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  1. Equal Rights Amendment. (19 replies)
  2. Democrats in D.C. - took less than a week to break a promise (17 replies)
  3. PAPER: Israel Plan Nuclear Strike on Iran (19 replies)
  4. "Minority" Bill Of Rights (8 replies)
  5. Ayn Rand is a shitty excuse for a philosopher... (1 replies)
  6. ExxonMobil Acknowledges Greenhouse Gasses Contribute to Global Warming (48 replies)
  7. Ollie North: bush, mccain, lieberman are WRONG- surge not the answer (13 replies)
  8. Scarborough blast o'reilly for being gop Suckup (68 replies)
  9. More People Killed in NO in the Last Week Than US Troops in Iraq (4 replies)
  10. Harriet Miers - not even good enough to be WH counsel anymore (2 replies)
  11. It's 62 degrees in NYC (33 replies)
  12. Trust Repugs with Nat Sec, Part 85 (6 replies)
  13. Child Car Seats Not Up to the Challenge (0 replies)
  14. Border Patrol unit attacked from Mexico (21 replies)
  15. 3+ years after striking the Iraqi iceberg .... (0 replies)
  16. AP source Jamil Hussein: present and accounted for (10 replies)
  17. Higher education is bilking taxpayers (23 replies)
  18. Sheehan Hijacks Democrats' Press Conference (5 replies)
  19. Jefferson=traitor and terrorist loving commi? (2 replies)
  20. Pelosi-palooza (9 replies)
  21. American founded to be free, not secular (165 replies)
  22. Gun Control (29 replies)
  23. Saddam Hussein Execution Video (64 replies)
  24. I just wanted to test my sig (7 replies)
  25. National Health (13 replies)
  26. The Robert's Court (12 replies)
  27. Bush Has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa (4 replies)
  28. Poll: More troops unhappy with Bush’s course in Iraq (3 replies)
  29. Following Iraq's bioweapons trail (4 replies)
  30. Renters Market (6 replies)
  31. A new low in the Bush Admin's War on Science (23 replies)
  32. Judge: Saddam to be executed by Saturday (1 replies)
  33. Many soldiers say troop surge a bad idea (10 replies)
  34. Saddam to Be Hanged in 48hrs (50 replies)
  35. Edwards Shoots for White House (27 replies)
  36. Interesting Take (12 replies)
  37. "Every time a bell rings, a dirty, commie bastard gets his wings!" (0 replies)
  38. Gerald Ford RIP. (25 replies)
  39. U.S. Military considers using foreign recruits (19 replies)
  40. Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out (3 replies)
  41. BBC: End of the neo-con dream (20 replies)
  42. The Right To Marry - Another View (21 replies)
  43. Global Warming Myth (91 replies)
  44. Dimm-o-craps and their partners (12 replies)
  45. Here's a more reliable way of poltical/cultural change... (16 replies)
  46. Caption of Photos of JFK in Iraq (4 replies)
  47. Father and Daughter...... (25 replies)
  48. Clinton's Main Man (12 replies)
  49. Meanwhile, back at the Russian ranch... (23 replies)
  50. I Have To Wonder (13 replies)
  51. What you don't know, can't hurt the Bush Administration (3 replies)
  52. A light at the end of the tunnel? (8 replies)
  53. this filmmaker on the radio today (8 replies)
  54. Top 10 stories you missed in 2006 (3 replies)
  55. The Capital Awaits a Masterstroke on Iraq (104 replies)
  56. Treating an American citizen in this fashion would have been unimaginable before 9/11 (36 replies)
  57. build it and they will come... (1 replies)
  58. Pentagon creates anti-insurgency manual and puts it on the internet... (8 replies)
  59. Army Captain creates powerpoint presentation on how to win in Iraq (117 replies)
  60. No Major Violence in Iraq Today. (11 replies)
  61. Damn Oil (3 replies)
  62. Jenn's New Guy (41 replies)
  63. New Type of Marriage Would Make Divorce Harder (191 replies)
  64. Possible Balance Shift In The Senate? (7 replies)
  65. Searchbots? (18 replies)
  66. ICE Raids Swift Plants (55 replies)
  67. Taxes (12 replies)
  68. Rodriguez upsets Bonilla (0 replies)
  69. "Christian Embassy" in the Pentagon (24 replies)
  70. Saudis Give U.S. a Grim What If (6 replies)
  71. Terror Case Shows Bush, Libertarian Rift (2 replies)
  72. Great example of "Truthiness" (1 replies)
  73. Bloodless Coup? (1 replies)
  74. 2006 In Review (3 replies)
  75. Incoming House Intelligence Chief is dumb. (1 replies)
  76. Tom DeLay the blogger (3 replies)
  77. Rummy's Revenge (1 replies)
  78. Mallard Fillmore Busted! (3 replies)
  79. Good News, Everybody: We've Got a New Iraq Slogan! (1 replies)
  80. The lies being told about Hugo Chavez (3 replies)
  81. Interest Rate Poll (4 replies)
  82. Dissent in Iran? (7 replies)
  83. Bonilla-Rodriquez Runoff 2 (factcheck Time) (38 replies)
  84. Here We Go Again (8 replies)
  85. Annan to Blast USA in Farewell speach (18 replies)
  86. Just when you KNEW it was unsafe to go back in the water.... (11 replies)
  87. Former Chilean dictator Pinochet dies at 91 (35 replies)
  88. Pelosi picks uninformed idiot over crooks (28 replies)
  89. Mr. President? About that Truman analogy... (1 replies)
  90. A conservative imagines the world after the Repugs lose Iraq (10 replies)
  91. Xmas trees removed from Sea-Tac (40 replies)
  92. Iraqi small arms prices on the rise (4 replies)
  93. Who's Going? (55 replies)
  94. GOP Senators Turning (1 replies)
  95. Poor Jimmy (17 replies)
  96. Quick, Everybody Panic! (8 replies)
  97. This is what happens... (11 replies)
  98. Seasons Greetings (3 replies)
  99. Question about the Electoral College (38 replies)
  100. Why Ignore? (27 replies)
  101. Immigrants pay off big for Texas' economy (9 replies)
  102. Reason #13231464 To Be Glad DEMOs Won in 06 (2 replies)
  103. God Hates Westboro Baptist... (2 replies)
  104. Israel in Nuclear Denial (10 replies)
  105. What Does This Mean (0 replies)
  106. Okay, Let's Get a "Consensus" of Opinion (13 replies)
  107. I Just Thought This Was Funny (46 replies)
  108. In commemoration, some great Pearl Harbor stories (13 replies)
  109. Keep the muslims out of my backyard (53 replies)
  110. That Must Be Some Shirt! (30 replies)
  111. Panel: Bush's Iraq policies have failed (0 replies)
  112. Dan and Croutons on Suicide Watch (15 replies)
  113. And that's the way it was... (32 replies)
  114. Taking a page from the secret... (3 replies)
  115. The Yoni Vs. Chumpdumper Thread (13 replies)
  116. Let's talk about the realities... (23 replies)
  117. From the people who gave us the... (53 replies)
  118. Jimmah, Jimmah, Jimmah! tsk...tsk...tsk (3 replies)
  119. The Swamp that won't Drain (0 replies)
  120. Here's my stolen take... (21 replies)
  121. Yeah, well, getting beat to death is no cakewalk. (2 replies)
  122. Looks like Pelosi's third-string... (20 replies)
  123. Does This Bother Anyone (38 replies)
  124. Audit Says FEMA Squanders Katrina Aid (4 replies)
  125. Vote themselves high salairies, 3-day weeks (25 replies)
  126. I'm gone from here until after I come home... (56 replies)
  127. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (5 replies)
  128. FBI nabs terrorist plotting to detonate a suitcase bomb in Congress (15 replies)
  129. Welcome to America (42 replies)
  130. Bush Accepts Boltons Resignation... (26 replies)
  131. After Iraq, then what for the "Insurgents"? (49 replies)
  132. That damn Bill Clinton and those French bastards! (35 replies)
  133. The worst ever? Well... (0 replies)
  134. Rumsfeld agreed with Democrats? (5 replies)
  135. Happy Birthday FIDEL! (21 replies)
  136. the patriot movement... (6 replies)
  137. Vote Republican? What are you, psycho!? (4 replies)
  138. Socialism (Progressives) At Work (3 replies)
  139. Iraq Study Group punts, says get troops out by 2008 (23 replies)
  140. Security Of Electronic Voting Is Condemned (0 replies)
  141. Who is Jamil Hussein? (111 replies)
  142. Okay, for those keeping score... (48 replies)
  143. A Woman Who Glows In The Dark? (15 replies)
  144. NYT: Iraq Panel to Recommend Pullback of Combat Troops (4 replies)
  145. Iraq Plan (12 replies)
  146. Keystone Kops pay up (1 replies)
  147. Mohamed Atta's Stripper-Ex Fingers Terra Leader (0 replies)
  148. Rack Another City... (1 replies)
  149. Saudi Intervention in Iraq? (3 replies)
  150. Open letter from Iran (2 replies)
  151. Barack HUSSEIN Obama (94 replies)
  152. George W. Bush vs. Jim Webb (65 replies)
  153. Bonilla-Rodriquez Runoff (0 replies)
  154. Only in Texas! (1 replies)
  155. Danny Hoch exposes Seinfeld (13 replies)
  156. Was Darth Cheney Summoned By The Saudis? (3 replies)
  157. Gingrich Goes Nucluar on Internet Free Speech (7 replies)
  158. Mr. Sowell Gets It Right Again! (22 replies)
  159. Facts Come out about Imams removed from US Airways Flight (30 replies)
  160. Real Lessons of Nov 22, 1963 Must Not Be Forgotten (3 replies)
  161. Resistance and Repression in Oaxaca (6 replies)
  162. Affirmative Action Was Bad After All... (2 replies)
  163. Dubya's Half-Billion Dollar Legacy (19 replies)
  164. OG Neocon Francis Fukuyama throws all other neocons under the bus (2 replies)
  165. It's Almost Christmas and You Know What That Means... (20 replies)
  166. Decline and Fall (7 replies)
  167. Polar bears, butterflies and plants duped into believing the "global warming myth" (23 replies)
  168. About the "Dimm-o-craps war"... (0 replies)
  169. I Know It Isn't Political (well maybe it is) (0 replies)
  170. Richards being sued? (11 replies)
  171. Is it a civil war yet? (111 replies)
  172. Happy Thanksgiving (3 replies)
  173. Dobbs: Populist tide has elitists running scared (2 replies)
  174. Is Dubya Fleeing To Paraguay? (15 replies)
  175. O' Holy Night? (3 replies)
  176. dubya's Iraq is MUCH worse than Saddam's Iraq (18 replies)
  177. Think Pelosi and Murtha was Bad take a look at this sheet (5 replies)
  178. WMD 2: This time, it's for real...or is it? (14 replies)
  179. How effective was Baker in Syria? (0 replies)
  180. Did FBI Really Drop The Ball? (3 replies)
  181. Thomas Sowell Column (4 replies)
  182. Nancy Pelosi and the illegals (0 replies)
  183. Partisanship and group polarisation (7 replies)
  184. The perfect fantasy game for political junkies (0 replies)
  185. The Nov. Surprise That Failed (3 replies)
  186. Linking the link of a link of a link: a cautionary tale (3 replies)
  187. Kramer Goes Nucular! (7 replies)
  188. The Libertarian Way? No Traffic Signs (14 replies)
  189. Gotta love the neocons: "WE MUST bomb Iran" (143 replies)
  190. Fuck for Peace (2 replies)
  191. A Look Back (1 replies)
  192. Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Winking Our Way To War... (1 replies)
  193. "Go Big," "Go Long" or "Go Home". (3 replies)
  194. Iraq Solution (10 replies)
  195. The Draft (34 replies)
  196. Colorado--the champs! (9 replies)
  197. Michael Savage = The Great Satan (83 replies)
  198. Lose a Job Offer Over a Traffic Ticket? (38 replies)
  199. Is Karl Rove done? (11 replies)
  200. Consrva.. errrr Liberals are tight, money grubbing bastards (46 replies)
  201. Can Bush catch a break? (0 replies)
  202. Why Rick Santorum Lost. (17 replies)
  203. You'd Be Ashamed Also If Your Mother Was A Democrat. (9 replies)
  204. The October Suprise that didn't happen (4 replies)
  205. Cal Thomas actually blew me away today... (0 replies)
  206. I guess that's a big... (6 replies)
  207. Greatest Political Photo Of The Year Needs A Caption (4 replies)
  208. Advice to Nancy Pelosi who is going to clean house (0 replies)
  209. Fox News: We report what Roger Ailes decides (24 replies)
  210. Suitcase? Check. Passport? Check. Permission to travel from Homeland Security? um... (6 replies)
  211. Glenn Beck (42 replies)
  212. A Few Bad Apples Indeed... (2 replies)
  213. Cut and Run? Not So Fast... (3 replies)
  214. Republicans Pick Ethically-Challenged Mitch McConnell Senate Leader (13 replies)
  215. OJ Simpson: 'If I did it, here's how' (19 replies)
  216. Plus Ca Change , Plus C'Est La Meme Chose ... (1 replies)
  217. Abramoff Suddenly Feels Very Talkative (21 replies)
  218. Bush Legacy (6 replies)
  219. The Hammer screws Texas one last time (0 replies)
  220. Horse Race Junkies (0 replies)
  221. Something fun for everyone. (0 replies)
  222. Plutonium found in Iran waste facility (18 replies)
  223. NeoCon Experiment Coming To End (3 replies)
  224. Rasmussen Rules (1 replies)
  225. Conduct your own energy audit. (13 replies)
  226. The problems of the Bush43 administration, in a nutshell... (1 replies)
  227. Mel Martinez: Immigration Issue A Hot-Potato For GOP (5 replies)
  228. Rudy!! Rudy!! (56 replies)
  229. Wing-nut Blogger Arrested For Fake Anthrax Attacks (3 replies)
  230. non-partisan political joke (1 replies)
  231. The Democrats Are Now Turning On Murtha (45 replies)
  232. Time for Cheney's obituary? (3 replies)
  233. Are we done in Iraq? (1 replies)
  234. An Inconvenient Truth (29 replies)
  235. Well I Never (12 replies)
  236. Morning-After Pundits Lecture Winners (18 replies)
  237. I Am Macaca (7 replies)
  238. Black-Face (6 replies)
  239. Borat is scum!!! (27 replies)
  240. Dimm-o-crap Victory Celebrated (18 replies)
  241. 2008 Presidential Election (12 replies)
  242. Early 2008 Senate analysis (1 replies)
  243. More Back To The Future (1 replies)
  244. Priority #1: Restore Habeas Rights (28 replies)
  245. You people are ruining America (2 replies)
  246. Submitted for your approval: libs and cons (2 replies)
  247. Wesley Clark in 08? (7 replies)
  248. Hispanics Return In Large Numbers to Democratic Party (46 replies)
  249. Final House Numbers Still Undecided (2 replies)
  250. Robert Gates: Same Song, Same Versus (21 replies)