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Without a defined future, Manu trains with Estudiantes
During the NBA lockout, Ginóbili joined the practice sessions of the team led by his friend Pepe Sánchez; "I'm here to lend a hand, to advise. For now, just that", he said.

BAHÍA BLANCA.- "The whole NBA season could be cancelled", said yesterday Derek Fisher, spokesperson for the union, after a meeting between owners and players. Nevertheless, the players can't have the luxury of standing still for a season. That's why some decided to play overseas while others train without knowing where they'll play while the conflict comes to a resolution.

That's the case of Manu Ginóbili, who started to practice today with the Estudiantes de Bahía Blanca roster while he mulls different offers.

"I'm here to lend a hand, to advise. And to add to the team. That's all for now", he explained the Argentina star after the practice session with the team led by his friend Pepe Sánchez, in a conversation with the local radio LU2.

As far as playing in the local league, Manu said: "It's a very slim possibility. My idea is, and always been, to retire in San Antonio. But if because of different reasons I can't, I'll see what I do. I can't tell anybody I'll end up playing in Estudiantes..."