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  1. #101
    Veteran Sugus's Avatar
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    As an aside, the 'woke' 'leftist' 'lib ' parts of the country are BY FAR more productive economically and in pretty much every other metric than the red areas. The 'woke' ass excuse is just dead-ender incel-types making excuses for their terrible-ass lives. There's no way Pop would keep somone on his staff that isn't pulling their weight.
    The Truth is right, my comment was sarcastic; but I don't think you're missing that, Mr Body. I tend to agree with this picture you're painting, but as a foreigner, I really don't know enough about specific locational/political US issues to say for sure. It sure looks like the stereotypical conservative-mindset people tend to come from the South, the Bible Belt areas, and generally rural towns, though, which makes a lot of sense and is true for a lot of developed countries too besides the US.

    And yeah, absolutely no way Pop is keeping Becky as a PC token. Matter-of-fact, the fact that we've seen Becky arguing with Pop and taking the reins on the sidelines multiple times through the seasons should speak even higher about the kind of weight she holds for Pop and the organization's minds, that they "let a woman talk to them" like that. Not every girl has that at ude and backbone to talk back to a GOAT coach.

  2. #102
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    And lastly, to fully dismantle your weak argument, tmtcsc: the Gasol chinese incident was back in 2011, whilst his open letter to female coaching praising Becky came a whopping 7 years later, in 2018. Not your brightest take.

    Here's the link to the Gasol article btw, if anyone wants to read it. It's surprisingly good, as most Players' Tribune columns tend to be: To anyone still doubting Becky's capabilities, you really ought to give it a read. Pau is a great writer and one of the more intelligent and eloquent players the league has seen over the years.

    E: man, the article could not be more spot-on and appropriate for the discussions ITT. Literally down to a T with all the anti-Becky arguments. I'll quote an excerpt just because it's so surprisingly relevant;

    What I would like to do, though, is knock down a few of the silly arguments and talking points against Coach Hammon’s candidacy — and the larger idea of a female NBA head coach — that I’ve seen floating around.

    The argument that I see most often is thankfully the one that’s easiest to disprove: It’s this idea that, at the absolute highest level of basketball, a woman isn’t capable of coaching men. “Yeah, female coaches are fine coaching women’s college basketball, or the WNBA,” the argument goes. “But the NBA? The NBA is different.”

    First, I’ve just gotta tell you: If you’re making that argument to anyone who’s actually played any high-level basketball, you’re going to seem really ignorant. But I also have a simple response to it — which is that I’ve been in the NBA for 17 years. I’ve won two championships … I’ve played with some of the best players of this generation … and I’ve played under two of the sharpest minds in the history of sports, in Phil Jackson and Gregg Popovich. And I’m telling you: Becky Hammon can coach. I’m not saying she can coach pretty well. I’m not saying she can coach enough to get by. I’m not saying she can coach almost at the level of the NBA’s male coaches. I’m saying: Becky Hammon can coach NBA basketball. Period.

  3. #103
    Veteran Dverde's Avatar
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    Now Portland’s FO is throwing SAS’ front office under the bus…saying we didn’t give them great feedback on her…I didn’t think she was ever coming back, now there’s going to be drama about it.

  4. #104
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    Now Portland’s FO is throwing SAS’ front office under the bus…saying we didn’t give them great feedback on her…I didn’t think she was ever coming back, now there’s going to be drama about it.
    They're lying and trying to save face for not hiring her. She'll be back.

  5. #105
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    If nothing else i hope this motivates pop to do a proper retirement handoff and as always the guests for being so cowardly.

  6. #106
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    definitely not the fact that she's the senior AC for a HC that's about to retire, and has been an AC for seven years already, with people like Steve Nash around getting HC opportunities without even a single year of coaching experience. Definitely. Lol. Also, it's ridiculous/hilarious that you yet again disqualify Becky in your mind, because she must be lacking something, even though you have no idea nor proof of what that might be.
    She wasn't the senior AC on the staff, it was Will Hardy. And when Tim was here, Tim was the go-to HC when needed, not Becky. Why was that? All he had was 5 les, 2 MVPs, a bunch of Finals MVP's. Justify that move when arguing she was the most senior AC on the bench and DESERVED to step in as HC. Maybe the players respected him more than her in the locker room. Hey wait, couldn't that be why Nash, Kidd, Kerr and Billups were hired with little to no previous coaching experience? Nah, that can't be it.

    What a stupid way to view the discussion at hand. You can absolutely categorize ways of thinking in "boxes". I never said everything has to fit in one, but you can certainly define your stances as conservative or progressive, or whatever you think is in between (the lack of answer here is enough answer on its own). Do tell me about other things that I'll figure out in 20 years... I hope they aren't as useless as belittling women over preconceptions, though.
    Oh, so now I'm belittling her because I'm not caught up in the wave of excitement that she has a vagina and 7 years of NBA assistant coaching experience. You clearly associated me with Trumpers and narrow-minded people because I've stated the obvious about Becky and any other woman trying to be a head coach in the NBA. Despite the endorsements given by players and coaches in public, there are other dynamics that will keep them from being hired. There's also a tight coaching fraternity and no one will say a bad or negative word about another coach with their name attached to it. That' why reference checks are done. That's why its paramount that getting another coach's honest feedback on a candidate needs to be done in strict confidence. Did you see what Lillard said about female coaches and Becky? You'd have thought he was a 7 foot tall Spaniard.

    How on Earth was she not hired?!? He's their franchise player. He is threatening to leave and they didn't hire the coach he had such high praise for? Could he have all those positive things to say but not want her as HIS head coach? Of course he could. Both things could be true. The owner of the team is a woman. How could she not step in make it happen? You think the owner believed she was the best candidate or did she want the team to hire a woman for her own legacy?

    continuing to try to make up narratives because the idea that Gasol might've been impressed enough with Becky's coaching to write a letter about her is insane to you. Have you, in all your old fart wisdom, never heard of Occam's Razor? My God, are you failing there. Lmfao at thinking giving women spaces like head coaching is trying to be a hero or some . For someone of such supposed seniority, you sure think like an adolescent. Again, if you personally think she's not qualified, that's fine, I don't seek your approval nor need it. But your going out of your way on these ridiculous tangents (sure, Pau has no better reparation method to the Chinese culture than address[/I][/I]ing a literally entirely different topic about an entirely different demographic!) tells a different story.
    You're looking more and more foolish and naive for your simple-minded opinions and every day that passes without her landing at least 1 of 7 coaching vacancies proves my point. It proves you see what you want to see, believe what you want to believe without taking a moment to realize she may not be ready & the league may not be ready. You think my acknowledging she may be benefiting from the wave of momentum from the Me Too movement is insulting. Here's another teaching moment - If you're going to mirror your own opinions and views on what you're eating from national media sources, you're in for a rude awakening when you grow up. You're a follower. You don't have your own thoughts and opinions yet. It's laughable.

    In any case, I hope Becky can become HC one day - not because I feel like she has to or is en led to it, but so she can pave the way for further women getting into these positions, and also to show oldheads like you that there isn't an inherent biological barrier that prevents them from coaching. It's clear at this point that nothing short of visual proof of success will dissuade you (and even then, would you jump on the "X player made his coach good" bandwagon like some posters do with Timmy & Pop, rather than admit you were wrong? I wonder...).
    I hope women can get paid on par with men for doing the same job. I hope we see a female GM get an opportunity to build a team. Why aren't there any of those yet? And yes, Tim gave Gregg the opportunity to be known as one of the best head coaches in NBA history. Otherwise, he would have been fired. Same with Jordan, Kobe & Shaq elevating Phil Jackson to HOF status.

    Where was your outrage and tantrums when Messina was passed over for head coaching gigs? How about when Will Hardy wasn't hired by the Knicks? When Borrego was turned down by Phoenix for Monty Williams?
    Last edited by tmtcsc; 06-30-2021 at 10:47 AM.

  7. #107
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    Now Portland’s FO is throwing SAS’ front office under the bus…saying we didn’t give them great feedback on her…I didn’t think she was ever coming back, now there’s going to be drama about it.
    Who said it was someone in the Spurs' FO? Even if it was, they wouldn't say it was from the Spurs' FO. It could have been someone who worked with her but is no longer in San Antonio. Players, coaches, trainers, staff, etc..

  8. #108
    Veteran K...'s Avatar
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    She wasn't the senior AC on the staff, it was Will Hardy. And when Tim was here, Tim was the go-to HC when needed, not Becky. Why was that? All he had was 5 les, 2 MVPs, a bunch of Finals MVP's. Justify that move when arguing she was the most senior AC on the bench and DESERVED to step in as HC. Maybe the players respected him more than her in the locker room. Hey wait, couldn't that be why Nash, Kidd, Kerr and Billups were hired with little to no previous coaching experience? Nah, that can't be it.

    Oh, so now I'm belittling her because I'm not caught up in the wave of excitement that she has a vagina and 7 years of NBA assistant coaching experience. You clearly associated me with Trumpers and narrow-minded people because I've stated the obvious about Becky and any other woman trying to be a head coach in the NBA. Despite the endorsements given by players and coaches in public, there are other dynamics that will keep them from being hired. There's also a tight coaching fraternity and no one will say a bad or negative word about another coach with their name attached to it. That' why reference checks are done. That's why its paramount that getting another coach's honest feedback on a candidate needs to be done in strict confidence. Did you see what Lillard said about female coaches and Becky? You'd have thought he was a 7 foot tall Spaniard.

    How on Earth was she not hired?!? He's their franchise player. He is threatening to leave and they didn't hire the coach he had such high praise for? Could he have all those positive things to say but not want her as HIS head coach? Of course he could. Both things could be true. The owner of the team is a woman. How could she not step in make it happen? You think the owner believed she was the best candidate or did she want the team to hire a woman for her own legacy?

    You're looking more and more foolish and naive for your simple-minded opinions and every day that passes without her landing at least 1 of 7 coaching vacancies proves my point. It proves you see what you want to see, believe what you want to believe without taking a moment to realize she may not be ready & the league may not be ready. You think my acknowledging she may be benefiting from the wave of momentum from the Me Too movement is insulting. Here's another teaching moment - If you're going to mirror your own opinions and views on what you're eating from national media sources, you're in for a rude awakening when you grow up. You're a follower. You don't have your own thoughts and opinions yet. It's laughable.

    I hope women can get paid on par with men for doing the same job. I hope we see a female GM get an opportunity to build a team. Why aren't there any of those yet? And yes, Tim gave Gregg the opportunity to be known as one of the best head coaches in NBA history. Otherwise, he would have been fired. Same with Jordan, Kobe & Shaq elevating Phil Jackson to HOF status.

    Where was your outrage and tantrums when Messina was passed over for head coaching gigs? How about when Will Hardy wasn't hired by the Knicks? When Borrego was turned down by Phoenix for Monty Williams?
    Glorious meltdown sir

  9. #109
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    For the record, I have no issue with teams passing on Hammond, nor do I think it's impossible for her to be lacking as a candidate. I also acknowledge the concern that Hammond's candidacy might eventually turn toxic like Hillary's presidential bid did. It's hard to parse through the misogyny and legit criticism, and it often becomes a slurry that progressives beat at with a club and somehow get way too invested in that particular person has to be the one to break the barrier. We shouldn't get trapped in a mode where we're pretending that Hammond is a great coach that "deserves" every job that comes up. It doesn't help her candidacy that every interview she takes will be a political battlefield. For her and for the cause in general, the first female NBA coach should be in a position where she can get a fair shake and be a candidate who can take advantage of that. Hammond may not be that person (and may not be such even after more seasoning), and if she's not, it's a good thing that she hasn't been put in a position to fail.

    That said, what is not okay is for folks to use those concerns to push regressive, bull views. "NBA players won't respect a female coach" -- whether true or not -- is no more a justification to not hire a woman than "Rich white families will move away" was a justification for red-lining. You're not going to have a smooth transition. There are going to be bigoted or unprofessional people who aren't willing to accept what's right. That's why the army had to secure Little Rock. When someone's wrong, you don't actually have to bend over backwards to accommodate them. First, any star (meaning any player who actually has the power to determine team policy) isn't going to outwardly come out against a female coach. They have too much riding on their image to do that. So if the coach is good, then there's a massive incentive for them to get passed their differences. If a lesser player comes out against it, we'll see how long they last in the league. You're not going to see some underground incel NBA community. Players are going to fall in line or get out, and soon it will become normalized for coaches to not have been dominant NBA players to get respect.

    If folks really want to grow as people, they need to consider if the views they hold are rational and not just artifacts of the past. It's okay to have some caution about the moment we're facing or to be willing to scrutinize a candidate, no matter who they are. But know where that ends and bigotry begins.

  10. #110
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    And lastly, to fully dismantle your weak argument, tmtcsc: the Gasol chinese incident was back in 2011, whilst his open letter to female coaching praising Becky came a whopping 7 years later, in 2018. Not your brightest take.
    Damn, you are clueless & not very bright. Dude was at the tail end of his Spurs contract, if not in the last year of it and hoping for another gig. He was getting limited minutes, dealing with injuries but wanting his career to keep going. How does he get attention? He writes a positive piece about Becky smack dab in the middle of the Me Too movement and the Weinstein fallout. I can hear Pau's agent and/or publicist now: "Pau, lets get your name out there. How about writing an article that resonates with the times? Huh? Write about Kobe and the opportunity to have played and won a Championship with him? Nah, that's boring. It's not like anyone is talking him up yet. If he had tragically died in an accident or something, maybe. No, lets write about a woman and the power of women. Yes!! <Snaps fingers>. Becky wants to be a head coach, right? Hasn't she gotten some interviews? How about an article fully endorsing her and letting the world know that a woman has a brain and can learn basketball good. Yeah, and that might be a nice way to clean up that 2011 business regarding the Chinese eyes business." Pau: "I love it".

    Nah, you're probably right. He felt the need to write about Becky because he's just an articulate, good dude. No other alternative motive and if he said it, it must be gospel.

    Here's the link to the Gasol article btw, if anyone wants to read it. It's surprisingly good, as most Players' Tribune columns tend to be: To anyone still doubting Becky's capabilities, you really ought to give it a read. Pau is a great writer and one of the more intelligent and eloquent players the league has seen over the years.
    Give me a break. I especially appreciated Kevin Durant's thoughtful introspective - "My Next Chapter."

  11. #111
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    Glorious meltdown sir
    You're not paying attention to the nonsense being thrown around. Glad you think it was a meltdown. No charge.

  12. #112
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    For the record, I have no issue with teams passing on Hammond, nor do I think it's impossible for her to be lacking as a candidate. I also acknowledge the concern that Hammond's candidacy might eventually turn toxic like Hillary's presidential bid did. It's hard to parse through the misogyny and legit criticism, and it often becomes a slurry that progressives beat at with a club and somehow get way too invested in that particular person has to be the one to break the barrier. We shouldn't get trapped in a mode where we're pretending that Hammond is a great coach that "deserves" every job that comes up. It doesn't help her candidacy that every interview she takes will be a political battlefield. For her and for the cause in general, the first female NBA coach should be in a position where she can get a fair shake and be a candidate who can take advantage of that. Hammond may not be that person (and may not be such even after more seasoning), and if she's not, it's a good thing that she hasn't been put in a position to fail.

    That said, what is not okay is for folks to use those concerns to push regressive, bull views. "NBA players won't respect a female coach" -- whether true or not -- is no more a justification to not hire a woman than "Rich white families will move away" was a justification for red-lining. You're not going to have a smooth transition. There are going to be bigoted or unprofessional people who aren't willing to accept what's right. That's why the army had to secure Little Rock. When someone's wrong, you don't actually have to bend over backwards to accommodate them. First, any star (meaning any player who actually has the power to determine team policy) isn't going to outwardly come out against a female coach. They have too much riding on their image to do that. So if the coach is good, then there's a massive incentive for them to get passed their differences. If a lesser player comes out against it, we'll see how long they last in the league. You're not going to see some underground incel NBA community. Players are going to fall in line or get out, and soon it will become normalized for coaches to not have been dominant NBA players to get respect.

    If folks really want to grow as people, they need to consider if the views they hold are rational and not just artifacts of the past. It's okay to have some caution about the moment we're facing or to be willing to scrutinize a candidate, no matter who they are. But know where that ends and bigotry begins.
    I actually agree with you. My views about Becky are realistic about the challenges (right or wrong) women face trying to become a head coach in the NBA. At this point, a female candidate will have to (A.) Be a better candidate and fit than other coaches available (B.) Have the endorsement of a franchise player, GM or owner. I'm not saying its right, I'm saying that's the way its likely to happen. If she met the criteria for (A.) & (B.) and Dame really wanted her, she would have been hired. No doubt. Perfect scenario was in place to hire her in Portland if she met all the qualifications. In my opinion, to get over the resistance to change or stereotypes, the league needs to have more female assistant coaches. Of course a woman can coach at the NBA level. Of course they can understand X's & O's & inspire & lead. It doesn't mean they won't get hired and doesn't mean the young men in the league are truly ready for it and will respond.

  13. #113
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    She wasn't the senior AC on the staff, it was Will Hardy. And when Tim was here, Tim was the go-to HC when needed, not Becky.
    Did you forget the Laker game where she was HC when Pop got ejected???? The Spurs Assistant Coaches have the responsibility of scouting and coming up with the game plan for certain teams. Tim had the responsibility of HC because he game planned for that team that night. Same for Becky since she game planned for the Lakers.

  14. #114
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    I think the biggest challenge to the first female being hired as a head coach in the NBA is that once the hired, they essentially can't be fired for at least 4-5 years. So if the female does a poor job of coaching or loses the players, she won't be the one to go, it will be the GM. So any GM is taking a big risk and I think none so far are willing to take that chance. I think SA is in a unique position to hire Becky since they know her and she has a relationship with the players, but whether that translates to her being a head coach in the NBA is anyone's guess. That said, I can't think of a more likely place for her to get her shot than San Antonio. Is she the lead assistant now that Hardy is gone? She has the most time on the bench of what is left, correct?

  15. #115
    Hope springs eternal. SAGirl's Avatar
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    Portland’s press conference has gotten a lot of criticism for how they handled questions about Billups past (not deal with it, evade it). I think it wouldn’t have been a good situation for Becky.

  16. #116
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    Mother ers are acting like if she some kind of coaching prodigy lmao. Portland hired who they think is the best fit for the team. Get over it.

  17. #117
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    Mother ers are acting like if she some kind of coaching prodigy lmao. Portland hired who they think is the best fit for the team. Get over it.
    They made a big deal about considering her, said it was the owners choice, then picked billups.

    Its not that they picked billups over becky, its that they tried to play both sides, and got caught.

    In doing so they slandered the spurs organization. I dont think anyoneargues it was wrong to pass over becky, its about the guests absolute. Cowardly spin attempts

  18. #118
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    Mother ers are acting like if she some kind of coaching prodigy lmao. Portland hired who they think is the best fit for the team. Get over it.
    No, it's one thing to not get the job, it happens all the time. Typically, the hiring en y doesn't go on and throw out statements that reflect poorly on the candidate they did not hire.

    Bad move by Portland.

    They are fully within their right to hire whoever they want but they crossed a line that is not typically crossed. If they had kept their mouth shut about her and spoke to why they wanted Billups, no biggie, better luck next time. Even if they did hear unflattering information about Hammond, you don't throw it out for public consumption.

    It is also a slap in the face to Billups because they appear to be making excuses as to why they did not hire her instead of why they hired him. , Dame said he wanted Billups, that is what everyone would have assumed if they had not said anything.

  19. #119
    OH YOU LIKE IT!!! slick'81's Avatar
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    Its pretty ed up becky is getting thrown under the bus like this

  20. #120
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    Its pretty ed up becky is getting thrown under the bus like this
    I agree. I can’t believe the Spurs’ front office has just been silent on this.

  21. #121
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    I think the biggest challenge to the first female being hired as a head coach in the NBA is that once the hired, they essentially can't be fired for at least 4-5 years. So if the female does a poor job of coaching or loses the players, she won't be the one to go, it will be the GM. So any GM is taking a big risk and I think none so far are willing to take that chance. I think SA is in a unique position to hire Becky since they know her and she has a relationship with the players, but whether that translates to her being a head coach in the NBA is anyone's guess. That said, I can't think of a more likely place for her to get her shot than San Antonio. Is she the lead assistant now that Hardy is gone? She has the most time on the bench of what is left, correct?
    BINGO... You are 100% correct

  22. #122
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    I agree. I can’t believe the Spurs’ front office has just been silent on this.
    It would be odd to rebut an anonymous source , and the statement is very vague. And the spurs are not really ready, its off season. But i bet we see a testament of her skill : before the season is about to start or whenever the coaching staff is finalized

  23. #123
    Like I said... tmtcsc's Avatar
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    Mother ers are acting like if she some kind of coaching prodigy lmao. Portland hired who they think is the best fit for the team. Get over it.
    Exactly! What the FO didn't expect & perhaps should have anticipated is that the city of Portland is essentially liberal, progressive Austin on steroids. Defund the Police, neighborhoods shut down by protesters, etc. That city is a ing mess and because Becky wasn't hired they faced a huge backlash. To make matters worse, they ended up hiring a person that was caught up in a sexual assault claim. No matter he was found innocent and fully investigated years ago. All people want to do is cancel everyone else.

    Maybe, just maybe, she didn't get hired because they didn't feel she was the right person for the position.

  24. #124
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    They made a big deal about considering her, said it was the owners choice, then picked billups.

    Its not that they picked billups over becky, its that they tried to play both sides, and got caught.

    In doing so they slandered the spurs organization. I dont think anyoneargues it was wrong to pass over becky, its about the guests absolute. Cowardly spin attempts

    Ok so they aren’t professionals it happens the NBA is a joke nowadays anyway.

  25. #125
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    Exactly! What the FO didn't expect & perhaps should have anticipated is that the city of Portland is essentially liberal, progressive Austin on steroids. Defund the Police, neighborhoods shut down by protesters, etc. That city is a ing mess and because Becky wasn't hired they faced a huge backlash. To make matters worse, they ended up hiring a person that was caught up in a sexual assault claim. No matter he was found innocent and fully investigated years ago. All people want to do is cancel everyone else.

    Maybe, just maybe, she didn't get hired because they didn't feel she was the right person for the position.

    I don’t remember that happening to billups but im glad he was found innocent sounds like a gold digger situation anyway. Remember what im getting ready to tell you right now. If Matthew mcconaughey runs for governor hes gonna have so many me toos come out people are gonna be digging up bones as they usually do when things don’t go their way.

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