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  1. #1
    :vomit If it comes out that he hit her and this isn't just rough sex and he said/she said, then he's gotta serve time. :vomit

    I'm trying to reserve judgement until it all comes out, but dang!

    Monday, August 4

    Co-worker reportedly was disheveled and had marks news services

    EAGLE, Colo. -- Bobby Pietrack, a bellman at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera, told police that he saw his 19-year-old co-worker shortly after she left Kobe Bryant's room on the night of the alleged sexual assualt, ESPN's S ey Smith reported Monday.

    Pietrack reportedly told police that the woman was visibly upset, disheveled and had red marks on her neck and face, according to Smith.

    Sources close to the investigation say Pietrack is considered the first link in the chain of what is called "immediate outcry," meaning he is the first person the alleged victim cried out to immediately following the alleged incident.

    The alleged victim went to police the following day, approximately 13 hours after the alleged assault. Sources also said that photos taken of her at that point show the marks. Those photos are considered part of the prosecution's evidence.

    Pietrack has not spoken to reporters and has declined repeated requests by ESPN.

    Bryant is scheduled to attend a preliminary hearing on Wednesday at the Eagle County Justice Center at approximately 6 p.m. ET. Bryant will be read the charges against him and may enter a plea.

  2. #2
    Well unless they'll say she hit him first or something like that.

  3. #3
    Well unless they'll say she hit him first or something like that.
    No excuse.

  4. #4
    There was no excuse for any of it actually. This is going to make the O.J. trial seem like a moving violation.

  5. #5
    Aggie Hoopsfan
    The alleged victim went to police the following day, approximately 13 hours after the alleged assault. Sources also said that photos taken of her at that point show the marks.
    If the marks show up in the photos 13 hours later, Kobe's ed.

    Pooh, who cares if she did, he's what 6'8", 240 (?) and she's maybe 5'9", 130 pounds.


  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Don`t jump down my throat, I know as little as anyone, but does Kobe seem the type to do these things to you? Is it possible to fabricate marks like these, or get a friend to inflict them? These are QUESTIONS only, I have no clue what is going on here, Kobe just doesn`t seem the type to hit a woman to me (and celebrities have been framed in situations like this before with the victim looking for a civil@payout regardless of the criminal trial outcomej. Just about anyone could become an adulterer under certain cir stance that play into their character weaknesses, but it is another thing to hit a woman. Who knows? I certainly don`t. But from all I have read and seen of Kobe, including the opinions of his long-time friends, this seems totally out of character.

    What a sordid, f#cked up tale this is becoming. One things fer sure though, if he`d just kept it in his pants (as a married man should!!!) none of this would`ve happened. `Nough said.

  9. #9
    Holy Sith
    I like how theres reports he hit her...and in these Kid Choice
    Pictures, he's wearing a Muhammed ALI shirt

    What an idiot!


  10. #10
    there was still seman in her 13 hrs later?

  11. #11
    but does Kobe seem the type to do these things to you?
    Well, the guy who recently killed 2 women and left another in a coma at a Century 21 Realty office was a "peaceful man with kids" who no one "suspected" of doing such a thing.

    So, what a person has done before means nothing. We have VERY LITTLE control of our minds. One minute you can be a lovely person who raises money for homeless people and the next day you're blowing up buildings.

  12. #12
    IF Kobe is guilty what happens, is he going to jail? Will he play next season?

  13. #13
    Probably give him 20 yrs probation and make him register as a sex offender no matter where he goes.

  14. #14
    Look the theory is that she went up there to get all freaky freaky with the kobster. Kobe of course likes it kinky style and tried to go rear door on her without permission. She freaked and said hey I'm a good caucasian girl from Eagle County Colorado, I don't play. Kobe then goes into a steroid induced rage. The moral of the story? Always ask permission before the mission.

    Heres a clear sign to help Kobe next time.

  15. #15
    Did she have it coming? :eyebrow

  16. #16
    Aggie Hoopsfan
    Don`t jump down my throat, I know as little as anyone, but does Kobe seem the type to do these things to you? Is it possible to fabricate marks like these, or get a friend to inflict them? These are QUESTIONS only, I have no clue what is going on here, Kobe just doesn`t seem the type to hit a woman to me (and celebrities have been framed in situations like this before with the victim looking for a civil@payout regardless of the criminal trial outcomej.
    I am so sick and ing tired of this whole "this doesn't seem like Kobe" bull .

    O PEOPLE... his wife (you know, the one clinging to his arm and checkbook right now) was not even legal when he met her, and had just turned 18 when they wed.

    Do the math and figure out that Kobe (legal) was dating and banging a minor (not legal) prior to their marriage, they got married just after she turned 18 and was legal to do so. He met her on the set of a music video, and they got engaged while she was still in high school.

    So don't give me the whole "this isn't like Kobe" thing, he was robbing the cradle before he even wed.

    And to take it one step further, the prick already admitted to committing adultery, so how can anyone say "this is not like Kobe" when prior to this all most of you thought he was a good wholesome man? When he admitted to adultery he already burst that "character" bubble, so can we please leave it out of the discussion?

    The guy's an asshole - he cheated on his wife, probably raped this girl, initially lied about the whole thing, then recanted when he realized it was his ass on the line for sure.

    No one should feel sorry for Kobe. He brought everything on himself, and he most certainly doesn't have the character that all his apologists seem to think is there.

    Thanks[/soap box]


  17. #17
    Yeah, what he said ^^^.

    (Great post, AHF).

  18. #18
    Oh common...committing adultery is a far car from committing rape. One is a serious character flaw and the other is a violent criminal offense. Don't confuse the two because all of the sudden your 'morally outraged' over behavior that most of the males who post in this forum are probably equally guilty of.

    Or didn't you get to second base with a girl until after you graduated HS? Kobe entered the league at 19, not 23. So he dated a HS girl, big deal, a 19 year old guy dating a 17 year old girl may not be legal, but it's not as morally outrageous as if Kobe was 23,24,25..

    Kobe will get his day in court, just like anyone of us would get under the same cir stances, and if he's found guilty of forcing himself on the young woman, I hope he gets what he has coming to him, but this is a man's life we are talking about here, and not just basketball.

    So let's not jump to irrational conclusions just because we hate the Lakers or because all of the sudden we've become the 'moral majority' of the NBA.


  19. #19
    17 year old girl may not be legal, but it's not as morally outrageous as if Kobe was 23,24,25..
    Kobe is nearly 25 now and Vanessa is 20. Meaning he was 22 when she was 17-years-old.

    I didn't see AHF's post as being a statement of "moral outrage" over Kobe's adultery. He was just stating that he's sick of people thinking they know Kobe's character.

    The reason I am beginning to doubt Kobe's innocence is because of the drastic difference in his story.

    First he didn't know the girl. Then he knew her but just flirted with her. Then he had sex with her, but it was consentual.

    If the girl had marks on her face and throat, do ented by the bellboy and the police, Kobe's case has become thinner.

    He said, she said, consentual or not consentual is very difficult to prove. Even vaginal bruising or lacerations doesn't prove anything (could be just rough sex). But marks on her face??

    That's a whole different ballgame.

  20. #20
    I'm not gonna address the alledged markings on the girl because I haven't seem them, and as far as I know, neither has anyone else outside of the witnesses in the article and the police. If you want to convict Kobe in the press based on that, that is your perogative, but I'm gonna wait until Court TV brings us the rest of the evidence and the testimony of witnesses before calling Kobe a rapist.

    It had previously been reported that a witness had heard a struggle in the room the night of the alleged incident. Well, those rumors turned out to be false. This is totally a he-said, she-said incident, and Kobe will be judged by which individual the jury finds more credible.

    And Kobe's reputation to this point has been impecable, so the prosecution has its work cut out for them. Or haven't you noticed the troves of girls who have come out lately and said that Kobe slept with them too? Oh, you haven't?

  21. #21
    I am not convicting Kobe. In fact when I saw the press conference, I said that I felt sorry for him. I am only stating that if there were actually marks on her face -- then it's not just "he said, she said" anymore.

    And that doesn't bode well for Kobe.

  22. #22
    I agree. Still, I think a jury will want to know why the alleged victim waited 13 hours before reporting the attack to authorities, and what she did in the hours immediately after the alleged incident.

    The real moral outrage in this case maybe that because of strict Colorado privacy laws, the jury in Kobe's trial may never know the true history of Bryant's alleged victim. The twice, not single, suicide attempt (obviously a cry for attention). The tryout for the show American Idol. (doesnt that just say look at me?). And now we learn that one of the deputy sheriffs involved in the case and investigation was named in a previous racial profiling settlement. All this may never be presented in court - now that's outrageous.

  23. #23
    now you are just being silly and grasping at straws. None of those things really matter in this case...get used to it. That is just history the media is using to try the case in the forum of public opinion. It only works with the feable minded tabeloid reading masses.

    Go Spurs....

  24. #24
    Yes, but plenty of victims wait until they go to the police. She could have been in shock (it happens). Maybe she wanted to be with her parents. Maybe it took her that long to work up the courage to go to the police because it was Kobe Bryant she was accusing. Maybe she thought no one would believe her. Maybe she thought this was a nightmare and just wanted it to all go away. Maybe 13 hours later, the reality sunk in.

    Yeah, it's easy to say she should have gone to the police right away and that I would have if I were her, but unless you've been in that situation, you don't know.

  25. #25
    People that think 13 hours is a long time know very little about rape cases.

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