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  1. Weekly Standard: Tax cuts didn't starve the beast (12 replies)
  2. An argument for keeping tax breaks for parents (178 replies)
  3. The voice of the walmart striker (309 replies)
  4. MONOPOLY IS THEFT! (13 replies)
  5. I'm not sure if this was WC or Darrin (17 replies)
  6. Cornel West: Sharpton Sold Soul for Obama (22 replies)
  7. Man Arrested At Oakland Airport For Ornate Watch (7 replies)
  8. Ron Paul (1 replies)
  9. Playing poker with trillions: A prison of debt (17 replies)
  10. Solutions Initiative II: The fiscal cliff and beyond (11 replies)
  11. "Ron Paul is the San Antonio Spurs of Congress" (25 replies)
  12. Senator Rand Paul just uploaded a video: George Orwell's dystopian novel (3 replies)
  13. Romney loves him that cool aid. (9 replies)
  14. No more ding dongs and twinkies (114 replies)
  15. Washington Monthly: How we could blow the energy boom (1 replies)
  16. Operation Pillar of Cloud.. (1 replies)
  17. You really can't make this up.... (3 replies)
  18. You really can (5 replies)
  19. Occupy does something (1 replies)
  20. BP escapes serious pain (13 replies)
  21. John Cornyn pledges to use Senate leadership post to showcase Texas as ‘model for the (11 replies)
  22. Pope Murders Woman In Ireland; Coming next to Repug-rape-caucus America (20 replies)
  23. US Air Force Scraps ERP Project After $1 Billion Spent (2 replies)
  24. Global Warming and San Antonio (15 replies)
  25. Republicans caught between a rock and a hard place (137 replies)
  26. $100Bs lost taxes by not taxing very profitable non-profits (6 replies)
  27. Congressman Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress (11 replies)
  28. Barry standing tall and kickin some old white assholes (45 replies)
  29. ABC Poll: 57% Support path to citizenship for illegals (17 replies)
  30. I'd take illegal aliens any day over these people (25 replies)
  31. G O P (0 replies)
  32. Repug governance by ideology (2 replies)
  33. USA will produce more oil/gas than Saudi Arabia (53 replies)
  34. Senators propose comprehensive immigration changes (15 replies)
  35. Casino gaming in Texas (13 replies)
  36. Earth to GOP: Get a Grip (49 replies)
  37. Interesting tidbit came out about Petraeus "e-mails" (58 replies)
  38. A Question for Manny about Obama... (4 replies)
  39. The failure of U.S. news media (12 replies)
  40. lol Secession (76 replies)
  41. Japan headed for recession (0 replies)
  42. Fiscal Cliff Explained (5 replies)
  43. Dude? (57 replies)
  44. Election night traffic jam (1 replies)
  45. Herman Cain says it's time for a 3rd Party (21 replies)
  46. Greece new budget is going to make poor Greeks even poorer (2 replies)
  47. Rand Paul has gone essentially rogue in the Senate (61 replies)
  48. Any politician who supports this? (8 replies)
  49. GallUp has lost all credibility.... (4 replies)
  50. Why is it that Romney voters complain about lazy freeriders.. (9 replies)
  51. By disenfranchising Ron Paul supporters, Mitt Romney won the primary but lost the ele (39 replies)
  52. Obama 332 - Romney 206 (63 replies)
  53. What do they have in common? (18 replies)
  54. Obamacare forever and ever. (1 replies)
  55. Facebook Obama Slur: Woman Gets Fired for Racial Slur (17 replies)
  56. Election Data Dive (10 replies)
  57. Frum: Republicans lied to by 'conservative entertainment complex' (7 replies)
  58. Christian Right Failed to Sway Voters on Issues (20 replies)
  59. Kucinich Announces Congressional Briefing on U.S. Combat Drone Program (15 replies)
  60. Fox News anti-weed Agenda (36 replies)
  61. Climate change agenda for Obamas 2nd term (7 replies)
  62. Bouton's Outhouse (22 replies)
  63. Voting fraud attempts foiled, two arrested. (21 replies)
  64. Elizabeth Warren a woman of few words (6 replies)
  65. Petraeus resigns (276 replies)
  66. And the layoffs start... (122 replies)
  67. The fatal flaw of Republicanism (375 replies)
  68. Govt Create Jobs and Wealth: Socialist San Antonio Floating in taxpayer $Bs (2 replies)
  69. Cantor doubles down (49 replies)
  70. Racist South being racist (9 replies)
  71. Which Spurstalk poster embarrassed himself the most on Election Night? (38 replies)
  72. Romney ‘transition’ website briefly appears online (3 replies)
  73. Romney's staff's credit cards cancelled ... (29 replies)
  74. Here comes the Iranian boogeyman (43 replies)
  75. well that didnt take long (39 replies)
  76. Fiscal Cliff: For or Against it? (36 replies)
  77. Rep. West not conceding, cites 'irregularities' (2 replies)
  78. Medical Marijuana and Driving. after a year, 8-11% decrease in traffic fatalities (0 replies)
  79. Obama got the Benghazi bad guy as promised... (18 replies)
  80. Obama wins, but the nation remains divided (1 replies)
  81. Looks like the markets are pricing in a recession/depression (21 replies)
  82. The Responsible Party (105 replies)
  83. Israel begins construction of 1,200 settler homes as a "warning" to Palestinians (2 replies)
  84. Election results raise questions about impact of Citizens United (26 replies)
  85. :lol GOP (16 replies)
  86. in a nation of children, santa claus wins (35 replies)
  87. Obama’s big win does not mean Nate Silver is a towering electoral genius. (35 replies)
  88. The GOP cannot seriously be thinking of nominating Ryan in 2016. (62 replies)
  89. Interesting Republican concession (1 replies)
  90. apple down 22.30 today (5 replies)
  91. Now, "Day One" BS gone, Now To Move The Country Forward (3 replies)
  92. The Devil's in the details, but this is encouraging (33 replies)
  93. Why, oh why did Republicans lose? Why do they keep continuing to lose? (6 replies)
  94. Stay Classy Republicans (60 replies)
  95. Michael Tanner says it like it is (15 replies)
  96. William Saletan: Obama the moderate Republican (13 replies)
  97. Romney Could End Up With Less Votes Than McCain Got In 2008 (5 replies)
  98. BBC: Early returns suggest Puerto Ricio may vote for US statehood (13 replies)
  99. Exit poll demographics (27 replies)
  100. PreK4 (107 replies)
  101. Estrogen rules in New Hampshire (3 replies)
  102. Fox News is golden (114 replies)
  103. If we got a really strong mandate tonight, it was a mandate that (184 replies)
  104. LOL Paul Ryan (8 replies)
  105. Oh! A phong is ringin! Who's that callin' the Kenyan President! (1 replies)
  106. Yonivore (0 replies)
  107. gtown/ignignokt (5 replies)
  108. DarrinS (0 replies)
  109. Pretty amazing (0 replies)
  110. It's official... (32 replies)
  111. ****Official Fox News Thread***** (0 replies)
  112. Women are sluts and you can't change that (0 replies)
  113. Failure (0 replies)
  114. Everyone Mocking Mitt Romney (13 replies)
  115. What a country (22 replies)
  116. lmao Romney/RNC. I bet they regret this now.. (45 replies)
  117. Attention: dumb GOPers who were calling Nate Silver a fraud (12 replies)
  118. F U Kock brothers and Sheldon A-holeson (0 replies)
  119. xrayzebra (47 replies)
  120. LMAO Mitt Romney (6 replies)
  121. Game Ovah... (2 replies)
  122. Hey Red Team (14 replies)
  123. weed smokers 1 old fashion puritanism 0 (27 replies)
  124. It Doesn't Matter (0 replies)
  125. lmao Team Red (44 replies)
  126. Hopefully Todd Akin's body is remembering to shut it down (2 replies)
  127. Who Did You Vote For? (17 replies)
  128. ***The Official Barack Obama Victory Thread*** (26 replies)
  129. Social Media Chatter On Election Day Points To an Obama Victory (0 replies)
  130. Remember this exit poll (1 replies)
  131. First exit poll data should be released in about 20 minutes... (27 replies)
  132. Predict the Senate... (6 replies)
  133. U.S Voters Don't Know Who Elects the President (1 replies)
  134. David Frum: America's voting system is a disgrace (53 replies)
  135. Baton Rouge Obama supporter explains which race is most important to her (51 replies)
  136. Need clarification RE: vetoing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (3 replies)
  137. Liberals let Obama get away with unconstitutional actions (7 replies)
  138. Why It May Be Illegal to Instagram Your Ballot (1 replies)
  139. Grand Dragon Gecko of the Royal Knights.... (4 replies)
  140. Texas is a monarchy (16 replies)
  141. Complete Anecdotal Evidence from "Battleground" (23 replies)
  142. The Official 2012 Election Day thread sponsored by Goldman Sachs (1168 replies)
  143. sons this is what the electoral college map will look like in less than 24 hours ... (164 replies)
  144. Have you ever been polled? (10 replies)
  145. If Obama wins reelection... (88 replies)
  146. Nate Silver Bets the Farm: Obama 92.2% Odds of Winning (51 replies)
  147. Weighing the Pre-K for SA pluses and minuses...big boo (0 replies)
  148. How Obama can lose but still win (6 replies)
  149. Good luck team players (4 replies)
  150. 9/11 was an inside job (34 replies)
  151. Assassins' Creed (or how to impoverish the 99% and nullify democracy ) (0 replies)
  152. LOL Credit Rating Agencys litigation S&P (2 replies)
  153. Predicitons snapshots (5 replies)
  154. A Capitalist’s Dilemma, Whoever Wins on Tuesday (9 replies)
  155. Voting already a mess in Florida (12 replies)
  156. I disagree with Nate Silver for reasons I care not to disclose (41 replies)
  157. Obama take lead in Utah (3 replies)
  158. Nate Silver Nov. 4th Update: Obama has 85.1% chance of winning (121 replies)
  159. Like ALEC, another tax exempt organization blatantly violating the rules for xemption (2 replies)
  160. The Obama Paradox (28 replies)
  161. Early Voting Experience In North Carolina Bodes Ill For Civility On Election Day (10 replies)
  162. chris rock has a message for undecided white voters (8 replies)
  163. 512 Paths to the White House (1 replies)
  164. The Alabama Electric Crew Misinformation Campaign (12 replies)
  165. The Progressive Retreat from Obama: Who is to Blame? (7 replies)
  166. Bout to go early vote. (6 replies)
  167. "Why Would Terrorists Send Anthrax To People Opposing The Patriot Act?" (0 replies)
  168. Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates Since 1945 (13 replies)
  169. Michael Yon: President Obama Fumbled Afghanistan (46 replies)
  170. US Government: You Don't Own Your Cloud Data So We Can Access It At Any Time (48 replies)
  171. Gecko The Liar, for Mormon, Inc: The Source of Romney’s Lying (7 replies)
  172. Texas' voter purge made repeated errors (20 replies)
  173. Repug, bubba, "Christian": Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory Ever (0 replies)
  174. The Complete Mitt Package (4 replies)
  175. Executor in Chier (4 replies)
  176. 300! (47 replies)
  177. Which stiff, out-of-tough, wealthy MA flip-flopper will lose to Christie in 2020? (14 replies)
  178. The guide to trading candy (4 replies)
  179. Nonpartisan Tax Report Withdrawn After G.O.P. Protest (45 replies)
  180. Repug Congress: We Don't Need No Steenkin Facts (1 replies)
  181. Economist endorses Obama (10 replies)
  182. Bloomberg Endorses Barry O' (21 replies)
  183. ***OFFICIAL*** October Labor Report Complaint Thread (29 replies)
  184. The Making Of Romney's Storm Relief Event (27 replies)
  185. Michelle Bachmann doesn't do "political speeches" (4 replies)
  186. Romney does another complete 180°... Now on FEMA (12 replies)
  187. I don't now if AGW affected Sandy's strength (65 replies)
  188. Winning Hearts and Minds (1 replies)
  189. Federal Judge Approves Warrantless, Covert Video Surveillance (36 replies)
  190. Facebook yanks picture posted on seal facebook page...really lame (15 replies)
  191. Sorry, dealer’s all out of race cards (43 replies)
  192. Bishop Gecko's Flood of Lies To The Finish (10 replies)
  193. Why are we criminals but church isn't, bikies ask (9 replies)
  194. <///////#~ Name 5 posters that don't bring anything to the politics forum. (19 replies)
  195. Chris Cristie on Obama Administration Disaster Relief (116 replies)
  196. President Obama Fumbled Afghanistan (65 replies)
  197. Paraphrasing Gecko's 5-point economic plan: I'M JUST SO AWESOME! (1 replies)
  198. Heckuva Job Brownie! He BAAAACK (7 replies)
  199. $1.2 Quadrillion dollars (24 replies)
  200. US government is not borrowing enough. (47 replies)
  201. Oldies hate Mitt too (5 replies)
  202. The Agloco Honorary Invention of the Week: IBM replacing silicone based circuitry (16 replies)
  203. Could Election Day be possibly postponed due to Sandy? (0 replies)
  204. Meet the Frackers (0 replies)
  205. Infowars.com: Could Hurricane Sandy by Weather Modification? (136 replies)
  206. Advice needed. (11 replies)
  207. Hurricane Sandy aka God's Wrath per par? (26 replies)
  208. Gecko, 1%er pocket $Bs from Barry saving GM/Chrysler (27 replies)
  209. Courts Rule US Government Above the law (12 replies)
  210. U.S. Expands Secretive Drone Base for African Shadow War (0 replies)
  211. Fukushima fish still contaminated from nuclear accident (6 replies)
  212. Pakastani Politician Detained By US Customs Over Opposition To Drone Strikes (50 replies)
  213. Sweden runs out of trash; forced to import garbage for incineration plants (15 replies)
  214. Natalee Holloway memorial thread (3 replies)
  215. How well, if at all did the Allies know the Hollocaust was happening? (30 replies)
  216. Climate Deniers Are Giving Us Skeptics a Bad Name (11 replies)
  217. Income stagnation in the U.S.A. (6 replies)
  218. Democrips tell military to stand down (22 replies)
  219. more voter fraud (17 replies)
  220. Nigel Farage goes OFF on the EU (0 replies)
  221. voter fraud in ohio (40 replies)
  222. I use Vasoline to... (3 replies)
  223. "Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?" trending! (8 replies)
  224. Romney campaign photoshops event size (11 replies)
  225. GOP in Crisis: Split Over Whether to Emphasize Misogyny or Racism (6 replies)
  226. Benghazi attacks: more info. (120 replies)
  227. Meridian Mississippi sued for school-to-prison pipeline (38 replies)
  228. WaPo: the"disposition matrix" and how Obama is institutionalizing the war on terror (10 replies)
  229. Barbara Ehrenreich: How corporations and local government use the poor as piggy banks (27 replies)
  230. Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies (41 replies)
  231. Asshat Texas AG Greg Abbott Internation election observers (19 replies)
  232. Your first time should be with Barack Obama (34 replies)
  233. E-voting puts vote accuracy at risk in four key states (15 replies)
  234. Greg Palast on How the GOP Is Planning to Steal the 2012 Election (4 replies)
  235. ***OFFICIAL*** 2012 rape thread for the 2012 elections (22 replies)
  236. Africa’s economy (0 replies)
  237. Powell endorses Obama again (146 replies)
  238. Colbert Report (3 replies)
  239. Game Changer (39 replies)
  240. Michael E. Mann Sues For Defamation Over Comparison To Jerry Sandusky (1 replies)
  241. Big Bird, Binders & Bayonets (4 replies)
  242. CNN: Not Only Is Obama's Plan Old But It Doesn't Add Up (19 replies)
  243. Ann Coulter as we know him could be done (89 replies)
  244. That Romney hype of him actually winning is just that (86 replies)
  245. Intrade (19 replies)
  246. Last Secretary of State to become POTUS (7 replies)
  247. The October Surprises (66 replies)
  248. Obama’s Inflated Jobs Claim (4 replies)
  249. This Post Brought to you by the Letter "B" and the Number 0 (36 replies)
  250. Unlikely, but possible: a Romney-Biden administration (10 replies)