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  1. Julián Castro officially announces 2020 presidential bid (30 replies)
  2. Why didnt wall get funded when Rs had presidency, senate, and the house for two years?? (131 replies)
  3. FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation of Trump (420 replies)
  4. Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible RBG departure (3 replies)
  5. CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work (153 replies)
  6. Ed Buck wtf (39 replies)
  7. LOL NY Times: “Manafort actually leaked polling data to ukranians not russians” (95 replies)
  8. Latest in making Americans suffer: trump cuts disaster funding for forest fires (40 replies)
  9. Roughly 80% of all voters say U.S. needs secure borders, including 68% of Democrats: Harvard poll (226 replies)
  10. Weatherman fired for saying "coon" on air (173 replies)
  11. LOL Apple. LOL Warren Buffet (34 replies)
  12. Hedo talks about kanter , turkey (7 replies)
  13. Shaun King helps solve hate crime -- Justice for Jazmine (90 replies)
  14. Stay Classy, Democrats (45 replies)
  15. The trouble with woke comedy (113 replies)
  16. lol anti-vaccine journo dies at 26 from H1N1 (139 replies)
  17. Trump Not Doing a Good Job (16 replies)
  18. Ocasio Cortez proposes 70% tax on ich to save the planet (263 replies)
  19. Cruz and Romney Propose Term Limits for Congress (123 replies)
  20. **The Official 116th Congress is gonna punk David Dennison Thread** (179 replies)
  21. The Green New Deal (203 replies)
  22. Democrats Unveil Changes To House Rules On Debt Ceiling, Ethics (0 replies)
  23. 2020 Democratic primary headquarters (290 replies)
  24. Happy New Year! (30 replies)
  25. Elizabeth Warren drinks beer, gives 2020 thoughts in Instagram livestream (16 replies)
  26. Where's Trump? (35 replies)
  27. House GOP quietly ends investigation into FBI's 2016 decisions (13 replies)
  28. Trump wants to build the wall but... (326 replies)
  29. Ohio Heartbeat Bill Goes Down in Flames after GOPs Side with Kasich, Planned Parenthood, and Democrats (66 replies)
  30. 2019 Predictions (0 replies)
  31. Here’s what happened because we drilled, baby, drilled (5 replies)
  32. Alfa Bank (3 replies)
  33. School Lockdowns are Causing a Psychological ‘Crisis’ for Millions of Students (84 replies)
  34. CORSI v. MUELLER (29 replies)
  35. Ex-treasurer of Parkinson Foundation’s OC chapter admits embezzlement; gets 6 months in jail (0 replies)
  36. Trump's daddy now has hypersonic missiles (48 replies)
  37. The Worst Political Predictions of 2018 (1 replies)
  38. .."and forgive them their debts": did Jesus Christ come to proclaim the Mosaic Jubilee and the forgiveness of debts? (10 replies)
  39. Merry Christmas (58 replies)
  40. Official Trump Shutdown Thread (352 replies)
  41. Micheal Hudson: "J is for Junk Economics" (31 replies)
  42. Ginsburg has long cancer (12 replies)
  43. legalizing Marijuana in Texas (91 replies)
  44. Border Security (3354 replies)
  45. We The People Will Fund The Wall (115 replies)
  46. General Mattis out over disagreement w Trump (Syria) (382 replies)
  47. Who Represents Your Worldview? (57 replies)
  48. Mueller Tightening Grip On Trump Cahones (1 replies)
  49. How Britain stole $45 trillion from India (16 replies)
  50. Texas Tribune: Pflugerville speech therapist challenges Texas BDS ban (10 replies)
  51. Capitalist / oligarchy / BigCorp Malfeasance thread (13 replies)
  52. Federal judge in Texas strikes down Affordable Care Act (32 replies)
  53. Robinhood (10 replies)
  54. Donald Trump inauguration committee under criminal investigation (69 replies)
  55. Julian Castro moves toward 2020 White House run (12 replies)
  56. Go past the shock headline and behold the thoroughly documented kleptocracy (0 replies)
  57. 9-year-old kills self after racist taunts from class: family (104 replies)
  58. TNR: Nick Ayers, expected to be named White House Chief of Staff, turns down the job. (19 replies)
  59. John Bolton sabotaging Trump. Arrest of Huaiwei executive and Kellys resignation have his fingerprints (26 replies)
  60. One Shining Moment: Sponsored by Bob Dole (33 replies)
  61. CNN Offices in New York Evacuated Due to a "Bomb Threat" (34 replies)
  62. *** The Official President Nancy Pelosi Thread *** (228 replies)
  63. ABC News' imagining of President Trump’s vision for his own funeral 'despicable garbage,' critic says (37 replies)
  64. Election fraud in North Carolina: GOP stole ballots and more (5 replies)
  65. White Nationalism's Ethnic cleansing (Stephen Miller and accomplices): Vietnamese (24 replies)
  66. Senator Hirono: Democrats Struggle To Relate To Voters Due To 'How Smart We Are' (34 replies)
  67. 63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs (60 replies)
  68. The Official Tulsi Gabbard 2020 Bandwagon Thread (1056 replies)
  69. RNC hacked lol (14 replies)
  70. Incoming speaker of the Texas House supports removing "historically inaccurate" plaque (6 replies)
  71. Alexandria ocasio Cortez is a breath of fresh air (3719 replies)
  72. The US needs to pay attention to what is going on in France... (182 replies)
  73. - This holiday season, $16B will be wasted on unwanted gifts – it's time for a new approach (2 replies)
  74. Chicago’s New PlayStation Tax Shows How Greedy Politicians Can Be (80 replies)
  75. Tijuana mayor says arrest caravan organizer, vows to stop funding migrants (1 replies)
  76. US backed rebels launch chemical attack on Syrian civilians. Crickets from US media (11 replies)
  77. CNN Waives Marc Lamont Hill (109 replies)
  78. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Celebrates ... (0 replies)
  79. It’s Not Unreasonable to Be Worried about Disease and the Caravan (5 replies)
  80. Cohen 70 Hrs of Testimony; Hillary No Trascript of meeting with FBI (18 replies)
  81. Drudge: Now That Russia Collusion Is A Proven Lie, When Do The Trials For Treason Begin? (109 replies)
  82. Chris Rock was of course right (3 replies)
  83. People of African descent face 'dire picture' of racism in EU (21 replies)
  84. Trump supporter causes wildfire after gender reveal goes wrong (42 replies)
  85. White Liberals Present Themselves as Less Competent in Interactions with African-Americans (178 replies)
  86. USA USA USA USA USA (5 replies)
  87. A Wall Street Journal interview on trade shows Trump has no idea what he’s doing (31 replies)
  88. Six years ago, President Barack Obama promised to buy a Chevy Volt after his presidency (4 replies)
  89. Police kill good guy with a gun. blame him for having gun, being good guy (80 replies)
  90. Breaking: GM to close 5 factories with over 14k jobs at risk MAGA (78 replies)
  91. Ukraine seeking to implement martial law effective tomorrow (43 replies)
  92. Meanwhile: Russian Hackers Continue to Strike US (31 replies)
  93. Gavin McInnes quits the Proud Boys (22 replies)
  94. Neo-Nazis Are Organizing Secretive Paramilitary Training Across America (20 replies)
  95. Little Girl Who Wrote Essay Denouncing Black On Black Crime Killed (188 replies)
  96. Head of Russian Military Intelligence Dies Mysteriously (5 replies)
  97. Hillary Clinton says Europe needs to curb migration to counter nationalism (35 replies)
  98. #FakeNews Media warning against romaine lettuce (4 replies)
  99. Trump vs Chief Justice John Roberts (189 replies)
  100. Tulsi Gabbard publicly tells Trump to stop being Saudi Rabias BITCH (53 replies)
  101. RIP (42 replies)
  102. She's Back! (20 replies)
  103. Should the US Invade This Island? (126 replies)
  104. Question for Mr Ted Cruz (35 replies)
  105. Garrett Epps: Who owns Oklahoma? (2 replies)
  106. Trump wanted DOJ to prosecute Hillarity and Comey (4 replies)
  107. Looks like the Obama economy is finally being taken over by the Trump economy (3 replies)
  108. @FoxNews (25 replies)
  109. US pick to replace Iranian leadership, MEK exposed as Jihadi Death Cult (5 replies)
  110. Whittaker wants to shut down Mueller? (40 replies)
  111. Gov. Jerry Brown Quietly Admits Trump Was Right, Eases California Logging Rules (35 replies)
  112. Dem emails though (153 replies)
  113. “There must be decorum at the White House.” (118 replies)
  114. So there was no corruption in Broward County? (22 replies)
  115. California fire truthers now lmao (76 replies)
  116. Asange charged by US. His only hope is suicide or a Jeremy Corbyn takeover (249 replies)
  117. Department of Justice preparing to prosecute Julian Assange (79 replies)
  118. LOL Obama, Rahm Emanuel. Chicagoans have to pay 9% tax for sitting on their couch (33 replies)
  119. Theresa Mays Government collapsing. Corbin or Boris might take over (96 replies)
  120. Avenatti arrested for domestic battery (242 replies)
  121. Avigdoe Lieberman resigns, Netanyahu coalition may fall (14 replies)
  122. Lewinsky on Clintons semen on her blue dress: thought it was spinach dip (3 replies)
  123. President Trump blames Secret Service for canceled visit to WWI cemetery in France after criticism (17 replies)
  124. Dozens killed in fires President's response: cut funding for firefighting? (0 replies)
  125. An Army for the European Union (to replace NATO in Europe)?? (17 replies)
  126. Security guard stops mass shooting then gets gunned down by cop (30 replies)
  127. College degree holders increasingly vote Democratic (116 replies)
  128. Amazon picks New York and Northern Virginia for HQ2 (2 replies)
  129. Steven King an embarrasment to even the racist in Iowa (27 replies)
  130. Police investigate after Wisconsin high schoolers posed in apparent Nazi salute (33 replies)
  131. Official Dems are doing AWESOME page (1112 replies)
  132. Ex-Clinton aide: Hillary will run again in 2020 (105 replies)
  133. McSally and Nelson should both concede (4 replies)
  134. Our Media Campaign Against Trump Is Paying Dividends (1 replies)
  135. Tensions rising between Mueller, Manafort over level of cooperation: Sources (4 replies)
  136. Jury delivers $25.5 million 'statement' to Aetna to change its ways (18 replies)
  137. Army Vet Blocked From Voting Over Flag On T-Shirt, Accused Of Supporting Trump (4 replies)
  138. Arizona Senate vote count settlement reached; counties given extension to cure ballots (1 replies)
  139. Rosenstein calls Whitaker a 'superb' choice for acting attorney general (6 replies)
  140. Prosecutors have gathered evidence of Trump’s hush money payments (34 replies)
  141. Florida election count/recount (261 replies)
  142. Rob Bob O'Rourke For President 2020 (240 replies)
  143. Jim Acosta Out! (476 replies)
  144. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, Hospitalized With 3 Fractured Ribs after fallong (219 replies)
  145. California mass shooting 12 killed (119 replies)
  146. State Economies Ranked Best to Worst (48 replies)
  147. Jeff Sessions OUT! (257 replies)
  148. LOL LOL LOL (57 replies)
  149. ***The Official Donald Trump Jr. Is Doing Awesome Thread*** (89 replies)
  150. Conservative Train: Trump 2020 "We Stand Our Grand" - BACK2BACK (0 replies)
  151. ***** Official 2018 Election Night Thread ***** (1163 replies)
  152. Finally... (44 replies)
  153. Trump lies (7 replies)
  154. Inevitable 2018 Midterm Prediction Thread.... (47 replies)
  155. I have discovered the reason why: America is racially divided (42 replies)
  156. 1MDB: Goldman Sachs rips off Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund for $2.7 Billion (29 replies)
  157. Brian Kemp: Political Hack (62 replies)
  158. Why I’m Investing $500 Million in Migrants (14 replies)
  160. What happened to the book of Q? (13 replies)
  161. Progressive fun police complainning about Derrick Rose (42 replies)
  162. Honduran Migrants in Caravan Sue Trump, Say Constitutional Rights Violated (70 replies)
  163. Supreme Court rejects Trump administration bid to halt climate trial (0 replies)
  164. Supreme Court denies Trump administration’s request to stop census citizenship question lawsuit (4 replies)
  165. Supreme Court Accepts Case of Maryland War Memorial Shaped Like Cross (66 replies)
  166. Midterms punch in the gut: Trump will keep House and Senate and even gain a few seats (135 replies)
  167. Mueller had the goods on Trump collusion (62 replies)
  168. GOP Tried to Set Up Mueller? FBI Notified (140 replies)
  169. Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order (245 replies)
  170. Craziness: Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc And Stormy Daniels Worked at the Same Strip Club (VIDEO (7 replies)
  171. “They all look alike” Hillary Clinton on Blacks (85 replies)
  172. US to quit INF nuclear treaty. China, Russia prepare for war (32 replies)
  173. she's Baaaaack!!!!! (31 replies)
  174. Robbie O'Rourke (16 replies)
  175. Pittsburgh shooting (429 replies)
  176. Homophobic Poland (45 replies)
  177. LMAO Anti-American Broadcasting Commies (10 replies)
  178. I will be on Truth Jihad Radio tonight to discuss false-flag terror & bombing attacks (109 replies)
  179. Anyone know where I can find this hat? (1 replies)
  180. Grassley sends criminal referral for attorney Michael Avenatti and Kavanaugh accuser (45 replies)
  181. The Caravan Fake News (22 replies)
  182. Faux News Going with "False Flag" (54 replies)
  183. A quarter of college students could develop PTSD because of the 2016 election, a new study suggests (11 replies)
  184. Butter emails (37 replies)
  185. Bomb placed at the Clintons’ residence (648 replies)
  186. The Secret History of anti-Mexican VIolence in Texas: Monica Munoz Martinez (42 replies)
  187. Limbaugh: Dems Get A Bunch Of Disappointing News About Mueller, FBI, Blue Wave (25 replies)
  188. Shock report: US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump’s wall (60 replies)
  189. Are you registered to vote? (35 replies)
  190. A 14-year-long oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico verges on becoming one of the worst in U.S. history (1 replies)
  191. Red meat for the kulturkampf: a national registry of genitals (11 replies)
  192. Dang det Charlie Kirk kid got f'in triggered lmao (45 replies)
  193. West Virginia Supreme Court impeached en masse (2 replies)
  194. LMAO "Nearly broke" "public servant" Clintons (5 replies)
  195. Intercept: South Carolina lobbies Trump administration to allow discrimination against non-Protestant foster parents (42 replies)
  196. Central America is Invading Mexico (1728 replies)
  197. Antifa starting a fight (46 replies)
  198. CFR heads up: watch out for "deep fakes" (11 replies)
  199. LMAO Henry Kissinger gets obliterated in his face by school children (10 replies)
  200. Pelosi calls Trump’s desire for border wall a ‘manhood issue (5 replies)
  201. Pocohontas Gets Back At Trump... (27 replies)
  202. GOP about to take a big dump on its base again.. (6 replies)
  203. Attorney General Sessions Announces New Chicago Gun Crimes Prosecution Team (11 replies)
  204. smh Fat Antonio (30 replies)
  205. UH-OH: FBI Raids Offices Of Trump-Bashing San Juan Mayor On Suspicion Of Corruption (3 replies)
  206. President Trump raises more than $100 million for 2020 re-election (2 replies)
  207. Good News: Paul Allen Is Dead (4 replies)
  208. Fake News DC Outpost Pretends That Susan Collins Was Influenced By Dark Money (14 replies)
  209. Asians Need To Check Their Privilege (130 replies)
  210. LOL MURICA (8 replies)
  211. Fake News does it's best to divide the country by showing partial footage from Trump speech (84 replies)
  212. The FBI Is Now Investigating Facebook’s Security Breach Where Attackers Had Access To 30 Million Users’ Personal Information (2 replies)
  213. Hillary Clinton lost security clearance (61 replies)
  214. Well this is a tough one to crack (24 replies)
  215. Republican poll shows Nancy Pelosi more popular than President Trump (10 replies)
  216. Intelligence Squared's Great foreign policy debate. must watch (5 replies)
  217. Saudi suspected of killing journalist at their Consulate and dismembering him (800 replies)
  218. Checkpoint Nation: "the southwest stop and frisk" (58 replies)
  219. Another enemy of the people (1 replies)
  220. An enemy of the people (2 replies)
  221. Party of tolerance (745 replies)
  222. Brasil about to elect fascism (60 replies)
  223. EPA looks at loosening radiation exposure guidelines (1 replies)
  224. Democrats say Avenatti undercut their case against Kavanaugh (10 replies)
  225. Trigger Warning: Liberals Don't Click! (81 replies)
  226. CROWDPAC has already raised $3.3M+ for Sen. Collins Challenger (9 replies)
  227. Should Christine Blasey Ford Be Prosecuted? (51 replies)
  228. My democratic bros this video will make you feel better afer the Kavanaugh epic defeat (6 replies)
  229. The lie that was capitalism (5 replies)
  230. TERROSIST ATTACK IN LONDON (85 replies)
  231. Man Edmund Burke ain't never lied about nothing (24 replies)
  232. FBI good now (1 replies)
  233. Verizon Offering Buyout Packages To as Many as 44,000 Management Employees; Some IT Employees Will Be Transferred To Indian Outsourcing Firm Infosys (1 replies)
  234. Ted Koppel on Brian Stelter (24 replies)
  235. Will Brett Kavanaugh Be Confirmed? (36 replies)
  236. Grievance studies hoax (6 replies)
  237. Which party will you be attending? (59 replies)
  238. Facebook could be forced to pay you nearly $8G after ‘disaster’ hack attack that left 50M users exposed (2 replies)
  239. Stink of failure: Trump inherited everything (39 replies)
  240. Kavanaugh questioned for assault at bar fight while in college in 1985 (39 replies)
  241. LAX airport to allow marijuana in carry-ons (6 replies)
  242. California attack on males (122 replies)
  243. LOL France (186 replies)
  244. Fake News NY Outpost Apologizes For Soliciting The Nation's Pulse (5 replies)
  245. Fake News LA Outpost Doesn't Like People Processing Info In Real Time (6 replies)
  246. Free Food for Laundry Krew and more. Great deals! (4 replies)
  247. Brit elections: jeremy corbin promises to recignize Palestine if elected (6 replies)
  248. James Woods banned by Twitter because...... drum roll...... (334 replies)
  249. Trumps historic speech at UN. Literally brought the house down (64 replies)
  250. The GOP’s Least-Worst Option Is If Kavanaugh Withdraws — And Soon (0 replies)