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  1. MSNBC Reporting Obama meeting with Hillary in D.C. (9 replies)
  2. ANWR: good for oilcos, pointless for drivers (0 replies)
  3. Good stuff, South Dakota residents vote to allow new refinery to be built (32 replies)
  4. If Hillary Clinton were Joe Dumar's boss..... (0 replies)
  5. McCains 100 years in Iraq comment... (8 replies)
  6. VP Question (17 replies)
  7. Hillary as third party candidate? (13 replies)
  8. OK, The Main Event Has Started, Get Your Gloves on, Pussies (10 replies)
  9. Simple question for the "Change" crowd. (40 replies)
  10. Interesting quote (25 replies)
  11. WTF happened to the BUSH lovers? (79 replies)
  12. A question for all of the Obama nuthuggers (167 replies)
  13. Obama FTW Bitches! (6 replies)
  14. John McCain's speech tonight (8 replies)
  15. As much as I wanted him to win the nomination, I didn't think he could.... (16 replies)
  16. Bill Clinton Banging Gina Gershon? (7 replies)
  17. Obama n Hillary ticket??? (4 replies)
  18. Hillary Responsible for Kook Democrats (0 replies)
  19. LOL this democratic race cracks me up... (55 replies)
  20. Has anyone ever attended a Latin Mass? (9 replies)
  21. ICECAP on CO2 vs. Temperature (4 replies)
  22. Why I'm not supporting for Obama (25 replies)
  23. Clinton to Concede on Tuesday..... (52 replies)
  24. I can't wait for his sky-splitting talks (21 replies)
  25. Say Goodbye to the Mirage Economy (68 replies)
  26. Innovation backed by Experience (7 replies)
  27. FL, MI Compromise Gives Obama Dem Nomination (4 replies)
  28. Barack Obama has ended his membership in Trinity United Church (35 replies)
  29. "Act Now to Stop a Democrat Takeover" (5 replies)
  30. Obama's Advisor Doing His Thing At Obama's Church (12 replies)
  31. Fox News Founder predicts Obama victory. (5 replies)
  32. Wesley Clark Flushes Career down Toilet (1 replies)
  33. Another Nail in ABC News Coffin.... (12 replies)
  34. Didn't Hastert promise in... oh nevermind, he just promised we would pass pork. (17 replies)
  35. Didn't Gingich tell everyone in '92 that he'd do away with pork? (4 replies)
  36. The Case Against Colin Powell (6 replies)
  37. Clenis is Delusional (0 replies)
  38. ESPN 1250 Host Fired for Kennedy Assassination remark (3 replies)
  39. Hilllary in the coffin, here's (another) huge nail (27 replies)
  40. Forget construction jobs, here comes the REAL whammy (44 replies)
  41. Scott McClellan: BUSH LIED (77 replies)
  42. Didn't Pelosi tell everyone in '06 she'd do away with pork (21 replies)
  43. Exclusive: McClellan whacks Bush, White House (51 replies)
  44. Ft. Bragg (4 replies)
  45. The Sad Truth - PTSD (14 replies)
  46. Jesse Ventura to Speak for Two Hours on 9/11 (49 replies)
  47. McCain wants to educate Obama (4 replies)
  48. Landslide (13 replies)
  49. HBO's "Recount" movie (6 replies)
  50. Phoenix Has Landed (9 replies)
  51. John McCain Has The #1 Voting Record! (2 replies)
  52. Old McFlopPanderKeating Flops on Immigration (7 replies)
  53. Evil Repubs, err, Demos, passing legislation getting fingerprints (6 replies)
  54. OH NOES!!!111!!! Rachel Ray and Dunkin Donuts are teh terrorists! (12 replies)
  55. Nancy Pelosi salmon bill (3 replies)
  56. Have A Good Memorial Day (2 replies)
  57. Uh-Oh, Hillary Said What? (37 replies)
  58. Libertarian Party Convention going on in Denver (2 replies)
  59. They Freakin Won?!? (6 replies)
  60. McCain, Hagee and Parsley. Way to pick'em. (24 replies)
  61. Human Rights for Chimp (4 replies)
  62. List: Businesses or industries that can't sustain operation with 7 dollar gas. (47 replies)
  63. obtain a grant for a small business (2 replies)
  64. "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." (6 replies)
  65. Honest question for Dan (14 replies)
  66. Legalize needle-exchanges for addicts in Texas? (136 replies)
  67. New Poll shows Obama over McCain (30 replies)
  68. Obama Wins Elected Delegate Majority (11 replies)
  69. Told Ya She Was Lying... (9 replies)
  70. Ku Klux Klan Endorses Obama (45 replies)
  71. "Not Enough Oil" (0 replies)
  72. LULAC is WACK (15 replies)
  73. 9/11 Weather Anomalies and Field Effects (New Paper by Dr Judy Wood) (33 replies)
  74. ... and you don't even get what you pay for (25 replies)
  75. Inverted Totalitarianism: A New Way of Understanding How the U.S. Is Controlled (1 replies)
  76. For ****s and giggles: "McCainpedia" launched. (10 replies)
  77. McCain's Running Mate (13 replies)
  78. The new Rumsfeld tape (24 replies)
  79. Libs were right about Gitmo as well.. (17 replies)
  80. Libs were right about Gitom as well.. (2 replies)
  81. Record 75,000 See Obama (49 replies)
  82. Repug re-writing of Iraq-war-for-oil picking up steam (2 replies)
  83. Political Website Links to Spurstalk Froum! (8 replies)
  84. Ted Kennedy hospitalized (73 replies)
  85. Oh those Baptist (29 replies)
  86. Huckabee Jokes About Obama Ducking Gunfire (13 replies)
  87. Hey, Black Menthol Smokers, the Senate wants you dead (92 replies)
  88. 366 Delegates up for Grabs? (3 replies)
  89. Bush appeases North Korea (0 replies)
  90. How Will San Antonio Handle This (7 replies)
  91. Those Oil Deals Really Paid Off For Bush (17 replies)
  92. McCain was for Hamas before he was against Hamas (13 replies)
  93. Another quiz for conservatives/liberals. Iraq policy for suspected insurgents. (30 replies)
  94. Projections at June 3 for Dem Primary Nomination (3 replies)
  95. 270 Electoral Votes (24 replies)
  96. Clinton's New Math 2208 (0 replies)
  97. No, Appease You (43 replies)
  98. California's top court overturns gay marriage ban (52 replies)
  99. *FLIP-FLOP ALERT*--McCain Sets Timetable For getting Out of Iraq (4 replies)
  100. The Right Choice? The conservative case for Barack Obama (11 replies)
  101. President Bush takes shot at Obama in Israel (25 replies)
  102. Bob Barr 2008 (0 replies)
  103. Buchanan's Racial Meltdown (4 replies)
  104. Newsmax.com: Mike Huckabee Tops McCain VP List (24 replies)
  105. Falling George (1 replies)
  106. Edwards endorses Obama (4 replies)
  107. Edwards endorses Obama!! (21 replies)
  108. Let's Talk "Big" Government (18 replies)
  109. When fascism comest to america, it will be wrapped in a cross! (19 replies)
  110. The Republicans Are In A World Of Hurt (130 replies)
  111. No Inflation for YOU (0 replies)
  112. Dubya's Flawed Intelligence.. (1 replies)
  113. Detainees Drugged For Deportation (4 replies)
  114. We're all a buch of drug addicts (4 replies)
  115. wut do u guyz think of libtards (19 replies)
  116. Hillary Wins Another State! (67 replies)
  117. Pulling Out of Iraq (28 replies)
  118. Why Can't Johnny Read? (13 replies)
  119. Use of wind energy expected to grow dramatically (27 replies)
  120. Missouri Repugs to dienfranchise 1/4 million: PROVE you're citizen (0 replies)
  121. Democrats are wrong, Bush is right. (9 replies)
  122. 8 More Months... (9 replies)
  123. Unelectable (1 replies)
  124. Hillary disses Hispanic Supporters.. (2 replies)
  125. whut do u guys think of sodomites (8 replies)
  126. WSJ clowns on the windfall profits tax idea for oil cos (12 replies)
  127. Derka Derka Allah Jihad? (6 replies)
  128. Offbeat and/or humorous videos (0 replies)
  129. Bet your didn;t know we had 57 States (18 replies)
  130. Watch this video.. (17 replies)
  131. And now: a bit of fun (9 replies)
  132. Floor fight at Repug Convention? (9 replies)
  133. GE dealing under the table with Iran? (25 replies)
  134. House Republicans perpetuate cartoonishly evil stereotype of themselves (21 replies)
  135. Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics (72 replies)
  136. Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners? (27 replies)
  137. I wonder if he can spell potato (10 replies)
  138. Tahoes b*tches!!! (8 replies)
  139. The GOP has started the attack machine against Obama (18 replies)
  140. Magic Iranian Weapons (2 replies)
  141. dubya and puppet Maliki "shooting" at Sadr City is workig out great (1 replies)
  142. So, with Obama the apparent... (132 replies)
  143. Global Warming, Planned in 1961 (17 replies)
  144. Cinderella Man (0 replies)
  145. New RINO in action (25 replies)
  146. Doomsday Scenario's (or) The Sky Is Falling (13 replies)
  147. Housing bail out... (40 replies)
  148. Pop Quiz: A poll for Liberals (16 replies)
  149. John Nichols: Barrett will shake up District 3 race (3 replies)
  150. Whether you like his politics or not...Dude is a stud (151 replies)
  151. Hey Dan (0 replies)
  152. Jesse Ventura Interested in Running for President as Libertarian (0 replies)
  153. Ron Paul #1 on NYT Bestseller List (15 replies)
  154. Ron Paul supporter attacked and then charged with murder!! (40 replies)
  155. Hillary Will Drop Out By June 15 (34 replies)
  156. A Political Compromise? (26 replies)
  157. Another Mission Accomplished: WH 911/Iraq email/records permanently lost (14 replies)
  158. la la la, la la la Barrack Song! (13 replies)
  159. Pop Quiz. (6 replies)
  160. Pop Quiz: A poll for conservatives. (35 replies)
  161. Mission Accomplished: Vote Fraud Prevention GOP Style (4 replies)
  162. Thanks W!! (0 replies)
  163. Radio Interview Today (24 replies)
  164. NC and Indiana Primaries (30 replies)
  165. Random News: Teacher Accused Of Wizardry (14 replies)
  166. FBFBI Searches Office of Special Counsel Building (1 replies)
  167. The Hillary Campaign for the Knuckle-draggers (1 replies)
  168. Vote for Paul on Daily Kos (1 replies)
  169. Rice, death and the dollar (11 replies)
  170. Operation Chaos (29 replies)
  171. Got my "economic stimulus" payment today........ (9 replies)
  172. Wright versus Hagee (12 replies)
  173. Carville: If Hillary Gave Obama "One Of Her Cojones, They'd Both Have Two" (19 replies)
  174. Hillary Wants The US Gov't To Pay For WHAT? (20 replies)
  175. Democrats: The New Moral Majority (24 replies)
  176. Should people who voted for Bush be shot? (14 replies)
  177. So is McCain saying Iraq war was for oil? (25 replies)
  178. Congressmen Lease Cars on Taxpayer Dime (0 replies)
  179. Former Dnc Chair, Massachusetts Superdelegtate Endorses Barack Obama (7 replies)
  180. What Some Really Think Of Indiana Voters? (0 replies)
  181. Hillary's Freudian Slip? (3 replies)
  182. Does it really matter? (5 replies)
  183. Barbara Walters: I had affair with U.S. senator (20 replies)
  184. Keeping us safe from "the terrorists" (1 replies)
  185. 'Angry' Floridians Outed (0 replies)
  186. Poll: Bush most unpopular in modern history (16 replies)
  187. DC Madam Commits Suicide (43 replies)
  188. DNC chairman under Bill Clinton: Unite behind Obama (4 replies)
  189. Fearing stigma, US soldiers hide mental problems: study (0 replies)
  190. The Castle Doctrine (3 replies)
  191. Race to 2,025 (0 replies)
  192. Robo Calls in North Carolina (2 replies)
  193. Hillary/McCain Gax Tax Holiday (13 replies)
  194. Fed cuts key rate by quarter-point (28 replies)
  195. Clinton's Racial Smears Against Obama (7 replies)
  196. Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7? (20 replies)
  197. Article: Obama opens a can of worms (6 replies)
  198. Article: The Rev. Wright has a right to defend his reputation (4 replies)
  199. Think You've Seen it All? (1 replies)
  200. Food Crisis: The Greatest Demonstration of Globalist Failure (21 replies)
  201. McCain Is Getting Swift Boated (again) (0 replies)
  202. teh left = nuthin but hate (6 replies)
  203. Hillary to go on the No Spin Zone (6 replies)
  204. Al Qaeda getting frustrated over lack of support in Iraq (12 replies)
  205. darth dickhead unstoppable: Bomb Bomb Iran by Summer's End? (23 replies)
  206. Rev. Wright (81 replies)
  207. Forget gas, what about the cost of coal? (18 replies)
  208. Near Riot in Nevada (18 replies)
  209. Religious nutter and convservatives rotting society (8 replies)
  210. WTC attack wasn't that big on NYC, not on USA, space persepective (14 replies)
  211. Public Outing Of The Media (38 replies)
  212. New York Police Officers Acquittal (1 replies)
  213. A preview of What Republicans Would use Against Hillary in the GE (0 replies)
  214. Who Survives? (5 replies)
  215. Clinton Could Win Via Super Delegates, right? (182 replies)
  216. Freedom 101 (16 replies)
  217. Should Obama be the one to drop out? (12 replies)
  218. Why Hillary is at a disadvantage (1 replies)
  219. OAI - Profit Over Civic Responsibility (14 replies)
  220. Syria's Not So Nuclear Program (11 replies)
  221. Reality of Welfare. (39 replies)
  222. $10M in 24 hours... (2 replies)
  223. Exit Polls Wrong Again (anyone surprised?) (14 replies)
  224. Boutons Finally Snaps! (5 replies)
  225. Is Pennsylvania a Microcosm of America? (6 replies)
  226. The Riddle of 9/11 TV Fakery - Solved! (2 replies)
  227. Tim Duncan and TV Fakery (8 replies)
  228. Mexican Press Attache Attemps Heist of White House Blackberries (6 replies)
  229. The Great Tantra Challenge. (8 replies)
  230. Is the race really over? (106 replies)
  231. A Pox On Both Houses (5 replies)
  232. $20M 'fence' scrapped for not catching enough illegals (1 replies)
  233. More Clinton selective memory... (10 replies)
  234. God damned America! (37 replies)
  235. Lynchings in Congo as p**** theft panic hits capital. (8 replies)
  236. It's Love (15 replies)
  237. Does Murdoch Have It Right? (0 replies)
  238. North American leaders in New Orleans (19 replies)
  239. Just In Case Anyone Is Still Interested (1 replies)
  240. The Media Created “Delusion” That Clinton Could Win (36 replies)
  241. I'm going independent. (25 replies)
  242. Panel says link between smog and premature death is clear (176 replies)
  243. U.S. Life Expectancy May Have Peaked (75 replies)
  244. I can't wait for him to "talk" to our enemies abroad (10 replies)
  245. Is this legit? Bacteria converts anything to oil. (7 replies)
  246. undermanned in 2003, undermanned in 2008 (9 replies)
  247. Pennsylvania Primary (50 replies)
  248. More fun on dubya's watch: food rationing in USA? (35 replies)
  249. Hillary is Broke! (10 replies)
  250. Gays. (15 replies)