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  1. Middle east: The feces hitting the ocillating device (11 replies)
  2. Winning Election Results in More Porn Searches (0 replies)
  3. US v Pakistan on transparency and accountabilioty (2 replies)
  4. US Imperial Mother Ship Has Landed (11 replies)
  5. Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks? (2 replies)
  6. Santorum's Popularity Puzzle (18 replies)
  7. Al Qaeda joins USA in support of Assad regime change (6 replies)
  8. The Federal Reserve's Explicit Goal: Devalue The Dollar 33% (86 replies)
  9. Perry's Pillaging Pensioners (9 replies)
  10. While Digging Up 1,235 Acres For His Golf Course, Donald Trump Says Wind Farms Are (1 replies)
  11. Obama Requests Funding for Venezuelan Opposition in 2012 Budget (10 replies)
  12. CPAC Straw Poll Results 2012: Mitt Romney Wins Conservative Vote (19 replies)
  13. Ahmadinejad: Major nuclear announcement expected within days (69 replies)
  14. Greenwald: Repulsive progressive hypocrisy (54 replies)
  15. The Obama Hate Machine Exposed (19 replies)
  16. CNN just did a piece on the candidates' campaign music (6 replies)
  17. Kim Jong Un assassinated? (4 replies)
  18. It could still be Christie, Rubio or Bush (13 replies)
  19. Spring Surprise? Stock Market Alarm Sounding (12 replies)
  20. Truth: As Many Republicans back Obama as back Ron Paul (17 replies)
  21. House Passes Bill Banning Insider Trading by Members of Congress (14 replies)
  22. US Approves Two New Nuclear Reactors (74 replies)
  23. Obamba: I'm going after Romney, not Wall Street (0 replies)
  24. Why the Right Wing Is Petrified of Letting Voters Pick Presidents (19 replies)
  25. Israel teamed up with terrorists (42 replies)
  26. Ron Paul Secretly Won the Caucuses (46 replies)
  27. Quick,... (52 replies)
  28. Oklahoma Democrat Adds ‘Every Sperm Is Sacred’ Amendment To Personhood Bill (3 replies)
  29. Obama and his fight against religion/Catholics. (129 replies)
  30. Mitt Romney: Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum Acted Like Democrats (3 replies)
  31. Reich Laments SuperPacs (6 replies)
  32. Why QE Didn’t Cause Hyperinflation (30 replies)
  33. Tonight shows why Republicans are still stupid. (36 replies)
  34. Doug Bandow: loving the Pentagon turns conservatives into big-spending liberals (3 replies)
  35. Federal income tax (16 replies)
  36. Good read on Afghanistan... (28 replies)
  37. Why are athiests so hated in the USA? (746 replies)
  38. Question for all the bible thumping, Iran fearing Republicans... (2 replies)
  39. Obama flip flops on PAC money (11 replies)
  40. Prop 8 has been ruled unconstitutional. (71 replies)
  41. The real reason why wardrums are beating on Iran (63 replies)
  42. Kerrey won't run for U.S. Senate, likely putting GOP one step closer to majority (4 replies)
  43. LA School Linked to Abuse Claims Will Replace Entire Faculty (41 replies)
  44. Santorum fights back ahead of latest primaries (69 replies)
  45. Romney Team Slams ‘Flawed’ Poll That Shows Mitt Flailing (0 replies)
  46. Chrysler Super Bowl Commercial Becomes Politicized (26 replies)
  47. Romney clarifies comments on poor people (2 replies)
  48. Chicago, IL.: Prosecutor on the hook for torture link (100 replies)
  49. Congressman trolled hard by The Onion (10 replies)
  50. Pete "Spend it NOT"... (11 replies)
  51. "Not Larry King" interviews Dr. Paul (6 replies)
  52. Obama will be re-elected (84 replies)
  53. India Turns Down American Fighter Jets, Buys From France (10 replies)
  54. Text Message Brands Quebec Man a Terror Suspect (4 replies)
  55. Do We Need the Department of Education? (58 replies)
  56. Finally, Real Voter Fraud (It's Repug, of course) (1 replies)
  57. NEJM Perspective - On the SGR formula for determining medicare cuts (10 replies)
  58. Santorum 45% - Obama 44% in latest Rasmussen Poll (5 replies)
  59. Santorum To Gay Man: You Don’t Deserve ‘Privilege’ Of Marriage Because Gay Unions Don (52 replies)
  60. UN and Taxes (20 replies)
  61. 243k jobs added, unemployment dips to 8.3% (57 replies)
  62. S.E.C. Is Avoiding Tough Sanctions for Large Banks (2 replies)
  63. Israel to bomb Iran this spring (78 replies)
  64. Change Happened (14 replies)
  65. Barney Frank on Al Sharpton's Show remark about Republicans and when life starts. (7 replies)
  66. Lawrence O'Donnell 'likes' liberals. Explanation tonight (8 replies)
  67. Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist (6 replies)
  68. SD of the Week Vol 3 - Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing (1 replies)
  69. 5.6 Million Americans Have Switched Their Banks In The Last 90 Days (29 replies)
  70. The Donald to endorse Mitt Romney (17 replies)
  71. Romney blasts Panetta after Afghanistan announcement (13 replies)
  72. NASA Report: Greenhouse Gases, Not Sun, Driving Warming (66 replies)
  73. Bachman says she will not endorse soon. (0 replies)
  74. How bout this (19 replies)
  75. Dying man, dissed by Romney gets question answered by Ron Paul (2 replies)
  76. Shocking: Israel endorses Ron Paul's foreign policy (18 replies)
  77. Ron Paul will win more delegates this week than Newt + Santorum combined (11 replies)
  78. Lobbying (18 replies)
  79. Romney - "Im not concerned about the very poor." (76 replies)
  80. Jonathan Heidt: decoding the tribal psychology of politics (14 replies)
  81. Mitt Romney's Florida victory speech (41 replies)
  82. It'll never pass. (7 replies)
  83. Gingrich to Obama: 'Respect our Religion', not 'Every other Religion' (12 replies)
  84. ISDA/CFTC mini-roundup (6 replies)
  85. Hey Remember That Time... (3 replies)
  86. Doug Wead: Presidential Historian, True Gentleman, Ron Paul Supporter (10 replies)
  87. Scarborough to Romney: Stop singing and tell us what you're going to do for America t (4 replies)
  88. FDA Whistleblowers sue, allege they were spied on (4 replies)
  89. Sarah Palin Denounces GOP ‘Viciousness’: ‘Enough Is Enough With The Lies About Newt G (13 replies)
  90. This Film is GREATNESS (0 replies)
  91. Stopping terror one tweet at a time (13 replies)
  92. Obama best understands people, poll finds (26 replies)
  93. South Dakota House Mulls Encouraging Public Schools To Teach The Bible (30 replies)
  94. Obama and The State of Georgia (51 replies)
  95. Greeks (8 replies)
  96. Joe McCarthy 2012: Republicans Will Impeach Obama If He Doesn’t Extend Bush Tax Cuts (14 replies)
  97. NBC demans Mitt Romney to pull news material from his add (4 replies)
  98. San Francisco Wake Up Call (9 replies)
  99. Iran - Hopeful over IAEA visit (3 replies)
  100. Quiz: Who are the real job creators? (32 replies)
  101. Newt Gingrich promises to build a moon colony by 2020; make it a U.S. state (26 replies)
  102. Romney + Gingrich gang up on Palestinian Republican: It's all your fault (22 replies)
  103. Stuff Liberals Say (14 replies)
  104. RonPaul's fans + Occupy Protesters + Colbert fans vs. Koran Burning Pastor's Church (6 replies)
  105. Santorum: Latin Americans want to harbor jihadist misile sites and training camps (7 replies)
  106. Romney Packed Debate Hall With Supporters, Gingrich Aide Says (8 replies)
  107. I had an epiphany... (33 replies)
  108. Reuters: Not much difference between O'Bomb-em and Romney (0 replies)
  109. Class action: Chase sued for bankruptcy fraud (0 replies)
  110. Fed to maintain near zero interest rates until late 2014 (37 replies)
  111. Is the GOP headed for a brokered convention? (0 replies)
  112. Proud to be an American again (despite the murder of 24 innocent Iraqi Civilians) (4 replies)
  113. Newt's Moon Base (0 replies)
  114. Santorum: Raped? Make the Best of It! (3 replies)
  115. We Can't Wait... (0 replies)
  116. Obama, Arizona governor in confrontation at Phoenix airport (38 replies)
  117. Obama is a pussy...Sends SEALS to rescue hostages (3 replies)
  118. Obama's SOTU written at 8th grade level for 3rd straight yr (51 replies)
  119. SOTU was eerily familiar (11 replies)
  120. Obama Risks Alienating Republicans By Using Facts (36 replies)
  121. US Marine to serve no time for killing 24 Iraqi civilians (13 replies)
  122. Ron Paul's 2002 Predictions All Come True - Incredible Video! (8 replies)
  123. Cool... Go Seals... (0 replies)
  124. As Emperor of the USA I would... (84 replies)
  125. George Soros predicts riots in the streets and total economic collapse (12 replies)
  126. 30 years of ‘Skutniks’ (1 replies)
  127. Overlooked: clearing house default? (0 replies)
  128. The top 1%, what jobs do they have? (8 replies)
  129. Apple, America and a squeezed Middle Class (49 replies)
  130. The GOP Deserves to Lose (77 replies)
  131. Mitt and Newt Play Admiral, Get Lost at Sea (2 replies)
  132. It's official: Ron Paul got screwed in Iowa (39 replies)
  133. Judge: Americans can be forced to decrypt their laptops (2 replies)
  134. hannity (12 replies)
  135. FL debate: Ron Paul wiping the floor with mofos (13 replies)
  136. Supreme Court rejects California Animal Cruelty Law on Pigs (2 replies)
  137. Obama State Of Union Cliche Odds (10 replies)
  138. Santorum supporter: Obama ‘not president’ and an ‘avowed Muslim’ (21 replies)
  139. I thought you guys would enjoy this one... (9 replies)
  140. Ron Paul (3 replies)
  141. Polarization quantified. (21 replies)
  142. 1000 days without a budget (6 replies)
  143. Ron Paul's son detained for terrorism (37 replies)
  144. Florida (17 replies)
  145. http://gawker.com/5877892/newspaper-editor-israel-should-consider-assassinating-obama (15 replies)
  146. Newt Gingrich (106 replies)
  147. God works in mysterious ways - Bachmann, Cain, Perry (5 replies)
  148. Iran seems to be backing down a bit... (3 replies)
  149. Obama cutting the DOD (16 replies)
  150. $2,651,429.14 (8 replies)
  151. FBI took down Megaupload today (8 replies)
  152. Here's an interesting one for y'all to discuss... (39 replies)
  153. CNN moderator gets owned for blatantly ignoring Ron Paul (5 replies)
  154. Mayor Bloomberg and Mayors From Across the Country Launch Mayors for Freedom to Marry (0 replies)
  155. This video will bring you to tears (16 replies)
  156. DOJ Investigates Google, Apple, and Others For 'No Poaching' Agreement (1 replies)
  157. Afghanistan’s Soldiers Step Up Killings of Allied Forces (4 replies)
  158. Tonight's CNN GOP Debate 1/19/2012 (62 replies)
  159. Dean BAker "Stomps A Mudhole" in the Fed (0 replies)
  160. Oh, by the way, Mitt probably lost Iowa (8 replies)
  161. Rick Perry is out. (44 replies)
  162. Hedgefunds winning (4 replies)
  163. Mossad agents posed as CIA while recruiting Iranian terrorists (16 replies)
  164. Michael Lind: Why do the Republicans nominate blue bloods? (46 replies)
  165. Struck me as ironic (2 replies)
  166. WC's Extreme Views (602 replies)
  167. Mitt Romney: ancient history and tragic father/son entanglement -- @Rolling Stone (7 replies)
  168. Paul Supporters (116 replies)
  169. Cafe Mom Forum - Perry and Santorum (18 replies)
  170. Iran succumbs to Obama's orders, will return spy plane (8 replies)
  171. Well, I'm finally done with this place... (181 replies)
  172. Bible Thumpers Boo Dr. Paul's Bible Passage (15 replies)
  173. Romney celebrates MLK day with hate group member (5 replies)
  174. An MLK speech you normally don't hear... (53 replies)
  175. 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free (0 replies)
  176. Richard Dawkins celebrates a victory over creationists (5 replies)
  177. Huntsman Says He Will Drop G.O.P. Bid and Back Romney (8 replies)
  178. James Kirchick knew Ron Paul did not write those newsletters (VIDEO) (11 replies)
  179. Colbert's Super PAC's South Carolina ad (14 replies)
  180. Are you happy who you vote for? (31 replies)
  181. Biterman is joining pro Ron Paul facebook groups and shutting them down (1 replies)
  182. DHS Monitors Social Media For 'Political Dissent' (3 replies)
  183. US Military Intelligence officer: Ron Paul's Iran policy is the best one (5 replies)
  184. Santorum supports terrorism (12 replies)
  185. Santorum: Obama would 'destroy' Romney in November (84 replies)
  186. Can someone explain to me why... (118 replies)
  187. I Really Do Miss - Hermain Cain (12 replies)
  188. German priest admits 280 counts of sexual abuse (7 replies)
  189. LMAO Federal judge rejects Perry’s challenge to Virginia ballot law (3 replies)
  190. Repugs staying classy: ‘I Would Stomp A Mudhole’ In A Tranny (18 replies)
  191. TN legislator: "‘I Would Stomp A Mudhole" in Transgender person (14 replies)
  192. Ohio landlord: "Reconsider ruling on 'white only' sign" (40 replies)
  193. LMAO Ron Paul puts Fox n Friends hoe in her place (15 replies)
  194. Please, oh please, O'keefe lands in hot water (231 replies)
  195. Palin says Romney should show proof of his creating jobs. (0 replies)
  196. Buffet b**ch-slaps Republicans in congress (1 replies)
  197. Ron Paul, best candidate vs. Obama (7 replies)
  198. Dr. Paul surges to 3rd in South Carolina (16 replies)
  199. Is Ron Paul right? (33 replies)
  200. Fact-Checking the Romney Film--Bloomberg (0 replies)
  201. Video depicts Marines peeing on dead Taliban (100 replies)
  202. Mississippi judge blocks release of 21 inmates given pardons by Gov. Barbour Read mo (21 replies)
  203. New materials remove CO2 from smokestacks, tailpipes and even the air (7 replies)
  204. Michelle Obama: I’m not ‘some angry black woman’ (78 replies)
  205. Ron Paul causes "technical difficulties" at CNN (45 replies)
  206. Newt's ads (21 replies)
  207. Why I'm voting Republican! (11 replies)
  208. GOP Strategist Frank Luntz: ‘Conservatives Should Not Be Defending Capitalism’ (3 replies)
  209. El Presidente Romney (17 replies)
  210. Michael Lind on the new defense strategy announcement (4 replies)
  211. Rick Santorum's hypocracy on abortion (0 replies)
  212. Magnetic bomb kills nuclear scientist in Iran (41 replies)
  213. Murat Kurnaz: Notes from a Guantanamo survivor (10 replies)
  214. So it's Romney... (59 replies)
  215. Rick Perry New Hampshire Results (31 replies)
  216. "Rape by the State" Texas (0 replies)
  217. Ron Paul puts another CNN "newscaster" on her ass (49 replies)
  218. Chavez and Ahmadinejad crack nuclear-themed jokes (6 replies)
  219. Go East, Young Man (9 replies)
  220. Arms dealer Obama will win (2 replies)
  221. Russia Warships in Syria (8 replies)
  222. Chris Christie on The Simpsons (0 replies)
  223. Thing you would like other posters... (101 replies)
  224. A Big Check From a Billionaire, and Gingrich Gets a Lift (5 replies)
  225. Greece - pedophiles to get disability pay (4 replies)
  226. Study Finds Nicotine Gum and Patches Don’t Help Smokers Quit (9 replies)
  227. 1's of people waiting for Cain's endorsement. (5 replies)
  228. John Nichols: Walker appeals to GOP’s labor-bashing zealots (17 replies)
  229. So it turns out Dr. Paul is not a racist. Proof here. (34 replies)
  230. Ron Paul destroys Gingrich (28 replies)
  231. Poor, but feeding the rich (2 replies)
  232. How Inequality Damages Economies (5 replies)
  233. Kodak Teeters on the Brink (8 replies)
  234. Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop arrested (1 replies)
  235. Which group is more hypocritical: conservatives or liberals? (21 replies)
  236. Georgia Parents Reportedly Outraged Over School Math Assignment (21 replies)
  237. Lakhdar Boumedienne: My Gitmo Nightmare (27 replies)
  238. Meet the Press GOP Debate this mornng. (46 replies)
  239. Checkmate Obama: I Guess Congress Really Wasn't in Session (1 replies)
  240. Predicting the Presidential Election: 2012 (42 replies)
  241. New strain of Tuberculosis emerges in India - Totally Drug Resistant TB (2 replies)
  242. McClatchy: Drug research routinely suppressed (29 replies)
  243. Israel vows treat hackers like other 'terrorists' (3 replies)
  244. David Cay Johnston: Time to junk income taxes? (48 replies)
  245. John McCain- "I Am Confident... President Obama Will Turn This Country Around" (14 replies)
  246. Film About the Hunt for Bin Laden Leads to a Pentagon Investigation (3 replies)
  247. Rick Santorum: I didn't say "Black People", I said "Blah People"... (13 replies)
  248. CNNMoney: Doctors going broke (15 replies)
  249. 4.2% for how long? (4 replies)
  250. Carmen Sandiego comes to life! (2 replies)