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10-30-2020, 10:51 PM
This is it... This is THE ONE!!! #RaceTo270


But it's also about the Senate... NC, MI, IA, MN, AZ, ME, CO, AL and more.

-House unlikely to flip, barring a red tide. Senate 50-50.

-Trump would win a 269-269 split due to having a majority of House special voters who break that split, even though the Dems have the House majority.

Bold predictions:

-Presidential Election won't be called on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
-Trump wins FL, NC, OH
-Biden wins CO, VA, WI, MI, PA
-Trump wins MN
-Biden wins AZ, making him the next president-elect by a hair

-Trump will attempt multiple avenues for maintaining the presidency, first by SCOTUS/legal manners but then by military violence at last resort, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in Summer 2009 Iran - style.

10-30-2020, 10:54 PM
Bend over. I'll show you an all-inclusive erection night.

10-30-2020, 10:58 PM
This is it... This is THE ONE!!! #RaceTo270


But it's also about the Senate... NC, MI, IA, MN, AZ, ME, CO, AL and more.

-House unlikely to flip, barring a red tide. Senate 50-50.

-Trump would win a 269-269 split due to having a majority of House special voters who break that split, even though the Dems have the House majority.

Bold predictions:

-Presidential Election won't be called on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
-Trump wins FL, NC, OH
-Biden wins CO, VA, WI, MI, PA
-Trump wins MN
-Biden wins AZ, making him the next president-elect by a hair

-Trump will attempt multiple avenues for maintaining the presidency, first by SCOTUS/legal manners but then by military violence at last resort, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in Summer 2009 Iran - style.

You won't get that (exact outcome). But if you really believe in it, you need to go to a site that will let you parlay that. :lol

10-30-2020, 11:03 PM
Bend over. I'll show you an all-inclusive erection night.

-Kim Jong Un

10-30-2020, 11:06 PM
The Minnesota part is looking to go your way, Andy.

These idiots just keep poking the bear.


10-30-2020, 11:17 PM
This is it... This is THE ONE!!! #RaceTo270


But it's also about the Senate... NC, MI, IA, MN, AZ, ME, CO, AL and more.

-House unlikely to flip, barring a red tide. Senate 50-50.

-Trump would win a 269-269 split due to having a majority of House special voters who break that split, even though the Dems have the House majority.

Bold predictions:

-Presidential Election won't be called on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
-Trump wins FL, NC, OH
-Biden wins CO, VA, WI, MI, PA
-Trump wins MN
-Biden wins AZ, making him the next president-elect by a hair

-Trump will attempt multiple avenues for maintaining the presidency, first by SCOTUS/legal manners but then by military violence at last resort, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in Summer 2009 Iran - style.

Who gets GA and IA? I mean, what you called so far has Biden winning 280 EV, which is not really a 'hair'...

10-30-2020, 11:23 PM
The Minnesota part is looking to go your way, Andy.

These idiots just keep poking the bear.

MN is a beautiful state. I walked around the MoA and then later in the afternoon ate at a wonderful restaurant called Quizno's (heard of them?) in a pretty town just off the highway called Monticello. The workers there both expressed their love for Trump, Minnesota, the country and their delicious angus steak sandwiches, which put Subway and all the rest to shame. I could taste the high quality of Minnesota in that very sandwich. While I was eating my luxury dinner, a few military guys around my age came in and also expressed their support for Trump and freedom and their chagrin for the "liberal commies".

Beautiful state MN is gonna flip red for first time since Nixon. I believe.

10-30-2020, 11:25 PM
Who gets GA and IA? I mean, what you called so far has Biden winning 280 EV, which is not really a 'hair'...

Trump... I don't consider GA to be a swing state, polls be damned, he's going to win by 7-10 in GA... no problem. Both GOP senators will also hold in GA. He'll also win by 4-6 in IA, and Joni Ernst will win a nailbiter.

AZ is on a late time zone and they will be the last outstanding state and that's where I have Biden winning... without Arizona he's not at 270, so it's definitely a "hair".

10-30-2020, 11:34 PM
MN is a beautiful state. I walked around the MoA and then later in the afternoon ate at a wonderful restaurant called Quizno's (heard of them?) in a pretty town just off the highway called Monticello. The workers there both expressed their love for Trump, Minnesota, the country and their delicious angus steak sandwiches, which put Subway and all the rest to shame. I could taste the high quality of Minnesota in that very sandwich. While I was eating my luxury dinner, a few military guys around my age came in and also expressed their support for Trump and freedom and their chagrin for the "liberal commies".

Beautiful state MN is gonna flip red for first time since Nixon. I believe.

First time I went to Quiznos (in California) I thought this was great. It's my new favorite place to eat. Shortly thereafter, California enacted a $1.50 toast tax.
Haven't been since. Homie don't play that sh**. Minnesotans have a lot of wanna-be Californians. Don't know if they passed a similar tax or not. I wouldn't doubt that they tried.


10-30-2020, 11:36 PM
Trump... I don't consider GA to be a swing state, polls be damned, he's going to win by 7-10 in GA... no problem. Both GOP senators will also hold in GA. He'll also win by 4-6 in IA, and Joni Ernst will win a nailbiter.

AZ is on a late time zone and they will be the last outstanding state and that's where I have Biden winning... without Arizona he's not at 270, so it's definitely a "hair".

That's not correct. Under your scenario, Biden can lose AZ and MN, and still get to 270 through ME-2. That would be definitely a 'hair'.

10-30-2020, 11:37 PM
Quiznos are like 7/11 in NJ... first time I heard them being called 'restaurant'.

10-30-2020, 11:42 PM
That's not correct. Under your scenario, Biden can lose AZ and MN, and still get to 270 through ME-2. That would be definitely a 'hair'.

ME-2 to Trump is a foregone conclusion IMO. That northern half is very old and conservative. My grandmother's cousin and her husband are up there. Everyone to the left of them is a "commie" to them.

10-30-2020, 11:43 PM
First time I went to Quiznos (in California) I thought this was great. It's my new favorite place to eat. Shortly thereafter, California enacted a $1.50 toast tax.
Haven't been since. Homie don't play that sh**. Minnesotans have a lot of wanna-be Californians. Don't know if they passed a similar tax or not. I wouldn't doubt that they tried.

Holy fuckin' shit, no, that's terrible, that's some mad commie shit. No extra tax on that in MN, at least at Quizno's. I probably (definitely) would have walked out if I saw that. Would have probably waited and eaten in Fargo once I reached Fargo.

10-30-2020, 11:49 PM
Holy fuckin' shit, no, that's terrible, that's some mad commie shit. No extra tax on that in MN, at least at Quizno's. I probably (definitely) would have walked out if I saw that. Would have probably waited and eaten in Fargo once I reached Fargo.

I've done that drive. You'd about have to. There's pretty much nowhere to eat for two and a half hours once you pass St. Cloud about an hour out.

10-30-2020, 11:52 PM
Trump... I don't consider GA to be a swing state, polls be damned, he's going to win by 7-10 in GA... no problem. Both GOP senators will also hold in GA. He'll also win by 4-6 in IA, and Joni Ernst will win a nailbiter.

AZ is on a late time zone and they will be the last outstanding state and that's where I have Biden winning... without Arizona he's not at 270, so it's definitely a "hair".

What I'm seeing has it more in the 3-6 range. But 7-10 is possible.

10-30-2020, 11:54 PM
ME-2 to Trump is a foregone conclusion IMO. That northern half is very old and conservative. My grandmother's cousin and her husband are up there. Everyone to the left of them is a "commie" to them.

That really doesn't mean anything. You can find people like that even in completely blue states like NY and CA... Now, it's true that's its within the margin of error there, but a 270-268 win would be pretty epic, IMVHO.

10-30-2020, 11:57 PM
I've done that drive. You'd about have to. There's pretty much nowhere to eat for two and a half hours once you pass St. Cloud about an hour out.
The drive was late afternoon for me so pretty much just trying to focus on the road with the sun visor down as far as possible. Didn't seem like that long but come to think about it yeah western MN is pretty boring and steppe-y, definitely not the prettiest part of MN. Arrived in Fargo at the NDSU campus right at dusk, took some Carson Wentz themed selfies, then booked it back south to TX.

10-31-2020, 12:03 AM
That really doesn't mean anything. You can find people like that even in completely blue states like NY and CA... Now, it's true that's its within the margin of error there, but a 270-268 win would be pretty epic, IMVHO.

NE-2 is more likely to go blue than ME-2, imo. Demographic shift is real, like opposite of VA, it won't go back.

10-31-2020, 12:03 AM
The drive was late afternoon for me so pretty much just trying to focus on the road with the sun visor down as far as possible. Didn't seem like that long but come to think about it yeah western MN is pretty boring and steppe-y, definitely not the prettiest part of MN. Arrived in Fargo at the NDSU campus right at dusk, took some Carson Wentz themed selfies, then booked it back south to TX.

It doesn't seem that long because of the light traffic. One of the times I took country state highways to see new towns. That is especially desolate. :lol

10-31-2020, 12:08 AM

10-31-2020, 12:09 AM
It doesn't seem that long because of the light traffic. One of the times I took country state highways to see new towns. That is especially desolate. :lol

also, the scenery/fall foliage/number of trees get generally steadily worse the farther west you go until you get to the rocky mountains. The part in between is basically central asian steppeville, dullsville tbh.

10-31-2020, 12:15 AM
also, the scenery/fall foliage/number of trees get generally steadily worse the farther west you go until you get to the rocky mountains. The part in between is basically central asian steppeville, dullsville tbh.

The further west and south; SW Minnesota is one big parking lot. There's a lot of area north of Fargo up towards the Canadian border that is forest area IIRC. I didn't get the chance to go see most of North MN. It'd take days to explore. Did do North Shore. Have you done that?

10-31-2020, 12:34 AM
The further west and south; SW Minnesota is one big parking lot. There's a lot of area north of Fargo up towards the Canadian border that is forest area IIRC. I didn't get the chance to go see most of North MN. It'd take days to explore. Did do North Shore. Have you done that?
no, didn't have time to go to Duluth, plus it was October and I was already hitting snow flurries in WI/MN earlier that day. I might do a vacation flight to Duluth next summer.

Duluth / North Shore area will also ironically be very important if Trump wants to win MN, it's been blue for quite a while now but for no good reason other than unions, it's like >95% white.

10-31-2020, 12:40 AM
Quiznos are like 7/11 in NJ... first time I heard them being called 'restaurant'.

If you're looking for dinner, no. If you're trying to excuse away your drinking, any place that serves chips is a restaurant "hey, what do you mean bar? I'm at a restaurant!"

10-31-2020, 12:47 AM
If you're looking for dinner, no. If you're trying to excuse away your drinking, any place that serves chips is a restaurant "hey, what do you mean bar? I'm at a restaurant!"
hey look man, I drove all the way from Madison (my hotel on 10/15 night) WI all the way thru MN, spent an hour wandering around Mall of America in Minneapolis, drove to see the place (Cup Foods) which was ground zero for George Floyd, then booked it west, ate in Monticello, made it to Fargo, ND by dusk, then booked it south all the way to Salina, Kansas where I slept at a rest stop for like 3-4 hours. I was in San Antonio well before dusk the next day.

My driving is a freak of nature. And I don't even have a sports car. It's a 2020 camry hybrid. I don't recommend the hybrid part if you're going to be living in a cooler weather state, though.

10-31-2020, 01:09 AM
no, didn't have time to go to Duluth, plus it was October and I was already hitting snow flurries in WI/MN earlier that day. I might do a vacation flight to Duluth next summer.

Duluth / North Shore area will also ironically be very important if Trump wants to win MN, it's been blue for quite a while now but for no good reason other than unions, it's like >95% white.

I did Duluth / North Shore in the spring. Would love to reside there at some point. We'll see.

There's not a lot of population to flip there, but Trump definitely making gains in the low thousands there. Pretty good when you consider that Hillary only won the state by less than 45,000 votes.

10-31-2020, 03:15 AM
This is it... This is THE ONE!!! #RaceTo270


(Props for making a prediction - I still need a few weekend results but you are probably not far off except I don’t really believe President Trump will need to leave by any kind of force. I do think Senate might go 51-49 and not tip but watching NC the most. Seemingly Senator Tillis is in trouble despite infidelity (or at least seeking to) of opponent. I do think likely we will not have a President elect on the 3rd as PA at least will not be delineated but who really knows with so many moving parts.)

But it's also about the Senate... NC, MI, IA, MN, AZ, ME, CO, AL and more.

-House unlikely to flip, barring a red tide. Senate 50-50.

-Trump would win a 269-269 split due to having a majority of House special voters who break that split, even though the Dems have the House majority.

Bold predictions:

-Presidential Election won't be called on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
-Trump wins FL, NC, OH
-Biden wins CO, VA, WI, MI, PA
-Trump wins MN
-Biden wins AZ, making him the next president-elect by a hair

-Trump will attempt multiple avenues for maintaining the presidency, first by SCOTUS/legal manners but then by military violence at last resort, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in Summer 2009 Iran - style.

10-31-2020, 05:32 PM


Link claims W for Trump in MN.


Here's an interesting stat for you. Hillary won MN by 1.5 percent but with CIA McMuffin (1.8) and Gary Johnson (3.8) pulling away 5.6 percent of the vote from Trump. In 2012, libertarian and others (not inc green party) only pulled 1.95. That leaves a large swath of Trump-leaning people who understand their vote could mean the difference in not having Biden/Democrats.

10-31-2020, 10:46 PM

10-31-2020, 10:59 PM
wow, that's a lot more people than at his inauguration, tbh

10-31-2020, 11:03 PM
Out of towners.

The county he visited has a population of just over 10 thousand. There are purports to be 12-15 thousand in that rally.

Not sure how many times that needs to be pointed out to derp.

10-31-2020, 11:03 PM
hey look man, I drove all the way from Madison (my hotel on 10/15 night) WI all the way thru MN, spent an hour wandering around Mall of America in Minneapolis, drove to see the place (Cup Foods) which was ground zero for George Floyd, then booked it west, ate in Monticello, made it to Fargo, ND by dusk, then booked it south all the way to Salina, Kansas where I slept at a rest stop for like 3-4 hours. I was in San Antonio well before dusk the next day.

My driving is a freak of nature. And I don't even have a sports car. It's a 2020 camry hybrid. I don't recommend the hybrid part if you're going to be living in a cooler weather state, though.

Ritalin dude

10-31-2020, 11:06 PM
Out of towners.

The county he visited has a population of just over 10 thousand. There are purports to be 12-15 thousand in that rally.

Not sure how many times that needs to be pointed out to derp.

There's no more than ~3000 in that photo, tbh

10-31-2020, 11:08 PM
There's no more than ~3000 in that photo, tbh

In all likelihood. I was just going with the numbers the fat cow McDaniels gave.

10-31-2020, 11:11 PM
In all likelihood. I was just going with the numbers the fat cow McDaniels gave.

With some sort of luck, only 1000 got Covid, and ~200 family members end up dead, tbh

10-31-2020, 11:12 PM
wow, that's a lot more people than at his inauguration, tbh

Just more people waiting for their ride to the parking lot than in Omaha.

11-01-2020, 11:28 AM
Millennial_Messiah (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=50493)


Link claims W for Trump in MN.


Here's an interesting stat for you. Hillary won MN by 1.5 percent but with CIA McMuffin (1.8) and Gary Johnson (3.8) pulling away 5.6 percent of the vote from Trump. In 2012, libertarian and others (not inc green party) only pulled 1.95. That leaves a large swath of Trump-leaning people who understand their vote could mean the difference in not having Biden/Democrats.

I don't get why North Shore area is so blue? Why can't we turn them red?

11-01-2020, 11:32 AM
I did Duluth / North Shore in the spring. Would love to reside there at some point. We'll see.

There's not a lot of population to flip there, but Trump definitely making gains in the low thousands there. Pretty good when you consider that Hillary only won the state by less than 45,000 votes.
RCP is only a lowly 4.7 up there in MN. In 2016, Trump out-performed the polls by about 6 percentage points. That would give him a win in MN this year.

11-01-2020, 11:34 AM

11-01-2020, 12:09 PM

Let’s get to it please. Although some likely good not decided this week and might even be a SC battle.

11-01-2020, 12:16 PM
I don't get why North Shore area is so blue? Why can't we turn them red?

Blue transplants from Twin Cities in Duluth, tbh. Some old dawg union Democrats. It's redenning, but I don't know by how much. I tried to look into Duluth but didn't find anything right away and stopped looking.

11-01-2020, 12:17 PM
Let’s get to it please. Although some likely good not decided this week and might even be a SC battle.

6-3, tbh :toast

11-01-2020, 12:17 PM
Blue transplants from Twin Cities in Duluth, tbh. Some old dawg union Democrats. It's redenning, but I don't know by how much. I tried to look into Duluth but didn't find anything right away and stopped looking.

those have been trending red since 2016, really 2014

11-01-2020, 12:18 PM
but didn't find anything right away and stopped looking.

:lol Derp got disillusioned and quit.

11-01-2020, 12:19 PM
RCP is only a lowly 4.7 up there in MN. In 2016, Trump out-performed the polls by about 6 percentage points. That would give him a win in MN this year.

Yea, "outperformed".

Trump flipped 19 counties in MN in 2016 IIRC. He needs to have strong gains in TC suburbs. They like to have their finger on the pulse; and I think they were watching the riots closely.

11-01-2020, 12:20 PM
:lol Derp got disillusioned and quit.

Tranny desperately searching for narratives.

11-01-2020, 12:22 PM
Yea, "outperformed".

Trump flipped 19 counties in MN in 2016 IIRC. He needs to have strong gains in TC suburbs. They like to have their finger on the pulse; and I think they were watching the riots closely.

All Biden has to do is turnout the people who didn't vote who would otherwise had voted for Hillary within the big cities.

11-01-2020, 12:23 PM
Yea, "outperformed".

Trump flipped 19 counties in MN in 2016 IIRC. He needs to have strong gains in TC suburbs. They like to have their finger on the pulse; and I think they were watching the riots closely.

Yep. All the businesses ravaged and savaged at the hands of Democrats/left wingers. Surprised Mike Lindell hasn't been doing more of a Trump push around the suburbs, considering that's where he's from.

11-01-2020, 12:26 PM
Yep. All the businesses ravaged and savaged at the hands of Democrats/left wingers. Surprised Mike Lindell hasn't been doing more of a Trump push around the suburbs, considering that's where he's from.

Well, I don't think the rioters touched the suburbs too much besides Hugo. But many of them don't want to see their beloved metropolis endemically degraded. They don't want to see it turn into a shithole more than it already has in some areas.

11-01-2020, 12:30 PM
Well, I don't think the rioters touched the suburbs too much besides Hugo. But many of them don't want to see their beloved metropolis endemically degraded. They don't want to see it turn into a shithole more than it already has in some areas.

I drove by the Cup Foods and the Midtown Global Market area and didn't see any shattered windows or rioters, but a lot of construction/work zones. Also everything is pay for parking which is bullshit being that it wasn't downtown.

11-01-2020, 12:31 PM
Well, I don't think the rioters touched the suburbs too much besides Hugo. But many of them don't want to see their beloved metropolis endemically degraded. They don't want to see it turn into a shithole more than it already has in some areas.

So worried.

11-01-2020, 12:38 PM
:lol "endemically degraded"

derp puts on glass frames without lenses

11-01-2020, 12:48 PM
So worried.

The red wall got you down. :lol

11-01-2020, 12:53 PM
The red wall got you down. :lol

:cry Indiana, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee etc sure has me really worried. How will Biden win those?

11-01-2020, 01:02 PM
I drove by the Cup Foods and the Midtown Global Market area and didn't see any shattered windows or rioters, but a lot of construction/work zones. Also everything is pay for parking which is bullshit being that it wasn't downtown.


Yea, if they're doing pay parking in non downtown area, that something. You talking that area nearby that trashy K Mart, or something further away?

11-01-2020, 01:11 PM

Yea, if they're doing pay parking in non downtown area, that something. You talking that area nearby that trashy K Mart, or something further away?
Moroccan Flavors is the place I tried. I didn't pay but got away with it. Same for DC near SCOTUS building.

11-01-2020, 01:19 PM
:cry Indiana, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee etc sure has me really worried. How will Biden win those?

2016: :cry Muh blue firewall :cry


11-01-2020, 01:26 PM
I did Duluth / North Shore in the spring. Would love to reside there at some point. We'll see.

There's not a lot of population to flip there, but Trump definitely making gains in the low thousands there. Pretty good when you consider that Hillary only won the state by less than 45,000 votes.

one of my favorite restaurants is in Duluth. Blackwoods. Miss that place when 8 lived in MN. Grandmas is good too for burgers and beers.

11-01-2020, 01:39 PM
one of my favorite restaurants is in Duluth. Blackwoods. Miss that place when 8 lived in MN. Grandmas is good too for burgers and beers.

If Minnesota was as tax friendly as other places it'd be great. They're wannabe Californians though. They don't realize California is going to sh** though.

11-01-2020, 04:43 PM
If Minnesota was as tax friendly as other places it'd be great. They're wannabe Californians though. They don't realize California is going to sh** though.

Minnesota is two worlds - very liberal left in inner twin cities and dark red everywhere else and is the one state other than PA in play could go for DT

baseline bum
11-01-2020, 04:47 PM
So what happen when Trump's brownshirts start rallying to block access to polling sites in Democratic areas on Tuesday? I really hope people start throwing molotovs into their trucks if so.

Trill Clinton
11-01-2020, 04:50 PM

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 04:53 PM
Minnesota is two worlds - very liberal left in inner twin cities and dark red everywhere else and is the one state other than PA in play could go for DT
Yeah the iron range is really dark red :rolleyes

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 04:55 PM
So what happen when Trump's brownshirts start rallying to block access to polling sites in Democratic areas on Tuesday? I really hope people start throwing molotovs into their trucks if so.
It’s a problem that cops are MAGAtards and are probably going to aid and abet a lot of them when they block polling places.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 04:59 PM
I thought defund the police was a bit extreme but after seeing them help MAGAtards cause social unrest this entire election cycle, I’m convinced most cops really are racist authoritarian assholes and it really isn’t just a few bad apples. I’d be all for slashing police budgets at this point, if cops have enough in their budget to be providing security for MAGAtards who want to go into black neighborhoods and terrorize voters they can afford a budget cut.

11-01-2020, 04:59 PM
Yeah the iron range is really dark red :rolleyes

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

:cry He missed a nail in the tire :cry

11-01-2020, 05:03 PM
So what happen when Trump's brownshirts start rallying to block access to polling sites in Democratic areas on Tuesday? I really hope people start throwing molotovs into their trucks if so.

They’ll only be fucking them selves. Most of dem votes have literally been mailed in. Republicans are the ones showing up to a larger extent.

11-01-2020, 05:05 PM

Would have been layed out if not for the boys in blue protecting Lilly’s white ass.

baseline bum
11-01-2020, 05:06 PM
They’ll only be fucking them selves. Most of dem votes have literally been mailed in. Republicans are the ones showing up to a larger extent.

No they'll be fucking us by lowering turnout in reliable Democratic areas. At that point I'm all for the shooting to start.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:06 PM
:cry He missed a nail in the tire :cry
That’s one example. You want another one? I’d hardly call southern Minnesota deep red either, Tim Walz was a 6 term congressman there. Any district that’s “deep red” wouldn’t have re-elected a Dem in the 2010 or 2014 bloodbath midterms. Rural Minnesota simply isn’t deep red.

11-01-2020, 05:09 PM
That’s one example. You want another one? I’d hardly call southern Minnesota deep red either, Tim Walz was a 6 term congressman there. Any district that’s “deep red” wouldn’t have re-elected a Dem in the 2010 or 2014 bloodbath midterms. Rural Minnesota simply isn’t deep red.

Derp being called out and schooled!

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:12 PM
No they'll be fucking us by lowering turnout in reliable Democratic areas. At that point I'm all for the shooting to start.
What’s going to save our bacon is that the really important states have Dem governors who can deploy state troopers if needed. As an example I’m sure Big Gretch has procedures ready to go for what happens if the Michigan MAGAtards start trying to block polling places.

I’m in agreement that any MAGAtard who’s trying to intimidate voters or block polling places should be shot on site.

11-01-2020, 05:13 PM
He got that from statepolls,com

Too stupid to figure out what a dot and a comma is. :lol

11-01-2020, 05:24 PM

You ain't black.

baseline bum
11-01-2020, 05:24 PM
What’s going to save our bacon is that the really important states have Dem governors who can deploy state troopers if needed. As an example I’m sure Big Gretch has procedures ready to go for what happens if the Michigan MAGAtards start trying to block polling places.

I’m in agreement that any MAGAtard who’s trying to intimidate voters or block polling places should be shot on site.

Georgia, Texas, Iowa, Florida, Arizona, Ohio all matter and won't have that luxury. One of those is probably going to be needed to win the election.

11-01-2020, 05:25 PM


Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:25 PM
:lmao hamplanet McDaniel making up numbers again

11-01-2020, 05:26 PM

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:30 PM
Georgia, Texas, Iowa, Florida, Arizona, Ohio all matter and won't have that luxury. One of those is probably going to be needed to win the election.
Arizona is 80% mail-in voting (might even be higher this year) and it doesn’t have any glaring Dem stronghold areas to target. Maybe west Phoenix or a place where a lot of Mexicans live but it’s not like Michigan or Pennsylvania where most of the Dem votes are highly concentrated.

Florida worries me but again it’s guesswork where the votes are still coming from. Broward County is only 20k votes short of its 2016 total.

Thank god there was so much early voting this year.

11-01-2020, 05:32 PM
Georgia, Texas, Iowa, Florida, Arizona, Ohio all matter and won't have that luxury. One of those is probably going to be needed to win the election.

Arizona magatards seem to be the less fanatical from what I’ve seen. Also have a pal from there who is hardcore Trump but likes to keep to himself because he lives in the Phoenix area. :lol

11-01-2020, 05:34 PM
:lmao hamplanet McDaniel making up numbers again

Notice how she’s increasingly making the democrat number higher every time she tweets. :lol

By tomorrow it’ll be 90% dems.

11-01-2020, 05:34 PM

baseline bum
11-01-2020, 05:34 PM
Arizona is 80% mail-in voting (might even be higher this year) and it doesn’t have any glaring Dem stronghold areas to target. Maybe west Phoenix or a place where a lot of Mexicans live but it’s not like Michigan or Pennsylvania where most of the Dem votes are highly concentrated.

Florida worries me but again it’s guesswork where the votes are still coming from. Broward County is only 20k votes short of its 2016 total.

Thank god there was so much early voting this year.

These states are going to be decided by razor thin margins most likely, just like 2016. So any slowdown of voting in minority areas is going to make a difference. Seeing this dry run for Tuesday really makes me think Trump's going to eek out a victory through voter suppression.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:36 PM
Arizona magatards seem to be the less fanatical from what I’ve seen. Also have a pal from there who is hardcore Trump but likes to keep to himself because he lives in the Phoenix area. :lol
The Mojave County MAGAtards are as crazy as they come but those lazy fucks aren’t driving down to Phoenix.

The MAGAtards also aren’t organized. They’re just angry evangelical rednecks who do stuff on impulse. We’re not going to see a coordinate, nationwide voter intimidation plot on Election Day. If anything is bad enough Biden and/or the DNC are going to have election lawyers standing back and standing by in every state.

11-01-2020, 05:36 PM
Arizona is 80% mail-in voting (might even be higher this year) and it doesn’t have any glaring Dem stronghold areas to target. Maybe west Phoenix or a place where a lot of Mexicans live but it’s not like Michigan or Pennsylvania where most of the Dem votes are highly concentrated.

Florida worries me but again it’s guesswork where the votes are still coming from. Broward County is only 20k votes short of its 2016 total.

Thank god there was so much early voting this year.

That mich guy pulled up a stat where it says democrats and republicans are turning out about the same percentage at 65. It’s like I said a few days ago, republicans have decided to not wait and vote now.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:37 PM
Just seeing what the people in that crowd look like, they should have the Red Cross on-site in case anyone forgot to take their insulin.

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:44 PM
Notice how she’s increasingly making the democrat number higher every time she tweets. :lol

By tomorrow it’ll be 90% dems.
:lmao I still don’t get what those numbers are supposed to be. Is her fatass actually claiming that everyone at the rally actually signs in and gives their party ID/whether they voted in 2016?

11-01-2020, 05:46 PM
Minnesota is two worlds - very liberal left in inner twin cities and dark red everywhere else and is the one state other than PA in play could go for DT

so tell me. Where did you live in Minnesota?

11-01-2020, 05:48 PM
Millennial_Messiah (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=50493)



11-01-2020, 05:48 PM
Yeah the iron range is really dark red :rolleyes

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

that’s why I was wondering where he lived in Minnesota since he knows so much about it.

the op pretending they MOA represents Minnesota, too. What a moron

baseline bum
11-01-2020, 05:51 PM
The Mojave County MAGAtards are as crazy as they come but those lazy fucks aren’t driving down to Phoenix.

The MAGAtards also aren’t organized. They’re just angry evangelical rednecks who do stuff on impulse. We’re not going to see a coordinate, nationwide voter intimidation plot on Election Day. If anything is bad enough Biden and/or the DNC are going to have election lawyers standing back and standing by in every state.

I don't think Biden's lawyers are going to be ready for the level of ratfucking on Tuesday. And I certainly have no faith in the DNC after how much they have been dominated the last 20 years, starting with letting the SC hand Florida to Bush.

11-01-2020, 05:51 PM
Derp being called out and schooled!

not just him. The op and that “doctor” too

11-01-2020, 05:54 PM
Millennial_Messiah (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=50493)


Hopefully both of today's division rival game states go for Trump, tbh

Will Hunting
11-01-2020, 05:57 PM
I like how fatcow McDaniel ads a decimal to each made up statistic just so the MAGAtards will he convinced its a real and precise number.

11-01-2020, 05:59 PM
so tell me. Where did you live in Minnesota?
Lived in WI but traveled there a lot and have relatives in area.

11-01-2020, 06:01 PM
Joe Biden becomes 'an underdog' if he doesn't win Pa., says Nate Silver


11-01-2020, 06:03 PM
Hopefully both of today's division rival game states go for Trump, tbh

:lol Just saw a video of businesses boarding up in advance of the election. Is that what you were saying?
I thought you were talking about them repairing buildings after the riots.

11-01-2020, 06:11 PM
Eesh. And had to do this like a week after the fact. :lol


11-01-2020, 06:19 PM
These states are going to be decided by razor thin margins most likely, just like 2016. So any slowdown of voting in minority areas is going to make a difference. Seeing this dry run for Tuesday really makes me think Trump's going to eek out a victory through voter suppression.Trump and his advisors are telegraphing their strategy to steal the election: to declare victory on election night when Trump has a transient lead, then try to get judges to throw out uncounted absentee ballots.

Even if the primary coup d'etat fails, Trump will have created a pretext for another one in the minds of his supporters.

11-01-2020, 06:36 PM
Trump and his advisors are telegraphing their strategy to steal the election: to declare victory on election night when Trump has a transient lead, then try to get judges to throw out uncounted absentee ballots.

Even if the primary coup d'etat fails, Trump will have created a pretext for another one in the minds of his supporters.



spurraider21 (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=31905)

Trill Clinton
11-01-2020, 07:26 PM

11-03-2020, 02:03 AM
All Traffic Matters

11-03-2020, 02:10 AM
All Traffic Matters


11-03-2020, 02:47 AM

11-03-2020, 03:02 AM
Rumor: Trump Part 2

11-03-2020, 04:12 AM
2020 early voting turnout compared to 2016 total turnout spells bad news for the Rs, IMO:

TX: 108% of 2016 vote
NC: 95%
GA: 94%
NV: 91%
AZ: 87%

This has the makings of an epic beatdown if Election Day turnout also proves to be strong

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 06:46 AM
2020 early voting turnout compared to 2016 total turnout spells bad news for the Rs, IMO:

TX: 108% of 2016 vote
NC: 95%
GA: 94%
NV: 91%
AZ: 87%

This has the makings of an epic beatdown if Election Day turnout also proves to be strong
The AZ number is stale too, AZ surpassed its 2016 vote total yesterday.

11-03-2020, 09:06 AM
2020 early voting turnout compared to 2016 total turnout spells bad news for the Rs, IMO:

TX: 108% of 2016 vote
NC: 95%
GA: 94%
NV: 91%
AZ: 87%

This has the makings of an epic beatdown if Election Day turnout also proves to be strong
that's where you're wrong. Election Day Turnout will strongly favor the R's. If you're a D you want strong early voting turnout and weak election day turnout.

High pressure, i.e. no rain in the forecast for most of the US today.. good for R's tbh.

11-03-2020, 09:10 AM
Trump at :wow -1.2 RCP in Pennsylvania. Outpacing 2016. He's winning the state.


11-03-2020, 09:12 AM
that's where you're wrong. Election Day Turnout will strongly favor the R's. If you're a D you want strong early voting turnout and weak election day turnout.

High pressure, i.e. no rain in the forecast for most of the US today.. good for R's tbh.

:lmao no

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 09:13 AM
Trump at :wow -1.2 RCP in Pennsylvania. Outpacing 2016. He's winning the state.

RCP kicked out the NYTime/Sienna college large sample size poll to include polls from Rasmussen, Sean Hannity, Trafelbanger and Susquehanna. 4 of the 6 polls in its average are notoriously partisan pollsters and Biden is still winning the average :lol

11-03-2020, 09:15 AM
RCP kicked out the NYTime/Sienna college large sample size poll to include polls from Rasmussen, Sean Hannity, Trafelbanger and Susquehanna. 4 of the 6 polls in its average are notoriously partisan pollsters and Biden is still winning the average :lol

Rasmussen nailed 2016 compared to notoriously (D) Quinnipac, CNN etc

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 09:16 AM
Rasmussen nailed 2016 compared to notoriously (D) Quinnipac, CNN etc
How about 2018? How accurate were Rasmussen and Trafelbanger in the most recent election we had?

11-03-2020, 09:49 AM
How about 2018? How accurate were Rasmussen and Trafelbanger in the most recent election we had?
Midterms favor the challengers

General election years (leap years) favor the incumbent.

11-03-2020, 09:51 AM
How quickly after Trump officially loses does DarrinS (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2042) try the “I never liked him anyways/I preferred Biden” weasel move?
Biden will win when Scam scores a TD to beat the Bills... be very scared, he might fumble, tbh...

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 09:54 AM
Midterms favor the challengers

General election years (leap years) favor the incumbent.
That has nothing to do with my question. If midterms favor the challenger then it would be reflected in polls that are accurate. How accurate were the right wing partisan pollsters in 2018?

11-03-2020, 09:55 AM
Midterms favor the challengers

General election years (leap years) favor the incumbent.

:lol no. Having biased polls has nothing to do with leap or not leap years.

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 09:58 AM
How quickly after Trump officially loses does DarrinS (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=2042) try the “I never liked him anyways/I preferred Biden” weasel move?
Oh Karrin isn’t going to be the only one. it’ll be especially funny if Biden wins Texas, you’ll see the GOP do the biggest 180 in political history and try to disown Trump.

Unfortunstely for them Trump won’t go away quietly the way GWB did when the GOP started disowning his 8 year shit show. He’s going to rage tweet about any GOP politician who tries to create distance from him :lol

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 10:01 AM
General elections favor the incumbent if people think the country is on the right path. After 4 years of net job losses and a COVID outbreak that’s reaching new highs, it’s not an environment that favors the incumbent at all.

If this were an incumbent favored year like 2012 or 2004 was, senators like Tillis, Ernst and Perdue wouldn’t even be in close races, they’d be winning at an amount outside the MOE.

11-03-2020, 10:12 AM
Oh Karrin isn’t going to be the only one. it’ll be especially funny if Biden wins Texas, you’ll see the GOP do the biggest 180 in political history and try to disown Trump.

Unfortunstely for them Trump won’t go away quietly the way GWB did when the GOP started disowning his 8 year shit show. He’s going to rage tweet about any GOP politician who tries to create distance from him :lol
if Trump loses TX, the USA as we have known it is permanently lost to socialism, i.e. Canada, pre-Brexit UK, most of the EU, Australia, etc.

11-03-2020, 10:14 AM
General elections favor the incumbent if people think the country is on the right path. After 4 years of net job losses and a COVID outbreak that’s reaching new highs, it’s not an environment that favors the incumbent at all.

If this were an incumbent favored year like 2012 or 2004 was, senators like Tillis, Ernst and Perdue wouldn’t even be in close races, they’d be winning at an amount outside the MOE.
... and people thought the country was on the right path in 2004 post-9/11, Afghanistan, the housing bubble, hurricane outbreak, and most importantly, Iraq?

11-03-2020, 10:15 AM
if Trump loses TX, the USA as we have known it is permanently lost to socialism, i.e. Canada, pre-Brexit UK, most of the EU, Australia, etc.

So your warning is that if Biden wins America will become more like Canada and Australia?

Okay, sign me up.

11-03-2020, 10:16 AM
General elections favor the incumbent if people think the country is on the right path. After 4 years of net job losses and a COVID outbreak that’s reaching new highs, it’s not an environment that favors the incumbent at all.

If this were an incumbent favored year like 2012 or 2004 was, senators like Tillis, Ernst and Perdue wouldn’t even be in close races, they’d be winning at an amount outside the MOE.

It's also hard to overlook that Trump has one of the worst approval ratings of any president in the past half a century. Not just on the last year alone, but throughout his four years.

While fans will point out he's extremely 'popular' to the cameras, he's actually extremely unpopular as a leader, and his strategy of fueling divisiveness has only made that more prominent.

Will it matter? we'll see.

11-03-2020, 10:18 AM
... and people thought the country was on the right path in 2004 post-9/11, Afghanistan, the housing bubble, hurricane outbreak, and most importantly, Iraq?

The country got rid of George H W Bush for far less. Wars are actually great for the re-election, as both Dubya Jr and Obama found out. It unites the country and make t rally behind whoever is the leader.

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 10:20 AM
... and people thought the country was on the right path in 2004 post-9/11, Afghanistan, the housing bubble, hurricane outbreak, and most importantly, Iraq?
This is revisionist history. Voters didn’t think it was a housing bubble in 2004 (the very nature of an asset bubble is that no one knows its a bubble up until the point when it bursts), they thought it was a good economy. At the time Iraq was largely a partisan issue, 2006 is when outrage about Iraq really began to foment with a majority of Americans. Exit polling from 2004 has an approval rating for Bush and the Iraq War above 50%. Public sentiment in 2004 was very much that Murica was on the right track.

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 10:22 AM
So your warning is that if Biden wins America will become more like Canada and Australia?

Okay, sign me up.
:lol no kidding. Free healthcare, higher wages and no stupid military spending if Biden wins? That sounds great, too bad that’s not remotely close to what a Biden presidency looks like.

11-03-2020, 10:28 AM
are there no backup ballots in Upshur County?


11-03-2020, 10:32 AM
if Trump loses TX, the USA as we have known it is permanently lost to socialism, i.e. Canada, pre-Brexit UK, most of the EU, Australia, etc.

If it gets bad enough that the Republicans lose Texas (highly unlikely) that's on the Republicans

11-03-2020, 10:40 AM

11-03-2020, 10:43 AM
So your warning is that if Biden wins America will become more like Canada and Australia?

Okay, sign me up.
:lmao okay, I'll sign you up for Australia, where you can't go out of your house even with a mask on, can only work out for 30 minutes in your own backyard, can't go outside city limits without going to prison, totalitarianism tbh... it's basically living in Raqqa circa 2014-2015 with the Hizbah ISIS police at every corner enforcing sawm (fasting at ramadan), salat (prayer 5 times per day), fixed price of meat regulations, zakat (mandatory tithing to Allah), women not allowed out the house alone or without dressing up like a Nazgul wraith in 110+ degree heat, etc... voting for Biden? That's what you're voting for.

Liberty >>>>>>>>>>> nanny state, tbh... but the left is retarded and brainwashed, so it's no use to explain it tbh.

11-03-2020, 10:45 AM
... and people thought the country was on the right path in 2004 post-9/11, Afghanistan, the housing bubble, hurricane outbreak, and most importantly, Iraq?


11-03-2020, 10:49 AM
Smelling like a huge trump obliteration of joe :wow

11-03-2020, 10:50 AM
:lol no kidding. Free healthcare, higher wages and no stupid military spending if Biden wins? That sounds great, too bad that’s not remotely close to what a Biden presidency looks like.
That's what a Bernie presidency with AOC as the VP would look like, tbh. NOTE: She will be 35 in October 2024.

11-03-2020, 10:51 AM
:lmao okay, I'll sign you up for Australia, where you can't go out of your house even with a mask on, can only work out for 30 minutes in your own backyard, can't go outside city limits without going to prison, totalitarianism tbh... it's basically living in Raqqa circa 2014-2015 with the Hizbah ISIS police at every corner enforcing sawm (fasting at ramadan), salat (prayer 5 times per day), fixed price of meat regulations, zakat (mandatory tithing to Allah), women not allowed out the house alone or without dressing up like a Nazgul wraith in 110+ degree heat, etc... voting for Biden? That's what you're voting for.

Liberty >>>>>>>>>>> nanny state, tbh... but the left is retarded and brainwashed, so it's no use to explain it tbh.

Australia records zero Covid-19 cases for first time in five months

The nation of 25 million adopted an approach of using lockdowns and proactive testing and tracing to contain the virus, and Victoria - where 90% of Covid deaths occurred - imposed some of the severest stay-at-home and curfew rules in the world.

Victoria and its largest city Melbourne began to reopen earlier this week after recording no new community-transmitted cases since June. People were able to freely leave their homes, retail stores, restaurants, cafes and bars could reopen and groups of up to 10 could start gathering.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews praised the state's six million residents for following such strict rules and said they were well placed for a "Covid-normal Christmas".


Would love to be Australia right now. But no, 'muh freedumb' is why we can't have nice things... smh

11-03-2020, 10:51 AM
That's what a Bernie presidency with AOC as the VP would look like, tbh. NOTE: She will be 35 in October 2024.

I cant wait to vote for ma nig AOC. Thanks for the beautiful vision :tu

11-03-2020, 10:54 AM
:lmao okay, I'll sign you up for Australia, where you can't go out of your house even with a mask on, can only work out for 30 minutes in your own backyard, can't go outside city limits without going to prison, totalitarianism tbh... it's basically living in Raqqa circa 2014-2015 with the Hizbah ISIS police at every corner enforcing sawm (fasting at ramadan), salat (prayer 5 times per day), fixed price of meat regulations, zakat (mandatory tithing to Allah), women not allowed out the house alone or without dressing up like a Nazgul wraith in 110+ degree heat, etc... voting for Biden? That's what you're voting for.

Liberty >>>>>>>>>>> nanny state, tbh... but the left is retarded and brainwashed, so it's no use to explain it tbh.

dayum... imagine living in this bubble

11-03-2020, 10:55 AM
Australia records zero Covid-19 cases for first time in five months

The nation of 25 million adopted an approach of using lockdowns and proactive testing and tracing to contain the virus, and Victoria - where 90% of Covid deaths occurred - imposed some of the severest stay-at-home and curfew rules in the world.

Victoria and its largest city Melbourne began to reopen earlier this week after recording no new community-transmitted cases since June. People were able to freely leave their homes, retail stores, restaurants, cafes and bars could reopen and groups of up to 10 could start gathering.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews praised the state's six million residents for following such strict rules and said they were well placed for a "Covid-normal Christmas".


Would love to be Australia right now. But no, 'muh freedumb' is why we can't have nice things... smh
I'd rather contract Covid-19 (NOTE: now I would agree with the Australia policy if this were something like Ebola with the Ebola fatality rate + Covid-19 infection rate... but Covid-19 is a very mild virus) and have freedom and personal liberty than live like a North Korean or a civilian trapped in ISIS territory circa 2014-2017 over a very infectious but very mild chinavirus.

11-03-2020, 10:56 AM
:lmao okay, I'll sign you up for Australia, where you can't go out of your house even with a mask on, can only work out for 30 minutes in your own backyard, can't go outside city limits without going to prison, totalitarianism tbh... it's basically living in Raqqa circa 2014-2015 with the Hizbah ISIS police at every corner enforcing sawm (fasting at ramadan), salat (prayer 5 times per day), fixed price of meat regulations, zakat (mandatory tithing to Allah), women not allowed out the house alone or without dressing up like a Nazgul wraith in 110+ degree heat, etc... voting for Biden? That's what you're voting for.

Liberty >>>>>>>>>>> nanny state, tbh... but the left is retarded and brainwashed, so it's no use to explain it tbh.

imagine how dumb and frightened you are

11-03-2020, 10:56 AM
I cant wait to vote for ma nig AOC. Thanks for the beautiful vision :tu
AOC will probably run as a VP at least once before running for president tbh.

Real leftists should vote for Trump in 2020, so a Bernie-AOC ticket in 2024 would pretty much be a lock, like Obama was in 2008.

11-03-2020, 10:59 AM
Lmao, so you are calling me brainwashed but comparing Australia to an ISIS compound?

Sounds like you have a lot of credibility.

11-03-2020, 11:01 AM
I'd rather contract Covid-19 (NOTE: now I would agree with the Australia policy if this were something like Ebola with the Ebola fatality rate + Covid-19 infection rate... but Covid-19 is a very mild virus) and have freedom and personal liberty than live like a North Korean or a civilian trapped in ISIS territory circa 2014-2017 over a very infectious but very mild chinavirus.

It's patently clear you rather be a self-centered irresponsible asshole, no clarification was really needed. Meanwhile, we keep counting the bodies, and still have a half-assed response which has a major impact in our economy, and continue to have all sorts of spikes everywhere.

11-03-2020, 11:01 AM
Lmao, so you are calling me brainwashed but comparing Australia to an ISIS compound?

Sounds like you have a lot of credibility.

-Can't leave the city without being severely punished? Check.
-Can't operate a business or restaurant without being subject to severe and draconian government regulations? Check.
-Can't leave your house without an extended period of time? Check.
-Can't question the governing rule of power, even on the internet, without being reprimanded by government? Check.

The Dems win, we lose our civil and human liberties... That's it. PERIOD.

11-03-2020, 11:01 AM
AOC will probably run as a VP at least once before running for president tbh.

Real leftists should vote for Trump in 2020, so a Bernie-AOC ticket in 2024 would pretty much be a lock, like Obama was in 2008.

I dont disagree w u. But USA is a rightwing country. I dont see demoshits allowing bernie aoc in. We would need some kind of moderate new face that could bridge the rightwing Demoshits with true lefties. Its a pipe dream

11-03-2020, 11:01 AM
Keep one thing in mind. Democrats would prefer 100 trumps to a true leftie.

11-03-2020, 11:02 AM

-Can't leave the city without being severely punished? Check.
-Can't operate a business or restaurant without being subject to severe and draconian government regulations? Check.
-Can't leave your house without an extended period of time? Check.
-Can't question the governing rule of power, even on the internet, without being reprimanded by government? Check.

The Dems win, we lose our civil and human liberties... That's it. PERIOD.

then you should leave. Go be an incel in Poland with frost

11-03-2020, 11:04 AM

-Can't leave the city without being severely punished? Check.
-Can't operate a business or restaurant without being subject to severe and draconian government regulations? Check.
-Can't leave your house without an extended period of time? Check.
-Can't question the governing rule of power, even on the internet, without being reprimanded by government? Check.

The Dems win, we lose our civil and human liberties... That's it. PERIOD.

Most of those restrictions were lifted about a week ago, after they got a grip on the virus. It was on the article you quoted and didn't read.

11-03-2020, 11:04 AM
Franklin, Co., Ohio voting slowed afer electronic registration crashes.

Voters in Franklin County are being checked in on Election Day using backup paper poll books instead of electronically.

A precinct official told NBC4’s Catherine Ross on Tuesday morning that the electronic registration system was down, so poll-workers were checking in voters manually on paper. The office of Secretary of State Frank LaRose later issued a statement saying that the Franklin County Board of Elections was unable to upload early voter information to its electronic check-in system, necessitating the switch.

11-03-2020, 11:05 AM
Keep one thing in mind. Democrats would prefer 100 trumps to a true leftie.

troof nuke

11-03-2020, 11:07 AM
troof nuke

Thebtruth about the US nobody talks about:

We live in a rightwing regime. Impossible for it to allow this to change as ppl would wake up to the farce

11-03-2020, 11:09 AM

-Can't leave the city without being severely punished? Check.
-Can't operate a business or restaurant without being subject to severe and draconian government regulations? Check.
-Can't leave your house without an extended period of time? Check.
-Can't question the governing rule of power, even on the internet, without being reprimanded by government? Check.

The Dems win, we lose our civil and human liberties... That's it. PERIOD.

You are living in fucking weird ass alternate reality dude.

Melbourne, Australia just eased all lock down measures and were able to control the virus.

https://www.racv.com.au/royalauto/living/community/victoria-new-coronavirus-rules-explained-exp.html?adobe_mc_sdid=SDID%3D3420A46A371028F2-47183B470A1527F8%7CMCORGID%3D52A10C3A53DB24890A490 D4D%40AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1604419534&adobe_mc_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F

Contact sports are open.

Weddings, funerals, and religious gatherings are open with restrictions on the limit of people.

Community venues can hold outdoor events.

You are probably the same person complaining about seat belt laws in the 1980s, saying that it restricts your precious freedom.

In case you havn't realized, we are in a pandemic right now. Some of these measures are temporary. Nobody wants to be locked down.

Yeah you can drink and drive, but you are going to be punished if you are caught.

Yeah you can vandalized property, but you will be punished if caught.

All you are is a conspiracy theorist and fear-mongerer who is obsessed with hating the libs.

Imagine trying to compare Canada and Australia to fucking ISIS :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

11-03-2020, 11:09 AM

11-03-2020, 11:10 AM

how about reporting it to whoever is in charge of the polling place

11-03-2020, 11:10 AM

11-03-2020, 11:12 AM

Imagine signing up to be a poll watcher...wtf is this shit?

Pathetic Trump supporters, it's unbelievable.

I swear half of Trump supporters are Incel people on 4chan who could never get laid back in high-school.

11-03-2020, 11:12 AM
You are living in fucking weird ass alternate reality

All you are is a conspiracy theorist and fear-mongerer who is obsessed with hating the libs.

I dont know what is sadder. A repub who thinks democrats are socialists who will destroy their way of life or
A democrat believing democrats are actually going to implement socialist solutions :lmao

11-03-2020, 11:13 AM

Dems cheating in multiple locations.

11-03-2020, 11:14 AM
if Trump loses TX, the USA as we have known it is permanently lost to socialism, i.e. Canada, pre-Brexit UK, most of the EU, Australia, etc.
you dont know what socialism is.

and theres no reason for it to become a single-party country, all you need is for the republican party to stop being complete assholes

11-03-2020, 11:15 AM

Dems cheating in multiple locations.

wow so he reported the violation and it got removed, omg voter fraud and suppression. It's almost like some asshole went around and taped those outside every polling place in the neighborhood.

11-03-2020, 11:16 AM
Dman2 bringing the pain, dayum where dis nig been hiding

11-03-2020, 11:16 AM
you dont know what socialism is.

and theres no reason for it to become a single-party country, all you need is for the republican party to stop being complete assholes

how can they stop being assholes without losing their base? If they do a 180 on the assholery they'll still be fucked with the people who won't forgive them for kowtowing for 4 years

11-03-2020, 11:17 AM

Dems cheating in multiple locations.

:cry :cry :cry

11-03-2020, 11:18 AM
You are living in fucking weird ass alternate reality dude.

Melbourne, Australia just eased all lock down measures and were able to control the virus.

https://www.racv.com.au/royalauto/living/community/victoria-new-coronavirus-rules-explained-exp.html?adobe_mc_sdid=SDID%3D3420A46A371028F2-47183B470A1527F8%7CMCORGID%3D52A10C3A53DB24890A490 D4D%40AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1604419534&adobe_mc_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F

Contact sports are open.

Weddings, funerals, and religious gatherings are open with restrictions on the limit of people.

Community venues can hold outdoor events.

You are probably the same person complaining about seat belt laws in the 1980s, saying that it restricts your precious freedom.

In case you havn't realized, we are in a pandemic right now. Some of these measures are temporary. Nobody wants to be locked down.

Yeah you can drink and drive, but you are going to be punished if you are caught.

Yeah you can vandalized property, but you will be punished if caught.

All you are is a conspiracy theorist and fear-mongerer who is obsessed with hating the libs.

Imagine trying to compare Canada and Australia to fucking ISIS :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Exactly, this is why you let the adults in the room make these kind of decisions, tbh...

11-03-2020, 11:18 AM
another glitchy Georgia election, what a surprise


11-03-2020, 11:19 AM
Imagine signing up to be a poll watcher...wtf is this shit?

Pathetic Trump supporters, it's unbelievable.

I swear half of Trump supporters are Incel people on 4chan who could never get laid back in high-school.

poll watchers have been a thing for years, they're funded by the party and they sit in a corner, only talking to whoever is in charge of the voting place when they see something being an issue

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 11:20 AM
Keep one thing in mind. Democrats would prefer 100 trumps to a true leftie.
They’d absolutely prefer 100 Kasichs to a European Centrist (true leftie in America = centrist in Europe), not sure about Trump. I think they’re worried about the long term effects of Trumpism leading to more politicians like AOC.

11-03-2020, 11:20 AM
In case you havn't realized, we are in a pandemic right now.

Chinese Communist inside job 100%, lab manufactured. It's what the left does to obtain power. China has a multi-century history of this; don't forget the opium.

Yeah you can vandalized property, but you will be punished if caught.

Not if it's "in the name of" precious Marxist #BlackLivesMatter though!! Or trans lives matter, kill the cops, slay the pigs, spill their blood, etc. #LeftWingLogic

11-03-2020, 11:21 AM

He's clearly being told his permit is not for that location and to call the cops.

But, does it hurt?

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 11:23 AM
You are living in fucking weird ass alternate reality dude.

Melbourne, Australia just eased all lock down measures and were able to control the virus.

https://www.racv.com.au/royalauto/living/community/victoria-new-coronavirus-rules-explained-exp.html?adobe_mc_sdid=SDID%3D3420A46A371028F2-47183B470A1527F8%7CMCORGID%3D52A10C3A53DB24890A490 D4D%40AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1604419534&adobe_mc_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F

Contact sports are open.

Weddings, funerals, and religious gatherings are open with restrictions on the limit of people.

Community venues can hold outdoor events.

You are probably the same person complaining about seat belt laws in the 1980s, saying that it restricts your precious freedom.

In case you havn't realized, we are in a pandemic right now. Some of these measures are temporary. Nobody wants to be locked down.

Yeah you can drink and drive, but you are going to be punished if you are caught.

Yeah you can vandalized property, but you will be punished if caught.

All you are is a conspiracy theorist and fear-mongerer who is obsessed with hating the libs.

Imagine trying to compare Canada and Australia to fucking ISIS :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack giving this long of reply to every stupid thing Edgelord_Messiah says.

11-03-2020, 11:28 AM
:lmao okay, I'll sign you up for Australia, where you can't go out of your house even with a mask on, can only work out for 30 minutes in your own backyard, can't go outside city limits without going to prison, totalitarianism tbh... it's basically living in Raqqa circa 2014-2015 with the Hizbah ISIS police at every corner enforcing sawm (fasting at ramadan), salat (prayer 5 times per day), fixed price of meat regulations, zakat (mandatory tithing to Allah), women not allowed out the house alone or without dressing up like a Nazgul wraith in 110+ degree heat, etc... voting for Biden? That's what you're voting for.

Liberty >>>>>>>>>>> nanny state, tbh... but the left is retarded and brainwashed, so it's no use to explain it tbh.

tholdren said he was there on vacation last week with no masks or restrictions.

One of you is lying.

Probably both.

11-03-2020, 11:29 AM
Chinese Communist inside job 100%, lab manufactured. It's what the left does to obtain power. China has a multi-century history of this; don't forget the opium.

Not if it's "in the name of" precious Marxist #BlackLivesMatter though!! Or trans lives matter, kill the cops, slay the pigs, spill their blood, etc. #LeftWingLogic

cool story brah

11-03-2020, 11:30 AM
tholdren said he was there on vacation last week with no masks or restrictions.

One of you is lying.

Probably both.

They're not allowing inbound flights to Aus or NZ :lmao

11-03-2020, 11:30 AM
Smelling like a huge trump obliteration of joe :wow


Joseph Kony
11-03-2020, 11:31 AM
Chinese Communist inside job 100%, lab manufactured. It's what the left does to obtain power. China has a multi-century history of this; don't forget the opium.

Not if it's "in the name of" precious Marxist #BlackLivesMatter though!! Or trans lives matter, kill the cops, slay the pigs, spill their blood, etc. #LeftWingLogic

you really need to go outside and leave Denton TX for the first time in your life tbh

11-03-2020, 11:33 AM
you really need to go outside and leave Denton TX for the first time in your life tbh

:lmao left that pretty little city behind in 2016, but it was the best time of my life tbh outside of my out of state travels. Haven't set foot in Denton since the 2017 homecoming football game, November 2017.

11-03-2020, 11:33 AM
Trump at :wow -1.2 RCP in Pennsylvania. Outpacing 2016. He's winning the state.


RCP kicked out the NYTime/Sienna college large sample size poll to include polls from Rasmussen, Sean Hannity, Trafelbanger and Susquehanna. 4 of the 6 polls in its average are notoriously partisan pollsters and Biden is still winning the average :lol

:lmao Thinking Biden has less of a shot than Hillary did.

She ended up with at 1.9. 2 points basically. Biden is at 1.2. Bahahahahahhahahahhahahah

RCP is going to take a major hit after this cycle. They have been complete shit and out of tune with the rest of polls aggregators.

Nate Cohn and Nate Silver going to town on RCP. :lol



Great thread.

11-03-2020, 11:35 AM
cool story brah

We hold these truths to be self-evident that marijuana rots out your brain.



11-03-2020, 11:36 AM
You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack giving this long of reply to every stupid thing Edgelord_Messiah says.


11-03-2020, 11:38 AM
We hold these truths to be self-evident that marijuana rots out your brain.



^ this post looks like it came from a crack addict, tbh...

11-03-2020, 11:48 AM
-1.2 RCP = Trump win, tbh

11-03-2020, 12:03 PM
Bipartisan elections report raises odds of Democrats taking Texas House this cycle to 'toss up'

Based on voter turnout, the Cook Political Report, a trusted bipartisan barometer of elections outcomes, has shifted its call on

the odds of Democrats flipping the Texas House

from "lean Republican" to "toss up." (https://cookpolitical.com/analysis/governors/statehouse/final-state-legislature-rating-change-texas-house-moves-toss)

"All year, we had considered the Texas House to be in play, but with an edge to the GOP," Cook's Louis Jacobson wrote in a last-minute analysis posted Monday.

"Now, with enormous turnout banked in large-population counties —

the types of places where Democrats have been gaining ground in the Lone Star State —

we’ve decided to make a last-minute reconsideration.


But what could the a Dem TX House do with blocking by Repug Senate, Gov, AG?

11-03-2020, 12:06 PM

Big tech is stepping up to swing the election for Dems.

11-03-2020, 12:06 PM

Big tech is stepping up to swing the election for Dems.:tu

11-03-2020, 12:07 PM

Big tech is stepping up to swing the election for Dems.

:cry :cry :cry

11-03-2020, 12:07 PM
Get your excuses in now, N8.

11-03-2020, 12:08 PM

Dems seem incapable of following the rules. They keep advertising their corrupt candidates at voting locations.

11-03-2020, 12:08 PM

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 12:08 PM
:lmao doesithurt.gif

11-03-2020, 12:09 PM
USPS getting the hawkeye from Judge Sullivan


11-03-2020, 12:09 PM

Dems seem incapable of following the rules. They keep advertising their corrupt candidates at voting locations.

:rollin half an hour?

11-03-2020, 12:10 PM
^ this post looks like it came from a crack addict, tbh...

At least I don't smoke cannabis or cigarettes, tbh. Those are the absolute worst.

11-03-2020, 12:11 PM
Imagine being such a fucking impressionable mouthbreathing retard that you think the election swings on Mark Levin's Facebook account. :lmao

11-03-2020, 12:14 PM
He's clearly being told his permit is not for that location and to call the cops.

But, does it hurt?


Does it hurt being wrong so often?

11-03-2020, 12:16 PM
Imagine being such a fucking impressionable mouthbreathing retard that you think the election swings on Mark Levin's Facebook account. :lmao
It's typical antisemitism from the pro-Islamic, anti-any-other-religion Left.

11-03-2020, 12:18 PM
Faggot89 having a meltdown over everything today :lol you may wanna go to the store now and stock up on some tampons and ice cream for tonight tbh

11-03-2020, 12:19 PM
It's typical antisemitism from the pro-Islamic, anti-any-other-religion Left.

He should quit posting so much fake news.

11-03-2020, 12:28 PM
:rollin half an hour?

:lmao the inhumanity

11-03-2020, 12:29 PM
What u n8gas eating drinking tonight?

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 12:30 PM
Faggot89 having a meltdown over everything today :lol you may wanna go to the store now and stock up on some tampons and ice cream for tonight tbh
The elementary school Gaythan89 lives closest too might want to stock up on some extra security too :lol

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 12:30 PM
What u n8gas eating drinking tonight?
Comet Ping Pong pizza.

11-03-2020, 12:33 PM
What u n8gas eating drinking tonight?The blood of dead trafficked Silsby babies of course.

I'm 183 years old.

11-03-2020, 12:33 PM
Comet Ping Pong pizza.

Damn still remember 2008 when Obama won and I cried and happened to be in DC and went out to the after parties.

What hopeful times :cry

And today what miserable times regardless who wins

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 12:35 PM
Damn still remember 2008 when Obama won and I cried and happened to be in DC and went out to the after parties.

What hopeful times :cry

And today what miserable times regardless who wins
All that hope and change fell apart pretty quickly once he made Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff.

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 12:38 PM
The blood of dead trafficked Silsby babies of course.

I'm 183 years old.
Comet Ping Pong is running a special on that tonight, I’ll see you there. Soros is supposed to be in attendance, so please bring a gift for Dear Leader Soros.

11-03-2020, 12:40 PM
This how you defeat bots and skynet from destroying the world.

Thank you "Big Tech!"



Big tech is stepping up to swing the election for Dems.

11-03-2020, 12:41 PM
USPS Says COVID-19 Is Delaying Ballot Delivery In Swing States

Delivery of absentee ballots is delayed in Detroit, greater Michigan and central Pennsylvania — and could swing the presidential election.

COVID-19 cases and “employee unavailability” :lol

are behind the significant slowdowns (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/swing-states-mail-slowdown-usps-election_n_5f9c77e0c5b658b27c3a3a13) in ballot delivery happening in parts of Michigan and Pennsylvania, the U.S. Postal Service told a federal court (https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.221120/gov.uscourts.dcd.221120.87.1.pdf) this weekend.

Agency data shows that a significant share of absentee ballots in
greater Michigan, and
central Pennsylvania —

all regions that could play a crucial role in deciding the presidential election —

are not arriving within an “on time” window of about two days.

On Saturday in the greater Michigan district,

the percentage of ballots delivered on time was 69.1%.

It was 78% in the Detroit district,

and 56.6% in central Pennsylvania.


“employee unavailability” Dejoy's denying overtime?

11-03-2020, 12:46 PM

11-03-2020, 12:48 PM
Comet Ping Pong is running a special on that tonight, I’ll see you there. Soros is supposed to be in attendance, so please bring a gift for Dear Leader Soros.

I will be there too.

Bill Gates has me stamping peoples hands so we know who attended, when they left, where they went, what they bought, who they talked to, what they said, how they felt, what they were thinking, where they work, and overall help them make smart Microsoft decisions in all aspects of their lives.

11-03-2020, 12:57 PM
Comet Ping Pong is running a special on that tonight, I’ll see you there. Soros is supposed to be in attendance, so please bring a gift for Dear Leader Soros.

Podesta supplying the "adult" entertainment again?

11-03-2020, 01:02 PM


11-03-2020, 01:02 PM

11-03-2020, 01:05 PM

Big tech is stepping up to swing the election for Dems.


11-03-2020, 01:06 PM


11-03-2020, 01:08 PM
At least I don't smoke cannabis or cigarettes, tbh. Those are the absolute worst.

Those are worse than crack? Just be quiet.

11-03-2020, 01:10 PM

Does it hurt being wrong so often?

I mentioned what he was told, never claimed they were right.

Does it hurt?

11-03-2020, 01:12 PM
Comet Ping Pong is running a special on that tonight, I’ll see you there. Soros is supposed to be in attendance, so please bring a gift for Dear Leader Soros.

Just got the invite. Gonna bring some Podesta paintings to hang on the walls.

EDIT: Damn, Splits beat me to it

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 01:13 PM
Trump campaign staffer already leaking to NBC that they’re having turnout problems in PA.

11-03-2020, 01:15 PM
Just got the invite. Gonna bring some Podesta paintings to hang on the walls.

EDIT: Damn, Splits beat me to itNo worries. Bring the surgical tape to bind the kids' hands on the tables like TSA showed us.

11-03-2020, 01:16 PM
People are saying that Democrats are freaking the fuck out

11-03-2020, 01:19 PM
No worries. Bring the surgical tape to bind the kids' hands on the tables like TSA showed us.

I'm gonna do you one better and bring Hunter Biden's laptop(s)

11-03-2020, 01:19 PM
People are saying that Democrats are freaking the fuck out

On a scale of "concerned about their opponents winning the election" and "voting for Donald Trump to be the President because you're worried about liberals" how freaked out would you say they are?

11-03-2020, 01:21 PM
I'm gonna do you one better and bring Hunter Biden's laptop(s)I already have seven, but the more the merrier!

11-03-2020, 01:21 PM
Trump campaign staffer already leaking to NBC that they’re having turnout problems in PA.

Getting the excuse burgers simmering already.

11-03-2020, 01:22 PM
Trump campaign staffer already leaking to NBC that they’re having turnout problems in PA.

Where did you hear this?

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 01:23 PM
People are saying that Democrats are freaking the fuck out
2016 PTSD. What else is new? Democrats were freaking out about how MAGAtards were going to create Election Day chaos and outside of a few fake robocalls in Michigan and your usual Georgia voting machine glitch it’s been smooth sailing so far today.

11-03-2020, 01:23 PM


11-03-2020, 01:24 PM
2016 PTSD. What else is new? Democrats were freaking out about how MAGAtards were going to create Election Day chaos and outside of a few fake robocalls in Michigan and your usual Georgia voting machine glitch it’s been smooth sailing so far today.

It's major PTSD. Trump could win of course, but there's not reason to think he has a good chance of it.

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 01:24 PM
Where did you hear this?
Peter Alexander at NBC. Check his twitter, I’m on my phone so don’t feel like embedding the tweet.

11-03-2020, 01:25 PM
Trump 2020 :flag:

11-03-2020, 01:29 PM
Peter Alexander at NBC. Check his twitter, I’m on my phone so don’t feel like embedding the tweet.

:lol half the replies are


LaMarcus Bryant
11-03-2020, 01:30 PM
Anyone else read MM's posts and instantly think of Bruno from The Witches?


Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 01:44 PM
Right now Florida is R +1.3% and they’re quickly losing the momentum they had earlier in the morning. In 2018 the turnout advantage was R +4% in races that were decided by <0.5%. Point being, if crossover voting and NPA voting in Florida stays the same as it was in 2018, Trump has a lot of ground to cover this afternoon.

Momentum so far today:

9:17 AM - R +0.3%
10:29 AM - R + 0.8% (+ 0.5)
11:29 AM - R + 1.1% (+0.3)
12:33 PM - R + 1.3% (+0.2)

Thats also excluding today’s vote in Miami Dade which doesn’t do real-time reporting. If this trend continues I like Biden’s chances in Florida.

11-03-2020, 01:46 PM
Not 1, not 200, but


11-03-2020, 01:47 PM
Not 1, not 200, but


So much winning :lol

11-03-2020, 01:55 PM
Someone should tell this guy SCOTUS has already ruled on this, but he probably knows....


Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 01:57 PM
Someone should tell this guy SCOTUS has already ruled on this, but he probably knows....

So the counties with GOP commissioners wont count mail in ballots while the counties that are Democrat run will. Doesn’t sound like a good dynamic for Trump :lmao

Joseph Kony
11-03-2020, 01:58 PM

Derp doing his civic duty and casting his vote for Lord Trump

Joseph Kony
11-03-2020, 02:03 PM

LaMarcus Bryant
11-03-2020, 02:07 PM

Thoughts? Hearing shit like this gives me the PTSD feeling again.

11-03-2020, 02:10 PM
Right now Florida is R +1.3% and they’re quickly losing the momentum they had earlier in the morning. In 2018 the turnout advantage was R +4% in races that were decided by <0.5%. Point being, if crossover voting and NPA voting in Florida stays the same as it was in 2018, Trump has a lot of ground to cover this afternoon.

Momentum so far today:

9:17 AM - R +0.3%
10:29 AM - R + 0.8% (+ 0.5)
11:29 AM - R + 1.1% (+0.3)
12:33 PM - R + 1.3% (+0.2)

Thats also excluding today’s vote in Miami Dade which doesn’t do real-time reporting. If this trend continues I like Biden’s chances in Florida.

Early voting was basically even, so I'm not sure how an R +anything today is good news at all.

11-03-2020, 02:17 PM
Right now Florida is R +1.3% and they’re quickly losing the momentum they had earlier in the morning. In 2018 the turnout advantage was R +4% in races that were decided by <0.5%. Point being, if crossover voting and NPA voting in Florida stays the same as it was in 2018, Trump has a lot of ground to cover this afternoon.

Momentum so far today:

9:17 AM - R +0.3%
10:29 AM - R + 0.8% (+ 0.5)
11:29 AM - R + 1.1% (+0.3)
12:33 PM - R + 1.3% (+0.2)

Thats also excluding today’s vote in Miami Dade which doesn’t do real-time reporting. If this trend continues I like Biden’s chances in Florida.

Remember when TSA was giddy as fuck about Republicans closing the gap in early voting?

I brought up the point that they're essentially cannibalizing their own voter turnout on election day. Looks like that's what's happening.

Early voting ended up with a dem lead of just over 100k while dems ran just about even with them at 65% apiece.

11-03-2020, 02:19 PM

Derp doing his civic duty and casting his vote for Lord Trump

I'm still proud of Qhris for voting tho :lol

Will Hunting
11-03-2020, 02:20 PM
Early voting was basically even, so I'm not sure how an R +anything today is good news at all.
Most of the polls taken of Florida were using an R+3% sample, and it’s going to be extremely tough for Rs to get to that advantage at the rate they’re going. The Rs always have better turnout than Dems in Florida, but so far today it just isn’t what Republicans thought it would be. Everyone expected Republicans to win Election Day voting in Florida.

11-03-2020, 02:22 PM

baseline bum
11-03-2020, 02:23 PM

Didn't realize Trump was already ordering his brownshirts into the street last night.

11-03-2020, 02:27 PM

Didn't realize Trump was already ordering his brownshirts into the street last night.

Looks like it's not panning out.

relatively quiet and everyone is voting in peace. There is little to gain in causing chaos when you're equally screwing your own voters from getting to the polls.

11-03-2020, 02:27 PM
Right now Florida is R +1.3% and they’re quickly losing the momentum they had earlier in the morning. In 2018 the turnout advantage was R +4% in races that were decided by <0.5%. Point being, if crossover voting and NPA voting in Florida stays the same as it was in 2018, Trump has a lot of ground to cover this afternoon.

Momentum so far today:

9:17 AM - R +0.3%
10:29 AM - R + 0.8% (+ 0.5)
11:29 AM - R + 1.1% (+0.3)
12:33 PM - R + 1.3% (+0.2)

Thats also excluding today’s vote in Miami Dade which doesn’t do real-time reporting. If this trend continues I like Biden’s chances in Florida.Don't know where he got this, but:


11-03-2020, 02:35 PM
Don't know where he got this, but:

That means very little in terms of who they actually voted for. For example, my mother and grandmother, diehard conservatives, actually were registered Democrats from 2006 to 2012 because they had to re-register as Democrats to vote in a primary for their friend from a charity club (Frank Madla) who unfortunately ended up losing to the other Democrat and then dying in a fire that Thanksgiving, 2006.

Examples like that are very, very common.

11-03-2020, 02:37 PM
Most of the polls taken of Florida were using an R+3% sample, and it’s going to be extremely tough for Rs to get to that advantage at the rate they’re going. The Rs always have better turnout than Dems in Florida, but so far today it just isn’t what Republicans thought it would be. Everyone expected Republicans to win Election Day voting in Florida.

Got it, thanks. Where you getting the data for today's votes?

Joseph Kony
11-03-2020, 02:37 PM
no they arent :lol

11-03-2020, 02:37 PM