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  1. President Eisenhower's farewell address (26 replies)
  2. Yeah, about that filibuster-proof Senate... (3 replies)
  3. Holder on Waterboarding — Proving It's Not Torture While Insisting It Is (73 replies)
  4. Another episode of "We're in the very best of hands." (13 replies)
  5. Obama the creator (17 replies)
  6. The CIA vs. Sen. Bob Graham: how to keep score at home (4 replies)
  7. Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’ (48 replies)
  8. Obama The Destroyer (70 replies)
  9. Pro-Life and Libertarian (48 replies)
  10. Swine Flu Lawsuit (2 replies)
  11. 20 things you need to know about the un convention on the rights of the child (1 replies)
  12. I'll bet Guantanamo Bay... (12 replies)
  13. Liberalism is a mental disorder (16 replies)
  14. Two Catholics Spew Lies about Galileo, Angels & Demons Starts Friday (13 replies)
  15. Karl Rove is next - Prosecutors to Question Rove (15 replies)
  16. Suspect surrendered on the ground is kicked in face by police (46 replies)
  17. Nancy Pelosi is toast.. (170 replies)
  18. Fox News now giving publicity to Republican Governors' "Tea Party 2.0" (32 replies)
  19. Man beaten and tasered by Border Patrol for exercising constitutional rights. (88 replies)
  20. Obama Celebrity Roast. Funny Stuff!!! (5 replies)
  21. FBI Interrogator: Torture is counterproductive (62 replies)
  22. Troops in Iraq forced to steal potable water. Thanks KBR! (12 replies)
  23. WTC demo (2 replies)
  24. So, when your Secretary of State... (21 replies)
  25. __Before Bush/After Obama........... (2 replies)
  26. Is NY next for same-sex marriage? (43 replies)
  27. How torture helped win WWII (7 replies)
  28. FT:America’s triple A rating is at risk (0 replies)
  29. The Rule of Law (8 replies)
  30. Obama to delay release of interragation photos. (25 replies)
  31. NYTimes: How will Obama pay for health care reform? (4 replies)
  32. Torture Hearing on CNN live.. (82 replies)
  33. Sarah Palin's book deal a done deal with HarperCollins (5 replies)
  34. Democrats: CIA is out to get us (22 replies)
  35. Just a reminder... (4 replies)
  36. It looks like President Obama won't... (15 replies)
  37. Not only does the White House... (6 replies)
  38. I think that dose of reality... (15 replies)
  39. Forbes: Social Security revenue shortfall in 2016 (10 replies)
  40. LATimes: Medicare eight years from insolvency (11 replies)
  41. Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi (1 replies)
  42. LOL, Senate Dems considering soda tax to pay for Obama's health care plans (15 replies)
  43. Greenwald: Obama threatens Brits to keep torture evidence concealed (0 replies)
  44. Amends from a Recovering Liberal (35 replies)
  45. It's for your own good (49 replies)
  46. Even a messiah loses his training wheels (36 replies)
  47. Marcus Bryant wants to talk... (44 replies)
  48. Stupid f'n market (23 replies)
  49. Richard Gamble: How right was Reagan? (37 replies)
  50. Students Asked To Plot Terror Attack (0 replies)
  51. 2009 Annual Budget Deficit Near $2 Trillion (117 replies)
  52. Barrack Supporters fear Class Warfare tax plans (19 replies)
  53. U.S. soldier in Baghdad kills four fellow troops before killing himself (60 replies)
  54. You know, when people feel... (11 replies)
  55. Keepin' it classy (74 replies)
  56. Who was US President when you were born? (47 replies)
  57. Bush May Haunt Republicans for Generations (29 replies)
  58. So, not only did Holder's DOJ... (117 replies)
  59. Obama supporter Sarah Silverman is now fat and disgusting (12 replies)
  60. Pro-Gun, Pro-America, Anti-infanticide, Anti-Sodomy based marriage, Anti-Tax (32 replies)
  61. Has anyone else... (26 replies)
  62. Germany to ban paintball after massacre (22 replies)
  63. Obama brings greater expertise to decision than any recent president (14 replies)
  64. Official who OK'd Air Force One jet flyover resigns (20 replies)
  65. Obama to address Muslims in Egypt (15 replies)
  66. Council candidate acknowledges hacking past (1 replies)
  67. Norman Hsu pleads guilty (1 replies)
  68. U.S.-Israel cooperation fizzles under Obama (56 replies)
  69. Obama and the 9/11 Families (45 replies)
  70. LA Times:U.S. threatens to rescind stimulus money over wage cuts (6 replies)
  71. Raw Story: New York Fed Chairman Abruptly Resigns (18 replies)
  72. All drugs should be legal!?!?! (56 replies)
  73. Texas Board of Education takes on the Universe... (2 replies)
  74. Sean Hannity, Mark Steyn criticize Obama on choice of hambuger condiment. (144 replies)
  75. Supervisory Capital Assessment Program: "Stress test" overview of results (9 replies)
  76. Financial Times:Insolvent banks should feel market discipline (3 replies)
  77. Corporate Welfare (25 replies)
  78. Uplifting story illustrating how the Patriot Act is protecting us from Terrorism (31 replies)
  79. Is Yonnivore a radical? (17 replies)
  80. Limbaugh to Powell: 'Become a Democrat' (63 replies)
  81. When you lie with dogs... (4 replies)
  82. Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Time to debate...legalizing Marijuana" (47 replies)
  83. Eat this, Murtha (19 replies)
  84. Culture of Corruption (26 replies)
  85. Why so much Anti-Semitisim in S America? (8 replies)
  86. What does everyone think of my energy tax plan? (19 replies)
  87. So how's that... (40 replies)
  88. Ginsburg wants a woman... (35 replies)
  89. Steve Niva: Why suicide bombers are back in Iraq (0 replies)
  90. ACORN Charged In Vegas Fraud Case (41 replies)
  91. It's Official My Administration Loves MSNBC! (6 replies)
  92. The people don't need guns. (3 replies)
  93. Michael Scheuer: Obama’s Afghan-Ignorant Policy Guide (0 replies)
  94. Justin Raimondo -- Jon Stewart: Wimp, Wuss, Moral Coward (119 replies)
  95. Stock Options Question (8 replies)
  96. David Plouffe is (moderately) Afraid of Jon Huntsman (2 replies)
  97. Bill Would Declare Your Blog a Weapon (14 replies)
  98. I think it's official... (25 replies)
  99. White House threats... (57 replies)
  100. A question for President Obama (31 replies)
  101. Srdja Trifkovic: Washingtonian Madness (7 replies)
  102. Al Qaeda exporting jihad with a hip-hop vibe (0 replies)
  103. WSJ: We can't subsidize the banks forever. (1 replies)
  104. Photos of AF1 buzzing NYC not released (298 replies)
  105. Stephen Walt: The threatmonger's handbook (9 replies)
  106. Rev. Sharpton don't play that @#$^ either! (5 replies)
  107. Rev. Jackson don't play that #$%^ (18 replies)
  108. The CIA's Fight With Obama (12 replies)
  109. A Torturous Compromise (84 replies)
  110. Going nowhere FAST! (69 replies)
  111. Former U.S. attorney dumps Obama's charade (29 replies)
  112. Democrats brook no dissent (3 replies)
  113. An Enchanted Evening.... (10 replies)
  114. Is Twitter Part of the NWO? (18 replies)
  115. Robert Scheer: The Clinton Bubble (9 replies)
  116. Peggy Noonan: 'Shrink to Win' Isn't Much of a Strategy (41 replies)
  117. Reason: The FCC's Real F-Word: Freedom (35 replies)
  118. Glenn Greenwald: Ronald Reagan: vengeful, score-settling, Hard Left ideologue (9 replies)
  119. Another Bush Policy revived by Obama (7 replies)
  120. 21 students arrested in U. of I. drug crackdown (21 replies)
  121. One Cup $540 Sneakers, One Cup Class Warfare... (12 replies)
  122. The more you go to church, the more you support torture (201 replies)
  123. Souter's Retiring (76 replies)
  124. The wrong way to get out of jury duty (10 replies)
  125. Wouldn't you have just loved to have... (78 replies)
  126. Churchill? Seriously, he invoked Winston... (117 replies)
  127. Pandemic Virus Created in Military Lab (15 replies)
  128. So I just did a phone suvey... (7 replies)
  129. I will go out on a limb: Economic prediction (250 replies)
  130. Olbermann to Hannity: put up or shut up (196 replies)
  131. somebody better close the damn border. (86 replies)
  132. Keynesian Cons: the supply-siders rail against stimulus, but buy the basic argument (0 replies)
  133. Obama's DOJ Loses... Three Cheers! (24 replies)
  134. US should cut military spending in half. (18 replies)
  135. Sen. Specter to switch to Democratic Party. (95 replies)
  136. Another Blunder from the White House... (125 replies)
  137. Swine flu case confirmed in La Gloria, Mexico; possible link to pig farm. (16 replies)
  138. Dem Congressman calls for closing of border over swine flu (32 replies)
  139. Disaster Would Overwhelm Hospitals, Author Warns (54 replies)
  140. London Banker: Bump (6 replies)
  141. Not really a big deal, but funny (3 replies)
  142. Sleep deprivation - no need for torture. (34 replies)
  143. Info on Waterboarding myths: (6 replies)
  144. Nationalize the Banks (17 replies)
  145. AP Poll: After Obama's 100 days, US on right track (23 replies)
  146. The Murder of Fred Hampton (6 replies)
  147. The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (16 replies)
  148. Did Slomo jinx the Spurs? (5 replies)
  149. USA versus Saudi (3 replies)
  150. so it finally happens.... mutant flu pandemic strikes the world (133 replies)
  151. Populism comes on strong as elite politicians falter (0 replies)
  152. Half of Texas Republicans want to Secede (100 replies)
  153. U.S. plans to accept several Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo (43 replies)
  154. Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice (43 replies)
  155. Why? (25 replies)
  156. Gingrich testifies on cap and trade (11 replies)
  157. FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy (5 replies)
  158. We're in the very best of hands... (13 replies)
  159. [B]The Seven Signs of Terrorism[/B] (0 replies)
  160. Thursday: 1 Marine, 96 (Iraqis) Killed; 157 Wounded in Iraq (5 replies)
  161. "The Reflecting Pool" Extended Trailer (0 replies)
  162. Obama’s leap to socialism (14 replies)
  163. Clinton: US Losing Influence To China Because Of Slow International Aid (0 replies)
  164. Obama: Truth commission is a mistake (70 replies)
  165. Connecting the dots.... (25 replies)
  166. Did We Elect Borat for President? (49 replies)
  167. Obama is fucking with neo-cons....and it makes me laugh. (2 replies)
  168. oilco science = Repug/conservative science = pure BS (2 replies)
  169. Okay, for those of you... (36 replies)
  170. Scientists Publish 3 Papers Raising Evidence Contradicting the Official Story of 9/11 (14 replies)
  171. Ask Not What Ted Kennedy Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Ted Kennedy's... (2 replies)
  172. Wouldn't it suck to be Afro-Mexicano? (2 replies)
  173. Obama warned at Holocaust memorial (5 replies)
  174. Reid splits from Pelosi on torture. (38 replies)
  175. Ron Paul Is Praised By Hillary Clinton (35 replies)
  176. Michigan House to take up two-parent adoptions... (9 replies)
  177. Presidential Poison (27 replies)
  178. FDA to allow 'morning-after' pill for 17-year-olds (61 replies)
  179. Memos show that Abu Ghraib was authorized at higher levels (32 replies)
  180. homosexuality is a support group for kids molested by the same sex. (23 replies)
  181. Thought police muscle up in Britain (7 replies)
  182. Robert Welch predictions from 1958 that came true... (16 replies)
  183. Miss California: Carrie Prejean (568 replies)
  184. Supreme Court Limits Warrantless Car Searches (212 replies)
  185. Obama skates while Right fumes (27 replies)
  186. Freddie Mac Acting CFO Found Dead In Vienna (30 replies)
  187. Will the double standard on racism and prejudice ever end? (33 replies)
  188. A Timid Advocate of Freedom (58 replies)
  189. I'm officially throwing my support behind a Dem... (2 replies)
  190. One in three children fear Earth apocalypse (26 replies)
  191. Renovations were being done to the WTC the year prior to 911 now proven (15 replies)
  192. LOL @ "different Washington" (9 replies)
  193. Cheney Calls for Release of Memos Showing Results of Interrogation Efforts (202 replies)
  194. Religion question ??? (42 replies)
  195. Oh Noes!! Obama bows to a damn foreigner again! (4 replies)
  196. Being fat is bad for global warming (3 replies)
  197. Thermitic Pyrotechnics in the WTC Made Simple (21 replies)
  198. Meghan McCain- Rove is creepy Twitter (2 replies)
  199. Major scandal erupts involving Rep. Jane Harman, Alberto Gonzales and AIPAC (35 replies)
  200. According to some The Tea Partiers were... (13 replies)
  201. The Death of Vince Foster - What Really Happened? (1995) (13 replies)
  202. The Panama Deception (1992) (4 replies)
  203. Not Exactly Marx (5 replies)
  204. Conspiracy Nuts Lose In Court (7 replies)
  205. Obama asks Cabinet for cuts. (31 replies)
  206. Meghan McCain: A new gay icon? (4 replies)
  207. Jackie Chan: Chinese people need to be controlled (3 replies)
  208. Is Obama dividing America even more? (213 replies)
  209. Who actually believes the Tea Parties were about taxes? (99 replies)
  210. Most expensive blowjob ever (2 replies)
  211. Is the GOP imploding? (68 replies)
  212. New Information on the Death of 911 Eyewitness Barry Jennings (18 replies)
  213. EPA to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act (14 replies)
  214. Whoa. Someone took Governor Goodhair seriously. (9 replies)
  215. Changing Hearts and Minds (76 replies)
  216. Out of Alaska, Palin's star shines....whottt goes wild. (28 replies)
  217. Obama backs assault weapons ban (29 replies)
  218. Fyi (1 replies)
  219. CNN reporter taken to task (34 replies)
  220. 9 jobs lost for ever 4 "green" jobs created (34 replies)
  221. MSNC, CNN use overt oral sexual humor in telecasts last night. (62 replies)
  222. NYT:The Case of the Missing Month (4 replies)
  223. The Muderous Hick Republicans: (38 replies)
  224. CNN reporter interrupts man at Tea Party rally (47 replies)
  225. secede....lol. what a clown... (57 replies)
  226. Is Nelson Wolffe downtown @ the tea party??? (4 replies)
  227. Anderson Cooper: teabagging (7 replies)
  228. Obama's Rock Star European Tour not a complete success (18 replies)
  229. Ex-Official: Bush Panicked After 9/11 (29 replies)
  230. Good article about the financial crisis (4 replies)
  231. 9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11 (29 replies)
  232. Rightwing extremists: Danger Danger (964 replies)
  233. ***Tea party 2009!*** (190 replies)
  234. The Bush Six to Be Indicted (25 replies)
  235. Somali Pirates Hijack 4 More Ships (5 replies)
  236. tea party is bullshit (4 replies)
  237. another broken campaign promises (38 replies)
  238. Inside the Rescue of Capt. Phillips (0 replies)
  239. The Motor City Coward (0 replies)
  240. Court declares Franken leading vote-getter (26 replies)
  241. Ron Paul on Somali Pirates (9 replies)
  242. The Independent: A Bit of Context on Somali Piracy (24 replies)
  243. Could Pakistan collapse within months? (23 replies)
  244. Plan to Change Student Lending Sets Up a Fight (3 replies)
  245. Ten Trillion and Counting (3 replies)
  246. Catholic Democrats: Is Their Support for Obama Fraying? (6 replies)
  247. Scott Forbes on Radio Today at 5 P.M. Central (Saturday) (0 replies)
  248. Ordering pizza in the future (2 replies)
  249. Congress - Dems want to give people the right to sue on behalf of global warming (6 replies)
  250. Party time at the White House (6 replies)