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  1. #1
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    I have a HUGE interview this Tuesday with Johnson & Johnson...a job I really want. I haven't gone on an interview in over 4 years, so I'm a little out of practice. My biggest worry is this, how do I distinguish my responses from everyone else who they'll interview. I don't want to fall into the trap of answering their questions with common answers, like if they ask What is your biggest strength and I answer the typical "organizational, leadership, etc.." I really want my interview and my responses to stand out.

    So, any tips for interviewing with corporate?

  2. #2
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    answer back in thuggerish tone.


  3. #3
    Nicely Browned katyon6th's Avatar
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    Be confident and be yourself. Instead of just offering one word answers, give your interviewer an idea of how your organizational skills help you and others.

    Of course, dress the part and remember to treat the front desk person or anyone you may speak with with the same respect you'd treat the interviwer -- that can actually have an affect on your outcome.

    Oh, and good luck!! You'll kick ass.

  4. #4
    JEBO TE! Clandestino's Avatar
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    i would say tell them about a time you showed leadership, organizational skills, etc... instead of just saying you have them... tell them about specific times...

  5. #5
    You can't handle The Truth TheTruth's Avatar
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    wear a very low cut top.

    your screwed if it is a women interviewer.

  6. #6
    God Talks To Me. angel_luv's Avatar
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    I have a HUGE interview this Tuesday with Johnson & Johnson...a job I really want. I haven't gone on an interview in over 4 years, so I'm a little out of practice. My biggest worry is this, how do I distinguish my responses from everyone else who they'll interview. I don't want to fall into the trap of answering their questions with common answers, like if they ask What is your biggest strength and I answer the typical "organizational, leadership, etc.." I really want my interview and my responses to stand out.

    So, any tips for interviewing with corporate?
    Yea! How exciting for you!

    I find it helpful to anticipate questions that may be asked and have potential responses prepared. This helps me get my best point across and reduces rambling.

    It's already been said but just be relaxed and yourself- you'll do great.

    P.S If the company doesn't hire you, then they're crazy.

  7. #7
    Hedo Layup Drill ShoogarBear's Avatar
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    It somewhat depends on what kind of job you're applying for. I suspect they're looking for slightly different things for technical vs. management vs. public relations.

    Confidence and body language are the most important generic traits. Don't try to be "different" if that's not you. Be truthful and articulate.

    Up to a point, though. If they ask you what's your greatest passion, don't say "stalking Tony Parker".

  8. #8
    Hedo Layup Drill ShoogarBear's Avatar
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    wear a very low cut top.
    And we'll be glad to review your wardrobe options if you post them here.

  9. #9
    God Talks To Me. angel_luv's Avatar
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    Up to a point, though. If they ask you what's your greatest passion, don't say "stalking Tony Parker".

    Could she instead say she is interested in International affairs? I am asking this for my own future reference as well.

  10. #10
    Ms. Horry missmyzte's Avatar
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    Think of examples ahead of time for whatever questions they might ask. For example, if they are going to want to know about how you have dealt with customers in the past, think ahead of time of good examples that you can talk about. It always frustrating when you walk out of an interview and then think, "Oh, I should have mentioned this."

    Another question that traps people is the "What is your biggest weakness/opportunity?" or some variation. The way I've been recommended to answer this is to use a quality that can be turned positive. For example, say that you're a perfectionist or overly organized or something like that.

    Good luck on your interview!

  11. #11
    Hot Rocks Zombie's Avatar
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    Be sure to bring up how great baby powder is to keep a person cool and dry!

  12. #12
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips guys. The reason I asked was because I had an interview last week which I totally botched. I felt like I gave such generic answers, even as I heard myself saying them, that I know I didn't leave much of an impression.

    So, don't mention stalking Tony Parker, Check.

    Wear hot new, red low cut top, Check.

    Missmyte, I'll definitely take your advice into consideration...I always find myself leaving interviews think, Damn why didn't I mention that? I'm definitely going to write out examples and practice or whatever tommorow before the interview!

  13. #13
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    Be sure to bring up how great baby powder is to keep a person cool and dry!

    I just got your joke...

  14. #14
    Ms. Horry missmyzte's Avatar
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    If you really want to impress them, do some research on the company beforehand. Find out about their history, stock information, etc. (Check out Bring extra copies of your resume to the interview and *your own pen*. Nothing bugs me more than when people show up for an interview and ask me for a pen, shows they're unprepared.

    What type of position are you interviewing for?

  15. #15
    Esse quam videri ploto's Avatar
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    Everyone is different. I know people tell you to anticipate and practice, but I never have. I'm just honest and sincere- If you know what you are talking about, you can be calm and confident without being overbearing. I think most people who rehearse answers come across as too rote. I don't try too hard to make any particular impression. If I have to do that then I figure it probably isn't the right place for me either. Then again, I stear clear of corporate America.

  16. #16
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    If you really want to impress them, do some research on the company beforehand. Find out about their history, stock information, etc. (Check out Bring extra copies of your resume to the interview and *your own pen*. Nothing bugs me more than when people show up for an interview and ask me for a pen, shows they're unprepared.

    What type of position are you interviewing for?

    It's for a Financial Mgt. position at one of their divisions. Thanks for the tip on research...I already started that, I just am never sure exactly what to bring up about it though. I've never had an interviewer ask me something based on my generic research of the company...

  17. #17
    God Talks To Me. angel_luv's Avatar
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    Parks- Your inbox is full.

  18. #18
    Artest For President trueD's Avatar
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    Oh, advice ... I love to give advice.

    Think up some questions to ask at the end (when they say "do you have any questions"). A well thought-out question is WAY better than "When will I hear whether I made the grade?" kinda thing.

    Also, making your interviewer laugh will help put you both at ease and make you stand out. They know you're nervous, but what most interviewees fail to recognize is the interviewer is also nervous.

    Good luck!

  19. #19
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    Oh, advice ... I love to give advice.

    Think up some questions to ask at the end (when they say "do you have any questions"). A well thought-out question is WAY better than "When will I hear whether I made the grade?" kinda thing.

    Also, making your interviewer laugh will help put you both at ease and make you stand out. They know you're nervous, but what most interviewees fail to recognize is the interviewer is also nervous.

    Good luck!
    See..I never know how to joke around with an interviewer, I'm always afraid they won't get my joke So instead I just try to be cute and hide any nervousness I may be feeling. Oh and the question thing friend told me a great question to ask on these corporate interviews is something like asking the interviewer "well, what exactly is your favorite part of working for Company XXX?" or something along those lines. What do you guys think of that?

  20. #20
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    Parks- Your inbox is full.
    Cleaned out EVERYTHING. Back to 0 messages in my inbox

  21. #21
    TB tsb2000's Avatar
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    1. Dress for success- no matter the position. If you don't dress for an interview, even if you've got a Harvard MBA, as a manager, I will not hire you.

    2. Ask them questions (my favorite is "how can I make the most impact here right away? What is the number one priority for this position?") It shows you have the mindset to hit the ground running.

    3. Bring printed resumes, even if the interviewers have e-resumes in front of them. Something is often lost in formatting, so make sure you've got ones that look right with you.

    4. Smile- and eat a tic-tac (not gum!) before going into the interview. You can never have fresh enough breath. Seriously.

    5. Be 20 mins early. If you can't be early for the interview, then resechedule. You don't want to be rushed when on an interview.

    That's all I can think of, but it's a good start. Good luck!

  22. #22
    Esse quam videri ploto's Avatar
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    I agree with #1. You dress for the interview- not for the job.

    Again, as to questions, I would assume that if you are really interested in the job, then you will have plenty of questions that you sincerely want answered.

  23. #23
    Blonde Yet Smart 2Blonde's Avatar
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    What level is this interview? Is it your first interview with them, or have you already been passed up the ladder to corporate leadership? That in itself makes a huge difference as to the type of interview. Also is the job one that would be based in the corporate headquarters?

    When I was first interviewed with Baxter my first two interviews were with my future boss. These weren't easy but I walked out with the feeling I had what it took. Then he sent me to Chicago for the series of Corporate interviews. These were 180 degrees from the first two but because I had won over my future boss and he really wanted me, he told me how to handle the president of our division and even told me the killer question/statement he would drop on me during the interview so I could be prepared. So after a day full of interviews which were very positive but very tiring, I finally reached "the office". The interview went very well and he was very pleasant and then he started to wrap up the interview and asked if I had any more questions. I'm thinking "well maybe I was told wrong and he's not going to test me with an off the cuff question." So I ask when do I get to start? with a big smile on my face. Then boom here he comes... ( I had given him his opening) "Well the problem with that is that I don't think you are qualified for the position" (which was absolutely laughable because I had the degree, experience and had even worked with their product in my previous for over 3 years) So I didn't miss a beat and told him he was wrong and why and that I had everything it took and more and made sure he knew he hadn't shaken my confidence with that comment. After the conference call later that day I was offered the job.

    I know this was a really long story, but my point was that by winning over the person I was going to be working closest with was key for me. He told me everything to expect and over the years with the company taught me and supported me in every aspect. I was very lucky and have never worked for a better boss. When he got promoted and moved to another division our new boss was awful. I began to hate the job that I had treasured for 7 1/2 years. Don't be intimidated by the fact that it's a large corporation, think of it as companies within companies. It's easier to humanize it that way. Just make sure you if you accept the job it will be with someone you will be happy working for.

  24. #24
    PhillyGirl 1Parker1's Avatar
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    What level is this interview? Is it your first interview with them, or have you already been passed up the ladder to corporate leadership? That in itself makes a huge difference as to the type of interview. Also is the job one that would be based in the corporate headquarters?

    When I was first interviewed with Baxter my first two interviews were with my future boss. These weren't easy but I walked out with the feeling I had what it took. Then he sent me to Chicago for the series of Corporate interviews. These were 180 degrees from the first two but because I had won over my future boss and he really wanted me, he told me how to handle the president of our division and even told me the killer question/statement he would drop on me during the interview so I could be prepared. So after a day full of interviews which were very positive but very tiring, I finally reached "the office". The interview went very well and he was very pleasant and then he started to wrap up the interview and asked if I had any more questions. I'm thinking "well maybe I was told wrong and he's not going to test me with an off the cuff question." So I ask when do I get to start? with a big smile on my face. Then boom here he comes... ( I had given him his opening) "Well the problem with that is that I don't think you are qualified for the position" (which was absolutely laughable because I had the degree, experience and had even worked with their product in my previous for over 3 years) So I didn't miss a beat and told him he was wrong and why and that I had everything it took and more and made sure he knew he hadn't shaken my confidence with that comment. After the conference call later that day I was offered the job.

    I know this was a really long story, but my point was that by winning over the person I was going to be working closest with was key for me. He told me everything to expect and over the years with the company taught me and supported me in every aspect. I was very lucky and have never worked for a better boss. When he got promoted and moved to another division our new boss was awful. I began to hate the job that I had treasured for 7 1/2 years. Don't be intimidated by the fact that it's a large corporation, think of it as companies within companies. It's easier to humanize it that way. Just make sure you if you accept the job it will be with someone you will be happy working for.
    That's a cute story 2Blonde, I've said that before at the end of an interview too..."So when do I start" luckily the interviewee took it as a joke and laughed and said, "hopefully soon!"

    This is actually my first interview pass. They first screen you through the enormous pile of resumes they received for the position, so I made that first pass. Next comes the interview...I'm not exactly sure if they'll be another one after this or not, they didn't say. And it's not based at their Corporate Headquarters just yet...although I'd have to work from there for a couple of months in the begining for training. It's actually at one of their divisions near McNeil Pharma.

    Thanks again for the tips guys!! I need my confidence at an all time high...I really, really, really want this job! But I'm trying not to get too excited about it just in case

  25. #25
    God Talks To Me. angel_luv's Avatar
    Veronica Lynn
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    You can do it!

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