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  1. #1
    Chain of Command”
    By Seymour Hersh
    Imprint: HarperCollins; ISBN: 0060195916;
    On Sale: 09/13/2004;
    Format: Hardcover; Subformat: ;
    Length: ; Trimsize: 6 x 9; Pages: 416; $25.95; $36.95(CAN)

    Book Description

    Since September 11, 2001, Seymour M. Hersh has riveted readers -- and outraged the Bush Administration -- with his stories in The New Yorker, including his breakthrough pieces on the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Now, in Chain of Command, he brings together this reporting, along with new revelations, to answer the critical question of the last three years: how did America get from the clear morning when hijackers crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to a divisive and dirty war in Iraq?

    Hersh established himself at the forefront of investigative journalism thirty-five years ago when he broke the news of the massacre at My Lai, Vietnam, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. Ever since, he's challenged America's power elite by publishing the stories that others can't, or won't, tell. In exposés on subjects ranging from Saudi corruption to nuclear black marketeers and -- months ahead of other journalists -- the White House's false claims about weapons of mass destruction, Hersh has cemented his reputation as the indispensable reporter of our time.

    In Chain of Command, Hersh takes an unflinching look behind the public story of President Bush's "war on terror" and into the lies and obsessions that led America into Iraq. He reveals the connections between early missteps in the hunt for Al Qaeda and disasters on the ground in Iraq. The book includes a new account of Hersh's pursuit of the Abu Ghraib story and of where, he believes, responsibility for the scandal ultimately lies.

    Hersh draws on sources at the highest levels of the American government and intelligence community, in foreign capitals, and on the battlefield for an unparalleled view of a crucial chapter in America's recent history. With an introduction by The New Yorker's editor, David Remnick, Chain of Command is a devastating portrait of an Administration blinded by ideology and of a President whose decisions have made the world a more dangerous place for America.


  2. #2
    Yeah, as much of a mark as Joe Wilson, Richard Clarke, et al.


    Abu Ghraib has been settled. Yeah, I know, not in the Nbadan world of "it's-all-a-big-conspiracy," but, for the rest of us.

  3. #3
    Hersh is the definition of investigative journalists. It's gonna be hard for even the sharpest critic to dismise the charges he will make in Chain of Command, and even if they tried, it will be too late not to hurt W.

    George Bush should have never called Seymour Hersh a liar and a phony, in a White House press conference, when Hersh broke the Iraq Abu Ghraid prisoner abuse scandel.

  4. #4
    Yeah, whatever.

    If Bush called him a liar...then, he is one in my book.

    One more little tidbit for you Nbadan. I think the general public is mud drunk. They're not interested in anymore from either side. Only mad dogs such as yourself will buy or even bother to read this book.

  5. #5
    Only mad dogs such as yourself will buy or even bother to read this book.

    That's why shows like Limpbaugh and Insanity are so popular, right? People say they don't like wallowing in the mud, but they really like it. They will eat this up.

  6. #6
    Tommy Duncan
    Just what this nation needs. Another anti-Bush book.

  7. #7
    From what I've read 4 top Generals careers are over including Sanchez due to the prison abuse.
    IMO, they should be held accountable.

  8. #8
    "That's why shows like Limpbaugh and Insanity are so popular, right? People say they don't like wallowing in the mud, but they really like it. They will eat this up."
    I don't know what makes them popular, I don't watch or listen to either one. But, I do note there are no similarly popular Liberal shows that haven't bought their way onto the air.

  9. #9
    IMO, it is because liberals don't listen to bull .

  10. #10
    You sure watch and read some bull movies and books though.

    Radio is more commonly used by people driving to work and stuff.... :wink

  11. #11
    IMO, listening to music is much better on the way home from work or during lunch then to listen to a couple of blow hards who are in love with themselves.

  12. #12
    Tommy Duncan
    Kerry-Edwards have a radio show?

  13. #13
    T Park Num 9
    No but Al Franken does, and we know the genius that he is.

    BTW, did Jabba the Moore pussy out and leave???

    What a puss.....

  14. #14
    lmao at tpark calling someone jabba.

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