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  1. Infographic: The State of US Small Businesses (2 replies)
  2. I'm buying a full auto (16 replies)
  3. Putin takes Obama's american exceptionalism speech and shoves it up his.... (189 replies)
  4. John Lear Affidavit (To Chump, w/ Love) (126 replies)
  5. Well Done Colorado, Morse and Giron Ousted in Recall (48 replies)
  6. lol (7 replies)
  7. Help Kickstart World War III! (5 replies)
  8. NSA Called You a Zombie. (2 replies)
  9. Obama most competent POTUS since Dwight D. Eisenhower (42 replies)
  10. LOL Ketchup Kerry sent to the tree of woe (23 replies)
  11. Obama Makes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz Look Like Mental Midgets (108 replies)
  12. Richers Rejoice: Half of everything is yours! (55 replies)
  13. So What Do Republicans Say When Israel Starts A War With Iran and Asks For US Help? (0 replies)
  14. Man-love Thursdays (1 replies)
  15. True History of Libertarianism in America: A Phony Ideology to Promote a Corp Agenda (25 replies)
  16. Another Classic Fox News Moment!!! (19 replies)
  17. Michelle Obama is against Syria strike (10 replies)
  18. Dennis Rodman and the North Koreans (3 replies)
  19. George Zimmerman questioned after wife calls 911: 'He's gonna shoot us' (162 replies)
  20. Russians Proposing International Force to Destroy Syrian Chemical Weapons (183 replies)
  21. Open Internet In the Balance: Verizon-FCC before pro-business DC District Appeals (1 replies)
  22. Global Cooling (41 replies)
  23. Operation Northwoods, U.S. Govt. false flag proposals in 1962 (141 replies)
  24. Rebels caught with chemical weapons (179 replies)
  25. The 1 percent played Tea Party (and patriots, libertarians) f or suckers (5 replies)
  26. Reverse Trayvon Martin Thread (157 replies)
  27. Senator Rand Paul on Meet the Press (VIDEO) (1 replies)
  28. Rep. Alan Grayson: Syria Intelligence Manipulated (VIDEO) (4 replies)
  29. Did MLK predict what would eventually happen to America? (9 replies)
  30. Iran threatens to rape Obamas daughter if Syria attacked (76 replies)
  31. McCain (GOP) Starting to Open Up to Marijuana Legalization (2 replies)
  32. The Syrian War: What You're Not Being Told (7 replies)
  33. George Zimmerman's wife filing for divorce (3 replies)
  34. NSA cracks encryption algorithms (31 replies)
  35. No boots on ground? 75,000 troops will be needed to secure chems in Syria (45 replies)
  36. American Empire News: "All Your Africa Belong to Us" (1 replies)
  37. It's Time Obama Taught Putin A Lesson - It's Time To Kick Some Russian @ss (7 replies)
  38. Cruz Missiles Launched on Washington! (15 replies)
  39. If It Wasn't For John Kerry's 1971 Protest Against Vietnam War Would You Be Alive? (37 replies)
  40. Arabs to pay for our invasion of Syria?????? (52 replies)
  41. War with Syria and the supposed "red line" (26 replies)
  42. Freetail Brewing Co. closes... (25 replies)
  43. Our regime change success in Libya... (53 replies)
  44. The One and Only Thing About Liberals I Can't Stand (98 replies)
  45. Sen. McCain plays video poker during Syria hearing (12 replies)
  46. Drug Agents Use Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.S.A.’s (0 replies)
  47. scientists being laid off (6 replies)
  48. GOP leaders back Obama call for action in Syria (93 replies)
  49. False Flag? (7 replies)
  50. will the internet destroy the stock market? (6 replies)
  51. Looks Like Wendy Davis is running for Gov'na.... (30 replies)
  52. Long live Bashar al Assad (12 replies)
  53. fast food strikers gain momentum (43 replies)
  54. DoJ To Get List of Americans Evading Taxes with Swiss Banks (5 replies)
  55. Legal Same-Sex Marriages Recognized For Federal Tax Purposes (4 replies)
  56. The Three Trillion Dollar (Repug) War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict. (3 replies)
  57. Sup Jewtouns_Douche (2 replies)
  58. Senate Judiciary Chair: U.S. 'Ought To Respect' State Marijuana Laws (32 replies)
  59. kim jong un ex gf shot by firing squad (5 replies)
  60. Full Circle, Let's Take Another Spin (6 replies)
  61. ACLU -- Not Just the NSA: Data Brokers Amass Detailed Profiles on Everyone Online (2 replies)
  62. *****Official Red Pill thread concerning your Zionist Masters****** (0 replies)
  63. Same as FL, Utah drug testing welfare recipients comes up empty (18 replies)
  64. national leadership working hard on this problem (2 replies)
  65. drones legality (2 replies)
  66. the Fed and nearly all economists: "housing bubble? what bubble?" (2 replies)
  67. americans not working (7 replies)
  68. Nat Geo: America v. Iraq (1 replies)
  69. democrats (9 replies)
  70. In a country of Makers v. Takers, the Takers Voted Romney (28 replies)
  71. The Best Map Ever Made of America’s Racial Segregation (19 replies)
  72. Map of Every Protest in the World, since '79 (19 replies)
  73. Obama Bout To HAM On Syria - Where My War Mongers At? (542 replies)
  74. who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the se (0 replies)
  75. Rand Paul first in US Conservatives Politics Power Ratings (9 replies)
  76. Splitter's Jump shot (2 replies)
  77. NYC it cost $168,000 a year per each prison inmate (8 replies)
  79. PPP Poll: Rand Paul leads in Louisiana (22 replies)
  80. why isn't obama fixing this broken military? | robert bales sentenced to life (8 replies)
  81. 6 Mind Blowing Facts about Farms in China (2 replies)
  82. FINALLY..... (12 replies)
  83. Bradley Manning Now "Chelsea" (17 replies)
  84. Louisianans Blame Barack Obama For Katrina Response LOL (22 replies)
  85. Obamacare critic Rick Perry seeks cash from law (46 replies)
  86. Elisa Chan says anti-gay remarks are free speech (63 replies)
  87. America Love Texas (53 replies)
  88. Damascus gas attack (123 replies)
  89. Justice for Chris Lane... (239 replies)
  90. So the GOP nominated this knuckle dragger as the candidate for the NJ senate seat? (28 replies)
  91. Reported Elementary School Shooting in GA (37 replies)
  92. CO goes blue, Rural GOP says "We'll secede." (58 replies)
  93. Old Websites of potential POTUS candidates (0 replies)
  94. Are the UK and US Preparing To Indict Journalist Glenn Greenwald Over Snowden? (5 replies)
  95. Greg Abbott spots Wendy Davis several thousand female votes (4 replies)
  96. Repugs find rampant, election-throwing voter fraud in Colorado (1 replies)
  97. Greenwald's partner was carrying Snowden documents on confiscated thumb drives (9 replies)
  98. Banksters stealing $14B with grey charges on credit cards (7 replies)
  99. Obama working to unilaterally impose tax on cell phones (3 replies)
  100. Reagan the Rat (1 replies)
  101. War Hero booed by anti-gay protesters in San Antonio (9 replies)
  102. FISC Chief Judge: We Can't Effectively Oversee the NSA (1 replies)
  103. Political Affiliation Aside..... (10 replies)
  104. People who are destroying America (0 replies)
  105. TX tax dollares hard at work: Police Destroy Organic Farm in Massive SWAT Team Raid (6 replies)
  106. Protein based treatment breaks down Cancer cells internally (21 replies)
  107. City of San Antonio to tack on $1 to CPS bills to fund city parks. (35 replies)
  108. One Nation, Behind Bars (1 replies)
  109. James Randiand the Amazing Meeting and the Bullsh!t police (1 replies)
  110. Police Chief encourages Shady Traffic Stops according to one officer (1 replies)
  111. Seattle gets it. (38 replies)
  112. There is an actual guide for gun control advocates to follow when debating. (520 replies)
  113. Common Core: too hard? solution: keep 'em dumb (75 replies)
  114. Where Do You Fit In Politically? (21 replies)
  115. Egypt (176 replies)
  116. The Fukushima Nightmare Gets Worse (20 replies)
  117. Cisco to Lay Off 4,000 Workers (28 replies)
  118. Greg Abbott Admits he Gerrymandered Districts (17 replies)
  119. Texas Federal Prosecutor John Craft Goes Racist on Facebook.... (3 replies)
  120. DoK (5 replies)
  121. MSNBC: Boston bombers actually far-right anti-govt terrorists (9 replies)
  122. Reefer Madnes Alive and Kicking in TX Police State (2 replies)
  123. Ohio still trying to push creation smh (5 replies)
  124. bottled water price (6 replies)
  125. Ted Cruz is Canadian (71 replies)
  126. Which tea bagger provides more unintentionally hilarious quotes? (4 replies)
  127. American Citizen Renunciations Are Soaring (8 replies)
  129. Not Quite Dubya : Obama Tackles the NSA (144 replies)
  130. Over 40 only have to reply..... (0 replies)
  131. Arizona tea baggers taunt Obama with some Christian values and Patriotism (81 replies)
  132. Illegal immigrant murders US citizen, media cover up (8 replies)
  133. overseas surgery (10 replies)
  134. Big Picture Stuff: Questioning the Underlying Structures of Property and Power (3 replies)
  135. Friday afternoons laffs (0 replies)
  136. 3 Economic Stories That Get Blown Out of Proportion (4 replies)
  137. Tell textbook publishers to stand up to the Texas Taliban (93 replies)
  138. 401(k)s are a sham (40 replies)
  139. Telsa Motors, Inc. - Government Picked Winner (1 replies)
  140. tepco fukishima (2 replies)
  141. Reince Priebus (1 replies)
  142. Simply genious (3 replies)
  143. WaPo: Commerce Dept. recommends making illegal streaming a felony (13 replies)
  144. 2016 presidential odds (168 replies)
  145. MPG Is Stupid (3 replies)
  146. Racial Bias and Stand Your Ground Laws: What the Data Shows (23 replies)
  147. Technology Review: Math Advances Raise the Prospect of an Internet Security Crisis (4 replies)
  148. NSM PRISM et al: killing US-based cloud suppliers (1 replies)
  149. who do some jobs pay so little (0 replies)
  150. Battleship Porn (4 replies)
  151. you stay classy Repugs: Slap Hillary (22 replies)
  152. "We're In Louisiana" LOL (2 replies)
  153. T.S.A. Expands Duties Beyond Airport Security (5 replies)
  154. US dollar (204 replies)
  155. 2 More Women Internally Probed On Public Road By Texas Troopers (21 replies)
  156. Asymmetrical polarization in action (2 replies)
  157. FL Repugs + confederate nuclear corp = Human-Americans screwed (3 replies)
  158. Reuters: US directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans (6 replies)
  159. DEA Has Domestic Spying Program Just Like NSA (3 replies)
  160. More Repug Obstruction: Mass Filibuster Of Obama’s Top Judges (0 replies)
  161. Why Republicans Want Jobs to Stay Anemic (22 replies)
  162. Secret FISA court ruling says most NSA spying is illegal and unconstitutional (VIDEO) (1 replies)
  163. Trill PM'd a picture since he skipped the GTG... (57 replies)
  164. Ryan: Gov't shutdown not a good way to tackle Obamacare (33 replies)
  165. I see you... (0 replies)
  166. JAMES COMEY JUST CONFIRMED 93-1 (Senator Rand Paul voted no) (5 replies)
  167. Apple = Republicans (3 replies)
  168. madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time (1275 replies)
  169. Economist: NCAA Trust Status In Jeopardy (21 replies)
  170. Nidal Malik Hasan trial (4 replies)
  171. AP: some embassy s to close this weekend (8 replies)
  172. Texas is running out of the lethal injection drug (8 replies)
  173. Game on!! (16 replies)
  174. Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack (1 replies)
  175. Zimmerman's stopped speeding (17 replies)
  176. The line forms to the right.... (3 replies)
  177. Bruce Schneier: The public-private surveillance partnership (7 replies)
  178. Henry Chappell: Texas Water War (9 replies)
  179. How Egypt will shake the world (1 replies)
  180. Culture Of White Violence (7 replies)
  181. House passed Ryan's sociopathic budge 3 times, fails to implement even once (2 replies)
  182. Congress to get Obamacare exemption: report (13 replies)
  183. George Zimmerman Molested 6-year-old Cousin (24 replies)
  184. Uninsured Tea Party blogger has liver failure... (13 replies)
  185. Obama directly addresses conspiracy theories, tells young children to reject them (12 replies)
  186. Obama owned and called war criminal in Irish Parliament (7 replies)
  187. snowden given asylum same day he leaks NSA monitors all citizens internet activity (22 replies)
  188. Could.you.and.your.family live off McDonalds paychecks? (51 replies)
  189. NYT: Paid via card, workers feel the sting of fees (8 replies)
  190. MegaCorp Fraud: Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating? (10 replies)
  191. Saudi Arabia building 22 billion metro.to.cut.oil.usage (1 replies)
  192. Will Earth's Oceans boil away ? (6 replies)
  193. Hey Blake, still think the police have a duty to protect you? (71 replies)
  194. San Antonio’s war against Christians… (80 replies)
  195. ACA website is pretty slick... (14 replies)
  196. US man 'abandoned' in US jail gets $4m in compensation (1 replies)
  197. Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer (2 replies)
  198. Welfare Scam in New York (18 replies)
  199. 10 naziwar.criminals.still getting social security (0 replies)
  200. Vietnam and America (2 replies)
  201. Rep. Steve King on immigration (24 replies)
  202. Rand Paul calls Chris Christie ‘King of Bacon’ (23 replies)
  203. Obama kills chances of tax reform by coming out in favor of it. (51 replies)
  204. SFO worker charged with stealing luggage after Asiana crash (1 replies)
  205. Senate confirms Comey to be next FBI director (2 replies)
  206. The real reason the neocons fear Snowden: (7 replies)
  207. Israeli-Palestinian peace talks to resume this week (7 replies)
  208. House Intel Chair States 'Zero Privacy Violations' (4 replies)
  209. Rand Paul leads in three new polls (13 replies)
  210. Since 2005, nearly 60 students have died in incidents involving fraternity hazing (1 replies)
  211. 4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work (44 replies)
  212. Can't Simmer The Zimmer Inspires The KKK (6 replies)
  213. Detroit Reaches (23 replies)
  214. Black America’s True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman (40 replies)
  215. One of the greatest music groups ever (21 replies)
  216. Invoking 9/11, Chris Christie slams libertarians (9 replies)
  217. Left Coast News: positive economic impact of a carbon tax (4 replies)
  218. "GROUNDSWELL": right-wing extremists' "30 Front War" (0 replies)
  219. scientists discover what's killing the bees (14 replies)
  220. LOL Holder (63 replies)
  221. Helen Thomas on Liberals (41 replies)
  222. Repugs to shut down the govt is ACA isn't fully defunded (19 replies)
  223. google raising money for climate denier (0 replies)
  224. God bless the "Stand Your Ground" law, God bless guns (17 replies)
  225. Congress Voting On Amendment to Defund NSA Domestic Spying Tomorrow (43 replies)
  226. Detroit Bankrupt, retirees told to make concessions (0 replies)
  227. Judge rules white girl to be tried in court as a black adult (3 replies)
  228. Moderate Republicans are marooned in their own party, poll suggests (13 replies)
  229. California economy is on the comeback trail. Can America Follow? (45 replies)
  230. Obama’s Escalating War on Freedom of the Press (10 replies)
  231. White House enlists Hollywood to help pitch 'Obamacare' to youth (7 replies)
  232. U.S. congressional hurdles lifted on arming Syrian rebels (3 replies)
  233. Hundreds Escape Abu Gharib After Pitched Battle (4 replies)
  234. Zimmerman emerges from hiding to rescue family from car wreck (47 replies)
  235. Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits (16 replies)
  236. Would like some food with your glyphosate? (1 replies)
  237. japans fukishima operator acknowledges contaminated water flowing in sea (3 replies)
  239. Goldman Sacks Extracting Wealth with Aluminum Hoarding (40 replies)
  240. And you wonder why you're profiled (9 replies)
  241. Another legal way to kill someone in Florida: by running a red light (38 replies)
  242. So much racial tension these days in the political forum (3 replies)
  243. Black surgeon to get $4.5 million in racial bias suit (16 replies)
  244. Woman faked injury arrested for defrauding Boston Victims Fund for $480,000 (3 replies)
  245. While we're having this 'national discussion' that is so important... (11 replies)
  246. Businesses Bear Brunt of Texas Taxes, Study Finds (3 replies)
  247. Voter Fraud? LOL (8 replies)
  248. Sir Charles: I agree with the verdict (18 replies)
  249. And now an important message from New Yorkers to Texas (20 replies)
  250. For all the "what if Zimmerman was black, Trayvon was white" people, it happened (65 replies)