• November 1st, 2005

“Good for the confidence"

Tony, you could not wish for a better evening. You beat Denver after receiving your championship ring and on top of that you end up best scorer of the game with 26 points.

There was a lot of emotion prior to the game. I had goose bumps. It was very strong to see the 2005 NBA Champion banner and to receive this ring. Regarding the game, we did not have a good start thanks to some pressure we felt. Personally I think that everyone wanted to do too well. We had to wait for the second half to find a good rhythm and defend better. I was lucky to catch the wave in the fourth quarter (14 points, 7/7) and to lead the Spurs to victory.

Could you comment on this last quarter ?

There a lot double team on Tim Duncan. By putting three shots from the outside, I made them under the obligation to come out and took this advantage to penetrate. I thus could dish the ball to my teammates and score some lay-ups. We must not forget Michael Finley who was decisive by scoring 9 points in a row. Everything that happened tonight is good for the confidence. For a first game, we could not hope for better.

This type of success shooting is very encouraging for the rest of the season…

It is the result of the work I had started in July with Chip Engelland. It is great working with him. All is for the best now and I hope it continues but I need not to get carried away, it is only one game.

To the opposite of last season where you faced a difficult first month, you now start the season with good basics.

I become more mature. Before the game I did not wanted to think about it. I was relaxed and wanted to have a good time with my teammates on the court.

What does this Spurs’ team inspires you ?

It is very exciting to wear this jersey. With Finley, Van Exel and Oberto, we have a very good team. I stay aware that we have 81 games to go and we have a lot of work to be done in order to perform at our best. By putting the best chances on our side and staying healthy, I don’t see why would not be able to have a good season.

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