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  1. First Black American Muslim Judge found dead at a River....Murdered. (33 replies)
  2. America's dear leader just gave N.Korea Valuable military info on Mainstream TV... (10 replies)
  3. RIP Sean Spicer he just killed himself by saying Hitler didnt gas his ppl (69 replies)
  4. United Is Under Fire for Dragging a Passenger Off an Overbooked Flight (170 replies)
  5. A false-flag averted by Trump (21 replies)
  6. Navy strike force headed to akorea (19 replies)
  7. vid posted n 2016 predicted exactly recent Syria events.predicts worst case scenario (2 replies)
  8. Trump plans centrist push (47 replies)
  9. Gas poison attack in Syria was staged (67 replies)
  10. Justice Gorsuch (46 replies)
  11. We got air support: ISIS takes advantage of US attack on Syria to attack Palmyra (2 replies)
  12. the trump way (28 replies)
  13. Dang...no threads about 60 cruise missiles fired on Syria? (493 replies)
  14. WH War: Bannon vs. Kushner (29 replies)
  15. Report: 'O'Reilly Factor' Ratings Up 20 Percent Amid Controversy (36 replies)
  16. Bloomberg: Bannon Loses National Security Council Role in Trump Shakeup (20 replies)
  17. BOMBSHELL: 'More Than 175' Ask To Join Racial Discrimination Suit Against CNN (9 replies)
  18. Trump's Super Secret Foolproof Plan to Defeat ISIS (18 replies)
  19. President Trump Proclaims April as National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (18 replies)
  20. Russian interference confirmed (11 replies)
  21. Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens (7 replies)
  22. Repug Tax Thread (0 replies)
  23. Trump vs Freedom Caucus (18 replies)
  24. REUTERS: North Carolina Lawmakers Reach Deal to Repeal So-Called Bathroom Bill (2 replies)
  25. Muslim parents protest against gay school teacher in Germany (21 replies)
  26. Repeal of Affordable Care Act Is Back on Agenda, Republicans Say (3 replies)
  27. Appraisal "management companies" (49 replies)
  28. Is the Senate afraid to repeal Obamacare now? (1 replies)
  29. Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters (5 replies)
  30. House votes to repeal Obama's internet privacy protections (6 replies)
  31. trump supporters know he's lying and they love it (6 replies)
  32. Cheney: Russian meddling possibly 'an act of war' (40 replies)
  33. First ISIS-claimed attack in U.S. and what the FBI knew---Garland, TX attack (0 replies)
  34. There is a retail bubble -- and it's bursting (7 replies)
  35. Trump felonies hidden in tax returns (82 replies)
  36. Kushner to lead 'American Innovation' office at White House (3 replies)
  37. Tax simplification will be a dogfight too... (10 replies)
  38. Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he is bad for America (106 replies)
  39. Ted Poe Quits Freedom Caucus Over Health Vote (9 replies)
  40. American Terrorist Kill 100 in Raqaa.. (4 replies)
  41. Remove health-care subsidies for Members of Congress and their families (6 replies)
  42. Fights erupt at pro-Trump rally on California beach (37 replies)
  43. Democrat Joe Manchin cautions against Gorsuch filibuster: ‘What goes around comes aro (7 replies)
  44. Slaughterhouse 5: Mosul operation halted. 230 civilians killed inlast US air raid (46 replies)
  45. Texas alcohol regulators know how to party — on taxpayer's dime (0 replies)
  46. Guns (1 replies)
  47. Manafort's back (8 replies)
  48. Here’s How Many Times Each Of The Last 5 Presidents Banned Immigrants… (1 replies)
  49. So does Trumpcare pass the house? (1525 replies)
  50. House Intel chairman: Trump's personal communications may have been collected (58 replies)
  51. 14 year old HS girl raped by illegal immigrants (27 replies)
  52. How Cool is Trump? (36 replies)
  53. rex Tillerson will skip Nato convetion and fly straight to meet Putin in Moscow (20 replies)
  54. Easy Money: Trump to win 2017 Nobel Peace Prize (0 replies)
  55. iPhone now in red (4 replies)
  56. Your tax dollars at work - Brady's jersey (53 replies)
  57. The US has officially turned its back on free trade (2 replies)
  58. Hillary Clinton Says She’s ‘Ready to Come Out of the Woods’ (39 replies)
  59. Bipartisan Unity: Let's All Laugh (38 replies)
  60. Tillerson mentions preemptive strike on N Korea, China tells him to chill d f out (16 replies)
  61. The courts gave Trump great news about his Muslim ban, and almost no one noticed (33 replies)
  62. Trump refuses to shake hands with Merkel (17 replies)
  63. Kid Rock hates foreign grills (2 replies)
  64. Another trip to Mar-a-Lago... (2 replies)
  65. Secret Service laptop containing Trump Tower evacuation and floor plans stolen (14 replies)
  66. Erdogan to Turks living in Europe: you are the future of the EU have at least 5 kids (3 replies)
  67. Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia (47 replies)
  68. Trump's "John Barron" Alias (0 replies)
  69. Trumpers are threatening to boycott McDonalds now (86 replies)
  70. McCain: Rand Paul 'is now working for Vladimir Putin' (38 replies)
  71. Judge puts restraining order on new Trump travel ban (81 replies)
  72. Wiretapping (71 replies)
  73. Russia or NBC try to change the outcome of the election more (4 replies)
  74. Justice to announce charges in Yahoo account hack (0 replies)
  75. Joe Biden says Donald Trump ‘deserves a chance’ to lead (12 replies)
  76. Rachel Maddows says she has trumps tax retuens (73 replies)
  77. Snoop Doggy Doos mock assassination of Ronald Klump (40 replies)
  78. How Many People Here Have Ever Actually Observed A "Safe Space" Or "Trigger Warning" (69 replies)
  79. Presidential EO: Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch (19 replies)
  80. Spicer: Trump didn't mean wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping (28 replies)
  81. Goddammm h1b visas are great for America (73 replies)
  82. Franken Sends Kids To $45K Tuition Private School (7 replies)
  83. Democrat: Trump 'enthusiastic' about call for Medicare to negotiate drug prices (1 replies)
  84. steve king (33 replies)
  85. Pelosi: I Was Ready to Go Home If Hillary Had Won (10 replies)
  86. Federal judges find Texas gerrymandered maps on racial lines (4 replies)
  87. USA USA USA USA USA (5 replies)
  88. Independent mindset (33 replies)
  89. White House civil war breaks out over trade (6 replies)
  90. China report on US human rights (111 replies)
  91. Elijah Cummings praises Donald J Trump (6 replies)
  92. What do politicians pay for healthcare? (2 replies)
  93. U.S. Marines deployed into Syria with artillery guns, official says (14 replies)
  94. The Republicans who could tell Trump to take a hike on health care (8 replies)
  95. So, That Khizr Khan Claim That The US Stopped Him From Traveling Was Apparently Nonse (3 replies)
  96. Illegals Crossing Border Drop 40 Percent (27 replies)
  97. CNN brought back the "grab her by the pussy" audio tonight (76 replies)
  98. Atheists don't get to have personalized license plates (32 replies)
  99. Another day, another fake hate crime (26 replies)
  100. 100 U.S. Senators ask Trump administration for ‘swift action’ on Antisemitism (4 replies)
  101. Retail CEO says the wave of stores closings 'may even accelerate' (24 replies)
  102. 2020 Democratic Presidental Candidate Predictions (231 replies)
  103. Sassy Trump (9 replies)
  104. Tim Kaine's Son Arrested at Trump Rally (13 replies)
  105. Ivanka Fashion Line Sales Up 346 Percent From January to February (32 replies)
  106. He said he was working on "something big" about the CIA. Then his car exploded... (0 replies)
  107. Trump Fraud trial about to blow open again (42 replies)
  108. Vault 7---Wikileaks releases trove of alleged CIA hacking documents (180 replies)
  109. The woman behind the story behind the Trump Twitter storm (0 replies)
  110. GOP Obamacare replacement announced (230 replies)
  111. Scarborough: Trump Presidency Is Sinking, The White House Is Going Down (12 replies)
  112. Ben Carson Referred to Slaves As "Immigrants" (70 replies)
  113. it sure is quiet here lately (25 replies)
  114. 2017 Investing Thread (156 replies)
  115. Stock Market: Legit or Gimmick (27 replies)
  116. from what i gather... (6 replies)
  117. Did this NYT journalist solicit a felony? (21 replies)
  118. Clapper confirms no evidence of contact between Russia and Trump campaign (186 replies)
  119. Trump asks congress to investigate Obama (139 replies)
  120. Departing admins (36 replies)
  121. Twiitter Followers: Obama (85.3M) vs. Trump (15.8M ) (43 replies)
  122. moonofalabama.org: Obama Ordered Abuse Of Intelligence To Sabotage Trump Policies (27 replies)
  123. AA Journalist suspect in knocking over 100 Chosen One headstones. (0 replies)
  124. This soft coup is not going to work (100 replies)
  125. Photo contradicts Pelosi's statement about not meeting Kislyak (70 replies)
  126. Unemployed man threatens to bomb the Jews! (13 replies)
  127. ROFL... Republicans lose their copy of their super-secret Obamacare replacement bill (61 replies)
  128. GOP Panicking As Majority Of Voters In Key 2018 States Are Unhappy With Trump (12 replies)
  129. Assad claims that reports of mass executions are “fake news” (0 replies)
  130. China accuses rights activist of 'fake news' fabricating torture (0 replies)
  131. Greenwald: Deep State is after Trump and Media/Democrats supporting it is insane... (8 replies)
  132. Manchin Admits That He And Other Senators Have Met With The Russian Ambassador (27 replies)
  133. Putin critic will handle Russia for Trump’s National Security Council (0 replies)
  134. Senators urge Sessions not to crack down on marijuana (11 replies)
  135. Mexican cement company says it will 'gladly' provide materials for construction of th (3 replies)
  136. Colin Kaepernick will reportedly stand for national anthem next season (0 replies)
  137. Trump administration: We may ignore World Trade Organization (2 replies)
  138. Dem senator: Russian hacking may have been 'act of war' (5 replies)
  139. High tech Russian electronic warfare and US countermeasures (5 replies)
  140. Without looking, who said this: (62 replies)
  141. When will the Democrats come clean about their secret meeting with Russia? (0 replies)
  142. Draining the Swamp isn't Easy (22 replies)
  143. Europe votes to impose travel visas to Americans (8 replies)
  144. Democrats Say Trump’s Tax Returns Are A Matter Of National Security (8 replies)
  145. DeVos: Historically Black Colleges were "real pioneers" of school choice (10 replies)
  146. Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign (236 replies)
  147. Democrats must hate this SOTU rebuttal (112 replies)
  148. The upcoming battle for Raqqa = Armaggedon = Judgement Day (57 replies)
  149. Trash caving now on IMMIGRATION (80 replies)
  150. Trash loves the military (6 replies)
  151. Conservative Christian politician dresses up as tiger woods (11 replies)
  152. Grandson of Muhammad Ali Detained in Airport... (24 replies)
  153. What does Trump and Hillary have in common? (4 replies)
  154. Trump eats his steak well done with ketchup (48 replies)
  155. get out - movie review (20 replies)
  156. Garmin engineer shot and killed in Kansas... (79 replies)
  157. McMaster: not on board with "radical Islamic terrorism" locution (14 replies)
  158. Perez Wins DNC Chair. (36 replies)
  159. Afraid of the people: Arizona racketeering bill includes political protests (187 replies)
  160. Bannon beat me to it (6 replies)
  161. CPAC (13 replies)
  162. The Oscars is going to be great. (42 replies)
  163. Conan's Border Wall Pledge Drive (2 replies)
  164. Witch vows curse on Trump (3 replies)
  165. where tf is my check?? (8 replies)
  166. Homeland Security just ended Trump's travel ban (31 replies)
  167. Texas' attempt to get Planned Parenthood out of Medicaid temporarily denied (2 replies)
  168. Papers please: domestic travelers asked for ID by CBP (47 replies)
  169. Favorite Show on Fox News (17 replies)
  170. Household Giant Nestle Leaves California Over Economically Strangling Laws (25 replies)
  171. Cable Ratings: Rachel Maddow Posts Best Week Since 2008 as Fox News Dominates (2 replies)
  172. How many of you made more than I paid in taxes last year? (48 replies)
  173. TERROR ATTACK IN KANSAS CITY (19 replies)
  174. Trump's Campaign Manager Manafort faced blackmail attempt, hacks suggest (10 replies)
  175. Trump's lawyer delivered plan to lift Russia sanctions to Flynn (1 replies)
  176. Sweden Democrats: Trump was right (117 replies)
  177. RIP Alan Colmes (6 replies)
  178. Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign manager faced blackmail attempts from Putin (1 replies)
  179. Trump vacation travel will cost you hundreds of millions of dollars. (6 replies)
  180. These Republican town hall meetings have been entertaining (78 replies)
  181. Mcain prank called by Russian hackers exposed talking sanctions illegally (34 replies)
  182. Rioting erupts in immigrant-dominated Swedish suburb (1 replies)
  183. Did Putin test a nuke in the Arctic? (9 replies)
  184. Socialism in action: 75% of Venezuela's population lost 19 pounds due to lack of food (93 replies)
  185. Russia ambassador to the UN dies in New York.. (5 replies)
  186. cheetolini's family trips cost taxpayers $11M in one month (70 replies)
  187. Why is our mainstream media taking money from Russia and China? (2 replies)
  188. Trumpster of Putin (1 replies)
  189. Opinion: Trump Lie Exposed With Proof He Is Indebted To Russian Mobsters (13 replies)
  190. Trump Motorcade Hit by 2x4, 5 Students Face Charges (19 replies)
  191. Trump brings supporter on stage during rally (17 replies)
  192. David Brock confidential memo on fighting Trump (31 replies)
  193. Alabama church wants its own PD (14 replies)
  194. AP Exclusive: Hundreds of Texans May Have Voted Improperly (6 replies)
  195. Ivanka Trump's perfume is a big winner on Amazon (1 replies)
  196. The more you hate Trump, the more I like him. (24 replies)
  197. Media Say Trump's ICE Arrested Transgender Domestic Violence Victim. They Ignore One (41 replies)
  198. Repugs, How's That STRICT OBSTRUCTIONIST Ass Taste? (0 replies)
  199. 12 (4 replies)
  200. Genius assisination (0 replies)
  201. CIA director basically calls Wall Street Urinal reports Fake News (16 replies)
  202. a little help please (4 replies)
  203. Marketwatch: Fed out to lunch on automation (7 replies)
  204. Judge slams FEC (0 replies)
  205. Trump Book Hits New York Times Bestseller List (15 replies)
  206. Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule (15 replies)
  207. Don't you just hate when a country's election is meddled with by another country? (40 replies)
  208. This GOP poll is so full of trigger (20 replies)
  209. Study: Up to 2.1 Million Hispanics May Have Voted Illegall (11 replies)
  210. White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies (4 replies)
  211. Trump......NCAA Bracket (4 replies)
  212. Bibi Netanyahu: Trump president not Obama (0 replies)
  213. Chafetz decides to go after intel leakers (35 replies)
  214. Red Guards Austin (5 replies)
  215. heads are rolling (27 replies)
  216. Puzder withdraws nomination for Labor Sec (3 replies)
  217. Study: A quarter of Texas public schools no longer teach sex ed (5 replies)
  218. Doubts grow that GOP can repeal Obamacare (15 replies)
  219. Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence (1 replies)
  220. Remember when Obama told Russia that they'd have more flexibility after the election? (8 replies)
  221. Ivanka Trump Looked Thirsty AF While Glancing At Justin Trudeau (12 replies)
  222. Are the Russians about to invade the US? (86 replies)
  223. The Official Fake News Thread (17 replies)
  224. Democratic leaders cite fake tweets while criticizing Flynn (6 replies)
  225. Repugs Preparing for Next Election Campaign (0 replies)
  226. Let's Collect dem Scalps (933 replies)
  227. So if immigration asks for ur phone while traveling what would u do? (26 replies)
  228. When you're fighting phantom Nazis, everything looks like a swastika (19 replies)
  229. Saturday Night Live (NBC) Hits Six-Year TV Ratings High (44 replies)
  230. Trump impeached? You can bet on it (31 replies)
  231. Actually, 9th Circuit Judges, 72 Terrorists Have Come From Those 7 Banned Countries (8 replies)
  232. Here's something positive -- Oldest living WWII vet (13 replies)
  233. Repugs in Town Halls Getting Bitch Slapped (17 replies)
  234. This dude dropping truth nukes on regressive left (1 replies)
  235. Trump's Day of Living Cuckorously (1 replies)
  236. Putin considers sending Edward Snowden back to U.S. (1 replies)
  237. Legal alien sentenced to 8 years for voter fraud (71 replies)
  238. Fake news for liberals: misinformation starts to lean left under Trump (77 replies)
  239. How do Democrats win back straight white men? (146 replies)
  240. US Intelligence has corroborated aspects of the Russia-Trump Dossier (26 replies)
  241. Flynn in major trouble for speaking to Russia about sanctions (52488 replies)
  242. This philosopher predicted Trump's rise in 1998 — and he has another warning ... (69 replies)
  243. What Trump got wrong on twitter this week (48 replies)
  244. Assad calls torture reports "fake news" (3 replies)
  245. Something is very, very wrong with the Arctic climate (2 replies)
  246. ACU: Trump Cabinet Most Conservative in Modern History (8 replies)
  247. Trump blames violence in Chicago on undocumented immigrants (101 replies)
  248. Gonna spoonfeed boutons on this one, tbh... (5 replies)
  250. Jake tapper destroys Kelly Anne Conway (77 replies)