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  1. A package containing the poison ricin and addressed to Trump intercepted by law enforcement (11 replies)
  2. #DoItMitch (2 replies)
  3. Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Hosts A Focus Group With Real Trump Supporters (14 replies)
  4. The Secret Life of Joe Biden (3 replies)
  5. Michigan Judge Extends Deadline 2 Weeks for Mail-In Ballots Postmarked by November 2 (11 replies)
  6. Black Lives Matter co-founder teams up with pro-Chinese Communist Party group (10 replies)
  7. RBG Dead (1241 replies)
  8. Happy New Year TGY (0 replies)
  9. Would You Switch Political Parties for 1 Million Dollars? (270 replies)
  10. Trump to Rule on TikTok Deal (78 replies)
  11. Chris Rock: "Pelosi and democrats are to blame for pandemic. Too busy pushing impeacheny and fake news and let the virus in" (113 replies)
  12. Minneapolis City Council alarmed by surge in crime months after voting to defund the police (150 replies)
  13. The official Presidente Debates thread. Will Biden attend? Will Rogan host? Will Trump sting like a butterly or be thrilla in Manillaed???? (59 replies)
  14. A bug in Joe Biden's campaign app gave anyone access to millions of voter files (7 replies)
  15. Feral Republicans: South Dakota Attorney General Hits Deer, Kills Man (38 replies)
  16. Minority Report: We Must Prosecute Trump For Elderly Abuse (20 replies)
  17. Staggering Number of Hysterectomies Happening at ICE Facility, Whistleblower Says (73 replies)
  18. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's running mate in the 2020 election, raised eyebrows on Monday evening after she accidentally touted economic plans under a "Harris administration." (37 replies)
  19. A stultifying compendium of Trump administration grift, corruption and rank incompetence (25 replies)
  20. Russia pledges military and financial aid to Belarus president. Doubling down vs NATO (11 replies)
  21. More Americans are taking on new debt for boats, motorcycles, and RVs (41 replies)
  22. Canadian news anchor hits back after being criticized for showing 'too much cleavage' (0 replies)
  23. Gretchen Whitmer is spending $1.1 (54 replies)
  24. Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize (302 replies)
  25. Bob Woodward's New Book "Rage" (272 replies)
  26. Amazon is hiring 33,000 new employees with an average compensation package worth $150,000 (33 replies)
  27. Only in Alabama... (11 replies)
  28. 10 Ways Trump Is Becoming a Dictator, Election Edition (43 replies)
  29. The Latest On Republican Efforts To Make It Harder To Vote (14 replies)
  30. 2020 U.S. General Election Battleground State: Texas (1 replies)
  31. Kamala Harris Is An Anti Vaxxer (81 replies)
  32. 2020 Senate Predictions? (37 replies)
  33. The Assange trial. "A farce. Us govmt keeps changing the charges and Brit judge allowing them" - Snowden (91 replies)
  34. Vancouverville (84 replies)
  35. Trump's DOJ wants to represent him in case (0 replies)
  36. Trump calls U.S. war dead "losers" and "suckers", says amputees should be kept out of parades (2 replies)
  37. DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack (11 replies)
  38. Will COVID-19 Inadvertently Resolve the Social Security Issue? (15 replies)
  39. Battle of Lake Travis (38 replies)
  40. How much do Democrats hate white people? (4 replies)
  41. trump calls our fallen heroes "losers" (599 replies)
  42. Would you even take the vaccine if it comes out before December? (279 replies)
  43. Philadelphia Mayor Dines Indoors Despite Banning It (24 replies)
  44. The War Machine Is Doing Awesome Thread (24 replies)
  45. The verdict is in: Ed Snowden is an American Patriot. Court rules NSA surveillance was illegal (4 replies)
  46. Pelosi Breaks "The Law" And Wants An Apology (180 replies)
  47. The Mathias Ometu Situation (3 replies)
  48. Novichok, worst nerve agent in history. Navalny gets Skrippaled by NATO (47 replies)
  49. US economy adds 428,000 private payrolls in August, sharply missing expectations: ADP (17 replies)
  50. Chumpettes: Have You Earned Your Cookies? (20 replies)
  51. The Left Case Against Supporting Joe Biden in the General Election (221 replies)
  52. Rip (29 replies)
  53. Trump Crapifying the 2020 US Census ... (12 replies)
  54. SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone - Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses (404 replies)
  55. Obama took away your guns (22 replies)
  56. Protestor shot and killed in Portland (375 replies)
  57. Sex assault charges filed against Jacob Blake in July prompted police to respond before shooting: union report (5 replies)
  58. Bigger Right Wing Hero: Rittenhouse or Zimmerman? (92 replies)
  59. right wings new hero, kyle rittenhouse caught on camera beating up a girl (1375 replies)
  60. Trump Program to Cover Uninsured Covid-19 Patients Falls Short of Promise (2 replies)
  61. trump wants a herd immunity response to covid. (93 replies)
  62. Second Wave of Mass Job Layoffs Coming (147 replies)
  63. Are the protests hurting Biden? (1008 replies)
  64. House of Reps starts contempt proceedings against Mike Pompeo (0 replies)
  65. Rand Paul Calls For The FBI To Crack Down On Paid-For Interstate Violence (28 replies)
  66. LMAO CNN (74 replies)
  67. Japanese PM Abe to resign over health issues: report (4 replies)
  68. No tearful memorial threads for Jacob Blake? (376 replies)
  69. The Official Hillary Clinton Is Doing Awesome Thread (162 replies)
  70. Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump: 'I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him (34 replies)
  71. CJR: How do billionaires influence the news in 2020? Consider Bill Gates. (34 replies)
  72. The Political Forum Posting Guide during the 2020 Presidential Election Season (19 replies)
  73. The Official Stand Your Ground Is Doing Awesome Thread (94 replies)
  74. "Unsurvivable Storm surge" (100 replies)
  75. Bucks boycott NBA Playoff game in wake of Blake shooting (344 replies)
  76. When does (will) Joe Biden leave the freezer? (240 replies)
  77. Interfluidity.com: our electoral system is fucking up our society (4 replies)
  78. Report: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's son facing nearly 10 years in prison after alleged stabbing (7 replies)
  79. LA jails refuse to turn 25,000 criminal illegal immigrants over to ICE (19 replies)
  80. Hurricane Laura tracking south and west: Houston/Galveston are threatened (3 replies)
  81. BLM is a terrorist group (1709 replies)
  82. Over 1,000 DNC delegates voted against party platform, in sign of Dem discord (5 replies)
  83. Racism and the origins of Austin policing: A history lesson for the governor (1 replies)
  84. Blake Attempted Suicide (169 replies)
  85. Kim Jong Un not doing awesome (25 replies)
  86. Republican National Convention Thread (1206 replies)
  87. So anyone else having trouble getting change made lately? (26 replies)
  88. Former NYT reporter blasts Melania Trump's White House Rose Garden redo: I'm 'furious' she is 'a foreigner (7 replies)
  89. Trump Golfing Yet Again.. Does he even want to be President? (13 replies)
  90. Israeli protests getting wild. Jews finally figuring out their govmnt is a piece of garbage (15 replies)
  91. Trumpism is a Racket, and Steve Bannon Knew It (10 replies)
  92. Yanis Varoufakis: How the Pandemic Has Sped Up the Passage to Postcapitalism (18 replies)
  93. Biden And His Experts Say That Masks Need To Be Worn At All Times; CherpDerper Disagrees (212 replies)
  94. "Muh Russia." (97 replies)
  95. Finally a corrupt person goes to jail... (34 replies)
  96. How long until deficits matter? (85 replies)
  97. Putin poisoning opponents for Hater (4 replies)
  98. Expanding the Killing Fields to Charlotte- RNC Convention Thread 8/24-8/27 (0 replies)
  99. USPS delays creating chaos for chicken farmers & rural america (55 replies)
  100. Liberal Metoo Hero Rose McGowan calls Biden/DNC the darkness, monsters, and liars (79 replies)
  101. 2X Hero (24 replies)
  102. Open Technology Fund sues administration for $20M in missing funds (0 replies)
  103. Why is the left so intolerant they have to attack everyone? (43 replies)
  104. Kentucky SAWM tries selling 4-year-old black child for $2,500 at gas station (11 replies)
  105. More International Embarrassment for America... Sad (5 replies)
  106. Tone Deaf Democrats: Elizabeth Warren Speaks At Native Americans Caucus (DNC) (26 replies)
  107. Trump asks Supreme Court to let him block critics on Twitter (7 replies)
  108. Epic fail: Trump and Pompeo order Iran snapback sanctions of a deal they quit years ago lol (43 replies)
  109. Prosecutors seek to reinstate Manafort indictment (6 replies)
  110. GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy Tests Positive for COVID-19 (5 replies)
  111. Edison High School student lifts shirt up, makes sexual advances at teacher during virtual class (8 replies)
  112. Steve Bannon indicted in Manhattan for role in "Build the Wall" swindle (319 replies)
  113. The Official Antifa Is Doing Awesome Thread (9 replies)
  114. Germany Begins Universal Basic Income Trial With People Getting $1,400 a Month For 3 Years (36 replies)
  115. :cry Private Platform :cry (27 replies)
  116. NYPD Endorses Trump / Chumpette Overlords Triggered (27 replies)
  117. FBI posts "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (26 replies)
  118. Joke party's joke convention getting ready to kick off (147 replies)
  119. Belarus NATO coup operation in progress: Belarus president instructs his military to keep an eye on NATO (108 replies)
  120. Cancel Culture - MAGA Style (76 replies)
  121. More than 200 charged with federal crimes, 1,000 arrested in Operation Legend, AG Barr announces (6 replies)
  122. Former counterterrorism chief: Trump defeat may prompt right-wing terror attacks (14 replies)
  123. Mailbox Hoax (3 replies)
  124. Laura Loomer who is banned everywhere just won her primary. (62 replies)
  125. Trump spoke to god...thinks he should get a third term... lmao (164 replies)
  126. The Senate Made A Criminal Referral Of Donald Trump Jr. And Jared Kushner To Prosecutors (3 replies)
  127. Americans Prize Party Loyalty Over Democratic Principles (3 replies)
  128. USA pushing 185k rotting carcasses and counting, Cuomo set to release a book on Covid leadership (24 replies)
  129. Republican National Convention Speakers to Include.... (51 replies)
  130. Denver City Council rejects plan to replace police with 'Peace Force (0 replies)
  131. Repug Convention Thread (0 replies)
  132. LOL US big pharma: Chinese vaccine to be available December will cost $150 (44 replies)
  133. CIA News Source Caught Doing Yellow Face (36 replies)
  134. Right-wing Qanon cult---‘WE ARE YOUR FAMILY NOW’: WHAT IT’S LIKE TO LOSE A LOVED ONE TO QANON (16 replies)
  135. Democratic National Convention Thread (1364 replies)
  136. American clown show: Pompeo ridiculed for saying noone can block US "unilateral" Iran sanctions from deal which US quit long ago (16 replies)
  137. CNN Poll: Biden and Trump matchup tightens as enthusiasm hits new high (206 replies)
  138. California Rolling Blackouts (12 replies)
  139. The Official Leftist Media Is Doing Awesome Thread (55 replies)
  140. Ivanka Trump, officials unveiling $122M investment for women empowerment initiative (3 replies)
  141. The TRUTH about the Millie Weaver arrest (50 replies)
  142. Robert Trump Dead (173 replies)
  143. A Racist Thread (134 replies)
  144. Standoff at Stone Mountain| 3%er's and right wing militia retreat from BLM activists (12 replies)
  145. The Post Office’s Problem Isn’t Trump (12 replies)
  146. Kamala Harris Lies Repeatedly in First Speech as Biden’s Running Mate (1 replies)
  147. Preemptive Nice Round Number 10K COVID Deaths in Texas Thread (67 replies)
  148. Trump preannounces a spoiled election (46 replies)
  149. ACTION ALERT! Let's urge Greg Abbott against mandating coronavirus vaccine (86 replies)
  150. Kimberly Frum suggested the removal, and installation, of the almost 142,000 letter collection boxes nationwide was routine, and "has been based on mail volume received in those boxes. (11 replies)
  151. Tensions linger between Biden and Obama camps throughout 2020 primary campaign: report (17 replies)
  152. Fauci says there is 'no reason' Americans can't vote in person in November (111 replies)
  153. The first domino: FBI agent pleads guilty for lying and covering up Russiagate witchhunt (79 replies)
  154. CBP surveilling US citizens exercising free speech and free assembly, like we do now (13 replies)
  155. GAO determines Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli were illegally appointed, refers to DHS IG (5 replies)
  156. Straits Times: Foxconn moving production out of China (7 replies)
  157. Hillary Clinton 'Ready to Help' in Biden Administration if Asked (43 replies)
  158. Joe and Kammy call for mandatory masks for the Orange Man virus (9 replies)
  159. US seizes Iranian fuel tankers bound for Venezuela (0 replies)
  160. The Official Magic Wand Is Doing Awesome Thread (90 replies)
  161. Michael Cohen - Disloyal (golden showers in Vegas) (2 replies)
  162. Trump wants to destroy Social Security (15 replies)
  163. Peace deal between UAE and Israel (37 replies)
  164. #Freeshit2020: guess what Dennison will offer next for votes... (6 replies)
  165. Coronavirus questions (15 replies)
  166. AOC posts poem after told she’ll get 1 minute to speak at Dem convention (26 replies)
  168. Biden, Harris Want To Force Schools To Let Biological Males into Girls' Sports (156 replies)
  169. Kamala Harris’ Biracial Heritage Has Thrown Conservatives Into A Tailspin (168 replies)
  170. The Official Democrat Prostitutes Presidential Ticket Thread (380 replies)
  171. right wing idiot throws pipebombs at BLM protest (15 replies)
  172. Right wing idiot sentenced for driving a truck through a crowd of protesters in June (8 replies)
  173. Police officers set dog on black man and say ‘good boy, good boy’ as it bites his leg (20 replies)
  174. Right wing idiot pretending to be BLM smashes windows (11 replies)
  175. Cop posted "Kill em all" on protest livestream, investigation finds (14 replies)
  176. Fivethirtyeight releases its 2020 election forecast model (30 replies)
  177. Kammy Harris talking bout 2Gs a month, 12K back pay til virus is over. (111 replies)
  178. Trump billionaire crony is trashing the USPS (722 replies)
  179. Democratic lawmaker blasts Pelosi's House recess as 'absurd' (8 replies)
  180. Trump says he is 'seriously' considering a capital gains tax cut (158 replies)
  181. Federal court: homeless can't be excluded from parks without due process and can't be foned f sleeping outside (6 replies)
  182. 2020 Election Loss: Dems' Caked-In Excuse (34 replies)
  183. Great news for Trump Campaign: Hillary will be speaking at the DNC... alomg with her pedophile husband (57 replies)
  184. At What Point Do Republicans (like Derptacular) Have To Take Responsibility For right wing extremists murdering people?? (30 replies)
  185. Big Ten & Pac-12 Nix Fall College Football in Defiance of Trump (7 replies)
  186. NZ registers 4 covid infections after 100 days of zero. Immediately locks down Auckland and partial locks down entire country. Meanwhile USA is a covid infested toilet (248 replies)
  187. Russia wins again. Sputnik V vaccine approved. Putin vaccinates his own daughters (106 replies)
  188. At What Point Do Republicans (Qtards & MAGAtards) Have To Take Responsibility For The New World Order? (16 replies)
  189. Lol WNBA (0 replies)
  190. President Under Siege!!! (10 replies)
  191. At What Point Do Democrats (Chumpettes) Have To Take Responsibility For The Rioters? (90 replies)
  192. Glenn Beck on Fox TV: “Nancy Pelosi, eat me” (1 replies)
  193. Belarus (3 replies)
  194. Official "How President Biden will handle the pandemic" Thread (54 replies)
  195. Former San Francisco mayor urges Kamala Harris to 'politely decline' VP slot, aim for AG instead (17 replies)
  196. The 4-25-20 Plan (50 replies)
  197. 4-20 (18 replies)
  198. There Is Good Reason for Biden to Fear Kanye’s Candidacy (5 replies)
  199. Biden's VP Sweepstakes! Make your call!!! (171 replies)
  200. CDC Confirms Extremely Low COVID-19 Death Rate (50 replies)
  201. Politics in Sports? New Ratings Tell You Everything You Need To Know New TV Sports Ratings Show That Americans Are Fed Up (12 replies)
  202. A Canadian sounds off on the Faild America, from Facebook (0 replies)
  203. This is child abuse. When will American Patriots wake the fuck up and take back their country? (87 replies)
  204. You could receive up to $12 in Google Plus class-action settlement (0 replies)
  205. John Kasich to Speak at Democratic Convention (142 replies)
  206. The unraveling of America (25 replies)
  207. Friday Night Massacre (48 replies)
  208. Trash/Repugs in their "Nero Decree" / fin de regime phase (1 replies)
  209. American warmongers: US intelligence: if Trump wins, Russia interfered. If Biden wins China and Iran interfered. (11 replies)
  210. Re-open dem schools. (1 replies)
  211. Trump starts the clock on a US ban of Tik Tok and WeChat, squeezes Hong Kong (23 replies)
  212. Video appears to show missile hitting Beirut port. Lebanon president does not rule out that scenario (6 replies)
  213. NFL will take billion-dollar double-whammy on lost ticket revenue as hopes of fan attendance dwindle (12 replies)
  214. #WalkAway (161 replies)
  215. 1 out of 4 mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or other defects (8 replies)
  216. Official Rona politician deadpool (53 replies)
  217. NRA getting sued (39 replies)
  218. US Oil and Gas Bust, COVID-19 related (20 replies)
  219. Fauci and family getting death threats (27 replies)
  220. Los Angeles to cut off water, power to properties hosting large gatherings (21 replies)
  221. Michelle Obama says she's dealing with 'low-grade depression' because of quarantine, racial strife and Trump (30 replies)
  222. De Blasio appears to blame NYC's crime surge on lack of federal stimulus money (7 replies)
  223. Meanwhile in Myrtle Beach, North Carolina... (63 replies)
  224. Tucker reacts to leaked George Floyd footage: 'Why haven't we seen the rest of the video until right now? (36 replies)
  225. Florida woman kicked off American Airlines flight for wearing 'offensive' mask (1 replies)
  226. lmao Liberty University... (122 replies)
  227. Massive explosions rock Beruit (102 replies)
  228. Leftist privilege (76 replies)
  229. Another day, another blooper from dementia Joe (1074 replies)
  230. Judge Roy Moore Sued Sacha Baron Cohen for Defamation; It’s About to Backfire (6 replies)
  231. President Sniffles loves hispanics... reveals a bit more than he intended (26 replies)
  232. Joe Biden buries the hatchet and looks to bring in Kamala Harris as running mate (63 replies)
  233. Oligarchy want to kill govt and privatize everything for profit, eg, USPS (1 replies)
  234. Unemployment is a national emergency (47 replies)
  235. Netanyahu says media inciting hate and violence against him (3 replies)
  236. The Upcoming Eviction Crisis (129 replies)
  237. Rep. Sanford Bishop (D) allegedly misused more than $90,000 in campaign and official funds (4 replies)
  238. Over 100 Police Agencies Withdraw From Agreements to Guard Democratic National Convention (2 replies)
  239. Yet Another Golf Outing for Trump During the Pandemic (30 replies)
  240. Minneapolis police say 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting (10 replies)
  241. Boo universal health care yay capitalism (38 replies)
  242. How Jared Kushner’s Secret Testing Plan “Went Poof Into Thin Air” (9 replies)
  243. Fauci: Trump restrictions on travel from China, Europe, UK saved American lives early in pandemic (29 replies)
  244. Heads up for speeders (8 replies)
  245. The Official China Is Doing Awesome Thread (4 replies)
  246. Trump's Vaccine Chief Picks His Own Former Employer—Where He Still Holds Millions Worth of Stock—for $2.1 Billion Deal (28 replies)
  247. I Hope This Is Not Another Lie About the Republican Party But it might be lost forever. (28 replies)
  248. Pollo Tropical Closes all Dining Rooms Amid Coronavirus Surge (5 replies)
  249. Homeland Security gathered intelligence on journalists covering Portland protests (0 replies)
  250. Levin bashes Obama eulogy for John Lewis, calls Biden 'a quasi-Bull Connor and a quasi-George Wallace' (14 replies)