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  1. RIP Nur Omar Mohamed, tbh (5 replies)
  2. HUGE victory for the LGBT community in spite of a Supreme Court dominated by conservative judges (24 replies)
  3. Early test results of Minnesota protesters show few coronavirus positives (2 replies)
  4. "BLM" a war against the white race? (178 replies)
  5. Chumpettes: Do You Support Defunding the CHOP? (98 replies)
  6. Cell phone service down across USA!!! (41 replies)
  7. Would you join an armed militia to protect your community? (14 replies)
  8. What is going in California ya'll (9 replies)
  9. LOL Andrew Cuomo (71 replies)
  10. Chumpettes: Will You Becoming Chazistanis? (0 replies)
  11. Media Is Complicit In These Riots (45 replies)
  12. Burning resurants ok now ? (79 replies)
  13. Chumpettes: Do We Need To Get Rid Of This FDR Statue? (140 replies)
  14. Camden, NJ (49 replies)
  15. Los Angeles County medical examiner-coroner's office said the death was initially reported as an apparent suicide. Really??? (1 replies)
  16. Lady G, Qhris, and the rest of the Gays for Trump... (6 replies)
  17. Dirty Mexicans (99 replies)
  18. UT football: Uprising (213 replies)
  19. Seattle Autonomous Zone (38 replies)
  20. Defund the Police (114 replies)
  21. trumps rally ticket comes with a disclaimer: can't sue if you catch the 'rona (48 replies)
  22. Chumpettes, Tell Us How You Don't Want The American Flag Banned (26 replies)
  23. COVID-19 Second Wave - Does Anyone Care? (174 replies)
  24. Trump Will Return to Campaign Trail With Rally in Tulsa (252 replies)
  25. Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (67 replies)
  26. Europeans Experience (29 replies)
  27. First Cops, Now Paw Patrol (26 replies)
  28. :lol at NasKKKar Fanz (273 replies)
  29. Wow, so powerful (10 replies)
  30. Merriam-Webster To Change Defintion Of Racism To Include Anyone Who Doesn't Acknowledge Their White Privilege (5 replies)
  31. US Trial Finds Drug Cuts Coronavirus Mortality 40% (2 replies)
  32. LeBron James asks if how we vote is 'also structurally racist' (22 replies)
  33. GA on that bullsh*t already (10 replies)
  34. Trump to announce executive, legislative actions on police reform: sources (2 replies)
  35. We often accuse the right of distorting science. But the left changed the coronavirus narrative overnight (62 replies)
  36. Chumpette Sign-In Sheet: Who Here Has Taken The Knee? (158 replies)
  37. Repug INTENTIONAL MISgovernace: ‘Complete meltdown’: Election chaos in Georgia as voters face long lines, broken machines and confused poll workers (1 replies)
  38. trump claims 75 yr old protestor is an antifa provocateur (160 replies)
  39. crime in Camden, NJ fell 50% after police was de funded (48 replies)
  40. ROFL millions of old ppls who voted for Michael Bloomberg (4 replies)
  41. So how many in here went to the protests? (82 replies)
  42. It's officially official: we're officially in a recession (15 replies)
  43. trump expected to give a speech on race and unity (37 replies)
  44. Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department (135 replies)
  45. Target Closes 175 Stores Nationwide In Wake Of George Floyd Protests, Looting (1 replies)
  46. Government Officials: No Systemic Problem Of Racism Within Law Enforcement Agencies (1 replies)
  47. George Floyd:::A Waste of Space. (937 replies)
  48. Happy D-Day (3 replies)
  49. #TurnTexasBlue (325 replies)
  50. Father-Absent Homes: Implications for Criminal Justice and Mental Health Professionals (0 replies)
  51. Denver police ordered to stop using tear gas and plastic bullets in protests (3 replies)
  52. Do black lives matter more than other minorities' lives? (159 replies)
  53. 57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident (118 replies)
  54. 'Stunning!' : Unemployment Falls to 13.3% as US Adds 2.5M Jobs Despite Pandemic (173 replies)
  55. Negotiating with terrorists good now (8 replies)
  56. Former Marine General Mattis shreds Trump (8 replies)
  57. BunkerB tch turning the white house and surroundings into Baghdad Green Zone (97 replies)
  58. George Floyd tested positive for coronavirus but showed no symptoms, autopsy reveals (27 replies)
  59. RIP George Floyd (Another COVID Statistic) (21 replies)
  60. MADDOG2020 (101 replies)
  61. As Chumpettes Cry About Their King, Character Of Their Democratic Congresspersons Exposed (12 replies)
  62. Rep. Steve King Goes Down In GOP Primary (42 replies)
  63. Leftist Cult (2616 replies)
  64. Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, Standing Up to Trump (28 replies)
  65. Joe Biden was the right pick for Democrats (1146 replies)
  66. This Is Not a Revolution. It’s a Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation (29 replies)
  67. The REAL "White Supremacy." (26 replies)
  68. Canadian Cities are doing peaceful protest in memory of Mr. Floyd. (4 replies)
  69. Hey leftists and right-wingers, where is the consistency? (36 replies)
  70. Civil War 2020 (104 replies)
  71. Uhoh: independent autopsy concludes George Floyd died of homicide/compression of the neck (25 replies)
  72. LOL 2020: Congo reports double Ebola outbreak (4 replies)
  73. i was a cop for 10 years i retired in 2012 to open a restaurant (3 replies)
  74. Democrat Mayors Allowing Mob Rule (23 replies)
  75. It’s like we don’t even have a president... (429 replies)
  76. Biden, Democrats Planning for Trillions in Tax Increases (17 replies)
  77. Antifa: A Designated Terrorist Organization (557 replies)
  78. Realize the two party paradigm (23 replies)
  79. The SpaceX Launch was staged in a Florida studio, IMVHO (18 replies)
  80. Trump watches spacex rocket tackeoff then turns around when crowd behind him chants "I still cant breathe" (23 replies)
  81. EXCLUSIVE: Trump, Biden forgo FBI counterintelligence briefings (1 replies)
  82. WOW, Taylor Swift. Have mercy on DJT! (109 replies)
  83. Trump buried for threat to turn weapons and ‘vicious dogs’ on DC protesters (1 replies)
  84. TGY you called this ma jig. Minneapolis police officer broke Autozone windows undercover (89 replies)
  85. Republican lawmakers accused of hiding positive COVID-19 test result from Democrats, who call it 'immoral' (5 replies)
  86. Chumpettes Support Pedos Thread (75 replies)
  87. Driving sucks now. (13 replies)
  88. The cop who killed George Floyd in Minneapolis worked with him and knew him. (0 replies)
  89. New Zogby Poll Shocker: 37 Percent of Dems Want Biden Replaced (14 replies)
  90. Crazy active shooter stopped by a man, and his truck (3 replies)
  91. Kathy Griffin At It Again (42 replies)
  92. Target Situation (15 replies)
  93. Called it: Herd immunity was a big lie and a myth. Turns out I was 100% spot on (7 replies)
  94. National Burger Day today! Krews, get on it! (10 replies)
  95. Ex-Never Trumper Erick Erickson explains how he came to support Trump, what elites fear (3 replies)
  96. Zuckerberg knocks Twitter for fact-checking Trump, says private companies shouldn't be 'the arbiter of truth' (9 replies)
  97. Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China (4 replies)
  98. Tech billionaires are plotting sweeping, secret plans to boost Joe Biden. (10 replies)
  99. Disney World sets reopening date (53 replies)
  100. trump threatens to shut down twitter because they created a fact check button on his tweets (324 replies)
  101. Is this what the Vietnam Era felt like? (41 replies)
  102. Belgium, France and World Health Org all BAN Trumps coronavirus snake oil as it ends up killing more people than the virus (99 replies)
  103. Why Are Men Pointing Guns at Their Dicks to Own the Libs (2 replies)
  104. Minneapolis police station surrounded, officers under attack as riots explode (4072 replies)
  105. Jerry Nadler in 2004: ‘Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud’ (1 replies)
  106. The general election scenario that Democrats are dreading (2 replies)
  107. Nobel Prize-winning scientist explains why COVID lockdowns may have cost more lives than they saved (57 replies)
  108. Ilhan Omar: 'I do believe' Tara Reade's claims against Joe Biden (52 replies)
  109. Leaked Senate Talking Points Say Internet Surveillance Warrants Would Force FBI to Let Terrorists Bomb Things (7 replies)
  110. The People Have Spoken: 60% years of americans support vote by mail. (18 replies)
  111. Thousands flock to Houston-area water park as CEO defies Gov. Abbott’s orders and reopens for Memorial Day weekend (2 replies)
  112. lol Kentucky (35 replies)
  113. Trump Calls Out MSNBC's Murderer (82 replies)
  114. The Trumpy Bear (tm) (14 replies)
  115. Trumps buddy Bolsonaro is finished (18 replies)
  116. Dems Doing What Dems Do: Ballot Box Stuffing (19 replies)
  117. Every Covid-19 Commercial is Exactly the Same #together (5 replies)
  118. Joe Biden's VP Pick (40 replies)
  119. Biden with another trainwreck interview with black radio host. Tells him if you are for Trump you aint black (190 replies)
  120. Stacy Abrams Is The New Ralph Wiggum (39 replies)
  121. Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo vetting to be running mate (173 replies)
  122. LATEST WRONG COURSE Horowitz: Analysis from J.P. Morgan shows lockdowns don’t help GREAT RESULTS Horowitz: Science and liberty over power: Ron DeSantis delivers for the people of Florida WITHOUT REPRESENTATION GOP state lawmaker kicked out of Illin (49 replies)
  123. 1200 Californian Pastors Sign Declararation Of Essentiality (92 replies)
  124. At least 4 states combined numbers from two tests, possibly providing a misleading picture of coronavirus spread (69 replies)
  125. Leaked Phonecalls between Biden and ex Ukranian leader show Pay to Play/Corruption activities by both (95 replies)
  126. CDC now says coronavirus 'does not spread easily' via contaminated surfaces (18 replies)
  127. Trump threatens to withhold aid to 2 states over expanded voting by mail (28 replies)
  128. Seattle City Council calls for $100 million 'relief fund' for illegal immigrants (12 replies)
  129. Body Shaming Okay Now (117 replies)
  130. Failure of the Century? Palestine exits all previous agreements with US/Israel (96 replies)
  131. Oregonians: Our Latest Fellow Americans To Have Their Freedoms Restored (68 replies)
  132. Trump reveals he's taking hydroxychloroquine in effort to prevent coronavirus symptoms (221 replies)
  133. The United Nations is infected (16 replies)
  134. House passes' $3T 'HEROES' aid for stimulus checks, rent assistance (53 replies)
  135. 'No-knock' searches plus stand-your-ground laws: A deadly combo for civilians and police (117 replies)
  136. Mark Cuban says families should get $1,000 in stimulus checks every two weeks — with one big catch (6 replies)
  137. Der Führer Garcetti Weaponized Public Utilities Against Political Enemies (41 replies)
  138. Democrats Have Abandoned Civil Liberties (37 replies)
  139. House Dems Vote For Another $3 Trillion In Corporate Bailouts (4 replies)
  140. Would you take Trumps Warp Speed Vaccine? (33 replies)
  141. President Idiot will protect us with a "super duper missile". Also annoys Trekkies in same presser (9 replies)
  142. Joe Biden says Covid19 has cost US 85,000 jobs and millions of american lives (38 replies)
  143. Current president wants ex-president investigated. (70 replies)
  144. Sen. Richard Burr Under FBI Investigation, Steps Down from Senate Intelligence Committee (8 replies)
  145. Wisconsinites Are Free From They Tyranny (31 replies)
  146. Another Repug senator under investigation for insider trading (39 replies)
  147. Whitmer and Michigan (107 replies)
  148. 16K Young, Healthy Volunteers Express Interest in Being Exposed to COVID-19 (13 replies)
  149. Moscow Mitch looking to extend the surveillance state (28 replies)
  150. Thunderbirds (19 replies)
  151. LMAO CNN to have Coronavirus town hall with virologist expert Greta Thunberg (104 replies)
  152. Putin Is Well on His Way to Stealing the Next Election (92 replies)
  153. .R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act (101 replies)
  154. SNL: Trump Graduation Speech for the Class of COVID-19 (15 replies)
  155. Supreme Court hears arguments on Trump’s tax returns, personal financial records (2 replies)
  156. Dr. Birx: ‘Nothing From CDC I Can Trust’ (8 replies)
  157. SCOTUS To Hear Arguments Re: Trumps Financial Records (60 replies)
  158. Elon Musk Defies The Lockdown (Opens Factory Against "Law") (63 replies)
  159. Noam Chomsky: “Trump has killed thousands of americans” (303 replies)
  160. Obamagate (231 replies)
  161. Over 100 Tweets by Trump Today (108 replies)
  162. President of Tanzania uncovers the TRUTH about COVID-19 (IMPORTANT TO SHARE) (52 replies)
  163. Connecticut man breaks window, steals women's underwear after being tossed from McDonald's for not wearing mask (4 replies)
  164. Illinois Governor's stay-at-home order infringes civil liberties, rules judge (4 replies)
  165. California Democrat reacts to Tesla lawsuit, pullout plan over coronavirus rules: ‘F--- Elon Musk (26 replies)
  166. Top House Republican issues 'call to arms' about Dems trying to 'steal' Calif. election; Trump joins effort (54 replies)
  167. BANNED - DELETED (0 replies)
  168. Gutfeld suggests some Dems using allegations to push Biden out of race: 'I have yet to meet a Biden supporter' (51 replies)
  169. Nate Silver: 'Basic error' on coronavirus stories reveal media’s true goals (1 replies)
  170. KSAT12 defenders going in on Bexar County jp Ciro Rodriguez (8 replies)
  171. Unemployment Rate Hits 14.7%, Worst Since Great Depression (65 replies)
  172. Cuomo on Cuomo (7 replies)
  173. Boycott China? (36 replies)
  174. Ginsburg eviscerates 9th Circuit’s handling of immigration consultant's case (0 replies)
  175. Russia Hoax completely unraveled. Deep State drops criminal case vs Michael Flynn (308 replies)
  176. George Conway (22 replies)
  177. Supreme Court unanimously reverses 'Bridgegate' convictions (1 replies)
  178. End the coronavirus lockdowns, skeptical experts tell Congress (4 replies)
  179. Sources say Russia probe transcripts affirm officials came up empty on collusion: 'Schiff is in panic mode' (0 replies)
  180. Biden pledged to put a black woman on the Supreme Court. Here's what he might have to do. (44 replies)
  181. Gov. Cuomo: 66 percent of new hospitalizations in New York are people (9 replies)
  182. Warriors (only warriors) thread- to save the Country (13 replies)
  183. This is treasonous! (9 replies)
  184. Barack Obama to deliver commencement address in TV special for 2020 graduates (72 replies)
  185. WHO accused of ignoring its own post-SARS guidelines in early days of coronavirus (2 replies)
  186. Trump disbanding coronavirus task force despite growing number of U.S. cases (59 replies)
  187. Reuters Poll: Biden's Lead Gone; Trump Better on Economy, Virus (15 replies)
  188. CNN anchor Don Lemon says Obama ‘better looking,’ ‘smarter’ and has ‘more accomplished’ wife than Trump (17 replies)
  189. Coronavirus quickly spread around the world starting late last year, new genetic analysis shows (15 replies)
  190. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized with infection, court announces (24 replies)
  191. Government gone too far? States rebuked for coronavirus lockdown measures (6 replies)
  192. Bay of Orangegutans? American mercenaries captured in Venezuela with weapons destined to kill Venezuelan officials (49 replies)
  194. Whistleblower #2 Steps up to the Plate- Seeks Special Counsel (29 replies)
  195. Man-made antibody 'neutralizes' coronavirus for first time, study shows (3 replies)
  196. **The Lincoln Project Thread** (70 replies)
  197. U.S. says will not take part in WHO global drugs, vaccine initiative launch (44 replies)
  198. Britain's 'Master Race' Doesn't Include The Obese And The Old (8 replies)
  199. Churches, it's time to open, and open wide (83 replies)
  200. Fox News outdraws CNN, MSNBC combined with Trump town hall (11 replies)
  201. Chicago Mayor to people breaking social distancing orders: “We will shut you down, we will cite you and if we need to, we will arrest you and take you to jail.” (179 replies)
  202. Dirty Cops: Michael Flynn Investigators Creating "Crimes" #DeepState (82 replies)
  203. New Document Releases Seem to Point to Obama Running the Scam Investigation (8 replies)
  204. Chumpettes Been Busy Snitching Again (30 replies)
  205. Law professor says response to Biden allegation could signal 'end of MeToo' movement (0 replies)
  206. Six months from the election, six states are poised to decide Trump-Biden race (13 replies)
  207. Biden may have incidentally provided Trump campaign with a new point of attack (7 replies)
  208. Dinner organizer says Biden was not at 2008 event where he was accused of sexual harassment (1 replies)
  209. Florida curtails reporting of coronavirus death numbers by county medical examiners (0 replies)
  210. AP report: Two more sources corroborate Tara Reade's allegations (25 replies)
  211. Canada bans assault-style weapons after its worst ever mass murder (322 replies)
  212. Alex Jones admits to thinking about eating his neighbors ass (6 replies)
  213. Bidens VP? (197 replies)
  214. Health officials propose paying Americans $50 a day to self-isolate (11 replies)
  215. Something seems rotten in Flynn's case — and maybe others, too (5 replies)
  216. USA USA USA USA USA USA (51 replies)
  218. multiple armed gunmen storm Michigan state house (179 replies)
  219. Office of Director of National Intelligence: Coronavirus was NOT manmade (50 replies)
  220. Coronavirus 2020: The Great American Heist... (4 replies)
  221. Kuckner: Country will be "really rocking" in July (22 replies)
  222. 90 Percent of Company-Owned Starbucks to Open in June (2 replies)
  223. 'Shredded the Constitution': Illinois judge rules against governor's stay-at-home extension (7 replies)
  224. FACT::: AZ will decide the election (84 replies)
  225. New Jersey to reopen state and county parks, governor announces after protests over coronavirus restrictions (3 replies)
  226. Cal doctors say open things up (7 replies)
  227. Fauci says experimental coronavirus treatment remdesivir could shorten COVID-19 recovery time (55 replies)
  228. I Saved Millions Of Lives!!!!! (42 replies)
  229. Ground Zero: A fifth to half of all coronavirus deaths have been in nursing homes (39 replies)
  230. California Gov. Newsom says schools may restart as soon as late July (12 replies)
  231. Justin Amash announces presidential exploratory committee (47 replies)
  232. South Dakota Governor Refused To Implement Stay-At-Home Orders. Her Citizens Throw Her A Parade (10 replies)
  233. L'est GOP c'est moi (43 replies)
  234. International Manhattan project (3 replies)
  235. Trump to order meat processing plants to stay open (89 replies)
  236. Groceries could see meat shortages by end of week amid plant closings (14 replies)
  237. Jesse Ventura Wants To Be The Green Party's Presidential Nominee (23 replies)
  238. Dear Leader endangers troops for his ego. Again. (43 replies)
  239. Pentagon officially confims existence of UFOs (85 replies)
  240. Doctor in New York on the front lines of coronavirus kills herself (65 replies)
  241. Fox news cut ties with conservative hoodrats, quartz and nylon (3 replies)
  242. New York couple suing Chinese government: Coronavirus' 'impact has been pretty big (0 replies)
  243. Judicial Watch: FBI Knew McCain Leaked Steele Dossier, Now Blames Coronavirus For Not Releasing Documents (12 replies)
  244. Media Matters Founder Accused Of Illegally Profiting From Progressive Nonprofit Group (2 replies)
  245. COVID-19: Official PLANDEMIC Thread (5989 replies)
  246. CO2 shortage? (52 replies)
  247. Will Unemployment and Economic Shut Downs Kill More than Covid-19? (48 replies)
  248. Bunch of pussies and cowards... (13 replies)
  249. Is Gavin Newsom A Murderer Now? (50 replies)
  250. Former Nevada attorney general says MI Gov. Whitmer may have broken the law: 'She could be in big trouble (25 replies)