Same-sex rape case heard
Pro wrestler and NFL quarterback are mentioned in court testimony

BATAVIA - The trial of a woman charged with raping another woman who worked for her as an exotic dancer included testimony that dragged in the names of a professional wrestler now featured in Playgirl magazine and an NFL quarterback who was in Cincinnati last year to play the Bengals.

Judge Jerry McBride of Common Pleas Court listened to explicit testimony at the Clermont County Courthouse during the two-day trial this week. He said he will rule on the case Dec. 21.

Prosecutor Don White said that in his 19 years in office he couldn't recall any other Clermont County rape case involving two women.

Defendant Tracy N. Adkins, 28, of Clermont County, has pleaded not guilty. Adkins testified Tuesday she had consensual sex with a 20-year-old dancer from Warren County whose stage name was Summer. The Enquirer isn't publishing her real name because of the nature of the allegations.

The dancer claimed she was raped Dec. 7, 2006, in a home owned by professional wrestler Sean Casey, police said.

Baltimore Ravens quarterback Steve McNair's name was mentioned repeatedly during testimony, although he isn't alleged to have been involved in any crime.

Summer testified she flirted with McNair around the time of the alleged rape.

The defense tried to discredit Summer by calling a witness who testified that the dancer had actually had sex with McNair.

Casey and Adkins live together in the Willowville neighborhood of Union Township, police said. Adkins said Casey is her fiancé.

She is the general manager of Naughty Bodies, a Mount Carmel company that provides dancers for parties, Adkins testified. While pictures of her appear on the company Web site, she isn't a dancer.

Casey, 35, owns Naughty Bodies, Adkins said. An exotic dancer, he is featured as the "Hot Man of the Month" in the January issue of Playgirl magazine, which was released Tuesday.

Adkins said Casey paid Summer to dance that night. Police said the amount was $100. The music was from a pornographic video.

Both Adkins and Summer testified Casey was on a couch with them when the women had sex.

"I asked Sean, 'What the are you guys doing to me? Make her stop. Why are you doing this?' " said Summer, who lives in Morrow.

Casey didn't have sex with her or force her to do anything, Summer said in response to questions from Assistant Prosecutor Bill Ferris.

Summer said Adkins alternated between having oral sex with her and having intercourse with Casey, who had a broken leg in a cast.

Oral sex can be considered rape under Ohio law.

"I just remember being completely freaked out," Summer testified. "I was asking Sean for help, and he said, 'I told you she's the freak - not me.' "

Then, Adkins asked, " 'Don't you want to see the sexiest couple in Cincinnati' " enjoy themselves? Summer testified.

Adkins, who is free on her own recognizance, is charged with three counts of rape and one count of corrupting another with drugs. If found guilty, she could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison on each rape charge and up to eight years on the drug charge.

On Monday, Summer testified Adkins forced her to take ecstasy, a hallucinogenic stimulant. The drug left her unable to resist, Summer said.

Adkins denied that on the witness stand Tuesday.

The same week Summer claimed she was raped, the dancer was reprimanded by Adkins over allegations that Summer had sex with a Naughty Bodies client, Adkins testified.

Summer was told she would be fired if someone reported such behavior again because it could expose the company to pros ution charges, Adkins said.

Another dancer told her she witnessed Summer having sex with McNair, the Baltimore Ravens quarterback, in a restroom stall at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati, Adkins testified.

Andrea Jordan Harris, 31, of Delhi Township testified Tuesday that she rode in a limousine with Summer and McNair and later witnessed them have sex.

Harris, whose stage name is Alex, used to be a dancer for Naughty Bodies. She said a third dancer and two other professional athletes were in the car.

In the limo, "she was all over him," Harris said of Summer and McNair. "He kept telling her he was married."

Later, in the restroom, "I heard some banging," Harris said. "I looked over the stall to make sure nothing bad was happening to her. ... It was her and ... Steve McNair in the stall having sex."

Under questioning from defense attorney R. Scott Croswell III, Summer denied having sex with McNair. She said she rode in a limo with McNair to an airport and he asked for her phone number.

"I have never been in a bathroom with Steve McNair," Summer testified. "I talked to him. He's a pretty cool guy. Go Ravens!"

The Ravens lost to the Bengals, 13-7, in Cincinnati on Nov. 30, 2006.

"I never took any clothing off," Summer said of the night she was with McNair. "The other girls were dancing in the limo. And well, if you can't stand, how can you dance? I wasn't dancing."

McNair, 34, who underwent surgery this week for a dislocated shoulder and torn rotator cuff suffered in the Ravens' loss to the Bengals on Nov. 11, couldn't be reached for comment.

"Is there a possibility that somebody used Steve McNair's name?" said Kevin Byrne, senior vice president for public relations for the Baltimore Ravens. "Our schedule is very filled when we're on the road. It's a business trip for us. We don't give players much free time."

James "Bus" Cook, the agent for McNair, said "it easily could have been mistaken iden y."

"I don't for one minute believe the woman's allegations against him," Cook said.

Croswell, the defense attorney, told the judge in closing arguments that Summer hadn't been truthful.

Summer said she had arrived at the home of Casey and Adkins about 3 a.m. and left about 8 a.m., testified Sgt. Jeff Brown of the Union Township police. The dancer contacted police about 6 p.m.

Croswell reminded the judge that Summer didn't call police during the five hours she was at the home - though Summer had claimed she sent text messages on her cell phone to at least 10 people.

"I said, 'This girl is chasing me and trying to do me,' " Summer testified. " 'Help me, somebody.' "

No text messages were found by police, Croswell said.

"She's lying, and there is no corroboration," Croswell told the judge. "You know as well as I do if she had those text messages on her phone they'd be here in court - if that really took place."