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  1. January 6 News: Gas Prices to Keep Climbing in 2012 as Global Demand Increases (10 replies)
  2. Why don't gay people support polygamy? (37 replies)
  3. Why won't Romney release his birth cer..err...his tax return? (137 replies)
  4. Volt "call back" (58 replies)
  5. Gordon Hirabayashi Has Died; He Refused To Go To WWII Internment Camp (35 replies)
  6. Obama Administration Issues Executive order to close GITMO (1 replies)
  7. Obama defies Republican obstructionism (17 replies)
  8. Perry: "I hope I'm the Tebow of the Iowa Caucus" (9 replies)
  9. Bachmann drops out (107 replies)
  10. Heterodox economics (4 replies)
  11. Danger Room: White House denies CIA teleported Obama to Mars (0 replies)
  12. Rod Dreher: Wall Street's fake conservatism (1 replies)
  13. Pat Robertson: God Told Me Who The Next President Will Be (4 replies)
  14. Bachman cancels SC trip plans. (3 replies)
  15. "What Has Obama Ever Done For Us?" (0 replies)
  16. CNN blantant censorship... makes connection go bad on purpose. (22 replies)
  17. IOWA Caucus (96 replies)
  18. Backers of Calif millionaire tax target Kardashian (11 replies)
  19. Taibbi: The Meaningless Sideshow Begins (41 replies)
  20. Obama Signs Bill To Jail Americans Indefinitely Without Charge (218 replies)
  21. A speech by Vaclav Havel to the Czech Parliament, 1997 (0 replies)
  22. Romney looking to take out Gingrich and Perry in Iowa. (0 replies)
  23. Is Twitter aiding and abetting terrorism? (2 replies)
  24. Why won't Romney release his tax records? (35 replies)
  25. California To Restrict Credit Checks In Hiring (11 replies)
  26. Mitt Romney under attack in Iowa. (5 replies)
  27. POLL: ‘Progressive’ Is The Most Positively Viewed Political Label in America (13 replies)
  28. Mitt Romney Attacks Sesame Street (39 replies)
  29. Philly Councilwoman Will ‘Retire’ for One Day, Collect a $478K Pension, and Return on (6 replies)
  30. Ron Paul's Racist Leanings (14 replies)
  31. TSA Got Everything It Wanted For Christmas (3 replies)
  32. Karl Rove - Political Predictions for 2012 (14 replies)
  33. The secrets out! Obama gave Chavez cancer! (7 replies)
  34. catholic school fires single pregnant teacher (36 replies)
  35. LMAO VA afraid of Paul, will require loyalty oath at voting (17 replies)
  36. Kelly Clarkson Endorses Ron Paul, Gets Twitter Hate Over Racism, Homophobia (18 replies)
  37. leader of bachman campaign defects to paul campaign (6 replies)
  38. Ron Paul holding strong in Iowa (29 replies)
  39. Uranium weapons ARE linked to those birth defects in Iraq (21 replies)
  40. Mapping the World's Ultra Rich (5 replies)
  41. "There Will Be Violence, Mark My Words" (7 replies)
  42. More of: Religion Makes You Stoopid and Hateful (7 replies)
  43. Well, we are probably all on the watch list now... (13 replies)
  44. Former Fed official joins Ron Paul in accusing the bank of bailing out Europe (5 replies)
  45. New Ron Paul 2012 Ad: The Washington Machine (VIDEO) (0 replies)
  46. How Banks Cheat Taxpayers (1 replies)
  47. What about Romney's racist beliefs (3 replies)
  48. Ron Paul: The NDAA Codifies Obama’s Power Grab (12 replies)
  49. Ron Paul is not a racist. (14 replies)
  50. Farm Subsidies Are on the Chopping Block (4 replies)
  51. Reuters: the watchdogs that didn't bite (1 replies)
  52. Fear of Ron Paul - Cenk Uygur (TYT) [VIDEO] (6 replies)
  53. Congress' 10 biggest enemies of the Earth (all Repugs) (1 replies)
  54. My Declaration of War on Christmas (2 replies)
  55. Help Stop SOPA (8 replies)
  56. Merry Christmas to All (6 replies)
  57. The myth live on that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started the housing crisis. (61 replies)
  58. Romney Guarantees College kids will have jobs if elected (20 replies)
  59. Trump dumps GOP (6 replies)
  60. Zero Tolerance (13 replies)
  61. Vanity Fair On the TSA and Security Theater (21 replies)
  62. A merry <Whatever you celebrate> from the house of Agloco (26 replies)
  63. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause (20 replies)
  64. can Ron Paul get the Pot Heads to vote? (24 replies)
  65. House to agree on temporary extension... (12 replies)
  66. Ron Paul's main predictions (8 replies)
  67. What Ron Paul thinks of America (13 replies)
  68. Times...they are a changin.. (0 replies)
  69. CNN bringing up Racist Ron Paul rumors again (240 replies)
  70. Sarah Palin is such an attention.... (16 replies)
  71. Oh boy (7 replies)
  72. Fargo ND ready for the hordes of Taleban storm troopers (3 replies)
  73. Boehner cuts off C-Span cameras as GOP takes beating (54 replies)
  74. LMAO www.NewtGingrich.com (5 replies)
  75. Be careful out there (0 replies)
  76. More on the Chevy Volt debacle... (11 replies)
  77. Paul Brandus: Americans don't really want spending cuts (11 replies)
  78. Could Path to Legal Marijuana Seal an Obama Victory? (75 replies)
  79. I promise to stop trolling the political forum (23 replies)
  80. Can Nonviolent Civil Disobedience = Terrorism? (12 replies)
  81. Y.H.'s call out Rant #2 (30 replies)
  82. Y.H.'s call out Rant #1 (81 replies)
  83. It's official... (50 replies)
  84. A very thorough timeline of Iraq War and the Lies (12 replies)
  85. did scotts freetail brewing lobby win? (17 replies)
  86. The President of the University of Texas Republicans tweets racist Obama rap. (28 replies)
  87. CA Politician Calls for assisination of Obama and his family (6 replies)
  88. Does he really believe this? (27 replies)
  89. Could this ever happen in real life? (21 replies)
  90. Hope (9 replies)
  91. GOP doing everything to stop Ron Paul's rise (36 replies)
  92. 30 Companies Paid Lobbyists More Than the IRS (50 replies)
  93. LMAO Holder throws race card... (49 replies)
  94. Willard Gekko: still paying 15% on fund fees (3 replies)
  95. Dr. Paul leads Iowa (3 replies)
  96. Dr. Paul: Defense Bill establishes Martial Law in America (1 replies)
  97. I don't know what it is...but Alex Wagner.. (8 replies)
  98. Saw this on the news stand... (5 replies)
  99. Kim Jong Il dead? (67 replies)
  100. BPs "Come on down to the Gulf" tv ad. (14 replies)
  101. Scientific Discovery of the Week - Volume 3 (2 replies)
  102. What about all the Congressmen and Senator Opposed (3 replies)
  103. 'IAEA Iran accusation completely absurd' (VIDEO) (1 replies)
  104. What about all the Congressmen and Senators... (1 replies)
  105. Views on America from an outsider (75 replies)
  106. Views on America from an outsider (5 replies)
  107. Political forum GTG (195 replies)
  108. Images from Egypt (27 replies)
  109. Science: Innovative Use of Plastics Could Cheaply Double Solar Cell Output (12 replies)
  110. Apple Outsources A5 Chip Manufacture ... To Texas (6 replies)
  111. YOU the People have the Power (5 replies)
  112. Barack Obama - The Most Historic President in Modern Times (2 replies)
  113. Bachmann and Santorium (0 replies)
  114. Obama is a... (1 replies)
  115. Eric Holder ordered explosives be provided to Timothy McVeigh (1 replies)
  116. Media bias for... (53 replies)
  117. Herman Cain's departure from... (4 replies)
  118. OK, somebody tell me how he does this card trick... (12 replies)
  119. Ron Paul booed for telling the truth (11 replies)
  120. Slick Rick Perry "retires" to boost pension (116 replies)
  121. S.E.C. Sues 6 Former Top Fannie and Freddie Executives (3 replies)
  122. I only post this to ask... (29 replies)
  123. Obama: A disaster for civil liberties (119 replies)
  124. Nouriel Roubini: Fragile and Unbalanced in 2012 (4 replies)
  125. Now, what do I do with... (62 replies)
  126. Russia seizes Iran-bound radioactive material (4 replies)
  127. Christopher Hitchens RIP (49 replies)
  128. Corporate Job Creator salary increases by 36.5% (53 replies)
  129. Nature magazine... (0 replies)
  130. The nattering classes... (10 replies)
  131. Bill Whittle explains... (1 replies)
  132. Keep America American! (16 replies)
  133. San Antonio "best performing city in US" (44 replies)
  134. Boutons in the trenches fighting the War on Christmas (4 replies)
  135. There was no "Mission Accomplished" banner. (49 replies)
  136. Shocking: Arizona Sheriff Charged with Racial Discrimination (50 replies)
  137. Former Bush Attorneys General Call Gingrich Position on Courts 'Dangerous' (17 replies)
  138. Last GOP debate before Iowa tonight on Fox. 12/15/11 (61 replies)
  139. Insights from the great 2011 Japan earthquake (0 replies)
  140. You knew this... (0 replies)
  141. Just because it's entertaining... (21 replies)
  142. 160K $100M Pennies. (44 replies)
  143. Solyndra, compromise national security... (32 replies)
  144. Bigger welchers: KoolaidMan or the GOP (3 replies)
  145. Time Magazine's... (55 replies)
  146. Wow! Someone working in the FoxNews... (24 replies)
  147. The law of unintended... (4 replies)
  148. This is kind of superfluous since... (5 replies)
  149. MALDEF sues to end property tax and go to income tax in Texas (103 replies)
  150. Lawrence Lessig on Campaign Finance Reform (4 replies)
  151. Inequality (56 replies)
  152. Grateful Iraq people show their thanks to US for overthrowing Saddam... (30 replies)
  153. Dr. Paul, strongest against Obama (33 replies)
  154. 2.5 million young adults gain coverage thanks to Obama (13 replies)
  155. The World Stands Behind Dr. Paul (0 replies)
  156. Ron Paul cals for ciminal charges against Eric Holder (0 replies)
  157. Immigration Crackdown Also Snares Americans (103 replies)
  158. Gingrich? (54 replies)
  159. Conan Pushing the Envelope (15 replies)
  160. Irony and Hypocrisy all rolled into one... (28 replies)
  161. Hey everybody, let's start... (9 replies)
  162. Capitalism Is the Enemy of Democracy (4 replies)
  163. Obama promises to veto payroll tax extension... (37 replies)
  164. More than 80% of Super PACs so far has come from 58 donors (1 replies)
  165. Really? (3 replies)
  166. How do you atheists celebrate Christmas? (302 replies)
  167. You guys REALLY don't want that Canadian oil pipeline? (189 replies)
  168. Nick Gillespie @ WaPo: Five myths about Ron Paul (26 replies)
  169. Video Showing ABC's Manipulation of Interview with President al-Assad (2 replies)
  170. Talk-show host offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out (26 replies)
  171. TCC professor's lecture on Islam stirs controversy (25 replies)
  172. Dutch Architecture Firm Designs Something "9/11"ish (17 replies)
  173. Spirits of the Cold War (6 replies)
  174. One State Under God.. (43 replies)
  175. Mitt vs Newt remarks on how they got rich gets nasty. (17 replies)
  176. New Paul Web Ad: “Selling Access” (VIDEO) (3 replies)
  177. The Remoteness of 1% Wars (15 replies)
  178. Mitt Romney's $10k wager to Perry (28 replies)
  179. Eagle Ford Versus Edwards Aquifer (58 replies)
  180. Bill O'Reilly caught leaving Newt fundraiser (VIDEO) (6 replies)
  181. Scientific Discovery of the Week - Volume 2 (4 replies)
  182. Atheists Lest Trusted than Rapists (111 replies)
  183. Newt Gingrich has been exposed! (65 replies)
  184. I just had sex (3 replies)
  185. Hermann Goering's Quote (10 replies)
  186. War on Iran has already begun (38 replies)
  187. Saturday's GOP debate on ABC should be a good one. (32 replies)
  188. LOL Perry's new ad puts another nail in his coffin (6 replies)
  189. TSA Facing Death By a Thousand Cuts (8 replies)
  190. House GOP Hold Tax Cut Hostage to Keystone XL Pipeline, Based on Discredited Job Nbrs (28 replies)
  191. The Correct "Right" Ticket (32 replies)
  192. 2011 Political Awards Voting (51 replies)
  193. NLRB dismissed blackmail of Boeing after new labor agreement reached... (21 replies)
  194. One for the Bible Thumpers: Five Mistakes in Your Bible Translation (37 replies)
  195. Ron Paul’s Army Eyes an Iowa Caucus Upset (2 replies)
  196. London Banker: Why I oppose financial stability (50 replies)
  197. Drone Wars: Iran military shoots down U.S. drone (81 replies)
  198. Perry's ad attacking gays in military and "war on religion" (29 replies)
  199. You're the Wrong One, Mr. Gingrich (VIDEO) (0 replies)
  200. Supreme Court Legitimizing Medical Patents? (3 replies)
  201. Obama hates babies (23 replies)
  202. NRO: Why Not Medical Pricing Transparency? (19 replies)
  203. WTF? Fort Hood shootings "workplace violence"???? (16 replies)
  204. Ron Paul 100% correct on terrorism (29 replies)
  205. Ron Paul wins Twitter primary (15 replies)
  206. When some of us suggested... (231 replies)
  207. Morning Joe: Michele Bachmann (24 replies)
  208. Business Insider: Ron Paul's Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa (3 replies)
  209. FORBES: Ron Paul Should Be The Next President Of The United States (14 replies)
  210. Woman Who Attacked ObamaCare Apologizes After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (13 replies)
  211. Rodney Balko: Why The Government Is Ramping Up The Use Of Force (34 replies)
  212. Shaky empire on its last legs (1 replies)
  213. The Candidate of "NO": Legislation Ron Paul has voted against (22 replies)
  214. America is OK with Muslim president but not a Mormon? (46 replies)
  215. Clinton’s Geneva accord: ‘Gay rights are human rights’ (22 replies)
  216. Game over...Romney has it sewn up... (10 replies)
  217. I thought Illegals didn't get welfare? (46 replies)
  218. South Fulton Fire Department strikes - again? (71 replies)
  219. Atheists Who Go to Church: Doing It for the Children (82 replies)
  220. Obama has secured more cash from Wall Street than all GOPers combined (10 replies)
  221. Obama issues "kill order" on Ron Paul (35 replies)
  222. Conservative policies kill more veterans than Al Qaeda (44 replies)
  223. Ron Paul: 'f**k off and die already' (48 replies)
  224. The National Defense Authorization Fact (33 replies)
  225. House Vote On Passage: H.R. 1540 (2 replies)
  226. Heaven/Hell and the 72 Virgins (0 replies)
  227. Your a mean one, Newt Gingrich... (27 replies)
  228. The Cost of America's Secret Wars, Then and Now (3 replies)
  229. Trump GOP debate - MItt says no (20 replies)
  230. James Madison - Father of the US Constitution (VIDEO) (3 replies)
  231. Cuomo caves to protesters, will hike taxes on rich New Yorkers (1 replies)
  232. Jesus was a free marketer, not an occupier (39 replies)
  233. The Deficit: Nine Myths We Can't Afford (113 replies)
  234. hmmm...run starting on greek banks? (1 replies)
  235. Health care law changing behavior (0 replies)
  236. Bachman gets confronted by 8-yr old on homosexuality. (141 replies)
  237. Ron Paul exercises P.I.M.P. hand on Trump + Newt (8 replies)
  238. Let’s open the door to the European Union (1 replies)
  239. Bomb Buried in Obamacare Explodes - Hallelujah! (13 replies)
  240. The city of Cleveland has passed a resolution endorsing the Occupy movement (18 replies)
  241. Romney now says he supports payroll tax cut (26 replies)
  242. How private healthcare keeps Americans cowed and compliant (29 replies)
  243. Africa: The world changed again, while you weren't looking (2 replies)
  244. An interview with Ron Paul (1 replies)
  245. Gasoline: The new big U.S. export (133 replies)
  246. Postal cuts to slow delivery of first-class mail (11 replies)
  247. Ronulan Attack: Ron Paul Polling 2nd In Iowa, Ahead Of Mitt Romney (17 replies)
  248. Putin's United Russia party suffers exit poll blow (0 replies)
  249. Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy (RON PAUL VIDEO) (10 replies)
  250. KENS 5: Added to our drinking water: A chemical 'more toxic than lead'? (57 replies)