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  1. Ish just got real (0 replies)
  2. Flashback: 80's called and want their foreign policy back (17 replies)
  3. Another Brit beheaded for cultural Marxism (0 replies)
  4. Mexico's president calls USA "the other Mexico" (9 replies)
  6. The persistent achievement gap (53 replies)
  7. :lol Dallas (3 replies)
  8. 11 commercial jets missing from Tripoli (16 replies)
  9. 1000 years of European border change in 3 minutes (1 replies)
  10. Steven Sotloff reportedly beheaded by ISIS (32 replies)
  11. Why hackers may be stealing your credit card numbers for years (7 replies)
  12. Did Faux News fabricate "Westpoint" study? (10 replies)
  13. Fox is moderate compared to paint huffing ton post, cnn, etc (24 replies)
  14. Russian Rouble falls to new low under sanctions threat (110 replies)
  15. U.S. judge halts major part of Texas law restricting abortions (22 replies)
  16. Russia has invaded the Ukraine, and begun cyber attacks on US (90 replies)
  17. Heartbreak for lefties -- Elizabeth Warren defends Israel's right to self defense (27 replies)
  18. Obama is a Spurs fan (0 replies)
  19. Internet's Own Boy (0 replies)
  20. SS privatizing hawks news: this how we want to screw Human-Americans (0 replies)
  21. Way to go, jury! (21 replies)
  22. Crime Scene – New Orleans (4 replies)
  23. VA: Congress does nothing. Obama is doing what he can (3 replies)
  24. Seems boutons missed this in his email today (0 replies)
  25. Why does Obama and state dept. refer to ISIS as "ISIL"? (15 replies)
  26. Ferguson man stands up to looters (2 replies)
  27. Battleground Texas (57 replies)
  28. Mexico has deported 93% of unaccompanied children detained at southern border (2 replies)
  29. All right whitey, your turn to riot (5 replies)
  30. SCOTX: Companies Can Legally Lie To Their Employees (0 replies)
  31. If progressives really believe that people should have the right to... (9 replies)
  32. Britain is poorer than all US states, other than Mississippi (58 replies)
  33. Random Cuck (4 replies)
  35. How Isis grew into a monster (21 replies)
  36. Michael Brown juvenile 2nd degree murder charges (44 replies)
  37. How not to get your ass kicked by the Police... (9 replies)
  38. ACLU: Police incident report on Brown's shooting death incomplete (35 replies)
  39. Want to know what military hardware YOUR county has? (10 replies)
  40. why bank of america wont have to pay 17 billion. (0 replies)
  41. this doesn't really fit "Presidential" does it? (21 replies)
  42. LOL... Solar Plant Wants To Burn a Lot More Natural Gas (39 replies)
  43. they fought for germany (1 replies)
  44. Most plausible report on Michael Brown incident (25 replies)
  45. The future is bright (2 replies)
  47. Ukraine situation deterioriating (57 replies)
  48. Does Iraq have the political willpower to stand up to ISIS and Al Kooky terrorism? (82 replies)
  49. Texas Governor Rick Perry indicted by grand jury (173 replies)
  50. I wonder who this lady voted for? (8 replies)
  51. Understanding the Petro-Dollar (2 replies)
  52. So where are the militias/anti-government/open carry gun advocates in Missouri? (1112 replies)
  53. Poor Hillary (71 replies)
  54. Christians killing other Christians (19 replies)
  55. "Sketchy" neighborhood app (3 replies)
  56. US Military Directly Helps Supra-National Corps Exploit "communal" Property (35 replies)
  57. HRC was and is neo-con (19 replies)
  58. european revolution (0 replies)
  59. United States to ban high capacity magazines (5 replies)
  60. Yet Another Repug Privatization Roaring Success (0 replies)
  61. What's your take on the Amazon vs Hachette battle? (8 replies)
  62. Russian propaganda (21 replies)
  63. Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize (16 replies)
  64. How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt (2 replies)
  65. Iraq is such an epic disaster (173 replies)
  66. Hawaii in crosshairs (3 replies)
  67. Does it matter anymore? (3 replies)
  68. Ron Paul: Why Won't Obama Leave Ukraine Alone? (52 replies)
  69. TEPCO: Appears ALL THE RODS of reactor 3 have melted down (6 replies)
  70. Putin drops d hammer. About to ban all commercial flight over Russia (98 replies)
  71. China to Ban Coal by 2020 (19 replies)
  72. hungary based (6 replies)
  73. "The world is less violent than it has ever been" (4 replies)
  74. Breaking: US General killed by Afghan soldier (3 replies)
  75. Happy Birthday Obama! (5 replies)
  76. VIA & CITY EMPLOYEES (1 replies)
  77. boutons removed from airplane (4 replies)
  78. Big Oil Companies Pay Just A 11.7 Percent Tax Rate (2 replies)
  79. VIA AN CITY EMPOYEES (7 replies)
  80. Fighting Mexico's Knights Templar Cartel (0 replies)
  81. Judge orders DOJ to release fast and furious documents (31 replies)
  82. CIA apologizes for spying on Senate committee (3 replies)
  83. Michael Savage: Obama Practicing 'Ethnic Replacement' in America (25 replies)
  84. 120,000 illegals arrested in tucson alone (0 replies)
  85. Argentina defaults by Court order (47 replies)
  86. The west wants world war (3 replies)
  87. House Repugs Never Met a Human-American They Wouldn't Screw (1 replies)
  88. Who was first with their subscription based wealth extraction mechanism? (64 replies)
  89. MARG bar ISRAEL (7 replies)
  90. Indonesia elects metalhead preident (4 replies)
  91. border issue blown out of proportion? (0 replies)
  92. Banks Cash In on Inversion Deals Intended to Elude Taxes (10 replies)
  93. Michael Lind: Break up the states! (3 replies)
  94. militias showing americans how to be men again (9 replies)
  95. 77% of americans want illegals sent home (10 replies)
  96. Analyst: Germany Secretly Planning to Join BRICS (21 replies)
  97. Ebola: sick passenger flies to Lagos and dies (8 replies)
  98. Republican Party Fundraising Emails (5 replies)
  99. Another gun fanatic saves riding lawn mower (8 replies)
  100. Another Gun Fanatic Saves Lives (5 replies)
  101. Panel in Texas to study ending the the lottery in Texas (22 replies)
  102. Great...now we will just go to Central America and pick them up... (5 replies)
  103. Sweet! Factory tactical 10-22 (29 replies)
  104. Is there a more retarded group than the anti-execution group? (35 replies)
  105. Sen. John Walsh (D) plagiarized War College thesis (5 replies)
  106. ITT: Scumbags Jews being Jews (23 replies)
  107. Illegal Mexican gang member killed in shooting with tx police (12 replies)
  108. All ten: DPS now fingerprinting every driver at renewal (9 replies)
  109. britain is lost (17 replies)
  110. Evil assault rifle owners (8 replies)
  111. oy vey, the goyim know! shut it down! (0 replies)
  112. Muhammad Ali schools cultural Marxists (1 replies)
  113. has anyone here ever gotten into a physical altercation over politics? (20 replies)
  114. comrade perry says obama weak, will handle the border surge himself (23 replies)
  115. Harris County Grand Jury intimidates witness (0 replies)
  116. anchor babies murder 2 homeless men (7 replies)
  117. Hidden Source Code in ObamaCare Revisited (1 replies)
  118. Republican anti-immigrant douchebaggery (27 replies)
  119. Death with dignity (assisted suicide) (9 replies)
  120. What Real Gun Safety Looks Like (209 replies)
  121. Uh oh...Radioactive material stolen (5 replies)
  122. Feds as proxy, shill for BigCarbon (14 replies)
  123. Russian backed seperatists murder 23 Americans and 200+ others (110 replies)
  124. My long lost liberal brother (3 replies)
  125. Illegal Honduran murders American (50 replies)
  126. Big Surprise ...GOP Drawn Map Discriminates against latinos, Minorities (0 replies)
  127. Mission Accomplished...(IRS Neutered) (10 replies)
  128. It official, conservatives are more fearful (emotional) than liberals (39 replies)
  129. Paul Bitch-Slaps Perry Over Myopic Foreign Policy (4 replies)
  130. this is what israel calls 'roof knocking' (7 replies)
  131. The media is ridiculously one sided on the Israel-Palestine conflict (684 replies)
  132. Outsourcing Vs illegal alien jobs (3 replies)
  133. HFT shenanigans: NY sues Barclay's for dark pool fraud (4 replies)
  134. Obama (87 replies)
  135. Rolling Back the Bogus Citizens-United crap (0 replies)
  136. Explain why... (29 replies)
  137. U.S. Senate confirms San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to head HUD (2 replies)
  138. Wing-Nut-ology (18 replies)
  139. Police Obtain Warrant to Take Pictures of Teenage Boy's Erect Penis (3 replies)
  140. Red hair is all set to disappear — thanks to climate change (4 replies)
  141. Shooting The Negro a Coal-Black Finger (16 replies)
  142. Rocket attacks on Tel Aviv (8 replies)
  143. Great Precedent: Woman Settles Cavity Search Lawsuit for $1.1 Million (3 replies)
  144. Another example of MegaCorp profits perverting science and trumping human health (0 replies)
  145. Liberals calling for an end to this term, saying it's the same as n*gger (25 replies)
  146. Disrespecting an Outhouse (0 replies)
  147. Federal Highway Trust Fund: Will tea baggers shutdown the govt again? (3 replies)
  148. The New Law of Religion (22 replies)
  149. Rand Paul brings people together on Hobby Lobby issue! (4 replies)
  150. HOUSE FUN: We Don't Need/Understand No Steekin' Facts (0 replies)
  151. Exec Action: Energy Dept Just Announced $4 Billion To Fight Global Warming (3 replies)
  152. SCOTUS FUN: We Don't Need/Understand No Steekin' Science (0 replies)
  153. Feds sue US employer for requiring their employees be able to speak english (14 replies)
  154. Two guys with guns being stupid. Shocker. (159 replies)
  155. Islamic State seizes oil fields and territory in Syria (28 replies)
  156. Target 'respectfully requests' shoppers don't carry guns in store (7 replies)
  157. Reestablishment of Committee on Domestic Terrorism (2 replies)
  158. Will MSNBC call these left-wing black gun fellators "terrorists"? (19 replies)
  159. Catholic Church, what a joke (0 replies)
  160. Quinnipiac Poll says people think Obama worst President since WWII... (34 replies)
  161. Here's one for our beloved Nazi: M>S (1 replies)
  162. Obama on Immigration live (267 replies)
  163. Why Are the Super Rich So Angry? (3 replies)
  164. SCOTUS today: 2 HUGE deicisions (140 replies)
  165. Obama to nominate former Procter & Gamble head as VA secretary (21 replies)
  166. "Don't Tread On Me" (6 replies)
  167. Today is George Orwells Birthday (2 replies)
  168. Net Neutrality (553 replies)
  169. Nazi runs onto field in Germany v. Ghana World Cup Match (10 replies)
  170. What Would Christ P!ss On? (28 replies)
  171. The 12 Races That Will Decide the Senate Majority (12 replies)
  172. Judge Dismisses Major Lawsuit Against Alleged Domestic Military Spying on Antiwar Act (0 replies)
  173. Hillary Clinton trolled hard (27 replies)
  174. Let "Iraq" die. (6 replies)
  175. Those ISIS guys at least have a sense of humor.... (6 replies)
  176. Handicaps just lost their trademark (5 replies)
  177. GOP Governors Don’t Want To Cut Carbon Pollution Even Though Their States Do (21 replies)
  178. Redskins just lost their trademark (88 replies)
  179. Even Richard Clark Thinks Dubya and Cheney are War Criminals (4 replies)
  180. The Wing-nuts and Losing wars... (0 replies)
  181. "We don't allow right wing bloggers to film our events" (18 replies)
  182. Downward spiral of Obama's presidency (5 replies)
  183. It's Not Only Mfg Jobs That Have Disappeared by the Millions (3 replies)
  184. Felons register as Democrat over Republican by 6 to 1 (0 replies)
  185. the hispanic race has declared war on the US (15 replies)
  186. IRS claims to have lost over 2 years of Lois Lerner emails (14 replies)
  187. Oil jumps 2% at the close... (30 replies)
  188. An uplifting thread, Obama's approval ratings (2 replies)
  189. No mention of Iraq? (221 replies)
  190. "If you buy shrimp from Thailand, you'll be buying the produce of slave labor" (1 replies)
  191. Thanks, Banksters (1%, VRWC, Repugs) (17 replies)
  192. Any Methodists here? (3 replies)
  193. Cuck Crew (51 replies)
  194. Wow...Cantor loses the primary... (27 replies)
  195. greatest political moments of all time (7 replies)
  196. Retired Judge "Spills the Beans" (0 replies)
  197. Traffic and Tempers in Brasil before the World Cup (0 replies)
  198. 2 Million Animals Killed by Federal Wildlife Program in 2013 (1 replies)
  199. Repug Death Panel in Virginia corrupting a corruptible Dem Senator + his daughter (2 replies)
  200. Obama Announces Executive Action on Student Loans (128 replies)
  201. Fellating BigCarbon makes you really, really stupid (0 replies)
  202. Will Fox call these right-wing white gun fellators "terrorists"? (32 replies)
  203. Anti-Small Business Policies Prove Depth of Government Corruption (0 replies)
  204. Yep, Sounds About Right For This Adminisration (28 replies)
  205. Sugar (71 replies)
  206. Putin: Hillary Clintin is a weak woman (12 replies)
  207. It's Not Climate Change, It's the Return of Jesus (0 replies)
  208. A More Conservative Texas? (21 replies)
  209. Texas' "Open Cary" Idiots (44 replies)
  210. Republicans slam Obama over Bowe Bergdahl swap. Why he won't care (0 replies)
  211. 2012 GOP threat: Sgt. Bergdahl swap will be Obama, Democrats’ ‘Willie Horton moment (170 replies)
  212. Some fun for the Libs this weekend, I'll just leave this here (36 replies)
  213. Obama admin jumping ship (9 replies)
  214. Wealthy red staters grovel for taxpayer Federal $$$ (8 replies)
  215. Wolf Richter: Housing Bubble 2 Already Collapsing for the 99% (31 replies)
  216. A CIA agent's greatest threat: The White House? (6 replies)
  217. What are YOU doing to help the environment? (27 replies)
  218. Bail judge muzzles witness in Alpine, TX smoke shop raid (1 replies)
  219. U.S. deploys 80 troops to Chad to help find kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls (1 replies)
  220. Huge Government Waste the Tea Party or FAUX won't touch... (4 replies)
  221. One Million Dollars (4 replies)
  222. Denver Crime Statistics of First Half of 2014 Compared to 2013 (3 replies)
  223. FBI chief says anti-marijuana policy hinders the hiring of cyber experts (0 replies)
  224. Phoenix VA hospital debacle... (75 replies)
  225. Illegal Debtor prisons return: As Court Fees Rise, The Poor Are Paying The Price (13 replies)
  226. I Cant Recall or What Difference Does It Make (11 replies)
  227. Cheney: Hillary Should Be 'Held Accountable' For Benghazi Terror Attacks (15 replies)
  228. It’s the End of the World as We Prefer It, and I Feel … Stupid (18 replies)
  229. Swiss voters reject $25/hr minimum wage (8 replies)
  230. TX water wars Only Just Beginning: SAWS to Appear in Troubling GBRA Lawsuit (24 replies)
  231. OK, this is funny, I don't care which side you are on... (0 replies)
  232. Sen. Dan Patrick confirms time in psychiatric hospital (0 replies)
  233. Reich on Geithner's self-serving, self-defending book (0 replies)
  234. Australia boosts defense spending in response to Chinese assertiveness (11 replies)
  235. China angers neighbors with unilateral Air Defense Identification Zone (0 replies)
  236. China angering Philippines in yet another territorial dispute (3 replies)
  237. China Is Preparing For "Short And Sharp" War With Japan (32 replies)
  238. China tries to repair Malaysia ties (0 replies)
  239. Vietnamese lynch mobs chase and kill Chinese (5 replies)
  240. Samsung Apologizes For Workers' Leukemia (1 replies)
  241. Repugs and their beloved warrior veteran heroes (17 replies)
  242. Russia to ban US from using ISS (3 replies)
  243. :lol Homeschoolers (4 replies)
  244. Russia Holds "De-Dollarization Meeting": China, Iran Willing (20 replies)
  245. "A Girl Named Frank. How Do You Stank?" (0 replies)
  246. Former NSA Director: 'We Kill People Based On Metadata' (2 replies)
  247. V I A ,CPS SUCK (2 replies)
  248. The Myth of the Great Moderation: Keynes vs Greenspan (14 replies)
  249. Putin excellence continues (57 replies)
  250. ALL Banks Are Above The Law (1 replies)