on the voters.

  3. #3
    Murdering Prostitutes Findog's Avatar
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    That Gibson interview was total crap, and it's unfortunate that the media has such a strong influence on the voters.
    Yes, it's the media's fault that she didn't know the Bush doctrine, or that claiming to be able to "see Russia" makes her a foreign policy expert. Bloom is coming off this rose.

  4. #4
    Murdering Prostitutes Findog's Avatar
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    Don't like reality? Blame the media!

  5. #5
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Told ya a couple months Palin will have a worse approval rating than Cheney and Congress...

  6. #6
    The Great Eight Ocotillo's Avatar
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    Saytowns Fawtbox King lebomb's Avatar
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    is starting to become real now....... , Im damn near as qualified to VP the country as Palin.

  8. #8
    Believe. efrem1's Avatar
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    When Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, people shouted "hosanna, glory in the highest." By the next week, they shouted "Crucify him and we have no king but Cesar." The point of this is that even the Son of God could be brought down by people who manipulated the truth.

  9. #9
    Senior Member TheMadHatter's Avatar
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    When Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, people shouted "hosanna, glory in the highest." By the next week, they shouted "Crucify him and we have no king but Cesar." The point of this is that even the Son of God could be brought down by people who manipulated the truth.
    Are you crazy?

  10. #10
    Believe. efrem1's Avatar
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    Yes we are crazy


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  11. #11
    Spurs, Colts, Cowboys, and Irish SpursFanFirst's Avatar
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    Don't like reality? Blame the media!

    Well, as someone who works in the media, I've seen my fair share of bad choices where stories are concerned....but that also involves interviews.

    In this case, I absolutely believe the editing was done in such a way that it made her look unfavorable.
    What I can't believe is that Charles Gibson allowed his name to be associated with such crap.

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    So efrem really does BELIEVE that the pitbull is an 2nd coming of Christ and will be brought down like Christ.

    pitbull believes that end times will occur in her lifetime, among other weird-ass "religious" cult bull .

  13. #13
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    Yes we are crazy


    CS Lewis
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    None of those guys compared Sarah Palin to Jesus Christ.

  14. #14
    Baltimore Spurs Fan florige's Avatar
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    That was the risk that McCain took by choosing her. Everyone is really starting to do their homework on her. It took a minute but they are.....

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    Spurs, Colts, Cowboys, and Irish SpursFanFirst's Avatar
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    That was the risk that McCain took by choosing her. Everyone is really starting to do their homework on her. It took a minute but they are.....

    "Doing their homework?"
    ABC completely butchered that interview with Palin by doing a crappy ass job of editing.
    If there's really dirt to be dug up, then do it...but the media should present an interview as it was done...not as they wanted it to come off.

  16. #16
    They hate us - but they want to be us!
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    Boutons - why do you have to be so hateful ALL the time? And why must you ALWAYS use such disparaging names for republicans? I've wondered this before, and I'm wondering it again - what happened to you to make you so mean, hateful and anti-religion and anti God?

    There are many, many hundreds of thousands of people who believe we're living in the end times and that the rapture could occur in our lifetime. It's not religious cult BS - it's the major belief of the christian churches.

  17. #17
    They hate us - but they want to be us!
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    None of those guys compared Sarah Palin to Jesus Christ.
    He didn't compare her to Jesus Christ. He merely made the statement that even the perfect Son of God was the victim of people who manipulated the truth to suit their own purposes. If that could happen to Jesus, then it certainly wasn't a stretch to think it could happen to Gov. Palin.

  18. #18
    Believe. efrem1's Avatar
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    None of those guys compared Sarah Palin to Jesus Christ.

    You miss my point. It is that with the proper manipulation of public opinion, anybody can be slammed and defamed. Sarah Palin is not my idol, but Obama is surely yours as he will deliver us from everything from the finiancial crisis to gout. I have seen federal law expand to crushing levels to provide for our every need. Obama will not change this.

  19. #19

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  21. #21
    Baltimore Spurs Fan florige's Avatar
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    "Doing their homework?"
    ABC completely butchered that interview with Palin by doing a crappy ass job of editing.
    If there's really dirt to be dug up, then do it...but the media should present an interview as it was done...not as they wanted it to come off.

    I understand your point. I was referring to the ongoing probes, and the other stuff that has surfaced about her within the last couple of days.

  22. #22
    Spurs, Colts, Cowboys, and Irish SpursFanFirst's Avatar
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    regardless of what political party you belong to, you have to answer questions and you need to know stuff about the world.

    Yes. I agree.
    What's your point?

    Have you read the transcript? She did answer the questions, but her soundbites were continuously cut off at the most "inconvenient (or convenient, if you're ABC)" places.

  23. #23
    Spurs, Colts, Cowboys, and Irish SpursFanFirst's Avatar
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    if she is so religious, why is her daughter ing before marriage?

    Oh boy. We're not going to discuss this AGAIN, are we? Really?

  24. #24
    "We'll do it this time" Bartleby's Avatar
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    Yes. I agree.
    What's your point?

    Have you read the transcript? She did answer the questions, but her soundbites were continuously cut off at the most "inconvenient (or convenient, if you're ABC)" places.
    It's a conspiracy, I tell you. They hate her because she is as articulate as she is beautiful.

    Damn those liberal chauvinist commie pigs! They need to be more deferential!

  25. #25
    Senior Member TheMadHatter's Avatar
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    SpursFanFirst I saw the original transcript. I agree, in some places the editing was a little unfair. Unfortunately this is politics, and it isn't the first time someone's words have been twisted. They should have just broadcasted the interview in its entirety, there is still plenty of damaging material in there.

    The overall impression I got, even from reading the transcript, is that she is not prepared to be vice president of this country. I understand you are a woman and you are naturally inclined to like Palin, but take off the blinders. She's not prepared for this job.

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