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  1. Man infatuated with U.S. VP breaches 2010 security (1 replies)
  2. Obama’s New OIC Envoy Defended Activist Who Aided Terrorist Group (0 replies)
  3. College Acquaintance: Young Obama Was ‘Pure Marxist Socialist’ (45 replies)
  4. Left and right united in opposition to controversial SCOTUS decision (6 replies)
  5. Stimulus Data Reveals Success (50 replies)
  6. Steele Gives Tea Party the Kiss of Death (55 replies)
  7. Lake Erie frozen over for the first time in 14 years (12 replies)
  8. Climate Forecast (8 replies)
  9. There has been no global warming since 1995 (2 replies)
  10. Jack Hunter: Terrorism, Liberal and Conservative (8 replies)
  11. January was warmest on record for Seattle area (3 replies)
  12. Mike Savage rips Sarah Palin (24 replies)
  13. Wow... (9 replies)
  14. Steele to Meet With Tea Party Leaders at RNC Headquarters (5 replies)
  15. Get This: Warming Planet Can Mean More Snow (20 replies)
  16. Heat wave brings ‘autumn’ to Penang (1 replies)
  17. Argentina's Electric Power Grid Holds Up Despite Heat Wave (4 replies)
  18. Heat Wave Kills 250 Ostriches in South Africa, Beeld Reports (0 replies)
  19. Australia Cuts Wheat Harvest Forecast 1.5% After Rain, Heat (0 replies)
  20. Israel basks in longest winter heat wave in almost 40 years (0 replies)
  21. Brazil heat wave kills 32 elderly people (99 replies)
  22. The Continuing Climate Meltdown (1 replies)
  23. Cornered - The Economics of Destruction (6 replies)
  24. Top Taliban Commander Captured (64 replies)
  25. Cheney;" Yeah, I did it" (237 replies)
  26. Ross Hunter Wants to Give Microsoft $100 Million Tax Break, Washington Still Poor (1 replies)
  27. Bye Bye Bayh (41 replies)
  28. How Christian Were the Founders? (71 replies)
  29. The Tea Party Movement, in their own words. (20 replies)
  30. In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse (3 replies)
  31. Farouk Shami: White People Don't Want to Work... (39 replies)
  32. Video: O'donnell blames bush for 9-11 (11 replies)
  33. Dan Quayle: Historian and Constitutional scholar extaordinaire (0 replies)
  34. Majority of Americans Still Blame Bush (5 replies)
  35. Jimmy Carter is back in the White House (4 replies)
  36. Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Questions U.S. Role In 9/11 Attacks (16 replies)
  37. Obama makes a mockery of his own lobbyist ban (5 replies)
  38. President Obama tied in generic 2012 matchup (1 replies)
  39. Barry O'Bama ‘Agnostic’ on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases (3 replies)
  40. What do political forum posters look like? (51 replies)
  41. This entire event sums of America and the policys towards Jewish/Arabic relationships (0 replies)
  42. Limbaugh's Voice Tested To Kill Beetles (10 replies)
  43. Recently released 911 photo's (2 replies)
  44. Scenes from a counter-revolution: Tea Party Convention (24 replies)
  45. CBS/NYT poll: everybody is mad at everybody (133 replies)
  46. The Fuel For the Fire (12 replies)
  47. GOP Stimulus Hypocrisy (28 replies)
  48. European Swift bank data ban angers US (2 replies)
  49. Double post: please delete (6 replies)
  50. Pew Poll: A majority of Americans believe torture is often or sometimes justifiebbd (129 replies)
  51. Palins role in the Exxon payoff (10 replies)
  52. DC Democrats kill bipartisan jobs bill (44 replies)
  53. Medina gets Bushwacked by Glenn Beck (82 replies)
  54. The Collected Essays of Rolf Lindgren Have Been Updated! (4 replies)
  55. 20 Global Debt Timebomb (5 replies)
  56. Bill Clinton hospitalized (9 replies)
  57. Gary Johnson on Legalizing Pot, Cutting Medicare, and the Legacy of Ron Paul (3 replies)
  58. Feds push for tracking cell phones (50 replies)
  59. Fox News asks: What do YOU think of the Tea Party movement? (53 replies)
  60. GOP Suddenly Has Northeastern Opportunities (18 replies)
  61. Broder's slurping the Kool-Aid (39 replies)
  62. Willie Mays on Outrage (0 replies)
  63. Yes, America is Still in an Official State of Emergency (2 replies)
  64. Former U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson dead at 76 (0 replies)
  65. "Words mean things, but people also judge you by the things that you do..."* (1 replies)
  66. Double Post (3 replies)
  67. Well, that explains... (8 replies)
  68. Krugman: Obama clueless? (7 replies)
  69. Paul Ryan's A Roadmap to America's Future (29 replies)
  70. WSJ: Ten GOP Health Ideas for Obama (158 replies)
  71. Should Individuals Be Regulated Like Wall St. Banks? (24 replies)
  72. No one blames Mrs. Obama for... (21 replies)
  73. Gibbs lends Palin a hand (58 replies)
  74. LA Times: What happened to Obama? (16 replies)
  75. What is a Navy Corpse-Man? (10 replies)
  76. Eric King Interviews Madoff Whistleblower Harry Markopolos (0 replies)
  77. Video: Ronald Reagan (29 replies)
  78. Heritage:The Increasing Ballistic Missile Threat (12 replies)
  79. Admitted "leg thriller" warns of charismatic leaders (11 replies)
  80. Climate change announcement delayed by blizzard (61 replies)
  81. Rudy Giuliani: San Antonio's success makes it terrorist target (38 replies)
  82. Palin Hand Notes Are Alarming, Embarrassing (144 replies)
  83. John Murtha, dead @ 77 (29 replies)
  84. How do we fix social security and medicare? (35 replies)
  85. White House announces televised health meet (43 replies)
  86. Money Talks (0 replies)
  87. NRO: Killing Abstinence What teens and parents have to lose. (44 replies)
  88. Even GOP conservative Ron Paul draws Tea Party opposition (27 replies)
  89. The Defense Industry Is Pleased With Obama (0 replies)
  90. Palin Goes After Obama at Tea Party Convention (110 replies)
  91. South Carolina requires 'subversives' to register (3 replies)
  92. In Goldman We Trust (16 replies)
  93. Why the Olympics and Other Sports Cause Conflict (2 replies)
  94. Gay, Mentally Challenged Biracial Male Cheerleader Claims Discrimination (11 replies)
  95. Palin's campaign against the "R-word" hits snag with Limbaugh (59 replies)
  96. WashPo: Why are liberals so condescending? (31 replies)
  97. The winter of America's discontent (4 replies)
  98. Article about the dangers on cell phones and wireless technology (9 replies)
  99. Liberals love affair with Socialism and Big Government - Gallup Poll (11 replies)
  100. The Tea-bagger Convention (32 replies)
  101. Obama admits health care overhaul may die on Hill (1 replies)
  102. Pelosi asks the President where are the jobs (98 replies)
  103. Take the fun quiz! (2 replies)
  104. Cato: Turning Spending Increases into Tax Cuts (9 replies)
  105. Heritage: Past Deficits v. Obama's Deficits (44 replies)
  106. Birth-death model adjustment: 824,000 jobs (0 replies)
  107. Carly Fiorina, epic failure at everything, for U.S. Senator!!! (24 replies)
  108. US says it may kill Americans abroad (86 replies)
  109. I've been had by the climage change industry (3 replies)
  110. Behind the conservatives "Hate/destroy govt" rabble-rousing smoke screen, .... (34 replies)
  111. Obama Administration: intelligence community can assassinate American citizens with (81 replies)
  112. Recession's job losses likely to rise by nearly 1 million (0 replies)
  113. Sirota: If This Becomes the Face of the Democrat Party, Say Goodbye to the Dem Party (9 replies)
  114. Stossel: Big Government's Cronnies (59 replies)
  115. VA Senate bans health insurance mandates (89 replies)
  116. Why is the Toyota recall not a big deal? (89 replies)
  117. Without looking it up... (45 replies)
  118. Majority of Republicans believe Obama's a Socialists... (339 replies)
  119. So, Rahm calls Democrats F'n Retards... (35 replies)
  120. WSJ: Russia Gas Pipeline Heightens East Europe’s Fears (2 replies)
  121. Grits: A decidedly non-populist aproach to sentence reductionbb (40 replies)
  122. Glaciers and the IPCC (8 replies)
  123. PJB: Bring Our Marines Home (87 replies)
  124. Obama to banks: Here's $30 billion, please lend (35 replies)
  125. THIS PLUS a $1.3 Trillion Deficit = Impressive (115 replies)
  126. Canadian Premier comes to US for heart surgery (29 replies)
  127. Obama's promise to cost 230 mill to close gitmo (154 replies)
  128. Lech Walesa, Former President of Poland, gets involved in Illinois Politics. (2 replies)
  129. Sarah Palin endorses Rand Paul! (6 replies)
  130. Venezuela's drift to authoritarianism (8 replies)
  131. Question about THIS years ridiculous budget deficit.... (14 replies)
  132. Will your big-screen Super Bowl party violate copyright law? (4 replies)
  133. Green jobs available in Minnesota (14 replies)
  134. the tightrope walk for the GOP (1 replies)
  135. U.S. Examines Whether Blackwater Tried Bribery (19 replies)
  136. Hardcore, long-term socialists dying for dubya's fnckups (0 replies)
  137. I know Cry Havoc is above it all but... OBama bowing to the MAyor of Tampa!!! LOL!!! (51 replies)
  138. Obama Pushes Nuclear Energy to Boost Climate Bill (17 replies)
  139. Paul Volcker on Financial Reform (5 replies)
  140. This is why Obama got elected. (10 replies)
  141. Watchdog: Bailouts created more risk in system (23 replies)
  142. James Madison on Slavery (15 replies)
  143. GOP Dismayed by Obama’s Strong Performance, Say it Was a ‘Mistake’ to Let Cameras Rol (24 replies)
  144. The Goal Is Freedom: The State of Obama’s Union (5 replies)
  145. Video: Beck - Progressives Then & Now (33 replies)
  146. A question for Texans (66 replies)
  147. "Where's your telepromter now? Mmmrrraaa!" (23 replies)
  148. Transcending race, post-racial, etc. etc. (14 replies)
  149. Obama Loved By The Educated (44 replies)
  150. Obama Sets Ambitious Export Goal (15 replies)
  151. Osama bin Laden: Global Warming Activist (1 replies)
  152. Economy soars 5.7 percent in Q4, fastest in 6 years (36 replies)
  153. more "odd" explosions at wtc 1 2 and 7 (18 replies)
  154. Ford posts first annual profit for four years (40 replies)
  155. Senate Votes to Confirm Bernanke (4 replies)
  156. what is a "trig" (6 replies)
  157. AP: Fact check Obama SOTUA (6 replies)
  158. Official: Climate scientists hid data (1 replies)
  159. Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T (7 replies)
  160. Yoni's Official State of the Union Address Thread (68 replies)
  161. Say Something Nice about Obama (84 replies)
  162. Obama's Answer for America: More of me (3 replies)
  163. Obama: Blame and Spend (28 replies)
  164. Chris Matthews (4 replies)
  165. Stan Dai (4 replies)
  166. WTF was that GOP response. (10 replies)
  167. STU Poll (12 replies)
  168. Bah, humbug (4 replies)
  169. WSJ: Obama Changes NASA mission (24 replies)
  170. Catastrophic Warning!!!! (2 replies)
  171. WSJ op-ed: The Anthrax Attacks Remain Unsolved (25 replies)
  172. James flippin' O'Keefe (ACORN headcase) Arrested (359 replies)
  173. Dear Conservative Movement: Stop Ruining My Life (60 replies)
  174. Jon Stewart's most brilliant moment (0 replies)
  175. Bet on Ben Bernanke (1 replies)
  176. Copenhagen Syndrome (0 replies)
  177. Early draft of Obama's State of the Union address (1 replies)
  178. Forbes: Broke? Blame The Govt. (12 replies)
  179. Health care 8th on list of public's policy concerns (18 replies)
  180. I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts... (42 replies)
  181. A man's hubris (11 replies)
  182. The push for a debt commission (47 replies)
  183. So what would a bipartisan health care reform bill include? (82 replies)
  184. Cato: Senators more Liberal than a Socialist one. (19 replies)
  185. Health Ins co profits secure, lets go after gas hikes!! (52 replies)
  186. Source: Obama to skip jury duty in Chicago suburbs (5 replies)
  187. Democrat Arkansas Rep. Marion Berry to retire (8 replies)
  188. Heritage: More Global Warming Gaffes (1 replies)
  189. Osama Bin Laden, still alive, takes credit for Xmas bomb attempt (0 replies)
  190. Brown Honeymoon is Over (3 replies)
  191. Where Do We Go From Here? (1 replies)
  192. NASA Research Finds Last Decade was Warmest on Record, 2009 One of Warmest Years (32 replies)
  193. Five Myths About the Massachusetts Election (26 replies)
  194. Nat. Rev: How Repubs can win the black vote (8 replies)
  195. Nat. Rev.: The Pro-Life Comeback (80 replies)
  196. Former Canadian ambassador admits to being CIA spy (4 replies)
  197. One year later: Is this man trustworthy? (14 replies)
  198. Rep. Frank: Abolish Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (13 replies)
  199. Bail: Bns of your tax dollars wasted (26 replies)
  200. Bernanke reappointment may be in trouble (10 replies)
  201. What Brown's win means for the Dems (30 replies)
  202. TSA: "Ma'am, is this powder yours? JUST KIDDING HAHAHAHA." (30 replies)
  203. Jon Stewart slams Keith Olbermann (2 replies)
  204. Teabagger judges allow cooperate takeover of politicians (85 replies)
  205. Good Lord (8 replies)
  206. Are any Dems thinking (30 replies)
  207. Glaciers melting and Arctic warming reported in.....1922!! (4 replies)
  208. It's the liberalism,... (31 replies)
  209. WSJ: Haqqani faction bedevils Afghanistan, US (1 replies)
  210. Post-Coakley Lib Meltdown (20 replies)
  211. Zero Hedge: The Fed Prepares For A Surge In New Primary Dealer Applications (2 replies)
  212. Supreme Court Blocks Key Part of Campaign Law (526 replies)
  213. Great speech Hilary (0 replies)
  214. ECONOMIC FREEDOM? America's decline... (5 replies)
  215. US diverts 4,000 troops from Afghanistan and Europe to Haiti (13 replies)
  216. Efforts to de-baathify Iraq elections bag more Shiites than Sunnis (5 replies)
  217. U.S. intelligence: 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan (0 replies)
  218. Jacob Sullum: Why use a National Security Letter when you have Post-it Notes? (16 replies)
  219. The Guantánamo “Suicides”: A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle (28 replies)
  220. Illinois: Insolvent? (11 replies)
  221. Obama to Propose New Limits on Banks (47 replies)
  222. Buffett Says He Can’t See Rationale for Bank Levy (12 replies)
  223. Role in Haiti (86 replies)
  224. Pickup trucks are now racist. (24 replies)
  225. Obamacare (31 replies)
  226. FBI Investigating Ensign (R) Nevada (17 replies)
  227. Brown wins Massachusetts Special Election (210 replies)
  228. Finger-pointing begins for Dems (36 replies)
  229. Obama's first year by the numbers (51 replies)
  230. Heritage: Why Govt. Spending Does Not Stimulate Econ. Growth (58 replies)
  231. Cato: Elimination of Cost-Efficiency Rules (0 replies)
  232. Foundry: MLK Jr Truths (32 replies)
  233. Unified Muslim World-Wide Caliphate Coming Soon! (0 replies)
  234. What Democrats Should Learn from Massachusetts - Win or Lose (28 replies)
  235. "Tea Party" movement really just a big scam (30 replies)
  236. More Change... (1 replies)
  237. Is Obama A Republican? (16 replies)
  238. Should healthcare bill be a 51 vote rather than 60? (58 replies)
  239. Can any liberal or "Progressive"... (53 replies)
  240. Do we take in refugees? (26 replies)
  241. Obama makes me miss Dubya (60 replies)
  242. The trap (6 replies)
  243. Madison’s Gift to America (12 replies)
  244. A letter to Rush Limbaugh - Roger Ebert (34 replies)
  245. I Wouldn't Normally Post a Local Utah Story (19 replies)
  246. Rush 'meant' what he said about Haiti (242 replies)
  247. Telegraph: 20 Most Influential Liberals (1 replies)
  248. Telegraph: 20 Most Influential Conservatives (1 replies)
  249. Dumb and Dumber (30 replies)
  250. smartest person in the room-Debbie Medina, RN (11 replies)