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  1. germany tells russia to fall back (10 replies)
  2. Going for the Big Enchilada (169 replies)
  3. Vast Majority Of Trump Voters Live In Another Reality (30 replies)
  4. Millions protest after finding out South Korean President part of satanic cult (9 replies)
  5. The Messy Truth About Van Jones (7 replies)
  6. Trump's win pushed this manufacturer to return to the U.S. (31 replies)
  7. November 2016 Ratings: Fox News Has Most-Watched Month Since 2012 (0 replies)
  8. SoftBank Pledges to invest $50 Billion in US & Create 50k Jobs after Meeting w/Trump (38 replies)
  9. Pentagon buried internal study that exposed $125B in waste (8 replies)
  10. Boutons Douche' (5 replies)
  11. First terrorist attack on a Trump named property-over/under (20 replies)
  12. SA housing market is screaming hot... (18 replies)
  13. In Plain sight... (67 replies)
  14. Victory f our Holy Protesters: Dakota Pipeline permit denied Will have 2 change route (25 replies)
  15. Trumpgrets (18 replies)
  16. Trump and Gyna (68 replies)
  17. War on Cereal (34 replies)
  18. 2.5 million votes and counting (454 replies)
  19. CNN trying to lure Fox News' Megyn Kelly, says Drudge Report (25 replies)
  20. flashback-obama-mocks-trump-promising-keep-carrier-plant in states (2 replies)
  21. So Trump wants Petraeus for SoS? (12 replies)
  22. The Two Americas of 2016 (1 replies)
  23. Baltimore Cops sue Marilyn Mosby... (13 replies)
  24. Democrats Meet Your New Boss (52 replies)
  25. Trumps new DHS boss to upgrade Guantanamo to house one million suspects (3 replies)
  26. 2,000 veterans to serve as human shields for standing rock protesters (62 replies)
  27. Coping with Chaos in the White House (4 replies)
  28. OPEC Agrees to Cut Production in Drive to End Record Glut (0 replies)
  29. Jesus Romney has no shame. In Trump tower looking like a miserable dog (9 replies)
  30. Why Trump's Education Pick Scares Unions/US Students Slip Further Behind in Math/Sci (51 replies)
  31. I like Trump, but he needs to GTFO Twitter NOW... seriously (158 replies)
  32. Carrier says it has struck a deal with Trump to keep nearly 1,000 jobs in Indiana (185 replies)
  33. How long until (38 replies)
  34. I present to you the latest conspiracy to end all conspiracies - That's a man, baby! (7 replies)
  35. Colorado rejects single-payer 4:1 (1 replies)
  36. Kanye still in the hospital not recovering from Trump win (0 replies)
  37. Hillary in 2020? (79 replies)
  38. Ohio State hacker? (66 replies)
  39. Standing with Standing Rock (43 replies)
  40. Real reason for the recount requests? (36 replies)
  41. lol Cucknada thread (34 replies)
  42. The Intercept: Washington Post disgracefully promotes a McCarthyite blacklist (5 replies)
  43. President had to Clinton for her to concede (76 replies)
  44. Let the Soros ballot-stuffing begin (65 replies)
  45. Study shows that liberalism is significantly associated with criminal behavior (22 replies)
  46. Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Jumps After Trump Election Victory (3 replies)
  47. Fake news creator: "We've tried liberals. It never worked. You'll get debunked within (41 replies)
  48. Marconi Murder -" Time for A tree and a rope" (45 replies)
  49. Mainstream Media Recap: Who Colluded with the Clinton Campaign? (133 replies)
  50. Something for evangelicals to ponder (57 replies)
  51. Anyone Else Drinking the Trump Koolaid? (5 replies)
  52. Interesting stuff since the election... (81 replies)
  53. Pacific Standard: Meet the Flexians (4 replies)
  54. Kanye Went In (58 replies)
  55. Paul Ryan’s plan to phase out Medicare is just what Democrats need (324 replies)
  56. Odds Trump eliminates the carried interest loophole as he promised (46 replies)
  57. The Bubble (0 replies)
  58. **Official Trump Conflict of Interest Thread** (594 replies)
  59. Obamasnare (44 replies)
  60. Texas Legislator Introduces Bill to Stop Illegal Immigrants from Getting In-State Tui (0 replies)
  61. "Good people don't smoke marijuana" (11 replies)
  62. alumni vs trump university (22 replies)
  63. Republicans are suddenly realizing the economy is actually in good shape (17 replies)
  64. You are still crying wolf (1 replies)
  65. FDR or Coolidge? Trump’s Slim Chance for Greatness (6 replies)
  66. O/U on Narional Debt in 2020... (19 replies)
  67. Every progressive should watch this epic video (69 replies)
  68. MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias (0 replies)
  69. Where's Hillary? (31 replies)
  70. ... (11 replies)
  71. Markets seem to think the economy is about to boom... (4 replies)
  72. You guys miss me? (31 replies)
  73. I have a drame (1 replies)
  74. Trump may become the first president to appoint an LGBT cabinet member (60 replies)
  75. White Nationalist Steve Bannon appointed to White House staff (46 replies)
  76. Best of the Young Turks election day meltdown (10 replies)
  77. Trump and GOP Set to Eviscerate Warren's Consumer Protection Agency (2 replies)
  78. Education is the new red vs. blue metric (25 replies)
  79. What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class (17 replies)
  80. The Corruption Will Be Endless (70 replies)
  81. ***OFFICIAL TRUMP CABINET THREAD*** (761 replies)
  82. Who are we going to meme into power next? (3 replies)
  83. Clinton we will put coal miners out of business cost her election (2 replies)
  84. DNC Insider thread (0 replies)
  85. Hillary Clinton In 2013: “I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office (38 replies)
  86. Bill Clinton's lonely, one-man effort to win white working-class voters (48 replies)
  87. Hudson Valley man sues Trump for $1 billion, citing “severe emotional distress” (1 replies)
  88. "We all came home."... (0 replies)
  89. Are You Suffering From Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)? (15 replies)
  90. They were selling... (0 replies)
  91. Trump Advisers Back Deregulation, Privatized Social Security (1 replies)
  92. Trump Is A Punk Ass Chump! (4 replies)
  93. ... and so it begins. (38 replies)
  94. Marijuana Kills.... (1 replies)
  95. Well, here is one Trump campaign promise he will keep (1 replies)
  96. The National Debt (47 replies)
  97. 70 car size sting rays die mysteriously (0 replies)
  98. Trump campaign promise tracker (143 replies)
  99. CNN not learning why they are hated (10 replies)
  100. What's the point of all the protesting? (93 replies)
  101. stocks best week since 2011 after trump win (3 replies)
  102. illegals are already starting to leave the country (22 replies)
  103. Favorite new first lady pictures. (144 replies)
  104. Which jobs? (19 replies)
  105. happy veterans day (0 replies)
  106. Phil Presidente Duterte Praises Trum "we're the same" (7 replies)
  107. 75 ongoing lawsuits for the Defendant in Chief (7 replies)
  108. Blitzer already butthurt (22 replies)
  109. Could Blacks have changed the vote? (28 replies)
  110. Randomguy spotted at Hillary Election Night party (1 replies)
  111. John Pilger: Liberals created Trump by pushing corrupt Clinton, but now act surprised (56 replies)
  112. Grubhub CEO: Workers Who Back 'Hateful' Trump Should Quit (2 replies)
  113. Oct 31, 2016: Media confused as to why Trump is stumping in Michigan and Wisconsin (4 replies)
  114. Paul Ryan Says Medicare Privatization Is On (7 replies)
  115. Tomorrow Tomorrow the sun will come out Tomorrow (3 replies)
  116. Welcome to the one party America (97 replies)
  117. Anyone actually read time magazine? (0 replies)
  118. "I'm happy Trump got elected (13 replies)
  119. 2016 election Hitler edition (0 replies)
  120. Sore loser wanting to march on Washington after election doesn't go his way (4 replies)
  121. Chris Matthews on Trump Protests: What Kind Of Statement Is There To Make? They Lost (16 replies)
  122. Bill Clinton told'em"It is the Economy stupid!" (0 replies)
  123. The Intercept: Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing Refusal to Learn from Brexit (34 replies)
  124. Van Jones: Dems need to figure out how to talk to white men (44 replies)
  125. It's getting lively in Portland---live feed (31 replies)
  126. The Electoral College Was Designed to Prevent Trump. (37 replies)
  127. The Trump Effect (9 replies)
  128. I Love Ernie Johnson (48 replies)
  129. Trash could use his administration for personal profit—Americans would never know (8 replies)
  130. Might anything happen to social security? (13 replies)
  131. Sam Harris Drops the Hammer (1 replies)
  132. The great Bernard Sanders on CNN (74 replies)
  133. CROFLMAO Nate Silver (29 replies)
  134. Bill Burr's take on the election is pretty hilarious (3 replies)
  135. In less than 48s hours... (3 replies)
  136. John Roberts gets another chance for a conservative legacy (1 replies)
  137. Chomsky was right, 6 years ago (3 replies)
  138. They wanted dat BWC (3 replies)
  139. CNN is now projecting that Trump will win the popular vote (127 replies)
  140. Day 1 in Trump's America (522 replies)
  141. Poll: Majority of Americans Can't Spend More Than $100 on Healthcare (7 replies)
  142. The Math: Trump 2016 Would’ve Beaten Obama 2012 (7 replies)
  143. How To Talk To Your Child About The Election Results (7 replies)
  144. boutons where you getting material from these days... (5 replies)
  145. dat timing: Russian Navy about unleash helll in Aleppo in the next 24 hours (8 replies)
  146. Ben Carson Says He’ll Help Trump Find a Replacement to Obamacare (13 replies)
  147. Van jones at it again. Inciting violence on live tv right now (14 replies)
  148. Kellyanne Conway ROASTS Hillary (14 replies)
  149. LMAO the MSNBC is currently all crying on live tv (15 replies)
  150. CNN (8 replies)
  151. Democrats need to go on a massive talent search for candidates up and down the ballot (10 replies)
  152. In July who really saw this coming? (27 replies)
  153. Ed Klein: Hillary Told Friend She Blames Comey and Obama (11 replies)
  154. What A Difference 2 Percentage Points Makes (1 replies)
  155. Hater & I were for Trump all along (0 replies)
  156. #Calexit (85 replies)
  157. Hi, I Cost Hillary the Whitehouse (111 replies)
  158. Poll: Trump Got One-Third of Hispanic Vote (13 replies)
  159. Ladies and gents (0 replies)
  160. Is mac Miller a time traveler? (0 replies)
  161. Wikileaks to drop bombshell tomorrow (3 replies)
  162. Putin says Russia now 'Ready and Willing' to restore full relations with the USA (1 replies)
  163. Just how awful and detestable Clinton was? (13 replies)
  164. Rick Perry! Yeah baby! (2 replies)
  165. So where is Bonnerific? (0 replies)
  166. Rising and Falling (3 replies)
  167. 5 surprising lessons from Trump's astonishing win (3 replies)
  168. Jim Webb (3 replies)
  169. Van Jones' parting shot at whitey (107 replies)
  170. ******, Muzzles, illegal reactions (9 replies)
  171. Lines that come back to bite you in the ass... (19 replies)
  172. Recreational Marijuana Use Just Got Legalized In A Bunch More Places (4 replies)
  173. Hillary's concession speech (5 replies)
  174. So how long does the ACA legitimately have left? (0 replies)
  175. The hindsight thread (48 replies)
  176. Ww3 adverted: Putin ready to restore relations with US (28 replies)
  177. Hillary still in hiding... (79 replies)
  178. Trump will erase the Obama era on his first day in office (14 replies)
  179. How bad could this country get? (39 replies)
  180. FuzzyLumpkins (75 replies)
  181. So When Is ducks Sworn In? (2 replies)
  182. "No mas!" - Clinton (17 replies)
  183. Geographic Political Divide (1 replies)
  184. I want an apology (9 replies)
  185. Where does this loss rank, tbh? (127 replies)
  186. Trump Impeachment: Grabs her by the Pussy (0 replies)
  187. Can't wait for that new recession (16 replies)
  188. Where the fault lies (52 replies)
  189. Is this the Biggest Upset of the year? (1 replies)
  190. So what happens with weed now? (11 replies)
  191. Tune in to Clinton Election Night Party Live Feed LOLOL (2 replies)
  192. Celebrities that have to move now... (8 replies)
  193. Reck (8 replies)
  194. This place needs some music (1 replies)
  195. Congrats Axl Rose, Shillary haters, Bernie Bros and red teamers in general... (93 replies)
  196. Predict the Trump appointees (25 replies)
  197. 538 just went 55% Trump win... (32 replies)
  198. You better send her to Guantanamo you orange fuck (3 replies)
  199. What are you drinking right now? (13 replies)
  200. Active shooter in California (1 replies)
  201. you guys feel that? (22 replies)
  202. Trump suing Clark County, Nevada (16 replies)
  203. Julian Assange Statement on the US election (22 replies)
  204. Jed Rakoff: Why you won't get your day in court (6 replies)
  205. **Official Election Day Thread sponsored by Dr. Evil and Uncle Creepy's Love Child** (1664 replies)
  206. Galileo endorses Trump for President (20 replies)
  207. Why is Clinton campaigning in blue states on the last day? (6 replies)
  208. American Indian group mocks racist sports mascots in the most brilliant way (5 replies)
  209. Shilladolph Clintler is officially the most unpopular candidate in history (7 replies)
  210. Anti-War Movement Anticipates More War Under A Clinton Presidency (2 replies)
  211. Trey Gowdy (23 replies)
  212. ITT: Post states Trump is NOT winning, for sure (8 replies)
  213. Post your 2016 Electoral College map (24 replies)
  214. Trump takes the lead in Colorado (17 replies)
  215. got dead in here (58 replies)
  216. Daily Caller: Terry McAuliffe pardons 60,000 felons in VA (19 replies)
  217. Congratulations to Hillary and the democrats on the 2016 election win (68 replies)
  218. BBC just trolled a conservative MP brilliantly with God Save the Queen (1 replies)
  219. FBI re-closes Hillary Email investigation (79 replies)
  220. Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation money to pay for her wedding (4 replies)
  221. ***** Official 2016 Election Betting Thread ***** (4 replies)
  222. In America’s democratic showcase, the world sees a model of what not to do (1 replies)
  223. "I see [the] Dow at 25,000 in the first four years of a Trump administration" (0 replies)
  224. Obama tells illegal immigrants not to fear when voting (21 replies)
  225. Arkansas ballots have a shameful typo—the word 'liar' appears in Hillary Clinton's na (1 replies)
  226. Clinton hanging on to an electoral lead by a thread in 538's polls+forecast (173 replies)
  227. Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton (48 replies)
  228. The Dallas IRS Office That's Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation (1 replies)
  229. Impeaching Trump over Trump university fraud trial (12 replies)
  230. Ghost soldiers: the Russians secretly dying for the Kremlin in Syria (6 replies)
  231. Drudge, Hannity and Ingraham Push Claim That John Podesta Practices ‘Occult Magic’ (27 replies)
  232. Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense. (5 replies)
  233. Hillary and ISIS are funded by the same money - Assage (37 replies)
  234. Clinton Circle: MIT interactive mapping of Wikileaks dumps (1 replies)
  235. FBI examining fake documents targeting Clinton campaign: sources (1 replies)
  236. Trump Is Just A Normal Polling Error Behind Clinton (100 replies)
  237. my goodness (8 replies)
  238. Cultural appropriation is not a thing (21 replies)
  239. Julian Assange: The Russian government is not the source (4 replies)
  240. Trump gonna win (5 replies)
  241. I present to you the conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories---Anon phase 3 (2102 replies)
  242. Economics rip Trumps "economic" plan (16 replies)
  243. Some in GOP choosing party over country-SCOTUS vacancy (8 replies)
  244. BleachBit selling 'cloth or something' -- in homage to Clinton scrubbing her server (0 replies)
  245. if the cubs win..... (24 replies)
  246. Hillary Clinton: A Threat to All Humanity. (9 replies)
  247. Hillary Clinton Aide Advised: ‘Dump all those emails’ On Private Server (0 replies)
  248. US Officials, FBI See No Link Between Trump and Russia (0 replies)
  249. A Timeline of Every Alleged Grope and Assault by Donald Trump (6 replies)
  250. Trumps rape case given court date (136 replies)