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  1. #1
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    Boxer: I'll Call Condi a Liar Again

    Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said Sunday that when the full Senate debates on Tuesday the nomination of Dr. Condoleezza Rice for secretary of state, she intends to repeat charges that Rice deliberately misled the nation about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    "I will lay out again on the Senate floor [why] I do not believe [she] has been candid with the American people," Sen. Boxer told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer." "[She's] gone on shows like yours and made statements that I don't think were true, or they were half-true, didn't tell the whole story, didn't level with the American people."

    Reacting to criticism from White House chief of staff Andy Card, who called her attacks on Rice last week "petty politics," the Marin County Democrat taunted, "Even though Andy Card would like me to go away, I'm not going to go away."

    "[Rice] said things that were flat-out not true," Sen. Boxer continued. "When she said only one agency thought the aluminum tubes could not be used for nuclear weapons, that wasn't true."

    As she did during last week's hearings, the Bush administration critic justified her personal attacks on Rice by saying that the Iraq war is especially important to Californians "because we've lost 25 percent of those who died in Iraq."

    According to, however, the actual proportion of deaths of U.S. troops from California is 11.5 percent.

    Boxer Fudged California War Casualties

    After accusing Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice of trafficking in "falsehoods" during hearings last week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Barbara Boxer is the new hero of the Howard Dean-Michael Moore wing of the Democratic Party.

    However, it appears that Boxer may have indulged in a few falsehoods of her own while questioning Dr. Rice. To justify her tough grilling, the Golden State Democrat repeatedly invoked war casualties from her home state, saying they amounted to 25 percent of the 1,400 GIs killed in the fighting.

    But after checking with the Web site, says that's not true. "The number of California servicemen who've died is 157, which is about 11.5% of the total, less than half the proportion Boxer claimed," they noted.

    The Marin County demagogue also had her facts wrong when she claimed that her fellow senators voted to authorize the Iraq War based solely on Bush administration claims about weapons of mass destruction.

    In fact, the Senate's Iraq War resolution also cited Saddam's "brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region" and its refusal "to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait."

  2. #2
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    No Democratic replies????? I wonder why!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Alabama Spurs Fan dcole50's Avatar
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    senators are doing things to get attention and slow down the process ... shocking!

  4. #4
    Chronic User Bandit2981's Avatar
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    boxer was right on...Cunnilingus Rice is a lyin' fugly disgrace

  5. #5
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    boxer was right on...Cunnilingus Rice is a lyin' fugly disgrace
    Really? Who's the liar here?

    It wasn't just weapons of mass destruction. He was also a place--- his territory was a place where terrorists were welcomed, where he paid suicide bombers to bomb Israel, where he had used Scuds against Israel in the past.

    And so we knew what his intentions were in the region; where he had attacked his neighbors before and, in fact, tried to annex Kuwait; where we had gone to war against him twice in the past. It was the total picture, Senator, not just weapons of mass destruction, that caused us to decide that, post-September 11th, it was finally time to deal with Saddam Hussein.
    Well, you should read what we voted on when we voted to support the war, which I did not, but most of my colleagues did. It was WMD, period. That was the reason and the causation for that, you know, particular vote.
    Presumably when Boxer says "I did not," she means that she didn't vote to liberate Iraq, not that she didn't read the resolution. But the resolution itself makes clear that Rice was right:
    Whereas Iraq persists in violating resolution of the United Nations Security Council by continuing to engage in brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region, by refusing to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait; . . .

    The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--

    (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

    (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.
    Ignorance is actually the more charitable explanation for Boxer's misrepresentation of the resolution's contents. If in fact she did read it, her own integrity is a matter of question.

    And here's another apparent Boxer falsehood:

    You never even mention indirectly the 1,366 American troops that have died. . . . And 25 percent of those dead are from my home state.
    According to, the number of California servicemen who've died is 157, which is about 11.5% of the total, less than half the proportion Boxer claimed.

  6. #6
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Give me a en break, there were enough lies by Rice during her testimony to the 911 Commission to write a book. Lets look at some of her claims during her testimony versus reality...

    Claim vs. Fact: Condoleezza Rice's Opening Statement

    April 8, 2004

    CLAIM: "We decided immediately to continue pursuing the Clinton Administration's covert action authorities and other efforts to fight the network."

    FACT: Newsweek reported that "In the months before 9/11, the U.S. Justice Department curtailed a highly classified program called 'Catcher's Mitt' to monitor al-Qaida suspects in the United States." Additionally, AP reported "though Predator drones spotted Osama bin Laden as many as three times in late 2000, the Bush administration did not fly the unmanned planes over Afghanistan during its first eight months," thus terminating the reconnaissance missions started during the Clinton Administration. [Sources: Newsweek, 3/21/04; AP, 6/25/03]

    CLAIM: "The strategy set as its goal the elimination of the al-Qaida network. It ordered the leadership of relevant U.S. departments and agencies to make the elimination of al-Qaida a high priority and to use all aspects of our national power -- intelligence, financial, diplomatic, and military -- to meet this goal."

    FACT: 9/11 Comissioner Jamie Gorelick: "Is it true, as Dr. Rice said, 'Our plan called for military options to attack Al Qaida and Taliban leadership'?" Armitage: "No, I think that was amended after the horror of 9/11." [Source: 9/11 Commission testimony, 3/24/04]

    CLAIM: "We bolstered the Treasury Department's activities to track and seize terrorist assets."

    FACT: The new Bush Treasury Department "disapproved of the Clinton Administration's approach to money laundering issues, which had been an important part of the drive to cut off the money flow to bin Laden." Specifically, the Bush Administration opposed Clinton Administration-backed efforts by the G-7 and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that targeted countries with "loose banking regulations" being abused by terrorist financiers. Meanwhile, the Bush Administration provided "no funding for the new National Terrorist Asset Tracking Center." [Source: "The Age of Sacred Terror," 2003]

    CLAIM: "We moved quickly to arm Predator unmanned surveillance vehicles for action against al-Qaida."

    FACT: According to AP, "the military successfully tested an armed Predator throughout the first half of 2001" but the White House "failed to resolve a debate over whether the CIA or Pentagon should operate the armed Predators" and the armed Predator never got off the ground before 9/11. [Source: AP, 6/25/03]

    CLAIM: "We increased funding for counterterrorism activities across several agencies."

    FACT: Upon taking office, the 2002 Bush budget proposed to slash more than half a billion dollars out of funding for counterterrorism at the Justice Department. In preparing the 2003 budget, the New York Times reported that the Bush White House "did not endorse F.B.I. requests for $58 million for 149 new counterterrorism field agents, 200 intelligence analysts and 54 additional translators" and "proposed a $65 million cut for the program that gives state and local counterterrorism grants." Newsweek noted the Administration "vetoed a request to divert $800 million from missile defense into counterterrorism." [Sources: 2001 vs. 2002 Budget Analysis; NY Times, 2/28/02; Newsweek, 5/27/02]

    CLAIM: "While we were developing this new strategy to deal with al-Qaida, we also made decisions on a number of specific anti-al-Qaida initiatives that had been proposed by Clarke."

    FACT: Rice's statement finally confirms what she previously – and inaccurately – denied. She falsely claimed on 3/22/04 that "No al-Qaida plan was turned over to the new administration." [Washington Post, 3/22/04]

    CLAIM: "When threat reporting increased during the Spring and Summer of 2001, we moved the U.S. Government at all levels to a high state of alert and activity."

    FACT: Do ents indicate that before Sept. 11, 2001, the Bush Administration "did not give terrorism top billing in their strategic plans for the Justice Department, which includes the FBI." Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until Oct. 1, 2001, said during the summer, terrorism had moved "farther to the back burner" and recounted how the Bush Administration's top two Pentagon appointees, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, "shut down" a plan to weaken the Taliban. Similarly, Gen. Don Kerrick, who served in the Bush White House, sent a memo to the new Administration saying "We are going to be struck again" by al Qaeda, but he never heard back. He said terrorism was not "above the waterline. They were gambling nothing would happen." [Sources: Washington Post, 3/22/04; LA Times, 3/30/04]

    CLAIM: "The threat reporting that we received in the Spring and Summer of 2001 was not specific as to...manner of attack."

    FACT: ABC News reported, Bush Administration "officials acknowledged that U.S. intelligence officials informed President Bush weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks that bin Laden's terrorist network might try to hijack American planes." Dateline NBC reported that on August 6, 2001, the President personally "received a one-and-a-half page briefing advising him that Osama bin Laden was capable of a major strike against the US, and that the plot could include the hijacking of an American airplane." Rice herself actually admitted this herself, saying the Aug. 6 briefing the President received said "terrorists might attempt to hijack a U.S. aircraft." [Sources: ABC News, 5/16/02; NBC, 9/10/02]
    Center for American Progress

    I think the NeoCons are just chapped after Boxer had the cahones that a bunch of male Senators, both democrat and Republican, lacked to challenge the President's questionable accession into power during the Senate vote to legitimize the 04 vote. This and her stand against the Gonzales and Rice confirmations has elevated Boxer to icon status in Progressive circles.
    Last edited by Nbadan; 01-25-2005 at 01:01 AM.

  7. #7
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    "This and her stand against the Gonzales and Rice confirmations has elevated Boxer to icon status in Progressive circles." ........................Would that be the Demoncratic circles?

  8. #8
    The Great Eight Ocotillo's Avatar
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    nice post Dan.

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