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  1. #1
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1000

    <<MergeField/ #GitmoWhiner#/next record>>
    <<MergeField/ #GWaddress#>>
    <<MergeField/ #GWcitystatezip#>>

    Dear <<MergeField/ #GitmoWhiner#>>:

    Thank you for your recent letter concerning the treatment of the suspected Taliban and al Qaeda detainees currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This administration regards these matters seriously and your criticisms have been taken to heart by those of us here in Washington. After careful consideration, we believe we’ve hit on a solution satisfactory to everyone concerned.

    You'll be pleased to learn, thanks to the input of concerned citizens such as yourself, the Department of Defense has added another layer of security to the detention, care, and security of suspected terrorists. Under the au es of the already established detention program, this new endeavor is aptly named Operation Security Tangent for Un-Patrolled Indigenous Detainees, or Operation STUPID. And, pursuant to Presidential Executive Order #23347327-05 and National Security Finding #2374283-05, implementation of Operation STUPID is to begin immediately. As fortune would have it, you are to play an integral role in the roll-out of this vital program.

    Due to your concern for the well-being of the detainees in Cuba, they are all being relocated and placed under the care of similarly concerned American citizens, you included. Thankfully, there is a sufficient number of Americans, so minded, that no one family will be required to care for more than one suspected terrorist at a time.

    Your personal detainee has been selected and is scheduled for transportation, via one of your so-called "black helicopters," to your residence next Monday. We ask that you begin appropriate preparatory measures immediately upon receipt of this letter.

    His name is <<MergeField #terrorist#/next record>>, (He answers to <<MergeField #terroristnick#>>, unless you’re female and then we’d suggest you not address him at all). Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>> is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter to me. It is likely you will need to hire assistance as we found your demands to be complex, costly, and time-intensive…not to mention, damned dangerous – but, I quibble. Anyway, to insure your self-defined standard of care is being achieved, the Department of Defense will conduct weekly inspections of the manner in which you are providing said care for Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>>. To save on costs, (another of your fine suggestions), inspectors will be deployed from the military installation nearest your home, irrespective of service branch.

    Your expenses, (up to the amount currently being allocated, per detainee, minus the cost of our weekly inspections), will be reimbursed, annually, provided you properly file the appropriate reimbursement do ents in a timely manner. Unfortunately, we must inform you; this is not a benefit transferable to survivors or beneficiaries.

    Although Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>> is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope your sensitivity to what you generally described as "wrongly-imprisoned at udinal problems" will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as the result of “mere cultural differences.” However, be warned, bodily fluids and excrements (infected with Allah-only-knows what) know no cultural boundaries and he will bite you, throw fecal matter at you, spit on you, bleed on you, urinate on you, or flick nasal mucus on you, given the chance.

    We understand, from the suggestions you made, you plan to offer counseling and home schooling. Both of which are activities that tend to require human interaction. Again, I must warn you, your particular detainee is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can, as he has proven, terminate a human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. He is also quite adept at fashioning improvised explosive devices from common household products. So, you may want to avoid any interaction that involves him having access to anything that might be used as a personal weapon or a bomb – but, I digress, the manner of care really is entirely up to you. We do suggest, however, that you not ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group or “Kumbayah” sing-a-long. Unless, of course, you feel such exclusion might offend Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>>.

    Finally, in the spirit of full disclosure, I would like to add Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>> will not wish to interact with the females of the household (except sexually) since he views them as a subhuman form of property. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him, and he has been known to become extremely violent toward women who fail to comply with Shari'a law in their dress and manner. I’m comfortable, given your “progressive” ideology; any females in your household will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the bhurka - over time. Just remind them, and yourself, it is all part of "respecting his culture and his religious beliefs," – as you so eloquently stated in your letter.

    Again, thank you for your thoughtful correspondence and the manner in which you’ve brought these issues to my attention. Congratulations for being one who managed to steer the ship of state in a new direction and, for being selected to provide such a vital and necessary link in the security and defense of America. The President and I share a common sense of pride and admiration for your willingness to serve and the country is forever in your debt. Remember, we’ll be watching your progress and now, having your address, will forward any future suggestions to you for consideration.


    Donald Rumsfeld,
    Secretary of Defense

  2. #2
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    Although Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>> is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope your sensitivity to what you generally described as "wrongly-imprisoned at udinal problems" will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as the result of “mere cultural differences.” However, be warned, bodily fluids and excrements (infected with Allah-only-knows what) know no cultural boundaries and he will bite you, throw fecal matter at you, spit on you, bleed on you, urinate on you, or flick nasal mucus on you, given the chance.

    We understand, from the suggestions you made, you plan to offer counseling and home schooling. Both of which are activities that tend to require human interaction. Again, I must warn you, your particular detainee is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can, as he has proven, terminate a human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. He is also quite adept at fashioning improvised explosive devices from common household products. So, you may want to avoid any interaction that involves him having access to anything that might be used as a personal weapon or a bomb – but, I digress, the manner of care really is entirely up to you. We do suggest, however, that you not ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group or “Kumbayah” sing-a-long. Unless, of course, you feel such exclusion might offend Mr. <<MergeField #terroristsurname#>>.

    I know this may have been meant as a joke, but it is meant as a stab at the people who care even a little bit about justice in this country. None of these things have been proven, none of these guys have even been charged yet, so as of right now they are innocent people. I really dont see why even military tribunals couldnt be carried out. Its been 3 and a half years that they have been imprisoned without charge. This is a great ploy because without a charge, they prisoners cant know how to start preparing their defense... if they ever get a chance to do so. Are we really just going to hold these guys without charge for the rest of their natural lives? Why dont we get on with it?

  3. #3
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    The administration, including Rummy, helps make en monsters out of these men and then expects the people to care for them. Figures.

  4. #4
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    I know this may have been meant as a joke, but it is meant as a stab at the people who care even a little bit about justice in this country. None of these things have been proven, none of these guys have even been charged yet, so as of right now they are innocent people. I really dont see why even military tribunals couldnt be carried out. Its been 3 and a half years that they have been imprisoned without charge. This is a great ploy because without a charge, they prisoners cant know how to start preparing their defense... if they ever get a chance to do so. Are we really just going to hold these guys without charge for the rest of their natural lives? Why dont we get on with it?
    Ah, boo- ing-hoo...these people were taken into custody in a war zone, associating with the enemy. I could care less how long they sit at Gitmo.

  5. #5
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    The administration, including Rummy, helps make en monsters out of these men and then expects the people to care for them. Figures.

    Errrr-aaahhh, they are en monters. And as far as I know, no one held
    during any the other wars were given a trial, and they were held till the end
    of the war, which I may remind you hasn't happened yet. Better yet,
    Nbadan, why don't you become a keeper of one of these fine, young, brave warriors, who fight for the love of Allah. I'm sure you could convince him
    of your good, wonderful intentions to win his friendship.

  6. #6
    Lottery Pick sbsquared's Avatar
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    You know, the hollywood liberals could probably help out a lot with this. After all, they usually have at least 2 or 3 houses and you can only live in one at a time! Come to think of it - John Kerry owns 5 houses - think of all the "poor, unfortunate souls" he and Teresa could help!

  7. #7
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    Ah, boo- ing-hoo...these people were taken into custody in a war zone, associating with the enemy. I could care less how long they sit at Gitmo.
    Do we know this for sure, they havent been put on trial. Say I am in a gas station, I see a guy from high school, say whats up, a little small talk, goodbye. He robs the gas station. Is it ok for the police to lock me up indefinitely, without charge, because I knew the criminal. At least give me a trial so that all the proof that I was/wasnt a part of the robbery can be brought to light. If it is so obvious to you and other conservatives that these guys are terrorists, what can it hurt to put them on trial, since there is obviously an over-abundance of proof of their guilt?

  8. #8
    Chronic User Bandit2981's Avatar
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    Ah, boo- ing-hoo...these people were taken into custody in a war zone, associating with the enemy. I could care less how long they sit at Gitmo.
    "As we act, let us not become the evil we deplore"

  9. #9
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    "As we act, let us not become the evil we deplore"

    Great quote. Who said it, and in what context?

  10. #10
    Chronic User Bandit2981's Avatar
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    it was a Dean of some national cathedral(i cant remember the name right off hand) and i believe he said it shortly after 9-11

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    purrrrrrrrr violentkitten's Avatar
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    dear forum bull ter,

    shut the up already.


  13. #13
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    Did Rummy sign that letter himself?

  14. #14
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    "As we act, let us not become the evil we deplore"
    I'm sorry, I can't recall...exactly when was the last U.S. internet broadcast of a beheading?

  15. #15
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, I can't recall...exactly when was the last U.S. internet broadcast of a beheading?
    So you are saying you find it deplorable that someone associated with their (insurgent's) enemy (ie us soldiers) are being punished without proof that they commited any crimes, or any kind of justice whatsoever. If so, then we are on the same page, I wonder where else in the world we could look to see this exact same thing happening . . .

    If you disagree with me, you are telling me you couldnt care less about a human life, unless of course their country of citizenship is the US.

  16. #16
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    So you are saying you find it deplorable that someone associated with their (insurgent's) enemy (ie us soldiers) are being punished without proof that they commited any crimes, or any kind of justice whatsoever. If so, then we are on the same page, I wonder where else in the world we could look to see this exact same thing happening . . .

    If you disagree with me, you are telling me you couldnt care less about a human life, unless of course their country of citizenship is the US.
    They're being detained...who said anything about punishment?

  17. #17
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    Im sorry, you cant be serious, this was THE best you could come up with. Ill even make this a little easier, I'll throw out that they arent being treated very well in this analogy. Would you have absolutely no problem whatsoever with being "detained" for the rest of your life in a regular (not gitmo) american prison, with no charge, and no chance to defend yourself?

  18. #18
    Chronic User Bandit2981's Avatar
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    Drachen is learning quickly...Yoni's best defense is always feigning ignorance

  19. #19
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    I dont know, to me loss of freedom is a punishment, especially when I have experienced said freedom that was lost. Im guessing Yoni has no problem with spending the rest of his/her life in a state jail. Im sorry you have such low expectations for your life.

  20. #20
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Im sorry, you cant be serious, this was THE best you could come up with. Ill even make this a little easier, I'll throw out that they arent being treated very well in this analogy. Would you have absolutely no problem whatsoever with being "detained" for the rest of your life in a regular (not gitmo) american prison, with no charge, and no chance to defend yourself?
    They're enemy combatants and they're being treated as well as they will allow themselves to be treated.

  21. #21
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    I am argueing less about how they are being treated in detention as to the fact they are people who were picked up in a war zone, so lets try the to SEE if they are enemy combatants. Bring up all this proof that conservatives are blindly trusting that Bush has and convict the bas s, or if there is no proof, let them go.

  22. #22
    Get Refuel! FromWayDowntown's Avatar
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    They're enemy combatants and they're being treated as well as they will allow themselves to be treated.
    Only because we've unilaterally declared them to be such, and have done so without providing them with any possibility of proving our characterization to be an incorrect one. In many cases, the characterization is going to be nothing other than an assumption based on far-from-conclusive, cir stantial evidence.

    If I call you a murderer, because I think you know a murderer, and deprive you of any opportunity to prove me wrong, does that make you a murderer?

  23. #23
    Veteran scott's Avatar
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    Errrr-aaahhh, they are en monters. And as far as I know, no one held
    during any the other wars were given a trial, and they were held till the end
    of the war, which I may remind you hasn't happened yet.
    Better yet,
    Nbadan, why don't you become a keeper of one of these fine, young, brave warriors, who fight for the love of Allah. I'm sure you could convince him
    of your good, wonderful intentions to win his friendship.
    What War is that? The war on terror, which could presumably never end? That is convienent.

  24. #24
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    What War is that? The war on terror, which could presumably never end? That is convienent.

    This is what I am getting at... I mean, according to conservatives, our war on Afghanistan is over because "they held elections and their democracy is flourishing." These men were picked up in Afghanistan, soooo . . .

  25. #25
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    I am argueing less about how they are being treated in detention as to the fact they are people who were picked up in a war zone, so lets try the to SEE if they are enemy combatants. Bring up all this proof that conservatives are blindly trusting that Bush has and convict the bas s, or if there is no proof, let them go.
    You act as though the general population has a right to know the status of those being detained... My presumption is that they've released those who are no longer suspect and are detaining those who 1) are suspect or, 2) pose a significant continuing security risk.

    Prove otherwise.

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