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  1. Sick (11 replies)
  2. Why I am not a Republican (48 replies)
  3. ‘Giant’ Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico (37 replies)
  4. the right is crazy? part II (6 replies)
  5. Obama's green jobs czar a "truther"? (9 replies)
  6. How to help the GOP purge the moderates out of party (10 replies)
  7. Obama Will 'Indoctrinate" your Children! (341 replies)
  8. A$$holes (39 replies)
  9. How American Health Care Killed My Father (201 replies)
  10. A question about unions (53 replies)
  11. The Popular Front (12 replies)
  12. The Savings Rate Has Recovered…if You Ignore the Bottom 99% (16 replies)
  13. NatGeo show on 9/11 conspiracies (8 replies)
  14. Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered A Girl in 1990 (76 replies)
  15. Pat Buchanan Defends Hitler (129 replies)
  16. Earth is the real terrorist (5 replies)
  17. Clunkers boosts Ford sales; Chrysler sales fall (19 replies)
  18. Free Market Question (55 replies)
  19. Capital markets with a conscience (12 replies)
  20. Washington is seriously unserious (5 replies)
  21. Obamatron brownshirt caught red handed (3 replies)
  22. How much is REALLY taken out of each dollar? (7 replies)
  23. drinking the socialist "kool-aid" (42 replies)
  24. Reason why Kennedy was assasinated? (3 replies)
  25. Lockerbie Bomber freed for oil deal....? (4 replies)
  26. Anti-Obamacare is racist & Castro is genius (16 replies)
  27. Such a sad, sad Government (9 replies)
  28. It Ain't America No Mo' (8 replies)
  29. Cheney: Obama Team Should Be Debriefing CIA Interrogators, Not Investigating Them (2 replies)
  30. Evil democrats (23 replies)
  31. Sharp and cutting mind (4 replies)
  32. It says "Little League Baseball" on ABC (16 replies)
  33. Who decides where funds are allocated? (2 replies)
  34. Why is Bush at the Funeral? (39 replies)
  35. GOP fundraising letter suggests Democrats might use health overhaul to deny Republica (1 replies)
  36. Cable News Personalities: Journalists or Commentators? (34 replies)
  37. Boortz - Katrina Cleansed New Orleans Of 'Human Debris' (61 replies)
  38. Bill would give Obama control of Internet (35 replies)
  39. Are we as much slaves today as the black race prior to the civil war? (75 replies)
  40. ABC, NBC won't air ad critical of ObamaCare (67 replies)
  41. Congresswoman apologizes for 'great white hope' comment (55 replies)
  42. A joke for the Republicans (2 replies)
  43. The Government Can (1 replies)
  44. Perry: Tort reform must be part of health care reform (70 replies)
  45. AP source: Obama to give eulogy at Kennedy Mass (18 replies)
  46. the right is crazy? (18 replies)
  47. Ok if it's broke, let's fix it. (38 replies)
  48. UK NHS: 4000 pregnant women w/out rooms (39 replies)
  49. "America's Royals" (7 replies)
  50. The Ethics of Ferocity (36 replies)
  51. Ted Kennedy dead at 77 (173 replies)
  52. Lol (25 replies)
  53. Castro comes to the aid of a friend (0 replies)
  54. Why Do You People Think You Deserve Free Health Care? (56 replies)
  55. McCain booed by fellow Arizonians (15 replies)
  56. Am I a dangerous "Right Wing Extremist?" (1 replies)
  57. Rush Limbaugh responds to Jay Z over diss in song (14 replies)
  58. Why is it "Grass Roots" when they do it? (3 replies)
  59. Will Socialized Medicine leas to this: (10 replies)
  60. Democratic Fundraiser Charged in Citigroup Fraud (0 replies)
  61. Obama: Same as the Second Coming of Carter? (4 replies)
  62. Is FedEx OK? (3 replies)
  63. Is UPS OK? (0 replies)
  64. The 25 Points of Obama’s New Party (41 replies)
  65. this country will recover when most of the baby boomers are dead (224 replies)
  66. Why do people believe Obamacare "myths"? (4 replies)
  67. San Antonio Water System sues LCRA over water-sharing agreement (15 replies)
  68. Swine flu to kill 90,000 americans this winter (25 replies)
  69. best of the CIA (35 replies)
  70. Lobbyists, Lobbyists EVERYWHERE! (16 replies)
  71. Liberals and the CIA (68 replies)
  72. Saving the Obama Presidency (8 replies)
  73. Castro sounds like typical American lib (31 replies)
  74. semi-direct democracy (2 replies)
  75. Descendant Of White House Slave Shares Legacy (1 replies)
  76. Would another "Great Depression" mean the end of America? (38 replies)
  77. The thrill is gone for Obama and the media (8 replies)
  78. Republicans offer seniors health 'bill of rights' (9 replies)
  79. CIA staged mock executions (195 replies)
  80. New deficit projections pose risks to Obama's agenda (27 replies)
  81. FDIC: For or Against? (19 replies)
  82. Bad news everywhere (52 replies)
  83. Hypothetical: Split the country (84 replies)
  84. Marine goes nuclear on Democrat (49 replies)
  85. can someone tell me where I can find UNBIASED news...........anyone. (20 replies)
  86. Seriously... what problem can't be solved with guns? (21 replies)
  87. Watching "48 Hours Mystery" on CBS (0 replies)
  88. ¡Si’ se puede! y ¡Esperanza y cambio! (30 replies)
  89. Competition lacking among private health insurers (85 replies)
  90. What's in a Creed? (6 replies)
  91. Obama recognizes Ramadan. (76 replies)
  92. Perfect Metaphor for the Obama Administration (0 replies)
  93. Not enough doctors for Obamacare (31 replies)
  94. Those Nutty Texas Conservatives... (26 replies)
  95. Foxnews does not have the TOM RIDGE story on their website. can someone tell me why? (23 replies)
  96. This is addicting! (1 replies)
  97. Friday Night News Dump (0 replies)
  98. thank you Tom Ridge...for giving Obama his MOJO back. (18 replies)
  99. Tom Ridge outs the Bushies and GOPer's everywhere feel used. (1 replies)
  100. Who in this forum is most likely to show up at a town hall meeting with a gun? (16 replies)
  101. Americans losing confidence in Obama (37 replies)
  102. Lockerbie bomber's 'hero's welcome' (2 replies)
  103. why do people even listen to Foxnews? (52 replies)
  104. On defense, Obama woos right, left on health care (4 replies)
  105. Your tax dollars given to soros (8 replies)
  106. And the left bitched for eight years... (33 replies)
  107. why do we pay $10.00 for one tab of aspirin in the ER? (6 replies)
  108. Buyer's remorse website (5 replies)
  109. With Obama as POTUS, we are loved again (7 replies)
  110. Americans SWISS acct holders pwned (12 replies)
  111. my plane landed.... (9 replies)
  112. White House Projects Lower Deficit (9 replies)
  113. Ten year cooling period is "natural" (11 replies)
  114. Obama backs off-shore drilling!!!!!! (4 replies)
  115. what do you call it when corporations pay big money to get the gov't to do something (6 replies)
  116. hey GOP'ers answer me this....was the Republican Party ever a liberal party (1 replies)
  117. Oh No They Didn't! (40 replies)
  118. Once again, if you can't run a $3 billion dollar... (7 replies)
  119. Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration (24 replies)
  120. Line-by-Line (5 replies)
  121. Federal Govt set to Attack their competition...Insurance Companies (40 replies)
  122. Presidents who didn't keep campaign promises (22 replies)
  123. Here's a Rebulican moronic bill... (9 replies)
  124. To come to America if Obamacare passes (35 replies)
  125. Obama goes postal (5 replies)
  126. Another Obamabot impersonating a doctor (0 replies)
  127. The Obama-Joker Unmasked (20 replies)
  128. will health care costs come down if reform effort fails? (24 replies)
  129. Woman yells "Heil Hitler" To Jewish Man at Las Vegas Town Hall (11 replies)
  130. Barney Frank's Town Hall (40 replies)
  131. Do trolls have the right to anonymity? (22 replies)
  132. Sheehan: Where's the antiwar movement? (31 replies)
  133. The ultimate goal of Obamacare: single payer (25 replies)
  134. Why 'Obama-care' is failing (1 replies)
  135. Rethink Afghanistan (0 replies)
  136. Democrats to Go it Alone on Healthcare (27 replies)
  137. GOP'ers defend insurance companies right to rip you off. (9 replies)
  138. Student at Colo. town hall is neo nazi leader (2 replies)
  139. Harry Reid's 'Evil' Moment (2 replies)
  140. Political columnist Robert Novak dies at 78 (20 replies)
  141. Live Radio Town Hall (1 replies)
  142. Same Fox News Moron, WOW! (6 replies)
  143. be honest how much are you in debt right now (31 replies)
  144. Carrying weapons to town hall meetings (98 replies)
  145. dumbass GOP'ers do you think we live in a free market system. (8 replies)
  146. MSNBC anchor gets owned by college student (34 replies)
  147. White House disables snitch email (6 replies)
  148. Tom Delay in "Dancing With The Stars". (14 replies)
  149. George W. Bush-by-proxy syndrome (11 replies)
  150. Maserati entered into the Cash for Clunkers program! (14 replies)
  151. So, exactly what has Obama... (43 replies)
  152. Another Liberal Fraud Exposed (34 replies)
  153. Ooops! All you people lauding... (9 replies)
  154. When good people turn bad (7 replies)
  155. White House appears ready to drop 'public option' (86 replies)
  156. Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know (2 replies)
  157. Hmmmm... $100 billion dollars (9 replies)
  158. Joke (10 replies)
  159. Where's Carl Sagan when you need him? (1 replies)
  160. Wait Times and Other Stuff (4 replies)
  161. The GOP is against Socialism.....so goodbye medicare, goodbye social security. (37 replies)
  162. The Problem with Socialism... (0 replies)
  163. How the innocent are treated until proven “guilty” (2 replies)
  164. Fox news morons! (52 replies)
  165. Newt's advice for Palin comeback (19 replies)
  166. Madcow does it again (15 replies)
  167. Mark Lloyd, the new FCC Czar, replaces the Fairness Doctrine (3 replies)
  168. Why there's no tort reform in Obamacare (46 replies)
  169. obama in montana (19 replies)
  170. Vomit Alert!!!!! The New Leftist "N" Word (26 replies)
  171. Obama's healthcare horror (8 replies)
  172. I was able to speak to Senator Specter Today (9 replies)
  173. The GOP's Misplaced Rage by Bruce Bartlett (67 replies)
  174. America Today (101 replies)
  175. Cheney felt Bush stopped taking his advice (12 replies)
  176. American College of Surgeons ticked off (2 replies)
  177. BUSTED: Conservative Astroturfers taped being Bused In :( (5 replies)
  178. Obamabot poses as physician at town hall (27 replies)
  179. one side creates chaos, the other side stays somewhat quiet. (1 replies)
  180. Let's discuss this "Death Panel" idea (59 replies)
  181. Tea-bagger Rips Old Lady's Rosa Parks Sign (6 replies)
  182. Roger Hedgecock (11 replies)
  183. Damn those Evil Doctors! (6 replies)
  184. Is Chris Dodd a health care hypocrite? (1 replies)
  185. Is General Electric Obama's Halliburton? (8 replies)
  186. Obama's Tone-Deaf Health Campaign (8 replies)
  187. Deadly doctors o advisers want to ration care (6 replies)
  188. Congresswoman caught calling in Union Thug Ninja Assassin during Event! (18 replies)
  189. We The People Stimulus Package (2 replies)
  190. Little girl who asked Obama question today was a plant (73 replies)
  191. Let's not forget the other Elephant in the room. (13 replies)
  192. Let's go back to November 4th... (11 replies)
  193. I'm the Secretary of State... (17 replies)
  194. LOL! No way! (9 replies)
  195. Has President Obama Lost Your Trust? (21 replies)
  196. Does Obama care too much about being popular? (13 replies)
  197. Did Obama really say this? (101 replies)
  198. Which is worse? (46 replies)
  199. Is GM doing something right, or hype? (32 replies)
  200. Congressman Brian Baird vs. Lars Larson (1 replies)
  201. Coulter vs. Carville (89 replies)
  202. Support for Obamacare hits new low (2 replies)
  203. Daily Show send up on Health Care reform (16 replies)
  204. A look at tasers (0 replies)
  205. The Last Gasp of the Angry White Man (3 replies)
  206. if the health care plan is so good why does the president not say he will use it (13 replies)
  207. Message Control (53 replies)
  208. town hall screamers (29 replies)
  209. Gotta hand it to The Man. Great speech Obama. (1 replies)
  210. Is that you Dan? (0 replies)
  211. Corporate shills, Nazi's, or racists (23 replies)
  212. Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops? (6 replies)
  213. Ok, Ok, I will admit the economy is recovering.... (20 replies)
  214. I Am The Mob (10 replies)
  215. Paulson’s Calls to Goldman Tested Ethics (10 replies)
  216. 5 days to look at every bill. (18 replies)
  217. I Need Surgery Because I'm insured (130 replies)
  218. Breaking News: Obama's death panel has decided to let me die (15 replies)
  219. Obama to attend 3-nation summit in Mexico (3 replies)
  220. CSPAN caller explains the town hall anger (14 replies)
  221. Healthcare debate question for conservatives (26 replies)
  222. David Scott (D. GA) Goes Nuts at Town Hall (20 replies)
  223. Nancy and the Astroturfers (25 replies)
  224. World's worst TV interview (39 replies)
  225. Some wisdom from Sarah Palin (21 replies)
  226. Take the quiz... (78 replies)
  227. Ron Paul supporters donate to Peter Schiff today. he is running against Chris Dodd (7 replies)
  228. American Values (1 replies)
  229. Brand new addition of "Americans Are Dumb" (24 replies)
  230. Of Course... (17 replies)
  231. Meet the Astroturf Brooks Brothers Mob (11 replies)
  232. ‘You Are Terrifying Us’ (11 replies)
  233. Investors finally find good news on unemployment (16 replies)
  234. AARP Town Hall Meeting (56 replies)
  235. Black conservative attacked by union thugs (9 replies)
  236. Jobless rate down for first time in a year (17 replies)
  237. Obamalot (2 replies)
  238. Senate Confirms Sonia Sotomayor to U.S. Supreme Court (139 replies)
  239. The right has lost it. (247 replies)
  240. Australian man laughs off Obama birth conspiracy (28 replies)
  241. Groups coordinate Obama opposition (28 replies)
  242. The Settlers (8 replies)
  243. The Mobfather (41 replies)
  244. Guide for how to fight right-wing "mobs" (39 replies)
  245. Lefty astroturfers attack the "mob" (26 replies)
  246. Cornyn calls out Obama on "fishy" speech (61 replies)
  247. fake outrage (3 replies)
  248. Citizens and Spy Programs? (103 replies)
  249. Change: Bush vs. Obama on protests (57 replies)
  250. Snail Mail going under? (11 replies)