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07-25-2005, 01:59 PM
Apparently Dove's real woman have curves (http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/flat3.asp?id=2287) ad is bothering quite a few people:

link (http://www.suntimes.com/output/lifestyles/cst-ftr-dovemain19.html)
link (http://cbs2chicago.com/morningnews/local_blogentry_200100324.html)
link (http://www.suntimes.com/output/roeper/cst-nws-roep19.html)

To the male persuasion here, do you not want to see these kind of ads? Do you think these women are fat?

I know that 99.9% of you do not have a supermodel wife or girlfriend, so be honest.

As a woman, I look at that ad and see myself. And it's nice to see that women don't have to be 5'10" and 125 pounds and can still be beautiful.

No immaturity allowed. I'd like an honest discussion please.

Duff McCartney
07-25-2005, 02:00 PM
Hey I have a super-model gf, but she's not a super model because of her body...she's one because of her personality.

07-25-2005, 02:04 PM
So then does that ad turn you off, Duff?

07-25-2005, 02:04 PM
i dont mind commercials showing women with a little meat on them, but lets not go overboard with it and start having Roseanne in a bikini ad or anything

Duff McCartney
07-25-2005, 02:07 PM
So then does that ad turn you off, Duff?

No. It doesn't.

07-25-2005, 02:10 PM
Apparently Dove's real woman have curves (http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/flat3.asp?id=2287) ad is bothering quite a few people:

link (http://www.suntimes.com/output/lifestyles/cst-ftr-dovemain19.html)
link (http://cbs2chicago.com/morningnews/local_blogentry_200100324.html)
link (http://www.suntimes.com/output/roeper/cst-nws-roep19.html)

To the male persuasion here, do you not want to see these kind of ads? Do you think these women are fat?

I know that 99.9% of you do not have a supermodel wife or girlfriend, so be honest.

As a woman, I look at that ad and see myself. And it's nice to see that women don't have to be 5'10" and 125 pounds and can still be beautiful.

No immaturity allowed. I'd like an honest discussion please.

That's interesting Shelly. Because for my Marketing class last semester that's what we did our project on, Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty."

I've done a lot of research on for that project and in fact, Dove also did before they started their campaign. They interviewed over 3000 women from all over the world and asked them to define beauty and asked them if they think they are pretty. Sad stat: Only about 4% of the women interviewed thought they were beautiful.

I personally love the ad campaign and the whole meaning behind. Dove is trying to question what society thinks of as beautiful and show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that stuff. But, unfortunately, I don't think that's ever going to happen in our society.

African culture and even Hispanic love thicker, healthy looking women. American society, loves the "waif" look. And even though I don't think I'm fat...I always feel fat when I see the Jennifer Anistons or Jessica Alba's of the world. Do any of the other women on the forum feel that way?

07-25-2005, 02:11 PM
I don't see the problem. They certainly aren't ugly.

07-25-2005, 02:12 PM
I don't see the problem. They certainly aren't ugly.

:lol Yea, they definitely could have used uglier women. The women in the ads aren't models, they are just random women they picked up off the street.

07-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Well, curves are fine with me. I don't like skeletons.

(I reserve the right to withdraw my comments if Rosanne Barr gets hired...:lol)

07-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Typical Emaciated Super Model Types...Julie is OK...But that Stacy looks like she has not eaten anything in a month!

07-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Only about 4% of the women interviewed thought they were beautiful.

That's really sad.

I personally love the ad campaign and the whole meaning behind. Dove is trying to question what society thinks of as beautiful and show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that stuff. But, unfortunately, I don't think that's ever going to happen in our society.

I agree 100%. Remember when they tried to come out with the fuller figure doll? That was a flop.

When Jessica Simpson was a little heavier (and by no means fat at all), there weren't any 'I'd hit it' posts. The same with when Britney gained a few pounds. And by no means were these women considered chubby when they were heavier.

I don't get it.

07-25-2005, 02:20 PM
I agree with Trav. Put some meat on dem bones.

Seriously, I have no problem with those ads and I think those women are pretty. That kind of woman appeals to me personally. They are happy, confident and good-looking. They also project a more realistic and positive body image for young girls.

07-25-2005, 02:20 PM
For the record, I am not offended by the "I'd hit it" posts.

07-25-2005, 02:23 PM
I don't get it.

It's so women over a size 2 can all go commit suicide because they'll never be good enough to attract all of those nasty, disgusting bastards with opinions who couldn't find a piece of ass with 2 hands, a map and a flashlight in the first place...so they can fight over the 20 or so woman on the planet that are left.


07-25-2005, 02:24 PM
It's so women over a size 2 can all go commit suicide because they'll never be good enough to attract all of those nasty, disgusting bastards with opinions who couldn't find a piece of ass with 2 hands, a map and a flashlight in the first place...so they can fight over the 20 or so woman on the planet that are left.




Samurai Jane
07-25-2005, 02:26 PM
Do any of the other women on the forum feel that way?


07-25-2005, 02:27 PM
Like them or not, I can't see getting so worked up that you'd write a column about them. What's the big deal?

07-25-2005, 02:31 PM
:lol Good to know I'm not alone. I mean seriously, look at Linsay Lohan and Hilary Duff, those girls when they first came out actually had meat on them, now they are as skinny as everyone else. I know that most of the women in the ads and movies can afford to have personal trainers and eat fancy, healthy food or whatever, and I'd like to think I'm a smart woman....but even I get roped into the whole thinner is beautiful thing! I can't even imagine the effect it's having on young girls.

I guess we need to realize that beauty doesn't neccesarily have to come in a size 2...

07-25-2005, 02:32 PM

Yes and no. At my advanced age, I'm pretty secure in myself and my husband has never once complained or commented on my weight nor been turned off by it. I've been smaller than I am now and I've been bigger.

I've also accepted that I probably won't ever be where I was when I was in my 20s and even then when people used to tell me what great shape I was in, I thought I was fat. Sad, huh?

07-25-2005, 02:32 PM
Like them or not, I can't see getting so worked up that you'd write a column about them. What's the big deal?

Yea, your not offended by the advertisements, but admit, aren't most of you guys attracted to girls like Brittany Spears, Jessica Alba, etc. because of their "hot bods"?

07-25-2005, 02:34 PM
Yes and no. At my advanced age, I'm pretty secure in myself and my husband has never once complained or commented on my weight nor been turned off by it. I've been smaller than I am now and I've been bigger.

I've also accepted that I probably won't ever be where I was when I was in my 20s and even then when people used to tell me what great shape I was in, I thought I was fat. Sad, huh?

Same here! I'm 20, and even though no one says I'm fat...I feel fat when I watch certain actresses or see certain ads!

Heck, I even feel fat when I go to the gym and see skinny bitches working out like there's no tommorow! :lol

07-25-2005, 02:34 PM
Yea, your not offended by the advertisements, but admit, aren't most of you guys attracted to girls like Brittany Spears, Jessica Alba, etc. because of their "hot bods"?

about the same as most of you women are attracted to guys like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom for the same reason.

07-25-2005, 02:35 PM
Yea, your not offended by the advertisements, but admit, aren't most of you guys attracted to girls like Brittany Spears, Jessica Alba, etc. because of their "hot bods"?

Depends. The point made earlier was a valid one. Lindsay Lohan, for example, looked quite nice before she lost all that weight. Now...I don't think she's attractive at all.

07-25-2005, 02:35 PM
Like them or not, I can't see getting so worked up that you'd write a column about them. What's the big deal?

Because women have to deal with that shit all the time. I've yet to see any guy here post a picture of someone that looks like the women in the ad.

I'm not ragging on you, Spurm, or anyone else for the record :)

07-25-2005, 02:36 PM
I agree with you about Lindsay Lohan. Much better looking before that drastic weight loss.

07-25-2005, 02:36 PM
For the record, I am not offended by the "I'd hit it" posts.

I find them to be quite offensive.

Duff McCartney
07-25-2005, 02:37 PM
Because women have to deal with that shit all the time. I've yet to see any guy here post a picture of someone that looks like the women in the ad.

I'm not ragging on you, Spurm, or anyone else for the record :)

What about Rachael Ray? She's no supermodel but she's a pretty perfect type woman, pettite and she's got meat on her bones.

07-25-2005, 02:37 PM
Sure, there are women I find more attractive than others, many times because of their bodies. But that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to the kinds of women who might not be deemed appropriate for beer ads.

07-25-2005, 02:37 PM
I find them to be quite offensive.

Unless you're posting them, right? :lol

07-25-2005, 02:38 PM
Because women have to deal with that shit all the time. I've yet to see any guy here post a picture of someone that looks like the women in the ad.

No, I meant why did Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times write a column criticising them?

I'm on YOUR side, ladies! :lol

07-25-2005, 02:38 PM
about the same as most of you women are attracted to guys like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom for the same reason.

Yeah, but I don't drool over them. I look at them and women and think they're attractive and don't give them a second thought.

07-25-2005, 02:39 PM
No, I meant why did Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times write a column criticising them?

I'm on YOUR side, ladies! :lol

Oh! :oops

Yeah, that was weird. Isn't he a film critic?

07-25-2005, 02:39 PM
Because women have to deal with that shit all the time. I've yet to see any guy here post a picture of someone that looks like the women in the ad.

you missed my wedding picture. My wife is very similar to the women in that ad and I love her unconditionally.

07-25-2005, 02:40 PM
I find them to be quite offensive.

That's because they aren't of sheep.

Thank you! I'll be here all week!

07-25-2005, 02:41 PM
Yeah, but I don't drool over them. I look at them and women and think they're attractive and don't give them a second thought.

but all we men do? I agree with what Spurm said....I find a lot of women attractive, many of which would not be considered "model-esque"

07-25-2005, 02:41 PM
you missed my wedding picture. My wife is very similar to the women in that ad and I love her unconditionally.

I know that, but you're not the one posting pictures of wimmen!

07-25-2005, 02:42 PM
I like thin, petite women. Of course I'm very shallow as well.

07-25-2005, 02:42 PM
but all we men do? I agree with what Spurm said....I find a lot of women attractive, many of which would not be considered "model-esque"


07-25-2005, 02:42 PM
about the same as most of you women are attracted to guys like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom for the same reason.

Yea, but we don't expect guys to look like that in real life. But you are right in the sense that, I don't know if I personally would look twice at a guy who's overweight. Too skinny, I may, but prolly not an overweight one. And even though I know that's shallow and superficial of me, I can't help it. I wish I could think differently....

07-25-2005, 02:42 PM
I posted the pic of us from our wedding. :)

07-25-2005, 02:43 PM
but all we men do? I agree with what Spurm said....I find a lot of women attractive, many of which would not be considered "model-esque"

I'm talking about the pictures of women that are posted on the forum.
Most of them are model-esqu, no?

07-25-2005, 02:43 PM
Yea, but we don't expect guys to look like that in real life. But you are right in the sense that, I don't know if I personally would look twice at a guy who's overweight. Too skinny, I may, but prolly not an overweight one. And even though I know that's shallow and superficial of me, I can't help it. I wish I could think differently....

Shoulda seen me when I got married...:wow :lol

07-25-2005, 02:43 PM
Yea, but we don't expect guys to look like that in real life. But you are right in the sense that, I don't know if I personally would look twice at a guy who's overweight. Too skinny, I may, but prolly not an overweight one. And even though I know that's shallow and superficial of me, I can't help it. I wish I could think differently....

and you assume we expect women to look like that in real life? Some of us know better.

07-25-2005, 02:45 PM

To be fair though, it works both ways. I don't see women bringing Ray Romano or Tom Arnold when the topic of attractive men come up.

Lindsay looks horriible now. I hope hilary duff doesnt head down that path.

That's because Tom Arnold is an idiot. But I don't think he's hideous.

07-25-2005, 02:45 PM
Hmm Stacy looks very familiar....

http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/uploadedImages/US/Local_events/firming/CFRB_Journal_Stacy_FullBody.jpg http://www.durzy.com/pics/rachel5.JPG

07-25-2005, 02:45 PM
Yes and no. At my advanced age, I'm pretty secure in myself and my husband has never once complained or commented on my weight nor been turned off by it. I've been smaller than I am now and I've been bigger.

I've also accepted that I probably won't ever be where I was when I was in my 20s and even then when people used to tell me what great shape I was in, I thought I was fat. Sad, huh?

It is sad. I am 5'7, a size 8. I weigh 131 on a good day and 134 on a bad day. My husband thinks I looks pretty good after having 4 kids and most of the time I feel pretty good with myself.

There are days when I am flipping through magazines or watching tv and I can't help but wish I was smaller......I think I would look like death though if I was a size 2.

07-25-2005, 02:46 PM
I'm talking about the pictures of women that are posted on the forum.
Most of them are model-esqu, no?

most of the pics, yes.

07-25-2005, 02:46 PM
Hey! I think Ray Romano is kinda cute!!!

07-25-2005, 02:46 PM
Heck, I even feel fat when I go to the gym and see skinny bitches working out like there's no tommorow! :lol

hey now, just cuz they're skinny don't make them bitches...or does it? :lol

Because women have to deal with that shit all the time. I've yet to see any guy here post a picture of someone that looks like the women in the ad.

hey shell, i just posted kelly osborne a couple days ago...granted, she might have been airbrushed, but it's the thought that counts, huh?

as for the Dove girls?

i think stacy is pretty hot. :tu


but i do find it humourous that the suntimes puts a bigmac ad on the same page as the articles...:lol

07-25-2005, 02:47 PM
yes she is.

07-25-2005, 02:48 PM
:lol Well, I call them "skinny bitches" in my head......although I'm sure they are all very nice girls :princess

07-25-2005, 02:48 PM
and you assume we expect women to look like that in real life? Some of us know better.

I'd bet you're in the minority.

I'm not ragging on the men here. You know I love ya, Mikey!

I just thought it was interesting that some people thought the ads were offensive and I wanted to get a male point of view. So far, most of you rule!

07-25-2005, 02:49 PM
I'd hit it over and over again, all of them.

More cusion for the pushin..

07-25-2005, 02:50 PM
but i do find it humourous that the suntimes puts a bigmac ad on the same page as the articles...


07-25-2005, 02:51 PM
I don't expect guys to look like Brad Pitt in the real world..heck I'm not that crazy about his body...I think that's too much muscle personally. The point was that most ads are geared towards women and they feature beautiful, skinny, perfect looking women who are not the norm, but the exception and try to make women in soceity feel as if they aren't pretty enough or good enough since they don't look like that. Those hot men featured in ads are usually just props to women, not targeted towards men :spin

07-25-2005, 02:52 PM
I'd hit it over and over again, all of them.

More cusion for the pushin..

:lol Oh gosh...........

07-25-2005, 02:53 PM
:lol Oh gosh...........


Come on, bigger women usually have bigger breasts, and when I smack an ass I want there to be something to smack.

07-25-2005, 02:55 PM


07-25-2005, 02:56 PM
for the record, this is a cute girl, but let it be noted,

if it's a scar, acceptable.

if it's a treasure trail? unacceptable. thanks. :smokin


07-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Okay....lemme aks you this....

Say strip clubs featured these types of women, who are gonna jiggle when the dance (and not just their boobs :lol) and you had a choice to go to this one or one that's what most strip clubs are like.

Which one would you frequent more often?

07-25-2005, 02:58 PM
I've never bought that ANY men find waifs that attractive. I don't know any man who thinks Lindsay Lohan looks better now than she did a year ago, I don't know any man who has ever drooled over Kate Moss or Calista Flockhart, and most men I know prefer the old Jennifer Aniston and Lara Flynn Boyle to the newer, thinner versions.

In fact, for some reason, I find the morbidly skinny celebrities are often more popular with women than men.

07-25-2005, 02:59 PM
In fact, for some reason, I find the morbidly skinny celebrities are often more popular with women than men.


07-25-2005, 02:59 PM
Okay....lemme aks you this....

Say strip clubs featured these types of women, who are gonna jiggle when the dance (and not just their boobs :lol) and you had a choice to go to this one or one that's what most strip clubs are like.

Which one would you frequent more often?

I'd go to the first.

Listen, I can see rail skinny women with fake breasts all day long on tv, magazines, movies, etc.

I want to see the girl next door, the real girl next door with a natural C cup and a nice sized ass, and yeah she might not be perfect but that's what makes her so special, her indivuduality...

07-25-2005, 03:00 PM
strip clubs are all about fantasy. give us a break. :lmao

07-25-2005, 03:04 PM
Which one would you frequent more often?

the one that is the cheapest to get in to! :lol

I have gotten frugal in my old age.

07-25-2005, 03:05 PM
strip clubs are all about fantasy. give us a break. :lmao

But that's what the articles are saying also. So in reality, you'd rather see the skinnier woman!

07-25-2005, 03:06 PM
the one that is the cheapest to get in to! :lol

I have gotten frugal in my old age.

nope. Everything's the same except the body. Now answer honestly again :)

07-25-2005, 03:06 PM
I checked out the Dove page, and I thought 5 out of the 6 women were quite attractive, and 3 were downright gorgeous.

Like someone said before, just don't let it get out of hand. If I saw "Stacey" or "Gina" on a billboard, I'd say "Thank you, Dove"...but once Roseanne shows up in her undies we have a problem.

"Healthy" is the sticking point for me. You've gotta look healthy. Too thin definitely does not look too healthy, and neither does too much meat on the bones. It's all about balance. Having too little or too much fat on your body is not good for you, and not attractive (in my opinion, of course). One is not necessarily better or worse than the other, and I support the idea behind the campaign...young ladies are getting a twisted sense of what they should look like, I just hope it doesn't go too far. It's not healthy to be overweight, no matter how much you want young ladies to feel good about themselves. The same is true for being underweight. Ultimately, I think the problem is that the focus of physical fitness and personal maintenance is primarily concerned with how you look as opposed to how healthy your body is.

Take up yoga. It'll give you a great perspective on how to care for your body. How good you look is simply a by-product of how well you take care of yourself. Not for the sake of looking better, but for the sake of feeling better.

07-25-2005, 03:06 PM
I'd bet you're in the minority.

I'm not ragging on the men here. You know I love ya, Mikey!

I just thought it was interesting that some people thought the ads were offensive and I wanted to get a male point of view. So far, most of you rule!

and I you Shell. :)

I think a lot of it has do to with age. In a guy's early 20's...it was all about who's hot...as you get older, you mature and your tastes and attitudes change.

07-25-2005, 03:07 PM
Honestly I fantasize about my neighbor more than I do the women in strip clubs. She's far from perfect but she's got nice legs and I know if I ever unwrap that present that it won't look like the ones at the strip club that are all exactly the same, with the inplants and such...

07-25-2005, 03:08 PM
Honestly, I would have to agree with PM5K......to me, a real woman is more attractive than an plastic looking one.

07-25-2005, 03:08 PM
and I you Shell. :)

I think a lot of it has do to with age. In a guy's early 20's...it was all about who's hot...as you get older, you mature and your tastes and attitudes change.

I think that's a valid point. I think age does have a lot to do with it.

07-25-2005, 03:09 PM
well, i'll put it this way, i haven't been to a strip club in a long time, and i mean a looong time...
(just in case wifey ever reads this :lol)

but hell, i'm a dawg, i'd goto the pt's, allstars, tiffany's, sugars etc...
but i remember finding myself at the rainbow lounge a couple times as well...
and if you can get used to just one breast?
or the slight kicking of the baby when getting a lap dance?
it's really not that bad...:lmao

07-25-2005, 03:10 PM
strip clubs are all about fantasy. give us a break. :lmao

Exactly the problem. No one likes to think of their man having to fantasize about a *perfect* woman because in reality they are STUCK with them- oh-so-ordinary, less-than-perfect-selves -and don't turn them on on their own merit.

That was the perfect wrong answer. :lol

07-25-2005, 03:11 PM
Okay....lemme aks you this....

Say strip clubs featured these types of women, who are gonna jiggle when the dance (and not just their boobs :lol) and you had a choice to go to this one or one that's what most strip clubs are like.

Which one would you frequent more often?

It extends both ways Shelly.. I would venture that females would rather go a party with Chippendale dancers than one where the dancers have a beer belly...

07-25-2005, 03:12 PM
Note before reading this, I am not hating on the state of Texas!!!!

I'd be curious to know if men in some places like California, New York, or Florida think that thin is beautiful and would have the same views that a lot of the men from SA are expressing in this forum...

07-25-2005, 03:13 PM
It extends both ways Shelly.. I would venture that females would rather go a party with Chippendale dancers than one where the dancers have a beer belly...

:lol Touche.

07-25-2005, 03:13 PM
It extends both ways Shelly.. I would venture that females would rather go a party with Chippendale dancers than one where the dancers have a beer belly...

Wrong. 99.9% of all females know that CHIPPENDALE dancers are gay and no amount of alcohol served there is going to get them laid by any of them. Give me a beer gut. :spin

07-25-2005, 03:13 PM
I'd be curious to know if men in some places like California, New York, or Florida think that thin is beautiful and would have the same views that a lot of the men from SA are expressing in this forum...

Good point.

07-25-2005, 03:14 PM
the 'perfect woman' is a matter of perspective and has a helluva lot more to do with, than looks...which i'm sure you gals know.

but for the most part, man is a visually stimulated being whereas woman is emotionally stimulated.

07-25-2005, 03:15 PM
Wrong. 99.9% of all females know that CHIPPENDALE dancers are gay and no amount of alcohol served there is going to get them laid by any of them. Give me a beer gut. :spin

I have a beer guy baby ;-)

07-25-2005, 03:16 PM
Ditto. :spin

07-25-2005, 03:16 PM
I think a lot of it has do to with age. In a guy's early 20's...it was all about who's hot...as you get older, you mature and your tastes and attitudes change.

This is a great point. I'm sure my attitude is much different as I approach 30 than it was as I approached 20...

07-25-2005, 03:18 PM
The question is this: How come so many women all over the world strive to look like these models in the ads, be a size 2, and are willing to go to such extremes like Bulemia to attain that look, whereas, most Men don't even think twice about trying to get themselves to look like a Brad Pitt or Will Smith........?

07-25-2005, 03:19 PM
Wrong. 99.9% of all females know that CHIPPENDALE dancers are gay and no amount of alcohol served there is going to get them laid by any of them. Give me a beer gut. :spin

no offense, but i think you're full of it

no way a group of girls out on the town decide to go to a beer belly strip club over a chippendales with guys who are cut like a mofo

07-25-2005, 03:20 PM
I'm in no position to care...just give me a female.

07-25-2005, 03:24 PM
Wrong. 99.9% of all females know that CHIPPENDALE dancers are gay and no amount of alcohol served there is going to get them laid by any of them. Give me a beer gut. :spin

change the alcohol to money and it's more of a possibility..
add alcohol to the money and the porbability is way higher..

p.s: how many guys over here have really thought over in their mind " she must be a lesbian" when they have struck out trying in a strip club..

07-25-2005, 03:24 PM
Are you sure those aren’t the "Dove-Bar" Girls?


07-25-2005, 03:25 PM
no offense, but i think you're full of it

no way a group of girls out on the town decide to go to a beer belly strip club over a chippendales with guys who are cut like a mofo

No, he said go to a party where they were there, not pay just to go see them.

And I don't get hot & bothered over male strippers, Chippendale's or otherwise. Because yes, most of them are gay....and I've known a few and I know what they do to get *prepared* for a show. I'm stuck between wanting to laugh my ass off or vomit. And then I think about all the REALLY nasty people they hang all over for money and I'm even less turned on by them.

I'm just happy with someone that can keep a fucking job. Anything else is just a bonus. :lol

And BTW, I'm 33, divorced with 2 kids... my priorities are not the same as maybe a 20 year-olds would be. But they'll learn. :lol

07-25-2005, 03:26 PM
no offense, but i think you're full of it

no way a group of girls out on the town decide to go to a beer belly strip club over a chippendales with guys who are cut like a mofo

I have never, ever gone to chippendales club, nor have I had a desire to. I think they are lame. I've been to All-Stars with my husband and another couple and I thought that was pretty lame also. Plus, the sticky seats grossed me out :lol

Parker, you make a valid point about men in CA, NY, etc. When I was at my fittest, I was living in So CA at the time (late teens and 20s) and yeah, there was pressure to look good. Funny thing is that I met my husband when I was heavier and didn't lose the weight until 2 years into our relationship.

07-25-2005, 03:27 PM
No, he said go to a party where they were there, not pay just to go see them.

And I don't get hot & bothered over male strippers, Chippendale's or otherwise. Because yes, most of them are gay....and I've known a few and I know what they do to get *prepared* for a show. I'm stuck between wanting to laugh my ass off or vomit. And then I think about all the REALLY unattractive people they hang all over for money and I'm even less turned on by them.

I'm just happy with someone that can keep a fucking job. Anything else is just a bonus. :lol

:lmao Nice to know you have such high standards!!! (*cough User6666*)

07-25-2005, 03:29 PM
:lmao Nice to know you have such high standards!!! (*cough User6666*)

I never said I didn't get a lot of *BONUSES*. ;) :smokin

07-25-2005, 03:29 PM

Well-played, CavsSuperFan.

07-25-2005, 03:32 PM

Well-played, CavsSuperFan.

Yeah, fat joke. Hilarious. :shootme

07-25-2005, 03:33 PM
Yeah, fat joke. Hilarious. :shootme

:rolleyes Men....

07-25-2005, 03:35 PM
Come on, lighten up. This has been a pretty mature thread, there had to be at least one joke. We went 4 pages before that popped up...I was impressed it went that long.

07-25-2005, 03:36 PM
Yeah, cuz Cavs Fan is Mr. Olympia! :lol

Kori Ellis
07-25-2005, 03:36 PM
I've been to All-Stars with my husband and another couple

*waiting for the male response*

07-25-2005, 03:37 PM
Exactly the problem. No one likes to think of their man having to fantasize about a *perfect* woman because in reality they are STUCK with them- oh-so-ordinary, less-than-perfect-selves -and don't turn them on on their own merit.

That was the perfect wrong answer. :lol

As usual, SW said what I was trying to say.

07-25-2005, 03:38 PM
*waiting for the male response*


It was an hour or so of my life I'll never get back!

Kori Ellis
07-25-2005, 03:40 PM
It was an hour or so of my life I'll never get back!

I've actually been to female strip clubs several times in L.A. with my male friends. I've never been to All-Stars though. :lol

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 03:40 PM
This ad campaign is targeted towards women. I could care less whether dove had an elephant advertizing their product (though, I think that would be an impressive feat and overwhelming proof that their product was effective!). I just would like ads aimed at women's hygiene products 1. Not on obviously sports/male oriented programming, and 2. Not repeated 10 X an hour.

07-25-2005, 03:40 PM
The question is this: How come so many women all over the world strive to look like these models in the ads, be a size 2, and are willing to go to such extremes like Bulemia to attain that look, whereas, most Men don't even think twice about trying to get themselves to look like a Brad Pitt or Will Smith........?

Because men have a tendency to say one thing and do another. Many men say that they want a woman with meat on her bones, but they'll go out and stare at the skinny girls with fake boobs and talk about how hot she is.

07-25-2005, 03:41 PM
Because men have a tendency to say one thing and do another. Many men say that they want a woman with meat on her bones, but they'll go out and stare at the skinny girls with fake boobs and talk about how hot she is.

Exactly! coughzakcough :lol

07-25-2005, 03:42 PM
I just would like ads aimed at women's hygiene products 1. Not on obviously sports/male oriented programming, and 2. Not repeated 10 X an hour.

If we have to watch 95% of advertising that includes some kind of *perfect* women or gratuitous tit-shot, you can just suck it up and enjoy Tampax and it's petal-soft applicator or whatever.

:rolleyes :lol

07-25-2005, 03:42 PM
Yeah, cuz Cavs Fan is Mr. Olympia! :lol

Exactly! I don't think it was mean-spirited...and I certainly don't laugh with any ill will.

My wife has more curves than a few of the women in the ad, and she's a fucking knockout. I'm a big fan of curves...

07-25-2005, 03:43 PM
*waiting for the male response*

We're boycotting Shelly because of her reluctance to post before/after bikini and daily weigh in pictures *cough*Shellyweighsinthebuff*cough* over in the Body Solutions forum.

And for what it's worth, I'll take a woman with curves over those models that Madison Avenue and Hollywood force on us that look like an Ethiopian (sp?) waiting in a rice line.

07-25-2005, 03:43 PM
If we have to watch 95% of advertising that includes some kind of *perfect* women or gratuitous tit-shot, you can just suck it up and enjoy Tampax and it's petal-soft applicator or whatever.

Agreed...its a fair trade! :)

07-25-2005, 03:43 PM
Separated at birth Shelly...

http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/swp/Art/icon.gif/Dork.gif http://www.tcnwe.org/s-reeves.jpg

07-25-2005, 03:44 PM
Separated at birth Shelly...

http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/swp/Art/icon.gif/Dork.gif http://www.tcnwe.org/s-reeves.jpg


07-25-2005, 03:44 PM
Because men have a tendency to say one thing and do another. Many men say that they want a woman with meat on her bones, but they'll go out and stare at the skinny girls with fake boobs and talk about how hot she is.


07-25-2005, 03:45 PM
let's be fair now. Some of us stare at ALL women! :)

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 03:47 PM
If we have to watch 95% of advertising that includes some kind of *perfect* women or gratuitous tit-shot, you can just suck it up and enjoy Tampax and it's petal-soft applicator or whatever.

:rolleyes :lol

Not the same. I would think that the equivalent would be an athlete's foot/jock itch ad. Don't care for those, either.

07-25-2005, 03:47 PM
To add to what Spurschick said.

One thing I cannot stand is when a guy (or girl, but most likely a guy :spin) will be with their SO and comment and/or stare at some chick that walks by right in front of them.

07-25-2005, 03:47 PM
Because men have a tendency to say one thing and do another. Many men say that they want a woman with meat on her bones, but they'll go out and stare at the skinny girls with fake boobs and talk about how hot she is.

Hey, some of us like women in all shapes and sizes. Just because I find Eva Longoria gorgeous doesn't mean I can't also think the Dove girls (or my wife) are beautiful, too.

07-25-2005, 03:48 PM
let's be fair now. Some of us stare at ALL women! :)

Please note that I said "many men", not ALL men.

07-25-2005, 03:48 PM
To add to what Spurschick said.

One thing I cannot stand is when a guy (or girl, but most likely a guy ) will be with their SO and comment and/or stare at some chick that walks by right in front of them.

Good point.

07-25-2005, 03:49 PM
I know, Spurschick....that is why the :)

its all good! :tu

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 03:49 PM
To add to what Spurschick said.

One thing I cannot stand is when a guy (or girl, but most likely a guy :spin) will be with their SO and comment and/or stare at some chick that walks by right in front of them.

Well, that is rude, but you have to realize that he's fighting the instinct of thousands of years of evolution to check out the babe walking down the street.

The way to counteract that is to look so hot that he won't stop looking at you. :lol

07-25-2005, 03:49 PM
Would you rather listen to a symphony or to a bunch of 4 years old with drums and whistles?
Would you rather have your portrait made by Da Vinci or by my 6 years old?
Would you rather eat at Mc Donald's or at a 3 star French restaurant?

Human responses are actually quite basic and we respond to certain genetically pre programmed triggers very much the same way.

Visual stimuli are the most immediate so yes when men go to strip club they go to watch women they find attractive (and women do the same - how can you explain the women reactions to male strippers?).

Other impulses are just as strong but do not happen instantly. I believe that the personality of a person causes the same type of reactions (positive and negative), but needs more time to develop (unfortunately it is easier to get our attention if you look like Jessica Alba or Brad Pitt).

07-25-2005, 03:53 PM
*waiting for the male response*
I took my girlfriend (who is now my wife) to the Crazy Horse in Paris.

07-25-2005, 03:55 PM
Not the same. I would think that the equivalent would be an athlete's foot/jock itch ad. Don't care for those, either.

They are both commericials that make us uncomfortable to some degree....how do you consider that different?

I'm sure you don't even notice how most of them are run ad-nauseum. :)

07-25-2005, 03:59 PM
Visual stimuli are the most immediate so yes when men go to strip club they go to watch women they find attractive (and women do the same - how can you explain the women reactions to male strippers?).

Personally, I don't like male strip clubs. I'm sure the guys are very nice and they're obviously working hard to make a buck, but it's just not my cup of tea. But I know what you're talking about with the female reactions they get. Women at male strip clubs are nuts! I guess my equivalent would be sporting events - I prefer male athletes over strippers.

07-25-2005, 04:02 PM
Would you rather listen to a symphony or to a bunch of 4 years old with drums and whistles?
Would you rather have your portrait made by Da Vinci or by my 6 years old?
Would you rather eat at Mc Donald's or at a 3 star French restaurant?

Would you rather your wife be satisfied and happy with you or to have to fantasize about Brad Pitt to get off when you were making love to her? :)

07-25-2005, 04:03 PM
One thing I cannot stand is when a guy (or girl, but most likely a guy :spin) will be with their SO and comment and/or stare at some chick that walks by right in front of them.

to comment is stupid...unless you comment in a derogatory way...as in.."oh my God, look at that whore...can you believe she would go out in something like that?"

if you say that, you can look and stare unabated. :tu

if you are going to stare w/o comment? you better have sunglasses on. :smokin

07-25-2005, 04:04 PM
Personally, I don't like male strip clubs. I'm sure the guys are very nice and they're obviously working hard to make a buck, but it's just not my cup of tea. But I know what you're talking about with the female reactions they get. Women at male strip clubs are nuts! I guess my equivalent would be sporting events - I prefer male athletes over strippers.

So's an Oprah audience member!

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 04:04 PM
Here is what we've learned:

Guys like looking at attractive, skinny women with large breasts.
Women want men to be attracted to women more like themselves.

Groundbreaking stuff.

07-25-2005, 04:05 PM
BTW, the intention of this thread was not to bash men. I hope y'all didn't take it that way :)

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 04:08 PM
Men's idea of beauty is not going to change because of some ad campaign. Do some looking at legitimate research done on beauty - it crosses cultural and ethnic bounds. It is something deeply ingrained in us since birth.

07-25-2005, 04:09 PM
Personally I think the most attractive person is the one who likes theirself enough to find beauty in those around them.

I think that the whole idea of one size of models is ridiculous.

The whole point of attraction is that everybody considers something different whether it be green eyes, no hips, broad shoulders, what have you, to be good looking.

Even if two men think the same woman is pretty, it does not follow that they like the same physical features about her.
It sounds cliche, but beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

I think that the biggest battle is to be healthy and to like yourself. As soon as one starts to master that, admirers are bound to eventually follow.

07-25-2005, 04:12 PM
Here is what we've learned:

Guys like looking at attractive, skinny women with large breasts.

Yes, I know...we should all be happy and content that some of us will never be 22 again or physically perfect no matter how hard we try and just grin and bare that little factoid shoved in our face every time we turn around.


07-25-2005, 04:14 PM
Personally, I think it boils down to priorities.

07-25-2005, 04:15 PM
Would you rather your wife be satisfied and happy with you or to have to fantasize about Brad Pitt to get off when you were making love to her? :) Read the post. The point I'm trying to make is that certain things are "no brainers" reactions. They are immediate while others they take time. Is it genetic? I don't know, but be honest you can predict the reaction of 90% of people accurately to a certain set up (candid camery has made a career of exactly that).

And to answer you question I'd rather see her happy with me, but you comparision is not of the same type as mine. The fair question would be would my wife be more likely to talk to me or to Brad Pitt if she just saw us in a crowd for the first time. Odds are she would chose me! (you should have seen me 15 years ago :eyebrows)

07-25-2005, 04:15 PM
How can there be a " physically perfect" when thousands of people will swear that a different person is the best looking person they have ever seen?

07-25-2005, 04:15 PM
I love "gorditas"!!!

Extra Stout
07-25-2005, 04:15 PM
The Dove ads feature the girl next door... in her underwear. Why is this a problem?

Women want men to be attracted to women more like themselves.This is what gets me... there is a pretty wide category for "attractive." But that's not enough, is it? For pretty much any guy in the world who is not an absolute fucking asshole like that Roeper dude, if he were with any of the majority of those girls, he'd be feeling pretty good about his fortunes.

But a lot of "regular" women still really hate the tall, slender, voluptuous types. They won't be happy until they figure out a way to rewire the male brain so that Swedish-bikini-model women are considered "ugly."

07-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Personally I think the most attractive person is the one who likes theirself enough to find beauty in those around them.
Welcome to the 5% club of Americans.

07-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Personally I think the most attractive person is the one who likes theirself enough to find beauty in those around them.

I think that the biggest battle is to be healthy and to like yourself. As soon as one starts to master that, admirers are bound to eventually follow.

that was beautiful. :cry

seriously, well said girl. :tu

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 04:20 PM
Yes, I know...we should all be happy and content that some of us will never be 22 again or physically perfect no matter how hard we try and just grin and bare that little factoid shoved in our face every time we turn around.



Well, the underwear model isn't nearly attractive after a while when she nags all the time, does nothing but shop & spend money, and can't boil water. There are other things that make a woman attractive that add to the whole.

07-25-2005, 04:26 PM
Personally I think the most attractive person is the one who likes theirself enough to find beauty in those around them.

I think that the whole idea of one size of models is ridiculous.

The whole point of attraction is that everybody considers something different whether it be green eyes, no hips, broad shoulders, what have you, to be good looking.

Even if two men think the same woman is pretty, it does not follow that they like the same physical features about her.
It sounds cliche, but beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

I think that the biggest battle is to be healthy and to like yourself. As soon as one starts to master that, admirers are bound to eventually follow.

I agree, but unfortunatly, like 1Parker1 posted in an earlier post, 4% of the women polled consider themselves beautiful. That has a lot to do with adverstising and you can also bet it also has a lot to do with some guy comparing her to someone she could never be.

07-25-2005, 04:27 PM
I think that the biggest battle is to be healthy and to like yourself. As soon as one starts to master that, admirers are bound to eventually follow.

That's very true. I got asked out a lot more once I adopted social apathy a few years ago - and a lot of the guys that asked me out specifically commented on liking how I carried myself.

07-25-2005, 04:28 PM
To elaborate on the whole, beauty is inthe eye of the beholder theory, imagine this experiment.
If every one on the forum listed what they found most attractive about person X, I believe the follwoing things are likely to occur

* someone would like best what Person X secretly hates about themself

* Person X's best feature,according to the poll, might not be what the Person X would have guessed would get picked.

* Someone will appreciate a feature about Person X that Person X is oblivious of.

Sound possible to anyone else?

07-25-2005, 04:30 PM
I don't think that 5"10 women who weigh 125 are the only beautiful women in this world. I find all kind of women attractive. I work in a place where there is all kinds of women. All races. Different shapes and sizes. A woman who can always wear a smile is very attractive.

07-25-2005, 04:36 PM
I agree, but unfortunatly, like 1Parker1 posted in an earlier post, 4% of the women polled consider themselves beautiful.

And to me, that ought to be much more of a concern to women than what the guys or their peers think.

It is madness to base your style and worth on the ever changing public opinion. When you do that, you rob yourself of the chance to be yourself and find out who loves you for you.

I learned this the hard way. No more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-25-2005, 04:48 PM
It is madness to base your style and worth on the ever changing public opinion. When you do that, you rob yourself of the chance to be yourself and find out who loves you for you.

I hope you can keep up that kind of attitude....it gets exponentially more difficult to maintain when you have many more years of time marching across your face. And gravity yanking on your girls.

:cry :lol

07-25-2005, 04:50 PM
And gravity yanking on your girls.

your petname for user is 'gravity'? :lol

07-25-2005, 04:50 PM
It is madness to base your style and worth on the ever changing public opinion. When you do that, you rob yourself of the chance to be yourself and find out who loves you for you.

I couldn't agree with you more Angel. Women are far more attractive when they are real according to how they think what real is, not what society thinks real is. :tu

07-25-2005, 04:57 PM
I couldn't agree with you more Angel. Women are far more attractive when they are real according to how they think what real is, not what society thinks real is. :tu

This all sounds really great, but... when I look at quite a few threads posted in this forum referring to women as "bitches", male-centric lists that say women who like sports have to be on probation to prove it, plus the many threads started about half-naked women that someone would "hit", I'm afraid that I've lost faith.

07-25-2005, 04:57 PM
I hope you can keep up that kind of attitude....it gets exponentially more difficult to maintain when you have many more years of time marching across your face. And gravity yanking on your girls.

:cry :lol


07-25-2005, 05:00 PM
Why lose faith? Trust me that a good man who is worth it will be more attractive to those who are real.

Kori Ellis
07-25-2005, 05:05 PM
This all sounds really great, but... when I look at quite a few threads posted in this forum referring to women as "bitches", male-centric lists that say women who like sports have to be on probation to prove it, plus the many threads started about half-naked women that someone would "hit", I'm afraid that I've lost faith.

:( Don't take The Club so seriously. Besides, you are really beautiful (inside and out). Men would be honored to "hit" it .. and settle down with you.

07-25-2005, 05:08 PM
Honestly, it's not that men don't share some of the blame, but I think there's definitely a vicious cycle just among women when it comes to perception of what a woman should look like. It's not just Maxim that shows unrealistic images of women... It's the Cosmos, the Vogues, the Seventeens, the Peoples... Many of these publications are run by women, and they are most certainly purchased by women.

It seems to me that women judge the appearance of other women more than men do... Am I alone in that observation?

07-25-2005, 05:15 PM
:( Don't take The Club so seriously. Besides, you are really beautiful (inside and out). Men would be honored to "hit" it .. and settle down with you.

no joke.

and I can only speak for myself, but i post in the Club like i would talk with my buddies...so sure, chauvenism comes out, but i guarantee you that i wouldn't be married if i didn't respect, honor, and cherish the woman i have at home and respect women i meet in general.

for example, i would never take it upon myself to pull a g-string to insert money,
i always respect the dancer and let her decide where she wants her cash. :tu

in all seriousness though, you ladies make this board fun. :smokin

and i don't think it's a secret to anyone here that sex sells. it's all about making the cash. Hot girls move product. Movies, magazines, whatever. That's reality.

07-25-2005, 05:16 PM
To continue that thought... When I'm out with my wife, we occasionally see a woman who is probably a bit overweight and underdressed. I usually don't even think twice about it, but it drives my wife crazy... Especially if any part of the belly/hips are hanging over the top edge of the pants.

07-25-2005, 05:18 PM
It's not just Maxim that shows unrealistic images of women... It's the Cosmos, the Vogues, the Seventeens, the Peoples... Many of these publications are run by women, and they are most certainly purchased by women.

It seems to me that women judge the appearance of other women more than men do... Am I alone in that observation?

How many signatures and avatars of ripped abs, cut thighs, and a 10 inch cock bouncing around do YOU have to scroll through if you want to read a thread?

If it weren't such a big deal for men, it wouldn't be such a big deal for women.


07-25-2005, 05:19 PM
To continue that thought... When I'm out with my wife, we occasionally see a woman who is probably a bit overweight and underdressed. I usually don't even think twice about it, but it drives my wife crazy... Especially if any part of the belly/hips are hanging over the top edge of the pants.

see now that's funny, cuz i would think that a woman seeing another woman like that would praise that fact that that girl obviously does not care what anyone thinks...or are they just embarrassed for her?

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 05:19 PM
How many signatures and avatars of ripped abs, cut thighs, and a 10 inch cock bouncing around do YOU have to scroll through if you want to read a thread?

Gatita hasn't posted in a while. :cat

07-25-2005, 05:20 PM
I thank God all the time that my wife didn't choose me for my "looks" or else she wouldn't have given me the time of day.
I was an "acquired" taste and it was my personality and sense of humor, although some of you have have met me will have their doubts, that was the reason for her saying "yes" to a second date and the rest is history.
But I must admit that it was her looks that first attracted me to her but that was just icing on the cake.

I also agree with Jekka. It wasn't until I broke out of my shyness that I started making more headway with women and was surprised that women who I used to think were "out of my league" would actually go out with me.

SWC Bonfire
07-25-2005, 05:22 PM
This thread is silly. Sounds like some people want reassurance that they are attractive to society. From what pictures I have seen of GTG's, the women of this forum don't have anything to worry about, let it go.

07-25-2005, 05:22 PM
or are they just embarrassed for her?

my favorite quote of all time happens to come from my mom:

"Just because they make a bikini in a size 52, doesn't mean you have to buy one!"


If I say anything it's definitely because I'm embarrassed for her. Some things just don't look good on some people and the denial can't possibly be that bad.

07-25-2005, 05:22 PM
To add to what Spurschick said.

One thing I cannot stand is when a guy (or girl, but most likely a guy :spin) will be with their SO and comment and/or stare at some chick that walks by right in front of them.


Kori looks at every chick that walks by. She stares them down from head to toe. 100 times out of a 100, she notices a girl before I do.

She'll be like "Wow, that girl has awesome clothes/tits/legs/hair/makeup/skin/teeth!" Or she'll say something like "Look how tacky that girl is, I can't believe she's wearing that!" She's an equal opportunity observer.

Me, on the other hand, I couldn't tell you the difference between Jessica Simpson, Carmen Electra, Jessica Alba or any of the other girls that most guys drool after. If you show me a picture of a "hot chick", there's about a 1% chance I could name them.

I don't know why, but I've always been like that. Famous girls that guys adore have never fazed me.

But before I get praised for my views, I have to say that my point of view was probably due to the fact that I always thought that females were beneath me (pre-marriage of course :)). A chick on the screen was the same as a chick in real life, I didn't really care more than that. It was just a game (:angel).

Luckily, I'm married to the best wife in the world. She's perfect. She even goes as far as giving me the "chick report" whenever we go out.


07-25-2005, 05:24 PM
This thread is silly. Sounds like some people want reassurance that they are attractive to society. From what pictures I have seen of GTG's, the women of this forum don't have anything to worry about, let it go.

If you don't like the thread, by all means quit opening it. It's an issue that affects the majority of women...how fortunate for you to be above it all. :)

Kori Ellis
07-25-2005, 05:25 PM
She'll be like "Wow, that girl has awesome clothes/tits/legs/hair/makeup/skin/teeth!" Or she'll say something like "Look how tacky that girl is, I can't believe she's wearing that!" She's an equal opportunity observer.

I think the thing that I say the most is, "Damn, that girl's tits are HUGE!" and then LJ says, "They are??" :wtf and then I say, "LOOK!" :lmao

But I honestly am not noticing it out of jealousy or wanting to look like them. I've actually never looked at another girl in my life (real or in a magazine) and thought "Oh, I wish I looked like that." I have wanted to improve myself .. but not based on how anyone else looks. I just like to look at people. Especially tacky ones -- how some people dress to go out is amazing to me :)

07-25-2005, 05:25 PM
How many signatures and avatars of ripped abs, cut thighs, and a 10 inch cock bouncing around do YOU have to scroll through if you want to read a thread?


Well, like I said, men certainly share the blame.

I do think there's a difference... Sure, men like gorgeous women. But they're ornaments. We realize they're a fantasy, and I don't think there's very many of us who expect women to try to look like Jessica Alba. Most of us, except for drunken frat boys in Cancun for Spring Break, would be too intimidated by someone like that to even approach them.

Women, on the other hand, barrage themselves with magazines that basically TELL them how they're supposed to dress/look. Do you agree?

07-25-2005, 05:25 PM
This thread is silly. Sounds like some people want reassurance that they are attractive to society. From what pictures I have seen of GTG's, the women of this forum don't have anything to worry about, let it go.

I don't think so.

Besides, I'd hit myself! :lol

07-25-2005, 05:27 PM
Oh and before I forget, some of my fellow males in this thread are getting a bad rap. How many of you girls would think different of Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili or Rasho Nesterovic if they worked at McDonalds? I'm guessing that there wouldn't be as many women fawning over them.


With Rasho, it's probably more a question of "when" than "if".


07-25-2005, 05:29 PM
We realize they're a fantasy, and I don't think there's very many of us who expect women to try to look like Jessica Alba.

But WE want to be your fantasy, dammit!! :lol

07-25-2005, 05:30 PM
I don't think so.

Besides, I'd hit myself!

and I would pay good money to see that! :spin

07-25-2005, 05:30 PM

With Rasho, it's probably more a question of "when" than "if".


:lmao :lmao :lmao

07-25-2005, 05:31 PM
But WE want to be your fantasy, dammit!!

Do you make tortillas? Because you might already be! :lol

07-25-2005, 05:32 PM
:( Don't take The Club so seriously. Besides, you are really beautiful (inside and out). Men would be honored to "hit" it .. and settle down with you.

Oh shit yeah, and most of the time we just say it to be funny.

07-25-2005, 05:32 PM
Do you make tortillas? Because you might already be! :lol

I just laughed water up my nose....thanks. :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

07-25-2005, 05:43 PM
I would think Rasho was cute even if he worked at McDonalds. My baby can wear a cap! = ) Besides I would love being able to see him all the time.

Seriously though. Looks are not the determining factor for me when it comes to guys who work fast food jobs.

A part of me feels that working at McDonalds is a starter job and that someone Rasho's age so either be managing the store, in college, or working a job where there is the possibility of a grown up future.

On the other hand, I know that working at Mcdonalds is hard, honest, and necessary work.

I thought I was right to not want to date a guy who works at McDonalds. But maybe that just makes me a snob.

07-25-2005, 05:49 PM
I think the thing that I say the most is, "Damn, that girl's tits are HUGE!" and then LJ says, "They are??" :wtf and then I say, "LOOK!" :lmao

But I honestly am not noticing it out of jealousy or wanting to look like them. I've actually never looked at another girl in my life (real or in a magazine) and thought "Oh, I wish I looked like that." I have wanted to improve myself .. but not based on how anyone else looks. I just like to look at people. Especially tacky ones -- how some people dress to go out is amazing to me :)

Which is exactly why I love watching What Not To Wear! Especially the British version!

07-25-2005, 05:51 PM
What I like about the American "What Not to Wear" ( have not seen Brit one) is that they stress people dressing in a way that flatters THEIR body type. People ARE PUT in clothes that are tRUe to their style in an age appropriate way.

07-25-2005, 05:53 PM
I would think Rasho was cute even if he worked at McDonalds. My baby can wear a cap! = ) Besides I would love being able to see him all the time.

Seriously though. Looks are not the determining factor for me when it comes to guys who work fast food jobs.

A part of me feels that working at McDonalds is a starter job and that someone Rasho's age so either be managing the store, in college, or working a job where there is the possibility of a grown up future.

On the other hand, I know that working at Mcdonalds is hard, honest, and necessary work.

I thought I was right to not want to date a guy who works at McDonalds. But maybe that just makes me a snob.

Naw, just makes you female.

Females want successful guys. If they are good looking on top of that, that's a nice bonus.

Guys want a chick who is hot with tig ol' bitties. If she's nice or has a good personality, that's a nice bonus.

Rules of humanity.


07-25-2005, 05:57 PM
Thanks for setting the record straight, L.J.

= )

07-25-2005, 06:00 PM
No problem. I'll be here all week with my sweeping generalizations that incapture the human race.


07-25-2005, 06:08 PM
Do you make tortillas? Because you might already be! :lol


wifey's and g/f's are everyday. you want to be our fantasy after we've hit it over a 1000 times?
then you have to satisfy every other primal urge of a man.

let him watch a game uninteruppted. shhhh...no talking.
give us beer after beer.
have the wings on standby...and the blowjob on demand. :tu

damn it...i'm sorry...i tried...but i'd still hit jessica alba if given the choice...:lmao


07-25-2005, 06:14 PM
have the wings on standby...

or have someone snag someone elses for you! :)

07-25-2005, 06:19 PM

wifey's and g/f's are everyday. you want to be our fantasy after we've hit it over a 1000 times?
then you have to satisfy every other primal urge of a man.

let him watch a game uninteruppted. shhhh...no talking.
give us beer after beer.
have the wings on standby...and the blowjob on demand. :tu
damn it...i'm sorry...i tried...but i'd still hit jessica alba if given the choice...:lmao

If that's the kind of life I could expect, there would DEFINITELY be a sancho or 12 in the picture somewhere. :)

07-25-2005, 06:22 PM
hey, you said FANTASY. that means, not real life. :lol

07-25-2005, 06:32 PM
If that's the kind of life I could expect, there would DEFINITELY be a sancho or 12 in the picture somewhere. :)


07-25-2005, 06:39 PM
...and the blowjob on demand. :tu


This is the key element of a successful male/female relationship.

07-25-2005, 06:55 PM
Which might explain why some of your are single.....

07-25-2005, 06:58 PM
Which might explain why some of your are single.....

Ya think?

Kori Ellis
07-25-2005, 07:00 PM
...and the blowjob on demand.

I actually think that's a fine rule to live by. As long as your partner is willing to deliver whatever you want on demand as well. :eyebrows

Side note: Tlong, do sheep spit or swallow?

Duff McCartney
07-25-2005, 08:00 PM
Psssh they regurgitate...they can't tell the difference between CUD and CUM.

07-25-2005, 09:01 PM
I dig chubby chicks. I'd like to see more ads with them showing skin. There is nothing like a fat chick in a thong.

07-25-2005, 09:10 PM
A real woman would make some pie.

07-25-2005, 09:35 PM
I agree with foofida. Men have a good deal of the blame, but certainly not all of it. A lot of the fault is that of women, who often criticize each other in ways and with greater depth and intensity than a man would ever dream of.

Who was the last woman who said, "I'm not going to buy that new {blank} because it just perpetuates the social pressures put on me by other women to look good"?

The reason why men don't give a shit if they look like Brad Pitt or not is 'cause other men don't give a shit.

This all sounds really great, but... when I look at quite a few threads posted in this forum referring to women as "bitches", male-centric lists that say women who like sports have to be on probation to prove it, plus the many threads started about half-naked women that someone would "hit", I'm afraid that I've lost faith.Good grief. I can agree with you on the "bitches" threads (although I'd just say consider the source on them, and I'd really be fascinated by what you think it means when posters--both men and women--call Ray Allen a "bitch" or a "pussy") .

But you have really have gone overboard on the list. Are you going to give a hyperserious academic social analysis on the one about sharing umbrellas?

Guru of Nothing
07-25-2005, 09:48 PM
Females want successful guys. If they are good looking on top of that, that's a nice bonus.

Guys want a chick who is hot with tig ol' bitties. If she's nice or has a good personality, that's a nice bonus.

Rules of humanity.


You beat me to the punchline.

Women's attraction to a fat wallet = Man's attraction to a hot body.

.... which totally fucks everything up.

There was a recent article on theOnion with a headline to the effect - Married Woman Busted in Sex for Security Scandal.

Funny and sad. .... and true, for about 85% of the population.

Back to the topic, young, artificially-enhanced, skinny, and "allegedly" hot chicks, do nothing for me. In fact, I detest them. There's a term for these women .... "masturbait."

A hand on the bush >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than two on the bird. [Edited to add - there are many obvious exceptions]

This world is insane.

07-25-2005, 11:53 PM
i like it all natural... i won't date any chick w/fake boobs nor tip any strippers with fake boobs either.. i want big and natural... and a little junk in the trunk... skinny girls are great too, but i prefer a little meat..

07-25-2005, 11:55 PM
A real woman would make some pie.
I like pie.

07-26-2005, 06:25 AM
Side note: Tlong, do sheep spit or swallow?

Gee thanks, Kori...now I have coffee all over my monitor...:lmao

07-26-2005, 08:19 AM
I actually think that's a fine rule to live by. As long as your partner is willing to deliver whatever you want on demand as well. :eyebrows

you see ladies, she gets it. and that's why they have a wonderful thing going on.

Women can have their fantasy day too...I imagine it as follows:

You get to watch the show of your choice, lifetime, homemakeover, oprah or what have you...

A small bucket of bon bons by your side...(or pick indulgence of choice)

Meanwhile, your man is taking turns giving you a rubdown (feet/shoulders/ neck), cleaning the house, and when a commercial is on? He'll return to you to listen to anything you have to say or vent about your day, life plans, etc.

Oh, and not to forget, you get oral pleasure on demand as well. :tu :smokin

07-26-2005, 08:25 AM
:lol TimVP, I'd still think Tony and Manu were hot if they worked at McDonalds. But do you think Tony would be with Eva if she weighed about 60 pounds more.........or worked at McDonald's?

This argument can be looked at 2 ways. If you're a married woman or man....most generally you'll be comfortable with yourself and are prolly happy with not being a size 2 and accepting it. However, there's a lot more pressure on single woman, or younger woman in today's society to look more and more like the actresses on TV and ads---that's who the ads are ideally geared to. It's just a fact. These Dove ads are just trying to change that view by saying Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Appearance and looks are important to women, more so than men. Hence the reason why women wear mascara, lipstick, wax their legs and eyebrows, get manicures, get highlights, etc. You never see men having to do any of those things all in the name of beauty. And why do you think women go through all the trouble of doing this? Because many think that that's what men want and that's what will take them one step closer to looking like all those models they see in ads and all those actresses they see on TV that men drool over and other women envy.

And this is what the Dove ads are trying to change. That old social adage that to be beautiful, you should measure yourself against all those models in ads and tv. Dove is trying to say, don't use models to measure urself, use yourself abd be happy with what you've got.

07-26-2005, 08:36 AM
And this is what the Dove ads are trying to change. That old social adage that to be beautiful, you should measure yourself against all those models in ads and tv. Dove is trying to say, don't use models to measure urself, use yourself abd be happy with what you've got.

dove isn't trying to change the world, they are trying to sell soap.

their target is the everyday woman.

if they can relate to her and get her on their side?

it's money in the bank.

there are a helluva lot more 'average' body people in this world than 'supermodel' people.

they are just targeting the main audience, and they can get away with it...because, as said, it's for soap.

try selling lingerie with those ads. see how many women jump to buy the lingerie so they can look like that. they won't. because lingerie is also about fantasy and who wants to fantasize about reality?

07-26-2005, 09:00 AM
dove isn't trying to change the world, they are trying to sell soap.

their target is the everyday woman.

if they can relate to her and get her on their side?

it's money in the bank.

there are a helluva lot more 'average' body people in this world than 'supermodel' people.

they are just targeting the main audience, and they can get away with it...because, as said, it's for soap.

try selling lingerie with those ads. see how many women jump to buy the lingerie so they can look like that. they won't. because lingerie is also about fantasy and who wants to fantasize about reality?

Try going to their website. This isn't just your everyday ad trying to sell soap, that's just a miniscule part of it....Dove has a whole campaign that is geared towards trying to change the social sterotypes of beauty. Their campaign involves an interactive website which has forums where women all over the world can discuss beauty and such topics. They have a billboard in Times Square that keeps a running tally on the various polls on beauty that they have. They have done a 2 year research study on beauty, what it is, how women feel about it, etc. and the report can be read by women everywhere on the website. They have a "uniquely ME" scholorship fund they began for the campaign where young girls can send pics or essays that talks about what they think is beauty and if they win they can get scholorship money for school.

So, before you say that it's just an ad trying to sell soap......do some research. Dove is trying to do a lot more than that.


07-26-2005, 09:04 AM
that is some great stuff, and i give them props for it. :tu

let me ask you this though, do you buy dove soap? if not, will you buy it now?

07-26-2005, 09:04 AM
dove isn't trying to change the world, they are trying to sell soap.

their target is the everyday woman.

if they can relate to her and get her on their side?

it's money in the bank.

there are a helluva lot more 'average' body people in this world than 'supermodel' people.

they are just targeting the main audience, and they can get away with it...because, as said, it's for soap.

try selling lingerie with those ads. see how many women jump to buy the lingerie so they can look like that. they won't. because lingerie is also about fantasy and who wants to fantasize about reality?

I disagree.

Women have been wanting the Dove type of ads forever and it's fallen on deaf ears. Outside of Lane Bryant (which you very rarely seen advertised in mainstream women's magazines), this is really a first.

Victoria's Secret lingerie runs very small and one of the biggest complaint about them is that their stuff doesn't fit an average woman. You are so very wrong about that, Zak. If the average woman could fit in their stuff (or any designer clothing) sales would go through the roof. Hence, vanity sizing. Yeah, your pants may say a smaller number, but deep down we know that it's really about two sizes bigger.

Why the need for so much fantasy?

07-26-2005, 09:05 AM
As for your lingerie analogy.........you're talking about apples and oranges. You wouldn't like it if Victoria Secret started using those women in their ads instead of Tyra Banks? You say lingerie is selling a fantasy.......well so are most beauty product ads---which is what Dove Products are by the way--Beauty Products. They don't just sell soap, they sell facial cleansers, lotion, etc. Yet look at it's competitors like Jergen's or Aveeno....their ads feature beautiful model women also. That isn't doing anything to help young girl's feel more confident and good about themselves either.

07-26-2005, 09:07 AM
that is some great stuff, and i give them props for it. :tu

let me ask you this though, do you buy dove soap? if not, will you buy it now?

I've used Dove Soap forever because it's the least drying. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to look like someone in an ad because I use their product. Sadly, a lot of women fall for the hype.

However, as seen on tv products is a different story :lol

07-26-2005, 09:08 AM
Why the need for so much fantasy?

Gotta have something to jack off too when you've pissed your wife/gf off one too many times for making her feel inadequate and she won't touch your ass with a ten foot pole.


07-26-2005, 09:09 AM
that is some great stuff, and i give them props for it. :tu

let me ask you this though, do you buy dove soap? if not, will you buy it now?

FYI, I use Dove showering gel :spin, but your right, I don't use it just because of the ads. I use it because I just like the smell and how my skin feels afterwards.

I never said Dove is going to manage to change society's perceptions with these ads, but I do think it may help bring some women to question themselves and what they think of as beauty and it may lead to healthy debates and discussions on forums all over the world---such as this one, and the fact that people are discussing it, and recognizing it is a good start.

07-26-2005, 09:09 AM
I think Dove is doing both at the same time.

07-26-2005, 09:10 AM
I would use Dove if I weren't hopelessly addicted to Bath & Body Works....it smells really nice and it does make your skin soft.


07-26-2005, 09:10 AM
I think Dove is doing both at the same time.


07-26-2005, 09:11 AM
so if women have been wanting these types of ads, and now a company is giving it to them. now that company is in your good graces and your are much more likely to buy their product, no?

as for the need for fantasy? there is no need for it. but it sells product.

beer commercials don't show a guy sitting at home by himself watching the game drinking beer with crumbs all over his belly.

they show him at the bar, living it up, women all around, wanting to party.

it's all about the best way to sell product.

the dollar will always be the bottomline.

07-26-2005, 09:11 AM
I would use Dove if I weren't hopelessly addicted to Bath & Body Works....it smells really nice and it does make your skin soft.


That's true, I use Bath and Body works Lotion and anti-bacterial gel...I love the variety of scents they have! Especially Freesia and Country Apple :)

07-26-2005, 09:12 AM
Gotta have something to jack off too when you've pissed your wife/gf off one too many times for making her feel inadequate and she won't touch your ass with a ten foot pole.


:lmao x a million

Honestly, I'm glad I don't have daughters that will have to deal with this crap.

07-26-2005, 09:14 AM
I have to admit that Dove is a very good soap. I don't buy it because of the ad though. Its a good product. However, businesses are in business to make money.

07-26-2005, 09:15 AM
Honestly, I'm glad I don't have daughters that will have to deal with this crap.

My daughter is already starting to have *issues* with herself. :(

07-26-2005, 09:16 AM
so if women have been wanting these types of ads, and now a company is giving it to them. now that company is in your good graces and your are much more likely to buy their product, no?

as for the need for fantasy? there is no need for it. but it sells product.

beer commercials don't show a guy sitting at home by himself watching the game drinking beer with crumbs all over his belly.

they show him at the bar, living it up, women all around, wanting to party.

it's all about the best way to sell product.

the dollar will always be the bottomline.

So, does that beer commercial make you buy that certain brand of beer?

07-26-2005, 09:16 AM
hell, i use dove soap, have been for years already...don't tell nobody though. :lmao

07-26-2005, 09:17 AM
My daughter is already starting to have *issues* with herself. :(


07-26-2005, 09:17 AM
My daughter is already starting to have *issues* with herself. :(

If your daughter is half the looker her mommy is, her *issues* are all in her head. [/my opinion]

07-26-2005, 09:19 AM
hell, i use dove soap, have been for years already...don't tell nobody though. :lmao


Zak's in touch with his feminine side! Since I do the shopping, my husband uses whatever shampoo/soap I buy. A lot of times the shampoo is for colored treated hair :lol

07-26-2005, 09:20 AM
So, does that beer commercial make you buy that certain brand of beer?

that's a good question. you may have a point there.

i used to drink bud most often. i don't know that it had much to do with the commercials though. if i recall, coorslight has some of the most scantily clad women in their ads, and i wouldn't be caught dead with that beer...

07-26-2005, 09:20 AM
Good grief. I can agree with you on the "bitches" threads (although I'd just say consider the source on them, and I'd really be fascinated by what you think it means when posters--both men and women--call Ray Allen a "bitch" or a "pussy") .

It may seem like a double-standard, but what Spurs fans call Ray Allen is far different than how some men refer to women in general. To me, someone who refers to a woman as "bitch" or "pussy" puts all women in a derogatory light - they're just interested in getting laid, which is absolutely fine. And you are right, there are only a few men in this forum who refer to women that way. I was looking at the big picture of threads that includes those that refer to women as such.

But you have really have gone overboard on the list. Are you going to give a hyperserious academic social analysis on the one about sharing umbrellas?

Sharing umbrellas? Sorry, not sure what you are referencing. Look, the topic has pretty much been hashed out (we're on six pages now?) and it seems clear that everyone is on the same page. The men in this discussion have made it clear that they appreciate all women. I just thought it funny that, while this politically correct discussion is going on, the same men are participating in threads about what hot chick they'd hit.

I think this said it best...

This argument can be looked at 2 ways. If you're a married woman or man....most generally you'll be comfortable with yourself and are prolly happy with not being a size 2 and accepting it. However, there's a lot more pressure on single woman, or younger woman in today's society to look more and more like the actresses on TV and ads---that's who the ads are ideally geared to.

07-26-2005, 09:22 AM
that's a good question. you may have a point there.

i used to drink bud most often. i don't know that it had much to do with the commercials though. if i recall, coorslight has some of the most scantily clad women in their ads, and i wouldn't be caught dead with that beer...

Like I said, those As Seen On TV ads are deadly!

And now I want the $500 Dyson for pet hair vacuum cleaner, since my dog has killed mine! I believe the hype, man!

07-26-2005, 09:23 AM
I believe that there are a lot of young teens going through this. Its sad. I have lots of nephews and nieces who are barely hitting that age where they have to wear this. Have to look like this and so on. I tell them that none of that matters. To live their lives for themselves. Not to worry about what anyone in high school and middle school says. When its all said and done once you graduate you never see these people. At least I didn't. I was concerned with being popular and I was in high school, however, now that I look back I see how dumb that was. I only talk to two or three people from high school now that I am a bit older.

Am I the only one who sees it this way?

07-26-2005, 09:25 AM
If your daughter is half the looker her mommy is, her *issues* are all in her head. [/my opinion]


Little girls notice very early that only thin = pretty, and only the prettiest girls get the most attention from pretty much everyone.

But yeah....it's just "fantasy" for grown men. No one else on the planet is affected by it.

07-26-2005, 09:26 AM
The bottom line is, I wanted an honest discussion without the name calling (probably because the usual suspects stayed out of this thread :lol) and I think it went well. It wasn't meant to be a 'man bashing' thread and I don't think it turned out that way.

But I still want to know if sheep spit or swallow.

07-26-2005, 09:28 AM

Little girls notice very early that only thin = pretty, and only the prettiest girls get the most attention from pretty much everyone.

But yeah....it's just "fantasy" for grown men. No one else on the planet is affected by it.

That's so sad. And it only gets worse as they get older.

07-26-2005, 09:29 AM
I believe that there are a lot of young teens going through this. Its sad. I have lots of nephews and nieces who are barely hitting that age where they have to wear this. Have to look like this and so on. I tell them that none of that matters. To live their lives for themselves. Not to worry about what anyone in high school and middle school says. When its all said and done once you graduate you never see these people. At least I didn't. I was concerned with being popular and I was in high school, however, now that I look back I see how dumb that was. I only talk to two or three people from high school now that I am a bit older.

Am I the only one who sees it this way?

Yep........I used to feel so depressed in High School trying to get myself to look like one of those pefect Barbie Doll girls, now when I see high school girls walking around the mall with their friends, decked out in tight jeans, belly bearing tanks, scrunched up hair and more makeup on than I use all week....I feel this need to go up to them, and shake them silly wanting to tell them to snap out of it and tell them that it's not that important!

07-26-2005, 09:31 AM
I just now looked at the pictures on the Dove site and all of those girls are really nice looking. It's pretty sad when those women are considered unattractive.

07-26-2005, 09:35 AM
What it comes down to is this (in my opinion at least). Everyone has a different perception as to what attractive is. Its what you feed your mind. If all you watch a lot of TV and see nothing but thin women with the straight and white teeth with non-damaged hair and so on and guys drooling over them then eventually you too will believe that only women who look like that are hot. Same goes for women. If all you keep feeding your mind is that a good looking man has to have a washboard stomach, nice shoes, a fat bank account, a handsome face, and so on then you too will believe that is what makes a man hot. Its what you feed your mind.

I have dated women who fit the TV ads somewhat and after a few dates it was over. I have dated women who would never appear on Bow Flew commercial and after a few dates it was over. It has nothing to do with looks when it comes down to it. Its chemistry. If you feel that connection then thats it. Its those butterflies, the school boy feeling that matter.

07-26-2005, 09:49 AM
That's so sad. And it only gets worse as they get older.

Yeah it does - unless you have a metabolism like my sister. I wish I had known then how much I would fuck up my metabolism worrying about stuff like that when I was younger.

07-26-2005, 10:09 AM
90%+ of everything we see in movies, on TV, in magazines, and on the internet is fantasy. The news is more and more in that direction, too. Of course, men and women are not going to compare to what we see when the vast majority of what we see is the top 1% beautiful people (by media standards, maybe not yours personally).

If you have to always interact with the top 1% smartest people all the time, then you would feel dumb. The media saturates with the beautiful, so that makes us feel ugly.

As far as the ad is concerned, none of those ladies are close to being fat and they all look very fit. I would guess they are lower range of the recommended weight. Maybe they are in the top 5% rather than the top 1%. It is amazing to me that's all it takes to consider someone fat.

07-26-2005, 10:15 AM
Got a question for SW, Shelly and other parents....IMO, the parents of these kids who see these images of "the perfect body" have a responsibility to educate their kids about what is real and what is not (as with everything else in life) do you agree with that and what do you do for your kids to help them realize the difference between reality and fantasy.

07-26-2005, 10:22 AM
Got a question for SW, Shelly and other parents....IMO, the parents of these kids who see these images of "the perfect body" have a responsibility to educate their kids about what is real and what is not (as with everything else in life) do you agree with that and what do you do for your kids to help them realize the difference between reality and fantasy.

Yeah, we parents do have a responsibility. I have two teenage girls and, luckily, they haven't fully fallen for that crap yet. But I still hear the odd "I'm fat" comment every so often. (Trust me...not even close) But that's all it is...just the odd comment. No eating disorders or anything like that.

Plus, they both realize that they do tend to gain a little weight in the spring and summer...but come August and the beginning of band camp, it's all going away. That helps...they do have a healthy outlet for some of that weight "frustration".

07-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Well, since I have boys, there's not much pressure on them as girls. But if they do say someone is fat (boy or girl), I do remind them that it's not nice to make comments and that as a kid I was always picked on by my older brother and sister about my weight and it wasn't fun. I also remind them that even though they are thin now, things change.

Besides, even though I'm perfect, they do see me when I wake up in the morning! Not a pretty sight :lol

Bottom line is, I am trying to teach them not to judge a person based on their looks.

07-26-2005, 10:33 AM
Besides, even though I'm perfect, they do see me when I wake up in the morning! Not a pretty sight

nahh...still perfect! :)

07-26-2005, 10:40 AM
Got a question for SW, Shelly and other parents....IMO, the parents of these kids who see these images of "the perfect body" have a responsibility to educate their kids about what is real and what is not (as with everything else in life) do you agree with that and what do you do for your kids to help them realize the difference between reality and fantasy.

Reality is the cute boy she likes liking someone else because they are skinnier than her, and telling that to her to her face (kids suck). You can tell them until they are blue in the face that what's inside is the most important, and that every one is different....but it doesn't change the reality that the boy she likes likes someone else because they are skinnier than her, because that's what HE said.

That certainly doesn't mean I've given up trying to help her ... but it's very difficult to deal with because I know it doesn't get much better when you get older.

07-26-2005, 10:42 AM
Reality is the cute boy she likes liking someone else because they are skinnier than her, and telling that to her to her face (kids suck). You can tell them until they are blue in the face that what's inside is the most important, and that every one is different....but it doesn't change the reality that the boy she likes likes someone else because they are skinnier than her, because that's what HE said.

That just sucks.

07-26-2005, 10:44 AM

07-26-2005, 10:45 AM
damn..from a 9/10 year old?

Big hugs to your daughter.

07-26-2005, 10:48 AM
damn..from a 9/10 year old?

Big hugs to your daughter.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me, unfortunately. Middle school kids are the absolute worst. By the time they're in high school, some of that has gone away. (I'm not saying it's all gone away, but that's the trend). Middle school kids are just starting to go through puberty and hormones and all that and are pretty much clueless as to what's going on inside.

07-26-2005, 10:49 AM
Serious big hugs.

SW, if you want...tell us who the kid was and Manny, Blaze, Zak and I will go kick his ass...and his parents. :makemyday

07-26-2005, 10:51 AM
damn..from a 9/10 year old?

Big hugs to your daughter.

Kids are seriously mean. I really wanted to go kick his mom's ass for not teaching him any tact. :makemyday :flipoff :lol

07-26-2005, 10:52 AM
SW, if you want...tell us who the kid was and Manny, Blaze, Zak and I will go kick his ass...and his parents. :makemyday

You've got the right idea. :lol

07-26-2005, 11:00 AM
Kids are seriously mean. I really wanted to go kick his mom's ass for not teaching him any tact. :makemyday :flipoff :lol

If they're lucky, they learn as they get older. Some don't. Last guy I dated dumped me for a Coors Light girl. He said, "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. It's just that... when an opportunity like this comes along, you have to take it."

07-26-2005, 11:00 AM
is the boy that she likes a skinny kid?

if that happens to my daughter, i would naturally want to smack that little kid and his parents as well...but i can't control them, so instead?

I'll take a good look at her and myself and ask her what she thinks we should/could do about it.

07-26-2005, 11:03 AM
If they're lucky, they learn as they get older. Some don't. Last guy I dated dumped me for a Coors Light girl. He said, "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. It's just that... when an opportunity like this comes along, you have to take it."

Man....Good thing you found out before you got married or whatever. What an asshole.

07-26-2005, 11:03 AM
If they're lucky, they learn as they get older. Some don't. Last guy I dated dumped me for a Coors Light girl. He said, "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. It's just that... when an opportunity like this comes along, you have to take it."
Oh thats just fucked up.

07-26-2005, 11:04 AM
is the boy that she likes a skinny kid?

if that happens to my daughter, i would naturally want to smack that little kid and his parents as well...but i can't control them, so instead?

I'll take a good look at her and myself and ask her what she thinks we should/could do about it.

Elaborate, please.

07-26-2005, 11:08 AM
Man, I jumped on this thread late. I'm not sure where to add my 2 cents or pile on.

I have no problems with the ads, and I find most of the women in them very attractive. I personally find all types of women attractive. I've dated such a variety of women that I don't think you could ever fit me into a mold as far as physical appearence goes.

I think most men are the same way.

But as many men have said in this thread, it is women who carry much of the burden on what type of women are featured in the ads that target women. And while everyone complains about them, the ads are successful at selling their products to their target demographic.

Victoria Secret ads suck according to many of the women in here. Shit, the last time I walked past a VS (the one in Rivercenter) they had the ribs showing on the manequins.

But then I pose a question to those same women. How many of you have VS hanging in your closet or in your drawers? How many of you have supported what they have done with your money?

One thing talks, and it is the reason Dove is doing what they are doing. Dove isn't running these ads because their marketing execs feel all warm and fuzzy by putting a real woman on TV. They are doing it because they will recieve a positive response from their target demographic by standing out.

07-26-2005, 11:09 AM
Elaborate, please.

every situation is different.

that's for each parent/child to determine on their own.

i'm not a parent and i'm not in that situation, so i cannot randomly speculate.

however, i can speak about myself.

i was a fat kid and am a fat adult. i would have appreciated it if my
stepfather would have been more educated and involved with my diet and physical fitness.

07-26-2005, 11:10 AM
You've got the right idea. :lol

that's right! BigZak gotta choke a bitch? :lol