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  1. All Over but the Pullback (0 replies)
  2. Propaganda from Saddam was Fine with Press (23 replies)
  3. Iran only months away from a bomb (21 replies)
  4. Is "W" The Worst President Ever? Some Historians Think So. (135 replies)
  5. Wtf? (1 replies)
  6. A Question for all the Experts in this forum (34 replies)
  7. How (Not) to Withdraw from Iraq (4 replies)
  8. All The President's Flacks (2 replies)
  9. The War On Christmas (12 replies)
  10. "Meanwhile, back at the (Afghan) ranch ... " (0 replies)
  11. Documents Show Katrina's Political Shit Storm (16 replies)
  12. The BS Meter is Working Overtime (Stephen Hadley) (1 replies)
  13. Now We Know Why.... (18 replies)
  14. Geore Bush (1 replies)
  15. Hints of civil war and weak Iraqi govt? (8 replies)
  16. For all you arm-chair warriors and history buffs ... (0 replies)
  17. Chief of the Al-Qaeda Terrorist Network OWNED! (0 replies)
  18. AQ #3 Gets Toasted (16 replies)
  19. Argie Organ Donation Legislation (0 replies)
  20. Interesting article on Canada's Health Care System (31 replies)
  21. There goes those crazy lefties (4 replies)
  22. Chavez losing ground, getting paranoid! (6 replies)
  23. Another Economic Disaster warning. (3 replies)
  24. mookies declaration (16 replies)
  25. Vietnam War Intelligence 'Deliberately Skewed,' Secret Study Says (3 replies)
  26. Justice Staff Saw Texas Districting As Illegal (13 replies)
  27. Latest Bush rumor (3 replies)
  28. Mitzvahpalooza (4 replies)
  29. A.W.O.L. Again!!! (16 replies)
  30. TX GOP Redistriciting Violated Voting Rights Act (6 replies)
  31. Long Lines at Cindy Sheehan Book Signing (68 replies)
  32. New U.S. textbook aims to teach Bible (3 replies)
  33. The demise of political discourse, illustrated (12 replies)
  34. Joe Lieberman Article on Iraq. (5 replies)
  35. The Day After...Today?!? (1 replies)
  36. Is paying for positive news stories in Iraq a good idea? (31 replies)
  37. Wings of Freedom video (0 replies)
  38. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs tells Rummy to fuck himself (6 replies)
  39. Our Troops Must Stay (162 replies)
  40. Dead End Jobs (Wal-Mart & McDonalds) (33 replies)
  41. So does President Bush's speech today mean anything? (32 replies)
  42. Open Thread - Nov 30 (1 replies)
  43. Rosa Parks of the Patriot Act Generation (9 replies)
  44. Nowhere To Run (0 replies)
  45. Top Gun (13 replies)
  46. UTSA Atheist Student Organization Hands out Porn on Campus (40 replies)
  47. Canada's liberal government collapses (29 replies)
  48. When's the book burning? (3 replies)
  49. Where is the Iraq war headed next? (4 replies)
  50. Congressman pleads guilty to bribery charges, resigns (40 replies)
  51. Is there a solution? (44 replies)
  52. The definition of irony (2 replies)
  53. Girl Suspended From School For Refusing To Pray (37 replies)
  54. Taxing Fuel Efficiency (32 replies)
  55. Al-Zarqawi Dead!.....................Again! Part XXI (0 replies)
  56. DieHarderer? (7 replies)
  57. COMMENTARY: What We REALLY Learned from Katrina (151 replies)
  58. You have to pay for using a TV in UK? (2 replies)
  59. The Kerry White house - One year later (3 replies)
  60. NBC Spins Macy's Parade Accident (0 replies)
  61. The Planned GOP 06 Election Withdrawal From Iraq (19 replies)
  62. Ann Coutler Calls Murtha A "Gutless Traitor" (27 replies)
  63. Would you buy a disaster plan from Mike Brown? (7 replies)
  64. THE STRAW MEN OF IRAQ: Ten Pro-War Fallacies (1 replies)
  65. Scenes From A Bush Thanksgiving (2 replies)
  66. Lack Of Spine Hurting Democratic Leaders (2 replies)
  67. Breaking News: John Kerry Elected!!! (3 replies)
  68. This is why we need All the Alec Baldwins.... (45 replies)
  69. Open Thread - Nov 22, 2005 (27 replies)
  70. The Death Of John Kennedy (32 replies)
  71. CNN sending subliminal message during Cheney speech. (38 replies)
  72. Rummy Takes A Jab At Revisionist War History (0 replies)
  73. Hutch To Battle Hubby's Co-Worker For Senate Seat (0 replies)
  74. so... Bush made an impression in China... (12 replies)
  75. Get out if you want Sharia Law...... (90 replies)
  76. Why I'm an economic pessimist. (28 replies)
  77. Michael Scanlon, former Delay aide, pleads Guilty (6 replies)
  78. new Repub script-du-jour: dissent is ok, but dissenters are still shit (43 replies)
  79. Executed man may have been innocent (142 replies)
  80. Report: Al-Zawquiri Killed By Blast In Mosul? (13 replies)
  81. Mission Accomplished (11 replies)
  82. Perry: "FEMA Deadline..Will Lead To A Complex...Housing Crisis' (1 replies)
  83. An Open Letter To Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald (2 replies)
  84. Republican proposal to withdraw from Iraq immediately (48 replies)
  85. ATTN: All you fans of Intelligent Design (15 replies)
  86. The Man Who Sold the War (20 replies)
  87. Military Recruiting Woes Worse Than First Realized (24 replies)
  88. I'm Callin Off The War. (3 replies)
  89. Purely political budget cuts (2 replies)
  90. Black Bodies Remain Still... (1 replies)
  91. House of Horrors (0 replies)
  92. Possible recession in the making? (36 replies)
  93. The President is in the house! (2 replies)
  94. Maybe this is what Dan was talking about? (6 replies)
  95. Darth Cheney Speaks! (7 replies)
  96. Bush Rewrites History To Criticize His Antiwar Critics (7 replies)
  97. The Bushification of John McCain (17 replies)
  98. Bush was right (1 replies)
  99. Able Danger... (9 replies)
  100. New GOP Talking Point... (30 replies)
  101. I know this is stupid and meaningless but.. (14 replies)
  102. Bill Clinton agrees with Bush (12 replies)
  103. Clinton - Best way new Iraqi government (0 replies)
  104. Evidence of Oil Companies neocon plans...... (14 replies)
  105. The Ginsburg Fallacy (6 replies)
  106. Tomlinson Violated Federal Law (2 replies)
  107. Bob Woodward Tied To Plame/CIA Leak (7 replies)
  108. State by State polling on abortion (3 replies)
  109. Nevermind Iran, what about Pakistan? (1 replies)
  110. I want to hear a liberal say... (55 replies)
  111. (Audio) President's Reaction to Local Elections (2 replies)
  112. What is the megaphone for the right saying these days? (2 replies)
  113. DUI? Lose Your Rights (122 replies)
  114. Bit's O Pieces - Nov 15 (3 replies)
  115. BREAKING: US Troops in Iraq Found in Possession of Chemical Weapons, with Photo Proof (8 replies)
  116. What the Democrats can learn from Kaine's Virginia victory (18 replies)
  117. The Christian Paradox (14 replies)
  118. Health Economics 101 (0 replies)
  119. Talk about DeJa Vu (0 replies)
  120. Speaking of Tin-Foil Hat Theories... (3 replies)
  121. US-JAPAN relations gone cold..... (3 replies)
  122. Looks like Hugo Chavez is a moron... (17 replies)
  123. OML!!! Canada is a Laffeur Curve whore now!!!! (1 replies)
  124. Flavia Colgan.... (2 replies)
  125. Is there any part of the Fed govt that the Repubs . (6 replies)
  126. International Relations (24 replies)
  127. Free Trade Area of the Americas (3 replies)
  128. Alito: "The Constitution Does Not Protect A Right To An Abortion" (14 replies)
  129. dubya's coattails (2 replies)
  130. That suicide bomber looks like a Dude (9 replies)
  131. Five Questions (17 replies)
  132. Politics (32 replies)
  133. Red Alert: Democracy NOT breaking out all over the Mid-East/Muslim Countries (31 replies)
  134. Howard Dean wusses out from Meet the Press (11 replies)
  135. Who killed Marilyn Monroe? (29 replies)
  136. 2 Dates, 1 Speech (4 replies)
  137. Opps, I Guess Kojo Annan Didn't Manipulate The UN Food-For-Oil Program After All (0 replies)
  138. So Now Dems are 'Rewriting History'? (33 replies)
  139. Comics (5 replies)
  140. Sneate takes on porn (6 replies)
  141. He's back! Nixon to run for Gov of Missouri (0 replies)
  142. Time-out from politics (3 replies)
  143. Gtownspur Deserves his own Thread (35 replies)
  144. Oops, guess this is why lawyers want to do the talking (0 replies)
  145. Fanatical Fat Phobia (2 replies)
  146. On White Phosphorus and Fallujah (78 replies)
  147. Judith Miller's Farewell (0 replies)
  148. The Psychopathology of Work (0 replies)
  149. Question (24 replies)
  150. Semper Fi (3 replies)
  151. All is not sunshine and roses..... (12 replies)
  152. Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run? (3 replies)
  153. "Burn in hell, Abu Musad al-Zarqawi!..." (19 replies)
  154. Pat Robertson: “Don’t turn to God if you need help” (150 replies)
  155. Why Is France Burning? (6 replies)
  156. Tackling No-Fault Divorce Next Up For Texas Wing-Nuts (81 replies)
  157. For those of us who think that racial profiling really works... (3 replies)
  158. The Other Iraq (1 replies)
  159. By The Numbers... (5 replies)
  160. Clean Sweep for the Democrats (49 replies)
  161. Pennsylvania Voters Out School Board Members Who Backed Intelligent Design (6 replies)
  162. Front Page Express-News Today: TX Bans Gay Marriage; KS OK's Intelligent Design (60 replies)
  163. gay marriage banned (177 replies)
  164. Since. (102 replies)
  165. Federalism is to protect you backward assholes from yourselves (12 replies)
  166. Dems win in New Jersey and Virginia (12 replies)
  167. Darth dickhead sucks the USA into the dark side (69 replies)
  168. In case any liberal cares... (10 replies)
  169. For the Liberals... (15 replies)
  170. Your president (25 replies)
  171. John Kerry wannabe exposed! (32 replies)
  172. Who really "outed" Valerie Plame and... (31 replies)
  173. Electoral Shift in '06? (16 replies)
  174. Karl Rove Out? Not 'If' But 'When' (16 replies)
  175. Right wing/Left wing bullshit (20 replies)
  176. Attention democrat robots of earth (20 replies)
  177. THE TRUTH about THE LIES has been coming out. Here's more. (2 replies)
  178. France, the Model Nation (96 replies)
  179. The End of Marriage In Texas (68 replies)
  180. GOP Leaders to Bush: 'Your Presidency is Effectively Over' (14 replies)
  181. WP: Bush Orders Staff to Attend Ethics Briefings (36 replies)
  182. The Quiet Oil-for-Food Scandal (6 replies)
  183. I knew I should have turned left at... (34 replies)
  184. Victor Davis Hanson nails it again! (34 replies)
  185. Okay Is There Anything Wrong? (31 replies)
  186. Yikes. (26 replies)
  187. Vatican "faithful should listen to science (4 replies)
  188. Schools Have More Power Than Parents? (9 replies)
  189. An example of the criminal-minded thug Hugo Chavez is (4 replies)
  190. Maradona making no sense (again) (7 replies)
  191. Peanut takes a stand 30 years later... (4 replies)
  192. Bush about Manu (155 replies)
  193. Young Voters Must Take Charge Of Future and Help Reject Prop 2 (21 replies)
  194. Suspicion of Official Graft Hit SCOTUS Nominee Alito (0 replies)
  195. Evidence of Impropriety (0 replies)
  196. SA's Judge Pat Priest (Dem) Appointed To Here Delay Case (0 replies)
  197. Yipes! "Wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio.." (7 replies)
  198. WTF??? Part Duex (1 replies)
  199. Who should The Mighty US of A attack next (28 replies)
  200. We're DOOMED (19 replies)
  201. Wtf??? (11 replies)
  202. Conclusion 83..... (11 replies)
  203. Let's Revisit the Issue of Iraq's WMDs, shall we? (149 replies)
  204. Bush in Argentina (3 replies)
  205. House Declines to Exempt Political Web Sites From Spending Rules (1 replies)
  206. Expert Dispells Avian Flu Myth (23 replies)
  207. Who are the racists? (14 replies)
  208. 50 Cent Slams Kanye's 'bush Is Racist' Comment (16 replies)
  209. Land of Hard Knocks: Who is Harry Reid? (3 replies)
  210. I need some help from the resident right wingers (54 replies)
  211. Delay Succeeds At Judge Shopping (16 replies)
  212. Desperate Democrats call closed door session (19 replies)
  213. Democratic Leaders Get A Backbone (3 Years Late) (26 replies)
  214. Katrina: The Wrath Of Bush (28 replies)
  215. 25,000 dead Iraqis, Democracy doesn't justify this slaughter (71 replies)
  216. Valerie Plame Poll (8 replies)
  217. Well, isn't that special? (7 replies)
  218. Why are liberals so passionate about protecting the 1st amendment (33 replies)
  219. Bush nominates Alito to SCOTUS (273 replies)
  220. Patrick Fitzgerald, David Radler and the Ghost of Fitzmas Future (1 replies)
  221. Pundit Overload (1 replies)
  222. High National Debt has not proven to cause inflation..... (6 replies)
  223. Drudge - Caption this picture (0 replies)
  224. Myths of New Orleans: Poor, Bad Blacks -- Who Got What They Deserved (67 replies)
  225. Why does R.Kelly get a pass and Michael Jackson doesn't??? (11 replies)
  226. Cold War Buffs......... (7 replies)
  227. Who was Al Gore's Chief of Staff? (9 replies)
  228. If Jesus Were President Where Would He Stand On The Issues? (113 replies)
  229. Halliburton Wins No-Bid Contract.... (3 replies)
  230. The boom that wasn't: economy has little to show for $860Bn tax cuts. (73 replies)
  231. Tax cuts still failing to increase living standards. (11 replies)
  232. Best Simpsons Episode (0 replies)
  233. i HATE WHAT IFS.. BUT.... (68 replies)
  234. The Criminalization of Criminals (2 replies)
  235. Lewis Libby Resigns! (12 replies)
  236. Fitzgerald Investigation Will Continue... (50 replies)
  237. One of the most disturbing... (31 replies)
  238. 2,000 Dead, in context. (28 replies)
  239. Meanwhile, Darth DickHead Spawns His Evil Schemes (6 replies)
  240. Rove WILL NOT BE INDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (38 replies)
  241. It's Time for a Windfall Profits Tax! (34 replies)
  242. Cindy Sheehan Arrested In Front of WH (11 replies)
  243. Get Smarter, and Now Cancer-Risk Free! (3 replies)
  244. Prosecutor Issues Indictment! (1 replies)
  245. The Dow Jones (6 replies)
  246. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines... (10 replies)
  247. No Fitzmas Today :o( (0 replies)
  248. Bush faces decision with next pick (14 replies)
  249. Harriet Meirs withdraws! (49 replies)
  250. Did Joe Wilson Out His Wife? (3 replies)