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  1. #201
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    BigAvocado is ruining this country

  2. #202
    Veteran Th'Pusher's Avatar
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    Any experience with Costco's retail link program?
    No. What's it about?

  3. #203
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TheSanityAnnex's Avatar
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    No. What's it about?
    Some ultra complex inventory management program they use, similar to an iTrade or sps. Heard it takes one employee strictly to manage it.

  4. #204
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TheSanityAnnex's Avatar
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    BigAvocado is ruining this country
    The amount of violence, extortion, and corruption it takes to get an avocado from Mexico to the US would shock you.

  5. #205
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    What would be in her emails besides maybe event alerts from the society of women with butch haircuts?

  6. #206
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Boo is gonna be guacamole green with envy. Damn capitalists.

  7. #207
    Veteran Th'Pusher's Avatar
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    Some ultra complex inventory management program they use, similar to an iTrade or sps. Heard it takes one employee strictly to manage it.
    will investigate

  8. #208
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    George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten

    Even for a Republican White House that was badly stumbling through George W. Bush’s sixth year in office, the revelation on April 12, 2007 was shocking. Responding to congressional demands for emails in connection with its investigation into the partisan firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the White House announced that as many as five million emails, covering a two-year span, had been lost.

    The emails had been run through private accounts controlled by the Republican National Committee and were only supposed to be used for dealing with non-administration political campaign work to avoid violating ethics laws.

    Yet congressional investigators already had evidence private emails had been used for government business, including to discuss the firing of one of the U.S. attorneys. The RNC accounts were used by 22 White House staffers, including then-Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, who reportedly used his RNC email for 95 percent of his communications.

    As the Washington Post reported, “Under federal law, the White House is required to maintain records, including e-mails, involving presidential decision- making and deliberations.” But suddenly millions of the private RNC emails had gone missing; emails that were seen as potentially crucial evidence by Congressional investigators.

  9. #209
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    Former Gov. Jeb Bush used private email to discuss national security issues while in office

    the Washington Post found Bush used his private email account during his gubernatorial term to discuss some national security issues, including National Guard troop deployments.

    A Washington Post review of about 280,000 emails Bush released from his private email account, [email protected], found the former governor used that account in two exchanges to stay briefed on Florida National Guard troop plans after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Later that year, he also used the account to discuss National Guard security plans for a nuclear power plant in Crystal River, Florida.

    When the Repugs screw up, Fox yawns, Repugs ignore, the "liberal" MSM silence.

    When the Dems screw up THE SAME WAY, Fox, Repugs FABRICATE OUTRAGE, and "liberal" MSM chimes in.

  10. #210
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    from the fire-breathing teabaggers at the Atlantic:

    To review, she asserted 1) a thorough investigation that included "going through" roughly 60,000 emails; 2) a standard of erring on the side of disclosing "anything" that could "possibly" be viewed as work related; 3) a "thorough" process robust enough to warrant "absolute confidence" in its results; 4) a process to turn over emails that could plausibly be characterized as "unprecedented."

    Nearly everyone listening to these assurances came away with the impression that a person or team of people went through those 60,000+ emails and sorted them into two categories: work or personal. On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart mocked the notion that sorting through tens of thousands of emails was more "convenient" than maintaining both work and personal email accounts. Most criticism of the approach focused on the fact that Hillary Clinton confidantes, rather than neutral arbiters, were making the judgment calls about these 60,000+ emails.

    But it turns out that no one was "going through" each email to sort work from personal correspondence or to error on the side of disclosure when the line was blurry.
    According to David Von Drehle of Time, the process used was actually as follows:

    She commissioned a review of the 62,320 messages in her account only after the department—spurred by the congressional investigation—asked her to do so.
    And this review did not involve opening and reading each email; instead, Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those. Slightly more than half the total cache—31,830 emails—did not contain any of the search terms, according to Clinton’s staff, so they were deemed to be “private, personal records.”

  11. #211
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    CA avocados. And then import from Mexico, Peru, and Chile when CA isn't in season.
    Boo Chilean avocados. Everything else though, damn, love that .

  12. #212
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    The New York Times Reverses Course On Clinton's Emails After Public Editor Admits Fault In Reporting

    The New York Times' Public Editor Admits Fault In Publication's Initial Reporting On Emails

    NYT Public Editor Admits Original Story "Was Not Without Fault."

    On March 8, the Times' public editor Margaret Sullivan responded to criticism of the paper's initial reporting on Clinton's use of private email while secretary of state, stating that the story "was not without fault" and "should have been clearer about precisely what regulations might have been violated." [The New York Times, 3/8/15]

    The New York Times
    Quietly Shifts Positions In New Report On Clinton's Emails

    NYT Then: Clinton "May Have Violated" Federal Law With Email Use.

    In its initial report, the Times accused Clinton of possibly having "violated federal requirements that officials' correspondence be retained as part of the agency's record" with her use of personal email for official government business during her time at the department, specifically citing the Federal Records Act. [The New York Times, 3/2/15]

    NYT Now: Guidelines On Email Use Were Vague, "Until Three Months Ago There Was No Law." The Times' earlier allegation that Clinton may have violated federal law was undercut by a subsequent report published over a week later explaining that oversight of email guidelines have been "vague" at the time Clinton worked at the State Department:

    Members of President Obama's cabinet have a wide variety of strategies, shortcuts and tricks for handling their email, and until three months ago there was no law setting out precisely what they had to do with it, and when. And while the majority of Obama administration officials use government email to conduct their business, there has never been any legal prohibition against using a personal account.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton's disclosure that she exclusively used a private email address while she was secretary of state and later deleted thousands of messages she deemed "personal" opens a big picture window into how vague federal email guidelines have been for the most senior government leaders. [The New York Times, 3/13/15]

    iow, Nothing To See, other than Repugs' fabricated outrage and BENGHAZI!

  13. #213
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    lol boutons spinning for HRC nonstop

  14. #214
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    lol boutons spinning for HRC nonstop
    bull . I don't like her positions at all

    I'm pointing how the Repugs/Fox had fabricated another outrage, and MSM falls right into. NYT broke the story, but now has to swallow the main thrust of illegality, whatever.

  15. #215
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    don't really know much about this story, never peaked my interest enough to get me to go read about it much, but just came across some article saying she deleted everything on her server.... that's gotta be relevant, right?

  16. #216
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    don't really know much about this story, never peaked my interest enough to get me to go read about it much, but just came across some article saying she deleted everything on her server.... that's gotta be relevant, right?
    she said she gave 10Ks of "govt' emails to Congress or somebody official.

    She kept her personal emails, that's legal. No doubt the NSA/CIA sniffed them, has them all.

    If she wiped the mail server, only Trey Gowdy and Fox GAF.

    There will be FABRICATED OUTRAGE of the wiped mail server, although Gowdy knew about this server last summer and didn't run with it, which really pisses of Repugs/Fox.

  17. #217
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    don't really know much about this story, never peaked my interest enough to get me to go read about it much, but just came across some article saying she deleted everything on her server.... that's gotta be relevant, right?
    Maybe, but the thing is there is nothing that ever stopped her from doing whatever she wanted with her own private server. That's why its fun for both sides of the argument.

  18. #218
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    Maybe, but the thing is there is nothing that ever stopped her from doing whatever she wanted with her own private server. That's why its fun for both sides of the argument.
    when this story broke, there were plenty of articles showing other high govt officials, including Repugs, used non-govt email for official business.

    so the entire HRC-mailserver-gate is nothing but Repug/Fox fabricated outrage, which they prefer to actually governing, which they hate.

  19. #219
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    Psst. The Benghazi committee's only interested in taking down Hillary Clinton.

    Republicans finally stripped away any pretense that they are more interested in the Benghazi attack than in attacking Hillary Clinton.

    With the nine-hour interrogation of bit player Sid Blumenthal Tuesday, they jumped the shark.

    The House Select Committee on Benghazi deposed the Clinton confidant in a closed hearing room in a sub-basement of the Capitol. Blumenthal’s never been to Libya. He doesn’t know anything special about the Benghazi attack. He did sometimes forward "intelligence" memos from an ex-CIA officer to his longtime friend Hillary Clinton.

    Not surprisingly, the committee — tasked with investigating the Benghazi assault — learned absolutely nothing from Blumenthal about the terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in September 2012.

    However, by spending all that time on Blumenthal, they met someone who does know something about Hillary Clinton. Indeed, Blumenthal’s appearance on Capitol Hill — where he was last a prominent figure during Bill Clinton’s impeachment saga — felt like part of a national time warp in which Americans are forced to relive the partisan warfare of the 1990s, when Republicans summoned Clinton aides to testify about an endless string of investigations. A Clinton confidant testifying before Congress is the only thing more '90s than a Bush and a Clinton running for president.


    Democrats are so convinced the deposition will make Republicans look partisan and politically motivated that they’re calling for the release of a full transcript to the public.

    Chairman Trey Gowdy, who invited reporters to stake out the deposition, insisted that he isn’t trying to affect the election.

    "My interest is in the past, not the future," the South Carolina Republican said.

    Gowdy, a former prosecutor who may have watched a little too much Law & Order, tried to generate as much drama as possible from the deposition by suggesting at a press conference afterward that the most exonerating evidence was actually the most damning.

    Blumenthal "wasn’t the author of a single one of those memos," but "simply and merely a conduit" for someone who may have had a "pecuniary interest" in Libya, Gowdy said, enunciating his words for effect. A new batch of Blumenthal emails is "eerily similar" to those that have been made public before by the State Department, he added. He acknowledged that he didn’t directly learn anything about the Benghazi attack from Blumenthal.

    btw, have you rightwingnut forgotten the dubya/ head DELETED emails? no objection to that, right, y'all?

    Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

    Clinton has said she deleted about 50,000 emails that dealt with personal matters, citing her daughter’s wedding and her mother’s funeral as examples. All the correspondence pertaining to official business was turned over to archived by State. The deletion of the emails, though perfectly legal, has excited House Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner, who has announced plans to deploy House committees to investigate what might aptly be called Servergate.

    Never mind that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s — and never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House — a matter about which the Beltway media said little and Republicans in Congress, like Rep. John Boehner, said nothing.
    Here is a brief refresher on the White House email scandal:

  20. #220
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    lol 3rd grade

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    Abusing Power: How The Benghazi Committee Works ‘The New York Times

    Not since Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr used Washington reporters – including reporters at The New York Timesto run his political errands has a newspaper so eagerly sustained an abuse of power as the Times has done lately for the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

    Instead of asking why the Republican Congressional leadership still squanders millions of taxpayer dollars on a wholly redundant investigation, the paper of record has lent its pages to selective and defamatory leaks from the committee majority.

    The immediate victim of their chicanery is Sidney Blumenthal, but of course their true target is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    On June 16 Blumenthal testified before the committee for nine hours. When he emerged from the closed hearing room, it swiftly became obvious that the Republican conspiracy theory about him, promoted by the Republicans in copious leaks to theTimes, had proved false in every salient detail.

  22. #222
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    Repugs LYING, their main skill

    Conservatives Push False Claim That Clinton's Use Of Private Email While Sec'y Of State Was Unprecedented

    Fox News' Bill Hemmer parroted an erroneous claim that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account is unprecedented, when, in fact, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a private email account to conduct government business during his time in the Bush administration and did not preserve those records.

    Colin Powell: I Used Private Email To Contact Staff, Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers. In his book, It Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, Powell wrote that during his tenure at the State Department during the Bush administration, he used a personal email account and a private laptop computer to contact staff, ambassadors, and foreign ministers.

    From his book:

    To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world. [Colin Powell, It Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, page 151]

    : Former Secretary Of State Colin Powell Did Not Save Private
    Emails Sent During His Tenure. Politico reported that Powell "did not keep a cache of" those emails:

    Appearing on ABC's "This Week" Sunday, Powell responded to revelations that he used a personal email account, rather than a government one, when he was in charge of the State Department. Questions about his email use arose last week when it was disclosed that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal email account during her tenure.
    "I don't have any to turn over. I did not keep a cache of them. I did not print them off. I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files," Powell said. "A lot of the emails that came out of my personal account went into the State Department system. They were addressed to State Department employees and domain, but I don't know if the servers in the State Department captured those or not. [Politico, 3/8/15]

    FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug

  23. #223
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    will you agree it was colossally stupid for HRC to conduct official business on an unsecure server?

  24. #224
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    will you agree it was colossally stupid for HRC to conduct official business on an unsecure server?
    do you know it was insecure? it didn't not use TLS option in SMTP protocol? was not behind a quality firewall?

  25. #225
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    yeah, it was insecure.

    The private email system used by Hillary Clinton when she was U.S. Secretary of State didn't encrypt messages during the first two months of use, an Internet security company said Wednesday.

    That would have left emails sent and received by Clinton in early 2009 vulnerable to eavesdropping -- just when British and American intelligence agencies were reportedly spying on world leaders.

    Internet records show the domain was first registered on Jan. 13, 2009. Clinton became Secretary of State eight days later, but it wasn't until March 29 that the first SSL certificate was issued for the domain, according to Venafi, a security company that analyzes encryption keys and digital certificates.

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