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07-20-2012, 12:03 PM
DMC's arguments are comically stupid.

Cant PURPOSELY kill 13 people and injure 30 others in a mater of a couple of minutes with a SWIMMING POOL!!!

07-20-2012, 12:05 PM

How many peeps could psycho boy killed last night with his SWORD?

One? Maybe two?

12 killed. 30 plus wounded.

GUNS >>>>>>>> Swords.

This is why we dont use castles anymore, bud.

few more canisters of tear gas would do it.

07-20-2012, 12:05 PM
Jared Lee Loughner shot children mid-day at the supermarket.

But forget that, Im sure its the victims fault.

:lol another incident that easily would have happened anyway if guns were illegal.

07-20-2012, 12:05 PM
Guns would be banned, remember?

If I were stuck in that dark room with the sword-wielding psycho, I'd reach for my sword so I could fight back. But oh, wait, I don't have a sword because the current laws had preventing carrying swords in public. Oh well...

Could run away.

Cant outrun a bullet.

12 people dont get killed and 30 others injured by a psycho with a sword.

07-20-2012, 12:06 PM
DMC's arguments are comically stupid.

Cant PURPOSELY kill 13 people and injure 30 others in a mater of a couple of minutes with a SWIMMING POOL!!!

How do you expect us to take your arguments seriously if you don't include animated smiley faces?

07-20-2012, 12:06 PM
So it's a numbers game. One or two is acceptable. Got it.

I think that one or two is more acceptable than 13.

07-20-2012, 12:06 PM
Could run away.

Cant outrun a bullet.

12 people dont get killed and 30 others injured by a psycho with a sword.

Sure they do, if he has a bomb in his pocket.

07-20-2012, 12:07 PM
you know who could have saved them?????????



Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:08 PM
You are totally missing the fucking point. Whether its a pipe bomb, gas bomb, fertalizer bomb or other tool of destruction, if guns are harder to get these types of situations when they do happen will potentially be more violent.

My point is thugs and psychos will always find a way to carry out their agendas with whatever tools they have at their disposal.

And banning responsible, law-abiding, SANE individuals from defending themselves would only make it easier for said thugs to carry out their despicable acts....

07-20-2012, 12:09 PM
btw, was this before or after the movie? Haven't seen it yet but this would be a pretty rock-solid review.

07-20-2012, 12:10 PM
You are totally missing the fucking point. Whether its a pipe bomb, gas bomb, fertalizer bomb or other tool of destruction, if guns are harder to get these types of situations when they do happen will potentially be more violent.

My point is thugs and psychos will always find a way to carry out their agendas with whatever tools they have at their disposal.

The irony...Don't you have an arsenal of weapons at you house?

07-20-2012, 12:10 PM
Jessi was a friend of mine, in addition to a few other folks on this board. She was an awesome person and fully of life and vibrancy. No one deserves this when going to see a movie, especially not Jessi. The last text I got from her was her laughing hysterically. She'll be missed by a lot of people.

The rest of you insensitive assholes can go fuck yourselves.

baseline bum
07-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Fuck swords; just need some bear spray and a club to do some damage after teh guns are illegal.

07-20-2012, 12:12 PM
This whole thread has turned into complete nonsense.

For me the no.1 problem I have with gun control is the possibility that it could deny law-abiding people their basic right to defend themselves and their family.

07-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Jessi was a friend of mine

but lately something's changed, that ain't hard to define.


07-20-2012, 12:14 PM
Jessi was a friend of mine, in addition to a few other folks on this board. She was an awesome person and fully of life and vibrancy. No one deserves this when going to see a movie, especially not Jessi. The last text I got from her was her laughing hysterically. She'll be missed by a lot of people.

The rest of you insensitive assholes can go fuck yourselves.

I am sorry for your loss scott. You brought the thread back to where it should be, I'll back away from this thread now so I don't feel tempted to be drawn back in.

My thoughts go out to all the victims and their families.

07-20-2012, 12:15 PM
gun control doesn't take away anyone's right to defend themselves just perhaps not with automatic weapons.

T Park
07-20-2012, 12:17 PM
Jessi was a friend of mine, in addition to a few other folks on this board. She was an awesome person and fully of life and vibrancy. No one deserves this when going to see a movie, especially not Jessi. The last text I got from her was her laughing hysterically. She'll be missed by a lot of people.

The rest of you insensitive assholes can go fuck yourselves.

Couldn't have been put any better.

Anyone that met her knew how she was one of those people that you'll always remember through out life.

07-20-2012, 12:18 PM
Guns vs. bombs, swords, swimming pools (my favorite), cars etc.

1). Guns are easy to conceal. Cant kill a room of crowded people with a car. You could try to just ram through the walls but it probably wouldnt work. Likewise, couldnt really walk into a theater with a sword. Peeps would say "thats a sword".

2) Guns are a projectile, unlike a sword. Can kill from a safe distance. Dude last night killed 12 and injured 30 others and walked right out. If he tried that with a sword, he'd probably be tackled after his first swing.

3) Guns are an aimed projectile, so youre not likely to kill yourself shooting someone (as opposed to bomb).

4) Guns requires little to zero training. Dude at the gun shop will show you how to load and fire. No years of training needed (as was suggested with the sword). Unless you want to spend years training as a ninja, guns are the way to go.

5) Guns require zero assembly. They come pre-assembled. Dont need to teach yourself how to make them lethal (as opposed to FERTILIZER). Theyre made to be lethal.

6) Guns work. Bombs are messy and often dont work. Just ask underwear bomber, new years day bomber etc. Even Hitler survived a bomb being detonated in his bunker.

7) Guns allow error. You get one shot with a bomb. Probably one swing with a sword.

07-20-2012, 12:18 PM
Gun advocates never want to admit the amount of damage one person can do thanks to semi-automatic weapons.

Kinda late to the party with this reply, but THIS THIS THIS.

If people want to own a gun, for interest or casual shooting or protection or whatever...fine. Let them get a hand gun, since it's apparently their American right based on amendments that were written a few hundred years ago.

There is absolutely no good reason for a civilian to have a semi-automatic rifle in their possession. We're not in a war-zone. You're not going to use that for hunting. There are no zombie apocalypses to deal with.

All it does is put more of these guns in the general public's hands, so that they can end up in the hands of psychos like this guy.

I'm sure this will draw the ire of several gun nuts, but it's just how I feel.

07-20-2012, 12:18 PM
gun control doesn't take away anyone's right to defend themselves just perhaps not with automatic weapons.

You apparently don't know anything about Class III weapons and how they are regulated.

07-20-2012, 12:19 PM
Sure they do, if he has a bomb in his pocket.

Tell that to the underwear bomber.

07-20-2012, 12:21 PM
Tell that to the underwear bomber.

We don't need gun control we just need to control these young angry white make punks..

07-20-2012, 12:21 PM
Tell that to the underwear bomber.

Oh, yes, because that proves bombs don't detonate as designed. I keep forgetting

07-20-2012, 12:21 PM
You apparently don't know anything about Class III weapons and how they are regulated.

If I have a clean record I can buy what I need to defend myself and I don't need a weapon powerful enough to bring down an elephant.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:23 PM
Oh, yes, because that proves bombs don't detonate as designed. I keep forgetting

Don't even bother, he thinks extrapolating from single isolated incidents convinces anyone that the Second Amendment ought to be revoked....

07-20-2012, 12:23 PM
I would never go to a midnight movie. Nor go to a MiniMart, Get n' Go at 3am. You are asking for trouble.

No one going to a movie is asking to be shot. Doesn't matter the movie or the time of day.

Who'd have ever imagined by page 5 the discussion would be where it is now

Anyone who's ever read a thread on SpursTalk ever.

Um...when SHOULD we politicize it?

When is it okay to say "Guns are way too fucking lethal to let the general public have and leads scores of innocent people getting murdered when theyre at the movie theater, supermarket or even school?"

Because youre certainly not allowed to say it immediately following the incidents themselves.

You should never politicize it. There's a difference between having a tragic incident inspire thoughtful dialog and politicizing that incident.

Thoughtful dialog: What do our current gun control laws encourage or make possible? What are the ramifications of our becoming an increasingly detached and cynical society? Would stricter gun control laws be enough to slow or stifle an instinct toward violence? Etc.

Politicizing a tragic incident: If we had stricter gun control laws, this specific person wouldn't have been able to shoot these specific people. If we allowed more people to carry weapons, this specific person could have been stopped before he killed so many of these specific people.

And enough with this he must have a 'mental' issue, cannot it not be that some people just enjoy this shit?

Not necessarily, apparently he was on his way to a ph.d before he dropped out.
Obviously these 'mental problems' didn't hinder him planning it, it was obviously premeditated with the tear gas, being dressed in all black & big guns, I doubt an insane person would be capable of devising a plan of that sort.

I don't think you know what "insane" means or what "mental problems" can entail. Plenty of people who are insane or have psychological disorders are intelligent, fully functioning, and seemingly perfectly normal.

THIS.... ultimately, the biggest problem with gun crime isn't the guns, it's the fucked-up individuals using them, and that mentality doesn't change if they use a knife or a sword or any other weapon instead....

I'm intentionally not weighing in on the gun control argument because I've already had it plenty of times around here, but I have to disagree with your last bit. Knives and swords are much more up close and personal, much more visceral, and I'd be willing to guess that a lot of people who've summoned the courage to shoot someone else likely wouldn't have been able to get up close and stabby. Your point is a lot more believable if we're talking about complete nutters and sociopaths, but it's doubtful the majority of gun crime is perpetrated by complete nutters.

07-20-2012, 12:23 PM
Who'd have ever imagined by page 5 the discussion would be where it is now

you expected anything less? gun control nuts get a hard on for these horrific events

RIP Jessica

07-20-2012, 12:24 PM
Not trying to be insensitive but imagine what the people if Syria is going through..even the Palestinians...people in the US are sheltered from everyday reality for most people.

Viva Las Espuelas
07-20-2012, 12:24 PM
Because a gun is infinitely more lethal than a knife.

So you die a more deathly death with contoured steel coming at you at a high rate of speed as opposed to sharpened steel coming at you at a lower rate of speed. I see. Makes total sense......

07-20-2012, 12:24 PM
If I have a clean record I can buy what I need to defend myself and I don't need a weapon powerful enough to bring down an elephant.

You apparently don't know anything about Class III weapons and how they are regulated.

07-20-2012, 12:26 PM
you expected anything less? gun control nuts get a hard on for these horrific events

RIP Jessica

The audacity to bring up gun control when 12 people get killed by a gun.

07-20-2012, 12:27 PM
No. If someone has me cornered and it sending lead my way, I'm sending it back. I'll debrief afterward and apologize to the family of anyone who wasn't carrying.

True, and if another person with heat saw bullets coming from your direction, you'll have two people shooting at you instead of one. I'm on the side of having a gun, I'm just saying in this specific instance, multiple people packing would have probably meant way more casualties.

07-20-2012, 12:27 PM
No, it was a stupid responsePERIOD

How does the baby fend for itself anywhere?

You were the one that said the gunman goes after the weakest.

What age do you think kids are old enough to where they are physically able to defend themselves with a gun?

Viva Las Espuelas
07-20-2012, 12:27 PM
if only the weak, three month old baby had been armed to protect himself.

Well fucking said.

Yes. I know....

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:27 PM
I'm intentionally not weighing in on the gun control argument because I've already had it plenty of times around here, but I have to disagree with your last bit. Knives and swords are much more up close and personal, much more visceral, and I'd be willing to guess that a lot of people who've summoned the courage to shoot someone else likely wouldn't have been able to get up close and stabby. Your point is a lot more believable if we're talking about complete nutters and sociopaths, but it's doubtful the majority of gun crime is perpetrated by complete nutters.

When Britain banned handguns, knife crime went up, suggesting that many criminals who would otherwise use guns had no problem getting up close and stabby, tbh.....

07-20-2012, 12:30 PM
Gun advocates care about the victims, but not enough to be willing to give up their guns.

They just dont have the guts to SAY IT.

07-20-2012, 12:32 PM
The audacity to bring up gun control when 12 people get killed by a gun.

wouldn't have changed a goddamn thing you idiot

Ron Popeil
07-20-2012, 12:33 PM
Guns! Guns! Guns!


07-20-2012, 12:33 PM
Guns vs. bombs, swords, swimming pools (my favorite), cars etc.

1). Guns are easy to conceal. Cant kill a room of crowded people with a car. You could try to just ram through the walls but it probably wouldnt work. Likewise, couldnt really walk into a theater with a sword. Peeps would say "thats a sword".

2) Guns are a projectile, unlike a sword. Can kill from a safe distance. Dude last night killed 12 and injured 30 others and walked right out. If he tried that with a sword, he'd probably be tackled after his first swing.

3) Guns are an aimed projectile, so youre not likely to kill yourself shooting someone (as opposed to bomb).

4) Guns requires little to zero training. Dude at the gun shop will show you how to load and fire. No years of training needed (as was suggested with the sword). Unless you want to spend years training as a ninja, guns are the way to go.

5) Guns require zero assembly. They come pre-assembled. Dont need to teach yourself how to make them lethal (as opposed to FERTILIZER). Theyre made to be lethal.

6) Guns work. Bombs are messy and often dont work. Just ask underwear bomber, new years day bomber etc. Even Hitler survived a bomb being detonated in his bunker.

7) Guns allow error. You get one shot with a bomb. Probably one swing with a sword.

Bumping my own post.

07-20-2012, 12:34 PM
wouldn't have changed a goddamn thing you idiot

Says who?

07-20-2012, 12:34 PM
WCBS reporter: Colorado shooting suspect had "hair painted red," said he was "the joker" - law enforcement source

KMGH: Source says shooting suspect "bought a ticket, watched first 15-20 minutes of movie."

KMGH: Source says shooting suspect walked out side door where car was parked, retrieved weapons.

KMGH: Source - After Holmes decided he had shot enough people, he walked outside where police were waiting.

KMGH: Source - Holmes walked out of the theater, saw police, put up his hands.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:34 PM
Gun advocates care about the victims, but not enough to be willing to give up their guns.

They just dont have the guts to SAY IT.

The audacity of someone who has spent the last few pages using a senseless tragedy to push an agenda attacking other people's character is mind-blowing, tbh.....

Spurs da champs
07-20-2012, 12:35 PM
I don't think you know what "insane" means or what "mental problems" can entail. Plenty of people who are insane or have psychological disorders are intelligent, fully functioning, and seemingly perfectly normal.

I'm going by the 'insanity' defense where the defendant claims to be unaware of their actions due to their mental state of mind, obviously he wasn't it was all planned with tear gas, suit, gas mask & gun.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 12:37 PM
The problem goes a lot deeper than guns/gun control.

No one has mentioned the games and movies that do nothing but desensitize kids to killing and shooting and blowing up shit. That is probably another thread to argue for pages upon pages.

No one has mentioned (and no one really cares anymore) about how people/kids are programmed from birth to be unhappy and programmed to believe that the only way to be happy is to acquire stuff, achieve titles,seek approval, and to compete with the world to get over-even if it means destroying others.

This tragedy isn't only about guns. It is just a small part of everything else that goes into why a person decides to make someone else pay for their own unhappiness.

This killer will now go to a correctional institute where he will cry and sue that his rights are being violated because he is not getting ____ ____ & ____ while incarcerated. Some wellrespected attorney will win some landmark case representing one of these winners, garnering millions in damages because the constitution assures these killers of their rights.

07-20-2012, 12:39 PM
Gun advocates care about the victims, but not enough to be willing to give up their guns.

They just dont have the guts to SAY IT.

There are good arguments to be made for varying degrees of gun control. You don't appear to be the best at communicating those arguments.

07-20-2012, 12:41 PM
Wow, Cant believe she was taken away from this world. Such a great person and her future seemed so bright.

RIP Jessie.

07-20-2012, 12:41 PM
There are good arguments to be made for varying degrees of gun control. You don't appear to be the best at communicating those arguments.

Yeah, while Ive read pages of how cars, knives and even swimming pools are just as dangerous as a gun.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:45 PM
No one has mentioned the games and movies that do nothing but desensitize kids to killing and shooting and blowing up shit.

Because that's another dumb argument in the same vein as the gun control argument.... there are ratings systems for both movies and video games for families to follow, and there are plenty of people who play violent video games and watch violent movies yet never carry out a mass murder in their life....

If someone actually comes away from a violent video game or movie thinking that they have to kill a bunch of innocent people, they have serious mental problems beyond a video game or a movie....

07-20-2012, 12:46 PM
Yeah, while Ive read pages of how cars, knives and even swimming pools are just as dangerous as a gun.

There have also been some thoughtful and insightful posts that you have been unable to respond to, or just purposefully ignored.

07-20-2012, 12:46 PM
There are good arguments to be made for varying degrees of gun control. You don't appear to be the best at communicating those arguments.

I just want to see some congressional legislation to put an end to this terrorism being carried out by young white males. It's tragic but all I'm hearing from the young white males in this thread is that he was crazy...well had he been black or Muslim the right wing in this country would be blood sucking ass reaming vampires...

07-20-2012, 12:48 PM
I just want to see some congressional legislation to put an end to this terrorism being carried out by young white males. It's tragic but all I'm hearing from the young white males in this thread is that he was crazy...well had he been black or Muslim the right wing in this country would be blood sucking ass reaming vampires...

Had he been black he would've shot his own kind, like they do. Agreed o the Muslim part, though...

07-20-2012, 12:49 PM
mouse, lefty, Koolaid_Man, etc. being retarded. What else is new?

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 12:51 PM
Because that's another dumb argument in the same vein as the gun control argument.... there are ratings systems for both movies and video games for families to follow, and there are plenty of people who play violent video games and watch violent movies yet never carry out a mass murder in their life....

If someone actually comes away from a violent video game or movie thinking that they have to kill a bunch of innocent people, they have serious mental problems beyond a video game or a movie....


I didn't try to imply that the games or violent movies are directly responsible-but rather another part of what adds up to the whole picture.

Children that begin playing these violent games at a really young age are affected in some negative way. It is just irresponsible to think that only mentally damaged people are negatively affected.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 12:53 PM

I didn't try to imply that the games or violent movies are directly responsible-but rather another part of what adds up to the whole picture.

Children that begin playing these violent games at a really young age are affected in some negative way. It is just irresponsible to think that only mentally damaged people are negatively affected.

The industries themselves aren't really part of the picture at all tbh.... they have ratings systems, it's up to parents to follow them....

07-20-2012, 12:55 PM
The industries themselves aren't really part of the picture at all tbh.... they have ratings systems, it's up to parents to follow them....

and there's the problem. Too many parents either ignorant or apathetic to the situation.

07-20-2012, 01:04 PM
71 people have been shot according to the chief

07-20-2012, 01:07 PM

I didn't try to imply that the games or violent movies are directly responsible-but rather another part of what adds up to the whole picture.

Children that begin playing these violent games at a really young age are affected in some negative way. It is just irresponsible to think that only mentally damaged people are negatively affected.

Mistake in this line of reasoning is in focusing on what the kids in this situation are watching/playing, rather than on the fact they're being dumped in front of the TV/console as a babysitter by parents who are completely disengaged.

07-20-2012, 01:08 PM
This fucking coward doesn't deserve prison.

07-20-2012, 01:17 PM
71 people have been shot according to the chief


thank god he didn't use a swimming pool.

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:18 PM
Gun advocates care about the victims, but not enough to be willing to give up their guns.

They just dont have the guts to SAY IT.

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:18 PM
fuck man, what is wrong with white guys??

07-20-2012, 01:19 PM
He was wearing full ballistic gear including neck and crotch gear.

Reminds me of that movie Rampage


07-20-2012, 01:20 PM
The simple fact is that gun advocates dont want to give up their guns because they like them.

Theyre willing to look the other way when shit like this happens or even make absurd analogies to swords, bombs, cars, swimming pools etc to justify their legality but its all bullshit.

They dont want gun control because that would mean they might have to give up their guns.

Trill Clinton
07-20-2012, 01:20 PM
thoughts n prayers to all those affected by this tragedy. shit makes zero sense.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:23 PM
The simple fact is that gun advocates dont want to give up their guns because they like them.

Theyre willing to look the other way when shit like this happens or even make absurd analogies to swords, bombs, cars, swimming pools etc to justify their legality but its all bullshit.

They dont want gun control because that would mean they might have to give up their guns.

Why should a sane, law-abiding gun owner have to give up their guns?

You also assume that all Second Amendment advocates are gun owners..... I choose not to own a gun, but I also realize that it's a constitutional right and that there are valid non-criminal reasons for people to own one....

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:23 PM
Mistake in this line of reasoning is in focusing on what the kids in this situation are watching/playing, rather than on the fact they're being dumped in front of the TV/console as a babysitter by parents who are completely disengaged.

I wasn't pointing so much at the kids but at how this has been going on for awhile and society in general just doesn't care enough to try and change it or stop it.

Our kids senses are being assaulted by images/sounds/violence/blood/gore and we just accept it as being normal.

Parents, game inventors, marketers, everyone involved- is placing money above all else.

07-20-2012, 01:24 PM
The simple fact is that gun advocates dont want to give up their guns because they like them.

Theyre willing to look the other way when shit like this happens or even make absurd analogies to swords, bombs, cars, swimming pools etc to justify their legality but its all bullshit.

They dont want gun control because that would mean they might have to give up their guns.

LMAO..............give up your gun and only the criminals will end up with it.


07-20-2012, 01:24 PM
I don't own a gun and don't plan on owning one anytime soon but I still disagree with you. It's a constitutional right to own guns and that isn't changing anytime soon, crazy people will always get their hands on something whether it's illegal or not. Nothing could have prevented this tragedy, not even banning guns.

07-20-2012, 01:26 PM
Gun advocates care about the victims, but not enough to be willing to give up their guns.

They just dont have the guts to SAY IT.

I'll never give up my heater....not for anyone...and if they come for it..i will keep an illegal stash...with my 9 in my hand I can fall asleep laying next to a dead man...

Like 2 pac said I live finger fucking my girlfriend...she's down to ride til the bloody end just me and my girlfriend.

Heath Ledger
07-20-2012, 01:27 PM
The irony...Don't you have an arsenal of weapons at you house?

Indeed I do.

Heath Ledger
07-20-2012, 01:28 PM
This whole thread has turned into complete nonsense.

For me the no.1 problem I have with gun control is the possibility that it could deny law-abiding people their basic right to defend themselves and their family from our government


Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:29 PM
Parents, game inventors, marketers, everyone involved- is placing money above all else.

The primary goal of any business is to make money, and game developers, directors, actors, writers, etc. have families to feed and bills to pay..... additionally, the movie and video game industries make it crystal clear what age groups their products are intended for....

Despite your attempts to deny it, you appear to be trying to assign some small amount of blame to the movie and video game industries for tragedies like these, which is completely unfair....

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:31 PM
guns should only be allowed to be in possession by on duty police officers/security guards and the military(on base/active duty)
under no circumstances should a civilian have a gun at home.

and the bullshit on hunting is just some redneck garbage. just stop hunting and go to a nascar race instead.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:31 PM
He was wearing full ballistic gear including neck and crotch gear.

Reminds me of that movie Rampage


See post #48 in this thread for the movie trailer...it almost seems like th director is glorifying this act. The whole movie had that feel...like when the killer goes to the barista in the coffee shop and makes the guy make him a coffee drink and then gleefully shoots him in the back...

you almost felt like the director was inciting this kind of shit.

here is the coffee shop scene...


07-20-2012, 01:31 PM
I don't own a gun and don't plan on owning one anytime soon but I still disagree with you. It's a constitutional right to own guns and that isn't changing anytime soon, crazy people will always get their hands on something whether it's illegal or not. Nothing could have prevented this tragedy, not even banning guns.

people will argue and bring up whatever they can about gun control but one thing is certain: crazy people will go to full lengths to do what it is they please.

There are probably a lot of crazy motherfuckers out there just like the guy that committed the shooting.

07-20-2012, 01:31 PM
Well the only way to stop it is to have armed guards everywhere. which means ^ ticket prices.

If I were those families that had some one die I would sue the shit out of everyone involved until the whole theory that public places are safe is destroyed and armed guards are everywhere.

like in China.

Heath Ledger
07-20-2012, 01:32 PM

There is absolutely no good reason for a civilian to have a semi-automatic rifle in their possession. We're not in a war-zone. You're not going to use that for hunting. There are no zombie apocalypses to deal with.

False... A revolution is coming. Whether it be 5 years 10 yrs or 20 yrs. Those semi automatic weapons will certainly come in handy.

this or that?
07-20-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm giving away the Santikos gift card I got.

07-20-2012, 01:33 PM
I don't own a gun and don't plan on owning one anytime soon but I still disagree with you. It's a constitutional right to own guns and that isn't changing anytime soon, crazy people will always get their hands on something whether it's illegal or not. Nothing could have prevented this tragedy, not even banning guns.

What? What?

You talk all that shit and don't own a piece....what? Boy look here let me tell you bout yourself..you're a pathetic POS... :lol

Fucking irresponsible not to own a gun or many in my case. You cats thought I was joking when Tyson said he would come to my front door with his niggas...man they would have all been some dead muthafuckas...I laugh but I kid you not....:lol

I have zero tolorence for that plexin near my crib.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:34 PM
guns should only be allowed to be in possession by on duty police officers/security guards and the military(on base/active duty)
under no circumstances should a civilian have a gun at home.

So when's the constitutional convention to nullify the Second Amendment, B?

07-20-2012, 01:34 PM
you almost felt like the director was inciting this kind of shit.Seriously, why didn't everyone who watched this movie go on a similar rampage?

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:34 PM
The primary goal of any business is to make money, and game developers, directors, actors, writers, etc. have families to feed and bills to pay..... additionally, the movie and video game industries make it crystal clear what age groups their products are intended for....

Despite your attempts to deny it, you appear to be trying to assign some small amount of blame to the movie and video game industries for tragedies like these, which is completely unfair....

Simply saying that all of these things together share some part of the blame. Then again- what good does blaming do anyway?

Shit isn't gonna change. Greed is never going away and once you get to the very root of this- it all comes down to greed.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:35 PM
Simply saying that all of these things together share some part of the blame.

No, no, a million times no... 100% of the blame for a tragedy like this goes to the killer.... period.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:35 PM
Seriously, why didn't everyone who watched this movie go on a similar rampage?

Have you seen this movie?

07-20-2012, 01:36 PM
What? What?

You talk all that shit and don't own a piece....what? Boy look here let me tell you bout yourself..you're a pathetic POS... :lol

Fucking irresponsible not to own a gun or many in my case. You cats thought I was joking when Tyson said he would come to my front door with his niggas...man they would have all been some dead muthafuckas...I laugh but I kid you not....:lol

I have zero tolorence for that plexin near my crib.Yeah, you shoot people all the time.

07-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Seriously, why didn't everyone who watched this movie go on a similar rampage?

The other people weren't crazy.

07-20-2012, 01:37 PM
Thoughts to the families of the victims.

I will still carry everywhere I go.
People who want to ban guns, seriously can go fuck themselves!
If another crazed guy like him starts shooting and corners my family, I want something with me to give me a fighting chance to stay alive.

07-20-2012, 01:37 PM
Have you seen this movie?I've seen all kinds of violent movies, including those that arguably glorify violence.

I have not gone on a rampage. In a Mustang or otherwise.

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:37 PM
So when's the constitutional convention to nullify the Second Amendment, B?
The constitution is pretty pointless, tbh.
its old. and outdated. and made by racists.

you almost felt like the director was inciting this kind of shit.


07-20-2012, 01:38 PM
guns should only be allowed to be in possession by on duty police officers/security guards and the military(on base/active duty)
under no circumstances should a civilian have a gun at home.

and the bullshit on hunting is just some redneck garbage. just stop hunting and go to a nascar race instead.

..............says the guy who's wife was raped and his possessions stolen by an armed intruder. :rolleyes

07-20-2012, 01:38 PM
He got that psycho look in his eyes, type of dude that kills for giggles.


07-20-2012, 01:39 PM
he got that psycho look in his eyes, type of dude that kills for giggles.



silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:40 PM
I've seen all kinds of violent movies, including those that arguably glorify violence.

I have not gone on a rampage. In a Mustang or otherwise.

So, you haven't seen this movie.

I haven't gone on a rampage either- in a gay neighborhood or otherwise.

07-20-2012, 01:40 PM
Had he been black he would've shot his own kind, like they do. Agreed o the Muslim part, though...

Read my words very carefully. By and Large Blacks are peace (not piece) :lol loving people. We would never open fire on a theater. We have a few nut jobs but we usually will on hurt our kind if its gang related....or a robbery....we don't do the mass killing thing by and large.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:40 PM
The constitution is pretty pointless, tbh.
its old. and outdated. and made by racists.

It also can be changed.... the racist parts of the Constitution have long since been cancelled out of it by amendments....

Furthermore, we NEED the Constitution to set limits on what the government can do... we've elected far too many politicians who ignore the Constitution, and now we have a government that is too big, too expensive, and too power-hungry, tbh....

07-20-2012, 01:41 PM
This guy is a terrorist. But since he's not Muslim I haven't heard the word terrorist once on the news.

Heath Ledger
07-20-2012, 01:42 PM
Yeah, while Ive read pages of how cars, knives and even swimming pools are just as dangerous as a gun.

Before people fought with guns they fought with what idiot? Knives and swords. If they took away our guns guess what?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

07-20-2012, 01:42 PM
So, you haven't seen this movie.Makes no difference to my question you never answered and never will, Sally.

07-20-2012, 01:43 PM
This guy was a Phd student of Neuroscience...wondering if he knew he was crazy himself given what he knew from his education.

07-20-2012, 01:43 PM
Thoughts to the families of the victims.

I will still carry everywhere I go.
People who want to ban guns, seriously can go fuck themselves!
If another crazed guy like him starts shooting and corners my family, I want something with me to give me a fighting chance to stay alive.

I dont have a concealed carry license (yet??), but I wish a fool would try and enter my house uninvited. I will peel a cap in dat azz!!! :makemyday

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:44 PM
It also can be changed.... the racist parts of the Constitution have long since been cancelled out of it by amendments....

Furthermore, we NEED the Constitution to set limits on what the government can do... we've elected far too many politicians who ignore the Constitution, and now we have a government that is too big, too expensive, and too power-hungry, tbh....

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:44 PM
Makes no difference to my question you never answered and never will, Sally.

Which question, fruity?

Glenn Holland
07-20-2012, 01:44 PM
I dont have a concealed carry license (yet??), but I wish a fool would try and enter my house uninvited. I will peel a cap in dat azz!!! :makemyday

07-20-2012, 01:46 PM
Which question, fruity?[emoticon] You quoted it.

Damn you are an idiot.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:46 PM
Which question, fruity?

He asked why everyone who watched that movie didn't go on a rampage afterwards, since you claimed the movie was meant to incite them.....

07-20-2012, 01:47 PM
This guy was a Phd student of Neuroscience...wondering if he knew he was crazy himself given what he knew from his education.

I'm going to sincere for a min. I live in a neighborhood where the homes range from 500k to 3 million. I'm one of a few blacks and I got guns and then some and its not because I fear niggas. I know these white boys can snap at any moment...especially given my sexual exploits :lol

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:49 PM
He asked why everyone who watched that movie didn't go on a rampage afterwards, since you claimed the movie was meant to incite them.....

Because, not everyone was at the point where last nights killer was.

Call it crazy, call it weak, call it misinformed, call it insane, whatever...

Does not take away that a movie could be inciting.

07-20-2012, 01:49 PM
Before people fought with guns they fought with what idiot? Knives and swords. If they took away our guns guess what?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

Very good point, Heath.

Cue the "But at least there will only be 3 people killed instead of 30" argument from the people who value life so much they want to ban guns but thinks 2-3 people killed is semi ok.

07-20-2012, 01:50 PM
I'm going to sincere for a min. I live in a neighborhood where the homes range from 500k to 3 million. I'm one of a few blacks and I got guns and then some and its not because I fear niggas. I know these white boys can snap at any moment...especially given my sexual exploits :lol

I can tell you this, my wife didnt like me to have a gun........then I went out of the country for a couple of weeks to work. Came back and she told me to keep it, she felt much safer knowing it was within reach while I was gone.

07-20-2012, 01:52 PM
Because, not everyone was at the point where last nights killer was.

Call it crazy, call it weak, call it misinformed, call it insane, whatever...

Does not take away that a movie could be inciting.

Yeah, any superhero movie makes me want to smoke all fools!!!! :rolleyes

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:52 PM
Yeah, any superhero movie makes me want to smoke all fools!!!! :rolleyes

I am referring to the movie "Rampage"

Try to keep up.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 01:54 PM
Because, not everyone was at the point where last nights killer was.

Call it crazy, call it weak, call it misinformed, call it insane, whatever...

Does not take away that a movie could be inciting.

So you're blaming movies? You're an idiot, then....

07-20-2012, 01:55 PM
I am referring to the movie "Rampage"

Try to keep up.

Ahhhh............nevermind. That movie just makes me want to pimp slap someone.

07-20-2012, 01:56 PM
Warner Bros has pulled the trailer for the movie 'Gangster Squad' which aired in front of Batman. Apparently there is a scene in the trailer involving a theater shooting.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 01:57 PM
So you're blaming movies? You're an idiot, then....

Go back and read my posts. Not gonna explain it again.

Reading comprehension.

07-20-2012, 01:58 PM
I got nothing to add, this is already a second amendment debate again, and that's fine. It's good to debate these things, but obviously right now it will be full of knee jerk reactions, which is normal.

just a disgusting event, now when I see TDKR, instead on focusing on how good or bad the movie is, you're going to be thinking of the tragedy and whether some repeat psycho will occur. Just a horrible situation for the victims and families, and even for the filmmakers.

I hope this pos gets electrocuted slowly, something painful and brutal, but these types always exist. Thoughts and prayers to those harmed.

07-20-2012, 02:01 PM
Because, not everyone was at the point where last nights killer was.

Call it crazy, call it weak, call it misinformed, call it insane, whatever...

Does not take away that a movie could be inciting.You're arguing that artists should censor themselves because someone could potentially claim to have been influenced by it to commit a horrible act.

That's ridiculous.

There ware never any assassinations in The Catcher in the Rye.

Oh, I just got a PM threatening an e-rampage. That's for another thread.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:03 PM
Go back and read my posts. Not gonna explain it again.

Reading comprehension.

You are claiming that violent movies play a role in inciting tragedies like this, thereby implying that they are somehow partially to blame....

Again, the blame falls 100% on the shooter, period.

07-20-2012, 02:03 PM
Warner Bros has pulled the trailer for the movie 'Gangster Squad' which aired in front of Batman. Apparently there is a scene in the trailer involving a theater shooting.

i saw that trailer the other day (i was at Prometheus, not TDKR) and soon as I started reading this shit, I knew they'd pull that trailer.

I wouldn't be shocked if they cut that scene entirely and quickly reshoot something else.

07-20-2012, 02:05 PM
Go back and read my posts. Not gonna explain it again.

Reading comprehension.

Just about anything could be inciting, but you singled out movies.

And now you are wavering, trying to walk the fence.

it's what you do.

© silverblk mystix

07-20-2012, 02:07 PM
See post #48 in this thread for the movie trailer...it almost seems like th director is glorifying this act. The whole movie had that feel...like when the killer goes to the barista in the coffee shop and makes the guy make him a coffee drink and then gleefully shoots him in the back...

you almost felt like the director was inciting this kind of shit.

here is the coffee shop scene...


I know i've seen it before. Recommended it in the Netflix thread long time ago.

07-20-2012, 02:08 PM
If even one iota of the blame is put on movies, that is too much.

People would be killing other people regardless of violence in films. People just need something to blame. I may be going out on a limb, but how about blaming the shooter?

07-20-2012, 02:10 PM
You're arguing that artists should censor themselves because someone could potentially claim to have been influenced by it to commit a horrible act.

That's ridiculous.

There ware never any assassinations in The Catcher in the Rye.

Oh, I just got a PM threatening an e-rampage. That's for another thread.

Yep, while people may certainly acquire ideas from games and movies, I don't think a lot of those people are at a level of crazy to conspire to do something this insane.

It really has to do with the person and his/her reason for doing something of this magnitude.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:11 PM
You're arguing that artists should censor themselves because someone could potentially claim to have been influenced by it to commit a horrible act.

That's ridiculous.

There was never any assassinations in The Catcher in the Rye.

You are making up stuff.

I said there are a lot of reasons and a lot of things are responsible for things like this to happen. Ultimately the killer is responsible. He did it. No one else.

If you dig deeper and see how this killer was put together- you will begin to unravel how he was programmed-as we all were.

Some people take this programming and never hurt anyone. Some people take this programming and hurt others. Ultimately there are a lot of factors involved in a tragedy and the reasons that led to it.

I never placed sole blame on anything.

If you want to do yourself a favor- watch the movie "Rampage."

I kid you not- and as I said in an early post- the first reaction that I and the Mrs. had after watching it is - why?

Why would a director be this irresponsible and make this movie- it is just begging for trouble?

Watch it and see if you don't get a similar feeling. After reading the details of last nights tragedy - this movie came right back to me. It happened just like I thought it would immediately upon watching it.

Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.

07-20-2012, 02:13 PM
You are making up stuff.

I said there are a lot of reasons and a lot of things are responsible for things like this to happen. Ultimately the killer is responsible. He did it. No one else.

If you dig deeper and see how this killer was put together- you will begin to unravel how he was programmed-as we all were.

Some people take this programming and never hurt anyone. Some people take this programming and hurt others. Ultimately there are a lot of factors involved in a tragedy and the reasons that led to it.

I never placed sole blame on anything.

If you want to do yourself a favor- watch the movie "Rampage."

I kid you not- and as I said in an early post- the first reaction that I and the Mrs. had after watching it is - why?

Why would a director be this irresponsible and make this movie- it is just begging for trouble?

Watch it and see if you don't get a similar feeling. After reading the details of last nights tragedy - this movie came right back to me. It happened just like I thought it would immediately upon watching it.

Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.

It may have certainly gave him ideas if he ever watched this film but I really think it has to do with what's going on in the shooter's head.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Nice doubletalk, but implying that violent movies play a role in mass murders IS partially blaming the movie industry for the actions of sick, deranged people....

The blame is 100% on the shooter, deal with it and stop trying to push an agenda....

07-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Very good point, Heath.

Cue the "But at least there will only be 3 people killed instead of 30" argument from the people who value life so much they want to ban guns but thinks 2-3 people killed is semi ok.

Whats wrong with that? Whats wrong with wanting to minimize the number of innocent fatalities?

We could ban swords, too. But theyre pretty easy to make. Regardless, theyre not even close to as lethal as a gun.

Thats why the military switch from swords to guns a few hundred years ago.

07-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Guns vs. bombs, swords, swimming pools (my favorite), cars etc.

1). Guns are easy to conceal. Cant kill a room of crowded people with a car. You could try to just ram through the walls but it probably wouldnt work. Likewise, couldnt really walk into a theater with a sword. Peeps would say "thats a sword".

2) Guns are a projectile, unlike a sword. Can kill from a safe distance. Dude last night killed 12 and injured 30 others and walked right out. If he tried that with a sword, he'd probably be tackled after his first swing.

3) Guns are an aimed projectile, so youre not likely to kill yourself shooting someone (as opposed to bomb).

4) Guns requires little to zero training. Dude at the gun shop will show you how to load and fire. No years of training needed (as was suggested with the sword). Unless you want to spend years training as a ninja, guns are the way to go.

5) Guns require zero assembly. They come pre-assembled. Dont need to teach yourself how to make them lethal (as opposed to FERTILIZER). Theyre made to be lethal.

6) Guns work. Bombs are messy and often dont work. Just ask underwear bomber, new years day bomber etc. Even Hitler survived a bomb being detonated in his bunker.

7) Guns allow error. You get one shot with a bomb. Probably one swing with a sword.

Bumping this post AGAIN.

07-20-2012, 02:15 PM
You are making up stuff.

I said there are a lot of reasons and a lot of things are responsible for things like this to happen. Ultimately the killer is responsible. He did it. No one else.

If you dig deeper and see how this killer was put together- you will begin to unravel how he was programmed-as we all were.

Some people take this programming and never hurt anyone. Some people take this programming and hurt others. Ultimately there are a lot of factors involved in a tragedy and the reasons that led to it.

I never placed sole blame on anything.

If you want to do yourself a favor- watch the movie "Rampage."

I kid you not- and as I said in an early post- the first reaction that I and the Mrs. had after watching it is - why?

Why would a director be this irresponsible and make this movie- it is just begging for trouble?

Watch it and see if you don't get a similar feeling. After reading the details of last nights tragedy - this movie came right back to me. It happened just like I thought it would immediately upon watching it.

Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.Programming? now you're making stuff up. That in itself abdicates the killer from responsibility, or anyone from any responsibility for anything.

I was mean to someone online? It's just my programming. I saw a TV show where someone makes fun of someone else.

07-20-2012, 02:16 PM
Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.

straddling the fence on this is almost as much a fail as going all in on blaming movies.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:16 PM
Why should a sane, law-abiding gun owner have to give up their guns?

You also assume that all Second Amendment advocates are gun owners..... I choose not to own a gun, but I also realize that it's a constitutional right and that there are valid non-criminal reasons for people to own one....

Bumping this post....

07-20-2012, 02:17 PM
Guns vs. bombs, swords, swimming pools (my favorite), cars etc.

1). Guns are easy to conceal. Cant kill a room of crowded people with a car. You could try to just ram through the walls but it probably wouldnt work. Likewise, couldnt really walk into a theater with a sword. Peeps would say "thats a sword".

Is that the most effective way you could think of someone trying to kill with a vehicle?

Not blowing through a busy crosswalk a 70 mph.
Not driving like a maniac on sidewalks.
Not pushing the brakes and causing a pile-up on the highway.

You really can't think of a way to kill 13 people with a car?

07-20-2012, 02:17 PM
straddling the fence on this is almost as much a fail as going all in on blaming movies.

How is he straddling the fence? He's saying the movie could have had some influence on the shooter.

Bonnie Bunion
07-20-2012, 02:18 PM
Movie night is cancelled and we are staying in tonight.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:19 PM
Nice doubletalk, but implying that violent movies play a role in mass murders IS partially blaming the movie industry for the actions of sick, deranged people....

The blame is 100% on the shooter, deal with it and stop trying to push an agenda....

No agenda. You believe we are all separate. I don't.

We are all responsible.

07-20-2012, 02:21 PM
No agenda. You believe we are all separate. I don't.

We are all responsible.I'm not responsible for this motherfucker at all. If you are you should lock yourself up.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:22 PM
How is he straddling the fence? He's saying the movie could have had some influence on the shooter.

And by saying this, he is implying that the people who worked on, advertised, and distributed the movie are somehow partially to blame if a violent nutjob commits a mass murder..... the murderer is 100% to blame, period, can't believe I have to repeat this, tbh....

It's sad that certain people have decided to co-opt this tragedy to argue for gun control and nanny-state censorship agendas, but it is what it is....

07-20-2012, 02:24 PM
How is he straddling the fence? He's saying the movie could have had some influence on the shooter.

Anything could have had an influence, so there's no point in picking out something specific.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:24 PM
No agenda. You believe we are all separate. I don't.

We are all responsible.

I'm not responsible at all..... this is yet another lame excuse for the inexcusable....

07-20-2012, 02:28 PM
No agenda. You believe we are all separate. I don't.

We are all responsible.

:lol enlightened bull shit

Counting down til tough guy silverblk mystix suppresses his alter ego.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:28 PM
straddling the fence on this is almost as much a fail as going all in on blaming movies.


07-20-2012, 02:28 PM
This Jessica Ghawi thing is really saddening. My heart goes out to that family as does the rest of the families affected by this ordeal... :(

07-20-2012, 02:31 PM
Is that the most effective way you could think of someone trying to kill with a vehicle?

Not blowing through a busy crosswalk a 70 mph.
Not driving like a maniac on sidewalks.
Not pushing the brakes and causing a pile-up on the highway.

A car is an extremely impractical tool for killing people. Not only does your victims have to be outside, but you have to hit them without hitting anything (light post etc) that would disable the vehicle.

Theres no chance in hell this dude manages to kill 13 and injure 50 others with his CAR. And while there exists wild scenarios that Im sure you could come up with as to how to kill the masses with a car, it not only actually happened using guns, but it was EASY.

A gun is infinitely more effective as a killing tool.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:31 PM
:lol enlightened bull shit

Counting down til tough guy silverblk mystix suppresses his alter ego.

Chump-lite is suddenly bold again because Chumpie is here.


07-20-2012, 02:32 PM
Whats wrong with that? Whats wrong with wanting to minimize the number of innocent fatalities?

We could ban swords, too. But theyre pretty easy to make. Regardless, theyre not even close to as lethal as a gun.

Thats why the military switch from swords to guns a few hundred years ago.

A crazy person can go on a rampage in a kindergarten school and break the necks of children...should we regulate body parts too?

What you dont understand is even if the government bans guns, it will only make things easier for criminals to victimize people because criminals do not obey laws hence why they are called criminals.

This is an isolated event and does not happen everyday because not everyone is mentally crazy like the batman shooter is.

Guns vs. bombs, swords, swimming pools (my favorite), cars etc.

1). Guns are easy to conceal. Cant kill a room of crowded people with a car. You could try to just ram through the walls but it probably wouldnt work. Likewise, couldnt really walk into a theater with a sword. Peeps would say "thats a sword".

2) Guns are a projectile, unlike a sword. Can kill from a safe distance. Dude last night killed 12 and injured 30 others and walked right out. If he tried that with a sword, he'd probably be tackled after his first swing.

3) Guns are an aimed projectile, so youre not likely to kill yourself shooting someone (as opposed to bomb).

4) Guns requires little to zero training. Dude at the gun shop will show you how to load and fire. No years of training needed (as was suggested with the sword). Unless you want to spend years training as a ninja, guns are the way to go.

5) Guns require zero assembly. They come pre-assembled. Dont need to teach yourself how to make them lethal (as opposed to FERTILIZER). Theyre made to be lethal.

6) Guns work. Bombs are messy and often dont work. Just ask underwear bomber, new years day bomber etc. Even Hitler survived a bomb being detonated in his bunker.

7) Guns allow error. You get one shot with a bomb. Probably one swing with a sword.

And why do you keep on bumping this stupid list about guns anyway? Because you think this is relevant to your argument? An argument pointing out an advancement in technology and machinery?

Guns are a product of a progressing civilization. Of course it will be smaller, easier to operate and more practical for it's use which is for protection and to make an uneven fight equal.
Just like we make lighters now so we don't rely on flint stones anymore for or fire.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:32 PM
Why should a sane, law-abiding gun owner have to give up their guns?

You also assume that all Second Amendment advocates are gun owners..... I choose not to own a gun, but I also realize that it's a constitutional right and that there are valid non-criminal reasons for people to own one....

Bumping this post....

07-20-2012, 02:33 PM
No agenda. You believe we are all separate. I don't.

We are all responsible.

I completely agree with you. This isn't the result of guns, or movies, or video games or one individual asshole with an evil agenda. I don't know how anybody could take such a granular view of a tragedy like this.

This is about a huge, hard to define and wholly fucked up sense of dread that's coursing through our society. It's a deep-seeded sadness and fear that almost everybody is complicit in. This is a sad place and time for a lot of very scared people. Particularly American people. And I hate when the pressure gets to be too much. That's what causes incidents like this. A cultural sadness so deep and scary that it almost brainwashes and turns an otherwise normal American into someone who just can't take it anymore and who completely loses touch with reality and any shred of respect for human lives.

The victims of something like this deserve a much harder look at the root cause than some reductive, stupid, trite, 'this kid is just evil' or 'guns are just evil' or 'movies are just evil' rhetoric or agenda. It's everything and everyone; it's who we are as a people. Those in this thread who are on the defensive about a particular issue or cause, are an insult to the lives lost. And they're perpetuating the problem even as we speak.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:36 PM
Nice doubletalk, but implying that violent movies play a role in mass murders IS partially blaming the movie industry for the actions of sick, deranged people....

The blame is 100% on the shooter, deal with it and stop trying to push an agenda....

Originally Posted by silverblk mystix
You are making up stuff.

I said there are a lot of reasons and a lot of things are responsible for things like this to happen. Ultimately the killer is responsible. He did it. No one else.

If you dig deeper and see how this killer was put together- you will begin to unravel how he was programmed-as we all were.

Some people take this programming and never hurt anyone. Some people take this programming and hurt others. Ultimately there are a lot of factors involved in a tragedy and the reasons that led to it.

I never placed sole blame on anything.

If you want to do yourself a favor- watch the movie "Rampage."

I kid you not- and as I said in an early post- the first reaction that I and the Mrs. had after watching it is - why?

Why would a director be this irresponsible and make this movie- it is just begging for trouble?

Watch it and see if you don't get a similar feeling. After reading the details of last nights tragedy - this movie came right back to me. It happened just like I thought it would immediately upon watching it.

Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.

Misrepresent much?

07-20-2012, 02:37 PM
in on the 16th page but lol at op saying only in america. because we're definitely known to do stupid shit like start mass riots after soccer matches.

07-20-2012, 02:38 PM
I completely agree with you. This isn't the result of guns, or movies, or video games or one individual asshole with an evil agenda. I don't know how anybody could take such a granular view of a tragedy like this.

This is about a huge, hard to define and wholly fucked up sense of dread that's coursing through our society. It's a deep-seeded sadness and fear that almost everybody is complicit in. This is a sad place and time for a lot of very scared people. Particularly American people. And I hate when the pressure gets to be too much. That's what causes incidents like this. A cultural sadness so deep and scary that it almost brainwashes and turns an otherwise normal American into someone who just can't take it anymore and who completely loses touch with reality and any shred of respect for human live.

The victims of something like this deserve a much harder look at the root cause than some reductive, stupid, trite, 'this kid is just evil' or 'guns are just evil' or 'movies are just evil' rhetoric and agenda. It's everything and everyone; it's who we are as a people.

Nah shit? Every regular person, like the shooter, faces all types of hardships in life. You want to expand the singular feelings that result from depression and extrapolate that to the general part of society as a whole, go ahead. But in no way, shape or form, does this piece of shit have any right to do something like this. Everyone has problems, it's how people deal with it that separates sane from insane.

07-20-2012, 02:38 PM
A crazy person can go on a rampage in a kindergarten school and break the necks of children...should we regulate body parts too?

What you dont understand is even if the government bans guns, it will only make things easier for criminals to victimize people because criminals do not obey laws hence why they are called criminals.


What a fucking joke.

So if we ban all guns, it would have been EASIER for this dude to commit mass murder? It would have been easier than just buying semi-automatic guns legally?!!

I dont know man, seemed pretty EASY to me. Dude shot 70 fucking people and did have to use the black market or anything.

Likewise, a gun is infinitely easier than your bare hands. I seriously cant believe you wrote stupid shit.

You are seriously a moron.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by silverblk mystix
You are making up stuff.

I said there are a lot of reasons and a lot of things are responsible for things like this to happen. Ultimately the killer is responsible. He did it. No one else.

If you dig deeper and see how this killer was put together- you will begin to unravel how he was programmed-as we all were.

Some people take this programming and never hurt anyone. Some people take this programming and hurt others. Ultimately there are a lot of factors involved in a tragedy and the reasons that led to it.

I never placed sole blame on anything.

If you want to do yourself a favor- watch the movie "Rampage."

I kid you not- and as I said in an early post- the first reaction that I and the Mrs. had after watching it is - why?

Why would a director be this irresponsible and make this movie- it is just begging for trouble?

Watch it and see if you don't get a similar feeling. After reading the details of last nights tragedy - this movie came right back to me. It happened just like I thought it would immediately upon watching it.

Was it the movie industry's fault or the director? No.

But it might have played a tiny part in it.

Misrepresent much?

"Played a tiny part in it" is a couched, PC way of saying that the movie industry is partially to blame... YOU are the one misrepresenting here, B, not me.....

07-20-2012, 02:39 PM
Nah shit? Every regular person, like the shooter, faces all types of hardships in life. You want to expand the singular feelings that result from depression and extrapolate that to the general part of society as a whole, go ahead. But no way in shape or form does this piece of shit have any right to do something like this. Everyone has problems, it's how people deal with it that separates sane from insane.I'm not prepared to give this guy the benefit of insanity at this point.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:39 PM
Nah shit? Every regular person, like the shooter, faces all types of hardships in life. You want to expand the singular feelings that result from depression and extrapolate that to the general part of society as a whole, go ahead. But no way in shape or form does this piece of shit have any right to do something like this. Everyone has problems, it's how people deal with it that separates sane from insane.

He never said-that the killer had a right---

Don't jump to a faulty conclusion.

07-20-2012, 02:39 PM
I completely agree with you. This isn't the result of guns, or movies, or video games or one individual asshole with an evil agenda. I don't know how anybody could take such a granular view of a tragedy like this.

This is about a huge, hard to define and wholly fucked up sense of dread that's coursing through our society. It's a deep-seeded sadness and fear that almost everybody is complicit in. This is a sad place and time for a lot of very scared people. Particularly American people. And I hate when the pressure gets to be too much. That's what causes incidents like this. A cultural sadness so deep and scary that it almost brainwashes and turns an otherwise normal American into someone who just can't take it anymore and who completely loses touch with reality and any shred of respect for human lives.

The victims of something like this deserve a much harder look at the root cause than some reductive, stupid, trite, 'this kid is just evil' or 'guns are just evil' or 'movies are just evil' rhetoric or agenda. It's everything and everyone; it's who we are as a people. Those in this thread who are on the defensive about a particular issue or cause, are an insult to the lives lost. And they're perpetuating the problem even as we speak.

I respectfully disagree. Nearly everyone else in America deals with the stress and sadness that you speak of and moves on with life. They attempt to do the best they can, and for the most part, want to be left alone.

This fucking piece of shit took that from at least 12 people last night. He doesn't deserve to live another minute. He should be executed and we should all move on. For those with friends and families involved, they'll NEVER be able to get over it. Fuck this guy, I hope we decide to make every breathe he takes from this point on, painful.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:41 PM
What a fucking joke.

So if we ban all guns, it would have been EASIER for this dude to commit mass murder? It would have been easier than just buying semi-automatic guns legally?!!

I dont know man, seemed pretty EASY to me. Dude shot 70 fucking people and did have to use the black market or anything.

Likewise, a gun is infinitely easier than your bare hands. I seriously cant believe you wrote stupid shit.

You are seriously a moron.
Are you really going to keep dodging my question?

Why should a sane, law-abiding gun owner have to give up their guns?

07-20-2012, 02:41 PM
Why should a sane, law-abiding gun owner have to give up their guns?

You also assume that all Second Amendment advocates are gun owners..... I choose not to own a gun, but I also realize that it's a constitutional right and that there are valid non-criminal reasons for people to own one....

Because semi-automatic weapons are too lethal to allow to the general public.

Same reason we ban bombs, grenades, missile launchers etc etc.

07-20-2012, 02:41 PM

07-20-2012, 02:42 PM
Mass murders, genocide, war, all that shit has been going on since the beginning of time.

Crazy people do crazy things. It has nothing to do with guns, or video games, or cultural influence. This guy was fucking whack, that's all there is to it and he needs to be put down painfully.

07-20-2012, 02:43 PM
He never said-that the killer had a right---

Don't jump to a faulty conclusion.

If anyone wants to place partial blame on anything and/or anyone not named the killer, they're wrong, it's that simple.

It really should not ever reach a point that a person is this disturbed to do something like this.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:44 PM
Because semi-automatic weapons are too lethal to allow to the general public.

But there are plenty of gun owners who have proven themselves to be responsible, follow the rules and regulations, and aren't batshit insane mass murderers.... why should they be forced to give up their constitutional right to bear arms? Who are you to tell someone who's done nothing wrong that they can no longer be trusted with their own property?

07-20-2012, 02:44 PM
I'm not prepared to give this guy the benefit of insanity at this point.

What label are you prepared to give him then?

07-20-2012, 02:45 PM
I completely agree with you. This isn't the result of guns, or movies, or video games or one individual asshole with an evil agenda. I don't know how anybody could take such a granular view of a tragedy like this.

This is about a huge, hard to define and wholly fucked up sense of dread that's coursing through our society. It's a deep-seeded sadness and fear that almost everybody is complicit in. This is a sad place and time for a lot of very scared people. Particularly American people. And I hate when the pressure gets to be too much. That's what causes incidents like this. A cultural sadness so deep and scary that it almost brainwashes and turns an otherwise normal American into someone who just can't take it anymore and who completely loses touch with reality and any shred of respect for human lives.

The victims of something like this deserve a much harder look at the root cause than some reductive, stupid, trite, 'this kid is just evil' or 'guns are just evil' or 'movies are just evil' rhetoric or agenda. It's everything and everyone; it's who we are as a people. Those in this thread who are on the defensive about a particular issue or cause, are an insult to the lives lost. And they're perpetuating the problem even as we speak.

...it's prolly 'cause of all the meat-eaters, right?

07-20-2012, 02:45 PM
I respectfully disagree. Nearly everyone else in America deals with the stress and sadness that you speak of and moves on with life. They attempt to do the best they can, and for the most part, want to be left alone.

This fucking piece of shit took that from at least 12 people last night. He doesn't deserve to live another minute. He should be executed and we should all move on. For those with friends and families involved, they'll NEVER be able to get over it. Fuck this guy, I hope we decide to make every breathe he takes from this point on, painful.

This guy gets it

07-20-2012, 02:46 PM
For you all engaged in the gun control argument:

It's been confirmed that the shooter owned the guns legally. He purchased them at bass pro shop.

Okay, carry on.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:47 PM
I completely agree with you. This isn't the result of guns, or movies, or video games or one individual asshole with an evil agenda. I don't know how anybody could take such a granular view of a tragedy like this.

This is about a huge, hard to define and wholly fucked up sense of dread that's coursing through our society. It's a deep-seeded sadness and fear that almost everybody is complicit in. This is a sad place and time for a lot of very scared people. Particularly American people. And I hate when the pressure gets to be too much. That's what causes incidents like this. A cultural sadness so deep and scary that it almost brainwashes and turns an otherwise normal American into someone who just can't take it anymore and who completely loses touch with reality and any shred of respect for human lives.

The victims of something like this deserve a much harder look at the root cause than some reductive, stupid, trite, 'this kid is just evil' or 'guns are just evil' or 'movies are just evil' rhetoric or agenda. It's everything and everyone; it's who we are as a people. Those in this thread who are on the defensive about a particular issue or cause, are an insult to the lives lost. And they're perpetuating the problem even as we speak.

Well said and thank you.

I am trying to ignore the inflammatory responses - in part to show respect for the victims. The other part- because it is already played out.

It is the responsibility of everyone- even if you think you are on an island separate from everyone else- you are not.

It is not a matter of relieving the killer of any responsibility- it is about seeing the reality in these things. We are a part of society. We are sharing this space together. We can blame everyone else and wash our hands of any blame- but these things will keep happening.

We can also be a part of changing it- but it is hard work and it will never even get started until people finally say-we aren't going to allow this to continue.

If you think that you and people who do evil are not connected in any way- you are sadly mistaken.

We don't differ in who we are- only in what we do.

07-20-2012, 02:47 PM
What a fucking joke.

So if we ban all guns, it would have been EASIER for this dude to commit mass murder? It would have been easier than just buying semi-automatic guns legally?!!

I dont know man, seemed pretty EASY to me. Dude shot 70 fucking people and did have to use the black market or anything.

Likewise, a gun is infinitely easier than your bare hands. I seriously cant believe you wrote stupid shit.

You are seriously a moron.

Dont call me names. Im just having a conversation with you and there's no need for that. Im in AZ too, and if you want, we can meet up and we can fight if you really are that tough.

- People can buy guns at backpage and all they have to do is present their ID. No background checks and you have the gun in 5 mins.
And if you ban guns, do you really really think everyone will give up their guns specially criminals? It will take 2-3 generations to get rid of guns in the USA.

07-20-2012, 02:47 PM
What label are you prepared to give him then?I believe I already called him a motherfucker.

Piece of shit works too.

Insanity connotes some kind of uncontrollable compulsion. From what little I know, this guy made a clear choice.

07-20-2012, 02:47 PM

I'm not making an argument. I'm stating my observation of what you are doing here, dipshit.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:49 PM
For you all engaged in the gun control argument:

It's been confirmed that the shooter owned the guns legally. He purchased them at bass pro shop.

Okay, carry on.

Thanks for the info.... Clearly, Colorado needs to closely assess the processes they have in place for gun licensing/ownership so that this can't happen again...

07-20-2012, 02:49 PM
Nah shit? Every regular person, like the shooter, faces all types of hardships in life. You want to expand the singular feelings that result from depression and extrapolate that to the general part of society as a whole, go ahead. But no way in shape or form does this piece of shit have any right to do something like this. Everyone has problems, it's how people deal with it that separates sane from insane.

Of course he didn't have a right to do something like this. Of course not. And it's not a question of 'problems'. I'm not talking economic hardship or a bad breakup or something. I'm just saying, there's something deeply mindfucking about being an American these days. Particularly a younger American. We've been marketed to and politicized to and pampered and entitled and shamed and much more besides for our entire dystopic lives. You're 100% correct- it's how people deal with it that separates the sane from the insane, I totally agree with that. Most of us cope- 99.998% of us cope. We find healthy ways to retain our personhood. And it doesn't make it okay that this kid couldn't do that. His not doing that doesn't give him any justifiable right to have committed this horror. It's fine to be angry and he doesn't deserve, at all, any absolution for this act. Zero. And he'll be tried and judged and punished to a far lesser degree than the damage he inflicted might seem to warrant.

But why a college kid, with every normal background and advantage, walks into a movie theater and starts putting bullets into kids, point blank, isn't answerable by some agenda drenched or reductive answer for how or why something like this happens. It doesn't do any good to reduce the scope of the cause to something far less significant or widespread than what it really is.

07-20-2012, 02:49 PM
If you think that you and people who do evil are not connected in any way- you are sadly mistaken.What connection do you share with this piece of shit?

07-20-2012, 02:49 PM
I believe I already called him a motherfucker.

Piece of shit works too.

Insanity connotes some kind of uncontrollable compulsion. From what little I know, this guy made a clear choice.

So someone who murders 12 is not insane because he made a clear choice?

07-20-2012, 02:50 PM
Of course he didn't have a right to do something like this. Of course not. And it's not a question of 'problems'. I'm talking economic hardship or a bad breakup or something. I'm just saying, there's something deeply mindfucking about being an American these days. Particularly a younger American. We've been marketed to and politicized to and pampered and entitled and shamed and much more besides for our entire dystopic lives. You're 100% correct- it's how people deal with it that separates the sane from the insane, I totally agree with that. Most of us cope- 99.998% of us cope. We find healthy ways to retain our personhood. And it doesn't make it okay that this kid couldn't do that. His not doing that doesn't give him any justifiable right to have committed this horror. But why a college kid, with every normal background and advantage, walks into a movie theater and starts putting bullets into kids, point blank, isn't answerable by some agenda drenched or reductive answer for how or why something like this happens. It doesn't do any good to reduce the scope of the cause to something far less significant that what it really is.Sorry, man. People have been killing people like this ever since they figured out they could. Emo is nothing new.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:51 PM
I believe I already called him a motherfucker.

Piece of shit works too.

Insanity connotes some kind of uncontrollable compulsion. From what little I know, this guy made a clear choice.

Yet one would have to have severe issues to make that choice, tbh....

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:52 PM
What connection do you share with this piece of shit?

The same one that you and I share.
We are human.

07-20-2012, 02:52 PM
Chump-lite is suddenly bold again because Chumpie is here.


I didn't even start the countdown.

Is enlightened silverblk mystix going to make another appearance in this thread, or have you suppressed him indefinitely?

07-20-2012, 02:53 PM
Yet one would have to have severe issues to make that choice, tbh....He'd have to want to kill a lot of people.

07-20-2012, 02:53 PM
But there are plenty of gun owners who have proven themselves to be responsible, follow the rules and regulations, and aren't batshit insane mass murderers.... why should they be forced to give up their constitutional right to bear arms? Who are you to tell someone who's done nothing wrong that they can no longer be trusted with their own property?

Because semi-automatic weapons are too lethal for the general public.

Same as bombs, missiles, grenades etc etc etc

07-20-2012, 02:53 PM
Movie night is cancelled and we are staying in tonight.

Is this out of respect or fear?

07-20-2012, 02:53 PM
He'd have to want to kill a lot of people.

Because the guy has problems, mental problems, probably.

07-20-2012, 02:53 PM
The same one that you and I share.
We are human.

Oh wow, enlightened made another appearance!


07-20-2012, 02:54 PM
Painted his hair, called himself the "Joker", bought a ticket and scouted the crown. Jesus!

07-20-2012, 02:54 PM
The same one that you and I share.
We are human.You somehow think that's profound.

Yes, it was not a lemur that shot all those people.

What an astute observation.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:54 PM
Because semi-automatic weapons are too lethal for the general public.

Who are you to decide that a proven responsible, law-abiding, sane gun owner must give up property that they paid for and are licensed to use because it's too lethal for them?

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 02:55 PM
Oh wow, enlightened made another appearance!


Same as you too Blake, human.

Sucks for you to have to admit we have something in common.

07-20-2012, 02:55 PM
Because the guy has problems, mental problems, probably.It's not a necessity.

07-20-2012, 02:56 PM
Dont call me names. Im just having a conversation with you and there's no need for that. Im in AZ too, and if you want, we can meet up and we can fight if you really are that tough.

- People can buy guns at backpage and all they have to do is present their ID. No background checks and you have the gun in 5 mins.
And if you ban guns, do you really really think everyone will give up their guns specially criminals? It will take 2-3 generations to get rid of guns in the USA.

I'd take that deal.

Kori Ellis
07-20-2012, 02:56 PM
Ignoring the gun control talk...

What a horrible tragedy. Many people here knew the person from San Antonio who was killed. Condolences to all the friends and families of all the victims.

07-20-2012, 02:57 PM
Who are you to decide that a proven responsible, law-abiding, sane gun owner must give up property that they paid for and are licensed to use because it's too lethal for them?

So are you going to the opposite end of the spectrum and say that no weapon should be outlawed for law abiding citizens?

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 02:57 PM
It's not a necessity.

Normal people don't senselessly kill a bunch of innocent human beings... normal people don't shoot a baby point blank in the face or kill a woman who is crying on the ground in front of them.... this guy clearly was not normal....

07-20-2012, 02:57 PM
It's not a necessity.

Then what other reason(s), do you think, would lead this guy to shoot and kill 12 others?

07-20-2012, 02:58 PM
Mass murders, genocide, war, all that shit has been going on since the beginning of time.

Crazy people do crazy things. It has nothing to do with guns, or video games, or cultural influence. This guy was fucking whack, that's all there is to it and he needs to be put down painfully.

i agree, something painful and brutal, but most likely he'll get life or some pussy lethal injection.

that's an entire separate debate (besides this 2nd amendment one) about the effectiveness of capital punishment. personally i'm a fan of it.

07-20-2012, 02:58 PM
Normal people don't senselessly kill a bunch of innocent human beings... normal people don't shoot a baby point blank in the face or kill a woman who is crying on the ground in front of them.... this guy clearly was not normal....


07-20-2012, 02:58 PM
Who are you to decide that a proven responsible, law-abiding, sane gun owner must give up property that they paid for and are licensed to use because it's too lethal for them?

Im a citizen. I get a vote. I say one dude who can shoot SEVENTY different people in a couple of minutes goes beyond "right to bare arms".

Same reason we outlaw missiles, grenades, bombs etc etc etc.

I'll keep posting this answer since you keep asking the same question.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:00 PM
So are you going to the opposite end of the spectrum and say that no weapon should be outlawed for law abiding citizens?

No, I am not... I'm simply stating that if someone who has lawfully purchased a gun under our current system has proven themselves to be responsible, they should not have to give up property they paid for and are licensed to use due to the actions of a crazed individual....

07-20-2012, 03:00 PM
For you all engaged in the gun control argument:

It's been confirmed that the shooter owned the guns legally. He purchased them at bass pro shop.

Okay, carry on.

They always do.

Why would anyone buy on black market? Go to all that HASSLE when theyre available at your local Wal-Mart or Bass pro shop?

07-20-2012, 03:00 PM
Normal people don't senselessly kill a bunch of innocent human beings... normal people don't shoot a baby point blank in the face or kill a woman who is crying on the ground in front of them.... this guy clearly was not normal....Can't someone just be evil?

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:02 PM
Im a citizen. I get a vote. I say one dude who can shoot SEVENTY different people in a couple of minutes goes beyond "right to bare arms".

The actions of one sick individual do not cancel out all the responsible gun owners who would never even entertain the thought of doing something like this....

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:02 PM
Can't someone just be evil?

Define evil.

Then tell me if everyone in the world has the same definition of evil.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:02 PM
Can't someone just be evil?

Yes, but normal people aren't evil....

07-20-2012, 03:04 PM
Yes, but normal people aren't evil....OK, guess it's just a matter of definition.

07-20-2012, 03:05 PM
Define evil.

Then tell me if everyone in the world has the same definition of evil.He's not a lemur.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:05 PM
They always do.

Why would anyone buy on black market? Go to all that HASSLE when theyre available at your local Wal-Mart or Bass pro shop?

You do realize the prerequisites for owning a gun differ from state to state, right? Perhaps Colorado should change their laws so it isn't so easy for a deranged, evil individual to get their hands on a gun, yet people who can prove themselves to be responsible can still exercise their constitutional rights if they so choose......

07-20-2012, 03:05 PM
Quick google on the definition of insanity:

The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
Extreme foolishness or irrationality.

Everything this guy did in the shooting falls under any and all these descriptions.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:07 PM
He's not a lemur.

So you don't know the answer.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:07 PM
i agree, something painful and brutal, but most likely he'll get life or some pussy lethal injection.

that's an entire separate debate (besides this 2nd amendment one) about the effectiveness of capital punishment. personally i'm a fan of it.

I'm not in favor of capital punishment.... it's more expensive for taxpayers than a life sentence and there's no margin for error..... that sicko deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his days, tbh.....

07-20-2012, 03:08 PM
The actions of one sick individual do not cancel out all the responsible gun owners who would never even entertain the thought of doing something like this....

Not ONE sick individual. This is becoming pretty common.






07-20-2012, 03:08 PM
Quick google on the definition of insanity:

The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
Extreme foolishness or irrationality.

Everything this guy did in the shooting falls under any and all these descriptions.Not sure.

Guess I'd rather wait to see what he says than to take your word about the definition of any word.

07-20-2012, 03:09 PM
Same as you too Blake, human.

Sucks for you to have to admit we have something in common.

it must suck for you to have multiple personalities.

07-20-2012, 03:09 PM
So you don't know the answer.I do, dumbass. I just said it's a matter of definition.

Send me another PM threat.

07-20-2012, 03:09 PM
You do realize the prerequisites for owning a gun differ from state to state, right? Perhaps Colorado should change their laws so it isn't so easy for a deranged, evil individual to get their hands on a gun, yet people who can prove themselves to be responsible can still exercise their constitutional rights if they so choose......

Good point. But dont single out Colorado. Dont forget Virginia:


And Utah:

And New York:


And Arizona:


07-20-2012, 03:10 PM
The actions of one sick individual do not cancel out all the responsible gun owners who would never even entertain the thought of doing something like this....
One sick individual is still more than enough and can obviously inflict great damage.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:10 PM
it must suck for you to have multiple personalities.

Not as much as it must suck for you to be asleep and unaware.

07-20-2012, 03:11 PM
Not sure.

Guess I'll wait to see what he says than to take your word about the definition of any word.

This is not my definition. This is the definition that comes up when one simply types the word insanity into google. In fact, it's the first thing that comes up before any link. I'm going by this definition to define what he is because of these acts he's committed. He's a sick and twisted motherfucker.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:11 PM
Not ONE sick individual. This is becoming pretty common.
And yet, there are still a ton of responsible gun owners in this country.... they just don't usually make the news because they aren't committing crimes.....

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:12 PM
One sick individual is still more than enough and can obviously inflict great damage.

And we already have a justice system and laws to punish those who inflict this kind of damage.....

07-20-2012, 03:13 PM
They always do.

Why would anyone buy on black market? Go to all that HASSLE when theyre available at your local Wal-Mart or Bass pro shop?

Yes, there is no need to go through the "HASSLE" when they plan on getting caught. If being executed or spending life in prison isn't a deterrent to a mass shooting finding guns on the black market is unlikely to be as well. Or finding another effective way to kill a lot of people.

07-20-2012, 03:13 PM
This is not my definition. This is the definition that comes up when one simply types the word insanity into google. In fact, it's the first thing that comes up before any link. I'm going by this definition to define what he is because of these acts he's committed. He's a sick and twisted motherfucker.Depends on definitions, with which you clearly have difficulty.

No need to continue with this.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Yes, there is no need to go through the "HASSLE" when they plan on getting caught. If being executed or spending life in prison isn't a deterrent to a mass shooting finding guns on the black market is unlikely to be as well. Or finding another effective way to kill a lot of people.

Don't even bother, he'll just copy and paste his lists.....

07-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Depends on definitions, with which you clearly have difficulty.

No need to continue with this.

Okay, whatever man.

07-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Not ONE sick individual. This is becoming pretty common.

So you don't think people could get guns if they were illegal?

Now I know getting your hands on something illegal is impossible.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:15 PM
I do, dumbass. I just said it's a matter of definition.

Send me another PM threat.

I didn't send you a pm threat, you can post it if you want.

I will say it here since you can't see things afresh and are clinging to past butthurts.

I said to you that you clearly started this by throwing out the mustang barb.
I asked if you really want to start up again and that it is played out. I said I can do this all day and so can you.
But why?

Pretty reasonable IMO.

What about let bygones be bygones and discuss the topic without the insults?

I can.

Can you?

07-20-2012, 03:15 PM
A crazy person can go on a rampage in a kindergarten school and break the necks of children...should we regulate body parts too?

What you dont understand is even if the government bans guns, it will only make things easier for criminals to victimize people because criminals do not obey laws hence why they are called criminals.

This is an isolated event and does not happen everyday because not everyone is mentally crazy like the batman shooter is.

Guns are a product of a progressing civilization. Of course it will be smaller, easier to operate and more practical for it's use which is for protection and to make an uneven fight equal.

Just like we make lighters now so we don't rely on flint stones anymore for or fire.

so lets allow those kindergartners the constitutional right to bear arms when there is a stranger danger.

07-20-2012, 03:15 PM
And we already have a justice system and laws to punish those who inflict this kind of damage.....
The point should be to deter another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, etc. Have we? Sick, evil people don't give two shits about the justice system.

07-20-2012, 03:16 PM
I didn't send you a pm threat, you can post it if you want.

I will say it here since you can't see things afresh and are clinging to past butthurts.

I said to you that you clearly started this by throwing out the mustang barb.
I asked if you really want to start up again and that it is played out. I said I can do this all day and so can you.
But why?

Pretty reasonable IMO.

What about let bygones be bygones and discuss the topic without the insults?

I can.

Can you?You started right in with the insults again (cue "you did it first" whining).

Fuck you and your thin skin. Stop making this thread about you.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:17 PM
The point should be to deter another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, etc. Have we? Sick, evil people don't give two shits about the justice system.

Much better question and much better topic than the blame game.


07-20-2012, 03:18 PM
So you don't think people could get guns if they were illegal?

Now I know getting your hands on something illegal is impossible.

Of course you can.

But its A LOT harder than just driving to Bass Pro Shop.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:18 PM
You started right in with the insults again (cue "you did it first" whining).

Fuck you and your thin skin. Stop making this thread about you.

You just defined how butthurt you are. :lol

I can move on anytime. Let me know when you can too. :lol

Oh yeah, and anyone can go back a few pages and see that it was you who hurled the mustang insult.


07-20-2012, 03:19 PM
You just defined how butthurt you are. :lol

I can move on anytime. Let me know when you can too. :lolStop making this thread about you.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:20 PM
The point should be to deter another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, etc. Have we? Sick, evil people don't give two shits about the justice system.

If they don't give two shits about getting caught now, why would they give two shits about getting caught if all guns were banned? Banning guns doesn't fix murderers' insane minds and only serves to punish responsible adults and limit law-abiding citizens' ability to defend themselves, tbh.....

07-20-2012, 03:20 PM
So you don't think people could get guns if they were illegal?

Now I know getting your hands on something illegal is impossible.

This. If someone wants to kill a massive amount of people, THEY WILL. It doesn't matter the means to do so. If you want to argue percentages on whether a bomb would kill more or less people or be more or less effective - then you are fucking stupid.

silverblk mystix
07-20-2012, 03:21 PM
Stop making this thread about you.

Stop making it about you- you began the insults when I voiced a very reasonable opinion.

That there are a lot of reasons for something like this to happen.

07-20-2012, 03:21 PM
You anti-gun crowd people are unamerican and don't know anything about history. If there were strict gun control in 1776, we'd still be under the British crown.

07-20-2012, 03:21 PM
Stop making it about you- you began the insults when I voiced a very reasonable opinion.

That there are a lot of reasons for something like this to happen.Stop making this thread about you.

07-20-2012, 03:21 PM
Of course you can.

But its A LOT harder than just driving to Bass Pro Shop.

So, instead of today - the killer might have to wait a couple more weeks to shoot up 70+ people? Solid, solid logic.

07-20-2012, 03:22 PM
Not as much as it must suck for you to be asleep and unaware.

stupid assumptions and or lying.


07-20-2012, 03:22 PM
Im a citizen. I get a vote. I say one dude who can shoot SEVENTY different people in a couple of minutes goes beyond "right to bare arms".

Same reason we outlaw missiles, grenades, bombs etc etc etc.

I'll keep posting this answer since you keep asking the same question.

What about the rest of us who are not crazy?
I have 9 pistols, 2 rifles, a shotgun and about 25k ammo but I choose not to go to crowded places and shoot everyone.
Why should I lose my right just because a mentally unstable person chose to do wrong?

07-20-2012, 03:23 PM
"A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies."

-George Washington

07-20-2012, 03:24 PM
If they don't give two shits about getting caught now, why would they give two shits about getting caught if all guns were banned? Banning guns doesn't fix murderers' insane minds and only serves to punish responsible adults and limit law-abiding citizens' ability to defend themselves, tbh.....
It would help. Only 17 states submit mental health information to the background check systems.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:24 PM
What about the rest of us who are not crazy?
I have 9 pistols, 2 rifles, a shotgun and about 25k ammo but I choose not to go to crowded places and shoot everyone.
Why should I lose my right just because a mentally unstable person chose to do wrong?

Because da_suns_fan has decided that the guns you legally own and use responsibly are now too lethal for you to have, and his word is final....

Roger Freemason Jr.
07-20-2012, 03:25 PM
Damn man.. This honestly breaks my heart. 12 people died, for no good reason. All those people wanted to do was watch the amazing new Batman movie, highly anticipated, revered among superhero movies.

There is evil in this world. But where does that begin? Surely not at birth..

07-20-2012, 03:25 PM

07-20-2012, 03:26 PM
This. If someone wants to kill a massive amount of people, THEY WILL. It doesn't matter the means to do so. If you want to argue percentages on whether a bomb would kill more or less people or be more or less effective - then you are fucking stupid.


To gloss over the differences in usability, portability, concealibility, effectiveness, re-use etc is asinine.

Im sure this dude could have made a home-made bomb and brought it into the theater. BUt it would have been much more difficult to cause the amount of death he easily inflicted by using guns.

Especially considering he was a "rogue" and had no assistance from outside bomb-makers etc.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:26 PM
It would help. Only 17 states submit mental health information to the background check systems.

Problem: the black market doesn't have background checks, and that's where the crazies will go if all guns were to be banned....

07-20-2012, 03:29 PM
Problem: the black market doesn't have background checks, and that's where the crazies will go if all guns were to be banned....
And they may indeed do that, but don't make it easy on them. It should be imperative when one buys a gun if that person has ever been institutionalized involuntarily, or any psychological information at all.

Clipper Nation
07-20-2012, 03:30 PM
And they may indeed do that, but don't make it easy on them. It should be imperative when one buys a gun if that person has ever been institutionalized involuntarily, or any psychological information at all.

I agree... it's inexcusable that every state doesn't have these requirements, and residents of the states that don't should put pressure on their state legislators to change the laws.....

07-20-2012, 03:31 PM
that's where the crazies will go if all guns were to be banned....

that will be the least of your worries considering there would be a civil war before they ever took away our 2nd amendment.

07-20-2012, 03:31 PM

To gloss over the differences in usability, portability, concealibility, effectiveness, re-use etc is asinine.

Im sure this dude could have made a home-made bomb and brought it into the theater. BUt it would have been much more difficult to cause the amount of death he easily inflicted by using guns.

Especially considering he was a "rogue" and had no assistance from outside bomb-makers etc.

How the fuck can you prove that? If that is the basis of your argument.... :lmao.