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  1. #1
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    Gang, this is the final warning. I mean it. This is the final warning. You cannot become -- you cannot get any clearer on what is coming. It amazes me day after day after day after day that America just doesn't seem to care anymore, but you cannot get any clearer. If this is out here and this man is elected, you are going to elect the most arrogant Marxist who will not be stopped because he came into office fully uncovered. Every -- do not pretend to be shocked when we begin to see a Marxist and who I believe will become a fascist President. And he will become fascist because he will not understand how you suddenly don't want to become Marxist. As he starts to change the Cons ution, listen to what he said in 2001.

    This from an interview :

    VOICE: And you are joined by Barack Obama who is Illinois senator from the 13th district and a senior lecturer from the University of Chicago.

    OBAMA: You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movements and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples so that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it, I'd be okay, but --

    brief interruption into the interview for analysis----. Remember, he's not for reparations. That's the line that everybody will tell you if you talk about this. He's not for reparations. But what is the fundamental failure of the civil rights? You got the right to vote, you can sit at a lunch counter, you can be equal. But what was the fundamental failure of the civil rights movement? Here it is.

    OBAMA: But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

    So Obama now sees it is a purpose of the Supreme Court to redistribute wealth. Even if you agree that the role of government is to take wealth from one to another, should it be the role of unelected judges and justices that do this? Should it be the congress? Should it be the President? Should will be elected officials? Obama wants a radical interventionist court. He wants the court of Chuck Schumer's, and that is the court that he will get if there are 60, 60 members of the Democratic party controlling the Senate.

    Now, the interview gets worse.

    OBAMA: And to that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren court -- (The Warren court, so you know, is the most liberal court we have ever had. It is the court that okayed the Great Society and everything else. This is the most liberal. Notice he doesn't say that it is a liberal court. He says some people say it was -- they try to characterize it as radical. But it wasn't that radical. Why wasn't it radical?)

    OBAMA: It wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Cons ution, at least as it's been interpreted and Warren interpreted it in the same way that generally is a charter of negative liberties.

    For those who have read books like: The Forgotten Man, Liberal Fascism, the Woodrow Wilson stuff you know what all of this language means and it is absolutely amazing to me. Negative liberties, that the Cons ution is a charter of negative liberties. In other words, we're not going to take your guns, we're not going to take your speech. This is what the Progressive movement tried to do under FDR. They want to get rid of those things and tell you what they will do for you. Universal housing, universal healthcare, universal jobs. This is a fundamental change. This destroys the work of the founding fathers. This takes us from a small government to an oppressive government. All liberties come from them. All blessings come from them. It is no longer -- he's framing this as negative liberties. It is only negative liberties for the state. It is putting restrictions on the state, not on people. He's flipping power. It is no longer We the People. He also says, in something that doesn't make sense. In one breath Obama talks about the essential constraints placed by the founding fathers in the Cons ution and at the same time suggests that the Court should have broken free of the essential constraints put there in the Cons ution by the founding fathers.

    "Essential" to me has always meant that they're necessary, that they shouldn't be broken or overridden. That's what essential means to me, at least. back to the transcript

    OBAMA: Says what the federal government can't do to you but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think the tragedies of the civil rights movement. Was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.

    QUestion to obama during the interview : Made the point that the Warren court wasn't terribly radical, my question is -- with economic changes. My question, is it too late for that reparative work economically and is that the appropriate place for reparative work to take place?

    Obama: Maybe I'm showing my bias here as a legislator as well as a law professor but --( Where is the media on this man! He is not a law professor. There is a huge difference. Anyone who is at a university, will you speak up! He is not a law professor. He is a senior lecturer now on leave, period. That's what he is. There is a difference between a lecturer and a law professor. The man doesn't care. There is a vast difference between the two les, a vast difference between the two les. But "Professor" Obama doesn't seem to know that, or he's not going to let the facts get in the way. This man is unhinged from anything that we recognize as truth. This man is unhinged from anything that we recognize as fundamentally essentially American.

    First of all, Senator Obama and senior lecturer, you talk about how the government, according to the Cons ution, is defined, the federal government is told what it cannot do. But it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do. Have you read the Cons ution? I know you're a senior lecturer, but have you read it, sir? What is the Tenth Amendment all about? "All powers not expressly stated in the Cons ution are reserved to the states." The Cons ution only plays restriction on the federal government. Nowhere in the Cons ution does it say what a state can't do. A state and a local government can do whatever they want. You are taking this Cons ution. This man may be the man who drives the final nail into the coffin of our Cons ution. He may be the man who drives the stake through the hearts of our founding fathers.

    If anyone still believes, because this is what he's going to say, I'm talking about basic fairness. No, he's not. He is talking about reparations. I am talking about a system of government that I love. No, you do not, sir. You would like to change it into something else that you love. This is a guy who sees the Cons ution and something that is outdated. That does not work, does not need to stand. It is exactly the same reason why the Democrats said no more power for this long with FDR. It is the same reason why the Democrats stopped FDR from packing the court. This is what FDR wanted to do. This is Liberal Fascism. And it is our final wake-up call, America. It is our final wake-up call. We are not going to get anything more clear from Senator Obama than this. You are not going to see it any plainer than this. I cannot believe how crystal clear this is. Now will America wake up. This is not about John McCain. I am not a supporter of John McCain.

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    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Repeat after me: President Barack Obama. You can do it.

  4. #4
    "We'll do it this time" Bartleby's Avatar
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    Were leaving together,

    But still its farewell

    And maybe well come back,

    To earth, who can tell?

    I guess there is no one to blame

    Were leaving ground

    Will things ever be the same again?

    Its the final countdown...

  5. #5
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    i've come to the conclusion........that you suck.

    you should consider moving on to the after-life.

  6. #6
    Veteran DaDakota's Avatar
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    Obama is a cons utional lawyer FAIL !


  7. #7
    PELICANS!!! BRHornet45's Avatar
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    son good post, but its pointless in here .... this board is full of silly, ignorant children who thinks the "cool thing to do" is vote democrat with NO questions asked. they have all fallen victim to the "Stephen Colbert, John Stewart, and Bill Maher" brainwashing effect as well as many of them being persuaded by their college professors liberal views. the Obama bandwagon is very strong and has fooled millions simply because Obama speaks well and is worshiped by the mainstream media because he has a "D" next to his name.

  8. #8
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    Were leaving together,

    But still its farewell

    And maybe well come back,

    To earth, who can tell?

    I guess there is no one to blame

    Were leaving ground

    Will things ever be the same again?

    Its the final countdown...
    Wow, I was thinking the exact same thing. Europe rocks.

  9. #9
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Why are you pretending you are Glenn Beck?

    And why has this been posted multiple times like it has just been discovered?

    Oh yeah, because you are mindless talkingpointbots.

  10. #10
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    Obama is a cons utional lawyer FAIL !

    Obama is a cons utional lawyer so that means he loves the cons ution ? Now I see your logic and why you are voting for him. CLueless.

  11. #11
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    son good post, but its pointless in here .... this board is full of silly, ignorant children who thinks the "cool thing to do" is vote democrat with NO questions asked. they have all fallen victim to the "Stephen Colbert, John Stewart, and Bill Maher" brainwashing effect as well as many of them being persuaded by their college professors liberal views. the Obama bandwagon is very strong and has fooled millions simply because Obama speaks well and is worshiped by the mainstream media because he has a "D" next to his name.
    please keep posting long posts. It's easier to avoid accidentally reading them.

  12. #12
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    I am not pretending to be Glenn Beck. If you want to address the issue then go ahead. He wants to virtually destroy the cons ution -- his words exh Marx -- reflect communism as do his associations. Why are you a mindless regurgitator of Bill Maher, Keith Olberman and the like talkingpointbot ? The point being -- if you don't like the USA and the cons ution that established it - Canada is a short drive away.

  13. #13
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    please keep posting long posts. It's easier to avoid accidentally reading them.
    good point -- in a nuts - Obama wants to alter the cons ution to ENFORCE STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RIGHTS instead of protecting you - the private citizen from THE government. He is more concerned on what the State and more specifically the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD and MUST do for you.

  14. #14
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I am not pretending to be Glenn Beck. If you want to address the issue then go ahead. He wants to virtually destroy the cons ution -- his words exh Marx -- reflect communism as do his associations. Why are you a mindless regurgitator of Bill Maher, Keith Olberman and the like talkingpointbot ? The point being -- if you don't like the USA and the cons ution that established it - Canada is a short drive away.
    I like the USA and the cons ution that established it, so go yourself.

    You are a piece of , a plagiarist and a sore loser -- but mostly a piece of .

    This leave the country bull is the most tired crap I have ever read. No one is going to change the cons ution in this political environment, so enough of your spoon-fed talking point regurgitations. Just swallow your own puke and come up with something original for once.

    You can't do it if you tried because you are a ing idiot. Go wrap yourself in the flag and suffocate on it.

  15. #15
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    good point -- in a nuts - Obama wants to alter the cons ution to ENFORCE STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RIGHTS instead of protecting you - the private citizen from THE government. He is more concerned on what the State and more specifically the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD and MUST do for you.
    he is not going to rewrite the cons ution. step off the ledge.

  16. #16
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    I like the USA and the cons ution that established it, so go yourself.

    You are a piece of , a plagiarist and a sore loser -- but mostly a piece of .

    This leave the country bull is the most tired crap I have ever read. No one is going to change the cons ution in this political environment, so enough of your spoon-fed talking point regurgitations. Just swallow your own puke and come up with something original for once.

    You can't do it if you tried because you are a ing idiot. Go wrap yourself in the flag and suffocate on it.
    Re . I don't plagiarize anything and if I did I would basically be Joe Biden but I got my law degree on my own merits - not through plagiarism. Chumpdumper sits at his PC with a little ook of 1001 whimzical quips and quotes to post as he replies. yippie .. yippie.

    You think nobody is going to change the cons ution ? You are talking about the most liberal politicians EVER - further to the left than even Woodrow Wilson and in his "righteous wind" he will have Pelosi and that disgrace to Mormonism Harry Reid- along with a supermajority and he will be able to do whatever he wants. You ignorant re . Because of blind ignorance like yours our country will be led down this path to socialism and worse - much worse. The 2nd amm. will be in danger with 5 justices exceeding the age of 70 and the fairness doctrine will come back. the new new deal will come about.
    Ignorant clown. Go wrap yourself in the hammer and sickle.

  17. #17
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    he is not going to rewrite the cons ution. step off the ledge.
    step off the ledge... step off the ledge ? I know who he is from his associations - his black liberation theology -- and I know he will have a super majority. I know he believes the way to change the cons ution legislatively and I know he will have the ability to do so with his "righteous wind".

  18. #18
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    step off the ledge... step off the ledge ? I know who he is from his associations - his black liberation theology -- and I know he will have a super majority. I know he believes the way to change the cons ution legislatively and I know he will have the ability to do so with his "righteous wind".
    Repeat after me: President Barack Obama. You can do it.

  19. #19
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    I like that he is the socialist who wants to spread the wealth around yet only one of the 4 people on the two tickets is currently overseeing a spreading of the wealth around in her state.

  20. #20
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    We’re gonna spread happiness! We’re gonna spread freedom! Obama’s gonna change it….Obama’s gonna lead ‘em

  21. #21
    "We'll do it this time" Bartleby's Avatar
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    I don't plagiarize anything and if I did I would basically be Joe Biden but I got my law degree on my own merits - not through plagiarism.

    Why didn't you post the link in your initial post? Did you skip class when they were talking about intellectual property?

  22. #22
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I don't plagiarize
    You just did until you got called out, dumbass.
    You think nobody is going to change the cons ution
    Who changes the cons ution? Ask Glenn Beck -- though he wants to keep you scared, so he probably won't tell you.

    Get back to us when you know how the cons ution you claim to love (well, that Glenn told you to love) actually works.

  23. #23
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I voted for Obama.

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    Why didn't you post the link in your initial post? Did you skip class when they were talking about intellectual property?
    my initial post says this is from an interview.

  25. #25
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    You just did until you got called out, dumbass.Who changes the cons ution? Ask Glenn Beck -- though he wants to keep you scared, so he probably won't tell you.

    Get back to us when you know how the cons ution you claim to love (well, that Glenn told you to love) actually works.
    I do know the cons ution - have actually read it. You keep waiting for that tax cut for 95% of Americans.. you keep hoping that those of you making less than $250K will not get touched by tax increases... or was it $150K like Biden said a few weeks ago.. or maybe it was $42K like Obama said several years back.. You keep hooting and hollering at those Bill Maher jokes and chuckling at Keith Olberman and his worst person of the day .. oh man those guys are funny...

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