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    Tax expenditures of $19B/year to corporations, cut $5B in school funding, etc, etc and IMPROVE public education with REGULATIONS

    Lawmakers are going after the STAAR

    Legislators planning to overhaul Texas' standardized tests — and the way the state holds schools accountable for students taking them — have prefiled bills that would retreat from the requirements of what many call a broken system.
    While some elected officials look to hit the pause button on the state test or ask that accountability ratings be rolled over for another year, others say they won't accept minor tweaks and are putting out comprehensive outlines of an entirely new system.

    “Changing things every legislative session really throws us and our students into turmoil,” she said. “We're unsettled and our students, parents and communities are unsettled.”

    And of course, the NEW REGULATIONS (those things Repugs LOVE TO HATE) by TX Repug "experts" in education with be so much better. It's all just part of the Repug War on Public School education.

    and dubya's NCLB, another REPUG success in REGULATING education.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-25-2012 at 11:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I think eventually they will run out of acronyms for the tests and the problem will take care of itself.

  3. #3
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    You just can't compare students in some of the best schools in the world, Finland, or Indonesia to students in the US....a US teacher would likely have the same success with Finnish students that Finnish teachers have there...and Finnish teachers would have the same problems with US students that US teachers have's not a problem of education, its a problem of societal norms and other distractors...

  4. #4
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    While I"m not completely against standardized testing, the STAAR has gone way over even what is required by National standards and holding anyone accountable for political wishful thinking is just stupid

  5. #5
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    You just can't compare students in some of the best schools in the world, Finland, or Indonesia to students in the US....a US teacher would likely have the same success with Finnish students that Finnish teachers have there...and Finnish teachers would have the same problems with US students that US teachers have's not a problem of education, its a problem of societal norms and other distractors...
    This. You can't effectively normalize external factors like these.

  6. #6
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    And of course, the NEW REGULATIONS (those things Repugs LOVE TO HATE) by TX Repug "experts" in education with be so much better. It's all just part of the Repug War on Public School education.

    and dubya's NCLB, another REPUG success in REGULATING education.
    You're a ridiculous person. Do you know anything about the background of NCLB, what it was/is and how it came to be?

    Of course not.

  7. #7
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    You're a ridiculous person. Do you know anything about the background of NCLB, what it was/is and how it came to be?

    Of course not.
    my dear, coy TB

    enlighten us with your secret knowledge about NCLB and then how wonderful FEDERAL imposition education regulations respects "states' rights" to run their own education systems.

    Also, didn't I hear something about Repugs getting super rich from the fallout of NCLB, books, testing, etc? nah, couldn't have been Repug cronyism.

  8. #8
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Dumbass. I've already done this once. But I'll do it again. And you'll ignore it again.

    btw...your continuing uncomfortable/awkward affection for me is appreciated. Sorry I can't reciprocate.
    Last edited by TeyshaBlue; 12-26-2012 at 10:59 AM.

  9. #9
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    and lol @ "secret knowledge".

    You can find all kinds of info when you dump your confirmation bias RSS feed.

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    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Shultze is a screaming liberal, but he writes and researches his topics. His writing on education is exceptional...and I've read alot of it.

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    Educators are MOSTLY NEGATIVE on 10 years of NCLB

    And of course, the Repugs/VRWC's War on Public Schools discourage and fires 100Ks of teachers, and pays many them peanuts, so the many teachers are monkeys. And charter schools the Repugs love pay, according to SA E-N report, MUCH less that public schools with even worse teacher turnover/burnout than public schools.

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    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    lol...confirmation bias wins again.

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    dubya's Ed Secy was a fraud in Houston

    The 'Texas Miracle'

    and of course a key target of Repugs is to abolish the Dept of Education entirely, because Repugs "CARE" about education.

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    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    lol simpleton

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    No Child Left Behind Fails to Close the Achievement Gap

    are more students from the formerly "left behind" no longer being left behind? HS graduation rates up among them?

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    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    btw, did you read the links I posted?

  19. #19
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Since you've got such a grand supply of balls, I'll ask you again.

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    TB thinks he can tate responses on an Internet forum. GFY, less.

  21. #21
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    I can't read anything that's not from my confirmation bias feed.
    lol coward

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    What Happens When Texas Public Schools Teach the Bible?

    The Texas Freedom Network’s “Reading, Writing & Religion II” report, which examines the 57 school districts and three charter schools that teach classes about the Bible, reveals that more than half of the school districts are ignoring the 2007 guidelines set forth by the state that were designed to simultaneously improve the quality of religious courses while also protecting the religious freedom of students.

    As a result, many students are essentially being taught what the report describes as “pseudo-scholarship.” In addition, they’re learning things such as “The Bible is the written word of God … The Bible is united in content because there is no contradictions in the writing [sic]. The reason for this is because the Bible is written under God’s direction and inspiration.”

    Here are some key findings from the Texas Freedom Network’s report:

    -Many Bible course teachers lack the proper training required by the Legislature. Moreover, curriculum standards adopted by the State Board of Education are far too broad to help school districts create academically sound and legally appropriate courses. Consequently, many courses are not academically rigorous and include numerous errors, distortions and other problems.

    -Many Bible courses reflect the religious beliefs of the teachers and sectarian instructional materials they use in their classrooms. In every course in which religious bias is present, instruction reflects a Protestant—most often a conservative Protestant—perspective, including a literal interpretation of the Bible.

    -Many courses teach students to interpret the Bible and even Judaism through a distinctly Christian lens. Anti-Jewish bias—sometimes intentional but often not—is not uncommon.

    Mother Jones has more on some of the wackier lessons being taught in the state’s public schools:

    Some Bible classes in Texas public school appear to double as “science” classes, cir venting limits placed on teaching creationism. Eastland ISD, a school district outside Fort Worth, shows videos produced by the Creation Evidence Museum, which claims to posess a fossil of a dinosaur footprint atop “a pristine human footprint.”

    Perhaps the wackiest Bible lesson was the one presented to students at Amarillo ISD led: “Racial Origins Traced from Noah.” A chart presented in the classroom claims that it’s possible to identify which of Noah’s three sons begat various racial and ethnic groups.

    stupid, ignorant mother in "Christians"

  23. #23
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    5 Shocking Ways the Christian Right Has Forced the Bible Into America's Schools

    1. Texas: In one of the creationists’ sneakiest moves to date, in 2007 a phalanx of anti-science fundamentalist groups swamped the Texas legislature and lobbied for a law allowing elective courses “about” the Bible in public schools.

    At first glance, it sounded like it might work. The courses were supposed to be objective and not promote any one version of faith over others. But Texas lawmakers refused to allocate any money for teacher training, leaving the matter in the hands of local school districts.

    You can guess what happened – in most districts, no training was offered. About 60 public school districts and charter schools adopted the classes, and many of them ended up with instruction that had the flavor of fundamentalist Sunday School lessons.

    A recent report by the Texas Freedom Network authored by Mark Chancey, a professor of religious studies at Dallas’ Southern Methodist University, found that many schools are teaching that the Earth is 6,000 years old, a key concept of creationism. Chancey found two districts that went so far as to teach that modern racial diversity can be traced back to Noah’s sons, another creationist standby. Another district used videos from YouTube arguing that people’s lifespans began to drop “due to major environmental changes brought about by [Noah’s] flood.”

    Most of the Bible courses, Chancey reported, were taught from a default conservative Protestant perspective. Most claimed that the Bible is literally true, and some even included anti-Jewish bias.

    Observed Chancey, “Courts have repeatedly ruled that advocating creation science in public school science courses is uncons utional….Nonetheless, several courses incorporate pseudoscientific material, presenting inaccurate information to their students and exposing their districts to the risk of litigation.”

    2. Louisiana:In the early 1980s, Louisiana legislators decided to pass a law mandating that when evolution was taught in public schools, “creation science” must be as well. Scientists, educators and advocates of church-state separation were appalled and blasted the so-called “balanced treatment” measure, but lawmakers, led by state Sen. Bill Keith, plowed ahead. The bill was soon law.

    Advocates of the new law didn’t even bother to disguise their religious motivations. Keith asserted that evolution is a tenet of “secular humanism, theological liberalism and atheism.” Paul Ellwanger, a creationist who helped author the bill, said he viewed the struggle as “one between God and anti-God forces.”

    A legal challenge was promptly filed, and the case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fundamentalist religious groups bombarded the high court with legal briefs urging the justices to uphold the law, arguing that it was merely an attempt to promote “academic freedom” and present both sides of a controversial issue.

    But the justices weren’t fooled. In a 7-2 ruling in Edwards v. Aguillard, the court struck down the law. Writing for the majority, Justice William Brennan observed, “Families entrust public schools with the education of their children, but condition their trust on the understanding that the classroom will not purposely be used to advance religious views that may conflict with the private beliefs of the student and his or her family.”

    Unfortunately, Louisiana learned little from the experience, and legislators there have continued to pass bills designed to eviscerate the teaching of evolution. Most recently, the legislature in 2008 approved a “Science Education Act” that has little to do with actual science or useful education. The law allows teachers to use “supplemental” materials – code for creationist propaganda – in science classes.

    Zack Kopplin, a former high school student in Baton Rouge who now attends Rice University, put it well during a 2011 pro-science rally: “Louisiana,” he said, “is addicted to creationism.”

    3. Georgia: Education officials in Cobb County, Georgia have a long and sorry history of trying to undercut instruction about evolution. Any discussion of the “origin of the human species” is banned in elementary and middle schools, and high schools are forbidden to require students to demonstrate an understanding of evolution as a condition of graduation.

    In 2001, the Cobb school board decided to take things a step further. When members discovered that new high school science books contained information about evolution, they voted to paste stickers inside the texts that read, “This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.”

    Jeff Selman and other concerned parents quickly filed a lawsuit. It bounced around in the courts for a few years as procedural matters were resolved. In January 2005, U. S. District Judge Clarence Cooper ruled against the stickers, writing, “In this case, the Court believes that an informed, reasonable observer would interpret the Sticker to convey a message of endorsement of religion. That is, the Sticker sends a message to those who oppose evolution for religious reasons that they are favored members of the political community, while the Sticker sends a message to those who believe in evolution that they are political outsiders.”

    Rather than appeal the ruling in Selman v. Cobb County School District, the Cobb board in 2006 agreed to settle the case out of court. As part of the settlement, the board agreed not to order the placement of “any stickers, labels, stamps, inscriptions, or other warnings or disclaimers bearing language substantially similar to that used on the sticker that is the subject of this action.”

    Media in Georgia reported that anti-evolution stickers had been pasted into 34,452 textbooks. The board hired teachers to remove them, paying them $10 per hour. The entire project cost $14,243.

    4. Pennsylvania: The school board in Dover, PA., a small town south of Harrisburg, thought it would be a good idea in 2004 to introduce “intelligent design” (ID) creationism in public school science classes. (“Intelligent design” holds that human life is so complex that it must have been purposefully designed by some intelligent agency. God and space aliens are the leading contenders, and the IDers aren’t really serious about the space aliens.)

    Science teachers and administrators in the district spoke out against the idea, and national civil liberties groups also warned the board that they could be sued – but the board would not be dissuaded.

    Under the policy passed by the board, Dover students had to listen to a pro-Intelligent Design disclaimer in class, and the school library was stocked with copies of an insipid creationist tome called Of Pandas and People.

    The statement read in part, “Because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which there is no evidence.”

    Dover teachers refused to read it, leaving the task to administrators.

    In December 2004, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the American Civil Liberties Union, representing parents and taxpayers in the district, filed suit. The trial, dubbed "Scopes II" by the media, gained international attention.

    One year later, U.S. District Judge John E. Jones – an appointee of President George W. Bush – didn’t just strike down the policy, he eviscerated it. Jones wrote in a 139-page opinion that ID is not science but religion and blasted the Dover school board for adopting a divisive and contentious policy that sparked a powerful backlash in town.

    The board’s actions, Jones wrote, were clearly religious in nature.

    “The disclaimer’s plain language, the legislative history, and the historical context in which the ID Policy arose, all inevitably lead to the conclusion that Defendants consciously chose to change Dover’s biology curriculum to advance Religion,” wrote Jones in his Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District decision. “We have been presented with a wealth of evidence which reveals that the District’s purpose was to advance creationism, an inherently religious view, both by introducing it directly under the label ID and by disparaging the scientific theory of evolution, so that creationism would gain credence by default as the only apparent alternative to evolution….”

    The decision sparked some interesting fallout. Dover voters had already ejected the board members who supported ID, and the new board found itself facing legal fees exceeding $1 million over the fiasco. Meanwhile, angry TV preacher Pat Robertson informed the citizens of Dover that they just might incur the wrath of God.

    “I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover, if there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God," Robertson told viewers of his “700 Club” program. “You just rejected him from your city. And don’t wonder why he hasn’t helped you when problems begin, if they begin. And I’m not saying they will. But if they do, just remember you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, then don't ask for his help ‘cause he might not be there.”

    5. Ohio: In 2007, a disturbing incident came to light in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Parents discovered that a science teacher named John Freshwater was secretly teaching creationism to middle-school students.

    Freshwater, who in 2003 had publicly attacked the school district for mandating that evolution be taught, began quietly pushing intelligent design in class, including distributing materials designed to cast doubt on the validity of evolution. Interestingly, these special creationist “work sheets” were used only in class. Students were not permitted to take them home.

    The matter came to school officials’ attention only after the parents of a 13-year-old boy complained when he came home with a red cross on his arm. The boy said Freshwater had made the mark with an electronic device called the Tesla coil.

    Administrators at the school began looking into the matter. They soon discovered that Freshwater had put religious posters in his classroom, asked students questions about their religious beliefs and the depth of their commitment and even offered “healing” services at meetings of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

    Freshwater was fired in 2008, but he is contesting the dismissal. Although two Ohio courts have ruled against him in the Freshwater v. Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education case, the Ohio Supreme Court has agreed to give the matter another review this spring.

  24. #24
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    lol...5,327 schools in Texas and truthdig is going to talk about 30 schools because Mother Jones thinks it's super important and ignorant mother ing boutons is going to use his Big Chief tablet and #2 pencil to color all Christians. Again.

    Climb a wall of s, coward.

  25. #25
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    lol...5,327 schools in Texas and truthdig is going to talk about 30 schools because Mother Jones thinks it's super important and ignorant mother ing boutons is going to use his Big Chief tablet and #2 pencil to color all Christians. Again.

    Climb a wall of s, coward.
    Now those are some hazardous climbing conditions

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