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  1. Canadian view of the American election (10 replies)
  2. Rush Limbaugh going crazy again? (3 replies)
  3. New Stimulus package deal struck (47 replies)
  4. Glenn Beck interview on the economy (26 replies)
  5. ....and now a word from Thomas Jefferson (13 replies)
  6. Study:True statments about Iraq(educating idiots) (0 replies)
  7. rush and hannity are trying to hire romney (0 replies)
  8. Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto @ 2:00pm and market shoots up. (2 replies)
  9. More Repug "It's all about the oil" (4 replies)
  10. Study: False statements preceded Iraq war (37 replies)
  11. MLK's son to EDWARDS: My Father Would Be Proud (29 replies)
  12. Petraeus in '12 (13 replies)
  13. Thompson is out! (25 replies)
  14. Bill Has A Dream (3 replies)
  15. Bush Not The Only One (5 replies)
  16. Who Let the Dogs Out (0 replies)
  17. It's scary that some/many of you blood-thirsties hope this guy is right (14 replies)
  18. Democratic Debate in SC (45 replies)
  19. Could be a rough one tomorrow... (22 replies)
  20. Hope for America (1 replies)
  21. must see TV. We are all slaves. you DO NOT HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAX. (9 replies)
  22. $1000.00 per minute(fight fascism) (0 replies)
  23. Poor Barak/Poor Bill (6 replies)
  24. What I really hope for this primary (10 replies)
  25. Fed Reserve Rept: US Bankrupt (14 replies)
  26. No Tax Rebate's Going to Fix This Mess (47 replies)
  27. Found a new and interesting website! (2 replies)
  28. Mexican + White > Black (57 replies)
  29. Radical Liberal Lawyer Has His Day In Court (6 replies)
  30. Global Warming event...Sunday Night in Wisconsin. (19 replies)
  31. the most patriotic americans in history. (11 replies)
  32. the "independent" fed reserves says we need a short term stimulus package. (6 replies)
  33. Wondering (6 replies)
  34. (even more) Good News From Iraq (free market enterprise flourishes) (4 replies)
  35. Numbers say No Chance for GOP in 08 (22 replies)
  36. Thompson's Last Stand (0 replies)
  37. Republican values (20 replies)
  38. FREE AT LAST/Dr. Paul & Dr. King (0 replies)
  39. Billionaire To Back Paul - Everything Changes (34 replies)
  40. Quick... (27 replies)
  41. Ron Paul Would Free the Most Black Men since Lincoln (1 replies)
  42. ron paul gaining momentum (52 replies)
  43. throw up a softball and let the canidates swing for the fences... (1 replies)
  44. Ex-Lawmaker Charged in Terror Conspiracy (4 replies)
  45. Which nickname do you prefer? (27 replies)
  46. Paul limps to 4th place (19 replies)
  47. Michigan Results (28 replies)
  48. Bush DOJ shoots at the Second Amendment (5 replies)
  49. Girls age three hitting puberty in the UK (6 replies)
  50. What is Patriotism? (44 replies)
  51. Finally, dubya bests poppie, 79% to 75% (0 replies)
  52. Nevada Polls (14 replies)
  53. Setting The Agenda (5 replies)
  54. Now that we're in the new year... (92 replies)
  55. Why Al Qaeda is Losing (14 replies)
  56. Real ID Act (9 replies)
  57. Clinton backers sue to block part of Nevada caucus (7 replies)
  58. ?? A New Investigation into 911?? (17 replies)
  59. Opposition Sweep To Victory in Taiwan (5 replies)
  60. More Big Brother (28 replies)
  61. Fox News is a fair and balanced "Paid Advertisment" (0 replies)
  62. MOVEON.org To Get Even Better At Making Shit Up (3 replies)
  63. Hillary on Meet the Press (8 replies)
  64. The great BLACK HOPE is going down... (17 replies)
  65. Ron Paul wins again. (147 replies)
  66. Richardsons Out! (11 replies)
  67. Judges: Anti-Clinton Film Is Advertising (37 replies)
  68. Edwards Populist Message (3 replies)
  69. Fraud? (23 replies)
  70. Kerry backs Obama (21 replies)
  71. The final post (2 replies)
  72. Throwback Songs (1 replies)
  73. The McCain Speech (24 replies)
  74. D...Do...Dow...Down (22 replies)
  75. The A Word... (44 replies)
  76. Sean Hannity vs. Ron Paul supporters (21 replies)
  77. It's time for W. to step up (9 replies)
  78. ron paul kicks ass again on Leno (41 replies)
  79. NBAdan is for RON PAUL (4 replies)
  80. No thread on Hillary's transparent crying? (39 replies)
  81. Clinton Goes Negative...on Martin Luther King Jr.! (28 replies)
  82. Edwards Needs a New Schtick (9 replies)
  83. Well, it didn't take the two... (79 replies)
  84. I almost feel sorry for the resident conservatives (6 replies)
  85. Sibel Edmonds (17 replies)
  86. Tonkin? (54 replies)
  87. Adam Gadhan (3 replies)
  88. ABC News / Facebook Debates (54 replies)
  89. If Hillary is elected, think she'll nominate Bill for supreme court? (3 replies)
  90. Obama Borrows from Edwards (12 replies)
  91. Obama Crew Ruffs Up Bill O'Reilly (0 replies)
  92. Compressed Air Car (62 replies)
  93. John McCain: Let’s Stay In Iraq For “100 Years”! (54 replies)
  94. Do republicans really have a chance at the white house this time? (136 replies)
  95. Yyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh!!! (1 replies)
  96. Chris Dodd is Out! (0 replies)
  97. Gravel is out! (0 replies)
  98. Biden is out (3 replies)
  99. Edwards Speech (23 replies)
  100. Barack Wins! Barack Wins! (46 replies)
  101. Iowa can Blow me... (7 replies)
  102. Obama will be 2nd choice of Richardson Voters (2 replies)
  103. A Petraeus' Bed-Time Story (0 replies)
  104. Republicans: Who will win the Iowa Caucus? (2 replies)
  105. Democrats: Who will win the Iowa Caucus? (8 replies)
  106. Michael Moore:Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? (61 replies)
  107. dubya permitted the MIC to sell sensitve tech to China (4 replies)
  108. Pimpin' for Ron Paul (4 replies)
  109. Dubya's Last Assault on the Constitution (1 replies)
  110. What if.... (7 replies)
  111. More RIAA Bullshit (11 replies)
  112. To Catch a Predator Catcher 2 (10 replies)
  113. Oil price at record $100 a barrel (30 replies)
  114. A Good Overview of GOP Candidates (9 replies)
  115. Kucinich: Back Obama if I’m not viable (0 replies)
  116. Edwards' Final Iowa TV AD (17 replies)
  117. Listen to Fred Thompson (27 replies)
  118. School Days, Golden Rule Days (6 replies)
  119. who would you honestly vote for? demos. (9 replies)
  120. xxxxxxxxxxx (6 replies)
  121. Hillary's Vast Foreign Affairs Experience (8 replies)
  122. Brothers Mum in Tiger Attack (2 replies)
  123. The Hillary Nutcracker (2 replies)
  124. dubya's offense on Iran repaid with Iran's defense on dubya (11 replies)
  125. Slovenia taking over EU presidency with Kosovo's fate at top of agenda (7 replies)
  126. Is Fox News the Most Balanced News Network? (21 replies)
  127. Following The Money (17 replies)
  128. Can We Trust Edwards? (17 replies)
  129. SCHIP will pass! (50 replies)
  130. Global Warming Will Save America from the Right...Eventually (7 replies)
  131. Benazifr Bhutto killed in suicide attack! (126 replies)
  132. Animal House (15 replies)
  133. Russia (18 replies)
  134. 10 Most Loathsome People in America for 2007 (12 replies)
  135. President George W. Bush 43rd President United States (0 replies)
  136. Welfare Conservatives (5 replies)
  137. Does Ron Paul even know what the hell he's talking about? (27 replies)
  138. We need to have a Speaker with Balls (3 replies)
  139. Christmas Around The World (18 replies)
  140. !No lo vamos a olvidar! (6 replies)
  141. Black man,named White kills crazy drunk teen, (23 replies)
  142. Hillary Clinton Thinks You Are An Idiot (0 replies)
  143. Food for Thought (5 replies)
  144. Gov. Schwarzenegger to sue Bush Administration for failing to act on global warming.. (9 replies)
  145. Does Ron Paul have a chance? (227 replies)
  146. The Ron Paul Blimp (0 replies)
  147. Ron Paul on Meet The Press this Sunday. (0 replies)
  148. The guy from Boston (0 replies)
  149. Lakota Indians secede from U.S.A. (43 replies)
  150. McCain wants story spiked (2 replies)
  151. Texas Takes Evolutionary Step Backwards (21 replies)
  152. Truth in Satire - Cheney Burning Down the House (0 replies)
  153. Those KBR Guys in Iraq Party Hard... (5 replies)
  154. Ron Paul hearts the KKK (82 replies)
  155. Troops Find Iraq Torture House (5 replies)
  156. edwards leads poll in Iowa. (6 replies)
  157. two-party coorperate dictatorship. (11 replies)
  158. BBC draws you pictures of the sub-prime crisis (4 replies)
  159. Two Sides - Same Coin (4 replies)
  160. Oil Companies are Raping Us! Time for the Windfall Profits Tax!!! (61 replies)
  161. Russia and Iran are chums (51 replies)
  162. Everything (You Think) You Know Is Wrong (18 replies)
  163. Bush League Justice (0 replies)
  164. The axes of Evil (26 replies)
  165. Transperancy in Govt... (24 replies)
  166. Ron Paul Money bomb* 4million (2 replies)
  167. Report Describes Rapid Rise in Income for the Wealthiest (21 replies)
  168. Welcome to the 2nd revolution. (18 replies)
  169. How the US oilcos bought HR6 (25 replies)
  170. Florida Polls (1 replies)
  171. Sourth Carolina Polls (2 replies)
  172. The End of a B-Movie Terror Trial (0 replies)
  173. How The 2000 Election Was Fixed (15 replies)
  174. Look, Real Christmas Elves.. (5 replies)
  175. Clinton adviser out after Obama comment (38 replies)
  176. More Damned Hippie Pacificists against Torture (6 replies)
  177. The Real Reason The WH had the CIA Torture Tapes Destroyed (22 replies)
  178. Senate Judiciary Finds Two Bush Aides in Contempt (6 replies)
  179. The Mitchell report and what it takes to be an American Patriot! (28 replies)
  180. Iowa Democrat Debate Today (7 replies)
  181. clintons "dead" friends. too many to be a coincidence. (43 replies)
  182. Choad of the Week: Dec. 10 - 17 (4 replies)
  183. The Pope Calls Out Global Warming Chicken Littles (50 replies)
  184. Iowa Republican Debate today (8 replies)
  185. Saudi's Building Largest Oil Refinary in Texas (58 replies)
  186. DNC denies Drudge item came from them (6 replies)
  187. I hate blanket statements, but... (3 replies)
  188. Pelosi Did It! (19 replies)
  189. Feds Cut Rate (7 replies)
  190. Repug Christian Supremacist Give The World an Xmas Present (52 replies)
  191. Did Andrew Really Say That (5 replies)
  192. Gang Rape Cover Up by US (2 replies)
  193. British troops to hand over Basra to Iraqis (1 replies)
  194. People don't kill murderers... (28 replies)
  195. Wealth Distribution (for boutons) (18 replies)
  196. What about the Primes? (23 replies)
  197. Hillary Clinton tried to join the Marines after Vietnam War.... (17 replies)
  198. Hillary and "The New World Order" (9 replies)
  199. The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (1 replies)
  200. Gates, neo-cunts, Repugs on counter-attack (58 replies)
  201. Your Republican Pedo's (1 replies)
  202. sean and Dick Call Out Weak Demo Leadership (6 replies)
  203. Iraq War Going to Get Kerry'd ? (9 replies)
  204. Big Surpsie: Iraq Oil Grab Nears Completion: Big Oil Poised to Sign Lucrative Deals (10 replies)
  205. Iran (6 replies)
  206. Iran Poll (29 replies)
  207. Remember... (42 replies)
  208. Democracy, at least in Florida. (13 replies)
  209. Waterboarding the Jihadists !!!! (64 replies)
  210. The Demo Candidates versus the U.S. On Iran (0 replies)
  211. are we communists. union of socialist states of america. (17 replies)
  212. Mitt Romney's Faith Speech (108 replies)
  213. What can stop Hillary? (13 replies)
  214. The Science of Gore's Nobel (72 replies)
  215. New Hampshire Polls (91 replies)
  216. Super Size Me guy finds OBL? (9 replies)
  217. Romney finally gets tough on immigration ... (25 replies)
  218. How they fail us again! (41 replies)
  219. The Emerging Face of The Immigration Debate... (34 replies)
  220. Death of the Dollar (33 replies)
  221. Army plays it best "support the troops" card (12 replies)
  222. Hugo Chavez Loses Referendum... (4 replies)
  223. The W.H. Versus the U.S. On Iran (35 replies)
  224. Larry the lounge lizard. (5 replies)
  225. The Gates Keeper (13 replies)
  226. Man tased for getting out license and insurance too slowly (26 replies)
  227. kick-ass military "winning their hearts and minds" (1 replies)
  228. CIA, Underground Alien Facilities, Hillary McRomney, M$M, Neocons, One World Order. (7 replies)
  229. Biden Talks Tough... (0 replies)
  230. Clinton News Network (65 replies)
  231. Hostages taken at Clinton campaign office in NH (15 replies)
  232. Enlightened Boutons. (5 replies)
  233. Enlightened Texans (22 replies)
  234. Enlightened middle Easterners (39 replies)
  235. The Truth about Colin Powell (6 replies)
  236. Choad of the week: Nov 26- Dec 3 (3 replies)
  237. Iowa Caucus Polls (55 replies)
  238. "I did not have Sexual Relations with that Country" (6 replies)
  239. Mitt and Rudy going at it!! (38 replies)
  240. Ships refused permission. (10 replies)
  241. And so it begins (18 replies)
  242. 2 Trillion Dollar Bill Coming Due (51 replies)
  243. dickhead's plan for carving up Iraqi oil (March 2001) (11 replies)
  244. What would happen if Iran released 1,500 Al Qaeda members? (20 replies)
  245. GOP Comeback Climb Is Increasingly Steep (0 replies)
  246. S.A. Reporters Help Cover Up Another Bogus News Conference (2 replies)
  247. Trent Lott Resigns (19 replies)
  248. Study: Illegal immigrants not U.S. health care burden (0 replies)
  249. The Long-Term US Occupation of Iraq is Formalizing (7 replies)
  250. On the Issues (0 replies)