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  1. #1
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    Bajón olímpicoPepe Sánchez anunció su retiro del seleccionado argentino "por motivos personales". "Fue una decisión muy difícil y dolorosa, pero creo que correcta", dijo. Argentina pierde a una pieza clave pensando en la defensa de la medalla dorada en Pekín 2008.

    Juan Ignacio "Pepe" Sánchez anunció su retiro del seleccionado argentino de básquetbol. El base bahiense quien tuvo un paso por la NBA y ahora actúa en el Barcelona de España le comunicó su decisión a Germán Vaccaro, vicepresidente de la Confederación Argentina de Básquetbol (CABB) y presidente del Comité de Selecciones Nacionales, y al entrenador nacional, Sergio Hernández. De esta manera, Argentina pierde a un jugador muy importante de cara al sueño de este año de revalidar la medalla de oro obtenida de manera brillante en Atenas 2004.

    Sánchez explicó su determinación: "Por motivos personales anuncio mi retiro de la Selección Argentina de Básquetbol. Esta fue una decisión muy difícil y dolorosa, pero creo que correcta". "Sólo me queda agradecer a mis compañeros por todos estos años que compartimos vistiendo la camiseta argentina y a los argentinos que estuvieron con nosotros en las alegrías y tristezas", agregó el jugador de 30 años.

    "Me enorgullece haber sido una pequeña parte de este grupo de personas que elevaron a nuestro país a los más alto del básquetbol mundial", concluyó.

    Pepe Sánchez debutó en el seleccionado nacional hace casi 10 años, el 20 de julio de 1998, en los Juegos de la Buena Voluntad que se desarrollaron en Nueva York. Vistiendo la camiseta argentina fue campeón sudamericano juvenil (1994), campeón del Torneo de las Américas (2001), subcampeón mundial (2002) y campeón olímpico (2004).

  2. #2
    Veteran Matchman's Avatar
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    I'm hoping this had nothing to do with the Tibet crap going on and he isnt boycottin the Olympics cuz i know Scola will be there (because he got a shoe deal from china!)

  3. #3
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    Maybe he is feel he get too old and tired now? Besides he already have won gold. Papaloukas is probably also not even playing in Olympics. Euroleague MVP and he not play either. Players feel they are old enough and not want play all year.

  4. #4
    Veteran Indazone's Avatar
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    Oh good, the professional ball player malaise is spreading to Europe too. Dammit if your country asks you to play for them it should be an honor.

  5. #5
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    I'm hoping this had nothing to do with the Tibet crap going on and he isnt boycottin the Olympics cuz i know Scola will be there (because he got a shoe deal from china!)
    do you have a link to the shoe deal info?

  6. #6
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    which olympics? cause sure as they ain't gonna be no olympics this year

  7. #7
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    which olympics? cause sure as they ain't gonna be no olympics this year
    wtf r u talking about? Beijing? o?

  8. #8
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    Oh good, the professional ball player malaise is spreading to Europe too. Dammit if your country asks you to play for them it should be an honor.
    Yes Greek players already get it. Spanoulis is only main player seem interest. Even Papaloukas is act like it big favor if he even consider maybe play.

  9. #9
    Veteran DaDakota's Avatar
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    Is Greece in yet?

  10. #10
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    I don't think it has to do with not feeling like going or some political decision. I think it has more to do with personally feeling he can't bring the best to the team. It sounds like he thought about it real long and hard, and concluded that he won't be able to do it.
    The good news is that Prigioni played the point well for Argentina in the Americas tournament, and this also probably opens up a spot for a Quinteros, which I thought was a sharp shooter, even though he's quite undersized.

  11. #11
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    I don't think it has to do with not feeling like going or some political decision. I think it has more to do with personally feeling he can't bring the best to the team. It sounds like he thought about it real long and hard, and concluded that he won't be able to do it.
    The good news is that Prigioni played the point well for Argentina in the Americas tournament, and this also probably opens up a spot for a Quinteros, which I thought was a sharp shooter, even though he's quite undersized.
    Yes not same as Papaloukas who just say "I sick of play all year". All the award Papalouaks look win like Euroleague final four MVP and Euroleague MVP start go to head same as US player

  12. #12
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    Is Greece in yet?
    No Greece play European Championship without starting PF and C so lose in final four game against Spain. Even though Spanoulis have huge game not enough without PF Fotsis and C Sofo (who was supposed to become new starter at C).

    So Greece have to play in Qualify tournament.

    Papaloukas who is most famous Greek player is say he not want to play Olympics. Dikoudis our backup PF also not want play. Team captain and locker room leader is Kakiouzis and he also not want play. Starting SG of team is Hatziverttas and he already say he will not play no chance. Papadopulos who is either start C or backup C either one is not play now also. Because he call national team president "cry baby " and make fun of him on tv so he will be off team for that.

    Also coach Giannakis is not yet allow to coach for Olympics because he have got job as Olympiacos coach. As is now they seem not want let him coach and he is easy by much best Greek coach

    Many problem for team right now. Still there is 3 spot call wild card spots available at qualify tournament. There are teams like Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Puerto Rico and some others. Some very good teams and also many NBA players.

    But even without Giannakis as coach and even if all these players not play even without Papaloukas Greece is still better than these other team. Sofo is on diet and is lose weight he should be able to play again.

    PG Spanoulis
    SG Zizis
    SF Diamantidis
    PF Fotsis
    C Sofo

    Team probable be something like that this is still world class team and is definite problem for teams in qualify tournament.

  13. #13
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    Why did so many players say they won't play KBP?

  14. #14
    Double facepalm...
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    In the hypothetical situation where I was an athlete worthy of playing in the Olympics, I would refuse to play in China. Not so much for political reasons, as much as fear of my life. Communism scares the bajebus outta me. As a REPORTER I would refuse!

  15. #15
    Veteran Indazone's Avatar
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    In the hypothetical situation where I was an athlete worthy of playing in the Olympics, I would refuse to play in China. Not so much for political reasons, as much as fear of my life. Communism scares the bajebus outta me. As a REPORTER I would refuse!
    JEEBUS what rock have you been hiding under. I just went there and it's just like here. In fact... you can get your own bowl of KFC and ask for help sliding it down your throat there.

  16. #16
    Veteran Cherry's Avatar
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    Pepe, thanks for all

  17. #17
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    Why did so many players say they won't play KBP?
    Like scolarules say US players disease have hit Greek team. They now consider it "burden" not "honor" to play for team

    As they are say "we win European championship and 2nd place in World Championship, we beat Team US already at highest level, we already play in Olympics at home country in 2004, we should not have play any more with national team"

  18. #18
    Can't Start Threads Kill_Bill_Pana's Avatar
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    In the hypothetical situation where I was an athlete worthy of playing in the Olympics, I would refuse to play in China. Not so much for political reasons, as much as fear of my life. Communism scares the bajebus outta me. As a REPORTER I would refuse!
    I have cousin who visit there often. He also visit US same for job. He tell me government is much more watch people and much more spy on what they do in US than in China. He say in China people do whatever want and in US much more "police presence"

    We understand such thing in Greece. Greeks have reputation as "start problems"

  19. #19
    Veteran v2freak's Avatar
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    I'm hoping this had nothing to do with the Tibet crap going on and he isnt boycottin the Olympics cuz i know Scola will be there (because he got a shoe deal from china!)
    'Tibet crap'?

  20. #20
    OpEn YoUr MinD kuato's Avatar
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    This is the time of Prigioni and Paolo Quinteros.

  21. #21
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    More on Pepe...

    Ya lo venía meditando seriamente. "No sé si voy a ir a los Juegos", le había anticipado hace dos meses a Olé. La hiperexigencia de Dusko Ivanovic, hoy ex técnico de Barcelona, ya le estaba pasando factura a su cuerpo de casi 31 años y Pepe Sánchez no quería repetir la mala experiencia del pasado, cuando volvió a su equipo después de jugar en la Selección y, en vez de disfrutar, padeció la temporada europea.

    Por eso el bahiense aprovechó la visita a Barcelona del DT Sergio Hernández y el dirigente Germán Vaccaro para tomar una decisión sin vuelta atrás: retirarse de la Selección. "Ya que estaban acá preferí definirlo... Se lo adelanté a la mañana (del miércoles) y me tomé hasta la e para confirmárselo. Me costó mucho, tanto que estuve pintado en el partido (Barsa-Granada), pero lo vengo analizando hace tiempo. Es algo muy masticado y pensado, no un impulso. Creo que es el momento", le contó ayer a la mañana a Olé. Unas horas antes les había mandado un mail a sus compañeros olímpicos y a la e redactó un comunicado para hacer pública la decisión del retiro.

    -¿Qué te dijo Oveja?

    -Nada, respetó mi decisión, no me la hizo difícil. No presionó y se lo agradezco.

    -¿Y por qué, Pepe?

    -Sobre todo es un tema físico. La preselección concentrará en los primeros días de julio y yo, si llego a la final en España, quedaré liberado el 10 de junio. Y entre que me acomodo y cierro mi casa, me quedan 10 ó 15 días de vacaciones. Luego tengo que prepararme para los Juegos, jugar y volver a mi equipo destruido. Ya me pasó luego del Mundial de Japón. Tuve una temporada terrible, la sufrí... No puedo hacerlo de vuelta, mi físico no es el de antes. Quiero ser honesto conmigo mismo.

    -¿También hay un tema personal y familiar?

    -Sí, yo ahora tengo una mujer, un sobrino que no conozco. Son varias cosas que se juntan...

    -¿Dejás para siempre?

    -Y mirá, si decido no ir a un Juego Olímpico, que sería la motivación máxima para cualquier deportista, no sé a qué otro torneo podré ir... Además, prefiero retirarme yo y no que el básquet me retire. No me gusta eso de perpetuarme, podría hacerlo, creo que algún derecho tengo, pero prefiero darle paso a otros.

    -¿Cómo jugó en vos el tema de perderte ir a Pekín a buscar otro oro? Debe haber sido duro.

    -La motivación deportiva es genial, pero no me quedo con esa sensación negativa de lo que me pierdo. Yo ya jugué un torneo olímpico y, por suerte, lo gané.

    -¿Estás triste?

    -Algo de tristeza siento, pero me voy con alegría. Es una decisión muy pensada y sé que dejo algo.
    -¿Lo mejor es el legado de conducta, el camino que ha marcado esta gran generación?

    -Por supuesto. Lo más importante no fue ganar el oro olímpico o lo de los Mundiales, sino que nuestras otras selecciones tengan una identidad, una conducta, una personalidad, sin importar qué nombres estén. Es lo que me deja más tranquilo.

    -¿A quién ves como tu sucesor? ¿Es Prigioni?

    -Está claro que Pablo ha tomado el mando del equipo en Las Vegas, tiene la calidad y la personalidad necesarias, pero él también tiene mi edad. Deberían salir otros chicos, de 18 ó 19 años, que tengan nuestro mismo compromiso.

  22. #22
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    This is the time of Prigioni and Paolo Quinteros.
    i don;t know if Paolo will be able to play the point.. i think it's time to get young Matias Nocedal the notch.... that kid has been compared to gilbert Arenas by some US scouts... property of TAU but playing lots of minutes in a division B team i understand

  23. #23
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    Manu will have to play the PG possition in the Olympics though,or at least from time to time when prigioni is getting some rest.
    This could be a pretty good lineup IF Pepe aint playing in the Olympics.
    Manu PG
    Delfino SG
    Nocioni SF
    Scola PF
    Oberto C

  24. #24
    Veteran Indazone's Avatar
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    This is the time of Prigioni and Paolo Quinteros.
    I been watching a lot of clips of Prigioni and if I want a set up guy he's the guy I want. I think he can score too but he's definately a pass first guard.

  25. #25
    Believe. LocosPorJuana's Avatar
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    For political reasons? naahh. Lady Kirchner(president) and nestor(first gentleman) are great socialists, relations with china have never been better.... so that theory is out.

    My concern is with the current coach of the national selection, that guy holds a grudge like no other. During the summer, he was releasing negative comments to the press on those who did not show up for the summer games. He probably forced Pepe out.

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