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  1. #1
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Wilson: I did not recommend husband for Niger trip

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson testified Friday that it was not her idea for her husband, former ambassador Joe Wilson, to make a trip to Niger to investigate an allegation that Iraq had sought yellowcake uranium.

    "I did not suggest him. I did not recommend him. There was no nepotism involved," she said, adding, "I did not have the authority."

    It was the suggestion of another CIA officer who knew that Joe Wilson had previously gone on other CIA missions "to deal with some other nuclear matters," she said.

    Later, she was asked to write an e-mail summarizing the discussion that included the possibility of her husband going. A portion of that e-mail was later taken out of context to make it seem that she had suggested her husband go, she said.

    Now let's get Rush and Insannity and all these other wing-nut gas-bags in front of a jury and let them tell us under oath, like Plame, just how she came up with the whole idea to send her hubby to Niger.

  2. #2
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, like OJ and his wife's murderers, the WH is out to find the real leaker...or not....

    BOMBS : White House Security Chief Reveals -- No Probe of Plame Leak There

    NEW YORK Dr. James Knodell, director of the Office of Security at the White House, told a congresisonal committee today that he was aware of no internal investigation or report into the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame.

    The White House had first opposed Knodell testifying but after a threat of a subpoena from the committee yesterday he was allowed to appear today.

    Knodell has testified that those who had participated in the leaking of classified information were required to attest to this and he was aware that no one, including Karl Rove, had done that.

    He said that he had started at the White House in August 2004, a year after the leak, but his records show no evidence of a probe or report there: "I have no knowledge of any investigation in my office," he said.
    Media Info

    Of course, the M$M already knew the WH was lying about their involvement in the leak, but why did they choose to look the other way after Bush specifically said that the WH would investigate who leaked and hold them accountable? The questions for WH security chief today about the promised investigation shouldn't have had to be asked by congressman Waxman today - it should've been asked EVERYDAY throughout 2003 and 2004 by the WH presscorps.

  3. #3
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Friday, March 16, 2007
    Disclosure of CIA Agent Iden y
    Waxman Questions White House Security Practices

    Rep. Waxman asks White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten to explain why the White House failed to conduct any investigation following the disclosure of Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert CIA employment. The letter follows the testimony of the Director of the Office of Security at the White House, James Knodell, that the White House Security Office did not follow the investigative steps prescribed by Executive Order 12958.
    Letter to White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten

  4. #4
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Pretty easy. When a president or vice-president leaks classified information, it isn't classified anymore. Sleazy, but legal, but sleazy enough to lie about to the FBI to protect your boss.

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    dubya "vowed" he would investigate any leak. But as with dubya's numerous other "vows", when he manages to utter an intelligible (short) sentence, his vows are hollow, pure bull .

  6. #6
    We are the Championship ggoose25's Avatar
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    Bush added, "I would like this to end as quickly as possible so we know the facts. And if someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration."

    In June 2004, Bush replied "yes" when asked if he would fire anyone who leaked the agent's name.

    In other statements, Bush has pledged to "take the appropriate action" if anyone in his administration leaked classified information.


    I guess its not a crime when Cheney does it.

  7. #7
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    nbaDan this whole story was mad confusing when it first surfaced a year ago now its still confusing

    can you please explain to me just what the is going on and why we're supposed to be mad?

  8. #8
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    You're supposed to be mad because Bush and his cabinet were trying to crush 2 people for not going along with their lie.

  9. #9
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    If it wasn't Valerie Plame and it wasn't Shaggy, then who the was it?

  10. #10
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    If it wasn't Valerie Plame and it wasn't Shaggy, then who the was it?
    It was the CIA, but don't tell any of the local wing-nuts that, okey-dokey?

  11. #11
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Why would the White House investigate a non-crime?

  12. #12
    Come to think of it...... TheThinkingMan's Avatar
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    I think she's hot.

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    Yeah, she's a solid 7.

  14. #14
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Pretty easy. When a president or vice-president leaks classified information, it isn't classified anymore. Sleazy, but legal, but sleazy enough to lie about to the FBI to protect your boss.
    Well, maybe not quite legal...

    That pesky Executive Order 12958

    Following up on an item from yesterday, I continue to be fascinated (and more than a little disgusted) by the White House’s negligence on the Plame leak. The revelations from yesterday confirmed our worst fears — and then some.

    Let’s be clear about the big picture. When it comes to handling of classified information, there are a series of administrative rules that govern federal agencies, including the White House. These are not optional. They can’t be ignored for political convenience. They are not suggestions for employees to consider.

    One of them is Executive Order 12958, which includes specific requirements that must be followed to prevent leaks from occurring and for investigating and responding to leaks after they occur. Includes all kinds of provisions, including a mandatory investigation, and revoked security clearances for those who mishandle — accidentally or deliberately — classified information.

    Officials from the Bush White House, after the Plame scandal broke, insisted that existing rules were being followed. Bush said he was anxious to get to the bottom of what happened. The White House declared, “There is a process that the administration has in place to address the leak of classified information.” The president’s chief spokesperson assured the nation, “There is a process that the administration has in place to address the leak of classified information. Make no mistake about it, the President has always held the view that the leaking of classified information is a very serious matter. And the process was followed.”

    There’s no way around the simple fact that White House officials were lying, blatantly and without shame. But even more importantly, we learned yesterday that these same officials were legally obligated to follow administrative rules, but decided to ignore them altogether. There was a process in place, but Bush’s aides decided not to follow it.
    The Carpet Bagger

  15. #15
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    nbaDan this whole story was mad confusing when it first surfaced a year ago now its still confusing

    can you please explain to me just what the is going on and why we're supposed to be mad?
    This article articulates who the real target of the administration was in the leak and why we should all be puking...

    Plame's Brewster-Jennings, not Wilson, True Target
    by Crede Calhoun

    It is now clear that the Bush Administration committed treason with Scooters conviction. With RICO the man at the top is responsible.

    It is also coming out that plans to destroy Plame’s covert CIA operation Brewster -Jennings was the real target and decided upon before Joe Wilson even wrote his article. The Joe Wilson smear spin is just that, spin that the MSM has swallowed hook line a sinker.

    Brewster-Jennings was our Nations most important intelligence operation tracking Nuclear and WMD acquisition and development in the Middle East. Cheney and Bush wanted this destroyed so there would be no ‘pissant’ cia trying to meddle in their Iran and Iraq war plans.

    It is also rumored that Plame's Brewster-Jennings just prior to Plames exposure had been instrumental in stopping a load of WMD headed for Iraq through Turkey, and it has been conjectured that this was the shipment and Bush operation to plant the WMD’s in Iraq.

    When Brewster-Jennings was destroyed, people were killed as a result and a multi-year and multi-million dollar covert front company was destroyed. Covert front companies are the most complicated covert operations to create, and maintain, and they historically provide the best intelligence.

    Bush and Cheney destroyed our nation’s most important and primary WMD/Nuclear proliferation intelligence efforts in the Middle East. And for this they should be tried, impeached and perhaps put to death for treason.

    This is the most disgusting and reprehensible thing that has ever been done to our country. Sy Hersh published some wiffs on this awhile back.

    Plame's outing was a heinous and treasoness conspiracy with no equal. The Joe Wilson smear angle was BS from the start and is pure Rovian mis-direction. It may even be the case that Cheney's office sent Wilson to Niger to get the conspiracy and mis-direction rolling.

  16. #16
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Borrowed from another blog:

    Defense of last resort

    With Valerie Plame's testimony before congress essentially disintegrating the Right's talking points -- yes, her status was covert; yes, she had been on overseas missions in the last five years; no, her husband had not paraded his "CIA wife" on the tail circuit; no, she had not recommended him for the Niger mission -- team slander, otherwise known as the GOP, has found themselves without even their own self-iterated fantasies to fend off the obvious. They have as a result turned to the utterly vaporous. We're not culpable for our own actions because the CIA didn't try hard enough to stop us.

    "This looks to me more like a CIA problem than a White House problem," spake Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, pointman as one of only two of the seventeen Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee who bothered to show up for Plame's testimony.

    "Here was the important thing… Basically, my testimony was Shame on the CIA because if they thought she was actually covert, it was the sloppiest trade craft I have ever seen," spat Victoria Toensing, the creaky Republican operative who followed Plame before the same committee.

    This is a particularly astounding rationalization being marketed as a talking point of last defense. The administration and its mouthpieces knew of Plame's status, knew her background, knew the details of her work in the counter proliferations office of the CIA -- to the extent of noting "CP" on their internal memos -- while it is *common* Capitol Hill knowledge that counter proliferations is the most classified, most sensitive office at CIA, and still made a determined, extensive effort to reveal that information to the world and expose her and her work on behalf of the nation to any and all enemies of America -- and yet we are to believe the onus is not on the traitors who outed her but on the CIA for not trying more diligently to read their minds, determine their motives, and urge them strongly enough to dissuade them??? Wow. That is a workaround of staggering proportions. It's utterly defenseless idiocy to go down that path, and those on the right who take that position would do themselves better to find some other bunghole in which to retreat.

    The fact of the matter is that the CIA did contact Robert Novak, suggest the sensitivity of the information, and ask that it not be printed. Most journalists would take the hint. Most journalists are responsible enough to take the mere fact that the CIA was concerned enough to contact them as reason enough to hold a story and consider its implications. Novak is not stupid. He knew exactly what counter proliferations meant, and he still went forward with it as a scurrilous lackey of the administration.

    What is often missed in press accounts is that Novak also named Brewster-Jennings, the CIA cover company under which Plame was "employed." He outed an ENTIRE operation, which even if dormant at the time, still had countless other covert agents and their contacts connected to it.

    As Ms. Plame testified before congress, the disclosure "jeopardized and even destroyed entire networks of foreign agents, who in turn risk their own lives and those of their families to provide the United States with needed intelligence. Lives are literally at stake."

    This was an act of people whose loyalty resided not with the nation but with their own political machine. Brewster-Jennings slipped loosely on the same tongues that damned Plame. It was known to them, and by that very fact, they were intimate with what their petty political slap meant -- and it didn't matter to them one whit. Now that same political machine wants to defend that act of premeditated betrayal by some pathetic reasoning that it was the CIA's fault for not stopping them??? The most telling thing about such a defense is how much that machine strategizes on an absolute belief in the stupidity of America. It is the central engine of their policy.

    The testimony of Valerie Plame extinguished years of the noise machine lying points. It is time for accountability and to silence that machine's last ridiculous refuge. We owe that to Valerie Plame and Ambassador Wilson. We owe it to ourselves. Call the vice president. Put him under oath. Force him to testify. Make him claim the fifth or executive privilege. Expose him either way.

  17. #17
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    Ah, dan, does the name Armitage ring a bell. Wonder why he
    wasn't charged with a crime? Could it be none was committed?
    And could it be the the good dimm-o-craps Plame and Wilson,
    known Kerry supporters, could be lying. So get off your soap box
    and crawl back under you rock and read the daily talking points
    from your party. No crime here!

  18. #18
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    Tell that to scooter.

  19. #19
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Well, maybe not quite legal...

    That pesky Executive Order 12958
    I read the order, and it pretty much exempts the entire office of the president, including his staff and advisors, from any review before declassification. Just another poorly researched blog.
    Last edited by ChumpDumper; 03-18-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  20. #20
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Bush and Cheney committed treason??

  21. #21
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Ah, dan, does the name Armitage ring a bell. Wonder why he
    wasn't charged with a crime? Could it be none was committed?
    As I said, probably not technically speaking. It was merely one of the many reckless slimeball exercises this administration is known for.
    And could it be the the good dimm-o-craps Plame and Wilson, known Kerry supporters, could be lying.
    Well, one of the new attorneys Bush hired after firing the others in another slimeball move could try Plame for perjury now that she has testified in front of Congress.

    You and Yoni let me know when that happens.

  22. #22
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Bush and Cheney committed treason??
    They have committed dangerously stupid offenses that have hurt this country for the sake of petty politics.

  23. #23
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    chumpdumper, i am still confused

    does anyone here have a link that explains this whole thing?

  24. #24
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    That pesky Executive Order 12958
    was a Clinton order also amended by Executive Order 13292 from Bush, that largely gave the vice-president the same discretion as the president when it came to classified information.

  25. #25
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    chumpdumper, i am still confused

    does anyone here have a link that explains this whole thing?
    Wikipedia explains it well enough.

    The big thing to understand is that the leak itself was probably not illegal since the president and vice-president and their respective staffs can do pretty much whatever they want with classified information. Armitage seemed to make his leak independent of the others (though there is no accounting from where his memo mentioning Plaime originally came), but he had no knowledge of her covert status, so he was off the hook.

    Libby was convicted for lying to the FBI and a grand jury about Cheney's role in the leak. That part is very simple and very disgusting.
    Last edited by ChumpDumper; 03-18-2007 at 06:28 PM.

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