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  1. Why Apple says iPhone court order violates its free speech (105 replies)
  2. Low Voter Turnout Will Have Direct Consequences... (2 replies)
  3. The Official Donald Trump inauguration thread (736 replies)
  4. Cold day in hell... RG agree with Lindsey Graham (24 replies)
  5. Elizabeth Warren vs the Banking Industry (30 replies)
  6. most powerful neocon Robert Kagan endorses Hillary Clinton (33 replies)
  7. LA is seizing tiny homes from the homeless (2 replies)
  8. GOP debate (129 replies)
  9. Voting Guides (0 replies)
  10. BLM interrupting Hillary (19 replies)
  11. Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Need Momentum — He Needs To Win These States (0 replies)
  12. Measuring Donald Trump’s Supporters for Intolerance (1 replies)
  13. Judge makes controversial ruling on recording cops (4 replies)
  14. Missouri loves companies right to discriminate (272 replies)
  15. Obama to proceed with court nominee despite Republican defiance (155 replies)
  16. Ammon Bundy, others plead not guilty in Oregon refuge case (7 replies)
  17. Sabermetrics pioneer: There aren’t enough 'morons' to elect Trump (33 replies)
  18. On The Perfect Sodomite Land Grab (0 replies)
  19. Guy loses everything on stocks (1 replies)
  20. Single Payer Makes a Comeback! (12 replies)
  21. I don't think I'll move to Egypt ever (77 replies)
  22. Kasich is as extreme as any of them (3 replies)
  23. White supporters of BLM. You are NOT welcome. (3 replies)
  24. PJB: When will the GOP defend economic patriotism? (1 replies)
  25. fair or excessive sentencing? (7 replies)
  26. Clinton the Projected winner in NV Caucus (32 replies)
  27. Bullock Museum: Life and Dath on the Border, 1910-1920 (6 replies)
  28. Rich Kids Stay Rich, Poor Kids Stay Poor (26 replies)
  29. No One Can Agree How Much The Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans Will Cost (4 replies)
  30. black lives matter activists harrass veteran @ mcdonalds, then knock him out cold (157 replies)
  31. pres candidate john mcafee. says can hack san bernardino attackers iphone in 3 weeks (53 replies)
  32. Linda Greenberg: Resetting the Post-Scalia Supreme Court (3 replies)
  33. Obama to skip Scalia's funeral....." I'm Not Going To That." (40 replies)
  34. Has there ever been a worst list of presidential nominees? (30 replies)
  35. Twd Cruz is a complete lunatic (42 replies)
  36. Ankara blast: At least 28 dead in Turkish capital explosion (18 replies)
  37. Creationism's Future After "No Child Left Behind" (40 replies)
  38. listening to the candidates is important... (7 replies)
  39. proposed D.C. bill would allow people to get paid not to commit crimes (1 replies)
  40. Obama: "The Republicans Will Cave On Supreme Court Nomination" (17 replies)
  41. Kanye West losing it? (19 replies)
  42. A war between Turkey+Saudi+UAE vs Syria+Russia+Iran is inevitable. (5 replies)
  43. Billionaire Saudi Prince To Trump: 'I Bailed You Out Twice' (2 replies)
  44. Just Finished Watching Donald Trump Press Conference - Why Is He Orange? LMAO (80 replies)
  45.  Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote (4 replies)
  46. Official Scalia was killed by OBummer conspiracy thread... (20 replies)
  47. Samantha Bee (136 replies)
  48. India upset at muslim Obama selling F-16s to Pakistan (4 replies)
  49. He Kept Us Safe (14 replies)
  50. RIP in peace justice scalia (4 replies)
  51. Supreme Court Justin Antonin Scalia Has Died (6 replies)
  52. SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia Dead (455 replies)
  53. Mentally disturbed construction worker beats Muslim man to death with a shovel. (12 replies)
  54. Eunuchs (2 replies)
  55. Muslim terrorist attack in Columbus Ohio (4 replies)
  56. Superdelegates and the DNC Establishment (59 replies)
  57. Seamy underbelly of electricity deregulation: providers who lie about rates (1 replies)
  58. GOP's response if Trump is nominee: At least we're not socialists (2 replies)
  59. Republican fiscal irresponsibility-policy failure #23,982 (44 replies)
  60. The NRA just scored one of it's biggest victories in years (2 replies)
  61. Some Parents Upset After Students in at Virginia School Shown Video About Race (3 replies)
  62. lol wtf s up with Hillarys face. she looks like a cabbage patch doll (17 replies)
  63. Bernie Sanders Us Selling Pie in the Sky BS to a Bunch of Dumb Young Folks (62 replies)
  64. Volunteeringly quitting your job hits record high (2 replies)
  65. Triump the Insult Comic Dog invades college safe space (3 replies)
  66. Mini ice age linked to plagues and fall of empires (0 replies)
  67. Republican policy fraud (71 replies)
  68. Texas again denied request to bar Syrian refugees (1 replies)
  69. Stop ignoring the police killings of Latinos (1 replies)
  70. Moneyed interests are blocking US action on climate change (1 replies)
  71. FBI arrests nearly all of the top officials of Crystal City, Tex (7 replies)
  72. The South Will Rist Again. (9 replies)
  73. Women and the military draft (26 replies)
  74. At What Point in this interview... (1 replies)
  75. 401K - I did a scary thing (44 replies)
  76. Attention America’s Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed (50 replies)
  77. Obama to propose $10 a barrel oil tax (14 replies)
  78. High rates of alcohol abuse, depression among U.S. attorneys (1 replies)
  79. KAJ: A little bit of everything: NBA, politics, music (0 replies)
  80. has there been another time where the candidates all suck this badly? (29 replies)
  81. For Hillary lovers (590 replies)
  82. If Russia Started a War in the Baltics, NATO Would Lose — Quickly (122 replies)
  83. Right to fix and repair? (27 replies)
  84. ted hates black people (6 replies)
  85. Zika virus- population control? (4 replies)
  86. Americans being Shkreli-d (1 replies)
  87. How Demographics Will Shape The 2016 Election (6 replies)
  88. Interesting thing about Cruz killing it in Iowa... (19 replies)
  89. It's not NRA lobbying blocking new gun laws (10 replies)
  90. Another poor black man assassinated by police (14 replies)
  91. The Hillary Crossroad (7 replies)
  92. 5 most glaring lies from the GOP’s brutal seventh debate (5 replies)
  93. BigPharma news (1 replies)
  94. FCC plans to unlock set-top boxes (6 replies)
  95. Negative Interest Rates--BOJ (10 replies)
  96. Donald Trump’s Fox News Feud May Be Another Sign The GOP Is Failing (36 replies)
  97. Louder with Crowder: Gun show loophole in Indiana per Obama (61 replies)
  98. So much for the concept of free exchange of ideas... (58 replies)
  99. U.S. was supposed to leave Afghanistan by 2017. Now it might take decades. (8 replies)
  100. The World’s Favorite New Tax Haven Is the United States (1 replies)
  101. Dem debates (1 replies)
  102. Food prices (73 replies)
  103. Oregon standoff takes another turn down Fruitcake Lane (1 replies)
  104. Criminal Justice Reform (0 replies)
  105. The Republicans and climate change (32 replies)
  106. Trans Peco Pipeline (1 replies)
  107. Obama For A Third Term Not Looking So Bad Right Now (19 replies)
  108. Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters (18 replies)
  109. Requiring Journalists to Register (0 replies)
  110. Palin blames Obama for Track Palins punching girl in face and pulling gun. (23 replies)
  111. Down with USA, Down with Israel, Down with Saudi Arabia (3 replies)
  112. For those of you interested in NFA guns...Hollis and Watson vs Lynch hammer dropped (0 replies)
  113. Oregon college is planning a ‘Whiteness History Month’ (3 replies)
  114. "10% say that ... "Judge Judy' — is on the Supreme Court." (8 replies)
  115. Rolf Lindgren and Dan O'Donnell debate the Steven Avery case. (3 replies)
  116. U.N. details 'staggering' civilian death toll in Iraq: 18,802 in under 2 years (0 replies)
  117. Iran relations: end of the beginning (6 replies)
  118. Tax-dodging by the superrich is driving global inequality, Oxfam says (3 replies)
  119. When it comes to Middle East, USA politicians only lie (2 replies)
  120. Flint Water crisis (134 replies)
  121. Father fights Big Organ Donation Industry and wins (4 replies)
  122. Iran reportedly frees 4 U.S. prisoners, including Jason Rezaian, in swap (57 replies)
  123. Former Benghazi CIA head condemns "13 Hours" movie (0 replies)
  124. MLK (3 replies)
  125. Coach Bryant playing tonight vs Golden State? (0 replies)
  126. Obama will refuse to leave office. take over the govt next January (12 replies)
  127. LOL I'm for curing cancer *applause* (38 replies)
  128. Repugs and Poor People (3 replies)
  129. Hillary explains her white privilege (49 replies)
  130. USA went to war with Iraq due to Israel (10 replies)
  131. FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track (199 replies)
  132. ISIS isnt Islamic (15 replies)
  133. Militia's meet in Oregon (5 replies)
  134. Clayton Homes: Reverse redlining (34 replies)
  135. 2016 investing thread (222 replies)
  136. Abbott jumped the gun on terrror arrest. (0 replies)
  137. Abbott jumperd the gun on terrror arrest. (4 replies)
  138. lmao El Chapo (1 replies)
  139. A Primer on the Damaging Movement to Privatize Public Schools (7 replies)
  140. Linking Global Warming to Forest Fires (9 replies)
  141. Suspect in Pa. cop ambush said he acted 'in the name of Islam,' police confirm (56 replies)
  142. You Know Less Than You Think About Guns (28 replies)
  143. Calls for Michigan Gov. Snyder’s Arrest as Flint Poisoning Scandal Implicates Top Sta (15 replies)
  144. Marine Arrested in Slaying of UNT Student (2 replies)
  145. Bernie Sanders vows to break up banks during first year in office (1 replies)
  146. North Korea Announces That It Has Detonated First Hydrogen Bomb (20 replies)
  147. madness of Boutons the central issue of the forum... (11 replies)
  148. Obama's executive actions on gun control (148 replies)
  149. Trump and Sanders Are Actually Changing America (3 replies)
  150. "In The Navy" WTF? (17 replies)
  151. Oregon militia standoff: What should government do? (53 replies)
  152. Bill Begins Openly Stumping for Hillary (9 replies)
  153. Texas Tribune: Abbott asserts unprecedented budget powers (12 replies)
  154. Dear boutons (7 replies)
  155. Rand Paul murders Chris Christie (3 replies)
  156. Mideast protests rage after Saudi Arabia executes Shia cleric al-Nimr, 46 others (44 replies)
  157. Spying on Congress and Israel (8 replies)
  158. ¡Yeb! releases his secret guacamole recipe (1 replies)
  159. NYE attacks/happening thread (9 replies)
  160. Police in Germany covering up crime committed by "refugees" (402 replies)
  161. Barry and Jerry getting coffee (2 replies)
  162. When Republicans took over Senate, they promised to govern. How'd they do? (16 replies)
  163. Who killed the death penalty? (5 replies)
  164. Houston Mosque burned on Christmas by Islamaphobe (59 replies)
  165. Tim Cook calls notion of Apple avoiding U.S. taxes 'political crap' (22 replies)
  166. mortgage interest deduction... (16 replies)
  167. POTUS Election: Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump (32 replies)
  168. Why Engineers Can’t Stop Los Angeles' Enormous Methane Leak (18 replies)
  169. Ethan Couch, ‘Affluenza’ Defense Fugitive, Arrested in Mexican Resort Town (4 replies)
  170. Saudi's cut social subsidies... (9 replies)
  171. “No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed” (15 replies)
  172. Libcucks on Christmas (0 replies)
  173. Merry Christmas (14 replies)
  174. Iraqi Forces Retaking Iraqi Strategic City of Ramadi (10 replies)
  175. Amnesty: Russian Strikes Have Indiscriminately Targeted Civilians in Syria (57 replies)
  176. African Children Denounced As "Witches" By Christian Pastors (699 replies)
  177. U.S. Muslims Reach Out to Address Questions on Islam and Violence (4 replies)
  178. WW 2 (0 replies)
  179. 6th REPUG pissing match (0 replies)
  180. U.S. lets in four times as many suspected terrorists as it keeps out (68 replies)
  181. NYC Outaws Sex-Specific Rules For Restaurant Guests, Employees (8 replies)
  182. Leading mutual fund beats ETF's at its own game (3 replies)
  183. Ettore Messina is a Liberal (5 replies)
  184. Four ways to counter ISIS propaganda more effectively (77 replies)
  185. How American Muslims plan to counter post-Paris backlash (33 replies)
  186. Texas Tribune: Insurer pays Travis DA to prosecute (11 replies)
  187. 15 hours of staged Cruz family footage released (5 replies)
  188. Bernie Sanders vs the DNC (4 replies)
  189. Rubio (196 replies)
  190. #WeAreAllMuslim (4 replies)
  191. City of San Antonio issues $81,000 cost estimate for open records request (0 replies)
  192. Shkreli arrested (14 replies)
  193. Putin praises Donald Trump and calls him the absolute fronrunner (36 replies)
  194. Judge: Foster Care System Violates Children's Rights (0 replies)
  195. Bashar al-Assad’s crimes against humanity, caught on camera (109 replies)
  196. female boutons quit her job over Christmas (3 replies)
  197. Chris Christie: "We're already in World War III" (VIDEO) (17 replies)
  198. Mistrial (30 replies)
  199. Omnibus Bill (27 replies)
  200. Wheaton College professor placed on leave after wearing hijab (84 replies)
  201. 5th REPUG "debate" (80 replies)
  202. Iran's Oct 10 missile test violated U.N. ban (0 replies)
  203. Egypt: No evidence of terrorism in Metrojet crash despite Russia’s claims (11 replies)
  204. Texas Plumber Sues Car Dealer After His Truck Ends Up In Videos of Syria's Front Line (12 replies)
  205. Ohio replaces lethal injection with head removing machine (5 replies)
  206. ‘I Am a Welfare Mom and I Can Tell You: It’s a Nightmare Come True’ (160 replies)
  207. I'm Getting Rich off Your Vote (4 replies)
  208. Lewisville Dam: The dam called trouble (0 replies)
  209. Texas Tries To Redefine “Personhood” To Keep Blacks and Hispanics From Voting (8 replies)
  210. President Bernie Sanders (26 replies)
  211. un linked to Paris attacks traced back to Florida arms dealer implicated in Iran-Cont (0 replies)
  212. New York Times poll: First time since '95 majority of Americans oppose AWB (35 replies)
  213. National Geographic: US Invasion of Iraq killed half a million people (5 replies)
  214. Jeb Bush: biggest flop in political history? (12 replies)
  215. Air BnB is racist , study finds (1 replies)
  216. Iraqi MP:US to send 10,000 troops to join 90,000 Turk/Gulf mercenary soldiers in Iraq (8 replies)
  217. Justice Antonin Scalia floats ‘lesser schools’ for black students (97 replies)
  218. U.S. Supreme Court Hears Texas Redistricting Case (12 replies)
  219. shotguns (110 replies)
  220. We should stop using the phrase "radicalized" Muslim (7 replies)
  221. Why Do They Suicide Us? (14 replies)
  222. Holiday Wars: Christianity Strikes Back (4 replies)
  223. Harriet Tubman Wins Vote To Replace Andrew Jackson On $20 Bill (113 replies)
  224. LOL NATO. they have formally invited the mighty nation of Montenegro (6 replies)
  225. CCW holder stops mass shooting (6 replies)
  226. National Front leads in the first round of French elections (94 replies)
  227. Fear fapping Dems: the no fly list and gun sales (19 replies)
  228. Venezuela: opposition wins in a landslide (2 replies)
  229. Greg Abbott Twitter Fun (37 replies)
  230. Nuclear Waste Burial Sites May Become Leaky (0 replies)
  231. Superbug known as Phantom Menace on the rise (18 replies)
  232. Why arrest? (10 replies)
  233. Study: Fed leaks non-public info to insiders (2 replies)
  234. Class action against Walmart: shaking down minority shoppers (17 replies)
  235. Female San Bernardino shooter reportedly entered US on 'fiance' With inaccurate visa (0 replies)
  236. Five ways to reduce mass shootings in the US (29 replies)
  237. Forbes: Despite past failures, Congress pushes private tax collection (1 replies)
  238. Historical tidbit -- the desegregation of Austin's movie theatres (0 replies)
  239. CNN Poll: Trump has his biggest lead (34 replies)
  240. The work atmosphere at Inland Regional Center in San Bernadino (0 replies)
  241. Homicide monitor (6 replies)
  242. Congressional Budget news (3 replies)
  243. American Regionalism (0 replies)
  244. Saudi Arabia's economy is crashing down hard, and its all their fault.. (68 replies)
  245. England joins the fray, bombers on the way to Syria after House of Commons vote (25 replies)
  246. Active shooter San Bernardino, CA (1109 replies)
  247. The University of Vermont White privilege retreat (9 replies)
  248. More Twitter threats to kill black students at Kean University (1 replies)
  249. BLM protester berates black cop (25 replies)
  250. Journal of EconomicPerspectives: Household Surveys in Crisis (0 replies)