View Full Version : Spurs Shopping Aldridge and DeRozan

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02-26-2021, 01:38 AM
According to Marc Spears while he was on the Jump, he’s hearing the Spurs are willing to trade Aldridge and a “little bit” DeRozan. I like Marc Spears and I tend to listen more when he mentions stuff like this.

02-26-2021, 01:40 AM

02-26-2021, 02:21 AM
Welp, at least they're trying.

02-26-2021, 02:23 AM
Big news on DeRozan front, thanks for posting. It's around :53 on the clip. Kinda adds up though considering San Antonio hasn't extended a player who many online think has had an all-star season. Maybe it's caponomics at play where it benefits the club to resign in July... Or maybe DeRozan wants to go home next season and has clued the team of it.

02-26-2021, 02:48 AM
IMO, they waited too long.

02-26-2021, 03:02 AM
IMO, they waited too long.
For Aldridge, definitely.

02-26-2021, 03:03 AM
I see PATFO is starting their “very active” fake leaks a little earlier than usual this year. They won’t do a damn thing at the deadline but go out to eat and drink wine. Hope folks don’t eat the same shit sandwich they always get fed :lol

Surprised they went with Marc Spears this year instead of the usual Zach Lowe 1 minute mention on his podcast.

02-26-2021, 04:07 AM
if they are both traded i will watch my first spurs game in 2 years..........

02-26-2021, 06:01 AM
if they are both traded i will watch my first spurs game in 2 years..........

02-26-2021, 06:49 AM
I didn’t appreciate there was still a MONTH till the deadline. Lots can happen in that time

02-26-2021, 07:05 AM
Shop all you want... Aldridge has no value and will only return a worse contract. Way too late. Worth gauging DDR’s value but I suspect despite solid play it’s still low. If the Spurs have no intention in bringing him back (either because they are not interested or he is looking for 30+ a year) it makes sense to accept some combo of a 1st, young player with upside and expiring contracts otherwise I think we keep our
playoff hopes alive and revisit in the summer. Unfortunately we will be unlikely to garner any value via sign and trade and pursue another free agen in the 20-30mm range with DDR’s cap hold of 40mm.

02-26-2021, 07:15 AM
Too late on Aldridge. His value is shit now. Will be pennies on the dollar, if anything, for what they could’ve gotten for him last season.

DeMar’s more realistic as he has much more value and he’s likely bolting this Summer for LA or Toronto or whatever team is willing to pay him near-Max money anyways.

baseline bum
02-26-2021, 07:33 AM
Meh they're not going to get anything for Aldridge, this is the year he finally fell off a cliff. Really should have dumped him for whatever positive they could have gotten this summer. Maybe DeRozan can get them some assets back with the season he's having though and since he's 31 so has a few years left.

02-26-2021, 07:51 AM
IMO, they waited too long.


02-26-2021, 07:54 AM
Watching that gave me the vibe that the spurs have them available for a trade for the right offer but aren't desperate. I Doubt a trade happens.

02-26-2021, 07:57 AM
Watching that gave me the vibe that the spurs have them available for a trade for the right offer but aren't desperate. I Doubt a trade happens.

Yeah. Pretty much.

02-26-2021, 08:05 AM
I would be ecstatic if they could get a late 1st and an expiring for LA but that’s asking a lot. Maybe some playoff team would be willing to take a rental on him? I’m fine keeping derozan. Hes played well this year and feeds off the youngins well. If he walks, he walks. At least we got big body and poodle outa the load management trade.

02-26-2021, 08:08 AM
This is JUST like the Thunder game. People are gonna get their hopes up, and then be disappointed by the end. :lmao :lmao

02-26-2021, 08:21 AM
Watching that gave me the vibe that the spurs have them available for a trade for the right offer but aren't desperate. I Doubt a trade happens.


Allan Rowe vs Wade
02-26-2021, 08:22 AM
ugh forgot how much i don’t like ramona

02-26-2021, 08:41 AM
LMA has no value, just his expiring contract he is better to come off the bench.

The problem is the 25M contract to get back for his contract.

Al Horford is the guy that fit that contract but his contract is too large for an old guy, not gonna happen.
They can try to trade for Plumlee but his contract is only 8M

I don't see many options in the market

02-26-2021, 09:19 AM
if they are both traded i will watch my first spurs game in 2 years..........

Why don’t you find another team?

02-26-2021, 09:52 AM
Light years behind.
:pop: https://th.bing.com/th/id/Racfc189b66e35f09774fd5c1f1822b9a?rik=WXqZXdseRvw% 2b0g&riu=http%3a%2f%2fstatic.tvtropes.org%2fpmwiki%2fpu b%2fimages%2fgrampa_sleeping.jpg&ehk=oSUdFebQ1sa3xFHGy3GSZmaIz3WDsiKV8FoarTufHZU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

02-26-2021, 09:54 AM
I've started to warm up to the idea of keeping demar. If he gets traded I hope he can contend there.

02-26-2021, 09:56 AM
If we are really shopping LMA and DDR then we've made the decision that we'd rather not chase RFA's in the offseason because there aren't real scenarios where we can trade them and not take back longer contracts to go with the assets we'd recieve. I'm ok with that myself because I'm not very high on paying John Collins max money.

02-26-2021, 09:59 AM
Interesting how the 2 vets that you would think have trade value aren't being shopped.

02-26-2021, 10:02 AM
Every time a trade rumor involving Aldridge and DeRozan comes up, SpursTalk gets excited, then nothing ever happens.

Now that another rumor is here, SpursTalk isn't buying it anymore. So naturally, one or both of them really will get traded :lol

02-26-2021, 10:08 AM
If we are taking back longer contracts it really opens up the possibility other teams we haven't mention much here could make a bid (I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment).

In regard to teams we frequently mention it does seem like Ainge is going to do something more than tinkering around the edges. I think they may move one of their main guys (Kemba is my guess).

02-26-2021, 10:14 AM
Remember the mega thread of the Spurs being “active” days before the NBA draft and nothing, like usual, never happened? Just let their contracts run out per par.

02-26-2021, 10:27 AM
The draft was the only time to move Aldridge.

02-26-2021, 10:39 AM
I expect to be underwhelmed.

02-26-2021, 10:43 AM
If we are really shopping LMA and DDR then we've made the decision that we'd rather not chase RFA's in the offseason because there aren't real scenarios where we can trade them and not take back longer contracts to go with the assets we'd recieve. I'm ok with that myself because I'm not very high on paying John Collins max money.

I don’t disagree with ant of the above but am worried what kind of crap we will get back in return.

02-26-2021, 10:43 AM
Spurs haven't made a midseason trade in forever. I highly doubt we'll see one now. Spurs are probably asking way too much for their vets anyway

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 10:51 AM
Spurs haven't made a midseason trade in forever. I highly doubt we'll see one now. Spurs are probably asking way too much for their vets anyway

Exactly. And/Or teams are afraid the Spurs will make them look bad a la the George Hill trade. Granted, the FO has made huge blunders since then (cough, Demarre Carroll) but I wonder.

02-26-2021, 10:52 AM
Remember the mega thread of the Spurs being “active” days before the NBA draft and nothing, like usual, never happened? Just let their contracts run out per par.

Steve Kerr came out in an interview and basically confirmed that if Klay doesn’t injure himself THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING DRAFT, the SA/GS trade goes down. Not a case of nothing happening.

02-26-2021, 10:54 AM
Steve Kerr came out in an interview and basically confirmed that if Klay doesn’t injure himself THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING DRAFT, the SA/GS trade goes down. Not a case of nothing happening.

We doing this again? Link your source.

02-26-2021, 10:57 AM
We doing this again? Link your source.
It was an interview before our first GS game. Believe it or not. Don’t care one way or another. If you need some sort of proof, find it yourself.

02-26-2021, 10:58 AM
This being leaked could mean that Rudy and Patty are actually on the block.

What team has a problem for which LMA is the solution? Hard to see that happening.

02-26-2021, 10:59 AM
It was an interview before our first GS game. Believe it or not. Don’t care one way or another. If you need some sort of proof, find it yourself.

I did find it. It was a RADIO interview, posted by a person on spurstalk. You never heard it with your own ears. Don't get snappy with me. You know you're full of shit when you can't admit that.

Mr. Body
02-26-2021, 10:59 AM
Steve Kerr came out in an interview and basically confirmed that if Klay doesn’t injure himself THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING DRAFT, the SA/GS trade goes down. Not a case of nothing happening.

Yeah that's not true.

02-26-2021, 11:00 AM
Steve Kerr came out in an interview and basically confirmed that if Klay doesn’t injure himself THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING DRAFT, the SA/GS trade goes down. Not a case of nothing happening.

You keep believing that then :lol

02-26-2021, 11:00 AM
This being leaked could mean that Rudy and Patty are actually on the block.

What team has a problem for which LMA is the solution? Hard to see that happening.

Boston is looking for a shooting big, something they’ve been missing since Horford, and they have a TE large enough for LMA. It would also fit Rudy, with room to spare.

02-26-2021, 11:01 AM
TBH, everyone has known for the last two years that they are available for the right price. Nothing new here. They aren’t getting traded bc Spurs have no reason to trade expiring contracts unless it’s for first rounders CC and no one that could use them has one.

02-26-2021, 11:04 AM
You keep believing that then :lol

I saw the interview when it happened I just don’t feel the need to find it for ST’s doubting Thomas, if it even got posted to the web in the first place. DGAF if you believe it or not. If you require proof, find it.

02-26-2021, 11:07 AM
Here's what exstatic calls a "credible" source.


Trying to play it off as if he heard it himself

You don't spread news like this unless you're 100% sure it's real. If you don't confirm it, you're basically spreading lies. Exstatic needs to go to journalism school 101.

02-26-2021, 11:08 AM
The mind believes what it wants it to believe. Then pride double downs on it.

It's how you end up with Trumpers.

02-26-2021, 11:10 AM
Here's what exstatic (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=20) calls a "credible" source.


Trying to play it off as if he heard it himself

You don't spread news like this unless you're 100% sure it's real. If you don't confirm it, you're basically spreading lies. Exstatic needs to go to journalism school 101.

:rollin and he keeps telling us to go look for the source even though it doesn't exist, only in his head. Burden of proof and all that.

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 11:15 AM
TBH, everyone has known for the last two years that they are available for the right price. Nothing new here. They aren’t getting traded bc Spurs have no reason to trade expiring contracts unless it’s for first rounders CC and no one that could use them has one.

Well, yeah. There’s that.

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 11:20 AM
The mind believes what it wants it to believe. Then pride double downs on it.

It's how you end up with Trumpers.

I think this a link to the interview if anyone wants to figure it out.


02-26-2021, 11:22 AM
Man let it go. Ex was citing an interview and you showed a post here about it. Kerr is a pro and not going to come out and say, "Man we dodged a bullet by sending the Wiseman pick to SA for the carcass of LMA" People read between the lines and come away with their own conclusions. It sounds like it was talked about and may have even been close to happening or it may not have ever transpired even with a healthy Klay.

Ex is a good poster and Dej, you are keeping it interesting around here.

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 11:25 AM
I think this a link to the interview if anyone wants to figure it out.


Never mind wrong date. Oops.

02-26-2021, 11:29 AM
I don’t disagree with ant of the above but am worried what kind of crap we will get back in return.

It'll probably be crap.... we can only hope there's enough picks attached to justify the crap sandwich...

02-26-2021, 11:29 AM
I understand moving Aldridge bc he’s not a fit and he looks washed up on defense but DeRozan? Why are we looking to sell when we’re in the hunt for a top 5 seed and he’s a big reason why

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 11:35 AM
I understand moving Aldridge bc he’s not a fit and he looks washed up on defense but DeRozan? Why are we looking to sell when we’re in the hunt for a top 5 seed and he’s a big reason why

It definitely makes it unlikely. But the Spurs usually are focused on the long term plan (the last few years being an odd exception), and I wonder if they know that DD either wants to go somewhere else, or they realize that DD is not in their longterm plans and they want to build the team around their young players and spend their money somewhere else?

02-26-2021, 11:43 AM
Here's what exstatic calls a "credible" source.


Trying to play it off as if he heard it himself

You don't spread news like this unless you're 100% sure it's real. If you don't confirm it, you're basically spreading lies. Exstatic needs to go to journalism school 101.

Zach Lowe had reported on it too, so it's not like the rumors weren't out there already. We'll never really know how close it was, if at all, sadly.

02-26-2021, 11:43 AM
I think this a link to the interview if anyone wants to figure it out.


I was trying to help the dude out and I even scrubbed this podcast and the one on 1/19 to see if I could find anything and nothing. Maybe someone wants to listen to the one on 1/19 which is like 30 minutes long.


02-26-2021, 11:53 AM
Man let it go. Ex was citing an interview and you showed a post here about it. Kerr is a pro and not going to come out and say, "Man we dodged a bullet by sending the Wiseman pick to SA for the carcass of LMA" People read between the lines and come away with their own conclusions. It sounds like it was talked about and may have even been close to happening or it may not have ever transpired even with a healthy Klay.

Ex is a good poster and Dej, you are keeping it interesting around here.

I don't mind exstatic as a poster and he is one of the better ones around here.

If you follow me around, I have a major distaste for misinformation.

It's tough already to digest media around politics, we don't need to do the same with sports media.

Just like with political media, you should pull direct quotes instead of paraphrasing. All media is bias, therefore, you pull your information from both sides and come up with your own thoughts.

Here's an example:

"We were high on Wiseman. We had him No. 1 on our board," Myers told reporters. "... We got the guy we wanted."

There were questions about whether the Warriors would alter their approach after shooting guard Klay Thompson suffered a right leg injury during a workout earlier Wednesday. Myers admitted it made the front office think twice before moving forward with its original plans.

"Certainly the Klay thing made you think for a second, but it was just a short amount of time and we decided we're staying the course of what we always felt, but you have to take pause and think about things for a second," he said.


Why should these quotes be invalidated? They shouldn't.

If Steve Kerr did say something along those lines as exstatic suggests, it still does not invalidate what Myers says here.

The truth is always somewhere in the middle.


I'm not denying Aldridge-to-the-Warriors could have happened. I'm merely rejecting the idea which exstatic put forth that it was for sure happening ALL because he was careless with the information he gathered. You have to jump through a couple hoops to come up with his idea. It's irresponsible, and it annoys me.

02-26-2021, 12:06 PM
Its insane that people cling to the idea that one of the smartest coaches in the league and one of the best front offices would want to trade JAMES FUCKING WISEMAN for Aldridge.

Do you guys actually watch the fucking sport?

02-26-2021, 12:19 PM
Its insane that people cling to the idea that one of the smartest coaches in the league and one of the best front offices would want to trade JAMES FUCKING WISEMAN for Aldridge.

Do you guys actually watch the fucking sport?

it's not as simple as that. obv LMA looks washed right now but last year he was still solid and was looking like a decent stretch big. before the Klay injury they were clearly in win now mode. the trade would have allowed them to shed Wiggins' massive contract and save them a lot of money as well while they still would have also gotten a lotto pick in return. so while it seems like a terrible idea NOW to trade Wiseman for LMA, a couple months back and factoring in the other pieces, it somewhat made sense for GS

02-26-2021, 12:22 PM
100% don’t expect the spurs to make a move, but they could upgrade if they wanted to imo I still feel like Orlando could be a good team to trade with

Aldridge, Lonnie, and a future 1st for Aaron Gordon, Mo Bamba, and filler or is that whoa crazy lmao

02-26-2021, 12:32 PM
expiring contracts do have value. but the bad part is that one of the parties has to take on a longer, often bad, contract. what player fits that mold that the spurs would benefit from having? if someone just wanted derozan but was willing to take aldridge because of his expiring contract, that would be a lot of salary. i just don't know what player(s) are out there that have such matching contracts and are actually on the trading block.

02-26-2021, 12:44 PM
I didn’t appreciate there was still a MONTH till the deadline. Lots can happen in that time
This is said every year and nothing happens. The Spurs have been willingly trying to trade Aldridge for years. Nobody wants him.

02-26-2021, 01:19 PM
For Aldridge, definitely.


They should have traded him the first time he asked for one, and if not then, it should have happened in the summer of 2018 when we traded Nephew.

02-26-2021, 02:11 PM
it's not as simple as that. obv LMA looks washed right now but last year he was still solid and was looking like a decent stretch big. before the Klay injury they were clearly in win now mode. the trade would have allowed them to shed Wiggins' massive contract and save them a lot of money as well while they still would have also gotten a lotto pick in return. so while it seems like a terrible idea NOW to trade Wiseman for LMA, a couple months back and factoring in the other pieces, it somewhat made sense for GS
And at the time Greek Freak had not reupped with Milwaukee.

Scammin State was all over that.

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 02:20 PM
I was trying to help the dude out and I even scrubbed this podcast and the one on 1/19 to see if I could find anything and nothing. Maybe someone wants to listen to the one on 1/19 which is like 30 minutes long.


While on the exercise bike, I scrubbed through the one on 1/19, jumping ahead 15 seconds at a time. What I found? 20 minutes of discussing white basketball players with Afros. In the very last minute they bring up Wiseman, but mentioned absolutely nothing about Lamarcus Aldridge or any trade. I learned a little about Kelly Tripuka that I wish I hadn’t. Ha.

The Truth #6
02-26-2021, 02:21 PM
They should have traded him the first time he asked for one, and if not then, it should have happened in the summer of 2018 when we traded Nephew.


02-26-2021, 02:54 PM

02-26-2021, 03:11 PM
Nice shitstorm instead of tradetalks

02-26-2021, 04:11 PM

02-26-2021, 04:16 PM
Weird timing on both. I'm totally fine with DDR sticking around. Trading LMA won't get much at all.

02-26-2021, 04:48 PM

Zach Lowe is worthless. He just throwing crap out there then says he has no info what he says is correct. Worthless.

Spurs Homer
02-26-2021, 04:59 PM
if they are both traded i will watch my first spurs game in 2 years..........

You've been waiting two years - for MORE -MEDIOCRITY?

ok thanks!

02-26-2021, 05:24 PM
According to Marc Spears while he was on the Jump, he’s hearing the Spurs are willing to trade Aldridge and a “little bit” DeRozan. I like Marc Spears and I tend to listen more when he mentions stuff like this.
Willing to trade doesn't mean actively shopping, not sure what the fuss is about.

02-26-2021, 06:23 PM
I don’t expect much. Actually Patty and Rudy are the 2 players who are the easiest to move. I also don’t see a lot of good trade targets. Collins probably costs too much, as well as Myles Turner. Other than that who’s young and would improve the team for the future?

02-26-2021, 06:37 PM
Anyone else fear we run it back with Patty, DDR and Gay all back on market value 2-3 year deals and a cheap LMA replacement? Starting to see this as a realistic outcome.

baseline bum
02-26-2021, 06:40 PM
Steve Kerr came out in an interview and basically confirmed that if Klay doesn’t injure himself THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING DRAFT, the SA/GS trade goes down. Not a case of nothing happening.


Coach X
02-26-2021, 06:43 PM
Yeah, sure they want to move Aldridge now but it's too late now. He's hardly tradeable.

I'd be surprised if Spurs were actually interested in trading DeRozan. Only in case he wants to leave San Antonio this summer, which I doubt so as well, it'd make any sense for them to trade him. Does PATFO think they can sign any free agent better than DeMar this summer? I don't think so. Why wouldn't they offer a huge contract to him? Where are they spending then? Is anybody in the league giving DDR more money? Either DeRozan signs for a contender (in L.A. or wherever but i don't see it) or he stays in San Antonio. There's no reason to go back to Toronto as Casey is gone, most of his old teammates are gone and even Lowry could be moved. I'd be shocked if this trade happens (I could be "positively" shocked :lol )

02-26-2021, 06:49 PM
Anyone else fear we run it back with Patty, DDR and Gay all back on market value 2-3 year deals and a cheap LMA replacement? Starting to see this as a realistic outcome.

anything else would be a surprise to be honest

D-Robinson 50 fan
02-26-2021, 06:55 PM
Anyone else fear we run it back with Patty, DDR and Gay all back on market value 2-3 year deals and a cheap LMA replacement? Starting to see this as a realistic outcome.

If we make the playoffs I can definitely see the same outcome. SMH

02-26-2021, 06:55 PM
I think patty is back but only on the vet minimum and with a role that will begin to shrink. I'm not so sure about Rudy and Aldridge is definitely gone. I'd say there's a better than 50/50 shot that de rozan stays as well. it's not exactly a great FA summer so I'd expect the spurs to focus on shooting or depth at the 4 or 5. of course, whether the spurs make the lottery will impact these decisions.

02-26-2021, 07:04 PM
This is how I value DDR:
- 3yr/60mm good value and would be happy to retain him at that but unrealistic. This is probably his fair value to join a contender via sign and trade although our ability to sign and trade may be hampered by his 39mm caphold (if we want to pursue someone like Collins)
- 3yr/75mm is the most I’d want to see him retained for and indifferent between paying him this and losing him
- 4yr/120mm Haywardesque from a lesser organization with cap to burn and need to over pay. Not even PATFO is this dumb

02-26-2021, 07:12 PM
I think patty is back but only on the vet minimum and with a role that will begin to shrink. I'm not so sure about Rudy and Aldridge is definitely gone. I'd say there's a better than 50/50 shot that de rozan stays as well. it's not exactly a great FA summer so I'd expect the spurs to focus on shooting or depth at the 4 or 5. of course, whether the spurs make the lottery will impact these decisions.

Patty’s market value is probably closer to 6-9mm but would love him back on a team friendly deal if we exhaust other options in free agency. We are reaching our capacity for good to slightly above average mid to late 1st rounders. Another late lottery pick would be nice but still doesn’t move the needle. Really feels like we are going to be in NBA purgatory for sometime.

R. DeMurre
02-26-2021, 07:16 PM
The George Hill-to-the-Clippers rumor is interesting, & is sure to create lots of mixed emotions for Spurs fans.

02-26-2021, 07:18 PM
I think patty is back but only on the vet minimum and with a role that will begin to shrink. I'm not so sure about Rudy and Aldridge is definitely gone. I'd say there's a better than 50/50 shot that de rozan stays as well. it's not exactly a great FA summer so I'd expect the spurs to focus on shooting or depth at the 4 or 5. of course, whether the spurs make the lottery will impact these decisions.
Mills is going to command at least $10 million pretty easily next season, whether as on the MLE or with the Spurs. I think it's 50/50 that he's gone. The Spurs have a bunch of young guards already on roster and they can easily redistribute his minutes, though his shot making will be missed.

I think Gay's gone, Aldridge too, and DeMar is almost certainly gone. He'll likely command around what he's making now, but over at least 3 years. That's a lot to commit, and could tie-up future cap, especially with future extensions to Walker and KJ. As good as he's been, DeMar's production could probably be redistributed between Murray, White, KJ, and Walker.

I think the Spurs will definitely try to get Collins or Lauri but will probably strike-out. Probably a patch-work at PF with Lyles returning for depth, Luka getting backup minutes and a big question mark for the SL unless they go small again.

02-26-2021, 07:24 PM
Mills is going to command at least $10 million pretty easily next season, whether as on the MLE or with the Spurs. I think it's 50/50 that he's gone. The Spurs have a bunch of young guards already on roster and they can easily redistribute his minutes, though his shot making will be missed.

I think Gay's gone, Aldridge too, and DeMar is almost certainly gone. He'll likely command around what he's making now, but over at least 3 years. That's a lot to commit, and could tie-up future cap, especially with future extensions to Walker and KJ. As good as he's been, DeMar's production could probably be redistributed between Murray, White, KJ, and Walker.

I think the Spurs will definitely try to get Collins or Lauri but will probably strike-out. Probably a patch-work at PF with Lyles returning for depth, Luka getting backup minutes and a big question mark for the SL unless they go small again.

Lyles will not be back at any price. I also am not certain Walker IV is extended. We really have to choose 1 of Walker IV, DDR and Patty and rebalance this roster with Keldon playing the 3 and DDR at the 2 if he is brought back. I see no reason to pay Patty MLE type money given our guard depth but agree that is probably the higher end of his market value.

02-26-2021, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I think that is going to happen which I think will feel some pain in the short term but long term will be better. The young draft picks will get much needed playing time and coaching and will probably have a top 10 pick.

02-26-2021, 07:26 PM
Can't wait for the annual "we like what we have". :pop:
As you guys already said, Patty will be back with another double digit per year contract.

02-26-2021, 07:41 PM
mills better be gone...fck that culture...

its switch blade era

02-26-2021, 07:51 PM
Lyles will not be back at any price. I also am not certain Walker IV is extended. We really have to choose 1 of Walker IV, DDR and Patty and rebalance this roster with Keldon playing the 3 and DDR at the 2 if he is brought back. I see no reason to pay Patty MLE type money given our guard depth but agree that is probably the higher end of his market value.

-I think Lyles actually has a decent chance of returning; he's cheap, and the coaching staff seemingly likes him. He also plays a position that the Spurs are motel-wall thin at. All three things help his case.

-I agree that Walker is not likely to get an extension, I meant more that he could be retained via RFA. There's still the chance that he puts it together over the remaining 40+ games and next season, when he's playing for a new contract, and draw interest in RFA.

-I still think DeMar is going to be too expensive and the Spurs are probably likely to let him walk and see if Murray, White, KJ, and Walker and help replace his production with increased usage and more minutes between them.

-If Mills returns, he's making north of $10 million per, if he leaves' he'll still make north of $10 million per. I lean towards them letting him walk or him wanting to join a real contender. The Spurs already have a bunch of young guards (Murray, White, Walker and Jones to a lesser extent), again I think they'd rely on the young guns to help replace Mills.

02-26-2021, 08:55 PM
I seriously doubt Mills wants to go anywhere. I think he wants to stay and he wants the Spurs to pay him well to stay. I hope the Spurs do not overpay him to do so.

02-26-2021, 09:07 PM
Anyone else fear we run it back with Patty, DDR and Gay all back on market value 2-3 year deals and a cheap LMA replacement? Starting to see this as a realistic outcome.

That outcome actually wouldn't shock me one bit. I don't see PATFO wanting to shake things up much.

02-26-2021, 09:26 PM
Anyone else fear we run it back with Patty, DDR and Gay all back on market value 2-3 year deals and a cheap LMA replacement? Starting to see this as a realistic outcome.

I don't think that's anything to fear, especially since Gay's market isn't a big deal, Patty's is a smaller deal than he has now, and DMDR's deal is probably right about where he is.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
02-26-2021, 10:05 PM
based on the season so far

lma - 100% gone
gay - 90% gone
DDR - 50% gone
Patty - 10% gone


02-26-2021, 11:02 PM
Derozz father passed away he will want to get closer to home or will go where his family wants him which will be either on the East Coast or West Coast.

02-27-2021, 12:21 AM
Ok, now I'm being called out for false information? First of all, the interview you cited was another SF Bay Area show. Kerr makes the rounds on all SF Bay Area radio stations. The one you brought up was from the Tom Tolbert Show on 680 KNBR. The actual interview I referenced was on the Damon, Ratto, and Kolsky Show on 95.7 The Game. I didn't listen or quote from the other show. I stand by what I posted.

I didn't bring up a show. Someone else did. And I stand by what I said: all information that has been laid out does not directly point to a Wiseman trade for the Spurs. It is still *speculation*, no matter how badly you want to believe it, and no matter how much "it makes sense". There's no evidence, there will never be evidence, and you still have to jump through hoops to come up with your conclusion. Therefore, it is dishonest to say "Wiseman was for sure going to be a Spur"!

I'd like to believe it too. But I don't need to create a fantasy where it is real to convince myself (and others) the Spurs were close.

02-27-2021, 12:32 AM
I didn't bring up a show. Someone else did. And I stand by what I said: all information that has been laid out does not directly point to a Wiseman trade for the Spurs. It is still *speculation*, no matter how badly you want to believe it, and no matter how much "it makes sense". There's no evidence, there will never be evidence, and you still have to jump through hoops to come up with your conclusion. Therefore, it is dishonest to say "Wiseman was for sure going to be a Spur"!

I'd like to believe it too. But I don't need to create a fantasy where it is real to convince myself (and others) the Spurs were close.

It is all just speculation and reading into things but it is clear PATFO did try to trade LMA in the offseason. They didn't simply use their go to "We like what we have" and focus on the upcoming season. They actually kicked the proverbial tires. Maybe something happens by the deadline but who would want LMA now? Just unlikely.

venitian navigator
02-27-2021, 01:55 AM
Till last season LMA was a more than decent player...and also this season he showed his arsenal of offensive weapons (and an improved 3 point game). For gaining back attention from teams with play off/title ambitions he only needs some good/great games showing he's still capable of rebound and playing defense if committed (the fact that he's not been that committed till now is probably related to his own uncertainity about his next future with our team). Then his market value becomes high...for any team with a not so good front court.
The only problem could be the assets we could receive in return...

I see Boston (TPE plus some picks or young names?)...but other than them not much more teams with something worth a look...

02-27-2021, 05:55 AM
What about a team looking to dump salary? Say like Detroit with Griffin? Not my first choice, but I’m spitballing here.

02-27-2021, 07:07 AM
Till last season LMA was a more than decent player...and also this season he showed his arsenal of offensive weapons (and an improved 3 point game). For gaining back attention from teams with play off/title ambitions he only needs some good/great games showing he's still capable of rebound and playing defense if committed (the fact that he's not been that committed till now is probably related to his own uncertainity about his next future with our team). Then his market value becomes high...for any team with a not so good front court.
The only problem could be the assets we could receive in return...

I see Boston (TPE plus some picks or young names?)...but other than them not much more teams with something worth a look...

He can’t even stay on the court. Even if he picked up his defense and rebounding on a consistent basis the trade deadline is less than a month away. A second rounder and expiring is all he is worth unless you are willing to take back Horford, Love, Griffin or another longer term albatross of a contract. I suspect if he requests a buyout we accommodate, otherwise to the extent we are in the playoff race come trade deadline we hold on to him for depth. There is very little left to salvage here. I think even Aldridge is coming to terms that the end is near.

02-27-2021, 07:44 AM
Does K Love even play basketball anymore? Haven’t seen him in the box score in forever

02-27-2021, 08:16 AM
What about a team looking to dump salary? Say like Detroit with Griffin? Not my first choice, but I’m spitballing here.

$40M for 12/5? Fuck no. Better to let LMA walk, and evaluate young talent or FAs. I’m sure we could find 12/5 somewhere, and a lot cheaper.

02-27-2021, 08:46 AM
It definitely makes it unlikely. But the Spurs usually are focused on the long term plan (the last few years being an odd exception), and I wonder if they know that DD either wants to go somewhere else, or they realize that DD is not in their longterm plans and they want to build the team around their young players and spend their money somewhere else?

Yeah I get it I guess I just feel like he fits so well with the young guys. I feel like they can really learn from him.

02-27-2021, 09:20 AM
$40M for 12/5? Fuck no. Better to let LMA walk, and evaluate young talent or FAs. I’m sure we could find 12/5 somewhere, and a lot cheaper.

Like I said, not my first choice. Just using Detroit/Griffin as an example.

02-27-2021, 11:13 AM
To think, had that Lemon from Golden State not fucked everything up we would have had Wisemen instead of Aldridge right now.

Like others have said the Spurs FO has waited to long nd now most teams wouldn't even trade their ball boy for LMA.

02-27-2021, 11:33 AM
To think, had that Lemon from Golden State not fucked everything up we would have had Wisemen instead of Aldridge right now.

Like others have said the Spurs FO has waited to long nd now most teams wouldn't even trade their ball boy for LMA.

Honestly Wiggins would have fit in well also. He is playing efficient basketball and his defensive effort is pretty solid these days. This is possibly a top 4 team in the West:

Wiggins/Walker IV

02-27-2021, 11:34 AM
To think, had that Lemon from Golden State not fucked everything up we would have had Wisemen instead of Aldridge right now.

Like others have said the Spurs FO has waited to long nd now most teams wouldn't even trade their ball boy for LMA.

30 mil Lonnie and Jakob is the price of that trade. Plus opportunities for 1-2 years of being players in free agency. Of course if Wiseman becomes a franchise guy or a DPOY it would be worth it.

02-27-2021, 11:37 AM
30 mil Lonnie and Jakob is the price of that trade. Plus opportunities for 1-2 years of being players in free agency. Of course if Wiseman becomes a franchise guy or a DPOY it would be worth it.

It would mean we don’t resign any of LMA, Mills or Gay. We could still pay Jak, Walker and entertain DDR at 20/yr

02-27-2021, 11:39 AM
What about a team looking to dump salary? Say like Detroit with Griffin? Not my first choice, but I’m spitballing here.

It might be worth it to us if they could attach an unprotected 1st (I'm not sure they have one but if they did we'd consider it for lma and Rudy.

02-27-2021, 12:59 PM
The buzz is K Love for LMA with some draft picks or pick included. He’s got two years left. I don’t hate the idea looking at this years FA class. I still can’t see the Spurs doing it without crazy draft compensation. Here is the last two deals. A lot more manageable than B. Griffen. He could also co-host therapy seasons with Demar...

2021 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2021/)-22

2022 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2022/)-23

02-27-2021, 01:04 PM
The buzz is K Love for LMA with some draft picks or pick included. He’s got two years left. I don’t hate the idea looking at this years FA class. I still can’t see the Spurs doing it without crazy draft compensation. Here is the last two deals. A lot more manageable than B. Griffen. He could also co-host therapy seasons with Demar...

2021 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2021/)-22

2022 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2022/)-23

Where's the buzz coming from?

02-27-2021, 01:04 PM
It would mean we don’t resign any of LMA, Mills or Gay. We could still pay Jak, Walker and entertain DDR at 20/yr

Yak maybe in CHA/NO now if Wiseman was traded here because we are just below the line if that trade went through. 30 mil Lonnie refers to a negative impact player at 30 million.

02-27-2021, 01:55 PM
Where's the buzz coming from?

Just “NBA experts” chatter. It’s all bullshit, but it makes some sense if Cleveland want to include draft picks. OKC got enough picks you would think.

02-27-2021, 02:10 PM
Just “NBA experts” chatter. It’s all bullshit, but it makes some sense if Cleveland want to include draft picks. OKC got enough picks you would think.

would make sense for the Spurs if Love can get back to his production of last year he would fix our shortage at the 4, good shooter and rebounder. It would fuck up our cap space though and I don't really see how that makes sense for the Cavs neither. I'd rather sign Collins or Holmes than to get Love

02-27-2021, 03:06 PM
Where's the buzz coming from?

There really is no difference from a BR trade suggestion, an “NBA Insider” and an amateur pod caster with no inside sources and one who has never played organized sports in their life. Any real Spurs noise is unlikely to reach the media until it’s done. For K Love’s corpse I’d want two unprotected firsts. At least that is taking some risk versus the imminent “we almost made the playoffs again, let’s run it back.”

02-27-2021, 03:11 PM
While my expectations are low for a trade, this is going to be a long fucking month.

02-27-2021, 03:28 PM
There really is no difference from a BR trade suggestion, an “NBA Insider” and an amateur pod caster with no inside sources and one who has never played organized sports in their life. Any real Spurs noise is unlikely to reach the media until it’s done. For K Love’s corpse I’d want two unprotected firsts. At least that is taking some risk versus the imminent “we almost made the playoffs again, let’s run it back.”

I dont think they would do 2 first. I think the best we could hope for would be a 1st and and pick swap but even that might be much.

02-27-2021, 04:54 PM
There really is no difference from a BR trade suggestion, an “NBA Insider” and an amateur pod caster with no inside sources and one who has never played organized sports in their life. Any real Spurs noise is unlikely to reach the media until it’s done. For K Love’s corpse I’d want two unprotected firsts. At least that is taking some risk versus the imminent “we almost made the playoffs again, let’s run it back.”

That would definitely be why this trade won’t gain traction. I don’t think we have reasonable examples of a team knowingly trading a lotto pick simply to shed a year of pay on a non max player that’s not demanding a trade on a team that has no foreseeable path to relevance.

I think they’d attach a lotto protected pick or late 1st but not two unprotected picks when they have no path out of the lottery.

Cle has no direction and are better off retaining their picks than moving what could be good potential drafts over a place holder contract.

Mr. Body
02-27-2021, 05:04 PM
I'd love to get Jarrett Allen, but no way Cleveland lets him go. Poor guy, getting stuck there.

02-27-2021, 05:20 PM
if they are both traded i will watch my first spurs game in 2 years..........

What was the last thing you did.. watch a Spurs game or eat azz?

baseline bum
02-27-2021, 05:45 PM
The buzz is K Love for LMA with some draft picks or pick included. He’s got two years left. I don’t hate the idea looking at this years FA class. I still can’t see the Spurs doing it without crazy draft compensation. Here is the last two deals. A lot more manageable than B. Griffen. He could also co-host therapy seasons with Demar...

2021 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2021/)-22

2022 (https://www.spotrac.com/redirect/team/97/cap-2022/)-23

Gross, it would absolutely have to be their 2021 pick with no protection whatsoever.

02-27-2021, 06:19 PM
If the cavs thru in a 1st rounder or some of their youngish talent with K love for LMA I’d be all for it tbh we would have the Gay/Love front court tandem lmao

02-27-2021, 06:29 PM
Yeah, but no reason for the Cavs to do so. They are rebuilding, makes no sense to throw a high draft pick away to get rid of Kevin Love‘s contract

02-27-2021, 06:33 PM
I'd love to get Jarrett Allen, but no way Cleveland lets him go. Poor guy, getting stuck there.

He could always just play out his contract until he's an unrestricted free agent. The Cavs wouldn't be able to do anything about that. Allen would be taking the risk of injury in the meantime and would be paid less for one year than if he signs an extension, but that's the price you pay for being able to choose your destination.

I don't think the Cavs will be desperate to get out from under Love's contract anyway. The only reasons to dump salary are to have a lot of money in free agency (and Cleveland without LeBron is pretty low in the free agency destination pecking order) or avoid the tax. The Cavs have $88M committed next season so the tax shouldn't be a worry.

Teams do stupid things, though. If the Cavs really want to make a splash in next year's free agency, they appear to have all of their own firsts so they can offer multiple picks and swaps in trading Love for an expiring contract. Aldridge + Gay for Love + Nance + 1st is an almost perfect salary match and gets the Cavs down to only $46M in committed salary next season. Not that the Cavs would necessarily do that, but that's a possible framework.

02-27-2021, 06:43 PM
The ppl saying it's too late to trade LMA owe me an apology... Almost all of u bashed me and said he was the only one who had any quality on the team... And I said we would regret not trading him sooner... Now look where we are... U may hate my tone, but u can't deny I have been right about everything so far, including Murray and White

02-27-2021, 07:42 PM
The ppl saying it's too late to trade LMA owe me an apology... Almost all of u bashed me and said he was the only one who had any quality on the team... And I said we would regret not trading him sooner... Now look where we are... U may hate my tone, but u can't deny I have been right about everything so far, including Murray and White

Who the fuck raised you and why do you act like a fucking man child?


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1e725ce2-9195-451c-b155-0a1a3e19ee77/d7qe8qb-997dbd9d-38aa-4a99-92aa-0d31435f2d40.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWU3MjVjZTItOT E5NS00NTFjLWIxNTUtMGExYTNlMTllZTc3XC9kN3FlOHFiLTk5 N2RiZDlkLTM4YWEtNGE5OS05MmFhLTBkMzE0MzVmMmQ0MC5naW YifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.WOlEvjCc9DgITdXgfDXnVnwrHC7lB9vydzE1ajX546s

02-27-2021, 08:20 PM
Who the fuck raised you and why do you act like a fucking man child?


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1e725ce2-9195-451c-b155-0a1a3e19ee77/d7qe8qb-997dbd9d-38aa-4a99-92aa-0d31435f2d40.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWU3MjVjZTItOT E5NS00NTFjLWIxNTUtMGExYTNlMTllZTc3XC9kN3FlOHFiLTk5 N2RiZDlkLTM4YWEtNGE5OS05MmFhLTBkMzE0MzVmMmQ0MC5naW YifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.WOlEvjCc9DgITdXgfDXnVnwrHC7lB9vydzE1ajX546s

Yes..make insults and deflect...ppl like u never accept reality and feel embarrassed when someone who has strong opinions end up proving u wrong...so when faced with the reality, all u do is throw insults instead of addressing the reality... carry on...throw more insults...hide your lack of accountability

02-27-2021, 08:22 PM
Yes..make insults and deflect...ppl like u never accept reality and feel embarrassed when someone who has strong opinions end up proving u wrong...so when faced with the reality, all u do is throw insults instead of addressing the reality... carry on...throw more insults...hide your lack of accountability

Yeah, sure lmao

When are you going to shut the fuck up? When people say sorry to your dumbass?

02-27-2021, 08:28 PM
Yeah, sure lmao

When are you going to shut the fuck up? When people say sorry to your dumbass?

When you all admit u were wrong and I was right...y'all love pointing out when u were right for other things, but hide ur wrong opinions...own it! Admit I was right with the same energy y'all had when u were clowning me for saying we should trade Aldridge years ago

02-27-2021, 08:30 PM
The ppl who were clowning me for saying White and Murray were better than Forbes shouldn't just be allowed to a t like they didn't have those shit takes

02-27-2021, 08:31 PM
When you all admit u were wrong and I was right...y'all love pointing out when u were right for other things, but hide ur wrong opinions...own it! Admit I was right with the same energy y'all had when u were clowning me for saying we should trade Aldridge years ago

Everybody apologize to this clown so his childish fucking ass shuts his damn mouth

Prime BEEF
02-27-2021, 10:37 PM
What about a team looking to dump salary? Say like Detroit with Griffin? Not my first choice, but I’m spitballing here.
Yes would totally do this if Detroit packages an unprotected 1st rd this year with Griffin. It would likely be the #1 or #2 pick. Would love to get Cunningham or Mobley.

02-27-2021, 10:37 PM
To those of you saying Demar’s value is low ... he is one of the few deadline targets that can be a top 3 guy on a title contender. For the right team, he could swing their title chances. He’d get value if the Spurs were trading him, which I doubt. They’re not taking back long-term money.

Aldridge’s value is low, but if you can make it work for other expirings you do it.

02-27-2021, 10:38 PM
The ppl who were clowning me for saying White and Murray were better than Forbes shouldn't just be allowed to a t like they didn't have those shit takes

you are mentally ill dude. Get help

Mr. Body
02-27-2021, 10:39 PM
To those of you saying Demar’s value is low ... he is one of the few deadline targets that can be a top 3 guy on a title contender. For the right team, he could swing their title chances. He’d get value if the Spurs were trading him, which I doubt. They’re not taking back long-term money.

Aldridge’s value is low, but if you can make it work for other expirings you do it.

He would be massive for the right teams. So undervalued across the board.

02-27-2021, 10:44 PM
He keeps playing like tonight they'll be able to get the exact deal they want at the deadline. Two 1sts for starters.

Prime BEEF
02-27-2021, 10:49 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

02-27-2021, 10:58 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

That would be a horrible trade for the spurs. Why would the Spurs even think about doing this. getting rid of our best young player for a hurt player and another older player. Boston would take this in a heartbeat and run away laughing.

Mr. Body
02-27-2021, 11:01 PM
Aldridge is also showing his worth.

To be honest, even at half a season, either would be worth a pickup. The league is wide open to me. The Lakers aren't a great champion, so many bad players.

But I don't like trading DeRozan. His value is beyond the court right now, if he wants to stay. Right now he's irreplaceable.

02-27-2021, 11:05 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

No.... not even with a 1st

02-27-2021, 11:07 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

only an idiot would trade Murray. Kid is a future All-Star and All-NBA defender. He's actually a better player than Kemba this season and 6 years younger

Prime BEEF
02-27-2021, 11:07 PM
That would be a horrible trade for the spurs. Why would the Spurs even think about doing this. getting rid of our best young player for a hurt player and another older player. Boston would take this in a heartbeat and run away laughing.
Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion man

02-27-2021, 11:11 PM
Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion man

and at least 2 others jugging by what they said. I know you want to get rid of Murray. You probably would trade him straight up for Forbes.

02-27-2021, 11:11 PM
Honestly , with what we're seeing out of a few of the younger guys I'm wondering if we should put together a strong offer giving up our 1st an assets for someone like Beal....

Prime BEEF
02-27-2021, 11:12 PM
only an idiot would trade Murray. Kid is a future All-Star and All-NBA defender
WTF? Murray has been playing well and I’m happy he his. He will never be an all-star though. Especially in the west. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

02-27-2021, 11:13 PM
WTF? Murray has been playing well and I’m happy he his. He will never be an all-star though. Especially in the west. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

lol aight I will remind you in 2-3 years that you said that. His stats are blowing Kemba out of the water already

02-27-2021, 11:15 PM
WTF? Murray has been playing well and I’m happy he his. He will never be an all-star though. Especially in the west. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Murray has a real shot at becoming an All-star in the west over the next couple years.

02-27-2021, 11:19 PM
If these spineless "fans" would stop helplessly praying for the Spurs to tank and instead watch the fucking games, they would be better informed about the players on the team they supposedly root for. But nah, they'll spout bullshit about trading the team's heart and soul for Kemba fucking Walker.

02-27-2021, 11:19 PM
The ppl who were clowning me for saying White and Murray were better than Forbes shouldn't just be allowed to a t like they didn't have those shit takes

I really doubt a single poster on ST ever said Forbes was better than White/Murray. If it's that old retard tholdren he doesn't count

02-27-2021, 11:21 PM
Bucks need to make a move

02-27-2021, 11:22 PM
Bucks need to make a move

But they have nothing we should want (other than the Freak and he's not going anywhere)

Mr. Body
02-27-2021, 11:23 PM
Murray has a real shot at becoming an All-star in the west over the next couple years.

It'll be hard. The coaches seem to shit all over the Spurs and the League front office would rather the team just disappear.

02-27-2021, 11:24 PM
Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion man
That would be the opinion of most sane people. That proposed trade would be absolutely fucking awful for the Spurs.

02-27-2021, 11:24 PM
With Aldridge and DeRozan likely both gone next year, our lineup is going to be very exciting.

PG - Murray
SG - White
SF - Johnson
PF - Samanic
C - Poeltl
Sixth Man: Walker

02-27-2021, 11:25 PM
It'll be hard. The coaches seem to shit all over the Spurs and the League front office would rather the team just disappear.

He really only needs two things to happen to achieve it 1) upgrading his scoring just a bit and 2) high level team success.... if those happens then he's in...

02-27-2021, 11:25 PM
I don’t see this happening at all. Besides the fact that it’s unlikely for a midterm trade anyways (as others have said) the Spurs are doing well with current situation and the young guys are playing well supported by the vets. Everyone seems to be invested in trying to win. The vets help that in their current roles. I suppose it’s prudent to see if there’s interest from a desperate win now team for any help but I don’t see the Spurs as sellers.

02-27-2021, 11:28 PM
But they have nothing we should want (other than the Freak and he's not going anywhere)
:pop: They have Brent Forbes.

02-27-2021, 11:34 PM
:pop: They have Brent Forbes.


02-27-2021, 11:49 PM
Walker was injured earlier this season. Reason to believe Ainge knew he was (and apparently still is) damaged goods and tried to scam a trade.


02-27-2021, 11:55 PM
and Vassell!!
With Aldridge and DeRozan likely both gone next year, our lineup is going to be very exciting.

PG - Murray
SG - White
SF - Johnson
PF - Samanic
C - Poeltl
Sixth Man: Walker

02-28-2021, 12:34 AM
No.... not even with a 1st

Not even with two firsts

Mr. Body
02-28-2021, 12:36 AM
This team is loaded with promising young talent. What a soft rebuild.

02-28-2021, 12:55 AM
Yes would totally do this if Detroit packages an unprotected 1st rd this year with Griffin. It would likely be the #1 or #2 pick. Would love to get Cunningham or Mobley.

Mobley is my pipedream pick for this year.

02-28-2021, 02:06 AM
Aldridge to Philly for lottery protected 1st, Danny Green & Mike Scott (Buyout both players). Their bench is pretty ass.

02-28-2021, 02:30 AM
Trade Patty to Boston for a Teague (buyout) and a lottery protected first also.


R to the P McMurphy
02-28-2021, 03:22 AM
I think all things considered - looking at next years FA pool, the likelihood of the spurs pulling anyone, where the teams at....some might not like it but re-signing Derozan to a 3 year deal is really the best option. He vibes with the young guys, he is a willing playmaker/distributor, he still has a solid few years left in him. We all know his deficits but he's legitimately the best option all things considered. You keep him, let Aldridge/gay walk, and let the young guys strive. I'd be super stoked with that and I think next years team would really blossom.

02-28-2021, 03:30 AM
I think all things considered - looking at next years FA pool, the likelihood of the spurs pulling anyone, where the teams at....some might not like it but re-signing Derozan to a 3 year deal is really the best option. He vibes with the young guys, he is a willing playmaker/distributor, he still has a solid few years left in him. We all know his deficits but he's legitimately the best option all things considered. You keep him, let Aldridge/gay walk, and let the young guys strive. I'd be super stoked with that and I think next years team would really blossom.

I agree to a certain extent. DeMarr is going to be better than anyone we'll likely sign in FA

02-28-2021, 03:47 AM
I think all things considered - looking at next years FA pool, the likelihood of the spurs pulling anyone, where the teams at....some might not like it but re-signing Derozan to a 3 year deal is really the best option. He vibes with the young guys, he is a willing playmaker/distributor, he still has a solid few years left in him. We all know his deficits but he's legitimately the best option all things considered. You keep him, let Aldridge/gay walk, and let the young guys strive. I'd be super stoked with that and I think next years team would really blossom.
I think the Spurs like DeRozan enough to want to bring him back but I don't think they'll be able to agree on terms. DeMar probably want's similar money to what he's making now, over three or four years--that's between $81 million-$110 million.

I think they'll let him walk and go all in on Murray, White, Walker, and KJ --who should be able to help replace most of DeMar's production-- with more minutes and higher usage, not to mention they're all already under contract.

02-28-2021, 03:49 AM
Trade Patty to Boston for a Teague (buyout) and a lottery protected first also.


Boston could just take Mills into their TE while the Spurs get their 2021 first. No need for Teague.

02-28-2021, 05:15 AM
IMO Spurs should keep DeMar and trade Aldridge for the best deal they can get.

02-28-2021, 07:00 AM
Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion man

Walker is done dude. You must be a Boston fan.

02-28-2021, 07:47 AM
In before Aldridge has another 20 point game and becomes untradeable or has a dud game and isn’t an asset in a trade.

02-28-2021, 08:46 AM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

Wow that is really bad.

02-28-2021, 08:47 AM
What's the range that LMA will garner on the open market for his next salary?

02-28-2021, 08:51 AM
What's the range that LMA will garner on the open market for his next salary?

Probably 2/24

02-28-2021, 08:53 AM
Probably 2/24

That's not terrible for a backup...

02-28-2021, 08:59 AM
That's not terrible for a backup...

Also solves our back-up C issue. And ugh if DeMar is kept then...

Murray/ Tre/ Q
White/ Lonnie
DeMar/ Vassell/ KBD
Keldon/ Luka/ 1st round pick
Poeltl/ Aldridge/ Eubanks

If we keep both LMA and DeMar this summer, then I don't see us keeping the Mills, Gay, Lyles trio. It's only one or the other.

02-28-2021, 09:02 AM
Also solves our back-up C issue. And ugh if DeMar is kept then...

Murray/ Tre/ Q
White/ Lonnie
DeMar/ Vassell/ KBD
Keldon/ Luka/ 1st round pick
Poeltl/ Aldridge/ Eubanks

If we keep both LMA and DeMar this summer, then I don't see us keeping the Mills, Gay, Lyles trio. It's only one or the other.

I'm thinking if we do something like that we offer White +Lonnie + our 1st for Beal. That team could compete with anybody.

02-28-2021, 09:03 AM
With Aldridge and DeRozan likely both gone next year, our lineup is going to be very exciting.

PG - Murray
SG - White
SF - Johnson
PF - Samanic
C - Poeltl
Sixth Man: Walker

What are you doing with the $50 million in cap space? That team is interesting without using any of it, and only upside from there.

Guys will be resigned, signed in FA, traded for into cap space, contracts absorbed to acquire future picks, etc. Not to mention that a Demar S&T could bring back something if he does decide to leave ... unlikely S&T needed for the other three. No idea what they’ll do, but the roster will almost certainly look better than just removing Demar/Aldridge/Gay/Mills.

Boston could just take Mills into their TE while the Spurs get their 2021 first. No need for Teague.

And Spurs get TE that’s larger than the MLE to boot (useful if planning to operate above the cap). I want nothing to do with Teague.

02-28-2021, 09:05 AM
Also solves our back-up C issue. And ugh if DeMar is kept then...

Murray/ Tre/ Q
White/ Lonnie
DeMar/ Vassell/ KBD
Keldon/ Luka/ 1st round pick
Poeltl/ Aldridge/ Eubanks

If we keep both LMA and DeMar this summer, then I don't see us keeping the Mills, Gay, Lyles trio. It's only one or the other.

This isn’t it but i’ll acknowledge could be a reality. Why is all of Spurs talk excited about running it back because we beat the Pels with LMA off the bench?

02-28-2021, 09:08 AM
This isn’t it but i’ll acknowledge could be a reality. Why is all of Spurs talk excited about running it back because we beat the Pels with LMA off the bench?

It's just the way they looked versus the win. If they lost, I would probably say the same thing: LMA in a bench role looks good, DeMar is distributing to the young guys effectively, Luka showing enough promise that a new 4 isn't needed.

And trust me, this isn't the scenario I'm hoping for. But like you said, it's a possibility.

02-28-2021, 09:09 AM
This isn’t it but i’ll acknowledge could be a reality. Why is all of Spurs talk excited about running it back because we beat the Pels with LMA off the bench?

3 reasons...1) not many people here thought LMA would embrace a bench role (he still may not quite frankly), 2) there's nothing on the free agent market worth paying for this year, and 3) most teams have enough cap space that absorbing bad contracts for assets will be hard to come by.

02-28-2021, 09:15 AM
LMA is now in that Antonio McDyess/David West role, and as long as he accepts being a backup C, I wouldn’t mind him back at 2/$24.

02-28-2021, 10:05 AM
Yes would totally do this if Detroit packages an unprotected 1st rd this year with Griffin. It would likely be the #1 or #2 pick. Would love to get Cunningham or Mobley.

They can’t trade their 1st rounder until like 2026.

02-28-2021, 10:23 AM
LMA is now in that Antonio McDyess/David West role, and as long as he accepts being a backup C, I wouldn’t mind him back at 2/$24.

Spurs could break the mold and make LMA a big sixth man off the bench. His game is basically like Lue Williams and Jamal Crawford...no defense, instant offense.

02-28-2021, 10:29 AM
Spurs could break the mold and make LMA a big sixth man off the bench. His game is basically like Lue Williams and Jamal Crawford...no defense, instant offense.

What other team would offer him a starting role? That thought alone makes me think if we don't trade him, he's not going anywhere in free agency.

02-28-2021, 11:24 AM
What other team would offer him a starting role? That thought alone makes me think if we don't trade him, he's not going anywhere in free agency.

I think he’s going back to Portland, regardless of circumstances. That may actually be more likely now, since he’s not going to be a MAX player. They won’t have to haggle a S&T with us.

02-28-2021, 11:27 AM
I think he’s going back to Portland, regardless of circumstances. That may actually be more likely now, since he’s not going to be a MAX player. They won’t have to haggle a S&T with us.

Hmm we'll see. He has two kids going to school in Texas. I think he's scared to uproot them.

02-28-2021, 11:38 AM
Hmm we'll see. He has two kids going to school in Texas. I think he's scared to uproot them.
Dad, we don’t want to move.

“i need muh touches. Pack your shit”

02-28-2021, 11:40 AM
Hmm we'll see. He has two kids going to school in Texas. I think he's scared to uproot them.

Well, if he keeps playing efficiently off the bench, someone in the EC is going to grab him for shooting, and to bang against Embiid in the playoffs. He’s fucking beasting this year.

TD 21
02-28-2021, 11:54 AM
Yeah, if Aldridge is willing to accept a bench role, his returning to the Trail Blazers is more likely.

Contingent on the Raptors not having interest in signing DeRozan, I still like the old standby: Gordon and Fournier for him and Walker IV. Then trade Gay to the Celtics for Ojeleye and maybe a 2nd to duck the tax.

Checks a lot of boxes and fits with the direction they've gone in. Going forward, a top 7 of Gordon, Johnson, Poeltl, White, Murray, Fournier, Vassell, though bereft a go-to guy, isn't bad.

Of course, they're not going to do anything inseason unless the veteran(s) request it and even then it's not guaranteed.

02-28-2021, 12:11 PM
Spurs get - Dinwiddie, Jordan, Luwawu-Cabarrot

Nets get - Aldridge, Eubanks, Jones

The Spurs would take on Jordan's bad contract, but in exchange get a solid backup point guard in Dinwiddie once healthy next season and a decent backup small forward in Luwawu-Cabarrot. This also allows the Spurs to move on from Mills in the offseason. Aldridge would be a decent rental for the Nets for the remainder of the year and strengthen this year's championship chances for them. While Jordan doesn't make a lot of sense on the Spurs, this offseason is shaping up to be relatively weak when it comes to available, non-restricted free agents.

02-28-2021, 12:24 PM
Spurs get - Dinwiddie, Jordan, Luwawu-Cabarrot

Nets get - Aldridge, Eubanks, Jones

The Spurs would take on Jordan's bad contract, but in exchange get a solid backup point guard in Dinwiddie once healthy next season and a decent backup small forward in Luwawu-Cabarrot. This also allows the Spurs to move on from Mills in the offseason. Aldridge would be a decent rental for the Nets for the remainder of the year and strengthen this year's championship chances for them. While Jordan doesn't make a lot of sense on the Spurs, this offseason is shaping up to be relatively weak when it comes to available, non-restricted free agents.

Both Dinwiddie ( player option ) and Lowawu-Cabarrot will be free agents in the summer. Zero point in taking on Jordan's contract.

02-28-2021, 12:27 PM
Both Dinwiddie ( player option ) and Lowawu-Cabarrot will be free agents in the summer. Zero point in taking on Jordan's contract.
Good point. Just noticed that.

02-28-2021, 01:08 PM
Good point. Just noticed that.

Even if that weren’t the case, we already have a quality backup, without taking on a shit contract.

02-28-2021, 01:21 PM
What other team would offer him a starting role? That thought alone makes me think if we don't trade him, he's not going anywhere in free agency.

I'm figuring LMA isn't back this summer; this is what I see as his options:

1) Ring Chase - not us
2) Money Chase - I hope not us; I don't want us to put significant money in front of him, even on a short term contract...
3) Best Personal Circumstances - That's either us or Portland (I won't pretend to know which way he'd lean)
4) Retire - Obviously not us

All told, I figure that's about 25% chance he ends up staying... I also don't see us offering him a starting role. I think Poeltl got that covered.

02-28-2021, 01:40 PM
I mean didn’t Jakob Say something like the spurs told him he would be a starter and have a bigger role whenever they resigned him? That’s gotta point to LMA being out of here imo

02-28-2021, 01:59 PM
I mean didn’t Jakob Say something like the spurs told him he would be a starter and have a bigger role whenever they resigned him? That’s gotta point to LMA being out of here imo

before the year it was "Aldridge will get more $$ than we want so Sayonara" but now it's that aldy is washed and can't play as a starter. so win win for poertle

02-28-2021, 02:03 PM
I'm figuring LMA isn't back this summer; this is what I see as his options:

1) Ring Chase - not us
2) Money Chase - I hope not us; I don't want us to put significant money in front of him, even on a short term contract...
3) Best Personal Circumstances - That's either us or Portland (I won't pretend to know which way he'd lean)
4) Retire - Obviously not us

All told, I figure that's about 25% chance he ends up staying... I also don't see us offering him a starting role. I think Poeltl got that covered.

He could also sign with the Mavericks. I believe he is from the metroplex.

Mr. Body
02-28-2021, 02:05 PM
Kudos to LaMarcus, if this game is any indicator. He may have recognized his future (and next contract) depend on him coming off the bench and being only a spot starter, wherever he winds up. He could do so for a few years. I still see him as a strong defender against post-oriented teams where he doesn't have to move around so much.

02-28-2021, 02:15 PM
Who the fuck raised you and why do you act like a fucking man child?


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1e725ce2-9195-451c-b155-0a1a3e19ee77/d7qe8qb-997dbd9d-38aa-4a99-92aa-0d31435f2d40.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWU3MjVjZTItOT E5NS00NTFjLWIxNTUtMGExYTNlMTllZTc3XC9kN3FlOHFiLTk5 N2RiZDlkLTM4YWEtNGE5OS05MmFhLTBkMzE0MzVmMmQ0MC5naW YifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.WOlEvjCc9DgITdXgfDXnVnwrHC7lB9vydzE1ajX546s


02-28-2021, 02:17 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams


The Truth #6
02-28-2021, 02:35 PM
I see all these trades and mostly see us getting worse. The next trade I see as possibly beneficial is using Walker to move up in the draft if the FO sees someone they want. (Not saying it’s likely. But if we resign DD and Mills, Walker may be the odd man out for the future. Obviously, lots of unknowns here.)

02-28-2021, 03:00 PM
The fact that LA is coming off the bench tells me that they might be close to something going down on that end.

02-28-2021, 03:02 PM
Boston really isn’t playing up to expectations right now and needs to change things up. Although brown and Tatum made the allstar team, the current roster clearly isn’t cutting it. Think they might be a little desperate.

Murray/Gay/LMA for Walker/Thompson works for both teams

Why in the actual fuck would the Spurs do that horrible ass trade? :lol

John B
02-28-2021, 03:23 PM
He could also sign with the Mavericks. I believe he is from the metroplex.
Spurs have a better chance of ringing with our squad than the Mavs with our squad. But knowing Cuban, he might just pay Aldridge to inspite us 😂

02-28-2021, 03:47 PM
aldridge playing center off the bench is the only way he adds real value to this team. id be stunned if he's happy though, as LMA for a while made a big deal about not wanting to play center, and i never saw him as the kind of guy who'd agree to play off the bench

still, i cant imagine wanting to pay him 2/24 after this season. his decline has been pretty drastic.

02-28-2021, 04:35 PM
But we all know when a player demands to be traded Spurs are going to do it

02-28-2021, 04:41 PM
But we all know when a player demands to be traded Spurs are going to do it

I know they work with players who ask, and will find them a soft landing spot, but a demand would likely land you somewhere you don’t want to be.

02-28-2021, 05:29 PM
What are you doing with the $50 million in cap space? That team is interesting without using any of it, and only upside from there.

Guys will be resigned, signed in FA, traded for into cap space, contracts absorbed to acquire future picks, etc. Not to mention that a Demar S&T could bring back something if he does decide to leave ... unlikely S&T needed for the other three. No idea what they’ll do, but the roster will almost certainly look better than just removing Demar/Aldridge/Gay/Mills.

And Spurs get TE that’s larger than the MLE to boot (useful if planning to operate above the cap). I want nothing to do with Teague.

I don't think Luka is ready to start at the 4, so I'd imagine most of their focus is finding another 4 in FA i.e. Collins or Markkanen. If they strike out then they could shift Johnson up to the four and play Vassell along with Poeltl, White, and Murray.

Technically, that lineup is about the same size as the normal SL this season but White replacing Walker and KJ replacing DDR.

They might re-sign Mills, bring back Lyles for depth, otherwise they might not use much cap unless they agree to take back bad salary in exchange for picks.

Prime BEEF
02-28-2021, 06:16 PM
Walker is done dude. You must be a Boston fan.
Nope. Spurs fan and yes I’ve watched the spurs games this season. Think Walker has a good 3 years left. He’s had a down year for him yes but he’s far from done. Bet he plays well the rest of the season. And I guess no one gets The Dude reference.

Prime BEEF
02-28-2021, 06:19 PM
They can’t trade their 1st rounder until like 2026.
Really? If true then obviously no deal

02-28-2021, 06:35 PM
I can't see the spurs even hanging on to the 12th spot if Aldridge is moved. I'm not a big fan of his but without him and his quiet 21 pts the other night we would've been crushed by the Pelicans.

02-28-2021, 07:01 PM
I really doubt a single poster on ST ever said Forbes was better than White/Murray. If it's that old retard tholdren he doesn't count

I have a good memory...when murray got stripped twice from pat Bev, ppl completely gave up on him and wanted forbes to be our starting of...saying stuff like he is similar to curry

02-28-2021, 07:59 PM
I can't see the spurs even hanging on to the 12th spot if Aldridge is moved. I'm not a big fan of his but without him and his quiet 21 pts the other night we would've been crushed by the Pelicans.
he's still useful for this year if he agrees to be the bench center, because otherwise the only guys we have who can realistically play center are jakob and eubanks... and eubanks is questionable. if jakob is having one if his foul trouble games, we're looking at having to play hyper small with Gay at center.

LMA off the bench does have value for us right now, but if we can move his expiring deal for assets that can help us down the line, i think its worth it

but when looking at the pelicans game, you also have to factor that we are still missing Derrick White and Keldon Johnson, Rudy Gay, and Vassell

02-28-2021, 08:29 PM
The fact that LA is coming off the bench tells me that they might be close to something going down on that end.
Like he should have been for the entire last 2 seasons? :lol

02-28-2021, 09:33 PM
I can't see the spurs even hanging on to the 12th spot if Aldridge is moved. I'm not a big fan of his but without him and his quiet 21 pts the other night we would've been crushed by the Pelicans.

Because we were missing White, Keldon, and Vassell. Going defense, and not trying to lean on our offense is what has us in a far better situation this year. Just when, exactly, do you think we made our move? When LMA was out injured.

02-28-2021, 10:03 PM
But we all know when a player demands to be traded Spurs are going to do it

I know they work with players who ask, and will find them a soft landing spot, but a demand would likely land you somewhere you don’t want to be.

Well, they didn't trade Aldridge the first time he asked for one.

02-28-2021, 10:12 PM
Well, they didn't trade Aldridge the first time he asked for one.

He was one year into a four year deal. Pop sat him down, and talked to him, and they gave him an extension. Everyone was content.

The Spurs have a history of accommodating players by trading them when they really want out, or withdrawing qualifying offers so they can sign a deal elsewhere, like Simmons.

02-28-2021, 10:16 PM
He was one year into a four year deal. Pop sat him down, and talked to him, and they gave him an extension. Everyone was content.

The Spurs have a history of accommodating players by trading them when they really want out, or withdrawing qualifying offers so they can sign a deal elsewhere, like Simmons.

I thought it was in 2017, after the Spurs lost in the WCF. But I can't really argue with you on the rest of what you said.

03-01-2021, 02:33 AM
Have bagged Demar since he got here. Didnt like his history with raps, nor the hero balling or 4th quarter chokes that we saw many times in his first season here.. compare him to now? He definitely has taken his game to another level and as spur has come around to spurs kind of basketball.. culture-wise ,you can tell he and the spurs get along.

Im all for extending Demar. Hopefully the spurs wil do their best to keep him. He's a true difference maker, his play making and goto offense when baskets are a hard to come by are needed to make this team truly special.

03-01-2021, 03:37 AM
According to Zach Lowe (by way of Bobby Marks from ESPN) on the BS Podcast the Heat actually can trade a future first if they change their pick protection.

Think its this one:

2023 — Owe first-rounder (lottery protected through 2025, unprotected in 2026) to the Oklahoma City Thunder

If Miami misses the playoffs in 2023 then that pick doesn't convey, and then they keep the pick. If they make the playoffs then that pick goes to OKC.

If true, then Miami can change the pick protection in a trade with the Spurs in which their 2023 1st would convey to the Spurs in a potential trade if the Heat misses the playoffs.

Maybe a package including Iggy, Olynyk, Achiuwa and a 1st* for DDR and Eubanks.

(* could be 1-5 and 16-30 protected in 2023, 2024, and 2025 otherwise it becomes 2 future seconds)

03-01-2021, 06:20 AM
According to Zach Lowe (by way of Bobby Marks from ESPN) on the BS Podcast the Heat actually can trade a future first if they change their pick protection.

Think its this one:

2023 — Owe first-rounder (lottery protected through 2025, unprotected in 2026) to the Oklahoma City Thunder

If Miami misses the playoffs in 2023 then that pick doesn't convey, and then they keep the pick. If they make the playoffs then that pick goes to OKC.

If true, then Miami can change the pick protection in a trade with the Spurs in which their 2023 1st would convey to the Spurs in a potential trade if the Heat misses the playoffs.

They could package Iggy, Leonard, and Olynyk, along with a 2023 1st* for DeRozan and Gay

(* could be 1-5 and 16-30 protected in 2023, 2024, and 2025 otherwise it becomes 2 future seconds)
Why would we do this?

03-01-2021, 06:52 AM
Why would we do this?
On second though, maybe not that trade exactly :lol Spurs would probably need another asset or two before they ship DDR out.

Maybe the framework would be like Iggy, Olynyk, Achiuwa and a 1st for DDR and Eubanks.

Getting a shot at a lottery pick might be enticing for the Spurs while Achuiwa is a promising prospect.

San Antonio Slayer
03-01-2021, 07:38 AM
IMO DDR is not traded after his father passing. LMA can be traded only to Portland because he requested it. Spurs culture style.

03-01-2021, 08:13 AM
I want DDR to stay. I love watching him play. Hopefully Spurs can hand over the torch before he leaves.

03-01-2021, 10:09 AM
I do not want DDR to stay. I hate watching his iso ball play. Hopefully Spurs can get the young ones to carry the torch after he leaves

The Truth #6
03-01-2021, 10:13 AM
The fact that LA is coming off the bench tells me that they might be close to something going down on that end.

Hard to say. It may be that they are trying to increase his production from the second unit because he is playing so poorly and his stock has plummeted, and they are trying to salvage the situation.

03-01-2021, 10:16 AM
I do not want DDR to stay. I hate watching his iso ball play. Hopefully Spurs can get the young ones to carry the torch after he leaves

The team Best passer is playing iso ball only ? Did you watch some spurs games ?

He is Not what i call ans iso ball player, he is unselfish and that's one of the reason of the spurs success.

03-01-2021, 10:26 AM
DDR is killin' it this year. Seems like a great dude, too.
Distributing, scoring, supporting the development of the young guys.
Those things would be difficult to replace. Getting dissed for the All-Star game will only fuel him.
These guys are really developing deep chemistry and its clear that there is a lot of support for each other. So much better than last year.

LMA could go either way. IF he can accept a bench role, wins will follow and we will be a very strong team. IF NOT, his trade value likely goes up. Win-win.

03-01-2021, 10:39 AM
I hate watching his iso ball play.

Does not compute.

7 APG, currently 13th in the NBA. Takes less shots a game than Murray.

Sure, he calls his own number from time to time, but he's also one of the only players on the team who can create his own shot consistently. Him being an iso player is old news.

John B
03-01-2021, 11:28 AM
I do not want DDR to stay. I hate watching his iso ball play. Hopefully Spurs can get the young ones to carry the torch after he leaves
11 assist last game. It's more like penetrate and pass or score. Either way it's no iso ball.

03-01-2021, 11:28 AM
According to Zach Lowe (by way of Bobby Marks from ESPN) on the BS Podcast the Heat actually can trade a future first if they change their pick protection.

Think its this one:

2023 — Owe first-rounder (lottery protected through 2025, unprotected in 2026) to the Oklahoma City Thunder

If Miami misses the playoffs in 2023 then that pick doesn't convey, and then they keep the pick. If they make the playoffs then that pick goes to OKC.

If true, then Miami can change the pick protection in a trade with the Spurs in which their 2023 1st would convey to the Spurs in a potential trade if the Heat misses the playoffs.

Maybe a package including Iggy, Olynyk, Achiuwa and a 1st* for DDR and Eubanks.

(* could be 1-5 and 16-30 protected in 2023, 2024, and 2025 otherwise it becomes 2 future seconds)

They’re not going to give us that lottery pick to rent DeRozan for a few months.

03-01-2021, 11:32 AM
They’re not going to give us that lottery pick to rent DeRozan for a few months.
The market for either is not there. I don't see a single contender, or team who thought they were a contender entering the season who would give up assets for a few months rental.

03-01-2021, 11:34 AM
IMO DDR is not traded after his father passing. LMA can be traded only to Portland because he requested it. Spurs culture style.

Spurs culture says they won’t trade him to a shit team, but he could easily be traded to any playoff team for a stretch run, and he is a FA, and can go to Portland this summer if he wants.

03-01-2021, 11:42 AM
The market for either is not there. I don't see a single contender, or team who thought they were a contender entering the season who would give up assets for a few months rental.

It depends on the set and player. Boston has said they’re in the market for a shooting big, and they have a TE that will expire if they don’t use it. They could turn it around,nand be a contender. LMA could fit there.

Miami? I just don’t see it. They flat suck this year, and one veteran won’t really right their ship.

BTW, is anyone else sharing my view of Jimmy Butler as a team destroyer? He fucked up the TWolves chemistry when he was there, tanked the 76ers last year, and they are SO much better this year without him, and he’s now dragged Miami from the Finals, to out of the playoff picture.

03-01-2021, 11:57 AM
It depends on the set and player. Boston has said they’re in the market for a shooting big, and they have a TE that will expire if they don’t use it. They could turn it around,nand be a contender. LMA could fit there.

Miami? I just don’t see it. They flat suck this year, and one veteran won’t really right their ship.

BTW, is anyone else sharing my view of Jimmy Butler as a team destroyer? He fucked up the TWolves chemistry when he was there, tanked the 76ers last year, and they are SO much better this year without him, and he’s now dragged Miami from the Finals, to out of the playoff picture.

Look again.

Mr. Body
03-01-2021, 12:00 PM
I do not want DDR to stay. I hate watching his iso ball play. Hopefully Spurs can get the young ones to carry the torch after he leaves

No fucking idea what you're talking about.

03-01-2021, 12:00 PM
It depends on the set and player. Boston has said they’re in the market for a shooting big, and they have a TE that will expire if they don’t use it. They could turn it around,nand be a contender. LMA could fit there.

Miami? I just don’t see it. They flat suck this year, and one veteran won’t really right their ship.

BTW, is anyone else sharing my view of Jimmy Butler as a team destroyer? He fucked up the TWolves chemistry when he was there, tanked the 76ers last year, and they are SO much better this year without him, and he’s now dragged Miami from the Finals, to out of the playoff picture.

I can't see Boston having any interest in LMA. Ainge said recently they're not currently a contender, and LMA hardly changes that. Plus why give away future assets when you have two young stars to build around. I can see them offering Walker to unload him, but wouldn't take on his contract.

Ed Helicopter Jones
03-01-2021, 12:50 PM
DeRozan has been great for the Spurs this season. He came in ready to play, and he seems to gel nicely with the younger talent. He's putting up career assist numbers as well.

The Spurs need some veteran leadership, and I have no problem with that person being DDR, even if it means resigning him to a solid deal. We won't get anyone better by letting him walk, I'm pretty convinced of that.

03-01-2021, 12:54 PM
It depends on the set and player. Boston has said they’re in the market for a shooting big, and they have a TE that will expire if they don’t use it. They could turn it around,nand be a contender. LMA could fit there.

Miami? I just don’t see it. They flat suck this year, and one veteran won’t really right their ship.

BTW, is anyone else sharing my view of Jimmy Butler as a team destroyer? He fucked up the TWolves chemistry when he was there, tanked the 76ers last year, and they are SO much better this year without him, and he’s now dragged Miami from the Finals, to out of the playoff picture.

I don't know enough about Butler to judge but your time frames seem mixed up. Timberwolves have always sucked and in 18 -19 ,two years ago he was with Philadelphia when they lost to the Raptors in game seven on Kawhi's last second shot on the way to their title. Last year he was with the Heat when they went to the finals.

03-01-2021, 01:20 PM
DeRozan has been great for the Spurs this season. He came in ready to play, and he seems to gel nicely with the younger talent. He's putting up career assist numbers as well.

The Spurs need some veteran leadership, and I have no problem with that person being DDR, even if it means resigning him to a solid deal. We won't get anyone better by letting him walk, I'm pretty convinced of that.

I'd be good with like a two-year deal. He's really earned it. Longer, not sure we should do that. He'll probably get longer and more lucrative deals elsewhere. I wonder how happy he is as a Spur? If he can lead us to the second round of the playoffs, then there's probably enouogh potential in the immediate future to wait and see if any of the young ones develop while DeMarr is still in his prime.

03-01-2021, 01:47 PM
The team Best passer is playing iso ball only ? Did you watch some spurs games ?

He is Not what i call ans iso ball player, he is unselfish and that's one of the reason of the spurs success.

yeah, i saw that take and wondered if this poster has ever even watched any spurs games.

03-01-2021, 01:53 PM
Look again.

Yeah, Miami's had bad luck with injuries with Butler, Herro, Dragic, and Bradley all missing extended periods and even still they're .500. I think they would be interested in any of the Spurs' expiring vets minus LA. Whether they'd be willing to offer enough back is a question though.

03-01-2021, 02:02 PM
DeRozan has been great for the Spurs this season. He came in ready to play, and he seems to gel nicely with the younger talent. He's putting up career assist numbers as well.

The Spurs need some veteran leadership, and I have no problem with that person being DDR, even if it means resigning him to a solid deal. We won't get anyone better by letting him walk, I'm pretty convinced of that.

in ST land. there seems to be this belief that the spurs can do so much better than DDR. not sure where the hell that is coming from.

03-01-2021, 02:08 PM
in ST land. there seems to be this belief that the spurs can do so much better than DDR. not sure where the hell that is coming from.

Same people who think there’s a Tim Duncan waiting in the draft - you only have to tank a season or two.

03-01-2021, 02:11 PM
Same people who think there’s a Tim Duncan waiting in the draft - you only have to tank a season or two.

Spineless "fans"

03-01-2021, 02:11 PM
I think Gay is our most tradeable asset. He would be a great backup for a title contender. He is valuable to our team too, but I think he has one of two more seasons left before he really declines so now is a great time to let him chase a ring and give us value in return.
LMA might become a valuable trade asset too if he continues to play well off the bench.
I doubt we'd be willing to move Patty, but he is also a very valuable piece for a contender. I doubt we move him.

Everyone else is either not a good trade piece or someone I want to keep as we build this team.
I want to keep DDR. He is the engine that makes our offense go and he has been a class guy so far.
I really like letting our starting 5 of White, DJM, DDR, KJ and Poeltl play together a couple more years to see how good they get.
By the time DDR's game declines White, DJM and KJ will be ready to carry the load.
We need to find another young talented big that can develop w these guys.

03-01-2021, 02:11 PM
I don't know enough about Butler to judge but your time frames seem mixed up. Timberwolves have always sucked and in 18 -19 ,two years ago he was with Philadelphia when they lost to the Raptors in game seven on Kawhi's last second shot on the way to their title. Last year he was with the Heat when they went to the finals.

Yeah sorry Ex that take was just wrong lol

03-01-2021, 02:27 PM
Jackie Mac on the Bill Simmons pod, hears Gay's name tied to the Heat apparently.

The Truth #6
03-01-2021, 02:56 PM
I think people are confusing things. Yes, DD is playing well for us, but he isn’t a changed player. He still the guy people wanted off the team THIS recent summer. What’s different? Dejounte has made a leap, Keldon is solid, Yak is doing great and the TEAM is doing better. DD is a part of that, obviously. And I have changed my mind about him. But I won’t panic if he leaves. He’s still a complicated and at times frustrating player.