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  1. #1
    Two former Vietnam prisoners of war who appear in ads attacking Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry were appointed by the Bush administration to a panel advising the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    The former POWs in the ad, Kenneth Cordier and Paul Galanti, serve on the VA's 12-member Former POW Advisory Committee. VA Secretary Anthony Principi appointed Cordier in 2002 and Galanti in 2003.

    Cordier said the VA panel has nothing to do with the Bush campaign or the anti-Kerry group. "It's totally apolitical, and we meet twice a year to bring to the secretary's attention problems from around the country in VA hospitals," he said. ..

    VA spokesman Phil Budahn said Principi did not know about or encourage the veterans' appearance in the anti-Kerry ad. Budahn said federal regulations bar advisory committee members from engaging in political activity while performing their committee duties, but there are no other restrictions on their activities when not working on committee business. ..

    Nothing to see here folks, move along!

  2. #2
    Tommy Duncan
    You're right. It's much preferable to have your waterboy Dan Rather interview Ben Barnes about his allegation that he got Bush into the Nat'l Guard and then have CBS run that interview.

  3. #3
    "Nothing to see here folks, move along!"
    You're absolutely right.

  4. #4
    Joe Chalupa
    It's not who you blow, it's who you know.

  5. #5
    Are you saying the Vets weren't deserving of the appointments?

    Are you suggesting there's some sort of quid pro quo?

    More baseless, mindless, inuendo. It'll get you nowhere.

    Really, you've got to present some do ented proof like the 70 page complaint the Bush Administration delivered to the FEC on Kerry Campaign activities with 527's and unlike the ambiguous, non-specific complaint the Kerry Campaign filed with the FEC over the Bush Campaign's alleged connections with 527's.

  6. #6
    I'm surprised to see how easy it is for people to question the motivation of former Vietnam veterans who had to listen to one of their fellow soldiers return to America and smear all of them, contributing to the hate they experienced when they returned to their homes, not to mention giving moral strength to the people who were shooting at them.

    While it's still not something that is relevant in terms of who I will cast my vote for, I can certainly see reason for these men to hold a 30-year grudge against Kerry. And to suggest that this wouldn't be happening unless they were being paid off is pretty bold.

  7. #7
    Joe Chalupa
    Hey, as far as I'm concerned that is 2 more jobs!

    I support all veterans. Semper Fi!!

  8. #8
    Two Vets get jobs with the VA

    If it was up to me ALL Vets would have priority for jobs with the VA.

  9. #9
    What next John O'Neill for Secretary of State?

  10. #10
    Wouldn't that just be a pisser?

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