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  1. The Myth of the Great Moderation: Keynes vs Greenspan (14 replies)
  2. Putin excellence continues (57 replies)
  3. ALL Banks Are Above The Law (1 replies)
  4. No Law is Above THE MAN (23 replies)
  5. hedge fund interview with bernanake 'frightening' (1 replies)
  6. Seattle announces plan to raise minimum wage to $15/hour (36 replies)
  7. This is how I see Spurstalk political debates... (3 replies)
  8. the Truth about Sports (10 replies)
  9. Separation of Church and State: SCOTUS Rules Town Can Begin Meetings with a Prayer (34 replies)
  10. Obama and the Inconvenience of History (9 replies)
  11. Alabama Chief Justice: 1st Amendment only applies to Christianity (3 replies)
  12. Homeless choose to be Homeless (2 replies)
  13. Starving the Kansas Beast! (Thanks, Obama!) (34 replies)
  14. Hooray for Vaccines! (8 replies)
  15. Am I the only one horrified of the thought of Bush V Clinton 2016? (38 replies)
  16. Obamacare not working (20 replies)
  17. The Latest Wing-Nut Bengazi OUTRAGE....... (316 replies)
  18. Big Oil’s Investment in the NRA Could Reshape U.S. Energy, Land and Wildlife Policy (2 replies)
  19. A Good Day For USA (32 replies)
  20. How can Democrats continue to support this corrupt Administration? (16 replies)
  21. Who's Going To Buy The Clippers (173 replies)
  22. Strange (15 replies)
  23. Toyora movibg to Texas. (24 replies)
  24. Donald Sterling Scheduled To Be Honored By The NAACP (10 replies)
  25. Cover Oregon: $245 million state exchange to be jettisoned in favor of federal system (9 replies)
  26. ACA Repeal Is a Loser for the GOP.... (9 replies)
  27. Six studies that show that everything Democrats believe is wrong. (40 replies)
  28. Six Studies That Show Everything Republicans Believe is Wrong (14 replies)
  29. The End Of American Democracy: U.S. now an Oligarchy (13 replies)
  30. Coca cola scam. How will Repug and Demon justices vote on the obvious? (18 replies)
  31. Threat made to SA area schools (9 replies)
  32. Covert Inquiry by F.B.I. Rattles 9/11 Tribunals (6 replies)
  33. Why are Democrats obsessed with Koch brothers? (80 replies)
  34. Barry and Joe Pushing Job Training, Repugs bitch (0 replies)
  35. Some interesting census numbers.... (78 replies)
  36. Income Inequality Institute to pay Krugman $25K/month (4 replies)
  37. starting to understand why hospitals/surgeries are so expensive... (35 replies)
  38. Oklahoma-Texas border dispute. BLM at it again. (11 replies)
  39. Regulation Nation: breweries fight back against new gov grain rules (5 replies)
  40. WaPo: Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts (1 replies)
  41. Hmmm...lets trade Putin Cuba for the Ukraine.... (21 replies)
  42. Ricky Bobb to be investigated for "political blackmail" - See more at: http://progres (5 replies)
  43. Hey Plebs (5 replies)
  44. Death by solar farms (43 replies)
  45. attorney general, eric holder, rips congress a new one (15 replies)
  46. Bundy ranch situation in Nevada (1194 replies)
  47. CFPB: Fines Bank of America $772 Million For Credit Card Scams (4 replies)
  48. How Bad Is Brazil's Crime? Watch This Mugging On Live TV (0 replies)
  49. Student's death in Colorado raises questions on marijuana and health (132 replies)
  50. Single-payer health care: Vermont (1 replies)
  51. What round for a Drone? (7 replies)
  52. Schrieier: "on a scale of 1 to 10, Heartbleed is 11" (8 replies)
  53. UIW downtown med school dead... (30 replies)
  54. What Happened to Canada? (8 replies)
  55. Married conservative christian caught on video kissing staffer (45 replies)
  56. The spread of 'debate is over' syndrome (147 replies)
  57. Gotta love Obamacare (37 replies)
  58. Time To Fight Back Against the Supreme Court and Take Our Country back (0 replies)
  59. “I Don’t Want to Live in a World Where Millions People Get Affordable Health Care" (13 replies)
  60. US warns China not to try Crimea-style action in Asia (1 replies)
  61. $6B missing at State Department (4 replies)
  62. boutons, I will PayPal you $1000 today (12 replies)
  63. Maine Senate Backs Plan To Neutralize The Electoral College (1 replies)
  64. America for sale AND sold: McCutcheon wins (32 replies)
  65. Secessionist/nullificationist Ricky Bobby LOVES prison rapes (0 replies)
  66. US Government guilty of insider trading? (25 replies)
  67. SkyWaze (4 replies)
  68. APD releases HelmetCam footage of shooting (27 replies)
  69. Hobby Lobby Thread (0 replies)
  70. Too rich to jail? (33 replies)
  71. GOP catoring to mexicans in 2016? (8 replies)
  72. CIA torture and denial (0 replies)
  73. Obama and co using taxpayers money to bail out Ukranian megabanks (21 replies)
  74. LOL all "investors": Stock market is rigged after all (45 replies)
  75. RSA backdoors (1 replies)
  76. Smartphone kill-switch could save consumers $2.6B per year (0 replies)
  77. Rape your 3 year old daughter, heir to $Ms, own the state, get do not go to jail (1 replies)
  78. Medieval corporation: City of London (26 replies)
  79. Repug voter suppression: New G.O.P. Bid to Limit Voting in Swing States (7 replies)
  80. We have all been enslaved by tyranny since 1215 by Magna Carta (8 replies)
  81. Trigger Warning: Free speech ahead (0 replies)
  82. FiveThirtyEight: GOP Field Hasn’t Been This Split in 40 Years (132 replies)
  83. Couple reports receiving pre-marked voter registration card from Covered California (9 replies)
  84. The Republican Street Fight Over Transparency in Government (4 replies)
  85. Southern States could legalize mj (minus TX, of course) (0 replies)
  86. Texas mayors back private high speed rail (24 replies)
  87. High Roller Casino players might need background check before playing (2 replies)
  88. Northwestern ruling sends clear message: NCAA, it's time to negotiate (33 replies)
  89. gun grabbing Dem Senator Lee charged with gun trafficking (77 replies)
  90. LOL Belgium (1 replies)
  91. San Antonio back in mix for Tesla 'gigafactory' after secret meeting (21 replies)
  92. Well, that was embarrassing...and funny (4 replies)
  93. Good day for Democrats (8 replies)
  94. Labor Board Rules Northwestern Players Are Employees (2 replies)
  95. How Silicon Valley’CEOs conspired to drive down 100,000 tech engineers' wages (182 replies)
  96. Jamielle Bouie: How evangelical protestantism changed on abortion (31 replies)
  97. English Hospital Discovers a New Source of Green Energy (10 replies)
  98. WSJ: Mortgage interest deduction trickles up (0 replies)
  99. DC: Walmart admits its bottom line depends on government assistance to its employees (52 replies)
  100. NYT Op-Ed -- America’s Underappreciated Entrepreneur: The Federal Government (10 replies)
  101. Pipelines you haven't heard of (0 replies)
  102. Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse' (5 replies)
  103. Another Corporate Lie: Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage (17 replies)
  104. Exxon Valdez: The Poison That Keeps On Poisoning (33 replies)
  105. Projected Ten-Year Deficits Have Shrunk by Nearly $5 Trillion Since 2010 (53 replies)
  106. It's Cultural (57 replies)
  107. Purity Balls (15 replies)
  108. Real Welfare Fraud... (2 replies)
  109. LOL Creationists Complain Neil deGrasse Tyson's 'Cosmos' Isn't Giving Them Airtime (12 replies)
  110. How's That Drill Here Drill Workin Out for ya? SA gas $3.25 (46 replies)
  111. The real GOP 2014 Advantage (1 replies)
  112. Jeb 2016 (13 replies)
  113. Let's Get Kinky! (1 replies)
  114. A Few Posters In Here Need This.. (13 replies)
  115. How Corruption Is Strangling U.S. Innovation (3 replies)
  116. CNN Money: this drone can hack your phone (1 replies)
  117. Russian Sanctions on the US (0 replies)
  118. Fred Phelps: good riddance (9 replies)
  119. Disasters cost more than ever, but not because of climate change (8 replies)
  120. A Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet (22 replies)
  121. I thought George W. Bush (AKA Duke of Hazard) saw into Putin's soul? (6 replies)
  122. Time For War: The Russians Are Still Weak Just Like In The Movie Rambo (56 replies)
  123. Why Income Inequality Is Going to Get Catastrophically Worse (265 replies)
  124. Sunday Humor: pitball bitch (9 replies)
  125. Worldwide ‘White Man March’ draws 10 people and ‘Diversity = White Genocide’ signs (6 replies)
  126. What Repug voter suppression in November will look like in red states (0 replies)
  127. Crony Capitalism (1 replies)
  128. Have you read Mein Kampf? (17 replies)
  129. WaPo: US to relinquish control over ICAAN (5 replies)
  130. 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives) (10 replies)
  131. Warmest Winter for California on Record (4 replies)
  132. South Carolina politics! Sen Lindsay Graham, aka the old lesbian, "ambiguously gay" (1 replies)
  133. How the Placebo Effect Proves That God Exists (12 replies)
  134. Are Christians persecuted in this country? (16 replies)
  135. Last Six Months Coldest Since 1912 (114 replies)
  136. Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S. (14 replies)
  137. Glad to see this forum is now a 24/7 boutons cut/paste circle jerk (14 replies)
  138. Why is the U$ Media Ignoring the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi? (75 replies)
  139. SilkAir Flight 185 (4 replies)
  140. If a Democrat wins the Presidential race in 2016 we are screwed. (32 replies)
  141. So did you guys miss me? (23 replies)
  142. More Hippy Dippy Communist Stuff: Public Transit Use In U.S. Is At a 57-Year High (67 replies)
  143. Naturally, BLUE states leading the way towards total clean energy (36 replies)
  144. The Texas tea party’s best days may be behind it (20 replies)
  145. Secretly Recorded CHEMTRAILS Pilot Speaks Video (12 replies)
  146. Evidence That Both Navy Seals Found Dead Had Links To Boston Boston Bombing (13 replies)
  147. The Real Death Panels the Repugs Won't EVER Talk about (3 replies)
  148. Annual Insanity, Rabble Rousing, Hilarity: CPAC Conference 2014 (34 replies)
  149. Putin Porn: The Awkward Conservative Crush on Putin (6 replies)
  150. nice cities in the United States to live in (26 replies)
  151. CIA and US Senate row over torture report leads to IG investigation (77 replies)
  152. Why no sanctions against the U.S. when they invaded Iraq ? (41 replies)
  153. Giant Virus found in Frozen Siberia underground (3 replies)
  154. Why the 'Texas Economic Miracle' is a Bunch of BS (148 replies)
  155. US vs Russia: Ukraine fiasco (450 replies)
  156. Take a bullet for the register for $7.25 an hour (91 replies)
  157. Evidence of Obamacare Death Panels (1 replies)
  158. Workout video of the day (1 replies)
  159. Interesting opinion (21 replies)
  160. Texans are about to lose it (34 replies)
  161. Oppss..... (7 replies)
  162. Anatomy of the Deep State: Beneath Veneer of Democracy, The Permanent Ruling Class (0 replies)
  163. Americans rising up against government (12 replies)
  164. Camp Tax Simplification Bill (50 replies)
  165. California issues 2 new online poker bills (1 replies)
  166. Exxon Mobile CEO Sues To Stop Fracking Near His Texas Ranch (186 replies)
  167. Why Super-Fast Internet Is Coming Super Slowly (301 replies)
  168. Only 9% of Scientists Self-Identify as Conservative (129 replies)
  169. Ajit Pai: FCC Wades into Newsrooms (32 replies)
  170. Repug Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against NYPD Spying AP Caused Muslims to suffer (2 replies)
  171. My body, our choice (0 replies)
  172. Annual List of Corporate Welfare Queens.....2013 Edition.. (61 replies)
  173. Fannie Mae (1 replies)
  174. Greg Abbott is an Idiot.... (168 replies)
  175. Ted "subhuman mongrel." Nugent (18 replies)
  176. U.S. Navy is Getting Ready To Use Star Wars Lasers in Battle (15 replies)
  177. Arizona at it again (105 replies)
  178. Food stamps, tinfoil hats, and the like (3 replies)
  179. First "smart" pistol hits the shelves in California (16 replies)
  180. What are the odds SA gets google fiber? (15 replies)
  181. TXU lines up funding for bankruptcy (2 replies)
  182. Robert 3rd Reich no fan of Horatio Alger (31 replies)
  183. "Y'all are violatin my RIGHTS!" (40 replies)
  184. Jesus Packing Heat... (2 replies)
  185. Another problem caused by "my country can do no wrong" right wingers (11 replies)
  186. Filipino military chief: China claims are nonsense (0 replies)
  187. Kiev protestors capture 67 police (19 replies)
  188. Paralyzed woman walks again with 3D-printed robotic exoskeleton (4 replies)
  189. Why does everyone hate Obama so bad? (78 replies)
  190. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The High Price Of Today's Broken 401(k) (10 replies)
  191. Tom Steyer planning $100 million campaign push (25 replies)
  192. Early Primary Voting Begins (2 replies)
  193. World’s First 3D-Printed Titanium Bike (9 replies)
  194. Earth revolves around the sun? 1 in 4 Americans say nope (18 replies)
  195. Google’s World Domination Plan (8 replies)
  196. Who's Watching Porn? (0 replies)
  197. In 2014, It's Clinton's to Lose (37 replies)
  198. Victory for CA gun owners. (24 replies)
  199. Meanwhile in Sochi… (5 replies)
  200. Taibbi: Banks are buying up heavy industry (28 replies)
  201. Props to Rand Paul... (14 replies)
  202. New Poll: Most Republicans Want To Regulate Carbon Pollution (36 replies)
  203. What's $17,211,558,177,668.77? (46 replies)
  204. Ohio Attempting To Stop Tesla From Selling Cars, Again (7 replies)
  205. 22 facts about the upcoming demographic shock wave (14 replies)
  206. Common Objections: The Old Testament is Full of Rape, Murder, Slavery, Homophobia (55 replies)
  207. Oregon man trolls city council's gun control effort (0 replies)
  208. Abbott Calls Rio (22 replies)
  209. Powerful Speech by Cuban Refugee (15 replies)
  210. gun fellator/murderer of blacks cries about his iddy biddy puppy (0 replies)
  211. Oklahoma restaurant that won’t serve ‘f*ggots’ gets Internet push as ‘best gay bar’ (4 replies)
  212. Example of govt (state) policy creating jobs (0 replies)
  213. What really happened to Osama Bin Laden? (21 replies)
  214. SAFE Act Proponent Brings Firearm on Campus (7 replies)
  215. Syria, Qatar, Gas and the "Civil War" (0 replies)
  216. Chastened G.O.P. Tries to Foil Insurgents at Primary Level (3 replies)
  217. Scott Walker loves Freedom and Ronald Reagan so much... (62 replies)
  218. A Corporate War Against a Scientist, and How He Fought Back (2 replies)
  219. Republican Party wing creates 18 fake websites for Democrats (0 replies)
  220. Goddess's SodaStream controversy shows Hollywood’s fading Zionism (0 replies)
  221. That's Not Racist... (3 replies)
  222. Sochi (3 replies)
  223. Small Guy Gets Screwed Again... (2 replies)
  224. Big Pharma Presses US To Quash Cheap Drug Production In India (8 replies)
  225. Smaller Government! Bring Manufacturing Back! (18 replies)
  226. Wendy Davis joins Greg Abbott in supporting ‘open carry’ gun law (19 replies)
  227. Ambassador Appointment Draws Ire Inside Democratic Donor Class (14 replies)
  228. Year Of Code Backed By UK Government (1 replies)
  229. New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks U.S. Government (31 replies)
  230. I created a horrible PUBLIC HEALTH DISASTER today (27 replies)
  231. Judge: Drivers Allowed to Warn Fellow Motorists of Speed Traps (1 replies)
  232. The Beefy Crunch Burrito is NOT on sale (1 replies)
  233. Laugh at a Liberal Thread (17 replies)
  234. ObamaCare expected to lead to loss of nearly 2.3 million US jobs, report says (85 replies)
  235. BBC: Hamburg seeks to be "car-free" in 20 years (9 replies)
  236. Venkat: Consent of the Surveilled (1 replies)
  237. Gays in the Military! (2 replies)
  238. WSJ: A Strategy to Counter Democracy's Global Retreat (23 replies)
  239. In Mississippi, NASA's $350 Million Tower of Pork (23 replies)
  240. Republican thug (19 replies)
  241. Privatization: Guess Who Wins, and Who Loses (1 replies)
  242. Gallup: Democrats and Republicans Differ on Top Priorities for Gov't (0 replies)
  243. Stand your ground law (29 replies)
  244. lol #myrightwingbiracialfamily (5 replies)
  245. WSJ: Ted Cruz: The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama (152 replies)
  246. The Shoe... (17 replies)
  247. Government Tracking Students from Preschool to Workforce (0 replies)
  248. The Country Is Going To Hell: Duck Dynasty Guy Invited To President SOU Speech (13 replies)
  249. red states suck, blue states don't (54 replies)
  250. El Universal: DEA allowed the Sinaloa drug cartel to smuggle billions... (11 replies)